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Brit/pol/ - S T I R edition

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 311
Thread images: 61

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>Grenfell fire: Inquiry to examine council actions

>Drug deaths in Scotland rose by 23% in 2016

>UK may have to pay EU in temporary customs union, Davis suggests

>North Korean leader Kim Jong-un to watch ‘reckless Yankees’ a bit longer before deciding on Guam attack

>NHS waiting times and treatment access are a postcode lottery, report warns

>Commuters brace for steepest fare rise in five years as UK inflation rises to 3.6%

>Theresa May's plan to leave EU behind by making UK global trade leader with NO borders

>Holborn Tube station evacuated after 'loud bang and smoke' - Central line suspended

>UK risks an international court case over Theresa May's plans for leaving EU single market

PREV // >>137600466
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rate the hat lads!
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Peter Hitchens desu
Day of the rope for animenonces when?
It's the middle of August.

Where are the missile strikes?
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Fucking filthy nonce.
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>tfw autistic OP
Anyone else here old enough to remember the national ID card fiasco?
>Harry get with a black girl
>Monarcucks will happily bow to their offspring
Why are Monarchists all such cucks?
>tfw no Korean occupation force
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try using these
Ed,That's the real Britishman
That Fascist flag looks pretty sweet tbqh
>Implying the Secret Service won't sort her out
They bumped off Diana for less
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There was a time when just banging a yank caused a constitutional crisis.
what of it
>tfw our next princess wil be a based black women

t-thanks harry
I think the abdication probably had more to do with it
I will keep myself safe maga friend
>I have no idea how line of sucssesion works the post
>on way to wagecuck job this morning
>migrant big issue seller there as usual
>see him getting harassed by some youths
>walk up to them
>in my path anyway
>buy a copy
>ask him if there is any trouble
>they move on

I'm not even that confrontational, I don't know what came over me. I'm as nationalist as the next person but that stuff is out of order, right? I was right to do that?
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Quick question.Who's the Pretties British woman

>No Emma "overrated" Watson

Also no Trap-looking females.
The yank being Catholic is what caused the crisis and abdication
who are they?
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are phil will get her.
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What type of migrant either way you're a civic now
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Looked kind of syrian, not the usual asian. I don't feel civic :(
i like you.

you're alright.
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Absolutely BTFO
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>be a postdoc
>new grad student joins group
>extremely nervous, barely talks
>seems particularly afraid of me (tbqh I am a big scary looking slav)
>over time slowly adapts and starts talking and otherwise interacting with us a bit
>last Wednesday
>asks me if I like Rick & Morty
>"No, it sucks"
>visibly recoils at my reply
>barely said a word since
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Just posting this pic of Paul Shane staring as Ted Bovis in the 1980 UK TV sitcom Hi-De-Hi!

I hope you enjoyed reading this post as much as I did making it.
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Britain doesn't exist
You probably just funded his rape gang nice job mate
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Why are all hot British women one of (((them)))?
Which episode did you watch
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>literally worshipped by wogs
>He thinks Harry will get a job when William is King
He'll still be living off the tax payer, mate, or the earnings of royal estates and land stolen by the Monarchy from other peoples. But Monarcucks worship their false, foreign masters because they enjoy being dominated by foreigners, I suppose.
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You Cucks do understand /pol/ is a Fascist place?
First three or four and one or two random ones.
Nah m8, this is a constitutional monarchist place
That's blatantly him, isn't it?
Wait, Rachel, my numberfu is chosen?

Racemixing isn't quite as bad when the man is white. I think he's getting a stay of execution just for being a cis male.

Would you make a cheese sandwich made with cheese from Rachels milk?
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how much aids do you have
your weakness will secure your own destruction. You'd rather virtue signal to yourself than to do the hard thing that will make the lives of your children safer and more prosperous. You are no better than an ignorant leftist.
The royals pay for themselves with tourist shekels and Meagan will attract even more Americans
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>tfw no one can bonk the honk like me
Only a matter of time before they diversify the royal family.
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pic related
>The royals pay for themselves with tourist shekels
Bit of a meme, most of it just comes from their estate.
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>"Germany Calling, Germany Calling!"
I was hopping for Maisie Williams
We're civic socialists now.
well it is shite.
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The royal family has been "diverse" for a thousand years. And very rarely British. RIP King James II, the last King of the British. Modern Kings and Queens are Queens of Land, not Nation.
This is just a meme. Do you think people who go to France and see the splendour of the palace of Versailles care that no King owns it? Sad to see so many Monarcucks value British culture so little that they have to rely on some foreign cunt to bring in tourists, desu.
I don't care what you retards say, I'll take civic nationalism over globalism

I know absolutely sod all about rick and morty apart from the fact that it's a cartoon

Why does everybody suddenly love it so much? I swear it was never even mentioned last year.
>I need a strong man to stop me fapping to traps

Bootlicker. Snekpill is best pill. We need to fight for our liberties back


End this meme.


