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/pol/ BTFO

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Thread replies: 309
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/pol/ BTFO
>tfw Middle-Eastern
>tfw only attracted to pale-white women originating from anywhere by the ME

i-i'm not white so I should be allowed to racemix, r-right guys?
Why not both?
Does anyone actually have yellow fever or it is just guys who couldn't get a white gf that go for Asians?
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I dont trust squinty eyed people.
Fuck yellow fever

You have to go back Muhammad
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Both i think. Some chads have it though
> sorry guys, asian GF won
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Levantine girl
how to meet asian qts past college age?
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>/pol/ BTFO
What do you mean? /pol is Eurasianist.
Ehh at lease you're not down grading your genetics
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>europoors are this dumb
tbqhwyfm if a girl wasn't ugly I'd mow down every white person on earth if it took that to love me
>I'm not white so there's nothing wrong with betraying my people
you absolute fucking scum have you learned NOTHING from this place?
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i want to make a hapa godess with some jap qt desu
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The second one, just look at the type of white guys with asian gfs.
deepest sub-human attitude... blaming others, while race-shaming himself...tststs
>muuhh asian gf

Only for betas and weeaboos (redundant?)
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like this?
Asian's do not age well and look ancient when they reach 30.
We're talking about east asians here, not poos and pakis.
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>Have beautiful half white half asian gf.
>If I have children theyll only 1/4th asian.
>mfw I got a conservative, hard working woman thanks to her conservative parents and my potential sons wont be Elliott-tier because they'll be mostly white.

Works for her, works for me. There's the problem of her pussy being too tight for my BWC, but we sort that out through foreplay.
Yes, betas like that.
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How am I doing any of that? You mad europoor?
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asians girls are good as fucktoys, actually all women are
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This man is beta?
>my potential sons wont be Elliott-tier
I know cool hapa males IRL
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>tfw no muscle gookfu
for fuck sake abdul, stop bombing inocent people.
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and this man?
On the left, and on the right, people obsessed with race are completely retarded.
True, but people who deny realities of race are even more retarded.
Exactly it again. You got a stick up your butt son?
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True but if you are both left and right and still obsessed with race than you are woke.
lol, shut up ling ling.
To be fair she's one of the most attractive asian women I've seen. Good for him.
another virgin alt left faggot detected
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Finding a white girl who is going to age well is extremely difficult, and finding a white girl who isn't a slob, does dishes, irons/folds clothes, will cook a bit, and generally cares about household cleaning is increasingly difficult. I hate to say it but I would probably jump ship immediately, as a white guy with blue eyes, if I found an Asian girl who actually shared my values.

That being said, any relationship built on a mere race fetish is doomed to fail, even if it is your own race. You guys have the spiritual maturity of a small rodent and need to develop a personality instead of larping on a moral high horse. You're all naked.
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Sorry race is more than DNA, rot in hell socialist Europe.
I'm a white supremacist with an asian gf
lmao go figure eh
cognitive dissonance/10

there is actually no cognitive dissonance here, seeding other races is very in line with white supremacy, assuming that the spawn will become more and more white.
Have you not seen British women? All of them either have kids, are coalburners, are dykes, are trashy sluts, are fat and don't even want a white guy. Sex? Forgot about it, I fucking hate them.
No dude..... thats not how it works.

Personally i just want kids with good genetics so thats my reasoning. But saying its actually about whiteness is retarded.
I'll take them. Most are trash but the few that are good are the best in the world imo. i'm biased since im pure brit ancestry
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>i'm biased since im pure brit ancestry
i'm sure you are kid, that's great!
I agree why should you breed with subhumans when there is an alternative.
You can't raise the level of your society by shitting out white degenerates, all you get is biomass without a soul.
Not interested. White women only.

the asian girl

i couldn't care less about the future existence of white people. i'll be dead. i only care my dick and it being inside an asian qt
Asian gf prevailed in my life. You guys pick up the slack. I'm rooting for you.
I'm racist and had an asian gf
not really a white supremacist though. I'm more like a black inferiorist. I really, really hate blacks, and don't have a problem with most other races
Absolutely this. I'm not picking a trashy self-entitled whore just because she's white. I'd hate her and the life she'd bring for me. Having an Asian gf, it's the good life and I won't have to look back when I emigrate next year
Whites want calm conservative wives they hope to find in Asians because Western women are ruined too much. The average white women shows too much r-selected behavior to be appealing and settle down with.
This is it, too. What are we supposed to do, hold them down and demand they stop being so fucking degenerate?

