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Go to 3:40
>the absolute state of the subhuman normies
>boiling coffee

Guy manages to become a bigger faggot every time he posts. I'm actually impressed.
Leave this cretin be. His mere existence is punishment enough.
Obviously dry ice was used to give the appearance of steaming coffee.

That was iced coffee from Starbucks.
the fuck is with seattle and hipsters?

what is it with hipsters universally being white boys that cannot grow anything more than a scraggly beard?
grown up without fathers, or at best, nu-male cosmopolitan cuckolds
>People will believe this isn't staged
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who is he?
fuck off alt-left shill
this guy is wearing a WWE crew shirt which means he works for the company. vince mcmahon would not stand for this
I think the beard thing is more telling.

I've never met or seen a """"""""man"""""""" who couldn't grow any actual facial hair not be angry and overcompensating. See it all the time in the south with white trash and even more up north.

I think it might have something to do with genetics and just plain no real testosterone production throughout their lives.
how do we get that disgusting cretin arrested? i don't mind if some nazi LARPer gets brained on the street but alex is a brave patriot and literally /ourguy/ who will defend our freedoms to his dying breath.
He looks like a gremlin
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alex jones laughing.gif
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A faggot.
>boiling coffe

and you motherfucker complaint about fake news,jesus christ...
>I'm your mama!
A.J. confirmed pussy.
its a potbelly goblin
it wasn't even hot, just look at the skin colour
Fake and gay.
there are people with plenty of testosterone that still dont grow facial hair

testosterone levels are dropping significantly though, for every generation. alex jones is right about all the chemical pollution and the destruction of the food and water supply
You know that disgusting vile face reminds me of that pic of what looks like a girl with greasy facial features and a growing mustache with a disgusting mole on her face. Someone post it for comparison.
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Why didn't Alex floor him if it wasn't staged, seems like something he'd do on the spur against some violent faggot.
lol I love how Alex just weaves it into his commentary
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Lol this dude looks like the living version of "le 63% face." Someone post it.
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"He was physically grotesque"

>this is the Face of the Alt Left

This guy is a cretin and idiot. The coffee guy also.
Some shaved gorilla
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>liberals can't mem-
>Alex Jones goes to the streets
>All any leftist is able to say is Fuck You

Lol my sides, and apparently Alex Jones is the hateful one.
lmao this

also what happened to alex's super bodyguard he bragged about before?
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>there are people who believe this isnt staged

Seriously? Do you genuinely think a small deformed troglodyte like that guy would have the balls to get into the face of Alex or pour coffie like that?

Staged as fuck, stop being idiots.

the typical american
Looks like a paid actor to me. I never expected Alex Jones to stoop so low to be honest.
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>dem Alex rustled..

>"He was physically grotesque"
top kek, I do love Alex Jones
I know a dude with burn marks on his neck and chest from hot coffee. That shit happens.
staged as fuck
Alex Jones really is the WWF of politics.
>White american yankee
Why does /pol/ want to save them again?
He took it like a little bitch lol

This is your hero /pol/
This is genuinely funny, I'm impressed for once
Holy shit, carl the cuck and aids skrillex had a baby
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Suing deranged lefties is just another revenue stream for our humble water filter saleman.
you alt right pussies going to sue kim when he launches missiles?
god you people are such cowards.
how are you going to defend the country when you wont even defend yourselves from bioling coffee?
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Does art imitate life, or does life imitate art?
PJW is a total faggot. Alex himself never said it was boiling. He said it was warm.
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remember when you fuck was laughning at the dead in ukraine?

the life is such beatiful karma..
>PJW is a total faggot.
i believe it
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A Caricature
Checked, yeah it gave me a chuckle. The guy is a complete faggot though, desperate failed actor type.
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The goblin.
Wonder what his name is?
Was he wearing a work t-shirt?
Does he work at a coffee shop?
What cross streets was the video taken?
retarded newfag
Probably just a false flag.
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how is the white power working out for you now my white little nigglet?
Looks kinda like that Kurt Eichanwald guy
Winnipeger here, no one knew or cared of this event. or care to this day about this. Even if someone brought cake to my workplace meant to offend me, I'd probably just eat the cake.
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Clean shaven >>>>>>> dirty-ass Abrahamic face pubes
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i think people should kill you.

