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Trump's comments on James Fields may have created a legal

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>Push trump to condemn Unite the Right and James Fields
>Trump says, "The driver of the car is a murderer, and what he did was a horrible, horrible, inexcusable thing."
>Now media blames Trump's statements for making it impossible to prosecute Fields


>Under our Constitution, every person charged with a crime has a presumption of innocence. A defendant can only be convicted after being found guilty beyond a reasonable doubt on the basis of the evidence presented at trial.
>The Supreme Court has held that if adverse pre-trial publicity makes it impossible for an accused to be judged on the basis of the evidence, then the accused cannot be found guilty, no matter his actual guilt.
>When the President of the United States declares on the biggest stage possible that someone is "a murderer" and "you can call it terrorism," it makes it more difficult for a trial judge to find unbiased jurors.
>I expect Fields' attorney will move to prevent any trial from ever taking place on the basis of overwhelming pretrial publicity that has tainted the jury pool — and will rely heavily on the President's public pronouncement of Fields' guilt.
So now of course they say it is Trump's fault that Fields can't be brought to justice. What a shame.
Obligatory reminder that even Obama had the decency not to leap to calling George Zimmerman a murderer
Those faggots did that before Trump got near a mic
What would be the charges? He got scared and floored it, or was their something more to this story, what happened with the helicopter.
Is this some fucking 3D chess shit

Fuck Obama
Is Trump's audience even bigger than all the MSM outlets combined? How many common plebs (meaning not us) hear Trump outside of what the MSM reports?
>Under our Constitution, every person charged with a crime has a presumption of innocence. A defendant can only be convicted after being found guilty beyond a reasonable doubt on the basis of the evidence presented at trial.

The media is saying this. The fucking media that calls him a shill every fucking day with no proof or trial is saying this. Dear lord.....
Now everyone will shit-talk Trump for this
obama actually called zimmerman a white terrorist that needs to be put down and attempted to interfere with the trial directly.....
911q chess
Is there actually any progress into the police investigation into the incident? So far all I have seen is people getting their feelings hurt and blaming one another.
It somehow carries more weight when blump says it. Flawless reverse psychology though, now anyone who wanted to vote guilty to lock up the ebil nazi is in a bind where they'll be siding with Trump if they lock him up. If they let him go however... BRUMBF BTFO
>Oy vey call him a murderer goy, you're defending this evil man!

Even their own bluepilled audience is going to have a hard time swallowing that turnaround, let alone the average normie who hates them.
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A pardon without a pardon the chimp out is gonna be the biggest ever
He's not talking about the kid you fucking morons.

He's talking about the other driver.

The media also does this with every single "rape" case. The mans life is fubar before he even steps into a courtroom.
4D chess, Trump just made it so James will be forced to be let free, which will ignite the 2nd Civil War.
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>yfw he's released because it's impossible to find impartial jurors
What a mess. Trump isn't the judge, what he said was opinion.

Ignore the circus and let the evidence be the deciding factor in the case.
We know that, but the media nor can even the courts frame it that way until everything comes out.
It does make it difficult to get an unbiased jury pool. More likely to get normies and not news watching cuckold leftists as well.
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The most intricate of chess.
So he pardoned via tainting the entire country, making it impossible to get an unpoisoned jury pool?
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oh gee that sucks
King Nigger will hang for treason.
Oh no.

I'm very distraught.

If you kill someone by accident you don't just get to say sorry and go home. If he did something retarded like pre-meditate going down there to start shit (like those /k/ faggots who went to the BLM protest then shot some people who were chasing them down) he is much more fucked.
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>tfw zimzam season 2 may only have 2-3 episodes
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Trump is like a constant artillery bombardment of liberal buttholes
>what happened with the helicopter.
antifa shined lazerpointers at helicopters (which is seriously classified as a terrorist criminal act) and caused pilots to crash it. but antifa killing two cops in a helicopter would destroy the narrative that only the "nazis" were violent.
So msm and can blast this guy all day but as soon as someone who supposedly 66 percent of people don't support say He is they're going to have a hard time? Giveme a break.
Trump is a boss

Pardon without a Pardon

He's looking out for you guys

You're right he just flat-out implied that he targeted Trayvon for his race when nobody knew for sure whether he was or not, which went a massive way towards inflaming the public outrage that forced the special prosecutors to arrest him.

What is your proof for that.

this it would seem trump caved only to try to save this nazi fuck
If he gets off Scott free, it will be anarchy.
Did kek plan this?

He also called Trayvon and Brown his sons and made a statement on the nights of those incidents inciting a massive riot

Obama planted the seeds of this years ago and now Trump has deal with it
This. Negligent homicide maybe depending on the exact details of went down. Murder is a stretch for this. They might plea down, but I doubt it, they want to make an example and it will very likely backfire.

Fuck the media playing both sides again, like fucking usual.
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>I expect Fields' attorney will move to prevent any trial from ever taking place on the basis of overwhelming pretrial publicity that has tainted the jury pool — and will rely heavily on the President's public pronouncement of Fields' guilt.
WOW, fucking inside out scrabble!
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Trump knows exactly what the fuck he was doing. He got to appeal to his base by saying "hatred from all sides". Wait long enough before condemning white supremacy so he didn't just instantly say it was white people that were the problem. Still got to publicly denounce nazis and KKK and call James fields a evil murdering bigot to the entire country so now he will be acquitted.

Out fucking played
being attacked by a mob brings the posibility of a self-defence innocence plea

we'll see, seem like the goy got a massive present from trump tonight though
It would've been difficult nonetheless. The case was loaded with political and ideological implications with or without Trumps words.
think jeffrey lords firing last weeek was all part of a plan?

So lets get this straight.

>MSM/Left want Trump to condemn this guy

>Trump condemns this guy.

>MSM/Left now mad because he's "innocent until proven guilty" which is true, ALTHOUGH THEY THEMSELVES ARE CALLING HIM GUILTY TOO...

>Trump's the one that tainted the public's opinion, not the people who's job it is to inform the public, who are constantly giving out disinformation to the public. etc

I hate these fucking people so much and I hope the dude gets off free just to spite them.

Probably involuntary manslaughter if they can't prove he intended to kill the person. Voluntary otherwise.

I can't see murder going by the videos.
It won't be anarchy. There will be a minor feminist chimpout. BLM doesn't care about white women if they aren't inside of them, by the time the verdict comes down antifa will be busy defending the erection of phallyc sculptures in central park or something equally degenerate. It's not like the trial will be over by friday when all this is still fresh, it'll be months to a year depending on how hard it is to find a jury.
lol. It nearly got Charlie Manson off
>if they can't prove he intended to kill the person

That's in that he became enraged at the crowd that was attacking him and he ran them down.
I guess I figured it would be tossed out quicker with the way it's being reported.
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Same. I just want to see the reaction from the left. They would probably burn cities to the fucking ground. Which is good, because it draws more to our side.
great, isn't it. been watching cnn all night, they are super unhappy

that fat rich socialist cunt moore was on, giving the whole "he's a racist, your a racist REEEE" spiel. guess what you fat greedy evil piece of shit, that word has almost lost all meaning. tons of people just nod along and go "yep"
>"adverse pre-trial publicity"
>multiple different angles of a video of him hitting a crowd of people with his car exist
>these videos and pictures are shown all over these media company's websites
>not every article posted by these companies even refers to him as "alleged"
>Trump calls him a murderer based on these videos and articles and somehow this is the final straw that will get him off the hook without even a trial

4D checkmate
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>which "James Field(s)" is the murderer?
Driver 1: a highly trained military professional
Driver 2: a 20-something NEET?

The irony makes my head explode.

Oh NOW "innocent until proven guilty" is a thing. Because you ask any lefty fuck yesterday or Saturday and they didn't like the idea. I'm getting flamed to all hell and back on social media for saying the dude is innocent until proven guilty.

