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Reminder - The Right was winning the culture war until this weekend.

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Thread replies: 284
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>> Wins 2016 election through memes
>> Wins the great meme war against the SJWs
>> Gains sympathy against ANTIFAS with Berkeley riots
>> Gains more sympathy from Normies after Scalise shooting.

Now after Charlottesville...

>> Normies REEEE'ing at Alt-Right
>> DailyStormer deplatformed
>> Google, GoDaddy, and others kicking Nazis off their platforms.
>> Spencer in hiding
>> Anglin in hiding
>> Gavin McInnis and Proud Boys disavow alt-right
>> JPW disavows Alt-Right
>> Free Speech rallies are being cancelled.
>> Antifas taking down Confederate statues.
>> Trump BTFO and finally disavows the alt-right
>> Antifas growing popularity with Normies.

This is the biggest reversal of political power America has seen since the election.

You guys were winning and you fucking BLEW IT.
>my dumb ass opinion
>t. some faggot posting with the communist flag
enjoy the 404 no one is retarded enough to take this bait
If this proves anything, it is that a single nutter can have more political influence than half a nation.
Only way you burgers can win now is
now plz
Nothing has changed

antifa is not popular

Everyone on that list already disavowed the alt-right before

Gavin had already banned Proud boys from Alt-Right, Fag Joseph Watson was openly our rival, Trump disavowed Heilgate

If anything, all the conservative normies got a bizarre redpill of NAZIS being good boys who dindu nuffin, while the police abused their power and failed to do their jobs

Thx Terry McAulliffe
Well done, /pol/, well done. You've entered the mainstream.

However, was radicalizing the normies PART OF YOUR PLAN?
>reddit spacing

The cake ^


is not what you think it is ^

This post is retarded. Even Richard Spencer thinks things have changed.

You're either delusional or spewing propaganda to protect your dying shit movement.
>Gavin and PJW disavow the alt-right
>for the 6th time this year
>who is Franz Ferdinand
That guy on the left looks more Italian than White...
Still are.

(((Media))) and a few leftist aren't the public or productive workers.
We can tell how much we won this weekend by how much damage control you people are doing.
All we have to do is wait for one of you Antifa shitheads to murder someone.
Which you will, since you have little self control.
On the contrary, OP;

The left is more terrified than ever.
They can bluster as much as they want, but the reality is going to sink in eventually.
Not true. I actually like the right even more after seeing the left flip the fuck out over one dead girl despite being dismissive apologists for every other terror attack up until this one. Their insane vendetta against white people has not changed one bit.
Hahahahhahahwhshahahshshsjsjsjwjshshs nice try shill. Forcing this meme won't work.
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Pic related
/pol/ is in full bagdad-bob mode.
>cville was a yuuuge victory u guise
>we should be even more extreme next rally

>"Y-you racists are f-finished for sure th-this time!"

Where have I heard this before?
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Maybe the alt-right would be doing better if they 1) didn't ally themselves with neo-Nazis and the KKK and 2) didn't show up to rallies with shields and weapons
DSA has received 30+ request for chapters to open throughout the country. Afraid my ass.
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They radicalized us

We didnt blow shit, the entire Charlottesville incident was a false flag

Dude, this whole thing makes Trump look good. It makes conservatives look good. It makes Liberals and Commies look bad.

But yeah, it makes neonazis look bad. I'm OK with that.
You are retarding for thinking none of us will go down without a fight. We will make life as miserable as possible for you.

Something may have changed, just not the negative stuff in your list

Our profile got bigger

We benefit from free speech rallies being cancelled and antifa taking down Confederate statues

Fox news has a 70 year old audience, they aren't joining. Tucker, the relevant one, told the truth.

I'm not worried. All we did was try to have a legal rally.

Stormer will be back.
Yep they tought that it was a great idea and that it would make a better america or whatever the slogan was I already forgot.
2 posts by this shill
Even though the OP is a commie fag, he is not wrong.
>Even Richard Spender thinks.
Why would his opinion matter?
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They are completely delusional.
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The right is still winning. We don't win because of faggots like you. We win because of the wild men who dare to live and dream freely.
Bullshit. Normies are getting to our side.
The pure anti white hatred is showing.

NatSoc won't be dead unless we fix it. The rally was a damaging shitshow. This thread I linked should help.
The whole "Truck of peace mows down hundreds and nobody bats an eye, white man being pursued by antifa does accidental vehicular homicide and everyone loses their minds" meme is an excellent way of redpilling normies to leftist media double standards.
Richard Spencer works for the fucking fbi. He is literally nothing but someone that damages our side
Can somebody post the picture? You know, <that> picture?
None of the people I see at any SJW shitfest are normal. They always look like gay people or woman who just got out of prison. Nobody likes niggers either.

Who gives a fuck, /pol/ was never alt-right. It was literally a term made up last year. We've been doing this shit way before that.
Still winnin bitch. Look how defensive you are.
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im glad the they outted themselves.