is it ok to think such god wishes?
No, you need to fucking lurk more. Since when does /pol/ take a fucking Prison Planet video at face value? Just because you became aware of Alex Jones within the past 3 years, doesn't mean the rest of us haven't heard from him over the last 10 years.
The "fat is bad" meme is the reason for this. This massive lie about how great bread is (bread in chain markets is garbage) and about how bad dietary fat is has caused the obesity epidemic, and the loss of testosterone. Excess body fat produces estrogen, and a lack of dietary fat hinders testosterone production; so we have all these people sustaining themselves on what is essentially sugar (corn derivative products and enriched flour bread) and avoiding food with a high fat content (which is most protein rich food). That equation works out to a bunch of fat cucks.
Josh Gad
he wouldn't let the little goblin interupt his video
What a buffoon, acting like a complete child.

This is the face of the left.

WTF, i like niggers now.
>Watching the periscope
>3 people engage negatively with Alex within 2 mins
>other 10 mins of walking around nobody engages

Seemed staged honestly. I like Alex Jones but recognize he's theatrical and over dramatic. Just hate if he actually stooped so low to stage something like this
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>no one knew or cared

top kek. you know why i lught at you chinadian faggets. Winnipeg is wasting each year around half billion dollar to feed and doctor those ukrainian pigs. and now you are going to be arabs and those pigs will kill you to sack arab sheckels.

enjoy your shit cacke fuckface..
He's seriously like a little batman villain just out of costume.
Sweaty Tulpa
i've heard of him for over 11 years you newfag baby
Butter Bean McQueen.
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Yes, we all believe you Swede, we all believe you.

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Normies believed some .gov sponsored alt-left folks waving nazi flags and giving roman salutes in Charlottesville wasn't staged, so why wouldn't they believe this? Assuming this was actually staged, of course.
he made an earlier video, talked with laods of people, maybe half of them liked him
That was one of the most repulsive creatures I have ever seen.
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I've post humorously used that term to describe people, but never in my life have I actually seen a human being so worthy of the title; this thing has physically sickened me. He portrays something directly out of a cave dweller in Lord of The Rings.
Are you the 52 percenter potbelly goblin in the video? You kekistani newfag cuckold bitch
somebody better tell alex hempfest starts today at noon

you want to find brainwashed liberals in seattle that's the fucking place
spot on
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Holy fuck that's my bus stop ALEX I am COMING
>gov sponsored alt-left folks waving nazi flags

This is unreal logic to me. You mean to tell me all the people here are actually pussy and wouldn't stand up and wave their flags? Seems like a fucking reach if you ask me. Spend all these years with people on here that literally talk about that shit all day long, and turn an eye when they do it in public. Amazing, /pol/ is less rational than /b/

Kick rox Swede
>Winnipeg is wasting billions of dollars to feed and doctor a shit ton of people

Tell me something I don't know, Ukrainians are the least of our issues.
>look at me im a dumbass
>oh no, someone called me a dumbass, ill call him a newfag!
Lol I've seen a gay sex video of Alex Jones on a really deep web. This though act is just an act. Even he admitted that he's just an entertainer and all this fuzz is just for show and making a living.
what do you mean you dumb bong? he went right after him and called him a coward.
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a literal potbelly goblin hobblin round coming after alex jones
he is a /co/ anon.

You see how empowered these cucks feel when calling people racist? Man Its gonna be good when they are beaten, its going to be very salty
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Yeah, .gov would never do something like that, nor would they ever encourage their useful idiots to follow suit! Democrats are totally moral, upstanding people; not at all underhanded, dishonest, or subversive. And for the record, I speak for myself -- not /pol/. You're confusing us with your groupthink enclave.
physically grotesque indeed
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fletcher the kvetcher
Gingivitis George
Melvin The Gremlin.