The left just uses words/ideas when it conveniences them, it's never logically consistent.

Yeah I've been looking for his plea and so far... nothing? We need to see what he pleas.
>The Supreme Court has held that if adverse pre-trial publicity makes it impossible for an accused to be judged on the basis of the evidence, then the accused cannot be found guilty, no matter his actual guilt.

>makes it impossible for an accused to be judged on the basis of the evidence

there are 5 angles of hd footage clearly showing a person shoot another person with a gun, finger prints, dna, the killers written letter which they filmed themself write, and the footage from their go pro (which had a custom engraving of their name and ss number) which they spoke into saying they were going to shoot a person and then walked out and shot a person then looked back in the camera and said see I told you.

But, because all of this was discussed in the media and at water coolers around america, and everyone in america said 'I think hes guilty of shooting that person', the accused cannot be found guilty

>The POTUS discovered a new ability!

He's leveling up.
They just constantly move the goalpost so they always come out right and just. It's totally intellectually dishonest.
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you seem upset
Wouldn't that be something. The DA comes out saying they can't try him because the media tainted all the jurors with irresponsible reporting.
>So now of course they say it is Trump's fault that Fields can't be brought to justice.

3d chess
That's what I was trying to get across... it would be insanity.
Was always puzzled by the first emperor of China's burning of books and scholars until I saw media and intellectuals over the last couple years.
Also better to release the verdict in the winter. Chimp outs are much less likely when it is ass cold outside.
Well that's what they get for - and I know we use the word unironically here a lot, but really, UNIRONICALLY - using all their might of public pressure to push the idea that white men are the root of all evil and that their suppression and disenfranchisement is the highest moral imperative. Carefully consider that statement before you scoffand tell me how untrue it actually is.
Tbqh that trial was a farce (partially due to Manson, partially due to the DA and Nixon) and Manson should have been let off. There was enough reasonable doubt and there was the pres weighing in on top.
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>The Supreme Court has held that if adverse pre-trial publicity makes it impossible for an accused to be judged on the basis of the evidence, then the accused cannot be found guilty, no matter his actual guilt.
Wait what? If this is the case then why are guys thrown out of college and go to prison after a girl claims he raped her and plasters his name throughout the college? Shouldn't that apply for something like this? Or what about the cases like Mike Brown? Shouldn't most of the cases fall under this since BLM, the media, and Obama all had at one point assumed the guilt of the officers? Is that why Casey Anthony got off? I'm so confused

Also the media are the ones that immediately assumed the driver intentionally rammed his car into the crowd in the first place, it's amazing the spin they put on shit.
They're just getting ready with excuses for when he's found not guilty, or the prosecutor backs off, as more evidence comes out, like video the police were taking from their position behind him.

As we all know here, he wasn't a terrorist attacking a peaceful group of protesters. He was a terrified peaceful protester trying to escape a massive swarm of terrorists blockading the road so they could bludgeon people like him.

The terrorist-allied media has willfully pushed the fake news that he was a crazed neo-nazi killer. That position is going to become untenable, but don't expect them to ever admit they did anything wrong.

They're going to bury the story to the best of their ability as it progresses, and mumble something about Trump ruining everything.
Sometimes you do if you feared for your life. No one wants to be mobbed like Reginald Denny. That's what happens if you stop.
Honestly, I was thinking that this guy would never get to court because it wouldn't be possible to find unbiased jurors.
Thanks for making it official President Trump.
But he did
>The decency

He understood the facts nigga
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source on this anywhere? I can't even find it on retard news sites like info wars
All he has to do now is plead not guilty and get a halfway ok lawyer.
To be honest, this is a pretty good point
Strangely enough there are many people that simply don't follow news at all. Nearly as dumb as rocks of course, but enough to be jury members even in high profile cases.
Yeah I wish he hadn't but of course if he didn't then msm would have launched jew nukes
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the law is the law. this man was getting off regardless. this is the spin they are prepping for when he is acquitted for acting in fully legal self defense due to an imminent threat of lethal force. he was 100% legally permitted by virginia state law to use that car as he did due to the pre existing conditions on scene
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how about they come out saying and force the media to say and show the car from the back being hit by a bat, and say there is reason to believe this distracted the driver, who at that point was not driving recklessly, as people were getting out of the way, and the people illegally blocking the street were hiding parked cars that the driver could not see, as well as there being evidence the car was attacked up the street so the driver had reason to fear for his safety and attempt to flee but its also its possible it was a false flag perpetuated to incriminate the right
wow that would be awful if it didnt happen every other day 24-7
lmao fuck off fagot
They demanded Trump do this.
Excellent point. No matter what Trump does, they report it as the worst thing ever.
He has already been charged with second degree by the state, and is facing charges from the other like 20 people he hurt.
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Her own weight killed her.
She wasn't crushed or anything she was standing ontop of a car and got knocked down.

"Overweight motorists are more than twice as likely to be killed or seriously injured in road accidents than lighter people, it has been revealed." http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-191382/Crash-risk-obese-people.html
Its incredibly ironic.

By that same logic they should not put anything to do with any case on the news then, the media always turns everything into a finger pointing witch hunt. The defendants fate is practically determined before they even enter the courtroom because the media has spun some narrative to seal the deal to fit their agenda.

>It's totally intellectually dishonest.

Exactly and that's what drives me insane about it. I hate liars, I feel like I have a lie detector in my skull and when I'm dealing with leftists it's ringing so hard I can't hear myself think anymore. Because they like, make up, cheat that damn much.

One could chalk it up to bias, but it's known stuff they lie about like what happens here on 4chan. We can see events unfold in our own backyard in real time and then have media and their useful idiot follows just lie about it.
Doesn't matter eggshell laws are a thing (tort law, but still).
Military tribunal at gitmo for terrorism it is then
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No shit. This was always going to happen. HAHAHA he's going to walk now.
He's a jew. His mother's name is Samantha Bloom.

Goddamnit Trump I almost doubted you.
>she was standing ontop of a car and got knocked down.
Is this true? I'm pretty sure she got hit directly by the Challenger and knocked in the air.

Has anyone got a good angle shot to establish whether she was standing on the car or not?

>Doesn't matter eggshell laws are a thing
No, it matters a lot for a second-degree murder charge. They're not just about responsibility for death, but about intent to kill.

Did you not read the OP? If the jury pool is tainted, then there won't even be a trial. It's not even going to make it to the courtroom.
can a juryless trial be asked for?
No, that'll only be an argument his lawyer can make at the trial, and again on appeal if he loses.

Everything is adversarial. The judge will never just spontaneously throw things out, no matter how obvious it is, the defense has to make the argument.

Although it is possible that the prosecutor will use this as an excuse not to take it to trial, I think that's exceedingly unlikely.
Hes literally going to walk.

>video of his vehicle being battered before he sped off.
>pictures of him breaking before the crowd.
>does not adjust the vehicle towards people getting out of the way
>after the accident mobs of people rush the car with baseball bats before he speeds off.

Literally nothing ot suggest he premeditated the murders and the prosecutors knows it.

They will schedule the trial for 6 months from now and then about a month before it starts prosecutor will offer him 5 months jail time with time served and a 2 year license suspension. He'll straight up walk with an RO record.
yes its called a bench trial and will almost certainly be what both prosecution and defense asked for even before trump opened his mouth.

>media is still retarded

color me astounded.
Many in the alt-right are probably starving for an identity.
I think many of them feel targeted for no reason.

Also, many on the left are basically free-riding on the suffering of their ancestors.

Slavery does not exist anymore.
Segregation does not exist anymore.

Entitlement works both ways...
the left: my ancestors were oppressed, so the descendants of the oppressors owe me.

the right: my ancestors created this country for me, you can't have it.

