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Feminists threaten to stop fucking Nazis

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Thread replies: 310
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>muh pucci
Feminists were never fucking anyone.
Dykes protesting nazi cocks.
Sounds like a porn to me.
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nice html edit btw
as soon as they see that the right wing is winning and cleaning house, they will be all over those evil Nazis.
Thats how women are, there i said it
Literal white genocide.
I'm openly anti-semetic and racist and my liberal gf still loves me more than anything .

The most racist, white supremacist people I have ever met were all women.
>Nazi's claim women shouldn't whore themself out and be good mothers.

>feminists say LOL our vagina is our weapon and only means of power over you.

>feminists are so addicted to nazi cock, they have to make a pact to stop riding it

You'd think they'd have the self control to stop having sex with nazis without riding articles about it.
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I fucked an antifa girl
Should I skip the trump rally here in Phoenix and try to fuck an antifa chick instead? Never give her my name, number, or anything, that way she can't falsely accuse me of rape?
just post the tinder collage of that one guy who pretended he was a convicted pedo and still got 20 girls swooning over him
-1 be quicker
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>dana schwartz
me too
Triggered. Feminists only fuck themselves.
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Like someone wanted to fuck a feminist in the first place...
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Feminism is a Virus/Bioweapon that is designed to destroy Family/Society & reduce populations.

[Thread Archives: http://archive.4plebs.org/_/search/boards/pol.x/subject/Knowledge%20Bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/%21%219O2tecpDHQ6/]

It has destroyed Planets before & needs to be taken as a threat that will destroy Humanity once and for all.
Let's be honest, they weren't getting fixed anyways.

How does it feel knowing most graduates are women and you are a NEET?
Burger education
>skipping a trump rally for some neon green dyed beef curtains that undoubtedly hasn't been washed in 5+ months
They said that towards the end of the election too.

Must be getting desperate. Keep an eye out for Madonna offering blowjobs for joining antifa.
so you work on facebook?
Hitler was a virgin who killed himself. Loyal followers should do the same to prove their commitment to his ideals.
But I'm not a NEET, I live in a 3 bedroom house with two friends, and have a full time office job. More than most of those women graduates can claim.

Can we agree it shouldn't count as an achievement if you graduate with some shitty liberal arts degree? All that means is you're rich enough to waste that much money.
Like I give a shit, you weren't gonna fuck me anyway
You're right. Since they'll undoubtedly be there after the rally, I'll just fuck one of them afterward.
By threatening to stop sex with nazi then that means they are currently having sex with nazi.
How does it feel knowing most women will never have a meaningful relationship with a real man who loves them?
"Women's rights? Well I guess it's better than women's wrongs."

She will fuck you.
You don't have to, I fucked the girl during the election season when she was so distraught over Trump because she literally thought he was going to end the world with nuclear war. Dumb cunt was so vulnerable it was easy pickings.
so wait, feminists were fucking nazis before this?
These feminists realize that we want a modest woman right.... We have no interest in fucking spoiled goods

Shows how delusional they are

I'm an irl Nazi and I've fucked TONS of leftist and leftist Jewish girls.
Maybe it's like reverse psychology. They are trying to get more nazi cock.

I mean, all of the sudden I want to hate fuck an sjw just to spite them.
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>How does it feel knowing most graduates are women and you are a NEET?
You do know that women take more taxes out than they earn, right? Even with women outpacing men in education.
Affirmative action was a mistake
You are not a Nazi larper

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Sorry but a real National Socialist doesn't engage in degeneracy
>mfw many feminists still have a submission fetish that can only be fulfilled by civilized and manly Aryan fascists
>when the femishits drive all these twinky blond boyz into my arms
Except themselves
As if that's not why alt-righters got into this mess in the first place.
>we have vaginas
>check mate, men!
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>feminists refuse to fuck...
pinky promise?
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Roasties are so full of shit.
Why were they fucking them in the first place if they hate them so much?
Someone tell this blob that she has her arse on backwards
working on one right now kek
Every woman I slept with was a Feminist whore. I'm not ashamed about it either but should seriously consider meeting more women with my similar views and thoughts
Because they're single women, it's the first thing in their heads: the "nazis" are sexy and they want to sleep with them, unlike the weird, gross, limp-wristed feminist men and queer freaks they end up surrounded with.

So they feel guilty and try to turn it around: they're fighting the "nazis" by resisting their urges.