Yeah, I recognise this guy from somewhere. He's like a comedian or writer that periodically appears on the shows he works behind the scene on. Anyone have a name? I'm just drawing a blank where I've seen him. Must be in need of some brain force and water filters.
It looks so staged and setup.
go back to plebbit you shitstain
youre a dumbass newfag
You are forgetting that the left thinks it's cute to act like a faggy cartoon character.
>tfw all the ZOG bread contains soy

They'll be calling it an acid attack by the end of the day.
Man he looks like a fag.
yep, alt-rite cucks are forced to be gay by their jewish masters
the only ones with a real voice are poorfags like sam hyde and murdoch murdoch
This video is so powerful, I'm saying this should go viral, if you know people on the fence show them it...
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if shit goes down, they will come for us all.

look after yourselves lads and lasses...
Who the fuck boils coffee?
Fizz Igly-Groetesque
at first I thought it was this guy:
That face of the OP, does that revealed face of the offender remind you of someone on twitter? Let us know
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look at that retard, literally looks like the blue pill cartoon. It can't be a coincidence

Why did you cut off the end?

Totally, you can see the pure narcissistic poison pouring out of it...

There was a prediction and I believe it was in the bible that satan would release the narcissists
lmao i forgot about that image
Holy shit
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youtube copy

another meme becoming real?

WTF are we doing man... We're being used as pawns ffs.
so obviously staged it's painful to watch you retards assume otherwise
the thought did cross my mind

and my previous comment

I thought that Alex was just lying to us and ist was all just an actor's spectecal about goblin zombie 'liberal' masses.

But no! Wait long enough and what Alex Jones says comes true. That guy is actually a goblin, he can't even talk!!!
I recognise the 2nd actor with the covfefe, anyone else? Can't remember the show he was on.
The coffee baptism is the new right of passage for right wing libertarian activists, for our movement.
of course not, nothing is a coincidence, the universe sent this cuck out to make us laugh
I'm pretty sure the dude is a writer and small time actor
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You thinking about this dude?
Goblin be gone
I denounce both alt right and alt left, I already accepted Jesus as my lord and savior, I absolutely repent all my past sin and future sin if I am lead into temptation for which I will say the lords prayer daily to remind my self Jesus died for my sin and that the only way to heaven and salvation is through the lord Jesus Christ, in Christs name I declare I will strive to be a better person every day till my last on this earth.

Reminds me of those scientology videos where they go up in people's faces and repeat their cult slogans. Newfags don't know about these but they went viral and were very important in turning hating scientology into an international sport. The public hates this kind of cult behavior.
Am I the only thinking how staged this looks?
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>mfw he looks like the amerimutt meme
someone save this country
wow, credit where credit is due. First lefty maymay I've seen that actually made me spill my coffee
yes, you enlightened intellectual
i present to you left/pol/ everyone.
originally I thought humm, this video was posted to /pol/ not that long ago


Then the mex guy i'm referring too looks way different, maybe all these people take on that fat cuck form and look so similar...

If you're talking about the second guy that assaults him with coffee.
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wait no

It fucking can't be the same guy? But he does the same moves, gonna have to listen to the voice more closely fucking hell, might be on to something...
We need to dox this pig.
Ask Alex for info. He's the one who hired him.
dude that image wtf, stop that, its friday afternoon after work i'm too high for that shit xD
He brought bad optics to the Trump administration with his nazi larper type shit. I'm glad he's gone, just a huge distraction like Flynn

How can he have no neck?
I think this and the Unite the right incident were both faked. The latter especially
It looks it but I doubt it is, our reality now is literally an exaggerated meme of the past...

I believe this physically grotesque, acne ridden, fat, growth stunted, little goblin slime is real.

The sheer amount of cuckolding chemicals he has continuously ingested throughout his life debilitating him both physically and mentally, and dependence on repetitive menial labour in order to survive, as well as a severe lack of exposure to humanity and intellectual thought other than state approved media, have caused serious genetic mutations and recessive neurological damage thereby leaving his grease-laden flesh-sack of pure white fat able only to spew through his discoloured rotten smirk the kind of babbling idiocy to be expected from someone with severe learning disabilities or a mental age of 10.
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>I'm your momma

Well he certainly has breasts like a woman.
I want to say this actor was on some shitty show on comedy central, with longer curly hair. Probably not an eceleb, but the dude in your vid is like a Mexican doppelganger. It might be fun to dox this guy even if Alex is somewhat based. I dislike hypocrisy
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Let's find him
goblin be gone

Reminder important videos from the beginning can be lost, it took me some time to find this video, this is a reupload.