Yeah, sounds nice, but then they'll take us to court and have us by the financial and emotional balls for the rest of our lives because we even dared to cross her Supreme Majesty White Woman
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Literally more british than native brits
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Sure you are lad, it's alright, I'll believe you so you feel better.
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Which asian girls? Asia is big.
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One had already won me over a long time ago, anon.
Cute is cute, OwO
japanese/korean specifically for me

deadass would defile my thousands-of-years-untouched genes for a piece of jap pus
For now you go MGTOW until women finally lose their rights and stop being society destroyers.
>yellow fever
Most those dumbfucks assume every asian female looks like one on the OP-pic. And you know what? That's attractive enough for me even through I prefer whites.
>couldn't get a white gf
The Dutch anon explained my view very well in this >>138372802 post.
kek i don't need your approval faggot i think a DNA test is a bit more conclusive. If you're wondering why i'm not a mongrel its because southerners didn't receive the european immigration waves in the late 1800's like the rest of the country.
More like
>slightly thicc
and it'd be more realistic.
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If your DNA is different to most native British then you're obviously not British, but that obviously doesn't sink in with you kek. Get the fuck out of here faggot
asians are fun to fuck because they have such an insanely tight pussy, you don't have to work much to get them to cum. you can literally just do lazy missionary style sex and they will still be jizzing
Protip: the actually attractive Asian(mongoloid) girls are in Kazakhstan.
Eurasian world domination now.
>The average white women shows too much r-selected behavior to be appealing
You mean white women want more children?
Keep your gun handy, regardless.
Your sons would only be Eliott-tier IF you are a shit parent or don't parent them at all. The worst possible thing in this case is hapa male with an asian mother living in a white (yeah rev up those 56 memes) country. This is what creates Elliots and worse.
>Save da White Race

Why? There is no white genocide, only white suicide and white woman pull the trigger. Be the best man YOU can be and find the best woman you can from a race that pleases you and ensures the best household for a family you raise. Sure you can marry a white woman and roll the dice that she won't cheat, divorce, brainwash your children, ect. But make that decision yourself. The white race shows you no loyalty in the 21st century and neither should you.
This absolutely.
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>attractive Asian girls
>in Kazakhstan
I don't agree with everything /r/hapas says but damn if threads like this don't show they are onto something
its comparing modern samples people send in to historical samples. So the reason mine says its more british than the average bong today is because you've done more racemixing. Congrats, paki.
Yeah, he doesn't know what he's talking about. White women want Chad to alpha widow them.
The only reason you hate white women and like Asian women is because they have lower standards for white guys, just admit it.
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these are all ugly Koreans/Japs

SEAs are better
There are attractive females even among niggers and (I dare say) maybe even abbos. Just rare.
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I have a filipina girlfriend who is 25% white. she cooks and cleans, calls me her "leader", loves jesus, wants 4 kids, our kids will be majority white, yes the pussy is tighter than the 6 white women I've been with but I don't believe in muh dick tier arguments.
Filipinas are the answer. find one who is half / quarter / octaroon white and you're babies will look white. plus they will be raised Christian and conservative.
Also, it's stupid easy to find a filipina as a pale skinned white dude. higher risk of her being a gold digger than say, a nipstres from Japan, but you can find filipinas that are part white, even majority white (kinda like Mexico) but they're also very Catholic, love America, and I have yet to meet a filipina who didn't like Trump.
>TL;DR Go to the islands of hope. Come home to your wives, white man
Is this (((Ben)))?
I hate that smug face.
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Since I'm not white I can fuck whatever I want. Amirite /pol/?
So what if they do? A majority of white men becoming Chad is a meme.
Holy fuck a hot ben shapiro
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>is republican
>30% white
>hurr silly British accents!
>cleans teeth
>never even been to England

You're unironically making me laugh. I wish I were good at making memes desu. The heritage delusion is one of the best tropes on /pol/
Ben Shapiro?
I'm married to a Mexican lady. While women deserve whatever fresh hell they get
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It's real. That's just a feminist excuse.
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It's guys that can't get a white gf or any gf for that matter

They romanticize Asians after only encountering them through anime and the internet, and their perceived extreme childish submissiveness is the only way these skinny beta manlets could ever approach a woman
More children with regressive partners, the state can take care of her so she wants the badboy in her life to fill the masculine void. The K-selected men are boring for women and doesn't give them a feeling of security, also they're conditioned in school and university to go for the r-selected men.
The majority of men won't be Chad/Alphas. There is a bell curve for everything in life. 90% of white woman want the top 10% of men, while Asian women match up with men where they should on the bell curve.

Most White woman who marry do so in their late 20's and early 30's now and in their minds they will always believe they are settling. This will create feelings of resentment and your life will be a living hell destined for a woman who will no longer care about her appearance or pleasing someone she doesn't love.
>be me
>6'3 Abdul
>qt jap gf allows me to date 3 other girls
>muh Chad

Your mind is ruled by memes instead of reality. Unless you are ugly or have a horrible personality, or just really shy and beta, you shouldn't have trouble with finding a girl in your race. "Chad" doesn't exist.