Both sides need to wake up and realize that people outside might want to see the usa descend into chaos, which would be a shame. that doesn't mean the usa has to be some tyrannical hegemon.

just look at the ending of Gangs of New York, both the Native poor and the Irish poor realized that the Union Army was sent in to destroy their homes. Basically, they were bickering in a pointless turf war. If they worked together to improve their community both the Irish and Natives might have seen their standards of living improve together.

Everyone in the USA should feel that they have something to contribute to society, because if they don't they resort to violence, hate, & crime.
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>Trump saves /ourguy/ jailtime by calling him a murderer

>The Supreme Court has held that if adverse pre-trial publicity makes it impossible for an accused to be judged on the basis of the evidence, then the accused cannot be found guilty, no matter his actual guilt.

ahahahaha holy shit zimzam 2.0
get the fucking popcorn
this was obviously a bullshit government job
>Fields gets let go on mistrial
>goes back to real world
>will still be labeled insane nazi murderer

Convicted or not, the actions he took have made a big enough impact in america to not only fuck his own life over, but that of the alt-right.

No matter the outcome, he still royally screwed the alt-right to the point of no return.

No, because of habeas corpus and due process laws. This is written right into the U.S. Constitution. You can't hold him indefinitely and he's entitled to a fair trial by a jury of his peers. No wiggle room allowed. Gitmo only functioned because the people thrown in there weren't U.S. Citizens.
The left does realize this for the most part. They just want it to happen.

Most, if not all, of the radical left blame america for the entirety of the worlds troubles and would love nothing more than to see it crash and burn to feel vindicated. As long as they can still tug white guilt strings and get the socialist government they want out of it.

Why do you think they advocate policies that are nothing but harmful for the US?
Heeheehee I was thinking about this possibility when he said it but I didn't know this was anything more than my fantasy. That's fucking hilarious.
George Zimmerman clearly had a reasonable self defense argument to make. This guy has no apparent justification.
>You are not entitled to your country! Wake up goyim! Just get a long! Your differences are meaningless!

How retarded do you have to be to make a post like this

He'll just move somewhere else. The world is a big fucking place.
>not convicted of a crime
>where's my proof
My proof is the crashed helicopter that no one is giving an explanation for and is deliberately trying to imply it was the right's fault, meaning it is definitely antifa's fault.

He can. The movement cant.
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Ok RamZPaul. Go back to bed.
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I AM upset
I just assumed diversity hire pilot, given how corrupt the rest of the police office was acting.
Yes. This popped into my mind the moment he said the words. Not just the prosecutors, but also his defense. Trump called it murder (and he mentioned legal semantics) but still insisted that it was murder.

However, Trump isn't responsible. Trump may have caused the drama, but this is up to the courts, the lawyers, to sort things out.

Trump said what needed to be said.
>media calls everyone on the right murderers, bigots and racists
>even called this chap a murderer
>now, they are saying that Fields should have been presumed innocent

Seriously, trump doesn't need to send rockets to NK, just keep it home base and pull a few strikes in liberal hellholes
that feel when you can't google

get fucked shill, we don't spoonfeed people shit like you do on reddit. use your brain and fuck off
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Please be true!

>1488 Dimensional Chess
>>if adverse pre-trial publicity makes it impossible for an accused to be judged on the basis of the evidence, then the accused cannot be found guilty, no matter his(or her) actual guilt.

Trump became aware that this was going to be Hillary's defense!

This James Fields case will end up over-turning the Supreme Court decision and then Trump will LockHerUp!

44d transdimensional retrocausal underwater back gammon
Not a good argument. She would have been fat and fine if this guy didn't crash into the car she was standing on if that was the case. Best defense would be to say it is impossible to get an impartial jury now because of Trump's comments or say he was scared for his life. He might also be able to blame this on any medication he was taking.
I'd think so, but they will bring up his 9th grade essay on Nazi Germany and tweets he made two years ago or something to demonstrate that he drove to Virginia with intent to murder, which will be 'proof' that anyone who died he came in contact with he 'intended to kill'. these are not good people and they will use every bullshit they can if it their career is on the line. The prosecutor wants to become governor and the governor wants to become president, and killing James Fields might get them there while letting him walk would ruin their chances.

If it looks like Fields might walk, the dems might just have one of their nigger gang members kill him in prison before the verdict is read.
Same goes for the Alt Left.
Obama funded the protests against ZimZam and tried to interfere directly with a federal investigation

Pretty sure that Fields can't be prosecuted anyway, he's certifiable loony tunes, pre-diagnosed Schizo and is unfit for trial.
McAuliffe won't win the dem nom in 2020 unless he gets Fields prosecuted and death penalty. That means if it looks like Fields will walk, Dems will have a gang member in prison kill him before the verdict is read. Fields needs to be in federal custody right now, and I hope Sessions has that in mind.
This is absolutely fucking retarded. The Charlottesville chief of police called him a domestic terrorist the day after the incident.
>tell a the prez to condemn a murder
>prez condemns
>"oh look what you did!"
>Military tribunal at gitmo for terrorism it is then
probably the best chance he has at getting out of this alive. If he walks, then McAuliffe has zero chance at winning dem nom in 2020, so McAuliffe will have him killed in prison before the verdict is read if it looks like it will be not guilty. Putting him in federal custody and trying him in gitmo he will be protected from someone shanking him to get an early release.
>I expect Fields' attorney will move to prevent any trial from ever taking place on the basis of overwhelming pretrial publicity that has tainted the jury pool

it has nothing to do with it. the media is in full damage control. lots of high profile cases had shit leaked to the public that made the person look guilty

the reality is they cant bring charges against the guy because it was a unlawful assembly the second the protesters left the designated area and they were in the street blocking traffic . you can legally run some one over if they are intentionally blocking the roads

the government got sick of that shit with ferguson. emt's cant get to where they need to go because some people need to cry about some shit isnt acceptable. if there was a group of 10 people holding arms standing in a street blocking the path you can run them over
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Are you retarded, That Nigger was ready to Lynch ZimZanMan
>trump then accuses the media of being unhappy either way
>gets re-elected
>media forever bootybothered
I thought this guy had a shot, but another Anon posted proof of the Libtard bias. They voted around 90% for crooked Hillary. James needs to lube up the butt for the next 20 years.
I am Truly amazed, but Trump is looking good to get reelected.
>Excellent point. No matter what Trump does, they report it as the worst thing ever.

And anyway it was already branded as a terrorist attack by officials and the media which can only be murder.

Trump's comment made little or no difference.
The vice Major has posted how much he hates Whites, James is in serious trouble
>you can legally run some one over if they are intentionally blocking the roads

No you can't.
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Bullshit, fake news cunts knew he wasn't going to get charged because they knew he was provoked, now they're gonna try and pin the blame on Trump because he didn't bend the knee to their garbage lies
Looking good maybe. We need to see how 2018 goes first and who the Democrats will put up.
does James fields wear prescription glasses? The only picture I see of him without glasses is in his mugshot. If he does, why wasn't he wearing them when he was allegedly behind the wheel?
>If I had a son, he would look like trayvon
you dumb mother fucker
The Nut Job angle could give everybody a way to avoid this mess.
>Bullshit, fake news cunts knew he wasn't going to get charged because they knew he was provoked,

He will be charged and convicted of murder. It's an open and shut case.

Only delusional autists on this loser forum think otherwise.
You can when they are blocking the road and actively attacking your vehicle. Looks like this childless roastie found out the hard way, sucks to suck.
There is alot we still do not know, drug screen results, did he give a statement to police, and will his court appointed lawyer ever get a cell phone.
>it was a unlawful assembly the second the protesters left the designated area and they were in the street blocking traffic
AntiFa never had a designated area, only Unite The Right did.

