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Jewish Hate Thread

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Thread replies: 88
Thread images: 55

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Post pics about why we should always hate Jews.
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>mc serch
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Only Muslim hate the Jews, Muhammad.
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Because OP didn't get hugs as a little boy and is still raging at scapegoats.
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And they have a right to do so, pic related
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stupid kikes
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Euro flags are so good for shitposting
1. Because it wasn't just a death camp, it was a work camp.
2. These are memoirs, and omit all kinds of things the authors were not directly involved with commanding. For example, Churchill's book omits the entire Eastern front and Asian theatre of the war.
3. Again, it was not only a death camp. Read some holocaust memoirs to learn why some inmates received medical treatment, why others didn't, etc.
4. Because the "Jewish problem" was a central tenet of German suffering, and the persistence of Jews in the population was viewed as one of the greatest risks to victory. Like, duh.
5. What the fuck do you think The Wannsee Protocol is?
6. Every group that becomes a victim of genocide wants to avoid undercounting its dead, because it's a fundamental disrespect to them. That's just bias, and it might be true in this case. As far as defining "holocaust" goes, the difference between 10K and 10M is naught.

etc etc etc
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everyone hated jews. why wouldn't we?


If you don't think the Germans killed millions of Jews in camp, you've got a weird theory about the history of the Jews.
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bump jesus
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the scapegoats that changed the immigration laws to make us diminishing minorities in our own lands?

or did they just change themselves? retard
I'm cool with it either way. On the one hand, thank GOD they killed a bunch of Jews. If you think this is a troubled world now, how much more fucked up would it be had an extra 6 million Jews not been killed?

But on the other hand if they didn't exterminate 6 million Jews then what the fuck were they thinking by not killing 6 million Jews???
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Ancient Rome was successfully multicultural. What made Germany fail so badly? Was it testicular malfunction again? Or just the unending sadness at losing yet another major war?
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>Ancient Rome was successfully multicultural
no, it wasn't, that's why it fell apart, because the different groups were loyal to themselves, not each other

>mary bearf

are you pretending to be retarded? you expect us to believe bullshit sources? kek
>you expect us to believe bullshit sources?
I'll take an Oxbridge professional Roman historian over the excretions from anon's ass.

Try her easy-to-digest series. You'll learn something (and don't tell me you can't stand BBC productions):
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j solzheniskin.jpg
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oh, argumentum ad authoritam?

try refuting what the other anons in this thread have said, mr "I still belive the (((guardian)))"

why did the jews kill 66 million in Russia?
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>rome succesfully multiculti

>litterally collapsing after relying on immigrant soldiers too much coupled with mass immigration into the empire.
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post pics on jews engineering replacement of whites or race mixing propaganda

talmud as well
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since when is justice kennedy a conservative lol?
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More [OC]
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Even more [OC]
>implying Russia wasn't already populated by white negroes before the revolution
>implying they weren't already living under a horrible tyranny for centuries
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CNN garrison original 2017q3.jpg
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Final [OC]
In memory of Norwaybot, RIP.
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Why do Jews use religion as a justification to suck on baby penis?

Metzitzah B'Peh (oral suction)

"The process has the mohel place his mouth directly on the circumcision wound to draw blood away from the cut."
Its for some Kabbalic reason
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Even NPR reported on the pedo Jews.

Abuse Scandal Plagues Hasidic Jews In Brooklyn
""If you're a pedophile, the best place for you to come to are some of the Jewish communities," he says. "Why? Because you can be a pedophile and no one's going to do anything. Even if they catch you, you'll get away with it.""
The romans had different levels of control over their subjects, their where the subjugated peoples, the colonial citizens, the tributaries, and the full roman citizens. all given different privileges and access throughout the empire. This is why many non-citizens would conscript into the legions as a pathway to full citizenship. But until the early 3rd century, full citizenship was really only extended to italians and greeks, with some cities around the empire having full citizenship as well.
Not suprising, this Jewish girl was involved in satanic rituals like sacrificing babies and they're other Jewish families across the country who do the same.
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>Even goddamn descendants of Mayans hated the Jews
Fucking send anti-Jew pics.
Europe also stabilized after WWII. Their economies grew, there was little reason for most of them to immigrate. So, if we want more white immigration, we need to bring Europe back to disorder.
America is fucked. Europe needs to stay white. It's our last bastion of hope.
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Jewish copy right trolls.png
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>shifts flag
>jews hate you
>jews a nurturing an anti-white culture
>you're just insecure
Okay kike
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wtf i love islam now
STOP posting bullshit pics/links with bullshit claims. You need an image with just objective claims, which when put together, could show a lot of unanswered for federal law violations.
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Wait wut.
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(((((((Easy to digest)))))))
memoirs don't mean shit
I've finally become redpilled on the jews
how do we redpill normalfags on the jews?
We can't unless there is a way to spread mass information.
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>based nig Gadaffi built his own riverbank in a supposedly barren desert
>got murdered by X because the World Bank didn't approve

"... supplies 6,500,000 m3 of fresh water per day to the cities of Tripoli, Benghazi, Sirte and elsewhere. It is also the world's largest irrigation project.[3] The late Libyan Leader Muammar Gaddafi described it as the "Eighth Wonder of the World.".[4] But in 2011 it was damaged by NATO, due to which Libya is still facing water shortages."

Environmental impact is something EVERY normie can agree on, just a matter of changing (((perspective))) and method

Quran mentions Jesus more than Mohammed

just a fact
jews arent friends with most white people, they only help themselves
the internet is literally the information super highway, my man.
again, see >>137868941

>white people try out vegetarianism -> tweaks it a litlle -> current day raw food experiments co-inciding with Vegan-ism
>"Vegan" label products pop up in stores around 2010 or so, after decades of them not being pandered to at all
>that Kosher label on most Vegan Society products and where that $$$ goes to
It does not mean that a foodstuf becomes unhealthly because (((some other people))) than yours take the monetary gain from selling it to you
that is next level SNEAKY
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I admire the subtlety.
Thread posts: 88
Thread images: 55

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