I've nothing really against white men getting Asian girlfriends and I find Asian girls (and all other girls) attractive too; but racist white guys raising non-white kids is fucking toxic.
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Admit it, Asian women are 1000x more liberal than white women but you demoralized MGTOW weebs are willing to overlook it for a chance at getting a girl
The vast majority of guys I see with white girls arent "chads", just normal white guys. The only legitimate criticism of white girls is that those of the American/British variety are often fat.
calm down faggot i dont worship muh fuckin ANGLO herrratige. I only mentioned it to show my bias.
then i wanted to dispel this fiction that americans are all mongrels.
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Also your theory is just wrong on its face
>leftists say whites shouldn't be against migration because they stole the land from Amerindios
>migration hurts Amerindios the most

really activates the almonds
>That Amerindian
Once an Asian woman come to the west she will be as unrestricted as white women so those yellow fever guys need to stop being delusional about Asian being more desirable. Asian women only show conservatism when they're in their own homogeneous homeland.
Pelmeni females are pretty hot dude
i was stationed in Japan for 2 years in the Navy. hence my filipina wife I met while training with the Philippine armed forces. Japanese and filipinas are more modest l, appreciate whit sculpture and heritage as well as their own, hate niggers and muslims, can cook, want kids with the superior white sperm you have between your knees, their parents will see you as a savior, like an unironic white knight, she will be worldly and knowledgeable, have travelled to many places and red pilled on good and bad cultures, will be feminine, will not get fat because she wants you to respect her, will still have sex with you after the first two years of marriage, will respect you and listen to you and try to make you happy, as long as you somewhat return the favor.

White women will take you for granted if you're not alpha and or rich, wont raise kids to be christian or concervative, will only want one MAYBE 2 kids, and will see you as disposable.

If enough white guys marry yellows, white women will get the hint. so men only date up, hence why they don't race mix as much. eventually the bitchy ones will be bred out, only conservative white women will be having kids, so the next generation will be better.

For now, it's time to turn the game from god level difficulty to easy mode.
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It's always funny when people say yellow fever isn't real. Oh yes, it's impossible for a man to genuinely be attracted to a more conservative, shorter woman, with a younger looking face, who rejects feminism and is quiet and modest compared to western women, and is more intelligent on average.
Can't unsee it
Also notice how the birth rates went down for everyone when social media started to get big.
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Clearly what men want is a big fat butch dyke who bosses us around and demands that we make at least 6 figures, while she sits around becoming fatter and less attractive and asserts her right to fuck black men or whatever. Any man who claims to not want that is just doing so as a defense mechanism because they were afraid to approach such a wonderful woman.
>Finding a white girl who is going to age well is extremely difficult
Make sure there's no Russian blood in her heritage.
Damn (you)
I have finally been logically defeated. Time to throw my computers in the trash and disappear
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Jews fear the samurai.
Do you get bossed around by white women, anon?
because hapa children aren't white
something better than white?
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The only asian qts worth dating are the Japs
not if they're male, 50/50 coin flip is damgerous. Might get a school shooter

>Asians are 10.7% obese, while whites are 2.4 times more likey to be obese
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Why cant we have both? Asians and whites are equal.
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abort all the males?
>tfw your old azn gf swindled a jewish merchant out of many of his precious sheqelz one day
That was such a proud moment

>White woman 4 times more likely to divorce compared to Asian Women.

>48% of white marriages will end in divorce
I fucking hate gooks
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Some hapa guys look alright.
You can't even tell they're Asian with most of them.
>Aryan fluid intelligence
>Asian numerical intelligence
Hitler knew. If you're not building Master Race 2.0 with a Japanese qt you might as well be sucking Keshawn's dick
no. just don't be a retarded parent. it's usually acceptable for a girl to be retarded in behavorial tems as all from her that's needed is a vagina; men? they need everything else, most importantly socialization.
Actually i think koreans are even better
The only ones who hate asian girls are men who never had interacted with one. They have a level of femininity you didn't even knew it existed. To be quite fair I'm more physically attracted to white women but femininity > looks.
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Are you dumb? Those aren't even white-asian marriages.

I hope your sons enjoy having no identity and being mentally ill manlets. Maybe one day you'll convince them it doesn't matter that they look asian instead of passing for white.
>kids will be majority white
just LOL

That's the dream isnt it? HOPING for a white looking hapa when the majority of the ones that come from WMAF are asian looking serial killers or underemployed losers. Most hapas looking asian or occasionally hispanic, but never white.

The only reason why a "pro-white" person would want to date asians is because he's an autistic beta loser that cant get laid despite white women being statistically very loyal.

Or he has a small dick and believes in every race except asians being more masculine than his own. Notice how the phrase BWC can NEVER be used against mexican, arab, or black women without getting chuckled at? So instead of increasing their own attractiveness or masculinity and setting an example for white masculinity, they destroy it even further by going after a group of self-hating traitorous asian women.

The only real legit thing here is that American women are fat, and boycotting AMERICAN women would make them increase their own SMV. But there also exists eastern european women to do that, not flat faced gooks. The difference between EE and asian women is that EE actually have standards, so you cannot be a fat balding manlet slob and nail a EE woman leveraging your whiteness.
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good advice ruski.
>not realizing that chick and 60% of all korean women have plastic surgery
I hate how picky the japanese are about body types.