Now they're fantasizing that they can reform sexy "nazis" by only sleeping with them if they change sides. Meanwhile, they have no idea of how repulsive their slutty ways, weird group-signalling grooming, drug-device-and-surgery barrenness, and rejection of traditional gender roles are to the conservative/reformist/reactionary men they're drooling over.
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thread here
Im a man and i want his dick
he's hot desu
I'm literally shaking.
Just say it's a communist Jew divide and conquer tactic, because that's all it is.
>unfuckable hags says they will not fuck you
>Dana Schwartz
joke's on them, I just lie about my opinions until it's time to vote or fight
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You tell me.

Good luck getting pussy you nazi fucks.
oh (You)
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Feminist say only value on women is the cunt.
Wtf. Is her ass on her frontside?
Gonna an hero now, I just can't live without my 350 pound pink hair waifu.
Does this mean that they are in fact only good for one thing?
Is Nazi cock the new BBC? Hitler was the ultimate bad boy who had the finest aryan pussy wanting to jump on his cock but still negged them to hang out with his Luftwaffe and Wehrmacht bros. Alpha as fuck.
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So women who weren't having sex with me in the first place are threatening to not have sex with me? Oh no. What ever will I do.
lel future cat ladies in the making
thus the end of prohibition.
Oh no! Maybe now I'll only meet women with non-retarded world views!
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It's an actual Bioweapon/Virus. Social Engineering just accelerates it.


False Identification, not that person who got doxed.

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History repeats itself.

Don't forget the White Feather Movement:
What is it like having Super Gonorrhea?
thats some nice frontbutt you got there
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Nazis don't get sex anyways. The only way they get sex is by hiding or lying about their ideology. Or by fucking their cousin/sister/mom.
I dont even know if this is bait or just black iq
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Checked and mate
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did you take your schizophrenia medication today franko?
slight kek
> Think they will have a say in the matter

The more they say no the more they're challenging you to make them your women.
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Nazis wouldn't want feminists anyways, so what's their point?

That's like gay men protesting to not fuck straight men.
>implying I don't fuck traps
Women? Pfft.
I know a tsundere when I see one
>implying they will have a choice in the matter

Also, it is not the woman who fucks, but the man. The woman is the passive one in the arrangement, hence she is fucked.
Who said anything about fucking?
We didn't.
You did.
Clearly the sight of proud white men makes their pussies wet and they have to make excuses for it.
Just like they don't fuck male feminists.
Feels like the fall of Rome ya cunt
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>most graduates are women
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>See antifa feminist cunt at bar
>Talk her up, saying you're an ally and hate Nazis
>Take her back to her place and fuck her in the ass
>Leave Nazi propaganda in her bed at you leave in the morning before she wakes up
Lel fuck feminists. They will fuck you over with tons of senseless allegations. I'd pick conservatives.
is this trigglypuff?
die faggot
Gay men give the best blowjobs though.
Or so I heard...

Medication is more of your thing, since you fell for a False Identification.
>and all I got what this t-shirt
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like I want to fuck your ugly cunt, you brown feminist landwhale
>the struggle is real
>to find clothes that fit
>How does it feel knowing most graduates are women and you are a NEET?
That's deliberate so (((they))) can indoctrinate women into becoming useful idiots for their agenda. It's nothing to brag about these days. If women were doing this 60+ years ago, it'd be impressive.
>not drawing a swastika on her back with jizz
(((Dana swchartz)))
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Check out that proto-duckface.
oh frank....
Her whole line of thinking is pretty stupid. At the same time, it reminds me of that post from the guy who runs Stormfront/Daily Stormer (I forget which one) about how people should dress for rallies. He went on and on about how they're going to have "Chad Nationalism" and women would flock to them because they were the "bad boys" who were "hip, sexy, cool".
You know, feminist/antifa pussy does come when you are no confrontational.

My experience with feminist girls is just saying what i think only if they ask me, and never ever arguing with them. I usually just "ok" them after they gave me their rebuttal and we are fine after that.

I'm no shrink but i theorize that on one hand they like the attitude of not giving a fuck what they think and on the other they got to spew their self reassuring crap without you putting her down.
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The fact that she felt like she needed to write a think piece about some random post off the internet about this is really telling.
I fuck my gf just about every other night and i say racist shit all the time, women don't care at the end of the day
Lmaooo none of these dirty cunts bathe. They cant afford soap
Honestly this, I've met way more women who have had to be "shushed" by their cuck husbands when they get too racist than have ever seen the exact opposite.
>Not giving her a Nazi creampie
This. I'm trying to violate the NAP if you know what I mean
>Affirmative action was a mistake
intentionally detrimental*

This was always (((their))) plan.
Is this a promise?
How do I become a Nazi?
If you're white and male, you're halfway there. Just don't be a feminist/fag and you're a nazi.
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Don't know what that is, don't read their shit.