Unite The Right got a permit to hold an event. They didn't invite AntiFa. AntiFa did not apply for a permit. They came and attacked the UTR event.

It was openly and obviously criminal, but the Democrat government ordered the police to stand aside and let AntiFa attack. Then, once the violence was underway, they used it as an excuse to pull Unite The Right's permit, and ordered the police to disperse Unite The Right *into* the surrounding AntiFa mob.

On having their permit pulled, some of UTR tried to practice civil disobedience, and sat in to await arrest. Instead of arresting them, the police just grabbed them and beat them along with nightsticks, and threw them to AntiFa.

That wasn't enough for AntiFa, which went to block the streets UTR would have to leave by, to stop their cars and attack them again.

...and that is how James Fields found himself on a street blocked by AntiFa, having his car attacked by armed thugs, with no way out but through.
I think James Field is guilty. But it doesn't matter what I think. This was a complicated case even without the entire media coverage creating narratives around it.

This is exactly what the whole court, trial, lawyering process is about- figuring out if he's innocent or guilty.
Trump did this on purpose in order to save him
Trump is a legal genius; he has a very deep knowledge of the law and legal procedure due to his business background
Fantastic move
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6000000-sided dreidel spin
Anon, a couple of days ago I would have said you are a fucking idiot. However, it looks like the Jury Pool is going to be made up of fellow idiots like yourself. Therefore, I have changed my mind and believe morons like yourself are going to send James to prison for as long as you can.
>left knows Fields was attacked and acted, impulsively, in defence. That can't be the narrative


More like mans laughter.
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When you realize Leftists now have to argue for due process of hate speech.
You're not a lawyer.
Trump did not compromise anything.
There's plenty of 'professional footage....
Uh, there's something called the US constitution that gives citizens the right to free assembly and speech, permit or not. That's what all you nazis keep saying. That's what the commie AVLU argued in court .. for you Nazis so you could old your rally.

Really, nazis should have one thing to say after all this: thank you commie ACLU
The video helps both sides, his statement to police is going to be the tie breaker. Anon, you do know he has yet to meet with any Lawyer. So it is not looking good for James "Punch Mama in the Mouth" Fields
They shouldn't have pushed him, especially considering how much power his words hold as the fucking President of the United States.
counterpossibility: top leftists agitated for this because they outright knew that they'd acted violently towards the kid and were facing the humiliation of a court case that categorically vindicated the right and implicated leftists' own inability to control their violent behaviour in the death of the victim of the crash. If the court case didn't go their way, it would be catastrophic, whereas having him acquitted like this is, to public opinion, functionally indistinguishable from him being convicted - in fact it's better, because now both the rogue rightwing element AND the system are implicated in a rightwing plot like every good little leftist prays they are at night to validate his revolutionary fantasies.

I dunno m8s, this one could go deeper.
Maybe Trump was trying to give the kid a Presidential Pardon.
>I think James Field is guilty. But it doesn't matter what I think. This was a complicated case even without the entire media coverage creating narratives around it.
>This is exactly what the whole court, trial, lawyering process is about- figuring out if he's innocent or guilty.

Of course he deserves a fair trial, I'm just saying there's nothing complicated about the case and he will be convicted
>Anon, a couple of days ago I would have said you are a fucking idiot. However, it looks like the Jury Pool is going to be made up of fellow idiots like yourself. Therefore, I have changed my mind and believe morons like yourself are going to send James to prison for as long as you can.

if someone hits your car with a stick as you are driving by you don't then have a licence to kill anyone in your path.

It's not complex.
>hits your car with a stick
>licence to kill anyone in your path.
it certainly isn't complex when you intentionally dumb it the fuck down to your level
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>i have no info to back this up at all because i was a lying piece of shit so i'll tell you to fuck off and call you a shill
The sad thing is I think you really believe this case is not complicated. James was the 3rd car that thought they could get through the intersection. The first photo released by the Pol lease shows he was distracted when his car was struck by Antifa. The murder victim was killed by a Muslim doing shit CPR, have you not been keeping up?
convicted of what though
If the Lawyer can not get a change of Venue James "the loser" Fields is toast. The Jury will be made up of Antifa. Another Anon posted that fact earlier in the day
>>hits your car with a stick
>>licence to kill anyone in your path.
>it certainly isn't complex when you intentionally dumb it the fuck down to your level

That's the essentials of what happened. That's what we do in law, break things down.

We focus on what's relevant, not like retards on here obsessed with the fact that he wasn't technically breaking the speed limit
anything new on the mental health angle ?
I read Fields was a real nutter, schizo and all that.
I never believed the 9d chess meme but what the actual fuck is going on lol
>Uh, there's something called the US constitution that gives citizens the right to free assembly and speech, permit or not.
It's "the right of the people peaceably to assemble". AntiFa didn't come to peaceably assemble, they came to attack people who were doing so, and deny them their right. Among other things, this is a federal crime: conspiracy against rights.

Furthermore, that doesn't mean a right to assemble anywhere at any time, on any public property. It doesn't give you the right to crash a permitted event at a park, even if your intentions are peaceful. The police should have been turning AntiFa away from the Unite The Right event, or arresting them for crashing it, even if they weren't getting violent, which they were.
Now this is an interesting question. A Lawfag posted that he can be convicted of any lessor included charge even if they never show intent. By pleading intent the government can bring up every Nazi crap they can find
>The sad thing is I think you really believe this case is not complicated. James was the 3rd car that thought they could get through the intersection.

Thought he could get through the intersection?

By driving through and over actual human beings?
Normally the feds force dose you in jail and try to make you lucid enough for a show trial like they did that Jared Loughner guy but looks like this guy is already heavily dosed yet still too crazy. All the pics of him are glazed eyes and zero facial expressions like he's on heavy anti psych drugs, don't see how he can be found fit for trial.

Then the whole narrative disappears, the evil nazis who murder innocent girls are now just run of the mill nutjobs who should've been in an asylum
He has been on Psyc Meds for a very long time
Witty, why were the first 2 cars there?
>That's what we do in law
fucking lol
but for real if you incite a person to have reasonable cause to flee from you and they accidentally harm another in the process of fleeing then that harm is placed on your shoulders (with obvious considerations placed on whether they could still have conceivably been considered to have acted negligently/recklessly given the circumstances).
that is literally the law.
>Witty, why were the first 2 cars there?

It doesnt matter why the first 2 cars were there. They didnt run anyone over.
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>mfw trump played 74d chess to save Feilds
>fucking lol
>but for real if you incite a person to have reasonable cause to flee from you and they accidentally harm another in the process of fleeing

Completely unreasonable, someone hitting your car with a stick doesnt entitle you to kill others.

If you drive into a clearly visible crowd that's not an accident.
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Holy shit, is he going to get acquit? top kek, /pol/ is always right.

I feel bad for the guy, lost his dad at an early age, medicated etc. But he is just not likable, and I do not believe the trial will be moved, so too bad for him.

I do agree they will keep him on Meds until convicted. In fact, they will be keeping him quite happy. Alot of criminals who plead guilty are surprised the meds stop when the reach their new home.
Perhaps 4d chess? Just as planned?
He race baited the shit outa it instead, and is partially to blame for the mess of the current race relations in america
>That's the essentials of what happened.
No, the essentials of what happened is that he was surrounded by a hostile mob, he was being attacked, and the only way out was through.

None of them had any right to be standing in the street. None of them had any legitimate purpose in doing so. None of them could reasonably have been ignorant that by stopping traffic, they were creating opportunities for their armed accomplices to attack their targets.

That whole crowd was an AntiFa combat unit, not a disorganized protest inadvertently spilling out onto the street. They were all willing participants in the attack on James Fields, and had no reasonable expectation of safety from the self-preservation actions or panic reactions of their target.