You can't be fat or else you're... well fat.
You can't be muscled or else you're assumed gay.
Ill be honest, i find korean, chinese, and japanese qts adorable
But you have to realize that dicking an asian woman is barely different than some white girls going after black guys
Have white children, not more elliot rodgers
Are all these gooks coming from some plastic doll factory in Korea somewhere?
>tfw not white so i can racemix with asian qts with no remorse
At least something good came out of this
Korean society is the said plastic doll factory in itself. Pretty disgusting.

honestly more east asian genes would improve the white race

As the other anons have said, they're mostly plastic. And for some reason Korean society is fucked up, which produces women with really shitty personalities. Junk food asians.
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Its really common to get plastic surgery in korea and china, and to a lesser extent japan to touch up your face, not to mention the picture has a filter
Yes it would. That's why white males should refrain from sex with asian women, but asian males should be encouraged to dick down white women.

Remember, it's the women that are the ones who bear children. A white guy breeding an asian women means that the asian race is getting bleached, whereas an asian breeding white women means the white race is getting riced.
What's wrong with that? That means white men and Asian women have a natural affinity for one another. We make it easier for each other, isn't that a good thing? Two attractive high IQ people reproducing.

To be more specific, by "bossy", I just don't like this attitude most white women have, where they think they're right about everything. They have no reasonable level of self-doubt. I find that incredibly unattractive and it's the hallmark of a stupid person. (Example: Think of all the white loser women we see in antifa, who are obese and they go around calling everyone a Nazi. I find their convictions silly and unattractive).

People usually respond to this by telling me that I need to "put these women in their place" and then they will "respect" me or whatever. But that's not how I see it. When they act like this, I start to assess whether or not I really want them to begin with. Do I really want some fat feminist who rants about how she's owed free tampons and how everyone is a Nazi? Nah, I'd rather just go find a nice mild-mannered woman instead.

White women don't realize they can't afford to act like such shit, when there are other women who are better in every significant way, plus they make it easier for us.
>t. chang

fucking Ben Shapiro holy fucking shit
That's Ben Shapiro in drag
I'm perfectly fine being part of the race that built the modern world. I'll trade 4 points in average IQ for high genius output per capita any day.

Also my kids will be white and not mystery meat mongrels.
Men settle for too little out of women in western nations.
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This, Koreans are way more attractive than japs.
Dont you realize this is litteraly the exact logic black nationalist niggers use to fuck white women
You """people""" really are just old children jesus fuck
No, they're low IQ and have almost no thought process or strategy behind what they're doing.

Also, because ugly and stupid people are fucking, that's not a reason for me to prove myself to the ugly and stupid people and try desperately to join their ranks. That's a reason to go find someone better.
"High Genius output per capita"
Oh so you want more ashkenazi jew genes.
ayy lmao

are you really attracted to that face? it's fucking disgusting
based cheki breki
You're just a fag dude.
Japanese girls are the best out of the asians and i'll tell you why, they're fucking cute. Sure, Koreans may be hotter but Japanese girls are tiny and adorable. Walking around in Japan was actually fucking horrible because i'd get a crush on a different girl every day.
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Asian gf wins every time
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Part asians are the master race. They're beautiful, intelligent and non-violent. If our entire culture was white-asian mix, it would be superior. Nothing wrong with that.

The only problem with race mixing is that we're mixing with inferior races. Blacks and Latinos only breeds ugly degenerates.
gf > no gf > feminist gf
Levantine woman
>Two attractive high IQ people reproducing.


First off, whites are legit niggers compared to asians. Asians do not see whites as intelligent. Secondly, asian women are not attractive when compared to white women; they are only attractive to the "Steve from the IT department" kind of guys (aka unattractive beta nerds). What really up happening is Elliot Roger; notice how famous or notable half-asian children mostly come from the white female-asian male side despite being few in number? When was the last time you head a non-asian woman say that half asian males are attractive? Exactly

And no, easier relationships are not a good thing when there obviously needs to be changes in said people in the relationships. If an asian woman dates an unemployed white guy, than the white guy has no reason to get off his lazy ass and get a job.

>People usually respond to this by telling me that I need to "put these women in their place" and then they will "respect" me or whatever.

The hallmark of a beta male. Rather than lead, he'd just bow out of the competition.
They still have the shitskin colored nipples and cunt.
They also seem to want a child like submissive girl instead of an actual partner. They're autistic and view relationships as some kind of barter.

Asian girls seem to like white guys a lot, but the white guys who specifically like Asian girls are usually saying they do because other women ignore them.