"babe.net" Sounds like a porn site to be honest with you, the trash domains they come up with...
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>By Danaschwartz
>start chatting up this one girl from work
>found out she's big into second wave feminism
>tell her i'm a white nationalist to get her riled
>instead of getting riled up, she wants to hang out
>starts telling me she sees the difference between races
>big into illuminati theories
I think I can turn this one /pol/
>tfw also have done this
>dropped a couple of red pills on their group
>broke up like 2 months later
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Also just saw it

Dana (((Schwartz)))

Of course (((we))) white women lol, holy fuck queue the merchant memes
>germany had it coming
That one is kind of on us
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you will never look like this, fucking feminist loser
>turn colleges from elite institutions into Diploma Mills designed to saddle people with massive debt
>inclusion of women and shitskins has forced colleges to lower standards to the point where most majors are a joke and teach you no marketable skills
>ROI on a degree has never been lower
>men figure this out and stop going and the ones that still go heavily pursue the most lucrative degrees
>How does it feel knowing most graduates are women and you are a NEET?

Pretty good, considering they usually graduate in social science of uselessness
New plan, honeypot feminists by acting in a way in which you will get laid.

Right as you orgasm scream


Make them sign consent contracts before.
Both of those are absolutely DISGUSTING!!!
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>threaten to not fuck men that are woke
You ever tried to drown a fish?
I chuckled imagining that this is the whole article
>holes fire a bunch of synapses and discover reverse psychology

Ah, the overpowering smell of swollen pussy aching for Chad cock.
Feminists are the epitome of cognitive dissonance when it comes to sex
I guarantee that immediately after writing that article she schlicked it to a photo of Hitler "to teach him a lesson"
The opposite applies as well!
t. Faggot
Hey I'm not a liberal I don't believe what I believe because it's going to get me pussy.
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Thank you so much for this idea. This will become my new hobby now.
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"Heyy girl, I just want to secure a future for you and our children."
Hitler wasn't a virgin. He had a girlfriend.
What self respecting man fucks a feminist anyway?
If a feminist threatened me I would treat here with equal violence and kill them with pleasure
Feminists fucked Nazis in the first place?
Feminists fucked anyone but feminists?
Anyone wanting to Fuck feminists?
How is that possibly a bad thing, even in the slightest? I kinda doubt those gentlemen are into YFing up used up old mudskanks and other assorted STD nasty-asses anyway, and who could blame them? But ya know how it goes....with cunts EVERYTHING revolves around the roastie between their legs. Look for it everywhere...
give story, all the details
Feminist are unfucked girls.

Not a single girl in a relationship is a feminist.

This is a paradox.
So you admit your only value lies between your legs.

>not taking a shower to fog up the mirror in order to write a swastika in the condensation that reveals itself hours after you're gone
get on my level
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The Spectator is a right-wing mag, though, so it's not like it's a Salon or a HuffPost piece. Still, there are scientific studies suggesting a link between BIG BREASTS and right-wing views AND higher intelligence, so there's that. Someone oughta google it and post it here, I'm too lazy.

There is something definitely appealing about a modest woman, that's for sure. But I for one don't give a fuck if a woman is right-wing or left-wing, those are abstract spooks that have no physical reality.

All that matters when it comes to marriage is: Is she a virgin?

If yes, proceed. If not, don't get emotionally attached. Because she sure as hell won't.
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>being called a fag for not enjoying women with male bodies

6/10 for originality. Actually activated my soybeans.
12 was her prime

no pedo though
>they still think this movement is about sexual frustration
ahahahahaha, no bitch

the more I get laid the more fascist I become
plz senpai teach me more
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Freudian slip. I don't think anyone should be surprised, female sexuality in the left is based on daddy issues, what they seek exist only in right-wing men.
Low t detected.
Hard choice, but I guess I can go with liqueur.
Oh noes, where will we get STDs from now...
Sweden has like 3000 Islamists on it soil and they don't need to do anything because Sweden islamizes voluntarily.
Murder charls is best charls
>Feminist: We're not going to have sex with you.
>Me: Umm, thank you for that courtesy.