AntiFa is a paramilitary terrorist organization opposed to free speech, the right to peaceably assemble, and other basic American values.
Nigga you don't just get to plow through 20 people and say "I was scared let me go now". At most that defense lets him plead down to lesser charges without intent, but he's still looking at time.

Is anyone else annoyed at how /pol/ is literally going full "he a good boy he dindu nuffin" over this?
Underrated Post
>Trump starts ruining trials for right wingers, they get off completely scott free, open season.
>Nigga you don't just get to plow through 20 people and say "I was scared let me go now".

Try explaining that to the morons here
Anon, how do you beat the fact that Antifa will be the Jury?
Yeah, I assume this is going to become a federal case with civil rights violations tacked on given that Fields crossed state lines to attend the rally. I'm not a lawyer though. He's not going to get the death penalty but he's probably going to spend most of his life in prison.
well you trotted out the same canard so almost guaranteed troll at this point - "hit with a stick" diminish the attack to the last event in it; "kill others" rephrase the response as intentional. Repeat ad nauseum of course.

But yes, the law does in fact provide quarter for the effects of being in states of terror. The interesting thing about the law is that it was actually designed under the impression that people are human.
>you don't just get to plow through 20 people and say "I was scared let me go now".
>you don't just get to fight back against a mob attacking you and say "I did my best to defend life and limb in a terrifying and confusing situation"
>well you trotted out the same canard so almost guaranteed troll at this point - "hit with a stick" diminish the attack to the last event in it; "kill others" rephrase the response as intentional. Repeat ad nauseum of course.

You may not like it but those are the essential facts
You clearly don't understand law.
>No, the essentials of what happened is that he was surrounded by a hostile mob, he was being attacked, and the only way out was through.

Wrong. One person hit his bumper, aside from that no one on the street was messing with his car. The crowd closed in on his car after he ran people over. Also notice how none of the other cars there were attacked, none of the other drivers felt threatened.

>That whole crowd was an AntiFa combat unit, not a disorganized protest inadvertently spilling out onto the street.

What world do you live in? Who in this photo looks like they're part of a combat unit?
aand shitlisted
third canard's a charm
>Someone hits my car with a bat
>I pull out my gun and shoot 20 people unrelated to the incident
>Your honor it was self defense
>you don't just get to fight back against a mob attacking you and say "I did my best to defend life and limb in a terrifying and confusing situation"

he wasnt fighting back against a mob attacking him. that's more than clear from the various videos.

he ran over people who were not harming or threatening him.
Each side has great arguments on this one, It just looks like a traffic accident to me. Stupid Driver meet Stupid Idiots that stand in the road.

Can't wait to see what he said to the Police
>You clearly don't understand law.

Oh trust me I do.
>Each side has great arguments on this one, It just looks like a traffic accident to me.

Looks like a traffic accident? What are you smoking?

No evidence has come up that he was going up and down the streets looking for action. An Anon has posted this is most likely the area where he parked his car and was going home. Other drivers were also headed the same way home
but minus the obvious disconnect between using a car to flee and a gun to fight, you might find it interesting to note that if a criminal instigates a shootout with the police, that criminal is responsible for anybody who is accidentally shot by the police during that shootout.
THAT is how you construct an intellectually honest comparison.
God dammit, I'm starting to believe the meme about Trump having 180 IQ is real.
Not only that, news cycles move so fast now people won't remember him. There's constant violence.
>how do you beat the fact that Antifa will be the Jury?
Why would you think that AntiFa would be the jury? Do you have any idea of how jury selection works?

AntiFa is a vanishingly small percentage of the population, and Virginia is a majority-white state. The government doesn't get to cherry-pick their juries. Defense and prosecution get equal say in accepting or rejecting jury candidates.

They can only convict with a unanimous jury. All it takes is one honest hold-out, and they can't convict.
>Stupid Idiots that stand in the road
As part of an illegal riot to block innocent people passing by in cars. Oh, the government screwed the pooch big time.
Obama is literally the reason there was even a trial. Zimmerman was walking free
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>the driver of the car
Could Trump be implying it's a false flag... meaning THAT driver
Some of those people clearly had violent intent, wearing black helmets in black clothes and wielding baseball bats (ie. like the guy you can see smashing his baseball bat through the rear window of the car)
>No evidence has come up that he was going up and down the streets looking for action
I agree, but that doesn't absolve him of the consequences of his actions.
Obama claiming he was god and Trayvon was his christson didn't prevent justice being enacted. Justice must prevail.
Dumbfuck, the first picture that came out clearly shows this guy looking in his rear view mirror. Later it came out bat girl.boy/trap hit his car in the rear seconds before the accident. It is really not that hard, you have just made up your mind and are not willing to learn anything.

Karma does dictate this asshole goes to prison for hitting his mother in the mouth
this case is in all likelyhood seriosly fucked complicated.
if you can't see that by now, you should demand refund for shit brain
>but minus the obvious disconnect between using a car to flee and a gun to fight,

It's not fleeing if there are people in your way who did not do anything to you who you will definitely kill or injure if you proceed.

Fleeing is out of the window at that point. You're into a new situation where its just you and your potential victims.
>he walks scot free after murdering a tumblrina because of trump
>Dumbfuck, the first picture that came out clearly shows this guy looking in his rear view mirror. Later it came out bat girl.boy/trap hit his car in the rear seconds before the accident. I

None of that matters. You are not entitled to mow down a crowd of people with your car.
Did you see the news conference they are talking about, was it a Trump Classic
>definitely kill or injure if you
>Fleeing is out of the window
haha holy fuck dude this is the weakest agitprop I have ever encountered
you know the handbook makes it pretty clear that you're not supposed to go full broken-record?
>this case is in all likelyhood seriosly fucked complicated.
>if you can't see that by now, you should demand refund for shit brain

It's remarkably simple. No sane person thinks its complicated, not even Trump.
>At most that defense lets him plead down to lesser charges without intent,

that will make lefties very happy, after goign completely hysterical calling him a murderer, and making the State go for murder charges.

This trial gonna be fun.
>haha holy fuck dude this is the weakest agitprop I have ever encountered
>you know the handbook makes it pretty clear that you're not supposed to go full broken-record?

Those are the legal realities as we will see in the forthcoming trial and conviction.
Another Anon earlier in the day posted the statistical makeup of the potential Jury Pool. Once I saw the numbers, I changed my mind from no way in Hell guilty, to the jerk does not have a prayer.
>notice how none of the other cars there were attacked
Where do you get this bullshit? There's video of AntiFa attacking other cars.

>none of the other drivers felt threatened.
So you not only have full video coverage of everything, you're a mind-reader?

>Who in this photo looks like they're part of a combat unit?
I've explained how AntiFa works. Looking like protesters is one of their key tactics. The unarmed members are there to hide the armed ones. That doesn't mean they're not involved in attacks. They know about the armed members, and they do things to help them, like in this situation where they're blocking the street so stopped cars can be attacked.

They weren't unrelated. They were all part of a team. The unarmed people blocking traffic knew about the armed people attacking stopped cars.

>he ran over people who were not harming or threatening him.
He ran over people who were blocking his route of escape so their comrades could attack him.

People don't block streets for no reason. That's not an exercise of speech. That's a crime in and of itself, apart from other considerations.
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We're reaching dimensions of chess that shouldnt even be possible

1. I called this
yes, your world is remarkably simple.
even trump thinks that
Antifa Looked like wild animals jumping on that car, Communist Signs, Black Power signs, bats etc. But carefully read the post by the Libtards, they are blind to those facts and are going to convict this guy no matter what.
But he's right; Obama attempted to circumvent our justice system to profit from Trayvon's justified demise and failed. Google, "if I had a son, he would look like Trayvon". Race-baiting, racist scum. Kill yourself, shill; you are contributing to the destruction of our entire planet, species, and future in this universe. Your ilk must perish if we are to survive and eventually thrive in the coming eon.
>He ran over people who were blocking his route of escape so their comrades could attack him.