Rest of your post is just generalising. All it communicates to me is you need women to be ultra submissive or you feel your masculinity is under threat.
Asians are more feminine and intelligent. Could be a good thing. Personally, I don't think I could raise a child that didn't look like me.
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>a-are you n-not man enough to get a r-real white women anon
lmao have fun with tyrones sloppy seconds
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Why do you insist on conceding so much power to feminists? I don't prove myself to them. They can prove themselves to me, by not fucking black men and becoming better people. I'm not going to work my ass off for some fat bitch who I'm not even attracted to. You have such a beta cuck mentality. You should just abandon these shit women.

The dating stats don't lie. >>138374886 Pretty much everyone is most attracted to Asians. So this isn't just some kind of "excuse". Also, you're the one who is threatened here, not me. It just upsets you so much that someone is actually attracted to Asians, that you need to make up this big series of excuses to try to explain it away or something. Clearly nobody can actually be attracted to Asians and we all have ulterior motives. Ok.
That is if you enjoy plastic.
Yes, because identifying when something is just a meme means I can't parse reality from memes, silly limey. And if "Chad" means alpha (which it does), you're very aware they do exist, as shown by your use of the word beta. And if the history of white reproduction and current white birthrates is any proof at all, then most whites are not alpha.
As for race-mixing, most people just don't race-mix, so it's kind of irrelevant. Your concern that racists siring mix breed children they'd hold contempt for is valid, however, if I'm understanding you.
plenty of white women attracted to me because I'm an attractive guy
>inb4 larp
I am also very attracted to white women moreso than I am to asian women
however white women in the west are the opposite of wife material
they are almost universally degenerate, slutty, lazy, children hating, disloyal walking piles of garbage that know more about drinking than cooking and cleaning

and there are asian women that are like that as well ofc but mostly in the cities and in far lesser numbers
so despite the fact that I can easily get a beautiful white women to ruin my life with I decided to exclusively court foreign asian women

but ofc if you can get a slav you can have the best of both worlds, but they're a lot harder to get
also latina women are good depending on what country they're from
anything but western white women.
How many white women actually fuck black men? Again, you're finding excuses. The SAME dating data you use to justify your like of asian women also state that white women DONT like black guys. Speaking of black guys: White males dating asian females is the "white male equivalent" of white women dating black guys. The white counterpart of BOTH of these relationships are both unattractive in their gender-roled way, while they claim their racial SO as more masculine (in the case of black males)/feminine (in the case of asian females).

No one said you have to go for fat ugly white women. Slim Eastern european women are always an option, or even white hispanics too. But nope. Because those women actually have standards despite being more poor. They dont white worship because they are already white themselves and already have access to other white men, Chads included. The only competition for asian women are from other loser white males so typical Steve doesnt have to worry about alpha Chad.
OK dude don't be surprised when your Asian kids end up on /r/hapas hating all white people, since you are the archetypal guy that they describe as being in a WMAF relationship.

Most people of any race aren't "alphas" since "alpha" implies the top 10%. You don't need to be an "alpha" to get a normal girlfriend, you just need to be normal. If you aren't ugly and can hold a conversation then you can get a girlfriend.
the absolute state of white nationalism
>And if the history of white reproduction and current white birthrates is any proof at all, then most whites are not alpha.
Like what is this supposed to mean? What level of autism are you operating on? Do you think men all want kids and only can have kids if they're alpha, or something? Do you have any idea how relationships and people work irl?
Alpha men do have more children regardless of relationship status.

Alpha fucks/beta bucks. Not saying that it's good obviously, but even you know that alpha men do not need to be constrained by "traditional" family. Harems existed. Conquerors existed. One night stands that end up in pregnancy exist.

>but ofc if you can get a slav you can have the best of both worlds, but they're a lot harder to get

Fucking kek m8. Literally confirming what I said previously about eastern european women and hispanics. They are actually harder to get. Hence why nerds who cant compete go for asian women in the first place.
>How many white women actually fuck black men? Again, you're finding excuses.
Finding excuses for what? For what I'm attracted to? I don't need an excuse for that.
>The SAME dating data you use to justify your like of asian women also state that white women DONT like black guys.
But they're different races, so it's not the same. It's a different dynamic. Are we just going to conveniently throw out the part where white + asian = high IQ baby, and black + white = low IQ baby?

Also, why is it ok when a white woman looks out for her own self-interest, but when a white man does it it's horrible, and I get accused of all this retarded shit (like only liking Asian women because I couldn't get with disgusting white hambeast antifa members)? You sound extremely cucked.
>No one said you have to go for fat ugly white women.
But if that's how I perceive most white women then why would I want them?

