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Do Nazis hate Israeli Jews?

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I'm a Jew from Israel, was wondering do you Nazis hate us Israelis. We are stronger than the American pussies, tougher on terror and hate Islam and Arabs more then the weak Americans and Europeans. who is your real enemy, Israeli Jews or arabs?
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As long as you don't believe that all gentiles should be slaves to the jews and instead we can work towards a common goal where violent ideologies and oppressive religions become non existent in a new age of understanding where we work for the betterment of us all and not just the individualistic tribal nature found within most people, then me and you are good in my books.
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Most right wingers don't really care for Israel, we'd rather you took back your toxic kikes and stop asking the goyim to fight your wars.
every day, its more war more war, invade syria, invade iran, do something about this. send more troops.
every day, the jews stay in america, instead of going to this promised land that they had to have, that we kill so many of our own people over.

an american has to ask, when are american jews, gonna fuck off and go to israel. its like the kid who wants a bike for Christmas all year, he gets the bike, rides it twice and then ignores it.
Modern day national socialists need to understand that there is no viable or realistic safe way of living with subhumans on the earth; that includes Asians
tell your usless jews living here to come home, they insist we do so much, yet they never fucking go there and stay there..

honest, if you all go there we won't glass you.. i promise trust us ((greatest ally))
Do Jews hate the idea of nationalism for others
Honestly it's very possible we shoah jews in europe and america again soon

If they don't agree to move to israel. Stock on real estate to sell them on the influx
>who is your real enemy, Israeli Jews or arabs?
both nigger. you act like it has to be one or the other. they can turn that whole faggy desert into radioactive glass for all i care
I hate cultural marxists who spread shit, you are one of these? if the answer it's no, then no
Israel is a Jew containment country. More Jews in Israel means fewer Jews in the West.
We are sympathetic to israel because our white zionist ambitions are similar
We hate Saturn worshiping followers of the Demiurge Yaldabaoth.
I don't, assuming you don't hate me for who I am and want to destroy me.

I agree with Churchill in this respect
As long as you don't fuck with me or my community, you are not my enemy.

Thus, you are not. Simple as that.
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Hail Mithra!

Slaughter the Baal!
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I think in similar terms to that of the Haavara Agreement.

We have our homeland, you have yours. You stay there, we stay here. Everyone is happy. If conflict arises the strongest culture and nation will win it.
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jews obviously, you guys control the arabs pretty well, but we can see right through Jew proxies. Jews are a 100000x greater threat because they support their race almost 100% of the time
I doubt they really care they are rather pissed about the liberal ones here and about the moeny shiped.
haha you only talk, we actually fight
I was under the impression that all Jews are shit.
I don't hate anyone. Jews are perfectly capable of acting like human beings. I believe Israel should be defended so we can send all the jews there so they stop trying to kill the white race and destroy Western civilisation. That won't happen till we have a Weimar style collapse though, which is looking increasingly likely by the day.
I'm a Jew and I support White Nationalism and Identitarianism hardcore.

I want to see a WHITE Western world, and intend to fight in the inevitable upcoming civil wars. I hate Leftist traitors and self-haters.
I just want to know why you named your country Israel instead of Judea?
Anyone who doesn't submit to the authority of Christ can't be wholly trusted
No. But i would definitly like some kosher loo
Does it really matter what wh*Teoid subhumans think about us ? imo they are our worthless slaves and their opinions are worthless just like themselves.
I don't give a fuck about Israel. Honestly, Nationalism is healthy. I hope we can visit each other.
Why dont you call yourselves "israelites"?
we only like Jews who go full fash
I don't care about you at all. Stop stealing money from American tax payers.
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we only hate your leadership. you level 1 jews are as expensable as the rest of us. just look at the holocaust
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>using arabs as excuse
>being semitic "arabs" themselves
I don't i actually consider Israel a model state
Israeli are pretty badass. Ashkenazi Jews are scum though.
The only real issue I have with Israel is AIPAC and similar organizations. I don't care about how poorly you treat the muslims.
I don't consider Israel an ally either.
Tell your leaders and rabbis to stop sending millions of niggers here, and elect someone who do not want to genocide all christians and erase all our history because their sandnigger prophet told them to

I just don't care about them or want anything to do with them.
are we considered white by white Nationalists?
You're literally the fungus of civilisation, some kind of growth that emerges when a culture starts going off. I don't hate youor love you; you re just a by-product of the historical cycles of much greater powers.
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>I'm a Jew from Israel,

Fuck off
I admire Jews t b h
>the entirety of Arab """""""""""""peoples"""""""""""""""" couldn't shut their state down no matter how hard they tried
But you guys are very mean t b h
i see commoner jews as white sure. you're under the rothschild thumb just like the rest of us
make me. you pussy ass virgin
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Oh mah ghad he doesn't know. He doesn't know who's behind the instability of middle-east.
The reasons Muslims are so annoyed and blow stuff up is the Israeli occupation of the west bank of the river Jordan, which is holy to them as Muslims. It is a myth that you are an ally with us against a common enemy as you created that enemy in the first instance.
I fucking love Israeli posters at times, to be honest, when you don't act in circles.
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What do you mean by this?
You have your own country yet you're trying to take down every white country at once for yourselves so I don't trust any of you. If I had the power I would send you all back to Israel. If you continued to scheme to try and bring down white countries I would get the military on it.
Here is something what I don't get about the Jews. Why do they push multiculturalism in the West? For real why?
On the surface level, it makes us a weaker civilization. However, in the long term, the Jews will be losing an alley to fight against the Muslims with. For real, the Muslims hate you guys a great deal more then us.
By trying to kill the west, your actually killing yourself. In the end, maybe the sons of Allah will kill all of us (except east Asia)
Because mulattoes combine the meekness of whites and stupidity of blacks. Slaves without shackles.
>We are sympathetic to israel because our white zionist ambitions are similar
what has this board become