Cover your ears all you like, you ignorant fascist fuck, but the narrative has been turned against you in a single weekend. I've even seen people defending Antifa!
If dylan roof didn't stop white advocacy then this spaz certainly won't.
an ok band full of nu-males
>Reminder - The Right was winning the culture war until this weekend.
What? The right is fueled by violence. When the right win terrorist dude ran over a bunch of libtards, the right cheered. This can only make them stronger.
If Dylan Roof didn't move the needle, neither will this. The left will overplay their hand, guaranteed. This has already saved Steve Bannon's job as Trump will never fire him now that the left is demanding he be fired.

What the fuck are you even talking about?

More women are in college.
Dumb white males are shitting themselves in the trailer.
Brown people have all the tech jobs.
Wealthy white people are basically split 50/50 on the left and right.

If you're so fucking smart -- what do you think drives all these white men to your movement? They are losers that are getting BTFO.

You gamed the 2016 election with the help of Russian psy-ops and it's given you false confidence.

The silent majority just wants to watch tv without any radicals, including you, bugging the fuck out of them
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Low brow bait thread. We're still winning it you communist kike loving shill. Your lies do nothing but turn more people away and convert more to our side. Just like in Germany, everyone will grow and hate the Communist Bolsheviks. Majority of people will side with us, just like they did before. History repeats itself, and Nazi's will be massacring Communist kikes
very soon.

It may be a couple years but it will happen.

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some get on making this into a jpeg to redpill any retards that are taking this shit way out of hand
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Go on your social media feeds - unless you live in a complete far-right echo chamber you know that the tone of the country has completely turned against you.

And why? One of yours murdered a photogenic white woman.

There is only one crime the American people cannot forgive, and it's that one.

It's only a matter of time until /pol/ is shut down. You fucks are FINISHED.

Because they are the ones everyone else discriminates against the most because they aren't beautiful white people or low self esteem. So they are going to be disgruntled the most. Pick on by their peers and the system. That is how they feel. Sorry you don't want to deal with their feelings.

The right is fine you delusional faggot. If anything, Alt-right has become the right's antifa.

>True right denounce it
>Far right rides it until it's no longer social acceptable to be a hanger on
>Everyone left already hates it anyway
>Normies didn't know about it

What changed? What did we lose? A shitty sub-ideology who's numbers were greatly exaggerated, and mean virtually nothing on the political scale?

You're a god damn retard if you think the alt-right was worth anything in the "culture war", despite what your reddit brothers have you believe.

You also don't make any effort to define what alt-right is, so it's pretty clear you wanted a low quality shitflinging thread in the first place.
Good, nigger. Ask Osama bin Laden about how America kow tows to violence. The best part will be the vast number of whites who will cheer as they put you down
I dare you to so something, you fat fucking pussy, we both know you are all talk.
>Everyone is a hivemind

What the fuck were those guys thinking, with the lanterns?! This is why you can't trust important shit with LARPing faggots. "we just have to look hard and intimidating".

If we want to bring change we have to do it without labels. We are the people of our nations, were not Alt right, were not Nazi's or any other shit they throw at us.
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>And why? One of yours murdered a photogenic white woman.
> photogenic white woman.

Going to enjoy voting no to faggot marriage.
3 years ago no one knew who we were.
you wouldn't have come here, you didn't know us.
Yet here we are, center stage.
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Traitors aren't people.
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Yeah goy they should show up defenseless so they can get bear maced and hit with chunks of concrete
They live in an echo chamber. They talk tough and make those laughable threats online so much they actually think they intimidate people. What a joke these people are

Years ago no one knew what The West Nile Virus was... Doesn't make it popular.
>Russian psy ops

Oh you are a good joker, great jokes abound in the shit you spew forth.

I really feel like someone set this whole thing up, this was all planned so the communists and natsocs would have some sort of confrontation and hopefully someone would get killed so that they could do exactly what they are doing now. Mayor and the cops in Charlottesville are definitely involved.

Implying this is even the real /pol/ image board you new faggot fag.

You normies and shareblue newfags are hilarious
no normies got any redpills, they don't get the information beyond a nazi ran over a woman at UVA because he was a nazi.

Just because you know the 2nd degree murder charge won't survive because the car was attacked before the incident doesn't mean he will avoid a manslaughter conviction.
Not Italian. He's half French though.
this was a plus, the "alt-right" was created by the left. we're still winning, this was a lesson: drop the natsoc shit.
We get it, your a tough guy. People shake in terror of your Tiki torch. So scary!
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If I lost, then why do I feel like a winner?
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Oh fuck, one dead in Charlottesville! Better forget that three of the five companies that control 90% of the global media are run by Jews, or that a non-Jew hasn't been in control of the Federal Reserve since 87!
Your hourly concern shill post ladies and gentlemen.

Yawn. Try something new shills.
Spencer is an eceleb. He's a trust fund baby and an attention whore.