You failed to change what I'm attracted to, so now you're just trying to "scare" me with some dumb propaganda. You're probably a feminist, there's no way a man would care that another man is attracted to asian women so much. You'll probably play it off like you're just a white supremacist but I think you're a feminist.
Disgusting scum.
The second one.

lol, good question

falf /pol would fall for that
Also, nobody says that white women only fuck black men because they couldn't get with white men. It's always a criticism of men for not liking repulsive women. You guys are cucked.
That's because women don't have to "get with" anyone
They are the ones that are got.
Flag checks out.
Oy vey. Race doesn't matter gang.
jesus, hnng!
She would make good wife.
I just refuse to worship women in this way. That's all.
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Japanese are hotter,absoutely nothing to add.
It's not worshiping them, it's the opposite.
They're objects.
The excuse is why you arent choosing (and yes, it is a choice) to date white women. Any and all of your "reasons" are flimsy at best. What's stopping you from dating a polish or russian woman? They are considered feminine and traditional. Why do you quickly assume white women = fat antifa women? That's excuse finding.

>But they're different races, so it's not the same. It's a different dynamic. Are we just going to conveniently throw out the part where white + asian = high IQ baby, and black + white = low IQ baby?

It's very similar dynamics. The differences are slight. Again, BMWF WMAF both involve a white person whom are generally undesirable in a KEY aspect. White women = sluttiness or trouble upbringing, white man = betaness or meekness. Essentially, they lack the quality that makes their gender attractive.

As far as asian+white goes, it's only high IQ when you are looking at it from the POV of a white person. Since white people are of lower intelligence than asians, then to them, a half-breed is actually lower IQ. Just like how in the POV of a black person, black + white = high IQ.

I dont understand what you mean about white female interests, but the reason why you get flack about YOUR relationship with asian women is because it's generally true. Speaking of which, you defending your relationship with asian women reminds me of how white women would try to defend their relationships with black men.

>But if that's how I perceive most white women then why would I want them?

Fox and the grapes. You perceive them that way regardless of any grounding in reality. Fun fact: Asian american women are MORE LIKELY to have STD's than white american women. Native Japanese women have MORE sexual partners than British women. The fact that asian women date white men already shows that they're traitorous race mixers in the first place.

A white women is a progressive slut when she race mixes, but an asian is traditional when she does? Wat
this is wrong though
those male hapas always end up hating asian women and worshipping white women
We have contraception now, and abortion. In my experience attractive men are less likely to have kids than average men because they don't want to settle down.

>dumb propaganda
Except it rings extremely true, just look at this thread. I'm not a white supremacist or feminist just have sympathy with people that are born into toxic families.
But they're objects with an ego. I refuse to prove myself to some fat tumbIr feminist. I will put no effort into fucking them. They want that to happen more than I do so they're the ones who need to act, not me.
/pol/ just want to create more Slavs / Happas.
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Yes,they Need to be conquered, natural selection includes that the most dominant and attractive impressing the female gets to reproduce.

If one would be good at it you could fuck some Girl without her willing to and then have a relation,like many of our ancestors,but it seems some people here are pussies.
There are plenty of normal and skinny white girls who are single.
Travel around a bit if you don't believe me.
Just get in your car and go.
All that matters is preventing/ending uncontrolled immigration into Western Nations. That is it. Do that and nature will takes its course.
I think that's if by say 2050 it looks like the white race is finished then the remaining white males best hope would be to find themselves a good gook. Particularly of the mrs. Samurai variety.
Troll off. When you say to any man of any race - picture a wife or gf, they instinctively imagine a woman of the same race as them.
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>Does anyone actually have yellow fever
Yup, there's just something about qt asians that's really appealing to me, doesn't have to be japs either, there's lots of qt filipinas here

also i can't stand greek girls
My theory is that it's because asian girls look more like kids. Really, even the fold in the eye to some extent. Just a guess, anyway. Some south american populations also share similar traits, so it's fairly often that those who like asians would find a lot of south americans attractive too, for similar reasons. They just look younger, way younger, young enough at actual young ages that most guys wouldn't even pretend-admit to the "real" reasons ("real" as in you can't actually help what you're attracted to, once you're an adult it's pretty much set for life).

A "true beta" would be a beta regardless, they wouldn't necessarily go especially for asian women when you can get "white" women like slavs pretty easily too with some money/a normal western salary or better.
>Translation: I want to look like a fat slob, or a limp-wristed pussy and still get pretty women. Rather than leading and becoming attractive, I'd just rather not compete so I can SAY that couldve won if I tried.

Do you know how I know you are a loser?

Notice how white women did a complete 360 on "progressiveness" and supported Donald Trump when they found out that alpha attractive Chads supported Trump?
Are Greek girls as hairy as I've heard?
Better luck next time

Take this Canadian,this time our trenches are prepared.
Nothing to worry about then.

mein negger

same here. has a white dad (marine, 16 years in) Flip mom

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t. ultra autist

I don't know what you've heard desu, not more so than other balkanites from what I've seen
this I have a korean american gf now after dating white girls all my life.

after breaking up with my ex she was preggo within 6 months with a brown baby. now she has two kids and no degree.