He ran over people who happened to be there. He had no right to do so.

There were numerous alternative actions he could have taken. For a start there were side streets.
Zimmerman was a likable neighborhood watch guy, and had crowdfunding. I know George and James is no George.
And Trump just made it more complicated
Antifa and the local governments that have enabled them, including Berkeley which cancelled Milo's event, had better prepare their assholes for the amount of scrutiny that this trial will bring. It was only a matter of time, I guess the government officials calling the shots kept trying to sweep the issue under the rug until it exploded, now two police officers are dead, congrats assholes.
>yes, your world is remarkably simple.
>even trump thinks that

It's simple because all of the supposed jusitifcations for his actions offered on /pol/ are retarded and not worthy of consideration.
Legally, you are if you are given no other option The people who are blocking traffic are breaking the law and the dirver has a legal right to self defense. The people who are in the wrong are the protestors blocking traffic.

How about you study law, before you open you mouth.
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She would have been fat and fine if she stopped walking in the middle of the fucking road.

>And Trump just made it more complicated

He didnt, the driver had already been publicly branded as a terrorist
I do agree that to some the facts just do not matter, like it or not that is our system. Google OJ Simpson. This Guy is going to prison unless by some miracle the trial is moved.
There was a line of cars. None of the drivers in those cars felt the need to panic and speed through the crowd. None of those cars were getting attacked by the crowd. Those cars were calmly moving through.

Watch the start of this video:
Notice before he rams his car through the crowd, nothing is happening to the other cars.

And now you're saying those protestors were intentionally blocking the road for the purpose of trapping cars and attacking drivers, which isn't supported by anything.

The notion that the crowd on that street was trying to trap cars to attack them en mass isn't supported by anything. Aside from one woman hitting the guy's bumper, there's no evidence of cars in that particular instance being attacked by the crowd.
4D chess.
Does this State Put the trials on the TV
>Legally, you are if you are given no other option The people who are blocking traffic are breaking the law and the dirver has a legal right to self defense.

We all have the right to self defence. This does not entitle you to kill people who have not attacked you even if they are committing a traffic violation.
Oh, please. Niggers are shit, and everyone in contact with them knows it. "Race relations" is just a buzzword leftists like to throw around whenever they feel the anti-racist indoctrination wearing off.
>He ran over people who happened to be there.
People don't just happen to be blockading a street in a riot, happily coexisting with armed thugs who attack the cars they stop.

>there were side streets.
Oh fuck off, you don't know the traffic situation. You're just fantasizing about what was going on. And again: they had no right to be blocking the road in the first place. He had every right to drive down that road, they had no right to block him, surround him when he slowed, and attack him once he was surrounded.
Don't they typically move the trial outside the city? In California, they high-profile trials are held in the "opposite" Cal, Nor Cal or So Cal. And this trial might be bigger than Zimmerman.
question is, did he really, and if, knowingly so?
i find this very hard to judge.
why do blacks need a "community leader?" Is that like a tribal elder or something?
>I do agree that to some the facts just do not matter, like it or not that is our system.

In this case we don't need to worry about the facts, they are damning.
>"the best way to remove right wing radicalism is to demonize all right wingers, make them lose their jobs, publicly shame them, and cut all their social ties. Even better if we blast our opinions as fact 24/7."
>this is the strategy the left has chosen to adopt
>If he did something retarded like pre-meditate going down there to start sh
There's no way he went there to run them over. If he had, why would he wait for the group to wave him in? Why not just ram the antifa trying to control traffic?
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There's clear evidence that the car that sped through the crowd was attacked though. Which makes it irrelevant.
What does this have to do with Trump? He was literally the last Republican out of all of them to condemn Fields.
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Kill. Your. Self.

James is an unlikable dick, but Libtards and Antifa are worse. I hope this helps.
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>The Supreme Court has held that if adverse pre-trial publicity makes it impossible for an accused to be judged on the basis of the evidence, then the accused cannot be found guilty, no matter his actual guilt.

>People don't just happen to be blockading a street in a riot, happily coexisting with armed thugs who attack the cars they stop.

We can theorise however we like, it doesnt matter.

>there were side streets.

There definitely were side streets. its not reasonable to think minor side streets would be choked with traffic if the road he was on wasnt.

again, it doesnt really matter
>Does this State Put the trials on the TV

how the fuck would I know, Ima pastanigger.
Firstly that doesn't make it irrelevant, at most that lets him argue his actions were without malicious intent. Secondly people in this thread were claiming that the entire mob was attacking cars and using the crowd as a kind of trap. Aside from one person hitting his bumper, there's no evidence other people in the crowd attacked his car or other cars in the same area prior to him running people over.

Yeah, they run at his car AFTER he rams through the crowd. You know, as a response. Unless you're trying to say that people attacking his car after he ran over 20 people justifies him running over 20 people in the first place, which is just stupid.
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you are still confined to your primitive simple box.
i am bored here, give a dude a helping hand
The Cause of death appears to be the CPR, unless that has changed

They failed to elevate the feet, keep her warm etc.
Beautiful vid about the bus and protestors. All of them should be arrested and charged with felonies for blocking public roads. The gov should stop indulging them like spoiled children.
>There's clear evidence that the car that sped through the crowd was attacked though. Which makes it irrelevant.

we've been through this. someone hitting your car with a stick doesnt entitle you to kill other people who have not done anything to you.
Think of who your community leaders are: businessmen, union leaders, pastors, leaders of philanthropic organizations. These welfare monkeys don't have jobs so the only title they can even come up with for their spokespeople is "community leader"
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1488D chess
Lets archive that
Obama bitched about his sons (Traboon and Mikey Brown).
Zimzam and Wilson still got acquitted .
Prez talk means nothing. The decission will be made after the court watches frame by frame commies attacking Filed's car before crash.
I'm already thinking of starting a campaign to buy him a new Challenger. When he exits the courthouse some /ourguy/ parks the new Dodge, gets out and hands him the keys, fields rides into the sunset, we stay comfy and watch chimouts.
That's great and all, but there's also the issue that the left also represents the two largest racial groups in this country after whites, and taken as a collective, neither of those groups are capable of maintaining a first world standard of living. It is not the suffering of the past I'm worried about, only the regression we face in the future.
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The best part about this is if he goes to prison he will probably be protected by the white inmates for plowing into commies.
Study law before you open your mouth. This shit was covered in Legal studies in year 11 for me, not even Law school.

He has no other legal option but to proceed through the crowd (who shouldn't even be there in the first place if they were obeying the law) once he was attacked by a member of that crowd.
>There was a line of cars. None of the drivers in those cars felt the need to panic and speed through the crowd.
The front car had no driver in it and the driver's side window is open, in a riot. What happened to the driver? Were they pulled out through a broken window by AntiFa thugs? AntiFa had camera everywhere, but it's not sharing anything about how that car got stopped and why there's nobody in the driver's seat. The car behind it was just feet away. It could not move forward.

>The notion that the crowd on that street was trying to trap cars to attack them en mass isn't supported by anything.
How about all of the people who immediately run up to the car once it was stopped and start breaking into it through the windows?

That's not the shocked response of peaceful protesters to being unexpectedly attacked. That serves no self-defense purpose. That's a combat unit responding to identification of a target. That's how they would have behaved if he stopped at any point.