You deserve to be shot
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We really hate the international kikery that is destroying our homelands. Please take those rats back then we can maybe talk.
Thats why I'm heading back to Europe soon. I'm full white, in a dying white country. The normies don't even know it yet. I have tried to explain this shit, but I sound crazy. They think everything will be fine when whites are the minority here. They are fucking WRONG!
>are we considered white by white Nationalists?
fuck no
I do see a difference between jews and israelis
well you guided us into wars we didn't want

knew about our greatest act of terrorism before it happened

and you continue to push multiculturalism while simultaneously pushing nationalism for yourselves

so yeah, a little bit
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I wonder why? Hmmm
Because the US of A is always innocent and those wars didnt fed the your own military industry complex directly,yes.
At the very best USA and Israel are partners in crime,there is no subordination to Israel.
She's Swedish,not Israeli.
Awww, what a cutie
all jews die. fuck off with the "western liberal jew" nts bullshit. kikes have been an issue for every else since day 0
that's a 1c coin, not a penny

In that case explain the embargo in Iran aginst American interests and corporations that had customers in Iran
Why didnt the US just shut israel down?
Because it were the wrong corporations that had interest there and Iran is useful when you need to paint evil for propaganda reasons.
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>everyone who browses /pol/
most are either baiters, ironically say Nazi shit, and those that are nazis, are probably not more than a couple hundred
Pretty much every army has this problem.
I believe that the jews have waged war on the Aryan race since the neolithic age. This began as a prehistoric feud. Your race has stopped at nothing to destroy mine, including causing every global conflict, stock crash, famine and upheaval for the last 2000 years. You rejected your Christ and the gentiles became the new bride of god. The jewish race is God's jealous and murderous ex who wants to kill the new bride. God says he purposely blinded your race until the last day, when Christ returns. Therefore we are instructed to have NOTHING to do with you, especially host you as parasites in our white lands.
just like israeli "men"
She lived in isreal and got indoctrinated there before moving to Sweden.
if you are really jewish, most likely it would be better for you to go to israel, but if you are only technically jewish then I suppose you can be white provided you stop flipping back between the two when it is convenient. Even the nazis let jews who fought in ww1 continue to be in the army

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>Not manipulated by International Jewry
isn't it more like the kids brother who doesn't really want a bike, but he's happy for his brother who wanted one and got one?
I'm pretty sure it was Mosley who said that.
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Do you think israelis are waking up to the fact that muslims are being supplyed with nuclear capability and carrier killer subs via caliphate of france and sweden?
Do you think they understand how bad this will end for them?
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You can't act like a nazi if you're jew.

God said PROMISED land, not "take when you want" land.
this is true. they call swedish people somalis and i dont subvert their entire society to erradicate them from history because of it. if jews cant handle anonymous insults they need to be gassed anyway
>implying there's a difference between Zionists and Nazs
Yes, as a people you are filled with self-loathing.
I don't mind most of you, but I'm not a Nazi. I just want all Muslims and Africans to leave my country, so I think I understand you guys.
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> who is your real enemy, Israeli Jews or arabs?
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No Nazi here. I fucking love Israel.
Talmudic Jews wherever they are
How are y'all "stronger" when you guys constantly beg us to fund y'all?
What the fuck is Israel? Do you mean Palestine?
Nobody hates you as people. They hate your decisiveness and want to live separately from you. They neither believe in the holocaust nor want to exterminate you. Also to end dual citizenship.
>who is your real enemy, Israeli Jews or arabs?

Do Arabs controll the Media?
Do Arabs 20% of the worlds wealth despite beeing 0.2% of the world population
Do Arabs staged Waterloo to profit from it?
Do Arabs stabbed the german army in the back in ww1?
Do Arabs attacked USS Liberty?

The answer to this question is quite clear, the jew is capable and this makes the jew dangerous
Big up.

Israel as a nation has the same legal value of Disneyland.
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Nah you guys are based only filthy liberals and Muslims hate Israel the kike containment zone
I used to. I woke up.
shut up somali
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everyone hates israeli jews
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Sure thing ahmed
The """alt-right""" cares not one fuck for Israel and thinks you can do as you please within your own borders in fact they repeatedly cite Israel as the contradiction where it's OK to conquer a land, and build an ethnostate yet they are not allowed to argue for one because it's "racist".

The major complaint is:
>giving you free money
>fighting your wars
>demonizing the kebabs who stand up to you

A White ethnostate would give not one shekel to Israel and never denounce any of your enemies because it's your problem, you figure it out.

How can Israelis be nationalist or even proud when the only thing keeping them alive is donations from other countries obtained through lying and manipulating opinion? Israel is a pathetic wannabe ethnostate.

Youre really just globalist kikes. Be ashamed of yourself.
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