If you want a gf who is smart and can get into 'nerdy' hobbies like video games while also being feminine and not a vegan, stoner lesbian, asian seems to be the only way to go.

until american culture changes i can't really feel bad shilling for this desu
unless you have a foreign slav from Russia or Ukraine then you can't talk retard
if you do then that's great for you
but finding and meeting a slav woman from eastern Europe is extremely hard logistically not to mention 95% of the ones online are just scammers making a living off of taking the money from old lonely men
This picture is disgusting
>Any and all of your "reasons" are flimsy at best.
Not being attracted to them and finding them hideous inside and out is a "flimsy reason" for not wanting them?
>Fox and the grapes.
Why does this absolutely have to be the case? Is it possible for someone to not be able to obtain something, and to genuinely not want it? Has that ever happened in human history? You are really licking fat feminists' assholes by implying that I absolutely MUST be attracted to them, and I'm just in denial over it. Like other people in this thread, you're probably not a man, but a feminist, sitting here feeding me this propaganda which only serves to benefit feminists. If you're actually a man, aren't you worried that you're having conversations in the exact way feminists want you to, using their talking points, and making arguments that bolster feminists' egos even further?
>The fact that asian women date white men already shows that they're traitorous race mixers in the first place.
I don't perceive someone as a traitor if they're doing it for me; if it benefits me why would I care?
>A white women is a progressive slut when she race mixes, but an asian is traditional when she does? Wat
They're different races, so there are different standards. You're also conveniently forgetting that white + asian = higher IQ offspring again. So it's not the same thing.

Also, I'm not a white supremacist, nor am I a white nationalist, I just think higher IQ / better looking babies is a good thing.
She is already a good wife
I've dated dozens of white women but I married an asian woman because of their superior morals and femininity
What even is the logic or the point in this comic

It looks like someone just made a comic
>wasting my genes in a racemixing skank
I'd rather not OP.
If whites really do refuse to save themselves, and everything really does look hopeless for us, then I'll procreate with a Japanese woman and join the other master race.
Same here. I have qt nippon girl and i dont se any reason to go back. I cant live without my daily bento box
it's an ancient meme breh, this one is pretty simple, autist looks away from qt asian girl who's friendly to him, his social retardation makes him lose any chance with her so he goes on 4chan and trashes asian girls and guys who like them, pretty much this entire thread
Actually I lost a lot of weight recently, and I'd rather Asian women enjoy my company and my body than white women, but ok. That's impossible, you've convinced me. I'm not actually attracted to what I'm attracted to, you're right.

You also don't seem to know how women think or what they're attracted to
>his social retardation makes him lose any chance with her
This isn't even in the comic. It just comes off like some fag was trying to justify dating asian girls by making fun of his detractors. Maybe you guys really are beta autists, as is the case in pretty much this entire thread
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>This isn't even in the comic.
here you go you incredibly autist, didn't think I'd have to point out simple social cues that are exaggerated in comic form for you but this is 4chan after all
Dear liar,
Why are you talking about American negresses?
>germany has actually forgotten what traditional women are like
Again, the reason why you SAY you dont find them attractive is because you cant attract them yourself. It's called cope.

You are also conveniently forgetting that white man + asian female = lower IQ. Whites are lower IQ than asians. Since females are the constraints in reproduction, you are essentially taking a prospective mate way from an asian man, whom is higher IQ than you on avg. If you truly cared about eugenics, then you would literally start shoving white women onto asian men.

Since you might be STILL too stupid to understand, let me spell it out to you even further. Let's do an exercise. Let's take the AVERAGE women of each race and see the results if they reproduced with an average man of each race.

In the case of an asian woman:

Asian man is 105 IQ. Results in 105 IQ baby.
White man is 100 IQ. Results in 102.5 IQ baby.

In the case of a white woman:

Asian man is 105 IQ. Results in 102.5 IQ baby.
White man is 100 IQ. Results in 100 IQ baby.

In BOTH cases, the women should BOTH choose asian men if you truly cared about IQ. But obviously you're full of shit. If you cared about raising IQ, then you would choose to date black women, or hispanic women.
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Asian women, if they aren't from Western countries already, get westernized very quickly.
They aren't what they used to be anymore either.
How did he
>lose any chance with her
? Like I said, it just comes off like some autist strung a bunch of pictures together as if it were some biting commentary on the people that made fun of him for liking asian women. It's a retarded comic. The guy's motivations aren't even present because his actions aren't coherent or logical. Go ahead and ignore my points throughout this whole post autist.
yes but not with whites. asians won't let you either but you can racemix with niggers if you want.
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>Part asians are the master race. They're beautiful, intelligent and non-violent.
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Only sub-human degenerates date non-whites.If you claim to be fighting for the white race and have an asian gf you were never on our side to begin with.
If you impregnated this girl your children would have fucked up bellybuttons though.
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>tfw brown skinned (nigger by default) so automatically will never get a qt asian gf no matter how much effort I put into being a better person
get back to cold calls, david
Jesus you pedantic autistic shit, no wonder you can't get a gf
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A day in Gookland Nagasaki.

The Nuke days, the Best days.
The sad thing is that a lot of white dudes would still fuck them.