I guarantee you that as this moves forward, evidence will come out that that's how they behaved before he started moving forward. The police were behind him, standing off to let AntiFa do as it pleased, as ordered, but watching. They saw it. They saw the attack from behind that started him moving, after the vanguard of the crowd initially stopped him, just before the AntiFa propagandists turned their cameras on, as they always do *right after* their side attacks, to try and make the response look like a spontaneous, unprovoked action.
Alt right cleared of all wrong doing. LEFTKEKS BTFO
Did you notice we don't have any video of what happened before he decided to floor it, but we have lots of videos that start afterwards? There were lots of people out there filming, why don't they show the prelude, and why does the one definitive video that saw him coming point at the ground until he's past it?
It is expensive to do this, His court appointed Lawyer will need free housing and so forth. The Judge and court staff will have to have free food and housing etc. They generally do not move the trials unless forced by an Appellate Court.
We haven't. He didn't know what was on the other side of the crowd and most of them got out of his way.
The sound of the bat hitting the back of his car startled and distracted him, it sounded like a gun shot, he was not driving that fast, people were moving out of the way easily, but when that bat hit the back of his car, the shock and surprise made his foot slip, and/or made him take his eye off the road for a split second, causing the people who were easily moving out of the way of his slow moving car, to reveal parked cars in the middle of the street, the view of which were obstructed by 40 or so jaywalkers with the intent to incite violence
>Study law before you open your mouth. This shit was covered in Legal studies in year 11 for me, not even Law school.
>He has no other legal option but to proceed through the crowd

proceeding through the crowd is not a legal option since it involves committing serious crimes, as we see from the charges against him.

Go back to Year 11 and do it again.
Obama set race relations back a few decades.
>Said the police "acted stupidly" for arresting Henry Louis Gates
>Got involved in Trayvon and Brown's deaths. Said if he had a son it would look like Trayvon solely because of his skin color
it does bring you to vehicular manslaughter charge instead of a second degree murder.
A Government official can fuck up a trial by publicly stating the guilt of the accused.
I don't think they would move the judge and staff, just pick a different judge and staff in the location the trial is being held.
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>Yeah, they run at his car AFTER he rams through the crowd.
No. You are lying. The video is there you dumb fuck. You guys can't even act like stray dogs, and then you complain when somebody dies after a year of running around on the fucking road.
Stop smashing cars. Stop standing in the middle of the road. The fat bitch died because for a year now antifa has been running around on the road, so it was bound to happen.
No one is trying to murder anyone, just stop walking on the fucking road.

Stray dogs do it on pure instinct. But somehow leftists fail it constantly. Jesus Christ, tell me this, should people at the very least stop walking on the road now?
>We haven't. He didn't know what was on the other side of the crowd and most of them got out of his way.

It doesnt matter what's on the other side of the crowd. All that matters is the crowd.

you are not allowed to drive in a fashion that forces people to jump out of your way. that's dangerous driving at best.
>meaning THAT driver
hopefully trump didnt swallow that off brand kool aid thrown in the mix to muddy the water hole
We need a Lawfag to help us out
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>Aside from one person hitting his bumper, there's no evidence other people in the crowd attacked his car or other cars in the same area prior to him running people over.
>Yeah, they run at his car AFTER he rams through the crowd.
There's evidence of a pattern of behavior. They were there to attack cars. In every recorded opportunity to attack the car, someone does.

That's not the shocked response of non-violent protesters. That's the behavior of those members of a combat unit specifically tasked to attack identified enemy cars at every opportunity, while other members were assigned to create those opportunities by blocking the road.
We've been through this, you have the right to self defense and if you feel threatened (and who wouldnt when they are balls deep in a crowd that wants to see your entire race die) you are legally allowed to do whatever you deem necessary to protect yourself
>it does bring you to vehicular manslaughter charge instead of a second degree murder.

no, its no way near sufficient, they are going to nail him.
Good. Fields being found not guilty, or even not prosecuted would be fantastic.
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He's a terrorist, he is not legally obligated to get a trial anyway

Off to Gitmo
I think the money would be better spent buying his Mom an AK-47, so the next time James slaps her in the mouth she can send him to Jesus.
You people said the same about Zimmerman and Darren Wilson. You don't know shit, stop acting like you do
Maybe if your survival instincts are fuctionally retarded

I'd mow people down over getting lynched for existing 100% time without regret
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>We've been through this, you have the right to self defense and if you feel threatened (and who wouldnt when they are balls deep in a crowd that wants to see your entire race die) you are legally allowed to do whatever you deem necessary to protect yourself

No you legally arent. killing people who have not attacked or threatened you isnt self defence in any way, shape or form.
Anon, do you think he will be protected or pimped out. He does not look that tough to me?
>Maybe if your survival instincts are fuctionally retarded
>I'd mow people down over getting lynched for existing 100% time without regret

Good luck in court then. 'Lynching'? Please.
Holy shit, if Trump got this man off free he is a fucking god. This is beyond 1488D chess.
We all know James Fields is innocent, we all have seen the facts and the videos. I am 100% sure that Trump has seen all the facts, if you watched the Trump press statements he was talking about waiting for all the facts, he knew about the event, he knew who was at the event, he was shaming the media for speaking out before finding out about all the facts, he spoke about how there are two sides of the story. Trump has to know that there is another side of the James Fields story. He knows the man is innocent, yet he still called him a murderer. If this makes it impossible to prosecute Fields it's amazing, and who can blame Trump? Trump was asked to make a statement, and he did the ''good thing'' by doing what everyone else is doing and called the man a murderer.

James Fields freed.
Media BTFO.
Trump left blameless.
It's not commiting a serious crime as he would be otherwise acting in a perfectly legal manner if that crowd was not there in the first place.

Remove the crowd(The people breaking the law) all that happens is a car drives straight through unimpeded. And no, I don't need to repeat year 11, as I've got my law degree from ANU and have passed the Bar.

Keep pretending you have any idea what you are talking about though.
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>you are not allowed to drive in a fashion that forces people to jump out of your way.
Yes you are.

You dumb fuck. Get on the level as stray dogs.
Cmon. Even dogs get it.
Everyone in the "movement" has been called a Nazi even before "it" existed. Act like this shit sparked this.
>How about all of the people who immediately run up to the car once it was stopped and start breaking into it through the windows?
That's called a reaction to someone plowing through a crowd of people. Unless you're saying people attacking the car after he runs people over justifies him running them over in the first place. Again, there's zero evidence of the crowd as a whole attacking cars on that street.

>with the intent to incite violence
Zero evidence, stop making things up.

One person hitting his bumper with a bat is not a crowd attacking his car. Look at everyone else in the photo you posted. Notice none of them are attacking the car.

>They were there to attack cars
You keep saying this, despite zero evidence of the crowd as a whole attacking his car or any other.
>That's the behavior of those members of a combat unit specifically tasked to attack identified enemy cars at every opportunity, while other members were assigned to create those opportunities by blocking the road.
This is a whole new level of talking out your ass
Even if they're not deliberately working together with the attackers, people working together to fully block the road in a riot are not innocent bystanders, and they have no reason to expect consideration from traffic fleeing riot conditions.
The sound of the bat hitting the back of his car startled and distracted him, it sounded like a gun shot, he was not driving that fast, people were moving out of the way easily, but when that bat hit the back of his car, the shock and surprise made his foot slip, and/or made him take his eye off the road for a split second, causing the people who were easily moving out of the way of his slow moving car, to reveal parked cars in the middle of the street, the view of which were obstructed by 40 or so jaywalkers with the intent to incite violence

If the guy did not hit his car with the bat he would be guilty if he hit people, but things are difficult even then because he had no reason to believe there were hidden cars parked, because the people who were getting out of the way blocked them from view.
yeah, bullshit
mainstream media was claiming the helicopter trash was related to ebul nadzis, that had just as much evidence behind it as your claim
hitler was trumps fault
If a cop can kill an unarmed man for pulling out his wallet for being scared after telling him to do it.

This guy can get off for defending himself.