Dunno what the problem is lad, all this tranny business seems pretty crucial to the running of societies basic structure tbqh famolongadong.
t. Cuck
i thought we were an autonomous collective.
Poor kid. I wish it was you who got doxxed and not him you fucking villain.
>Riley describes herself as a "non-religious Jew" and "pretty atheist

I reckon they'll try to keep it nice and white, because the fact that they are all white will make them seem like le ebil racists, which will help leftists who want to abolish the monarchy
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Brit/pol/ is monarchist lad
Mate I'd eat the cheese off her minge flaps...

But what about Nagasaki?

Personally I'm glad they nuked the japs just because of the cool pictures of mushroom clouds and ruined cities
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>Not hot
End this meme
They're there to reinforce the class system. That as a country we're okay with being beneath other humans because it's somehow "nice". Telling yourself that they "pay for themselves" or that "it's part of our national identity" are coping mechanisms. That fact remains one family lives off the rest of us and our worshiped and the rest of the world thinks we're just a bit mad for taking enjoyment in that.
I'm surprised how little his sister was mentioned despite how much was said about her, not that I'm saying she's his sister, don't want to take this too far but it's interesting nonetheless.

Well what can I say, the villain doesn't lose in this movie.
>I love worshiping foreign German inbreds
Cuck. Go live with the monkeys on the continent, Monarcucks are like Remainers desu.
Nips were going to surrender, but they were trying to save face so they acted like they were going to continue. Yanks had no idea if it'd end in a few days or after a long, hard-fought invasion.
Decide for yourself
>Different shade of blue than default

Emma Watson is actually French (born in Paris)

I'm not saying it's good or should be encouraged. But I'm willing to bet that most people here are less disgusted by WM/BF couples than BM/WF ones, for example.
>Well what can I say, the villain doesn't lose in this movie.

It's not over yet.
Nationalists are a joke. Mosley like Farage was a Charlatan who could never contemplate actually having to deal with real issues.

Socialism by the definition of giving workers the power is the best way.
wogs out
When did the word "whispering" get replaced in the dictionary?
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They are the last proper English thing left in this god forsaken country, also Anglo-Saxons which which you should be are German desu
>Socialism by the definition of giving workers the power is the best way.
It's by definition giving the State power
That doesn't change the fact that I wrote the script so I know exactly how it ends.
Carlos, start the helicopter...
My Coffee is Brazilian

My Car Is German

My Numbers are Arabic

My Shirt is Indian

My trainers are Chinese

My Curry is Indian

My Kebab Is Turkish

My employer is American

My TV Is Japanese

My Beer Is Irish

We are all one global race - we need to learn to work together and mix our cultures into one big melting pot.

Say no to racism
Nationalism and socialism/communism aren't mutually exclusive
>Says the guy with the confederate flag
Who's picking your cotton?
cause it's not all whispering
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Sorry, couldn't resist.

Who is Kate Beckinsale
One of those issues where its just not a me problem or anyone on brit/pol/. He wildly exaggerated what had happened and had a hissy fit. His "suicidal thoughts" and "anxiety" over this was some of the cringiest stuff I've ever read.
Seriously someone give me his email/name i wanna send him sumtin real bad in the mail
>They're there to reinforce the class system
Are you implying that's a bad thing?
Why have trade unions almost brought down governments in the past then?
How did he even get doxxed in the first place?
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Yeah ma nigga

Riley is waifu tier

The default has a dark blue background and the Republic has a light blue back ground because they represent different things.

The dark blue represents the sea, the light blue represents the sky. There is still an ongoing debate in Scotland as to what one is correct.