An Asian woman that's a 4 in looks will be a 7 in a thirsty beta's eyes.The perfect example of this is in Silicon Valley where all you see is WM/AF couples in tech.
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other races will become white, whiter than obama in future
How are you, Elliott? Still a virgin?
I dunno, I live in Normieville anyway and most white women here are thots with more make up than a clown. Which is pretty offputting for me. Same goes for most Asian girls but in general they are less bad than white girls here.

I don't really care to have a gf at the moment. I already have a full time job and probably need to study a bit more. Also I am going to move in with my best friend soon and overall I am happy. I will find the right women in time. I am not going to lower my standard just because TEE EFFF W NOOO GEEE EFFF.
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im a white male that wants a hapa qt
Fugg, only other place this would be more likely is UBC
the amount of ching chong is unreal
If you let an imageboard full of racist retards dictate who you date then please don't date at all. Spare people your retarded company.
Germany vs nu-Germany
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this isn't reddit

KKK n slave owners=democrat
>muh switched sides
Are these the same girls?
I really understand hitlr more n more

the tax parasitism gets so bad u jsut gota kill off some people who think they are entitled
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This one never fails to make me laugh
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>being attracted to plastic
Might aswell masturbate to LEGO.
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qt Asian gf wins
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>Might aswell masturbate to LEGO.
>he didn't
LMAOing at your life
he's right you know.

>if you masterbate to lego, you can't step on it on the floor
Yuri and Seohyun
(((Gooklovers))) aren't even trying to hide it anymore.
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Altaics are going to be the master race.
>the yellow-fever weeaboo cherry-picks a druggie who does naything for the next fix
you guys are pathetic. go racemix if you want, but don't try to tear down white women with your lies
What's wrong with you man? Even the most desperate man can find something female to wank to.
>You don't need to be an "alpha" to get a normal girlfriend, you just need to be normal. If you aren't ugly and can hold a conversation then you can get a girlfriend.
Some people can't wrap their heads around this for some reason.
>Also, nobody says that white women only fuck black men because they couldn't get with white men.
Yes they do. It's actually proven that fatties are the ones who date blacks.
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you obviuosly have never touched firm big well done fake tits

completely superior to real

godlike firmness
She's from the UK, Abdul.
I love how even niggers hate niggresses.
The Hwan Empire will have his revenge against the Sami Finno-Ugric Khanate.
no she's not

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>t. roastie
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>born in London from Syrian parents
Why are you posting children?
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This. should be posting swedish women.

uhm that's not allowed here it's "borderline CP"
i don't think you understand Mr. Civic Nationalist.

She is clearly not from the UK.

>you are clearly, el negro
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>when reddit discovers /pol/
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I'd go for an Asian if it weren't for the fact that it she would churn out hapas psychopaths, there is no race a white can fuck to have white kids unlike literally every other race
>accusations of being a nigger
>accusations of being a civic nationalist
What the fuck dude, I'm just trying to bully the shitskin under the OP. Take it easy there, London.

19 year olds are "borderline CP"?

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Pick up a Slav, I'm dating a pole and she's really conservative more so then Chinks and Gooks. She cooks and cleans while knowing her place. I can't wait to have tons of white children with her.

Just get a Slav, Hapas aren't worth wild anyways. They're merely mongrels with mental problems. The only notable one is a crappy lets player that teenage girls wet themselves over.
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alright, my bad.
I came in too hot and too heavy.

>keep up the good work, son
Altaics aren't Hapas, that's why their countries are somewhat successful. While Half Asians can't stop bitching about whitey.

MGTOW's don't date any women, people who date Asians most of the time are beta males who end up creating shit-tier offspring like most interracial couples.
I had a couple of good relationships with white women that failed for one reason or another, ended up marrying a Chinese woman though
That's honestly pretty depressing

>Worships the National Socialists who want to make more White European children and banned race-mixing
>Mixes with a gook and creates some Eurasian mongrel

Asians are liberal fucks, Slavs are where it's at.
shut the fuck up.
we are not white
and full
fuck off.
>We are not white

Self-Hatred is a pretty sad thing my Polish friend. Only kikes claim Slavs aren't white. Also I'm white but not of Polish descent hope you don't mind me having kids with one of your catholic women.
Exactly what >>138404098 said
We are not white
Our country sucks
We are full of niggers
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subtelty is lost on you, i see
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>Slavs aren't white goy, Poland is nonwhite and degenerate

Even Hitler thought Slavs were white
i just want a woman to love me back and dont cheat on me
Nah she's pretty sweet for a Slav, however her Aunt is a stripper in Germany.
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polish nationalism.jpg
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Nobody is falling for your lies, Poland still has a tiny amount of Jews left.
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a white person can not be this dumb.
post hand and timestamp
Daaahhh :3
Why did I have to be born a nigger?
Having a strong attraction to perfect pale and smooth skin like this means nothing when you will never get love from any of them.
Trump please end us.
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