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I am the only republican who stands up to Trump

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You've all heard of me. I'm the only republican that hasn't bowed down to your leader Trump.

Your talk of fighting communists on this board is impressive. But your support for Putin is a result of his internet propaganda team. Here's a "red pill" as you guys like to say it: Putin is a neo-soviet. He's condemned "excessive demonization of Stalin" by "Russia's enemies" and has managed to convince the majority of Russians that the mass murderer Stalin did more good than harm to the country. Now that Russia is in a financial crisis, Putin's taking advantage of it to nationalize and socialize major industries.

Now we have Trump, and whether he was helped by Putin or not we will soon know. Nonetheless, Trump wants to let Putin run free, and while it may seem like a joke now, when Russia regains its power after the financial crisis they might hurt us. I spent my life fighting communists in the battlefield and in government, and I won't be around forever. Can I count on you to dump Trump and Putin?
Thank you

We need more Republicans to stand up, demand the party go back to Eisenhower Republicans and not the modern Nazi alt-right crap that is he GOP.
lol cringy shills, sage
sage factorial

>Russia regains it's power

Even if you took all the former USSR states and combined them into Russia it'd remain far weaker then the United States.

The true threat to the world is the totalitarian communist regime just next door named China, not an incredibly weak and economically crippled nation known as Russia.
Russia never was an economic powerhouse, it was always a poor communist country but an aggressive and domineering one.
Hi John McCain how is Arizona
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Hey what do you think of the fact that most of your government is controlled by Mossad pedophilic blackmail tapes?

Are you a pedophile yourself?
Enough of this pedo conspiracy shit
>Bush Cock suckers who still think Iraq was a good idea.

I'm a veteran. I support Trump more then any president. I don't give a single fuck about Russia.
Day of rope is soon you sick fuck
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>Eisenhower Republican
>Bush Republican

You have to go back faggot.
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All Russians like Stalin because he built modern day Russia of course through blood. That's not new, Putin is not a communist, he is more of an ultra-nationalist and due to the mob being to invested into Russian politics it's kill or be killed in the Russian political scenario. Russia is not an Allie or enemy to anyone; Russia wants what Russians believe is best AKA Odessa and Crimea, the Krillin Islands and Kalingrad. Russia wants full defensive security and access to the Black Sea they would turn on china if china ever threatened their security just like they did when North Korea made nukes that can reach Moscow. I admire the Russians for their nationalism also fuck off cuck and start studying other nations cultures and politics. Slavs are friends of the whites and Slavs are anti-islaminization.
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>But your support for Putin is a result of his internet propaganda team.
Don't presume to mind-read.
Define what you mean by "support for Putin"
>questioning the anglosphere false narrative does not ipso facto become "support for Putin".
That's mentally lazy on your part.
Now, fuck off.
Far more russians support the mass murderer now than in the early 2000s, and its because of Putin's brainwashing
You agree hillary should be in jail for treason right?

If the dems hadn't run that cunt trump wouldn't of won.
No one cares about you faggot
Wouldn't it be funny if russia was the proprietor of the rising red scare in the US right now.

As in people openly supporting communism and wanting capitlist dead. People leave that out when describing antifa. Antifa was created to enforce ideas just like gestapo.
I like Stalin and Roosevelt. It's a pity that both of them were killed by the enemies of Russia and the United States.

Russia and America: can we be friends? History shows - even more!

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