But any flag with the Lion Rampant (monarchist and fascist) is better than a variant of the normal Scottish flag
He didn't. He ""nearly"" did.
>"Proper English"
Anglo-Saxons were not German, they were Germanic. More Dane than German. Nice historic revisionism, though, Monarcuck. Slurpy slurpy German cummies.
How about united both Nationalists and Socialists in one?
Serves him right for attention whoring on an anonymous site.
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They should play the bongs out of giant speakers desu
The majority of it is.
Part Burmese.
top kek
Okay let me give you some Ice Cream

there's some shit in it but it's still ice cream because the majority of it is
Saxons were Germans

How do you accidentally post your email address?
one of the girls is dead
Yes, if you want a country of prideful and confident citizens to thrive you cannot have a class system. Many of our problems root from having an underclass. That has been the difference through much of the mid 20th century on wards as other countries have passed us.

A class system causes the lower class to feel subservient and to under achieve. I'm a socialist but understand the pitfalls of the welfare state if we cannot remove the class system.

Our upper class citizens are also entitled idiots who end up going through private education with little understanding.
Only commies, wogs and Muslims want to get rid of the monarchy
we get it, you're a paki, you can stop spamming now
>anglo saxons are germans
If that's how you view ancient migrations and invasions then everyone is something else. You are not """English"""" if that's what your definition of English is. You've had to have been on these isles in ancestry for 4000 years. British history is the most interesting of all, Rome being second.
The Saxons were from Denmark, for the most part. Modern day "Saxons" aren't real Saxons. That's just a quirk of nobility and carrying their titles over to different geographic areas.
is that what a 33 y/o looks like?

not looking forward to life in 10 years

Which one and how? I need to know because reasons.
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They were from Denmark m8.
I meant Germanic
kek dunno why this made me laugh so much
but it did
Only whites are against the monarchy, non-white. The Muslim god supports Monarchy, because he is a god that demands submission to worldly things. Students support the monarchy because they're CIVIC and don't believe a nation is anything but an institution, and also the fact that it is trendy to do so. This is the Grand Old Cause, non-white.
You are confusing Angles with Saxons. Saxons were German
Danes, from schleswig-holstein, not saxony...

The pic is so shit you can't even tell if she was hot or not, how disappointing
Yes, but even though we're all Germanic, we're still our own people, not only Germanic you treacherous cuck. Should we accept an Indian King because we're all Indo-Aryan? Why are Monarcucks all low intelligence people?
Yes but there needs to be a underlining principle to reject the scapegoating of "others". I'm okay with nationalism in most instances just not when it becomes irrational and barbaric.
You can say it all you like, it doesn't mean that it is true.
Nope angles, saxons, and jutes all came from denmark. Look it up

I thought all young people voted remain?
It was blatantly him and not his mate.
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Are Scots and Welsh anglosaxon?
So what? We are partly a Germanic people and Anglo Saxon history has only started to be researched properly and come fourth from Victorian historical misfacts and 20th century media portrayals of them as mudhut dwellers. Why would you want to disassociate us with them when the vast majority of people in this country are at least 40% Anglo Saxon which is more than most European nationalities are in their respective ethnic groups? Also all native North-Western Europeans are part of the same group of people who migrated 10,000 years ago so we are all similar in that regard. We also have the Norman Invasion people gloss over as just as an invasion.
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Load of shit mate. Working at Pound Land to chucklefucks like George Osbourne fills no man with pride or that he is fulfilling a purpose. Advocates of the class system are still stuck in the 19th century. The world has changed, a small born to rule class cannot effect the direction of a country anymore. They're exposed without Empires behind them.

There's no way she's a B- cup
>Old Saxony is the original homeland of the Saxons in the northwest corner of modern Germany and roughly corresponds today to the modern German state of Lower Saxony, Westphalia, Nordalbingia (Holstein, southern part of Schleswig-Holstein) and western Saxony-Anhalt.

Scots are Nordic/Irish rape children with some Saxon mixed in due to the clearances.

The Welsh are Iberian Celts.
All I said was Anglo-Saxons were Germanic that's a factual statement, you're just drawing your own conclusions from what I said
>people voted to leave the EU because they thought the EU was racist and want more immigrants
This is why we're doomed. Blackpill's looking more enticing every day.
Popping to Tesco's lads, need anything?
That's northern Germany,basically close to border but still not Denmark
Yeah? And the people who lived there weren't your people. They were Danes.
North-Western Europeans are part of the same group of people who migrated 10,000 years ago. We are a part Germanic people though, only autists who can't understand the Germans as an ethnicity beyond WW1 and WW2 deny that.