Welp, there's a bullet dodged and a therapist somewhere who won't get a visit from me.

t. Someone who isn't a fascist or a Nazi, but leans to the right of Karl Marx, so might as well be to them.
Patrice O'Neal pretty much said the same thing during a stand up.
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I gotchu senpai
>women literally contribute nothing to society but their vagina
sounds about right
It's just a weak shit test.
>Feminists threaten to stop fucking Nazis
They always call me back
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>tfw no nazi gf
>when you're feminist but you accidentally reduce a womans value to sex
What about Ubunga and Tyrone?
That's probably true considering they have dicks and would know what they're doing
I've heard that high school males in my area are rapidly turning back to the trades and the college meme is dead. Women still full throttle ahead.
nursing degree is the most common women degree I hear from women I talk to now.
Wouldn't it just disappear instead?
Who cares?

Someone post the "arguing with holes" image
Feminists threaten to stop fucking-
>becomes Nazi
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Also hooked up with an extreme leftist girl. She wasn't antifa, but a full blown feminist SJW.

When I found out she was a SJW, I just assumed I wasn't getting laid either way, so I just began dropping redpills on her ass, and using extreme arguments to piss her off.

She refused to absorb any arguments, but getting her to come home with me was extremely easy, and she made me choke her while we fucked.

Leftist girls are generally just fucked in the head because they either had no dad, or their dad was a pussy. That's all.

>I hold my political beliefs in the hopes that they will get me sex

Said no one ever. Oh waiit, there are people who say that - male feminists.
>we're not going to fuck you
>says the hairy sow with rainbow hair and a nose ring
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A true patrician
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>"That think saying faggot is edgy and brave"
Fuck, how out of touch and PC can you get? Bitch, "faggot" is so tame people use it like a comma.
Saying nigger is edgy.
Saying kike is edgy and brave.
>If you’re a 20-year-old pretending to be a Nazi, you’re not a bad boy; you’re a racist virgin so humiliated by his own sexual inadequacy and terrified at rejection that you’ll blame your feelings of weakness on some unseen Liberal Agenda.

Damn...LARPers btfo
They don't seem to understand that Rightwingers don't need our politics validated by women.

In fact, most of us consider the enfranchisement of women a gigantic mistake.

Most women remain apolitical and that's the best woman to involve yourself with.
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who cares
the era of succubi is over
My first thought exactly
how to become a cat lady
look at this leaf, just devastated everyones butthole without even trying, like grapeshot into a tightly packed ranks

mods please ban leafs
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>The left are going to start telling free and liberated women who they can and cant fuck
Yeah that couldn't backfire, whats the appeal of a forbidden fruit bad boy?
>why were the men drinking

Really makes you think

>Not doing a HNNNNGGG when you see thick thighs.
>Not being a faggot.
Pick one.
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I've fucked at least three feminists and I've been very open about my political opinions. Eventually they learned to stop disagreeing with me because they knew I'd win the argument. I'd put them in their place and they'd like it.

By the way... this article seems pretty sexist. It's a self-appointed "leader" telling women what to do with their bodies. If women who identify as feminists want to fuck a Nazi they can. And they don't OWE you anything for being a "woke" brocialist.

Finally, the women on the right are way better anyway.
kek saved
Same. She loves sucking my dick and then getting mad I don't believe in "hate speech" then I fuck her ans she what's up.
congrats ur officially gay !
This is late-stage feminism. Women can never overcome their nature as whores, and now they're at a stage where they no longer need to pretend to. Of course, the result of this will be disastrous for them, as is the case with everything women attempt.

This is great to see. Once women actually come to realise that they're whores, and that their current collective strategy of prostituting themselves is a failing one, completely depreciating their value. The result will be a gradual return to the most secure and effective strategy for them... patriarchy. We're just seeing the beginning of this, only just, with young women pretending to be totally alt-right and traditional and some courts becoming slightly more equal in favour of the man. It's an inch, but it'll grow as fewer and fewer women are capable of getting married.

