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How old are the statues that are being removed in america? I

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How old are the statues that are being removed in america?

I have to admit, this is the first thing the left has done thats really effecting me, all the other things I just shrugged off, but destroying monuments really gets me. I looked up one of them and it wasnt even 100 years old, then I stopped caring about that one. Are all the statues new, or are there ones which are hundreds of years old?
The civil war was only around 150 years ago

US education system everyone
The statues are mostly from the Jim Crow era though

im a yankee and i disagree with the removals. it pays homage to the men that for whatever reason defended their given states, with high casualties at that
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so you don't care about our monuments?
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>Destroying monuments gets me
>100 years old, I stopped caring
Nice movement of the goalposts, fag

some of them were put up right after the war, some in the early 1900's, and then some during the 60's.
You're the one demonstrating poor comprehension, he has a South African flag


Statues don't become important because they're old, they are important or unimportant on their own merit and what they represent
well their not just destroying civil war monuments now.

they were probably made of plastic anyway [spoiler]Its my coping mechanism, fuck of[/spoiler]

do we even have any left to care about?
And? I've been seeing lefties out up this argument all day, but I'm not getting the implication. A statue is illegitimate unless it's erected while the bodies are still warm?
Question to liberal faggots

Why now?
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Venezuelan born american here.

Living in Florida and seeing it from a foreigners perspective I kind of see both sides of the issue.
If i were a black man, seeing confederate history on public display would be a constant reminder that the fathers of the people around you probably thought of you as a subhuman, and something that was owned property. I would see that statue as a legitimization, almost celebration, of the CSA.

if I were a white man, I would see my families history being erased before my eyes. I may not even consider the racial history, but just see the confederacy as a southern bred culture. Being proud of who you are and how your ancestor's fought for what they thought to be the true american way.

Personally, I think they should stay. statues are cool as fuck and a testament to history, even if it may be ugly, it is still important.
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paul kruger son!
Doesn't matter how old they are, it's a piece of history and if the left keeps going the way it is then an entire period of American history could potentially be wiped out.
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Is this man(?) the most famous South African currently? I keep seeing him posted everywhere.
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Are they saying they're meant to be a stand-in for cops to keep blacks in line or something, like China does with their fiber glass beat cops that are meant to keep people from speeding?

>no suh, i aint fiddnuh shuck n jive up n dis muh fucka, dat cold metallic Stonewall Jackson lookin ass nigga be eye'in me man!
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If the commies tried this shit here, I would form a flag guard around the monuments in danger. Reminder that you can't really erase history, you'll only end up in the list of shame yourself.
The North had slaves also. Emancipation wasn't implimented until near the end of the war. The war was faught over whether state authority could/could not supersede Federal authority.

The issue is that the war wasn't actually faught over slavery. But (((history))) keeps meming that the yanks were liberating black people from the south.
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Most of the statues were put up in the 1920s when there was a huge civil war nostalgia fad. The last of the Civil War vets were dying off.

Also this was right after WW1 when Europe went on a monument building spree cuz WW1 was a pretty big deal. America as always tries to copy Europe, but can't for WW1 since they joined late and didn't do that much, so they start throwing up memorials for their last big war - the Civil War.
I can also see how they might not like it, but its not like its a statue of a nigger getting wipped. It has almost nothing to do with slavery. The main problem seems to be people who have a very limited and stereotypical idea of the south during the war. But even if they decide to get rid of it, why destroy it? why not remove it, put it into storage and ask if anyone else (some billionaire or other city) wants it (might not work depending on size, but the ones I saw werent that big).

Whats with them and destroying shit that can easily be just removed (pic is art from a campus being burned in SA)

the vast majority of those are way out of the way and nobody has payed attention to them in the last 100 years that they've been sitting there. my main problem with this is the catering to the weakest minds in our society, it doesn't end here it just goes to something else to destroy.
Them tearing down statues while self immolating their party and organization is a small price to pay. These actions are doing more damage to themselves than any enemy could to do them.
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>on their own merit
buy a gun asap cuck

The answer is 0.0 years. How many great societies fell to shit and how many of them do we only know through statues and other hard to nigsmash objects?

How many of them had books and explanations of wtf happened and how much of that survives longer than the art?

Anyone that thinks the internet or some library is immune from brown people doesnt know their history. Unless you like the idea that we will be picking through dirt for centuries for a fraction of what humanity has lost to selfish ignorant fucks then you should consider everything historic to be sacred so it has a chance to serve another generation.
>the North had slaves
Typical retard southern ignorance.

The North banned slavery decades before. The country had been split between Free states and Slave states since the Revolution. During the civil war several Slave states remained loyal to the union (Maryland, Missouri, etc) but there was no slavery North of hr Mason-Dixon Line for at least 50 years before the civil war.
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Not a single statue should have been removed, doesn't matter if they were 10 or 100 years old. America isn't America anymore, it's been hijacked by a group of thugs. I thank God every day our ancestors are not alive to see what a fucking failed experiment we've become, tearing down our history one by one because it hurt our feelings. My God, imagine the shock on Robert E. Lee's face, or Thomas Jefferson's, or anyone born before 1920. They would ask themselves, how did it ever come to this, how did we become so twisted.
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