The difference is, Anglo Saxons are a Germanic people but Germans are not Anglo Saxons.
I agree. Anglo-Saxons were Germanic. You're saying the Monarchy is English because it is Germanic, but that's not true. One type of Germanic is not the same as another.
modern germans*
"My" people didn't exist 200 years ago. And Saxons lived in Denmark long before it became Denmark.
Exactly what I was getting at lad, maybe I'm just shit at structuring my sentences to convey what I mean
tunnocks tea cakes desu
Interesting. Iberian Celts, huh? Shouldn't they have dark-ish skin or something?
Farage and Mogg are clear the purpose of Brexit was to become a Singapore in terms of unfettered free trade. Now that isn't happening you can tell they have no interest in the other elements of Brexit. The majority who voted Brexit were sick of being ripped off and exploited by the multi-nationals. How tragic that Farage feigned to attack them during the campaign. A complete snake.
You do realise that those people migrated from the Nordic regions down into Denmark and then into Germany during the early Bronze age and then later got into border conflicts with the Romans?

The German German saxons came in much later after Danelaw and Danegeld payments, during the later part of the Heptarchy and got rekt.

No it's Denmark lad, we had Danelaw in this country. German's and Viking raiders on the coast were thrown out, along with the Danes.
The House of Windsor being of Germanic origin is a completely different set of circumstances to the Anglo Saxons and our genetic heritage.
Not really, there's a genetic link between the Welsh and the Basques, dark eyes and hair is more prominent, swarthy-ish appearance. But not always.
Get 12 pints of Whole Milk
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You are correct I am wrong in that regard, but the monarchy has been a part of England since it's conception we can't get rid of it. Its a integral part of our culture and country
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Sorry lad, re-read it. And your recent post. I thought at first because of the last bit of your sentence you were agreeing with the idiot calling the monarchy Germanic by also calling the Anglo Saxons Germanic.
>The world has changed, a small born to rule class cannot effect the direction of a country anymore
They should.

That role has already been taken over by a small class of equally foreign people with international rather than national interests and even less interest in the plebs below them. Hierarchy doesn't disappear and you aren't creating social mobility by allowing a few plumbers to reach the middle class you're just opening us up to even more external abuse.
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The absolute state of Brit/pol/
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>america has the alt right
>europe has generation identitaire
>tfw no youth bong nationalism
is there any hope lads? mogg nationalism?
>i'm willing to ditch hundreds of years of culture and tradition because muh germanic monarchy (even though it hasn't been germanic or any of the members born in germany since king george II)
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>results day on thursday
unavoidable and depressing barrier
No,western Europe had different Celtic tribes and then Latin Romans,before dark ages/early middle ages there were no Germanic influence western of Netherlands.
Also very true.
You can advocate for removing the Royal family but to remove the monarchy as an institution requires you to come up with an adequate solution to reversing such a strongly intertwined part of our constitution and to also reverse 1000 years of our institutions, law, government and system of rule.
Just looked at the archives, he was basically acting like a 13 year old girl talking about self harming and panic attacks before writing a speech and presumably killing himself after he doxxed himself