Of course there are other factors. Collapse, the external and internal threat again whites, and so on, that will either make a return to patriarchy quicker or destroy us entirely. On the other hand, artificial wombs may permanently lower women's value, either forcing them into literal prostitution, spinsterdom, or actually having to become decent people.
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>not doing it on her face
sweden yes!
God let this be true and happen within my lifetime
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>tfw I will never have a handsome enough face to have my dating profile pic be me in full Hugo Boss SS gear
>This will never result in me swimming in thots who want bad boys
Aww, how else to contract HIV?
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>wanting to fuck someone so much you have to write an article about why you don't
a perfect cross-section of the female psyche
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Obviously, your own men learned about how that works when they dropped by France, right in WWII, right? Women always side with the men they perceive as part of the dominant group.
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Zip zip!
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Shit, seems like I have to become a nazi now
The biological background of most attraction is the fitness of the mate. The biggest drive for equality etc. is probably inside the hearts of individuals who are inferior. So no wonder there.
Jokes on them, I'm married to a Russian Orthodox Slavic QT who is more than just a slut hole
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My porn is all explicitly between a man and a women
>The March Continues
Sure it will
>he doesn't do pov
Get on my level you cuck
why does that remind me of charlie and the chocolate factory?

How many STDs did you get?
Why does the alt right fear women so much?
>what does this mean
You talking about that vanilla as fuck 3DPD or did japan step up?
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>he doesn't just go to /s/ and find whatever category he finds pleasing
Watching another man fucking a chick is one step from being an actual cuck.
>one step from being
No, it makes you an actual cuck
Lord forbid my pelvis doesn't get annihilated into its component quarks by the fat ass of a landwhale. What ever will I do?
He was an autistic virgin until weeks before his death actually when he married her

He wrote diary entries of getting cucked by his crush as she showed the other boys attention but she didnt notice him

Instead of getting mad and shooting up the place, he got determined to make a timeline where the world is better in his mind. A world where he wasnt so far out of her league. He showed God: "Look, all I wanted was her but you denied me her for reasons I dont yet understand. Here's what I'm capable of when I don't get what I truly believe I deserve." And then he changed the world

Or maybe he was le secretly le jew idk
nothing of value was lost
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This. They're the biggest sluts I know. I just use buzzwords and talk about feminism and equality with them and then I'm in.

I've noticed that a decent chunk of them like it in the ass.
>he doesn't want this
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no one wants to fuck feminists anyways
It probably won't. I mean it might, but probably not while you're still in the marriage and kids age range. I think a collapse is the most likely solution, though who knows what the fuck will happen if artificial wombs become available. That will be insane and I regret that I may not be old enough to see the batshit crazy outcome. Collapse though. The big fear is that because our society is so propped up by technology and wealth that we simply fade out of existence and our replaced. In many many ways, world wide civil wars would be better.
Its feminism's end game

Women don't really want the responsibility of being dominant. They just really want their men to stop sucking and theyre horrible by design at understanding how to solve this. They would rather manipulate than teach maybe because thats all that beings from venus are capable of
(((Dana Schwartz)))
they are the biggest sluts
Gonna need some sauce on that.
For some reason super liberal antifa chicks are the ones I have the most success with. The more I dismiss their opinions and treat them like retards the more enthusiastic they get in bed

It's like they're trying to fuck the racist out of me. Won't work
I have never made a leftist girl orgasm, listen to my politics and then not hit me up

Every single time they want more
Hey man whatever floats you boat but I prefer my matter to be baryonic thank you very much.
>You can't reject me, I reject you
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>Implying polturds got any pussy in the first place
This desu senpai
>marriage and kids age range
As a man, I don't give a fuck what society thinks that is and I'll marry a chick 40 years my junior if it means my family name survives
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Lel I'm fucking an SJW
Doesn't change the fact that at the end of they day, they're competing for my 30 year old 120k a year affection, and not the other way around.

I pump and dump more women a week than you've ever met, and every single one of them is a law student.

And I tell them, before they go down, that I'm a Nazi. Hell I try to make it more obscure sounding than that, I call myself an "esoteric hitlerish."

Hasn't stopped one so far. Won't stop one any time soon.
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>It's like they're trying to fuck the racist out of me.

Sounds like women logic to me, you are onto something.
>At a bar with my friends
>Start chatting up two girls who sat at the table next to us
>They ask us what kind of guys we are
>"Us? We're Nazis" I tell her with a straight face
>Friends start laughing
>Take one home and fuck her
She was a huge leftist but you could tell that a lot was due to what they told her at school
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Front ass.
Wrong. My feminist ex gf has been with over 50 guys, 17 of them in a one year span, most of them were Chads too.
>tfw still can't get over her after 6 years
>things that never happened for 200
when they get stabbed and death raped they'll come cosying up again.

women gonna whim.
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What's in it for me?
>implying my gf isn't way more racist than I am

And no, she's not fat trailer trash like 100 years of Jewry has programmed you to think she is. She's a 10/10 qt with a non-meme masters degree.
>capital E

>>>Not wanting the ultra-fit hotty on the right.

