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Why havent you taken the Childfree pill?

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>stress-free. You'll live longer

>No need to risk getting married to unstable millennial roasties to have children. You'll probably get a divorce, and be a slave to the state, paying alimony and child support for 18 yrs. Your kids will hate you and their degenerate mother will raise them to become degenerates and failures.

>low and mid-level Jobs won't exist by the 2040s as a result of automation and outsourcing. Your children will be parasites, sucking your savings dry. Instead, you could save up and invest today, and watch the natalist plebs suffer for their shitty choices, when their children become a liability, because they can't find jobs in a post employment future.

>The (((media))) and progressive culture will turn your kids into degenerates. Even if you shield them from mainstream society, eventually they'll be exposed to degenerate values when they're older and then worse than this generation.

>you'll be doing this planet a favour by not producing more parasites.

Tell me again why having children is a good thing?
if you are in a relationship and never wanna get married or have kids, what is the point? just be single.
>implying children don't bring in neetbux
>not wanting to have a son who is "special needs" thus bringing in thousands of dollars a month for it and playing vidya all day with him
>he still works

>Why don't you just behead yourself? No more living=no more problems, no more stress
Implying (((they))) will ever give you UBI. And Neetbux won't exist when America's debt become unsustainable, and the government will be forced to cut government programs. Remember, all this fuckery from (((them))) is because they want to plant the seed of the destruction of America's and Europe political systems so then, they could further entrench their control of our governments. When automation and AI takes over and replaces you, and the government is fully controlled by the Elite, who will gave the power of AI, they won't ever dare to give you a cent of their wealth. Prepare for the worse, Goyim, because (((they))) certainly are. Children will become a liability in the coming decades.
>all your jabs were shit that you wish would happen but the opposite is currently happening in america
Typical jealous wagecuck who think benefits will ever EVER go anywhere

27, never married, no kids.
I don't worry about shit, I DO NOT envy people with children. I think it's great for them if it's what they want, but I have seen too many people while I was growing up who end up miserable and hating their lives just because they knocked up some bitch in high school. I was always safe on the other hand.

Protip: Don't be a fool, wrap your tool lads.
Are you in highschool anon?

The welfare system won't be able to support an additional 100 million people, especially when the only source of tax revenue in the future will be from the capitalist class and a minority of high income wageslaves who will run the robots and go the jobs AIs won't be able to do. They will all hide their profits in tax havens and loopholes, like they do today. The welfare system isn't sustainable in the long-term.
>Needlessly committing to fatherhood is unreasonable therefore I will needlessly commit to never becoming a father
The 2 people on the cover of that magazine look like the most insufferable, conceited fucking normies I've ever seen.

No, I graduated 10 years ago.
Sounds like your ass is doing the talking and all i hear is BRAAAAAAAAAP
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I need someone to inherit my huge cock genetics
Then why are you worried about the effects of knocking someone up in highschool? You've graduated and are an adult now. Why would the problems that exist for high school couples(support from parents, financial, emotional, world experience) exist for you like it did for them?
It's about (((their))) globalist agenda. They want to run a prison planet of race-less, culture-less, nation-less, identity-less subdued sheep. They make up less than 1% of the world's population, yet look at all they control from the world's finances to the media that brainwashes us.

In short, they use the entertainment and news media to encourage globalism and discourage nationalism and traditional western values. They distort and lie about the present and past in that effort.

The truth about immigration, by the numbers:

Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide

The plan to eliminate the white race:

Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:

Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:

Why are we in Decline - Cultural Marxism:

also see

The facts about slavery in North America:

Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:

Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)

The Holocaust:

I was just mentioning that as a contributing factor to me not having kids.
I'm considering having children only :

1) through surrogacy, with IQ and genetics test on the woman
2) other technology that has not yet been created
3) adoption, but probably not

And only when :

1) I become sufficiently rich
2) my life becomes sufficiently boring

That being said, I will only homeshool any child I will have and if I have one, I'll commit to making an ubermench out of him, or her, - if he/she becomes a degenerate, I will disavow them.
*having kids before 28-35
This is prime time for 18+pussy

I'm big on the 21 crowd, I like the option of taking her out for drinks. One or two make the night go smooth.
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Have six children
>Taking the kike-blue bill of white genocide

We are on /pol/. Neck yourself Shlomo Goldbergsteinwitz

You have six kids?
More kids=more neetbux
>not having a vidya night on your nintendies with you six children
The problem with socialism is you eventually run out of other people's money. Enjoy being one of the starving lowest of the low that will be culled when the superior class get fed up of your shit.
Not when you cash out at the ATM to exchange in gold for the past 12 years.
>Falling for Normie hedonism