t. Republicans
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>alt goy
>Farage and Mogg
Yeah b-b-but they're secretly based r-right?
you're gonna fail you wee scrote ;)
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i have to live with the knowledge that it's coming and so do you
Stop making me feel old and reminding me my chances are passing me by at a rapid pace, if they haven't all gone already.
thats just a bunch of /pol/ and /tv/ shit posters that went to "he will not divide us"
all it shows is how non-white yanks in nyc
pube literally pulled that out of xir ass
>They should
Spare me mate, the "indigenous" elites and rich be it your Philip Green's have done more harm than foreign people to the people of this country. How can you still believe that they're not as nasty and self interested as your council estate thug who mugs a granny.
How would you feel having your information exposed?
Wrong. The old monarchy was not a European hereditary monarchy, it was an elective monarchy that ruled at the ascent of the Witan. European Monarchy was forced on us.
You could always join the E- E- EDL although The're a fucking joke at this point nothing but football hooligans smashing up shop windows. I recommend just getting /fit/ learning some form of MMA and looking sharp until the day comes
The Beaker culture and the cordedware culture are where modern North-Western Europeans come from, that means the Belgians, the Jutes, the Vikings, the Angles, the Celts, the Saxons and the Normans descended from the same group of people. The Romans left basically no genetic heritage, but immense effects on law.
Why are Monarcucks all CIVICs?
Wouldn't care.
post bellybutton
Let me know when a nasty council estate thug creates a global Empire.
Dont care, besides im not a disgusting little trip mong who had it coming, go cut yourself in the bath
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Post feet.
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Rightlys' sister is cum dumpster tier
We don't have a "European" monarchy, we have never had a European styled monarchy, in fact we have always set trends through our monarchical system, specifically in the area of division of powers and co-rule with parliaments. Not least the Glorious Revolution, despite 1688 being illegal, but the civil wars leading up to Magna Carta, the peasant revolts of the 14th century, Habeus Corpus and obviously the English Civil War. What do you mean "European monarchy"?
how old are you ?
I'm 22 and feel fucked already
ye think ill pass on being a football thug that achieves nothing
do they even exist as a group now that tommy left?
>Got Diana assassinnated because she got ARABED
Shut up

you ain't a badman
Hereditary Monarchy. And by blood as well. Foreign succession with foreign successors.
The Celts did not came from Germanic tribes lol
tell your parents you passed and that you're off to uni, but actually buy a tent and live in your local park for a while
Civic nationalism with other Europeans is a bad thing? and no I'm not talking about replacing us all with continentals.
We're not special anymore, India and China are the ones doing the colonising now. You can keep romanticising the Empire but its gone now. I'd like to see the elites try it now they're not in metal gunships against wooden boats.
Has anyone ever written speculative fiction about these isles had they never been conquered by the Normans? Would be pretty interesting.
I think you would.
You wish. They're made up that they're getting some black in the family tree with Harry. Even so, one foreign group is no different to me than another.
Where did they come from?
just realised that I recognised your tripcode without your name

I hate myself
25 in a few months. You're not completely fucked yet, you've got a year or so.
Letting another people rule you is major cuckoldry, that's why you're called "Monarcucks".
Generally speaking lots of them are middle class, so perhaps.

iirc he was on meds/self harming because of this whole thing according to his "last post"

One terror attack and Harry is in line to the throne, is that something you can really live with? Just one angry paki and suddenly with have a shitskin head of state. That is literally all it takes, for all the benefits of a monarchal system it does have its weaknesses.
They are descended from the Beaker-cordware cultures you absolute imbecile. That means the distinction between an Anglo Saxon and a Celt is a trivial and the difference between Anglo Saxons and Danes for example.
Monarcucks WANT that to happen. They like the idea of a brown person ruling over them. German is the best they've got, for now.
princess shaqueena
Harry will never be King tho....

Stay mad cuck.
>You can keep romanticising the Empire but its gone now.
I understand that sentiment and I agree that we needed to do away with thinking in that way a long time ago. That doesn't mean throwing away longstanding aspects of our culture, just adapting to our place as relatively less significant (a place we've occupied before in our history). Your lot were supposed to hop on boats and fuck off across the Atlantic.
>children still playing outside making noise

ffs, i'm not being unreasonable, right?
That isn't a European monarchy. Tacitus noted that in Roman Britain, kings were elected by the head tribesmen, besides from that (and even throughout that for the former) right of conquest and inheritance has been the norm in all modern terms in which we discuss our monarchy. This can be, if we're discussing the early formation of the monarchy, Anglo Saxon kings but generally after Alfred the Great or Athelstan.
One of my neighbors is burning something, probably one of their 6 wives for showing an ankle in public.
Not from Scandinavia.They lived in France,Spain Portugal,Austria Switzerland,northern Italy and British isles.Their biggest influence is probably in Scottish and Irish.
>be big issue seller
>get National Insurance card because i now qualify as self-employed.
>get benefits
>get council house
> decide to have 10 sprogs
> get child benefit
> educate children for free

