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Well, /pol/?

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Thread replies: 118
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Hit random nerds with bike locks and justify it by saying they were a nazi.

you stupid commie fuck. arent you late for your antifa meeting you fucking faggot. posting a niggers tweet nonetheless. fuck off rainbow bright fucker.
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nice straw man
crack open bystanders skulls with bikelocks

OP be like:
im such an ignorant liberal i cant figure out what trump means by alt-left. thats how fucking dumb i am.
Burn down my hometown
t. Hamburg
*stabs man for not sufficiently denouncing nazis*
Violently protest.
>what does the alt left do?
Get BTFO by dodge chargers
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They threw bottles full of acid and partially blinded a guy.
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They'll sell every white male and myself down the river in an effort to please Karl Marx and The Eastside Boyz.
Everyone look up the Communist Control Act of 1954. Start spreading this to your local sheriffs.

Ask them to investigate the World Workers Party, the SocialistDemocratic party of America, etc.

Current law on the books to take them down.
almost murder people with bikelocks
drag people out of their car and murder them then not get mentioned on national news
attempt to install communism/anarchy and later once again claim that it wasn't TRUE communism after it leads to the death of millions
Hey that's their fault for having a different political view
threaten to stab 10 year old boys to death
Going to be really funny when all the antifa pol doxxed walk away unpunished because they use the "I was fearing for my life" excuse and it's now valid because of Charlotteville.
Beat the shit out of innocent people at free speech rallies and then call them nazis jus5 because they're right of Mao. You won't make people forget how violent you've been the last two years.
they charge people with clubs, stab people, punch people, mace and acid spray people.
uhhh, they killed a guy with a shovel like 6 months ago
They kill people, they fight everyone that doesn't agree with them, they burn stuff, they ruin private businesses, they ruin buildings, they ruin historical monuments, they are actively trying to assassinate the president, etc etc etc.
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This is the face of the alt left
I dont watch tv, but if this is really what ppl think, they must be really selective about what is shown or people have a really short memory. I have talked about some of the things i have seen happening at these rallies and most people had no idea it even occured.
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Challenger m8
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and this
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and they murder police officers
oh sweetie.
I expect them to die.
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Attack people who disagree with them, like the Nazi's SA.

Blacklist people who voice different opinions, like the SA.

Disrupt opposition political events, like the SA.

Demand a change in Government, like the SA.
Brazilian socialist Healthcare is great
When are you going to rid us of your presence?
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Look at all those alt-lefties preparing to hug hard and spread welfare.
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<----- This is what the Alt Left does
hit dodge challengers
get hit by dodge challengers
Smash you over the head with bikelocks.
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He has multiple cases against him for attempted murder and multiple angles of him hitting a man on the ground over the head with a bike lock. He ain't getting out of anything.
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they LARP as isis
Well, Anika Noni Rose, you're almost there.
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Alt-left just got BLOWN THE FUCK OUT by the leader of the alt-right; Mitt Romney. Will they ever recover?
They get hit by cars and suck a lot of black dick

Kind of like the alt right now that you mention it
>muh "hurr durr what is communists"
these people are trying to hard, it hurts
Loot and riot constantly?
someone needs to make the meme when white men chimp out for these images
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<------ Alt Left Trophy collection
>muh leftists are the good guys
lol people still push this shit?
Honestly most people seem to of never heard of antifa. If the media said antifa is a radical communist group, the story would be different. But most peoples opinions are based on a lack of information.
They riot, and attack people who disagree with them. Fuck the alt-left
Smear. threaten, violently attack people with different political ideas.

That chick lives in her own reality of fluffy clouds if she's not aware the far left is the most violent political current (aside from Islamic fanaticism) and constantly instigates violence. More probable though is that she's a hypocrite who deliberately chooses to ignore the reality.
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Take over abandoned buildings and use them as a base of operations in-between rioting around Europe. Put up posters saying that if you date a white person, they will know and they will take "Direct action".
They make sure insurance companies get billions in additional profits and refer to it as its pseudonym, "healthcare".

They also try to regulate the rural areas into complete bankruptcy devoid of any industry whatsoever, strongarming the populations of these areas into metro hubs, while also classifying these metro hubs as "sanctuaries" where foreign citizens can live with impunity. They're literally funneling people into metropolitan areas where they veto immigration enforcement while pretending immigration laws still exist, they just exist outside of the metros, where they have conveniently made it so no one can actually achieve a meaningful livelihood (ergo, you "can" live there, but you can't really live there).
constant gaslighting
Wear masks and destroy property and attack people. Kinda like the KKK.
This. If you don't share my opinions i will fuck you up.

Death to fascists btw.
enforce communism violently
propaganda in press
kill those that don't conform
Silence free speech.

did I mention they go to free speech rallies to intentionally attack people and "shut don't hate speech"?