I'm going to have tons of white kids and play TF2 and Doom 2016 all day long and you can't stop me.
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I have a better pic for you, recycler man
>there are plebs who don't plays games with their 20 white children
>there are people who don't have their wife banished to the shadow kitchen to make tendies for the horde
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Don't worry potato bro, Let them suffer
You people are cancer
>White race is slowly dying
>dont have kids, bois, thats how they get you
>Having kids ups your testosterone, literally making you an Alpha
>inb4 the media programs muh kids
>I know damn well im going to raised my daughter into a proud, red pilled, whitey
Have kids, you fucking niggers, you guys are the kind to have a bug out plan involving just yourself, im going to literally run a settlement when SHTF, you need children to replace the old in the work force
And the majority White population said, "Let us try the liberalism for it seems better for us".

Taxes went up, government became more intrusive. Jobs dried up. Social problems multiplied.

In those days, the people were distressed because of too much government. It made sense to have fewer children and just get by on your smaller paycheck.

King Reagan came and rolled back the government. Confidence rebounded. The people said "Let us have children and take mortgages for the future seems bright"...and they did.

But the evil ones, the scribes and the statists who had no life experience cried for the poor and dark skinned. The people again said "let us try the liberalism, for it may work this time..."

So, many more stopped having children.

And the people didst rinse and repeat.
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Kids are only a problem if you're a shit parent, and are necessary to perpetuate their respective cultures. Also whites aren't exactly the ones having kids in plague proportions.
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Sorry gang, knocked up an Asian broad. I'll make sure the little guy is a conservative though.
only racists care about race, we are more enlightened than that
Married childless white male with vasectomy reporting. Having children is for wage slaves and niggers. Kids are a drag. Plenty of brown people to import to grow the economy. Better to be wealthy and upwardly mobile then forced to wipe baby ass, let the state degenerate kids with indoctrination before sending them to college to explore their gender. Fuck the white race for falling into degeneracy and allowing the west to become such a shit show. Considering first world countries are becoming brown societies ruled by spice, chinks, niggers, muzzies and poos I see no reason to subject white children to slavery in the near future. Better to let the white race die in dignity then dwindle into a slave race if at all possible.
>inb4 14 words
Too late. Stick a fork in the white man's ass. He is done.
>whites are still 50-60% even in the US
>"whites are done, it's too late to have white children"
Disgusting race mixer. I glad I won't be having kids. Being forced to protect kids from such degeneracy as mixed race mongrels is getting near impossible these day.
That number drops every year. Most of those "whites" aren't even white. They are mixed race mongrels and races that have no claim to being white.
Well at least you tried.
they are still the biggest ethnic group and now whether their numbers rise or fall depends on people like you
>Having kids ups your testosterone
Sure it does faggot. Sure it does. If having kids makes a man high test why are so many Chads reduced to beta slobs and divorced by Stacy who takes the kids to live a better life with Jamal.
These statistics don't mean shit. A majority of white Americans are fat dumb low IQ slobs ruled by emotions, fear and propaganda. They worthless degenerate scum not worthy of being labeled white. America getting nuked from the planet would do more to advance to white race then allowing its mongrel barely white citizens continue to breed fat dumb ugly wage slaves.
Nah mate, send the little fucker up for adoption in Japan. It's too late you fucked up my man. Will have an extra child for you though.
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Trump wants to increase European/Anglo immigration via the Raise act. Plus if we make sure a tax plan that benefits white families happens not to mention ending birthright citizenship and deport all illegals using a 1 million man ICE team as well as Importing White South Africans and Zimbabweans. America could become around 80% white at the most in a couple generations. Spics are only growing because of immigration along with Asians. If arrivals from the third world were to be cut they would shrink drastically. States above 75% white would also have their white percentages increase because of it. The Mestizo/Hispanic Birth Rate is already declining the only reason it's still growing is because of immigration. Cutting third world migration along with other key things listed here will make their population in this country collapse.


In other words, you're arguing with a blackpilled manlet.
Go away white genocide shill.
>you can't enjoy someone's company unless you plan on having kids with them
No friends eh?
>>stress-free. You'll live longer

feels good to go to africa, work on the land and colonize a hot negress then live off our own food and farming.

fuck never having a job or a car or a gf or anything ever, ive done that and been a neet and that's shit.
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>Wanting to be friends with normies who browse leddit

Even kids have more interesting stories to tell then them.

i like the novel point best:
>The (((media))) and progressive culture will turn your kids into degenerates
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This should have been the first reply and only reply to this piece of shit thread

fuck off, kike shill OP

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