Thanks White Knight.
it's a good thing. i used to play out until 10 in the summer and i still cherish those memories. it was exciting to be out that late.
Is long pork also haraam?
We get ruled over by politicians monarchy is no different except the ruler actually cares about the country and its people because it's theirs to take care of. Not these self serving politicians who are in it for money or power
I used to play out late too but I didn't make so much fucking noise.
Celts come from the Beaker-Cordware culture like all native North-Western Europeans.
>live next to niggers
>kids screaming in the garden all night
does my head in
that's what you think. maybe some neighbours were complaining about you too
Where did you get that?
>live across the road from family with three kids
>nice house, big garden
>decide to put climbing frame on front garden
>never play in the back, always on front
>playing at 8am
>eat tea outside
>.Their biggest influence is probably in Scottish and Irish.
It's not, the biggest influence is the Welsh and before the Harrying of the North and the William Conquest it was England, England had a huge Celtic population, far greater than Scotland, Wales and Ireland combined, you know the whole Doggerbank bridge that connected England to mainland Europe and even after that, England being the easiest access route into the British isles.

Historians and "Celtic" nationalists try to erase these facts because they hate that England is more right wing in nature to the rest of them, Wales has also shown itself to be more to the right than the cucks in Scotland and Ireland.

Deal with it.
Aspects of misery and degradation throughout the industrial revolution? The majority of poets and great thinkers decrying the satanic mills? The lines at the end of the hymn was supposed to represent something of a utopia, akin to when we used to work in communities in the countryside with every family owning their work.
Yes, it's punishable by beheading.
Are you stupid Nigger?

There were NO Anglo Saxons in Britain before dark ages/early middle ages.They were Greek merchants in Britain before Anglo Saxons who came when England was colony of Rome lol.

Britons were majority of British people for all that time and Anglo Saxons never outnumbered them. Celtic cultures were different depending from place they lived.

I'm 30, and I am actually fucked. It's pretty liberating tbqh.
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That and also this.
>We get ruled over by politicians monarchy is no different except the ruler actually cares about the country and its people because it's theirs to take care of.
Nice to see that you're happy to be property, cuck. Yes, a nation is theirs to take care off. A nation that is land, you don't matter to them, stupid serf. You're just a replaceable thing on their estate. Do you think it matters to them whether their serfs are white, brown or black? The German Monarchs are Monarchs of land, not people. They are not "King of the British", but "King of Britain". It is a distinct and important difference.
Not properly, just make sure you can handle yourself in a scrap and look presentable that's the best we can do for now
Might try 23andMe desu...no idea what I am
Imagine his sprogs will be sounder people than the 6 wankers Mogg's maid and boarding school will raise.
Imagine being 33 already.
Nobody is native to British isles you Nigger. People immigrated from mainland Europe there south first and then in middle ages from east when Germans and Danes and some assimilated French conquered you.
nice 2-1 win lads, i'm back
I've lived next to a single sheboon straight out of Africa and her litter for over a year now. Kids run wild. She's had men over recently, presumably to get preggers for more benefits since her youngest is getting older now. Our immigration system is so fucked if they're letting women like this in to just breed future drug dealers and single mothers indefinitely and live on benefits.
That's an extremely simplistic view of our monarchy. The monarchy is the most essential institute in our system. It plays the most prominent role in our division of powers by ensuring the role of public assemblies and elected ministers are answerable and holds final say on all law and motions parliament declare. You are viewing monarchism as absolutism versus constitutional which are modern yank terms to describe the heads and tails of monarchism.

Our monarch is a uniquely British affair which has been based on trial and error and is the most legally enhanced in the world. It was never absolute, but it was never designed to be a hoard of celebrities and the role it still plays just in our very systems existence, as it is today, is second to none, even parliament.

I think you are, you've been here 8 months lad and showed yourself time and time again to be a mong. We are a Germanic-Celtic people but everybody who has came to the British isles, and including the Celts, descend from the modern Beaker-Cordware cultures and I suggest you do some research since what I'm speaking about predates migrations of the last two millennia you dirty slav.
>muh out of Africa
Shut up Slavshit.
hello lawposter, had any more anons larping at you or has it been smooth sailing
Yeah, just stick to being a "respectable" middle-class cuck, that does nothing, instead. Much better.
I suppose that there is always ways of improving our collective lots
hell can always get worse
We are native to Great Britain. Modern Englishmen, Welshmen and Scotsmen. Most people in Britain are 40% Anglo Saxon, this increases massively in England, we are also a Celtic people, but everyone who has came to Britain, the Belgians, the Jutes, the Vikings, the Angles, the Celts, the Saxons and the Normans, trace their lineage to the Beaker-Cordedware culture.