In a fair court of course.
But they did attack his vehicle with a long blunt instrument and they were gathered in a large unlawful assembly like a mob with many angry people who were carrying clubs, baseball bats and other weapons, many of them were also masked and very aggressive, in most US states your vehicle counts as your property, it's the same as if they are bashing in your house door.
>>with the intent to incite violence
>Zero evidence, stop making things up.
respond to my other points, picker of noses and cherries.

There were people standing on top of strangers cars, there were people wielding bats, and clubs and other weapons, there were countless fights that day, there is the video of the person hitting his car with a bat
You can also add this:
Bikers surround SUV and scare the driver so he drives off. Ends up crushing a guy's leg
>It's not commiting a serious crime as he would be otherwise acting in a perfectly legal manner if that crowd was not there in the first place.

The crowd committing a traffic violation by being on the road is so trivial as to be immaterial.It doesnt generate any right to run them over.

I know autists on here are hung up on that and the fact that he wasn't technically breaking the speed limit.
I do not know how this State works, but if the trial is complicated enough to move they send the Judge with the case. The Defendant stays in the local jail and the local Judge handles all pre-trial matters. However, when the Jury Trial starts they move.
>That's called a reaction to someone plowing through a crowd of people.
It's not a remotely normal reaction to someone plowing through a crowd of people. It serves no defensive purpose: either the car is now disabled, the threat is ended, and they're just trying to get at the driver to hurt him after the fact, or the car is not disabled, and running up behind it puts lives at risk that weren't previously.

What are they even doing carrying bats around in a riot? They're criminals.

They aren't reacting to an attack. They're reacting to the presence and likely vulnerability of an identified enemy, of the type they were there to attack.
What would you think if it in fact was a false flag attempting to make the right seem bad?

Lets just say theoretically. lets play pretend. Imagine it was. How would you feel about all this?
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>Wrong. One person hit his bumper
That we know of.
Take a closer look at your own pic genius, lots of fresh scuffs and dents dontcha think. Smart bet would be that he had already had his car surrounded by leftists armed with tolerance clubs before he even drove down this street.
Doesn't matter though, even if only one of the antifag thugs smacked his car with a flagpole it's still more than enough for him to walk. All he has to do is prove that he was reasonably fearful that the armed mob around his vehicle intended to bring harm to his property or himself. Whether or not they beat on the car, he has no moral or legal obligation to do nothing and become the next Reginald Denny.

>none of the other drivers felt threatened
irrelevant. people do two different things when they panic in a car, stop or accelerate. They could be drivers that stop. They can also be drivers that weren't at the rally and drivers that felt threatened but knew there would be a shitstorm if someone ran over one of the brave lil snowflakes that love to block traffic so much

>Who in this photo looks like they're part of a combat unit?
I'll give you that, all the antifag shits in the pic look like they're too out of shape and undisciplined to be part of G-Unit let alone a combat unit
I've actually said and written that so many times ot is stale pasta in my brain
Notice how the rush to attack the car ready with weapons. Notice how he is already getting chased in this video.
You see them at 8 seconds. That is people already running after him

Just get on the same level as stray dogs, or reap what you sow you immensely dumb fucks.
Casey antony got headhunted by state. As well as media. The case shows prosecutors cops chiefs witnesses even family lying obstructing faking evidence and statements. Etc. Watch the full case on utube. Defense closing statement. Also 100% of alt left media judged her preemptively everyday for years. Watch the video pol.
>>you are not allowed to drive in a fashion that forces people to jump out of your way.
>Yes you are.
>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=991jkBCwnAE [Remove]

They arent really jumping out of the way in the first instance, they are jumping into and out of his path.

plus he's going slowly.
>I'll give you that, all the antifag shits in the pic look like they're too out of shape and undisciplined to be part of G-Unit let alone a combat unit
You will notice right after the car has crashed it is literally swarmed by people with weapons who do look like they are combatants, just because they are not immediately apparent in a photograph and a video from further away does not mean they are not there, which they demonstrably are as they are smashing in the windows.
Or maybe because Antifa was protesting without a permit there were no road signs or anything denoting what the hell was going on. So he could have turned down the street and found a month that started attacking his vehicle and he panics and floors it.
The irony is mind-blowing.
Trump gave the liberals the E X A C T thing Obama NEVER gave them, and it fucking backfires.
It's shit like this that makes me think we're living in a simulation. I wish I were an alien eating popcorn to this circus.

And look at all these morons trying to stretch that "my son" comment into an indictment. He didn't call the man a murderer, plain and simple. You have nothing. Quit being babies about it.
>The crowd committing a traffic violation by being on the road is so trivial
No. It is not. Stop walking on the fucking road.
1 minute in....

And now, a compilation of stray dogs who understands basic conduct in traffic.
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how the fuck do you even find completely unbiased jurors? Didn't everyone know who O.J Simpson was at the time of his trial? Can't they call up some seniors who don't own a TV or have access to the internet for jury duty? Seems like another shit attempt of a smear job on Trump.
>Or maybe because Antifa was protesting without a permit there were no road signs or anything denoting what the hell was going on.

Well what was going on was a crowd.

from the inside of the car, a club to the bumper would likely have been very loud, possibly like a gunshot. If the driver thought someone shot at him, panic would be a normal response.
What was going on was deliberately blocking a road during a riot, in a crowd which contained armed and aggressively violent members.

No member of that crowd can be considered innocent in that situation. They're all rioting. They're all complicit in the attacks.
>Didn't everyone know who O.J Simpson was

thats why they had 9 niggers on the jury.
guaranteed aquital.
>The crowd committing a traffic violation by being on the road is so trivial as to be immaterial
Completely incorrect. In fact it so material to the case, it's the prime reason why he will walk/get a slap on the wrist at most.

>It doesnt generate any right to run them over.

It does if someone has invoked the legal right to self defense. He is acting in an otherwise legal manner and the crowd is not. It's the same logic with violent home invasion, you are permitted to defend yourself from harm through reasonable force, which would technically be considered assault and battery or murder if it were to occur under different circumstances.
The sound of the bat hitting the back of his car startled and distracted him, it sounded like a gun shot, he was not driving that fast, people were moving out of the way easily, but when that bat hit the back of his car, the shock and surprise made his foot slip, and/or made him take his eye off the road for a split second, causing the people who were easily moving out of the way of his slow moving car, to reveal parked cars in the middle of the street, the view of which were obstructed by 40 or so jaywalkers with the intent to incite violence

If the guy did not hit his car with the bat he would be guilty if he hit people, but things are difficult even then because he had no reason to believe there were hidden cars parked, because the people who were getting out of the way blocked them from view.

100 hours community service, and 1 literal slap on the wrist
This is a National Case so there is really no where in State it could be moved. But sometimes you will have a case like the local Cheerleader gets killed that can be moved to an area where people have never heard of the case. It is really a hard thing to do, but can be done. It is most often associated with very, very rich people and really great Lawyers.
>from the inside of the car, a club to the bumper would likely have been very loud, possibly like a gunshot. If the driver thought someone shot at him, panic would be a normal response.

a stick hitting your car sounds like a stick hitting your car.

of course he will argue he thought it was a gunshot i'm sure.
>>video of his vehicle being battered before he sped off.

Really? Can I see that?
>>It doesnt generate any right to run them over.
>It does if someone has invoked the legal right to self defense

No it doesnt. there is no right to self defence against people who have not attacked you. that is just you attacking them.
Nice numerals. It seems like this may be a huge backfire if it was a controlled op. If it wasnt a controlled op then holy fuck is this guy about to become a lightning rod when he gets released. What are the chances that chopper was live broadcasting and someone has a recording of that car being assaulted before the incident we have seen?

he didn't say james fields was the murderer, he said the person who drove the car is a murderer, which is a fact
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