Go back to fucking goats Abdull, seriously.
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>feminist landwhales with shitty social habits don't want to date us
>digits soooooo close

women dont fuck, they get fucked
Idk about this. They most likely have lefty political views but theyre always reading from a TelePrompTer so you don't really blame the faces just the news companies itself
>this post
>that flag
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Neo-nazi women are a thing that exist. You can fuck them.
Yeah, what twenty year old girl in her prime doesn't want to marry a 60 year old /pol/ user?
Good. I get to save my money
If you keep it up when it keeps fogging back up then whenever she takes a shower next it should still be there.
Source: child me drew on hotel bathroom mirrors.
Sounds whacky
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That's not a feminist. That's a spoiled roastie whore. There's a reason your dad should have taught you to never stick your dick in crazy.

I don't think you understand how Nazism works.
>referring to individuals as collectives
I feel like images like these are created to discourage men from living healthy lives. Women have thoughts and have lived x amount of years too, they're not all evil parasites like they're made out to be on here. They're just different than men.
>engaging in adultery
holy shit it's literally the same as today just black and white.
The truth really does hurt. All women are whores deep down that are willing to cheat on men, some of them are really good at suppressing it and others really don't give a fuck.

can confirm

Stop making excuses like a weak liberal commie bitch.

Your forefathers would have slapped the shit out of your mouth if they read this faggot shit. Be a Goddamn man.

women always trying to control men through sex
Where did you get this?
>not doing it in her womb
der führer is disappointed in you.
Lmao those retards think that I'm telling anyone but my family about my REAL views
My literal jewish female professor thinks I'm a leftie normie
She also finds me attractive

What a beauty. I wanna see her in 2017 probably similar age to me
This shit image is nihilistic and retarded. There's nothing here that is fundamentally incorrect about women, but society cannot function if every responsible male with foresight is not breeding. Antinatalism is anti-white. If only you retarded MGTOWs focused your energy on fixing the issue with society instead of wasting all of that sexually frustrated energy tricking your brains into feeling superior for not breeding, despising women for their primitive brains, and not establishing intimate relationships.
It's those white suits they wear in the TV room.
Either that or the oompa loompas, I am such a big fan of WW that I should know, but I know what you're talking about.
Honestly it would have been great if they put more of Roald Dahl's western supremacist thought into the movies that was present in the book, at least the cast was all-white.
Checked duckface and digits.
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This. Any time I see faggots asking about where to find a "red pilled girl" or slobbering all over e-thots who hang out in right-wing circles, I want to revoke their man cards. You can red pill any woman immediately if you fuck her right and make sure she knows you're in charge of her. Women are a dime a dozen. Being a "red pilled woman" doesn't make you special.
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its almost like women are only as good as their men make them be

beat your wife
This >>138230670
I want to be a man of culture.
Thats funny I red pilled a diehard antifa, into supporting trump even had her stripping in my room before I gave her the ole razzle dazzle. These cunts love Nazi cock, dont get it twisted. They know we're not evil. And the epitome of masculinity
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This version is better.
is that a 4chan post on the cover?
Sadly true. Women aren't people and I will never see them as one. Dating is dead.
Then I'm proudly a nazi.
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I wasn't fucking feminists before I became a Nazi, and I could rape a whole bunch of them if I felt like it, but that is their fetish not mine, and I don't want to catch a disease from one of those degenerate whores, nor are they worth time in prison, and I don't particularly find many feminists physically attractive nor are they capable of stimulating me on an intellectual level.

The feminist threaten cutting off sex with me, and men like me may as well have been some be that house on Halloween as a child that offers candy-corn that nobody really wanted threatening to stop giving out candy.

Thanks for not making me waste the effort to get something I don't want from someone I don't care about.
Well nobody wants to fuck feminists, so win-win.
Lol the more that they make fucking Nazis taboo the more women are going to fantasize about it. Calling it now, it will be mere weeks before a REICH'D porn website pops up
Kek that's true. Helps that their are a ton of masculine right wing guys showing up in media and like 0 masculine lefties
There* fuck
>destroyed Planets before & needs

explain and source please
Why do leftist girls like being choked? Not that I ever complain but still, they have no fucking self-respect.

You can usually pick out a leftist/mentally-ill girl by the fact that she wears chokers in public
The hell are you posting
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