The power hidden from us is being buried, don't lose focus, we are god here, it is either us are them who control this world.
It's not an actor your spergs. This is the creature you become if you watch the mainstream shows and eat the mainstream food and listen to the mainstream music and follow the mainstream trends
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>when you're late for a truth bomb
in all the is holy goblin begone
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Goblin begone

Stinky dinky?
Well well well
I will dox this guy regardless of what you want to say about my suspicions. If humanity has failed, and these types do exist, win. If I expose hypocrisy, win. >Assburgers to the rescue
I can guarantee you that its just a random guy in seattle.
>Fluoride Goblin
I love this name for him a lot. Trips, and that's his name now. Leave out the alt-left part though!
Kevin Covfefe
No one cares. Hope Alex fucking dies. You are losing everyday
you got pi
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feeling salty?
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weaponized autism will be unleashed, i already have a grand video compilation worked out that will red pill normies, in Christs name I will unleash a thousand minds pooled into one video.
I'm surprised it's only 34% unemployed. Guess paid protester counts as a job nowadays though.
Well he works in a coffee shop, can't be that hard to track down
Not an argument. Sad that you won't even show your flag.
The absolute state of 4+4chan/leftypol
Physically grotesque, mentally instable
is there a full youtube version of the full video?

I'm guessing infowars will upload the HQ version to there channel later, I would like that...
Proof it was staged?
You don't have it.
almost full https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3vZZWLsOGp4&t=0s
what a cringe that little dwarfy jew thing.
Why is Jesus looking so sad in your pic?
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I can taste it, its like sea water, its so uma delicia
Someone had shoved Michael Savage to the floor and kicked his little dog Teddy some months ago. I think it was at a book signing
thanks dude
George Soros pays well to groups like BLM and Antifa.
What's it say on his t-shirt
Literal vampire pot belly goblins
Hobbling round, coming after us!

i bet most of them are shut in neets except when they partake in the sorosfests
He's a big guy
If the left aint stopping
When the goblins popping
OH thats Hillary coughing!

Let's go give it to ya
Subscribe for more
This is the motherfucking infowar ;)
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Only a matter of time before this goblins identity is revealed by the master Autists of /pol/.
He's going to regret attacking this patriot for the rest of his life
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It's time...........
Alex Jones
They are taken from the socially engineered brainwashed masses.

Liberal media mind control has a very tight grip on our country.
>Disparages menial labour
>Can't get enough pajeets and najeems through the floodgates to do basic tasks that neurotic class-obsessed brits turn their noses up at (eg, serve coffee, clean a toilet, fuck the womenfolk of Britain [listed in descending order of pleasantness])
Pass on my regards to all the other bantasaurus rexes in Oxbridge, my good fellow
holy shit what is it with leftist being all ugly
Coffee Kevin?
literal goblin
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>quintessentially american
There's a story about how ugly thoughts, ugly words, and ugly actions will make you physically ugly. It's true.
Looking forward to that, mr kubrik
He always said goblins were the real enemy and now we see the true face of the Alt-Left.
He even walks like a fucking goblin.
wtf would a paki be doing in poland

i'm not saying it
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>mfw i saw alex run
Better than Alex Jones
>I gotta get more coffee
Alex Jones BTFO
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"Hot Covfefe Caleb"
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Smeliot podger
Kill me, Pete!
The Slobgoblin
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He got coffee thrown on him and he doesn't even try to slap the guy? What a cuck
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average /leftypoo/ poster
goblin begone
Anyone remember that little goblin with the beanie who was flipping people off?
This guy is gonna get coffee dumped on him soo many times...
Fake and geh!
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Seriously? Who the fuck throws away perfectly good coffee?
More like /mlp/
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Good job!
First line in second verse is out of place. Fix plz.
The guy was literally shaking from the adrenaline he got from confronting what his mind convinced him was the devil in human clothing.

However it contrasts comically with his appearance.

goblin begone
3rd and Virginia. You can see the sign for Bergmann Luggage in the background.
Low test low self esteem. They can only fit into a group designed for the outcasts of society.
Why can't you faggot just provide the direct link?
Typical American
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