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Burger education

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Just started college today On a DOD scholarship for compsci. These are the first few online quizzes for my HONORS English class.

this is middle-school shit. What the fuck?

Also if the 7 classes I'm taking, 6 of my professors are jews.

How do people fucking pay for this shit?
kek agrees, digits prove true value of this shit
Jews are smart lad
They dumbed it down for niggers and other people who shouldn't be in college.
My 13 year old brother learned these this year
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>tfw i didnt fell for the college jew
>7 classes

How? The max is 15 credit hours per semester isn't it?
this is my precise point
it's free fuck off
The college memes were real. My second class today has a tranny professor and he said "my pronouns are she, her, hers" Save me lads
If I graded your post I would give you an F for reddit spacing.
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this is why I'm going to the UK for college, it's all focused on the area of your study, for me history, intl relations and politics.
there are no bs courses like English 101 (everyone should know how to use the English language by college, c'mon) or fucking Rock Climbing; my brother was forced to take it at UCONN because kikes love that tuition fee.
and it's also cheaper in the long run, surprisingly.
Implying a 10 point quiz is anything to care about when a college class can be a couple thousand points total. It's simply establishing you already know the basics idiot.
Oh cool... I'm in the same class anon. Come say hi to me! (I'm the girl with the black top)
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Cause you're in remedial English Pvt. Anon. That's why you're in nigger tier classes.
They offer honors English classes at your school? I thought that was only a high school thing.
I had to fill out my extra credits for my associates, so this semester I'm taking corrections and a physical science course. I think corrections will be interesting to learn about the prison system, but I've taken physical science in fucking jr high and as far as I can tell there's no difference between this class and what I learned in jr high.
>15 hours per semester max

Well, maybe for nogs like you. I took 16-18 a few times. Had a friend who took 21 one semester. All engineering/nat science.
100 level classes are literally just there so departments can get a lot of funding by attracting (and sometimes forcing) non-majors to take easy survey courses that the professors don't have to invest any time preparing for and can make grad students do all the grading.
5/6, my b
fuck off
Yes. I'm in the honors college.
see above.
That is English Comp 1. Composition 1. These are the components for composing English.

Fuck OP is dumb
Hey OP, you stupid cunt, when will you enroll in Basic Arithmetic and then bitch about learning about audition and how numbers function?
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>Quiz #1 Identify sentence fragments
literally starts his post with a sentence fragment
you forget, college is easy for the lowest common denominator, aka niggers
It's a foreign student filter. Just take your GPA booster, you will need it.
Which school is it?
> be usa
> win cold war
> be super power
> become more wasted than venezuela bc of gender facists causing a brain drain
I took seven classes all last year but two of the classes each semester were labs and were only 1 credit
I remember talking to my classmates after they spent a year studying in the USA.

They said it was stupidly easy, their end of year assessment was a page long essay.

I guess its to make it manageable for the retarded niggers who got in via affirmative action.

America's universities are a fucking joke.
I remember talking to my classmates after they spent a year studying in the UK.

They said it was stupidly easy, their end of year assessment was a page long essay.

I guess its to make it manageable for the retarded niggers who got in via affirmative action.

UK's universities are a fucking joke.
>Wriring thesis statements
>Middle school
There's literally evidence that the US education system is a joke.

Tbh, you should just filter out the retards instead of giving them extra treatment.
News flash: English degrees are for people who plan on becoming teachers. they're teaching you to decipher gradeschool-level text for a reason.
wow how mad are you?
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