You know what hate speech is, Equality.
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>a ten year old kid is more mature than antifa

the fantasy

the reality
Turn peaceful lawful protests into violent riots that escalate to people being run over by cars
Execute serial killers? Huh
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"Come on, Nate, we gotta dig up grandma to get the treasure!"
They cheat at softball. No assault rifles until the bottom of the 5th.

pure junk
Alt Left will bring in Year Zero.
>What exactly does the "alt-right" do? Lowers people taxes hard af? Throw money at you? Give you freedom with attitude?

It's even dumber because she's serious with this shit..
thats not how it works bub
Have you seen what happened at the G20 in Hamburg?
I live there (currently vacationing in the ethno state) and I have never seen so much police in my life and that still wasn't enough to contain the violent thugs, burning down cars plundering stores and attacking the innocent.

damage control

The Bolsheviks are scared being labeled enemies of the state.

Antifa and BLM are like "We Dindu Nuffin."
> attitude
Isn't it weird how the left doesn't have to misrepresent your aims at all to bring you into disrepute but you guys have to lie about us?
that's some solid snake shit
Marxist Georgi Plekhanov told Lenin to ratchet down his liberal-hating rhetoric because he (Plekhanov) believed the liberals could be a useful ally in the forecoming revolution.

Has the Marxist-Liberal ally really changed at all? Or is it now stronger than ever? The answer may not surprise you!
What exactly does the "alt-right" do? Promote voluntary exchanges of wealth hard af? Respect the hell out of traditions? Give to private charities with attitude?
Starve Ukranians.
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terrorize people
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destroy peoples lives
Truly, our government sure knows how to handle public healthcare
Aiye aiye aiye, seems i've a fever, sorry i stepped outt'a line on this one
people take that shit seriously?
that pamphlet reads like a tumblr post.
Antifa aren't real, they are in your imagination!

Don't be crazy, do you also believe in the bogey man?!

I don't think the alt-left executes a man who massacred a dozen people without mercy and who was a commie himself, nah.
The point is that this is the type of shit the alt-left does. They're anti-white, and violent. Like Brown-shirts.
<---- What the alt left does (Katyn massacre)
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<---- What the alt left does
kill commies?
someone should make a burner twitter and get these trending
the alt-left rapes children and kills white people.
Guys the left is losing this war, they are now using draconian measures, complete censorship, and losing their shit. Even the GOPe have joined them because their narrative is failing.
Stay strong, it's always darkest before the dawn.
>meals on wheels

Yeah, that'll save the world. You know, instead of growing business and creating jobs.

All those crops in California dying because nobody to pick them, nobody is in such need for work, has nothing to do with handouts or false narratives regarding minimum requirements for life. Nah. I'm just a bigot.
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comparing confederate gods to actual ancient world gods
the jews groomed our politicians.
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>What is the Alt Left

Prostrating to communism just makes it easier for them to shoot you in the head. How do these children even conceive that they'll be able to incorporate a system of commodity, wealth, and labor distribution when they proclaim "real" communism is stateless? Who is going to enforce their wet dream? And prevent people from reverting back to respecting property rights, conducting laissez-faire business, and manifesting their own entrepreneurial spirit? The only reason Norks manage to suppress exchange of human services for compensation is through the threat and power of the state. Why do they refute the notion of human nature but behave in such a way that tacitly submits that without government, people will "naturally" revert to systems of communism?

Wait a second, I think I hear a knock at my doo
>these people are so dumbed down that they think 'far left' just means 'really good'
>my post turns into anti-communist pol memery

I am not sure how to feel about this
totally normal people
We cyberpunk dystopia now. The utopia we've all been waiting for.
our aim: an ethnically homogeneous homeland for white people, just like every other race has

their aim: death to """"nazis""""

hmmm i wonder which one is more violent
yeah, and here is the peaceful redistribution of goods. Truly an amazing utopia.
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i would literally beat you to death dude
trips of truth
>this is what bolshevik scum actually believes
And some more civilized G20 "alt left" hard as fuck hugging.
Murder five cops
Pepperspray people at point blank range, hit people with bats, throw bricks
>being a communist is illegal

Best timeline
>Anti-Israel Advocates

nice try schlomo
Alt-left attacks people with bats, bike locks, m80s, acid, mace, bear mace, knives, human feces and urine and more. Yeah they're real cuddly, I'm going to give any that touch me a 9mm hug.
Just read the comments.
They are insane. The end.
There is no reasoning
>Right: Well antifa and blm are violent
>Left: We aren't talking about them, we are talking about the weekend
>Right: Yea, but all you do is bring up the past like slavery, crusades etc.
>Left: Yea, whatever Nazi
Please, Please, any sane person, tell me how to argue this?
Just start the civil war already. It's too far gone, there is not enough red pills in the world to fix these people. They are too far gone
All they do is lie.
The mental illness is they TRULY believe the lie.
So twitter campaign posting all the images and vids on antifa being a bunch of violent communist degenerates when?
>destroying history is ok if it isn't old as fuck
kill yourself
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