Is this some savage attempt by a non-country to disrupt the glorious history of one of histories most important countries m8?

Smooth sailing lad. How's it going resident canuck? Where abouts in Canada are you from by the way?
>It's pretty liberating tbqh.
I can see that, it would be nice not feeling guilty about not trying hard enough.

I'll probably have one last crack and then resign myself to emptying bins for the next decade or two until I die of cirrhosis of the liver.
Does anyone else miss Ed?
the edl have achieved less than nothing
go ahead name what they have done of worth other than making nationalism look scummy
and if you look at my original post i dont want to do nothing i want something real
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What the hell is going on with the suicide rates? Pic related, what the hell are we Brits doing so right?
Your numbers aren't actually arabic, the indians invented the symbols for them. Look up arabic numbers, they're even less similar than the indian ones. And the indians invented the scheme anyway. We just imported that maths from the arabs, who imported it from the indians.

I'm not trying to be pro-indian or anything, just anti-arab.
There are a lot of groups out there. Probably not worth being dosed by lefties though.
good stuff. you got a link to the other thread at all if you replied about how the monarchy should be the most important aspect of the constitution system? im not a canacuck, it gave me a Canadian flag for some reason when i posted which is why i usually use a different flag. need to sort it out with my isp desu
What's the oldest proto human fossil found in Mount Nigger?

In England it dates back to 800,000 years ago, he's called Boxgrove man.
Killed Bowden
>UK imposes a blanket ban on all drugs in 2016
>"Drug deaths in Scotland rose by 23% in 2016"

Told you so!
heh US suicide on the rise, fat useless fucks
>it would be nice not feeling guilty about not trying hard enough.

Don't think we made it this far without trying pretty hard. It's just that you stop caring.
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Unfortunately not lad but I'll repeat it or tell you what it was if you're specific, and a bit like the plusnet anon who was given an american flag.
too scared to kill ourselves desu
You underestimate us, laddie. We will always find a way to take drugs
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Better times.
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British are around 25%-30% Anglo Saxon on average. The rest are immigrants who came south, from mainland Europe.Nobody is ''native'' to islands
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how white am i
and blackpill NEETs refuse to take opportunities even when they're shoved in their faces
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it's pretty clear on your results m8
England = part of Britain/UK
Wales = part of Britain/UK
Scotland = part of Great Britain/UK

On average, Brits are 40% Anglo Saxon, this increases to around 55%-60% in England. However, everyone who has came to Britain, is from the Beaker-cordware cultures. Do you lack reading comprehension?
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Sorry, have to put you down.
fuck cant remember what I was on about earlier. But I guess the system now being EU statute > parliamentary statute > common law. What do you think is wrong/problematic with this current system?
Pretty white. I've been wanting to give that site a try, but don't they sell/give your DNA to the authorities and other research companies?
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There were no humans 800.000 ago you Nigger.Stop listening to Bill Nye and (((Leftist pseudoscientists)))
Why would a black-pilled NEET care about opportunities? They're black-pilled.

I said proto human you stupid nigger. Otherwise called "Archaic Human".
>but don't they sell/give your DNA to the authorities and other research companies?
They probably already have it if they want it but if you're worried about it then willingly giving it to them to database probably isn't going to do your paranoia any good.
i think theres an opt out but they probably do it anyway
Foreign law holding primacy
>say no to racism goyim!

>now look the other way while I bulldoze this Palestinian family into the ground.
I clearly meant that they wouldn't
Fucking stupid anonymongs
The fact it's unconstitutional, just like the European Communities Act was in the first place, I'd guess.
What did they mean by this?
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This are influence in Britain in bronze age,that's culture you are talking about.Where is Sweden? Where is Denmark? All I see are Spain France Italy etc..
Congratulations, you're a holocaust survivor now.
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Here you go again, Britain in bronze age. Beaker culture in Britain came from south.
Is that a good thing?
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Britain in middle Bronze age, again same as Spain Portugal and France.
I am just educating the guy I was arguing about
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That sounds disgusting. Like living in the baboon enclosure at Knowsley safari park.
I haven't followed the conversation but are you arguing that because of Southern migration to Britain Brits have a higher proportion of Southern European DNA than Northern?

If so, you have to follow the populations through. The Beaker population was really small..
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