I wish alt-right faggots died at UVA, they deserve it for following an attention whore. There was nothing to gain from that demonstration. Just a faggot using his popularity to make himself more popular.
0% surprise
>A single nutter can have more political influence than half a nation.
Unless he's black or Muslim, than it's just an isolated case
Maybe I should call ICE, you dont seem legal

The real shills are the FBI guys posting nothing but NAZI shit on here 24/7 turning this place into a honey pot you dumb fuck.
> following an attention whore
Eric Hoffer's True Believer needs to be required reading for /pol/.
the death doesn't matter, the torchlight march with nazi and rebel flags was worse. It did nothing to advance the right's cause.

It doesn't bring jobs back. It doesn't limit immigration. It doesn't encourage poor people to have abortions. It doesn't do anything but make you look like an ass.

The Alt-Right reeks of FBI Honey Pot. they pulled the same shit on leftist groups in the 60s/70s/80s, the Patriot movement of the 90s, then Muslims in the 2000s.
Lmao so mad.Whats it like worshipping losers like Hitler?
I completely forgot about the Truck of Peace. That one actually had a victim worth giving a fuck about. The little white girl that got grinded into gibs FPS Doom style. I was completely shocked at how no one cared about her, but everyone is an uproar over some ugly fat commie roastie who as in her 30s.
As a minor counterpoint, leaders tend to be self-promoters, but you shouldn't follow a self-promoter who has no substance or workable plan.

To quote the bible, "You shall know them by their fruits." Spencer's fruits are rotten.

downloading the book now.
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>>> Spencer in hiding
Does anyone know where he is. There's something I need to say to him in person.
thats not even enough
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fuck off shareblue nigger

The truth about immigration, by the numbers:

Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide

The plan to eliminate the white race:

Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:

Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:

Why are we in Decline - Cultural Marxism:

also see

The facts about slavery in North America:

Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:

Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)

The Holocaust:
If you honestly think this wasn't a huge blow to the nu right movement, you're in for a wild ride
>Antifas growing popularity with Normies

LMAO wait until they fuckup by attacking some pro-Israel groups.
the rally served its purpose by making everyone angrier
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>unironically thinking/saying nazis dindu nuffin
>thinking that's what people think of you guys
My sides
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-using (((reminder))) to start your thread is a dead giveaway faggot.
I fucking hate this guy and his cancer rallies. built a trap and then walked into it
Remember pol is for trolling. He is having a laugh.
The whole concept of marching around with nazi flags is fucking retarded. Shit doesn't work
Leaders of mass movements rarely have substance ir workable plans. Often they are failures at all endeavors outside the political arena. That's part of Hoffer's point.
Pol is for trolling. He just having a laugh
ugh this shit
The problem is the events at Charlottesville was caught on video.

The murders at that church were never filmed or even taped. If that had happened, then we'd be seeing a very different picture.
>I fucking hate this guy and his cancer rallies. built a trap and then walked into it
I honestly think he might have to most punchable face in the whole world. It would be the funniest thing ever if someone would repeat a punch just like that one.
1/10 troll
soros tried to achieve a kill from the white meme right during the preliminary candidate races
no shit

every lib and kike prayed for "pls be white" whenever an an attack or shooting happened

with a single retarded neo nazi attack the history of islamic terrorism, black shooters and crimes of the last 5 years or so would have been forgotten in an instant
Escalating the conflict was the real victory anon :^)
You forgot the google memo. That was winning people over. Then this. Total disaster.

The death doesn't matter because other groups have had murders associated with them, but people otherwise get over it. After the Dallas sniper attacks, BLM publicly mourned and disavowed what the sniper did. Laugh-a all you like, say it's crocodile tears, but it matters. Meanwhile, too many /pol/acks were like, "HURRR IT WAS THIS OTHER GUY...UH, NO I MEAN IT WAS A GEORGE SOROS FALSE FLAG...UHHHH I MEAN THE LADY WHO DIED WAS A BITCH, RIGHT?...I MEAN THE CAR GUY WAS JUSTIFIED BECAUSE HE WAS SCARED...CHECK OUT THESE WEBMS I EDITED....UH I M-M-MEAN THE GUY WAS PROBABLY JEWISH....UHHHH"

The failure to even pretend to take a difficult moment like a man is why people aren't even really scared of the alt-right, or whatever you want to call it. Nobody is scared of Richard Spencer. Punching him is a game, not a battle for survival. Nobody gives a shit if you don't personally like Richard Spencer. Your association with people like him is what makes people think that you are weak and sad.

What are the advantages of appearing weak and sad? Why not appear strong instead? Ditch the cosplay, call out unnecessary violence immediately, and don't wreath yourself in the imagery of failed movements.
Yet again
The death might be charged as 2nd degree, but it is clearly manslaughter or less.

All you have to say is that you trust the Justice system to work.

I wish I was getting Soros bucks to dunk on you dirtbags.

Instead I am doing this for fun, and the hope that I can pull some of you out of your retarded autistic daze.

Hmyes, hmyes, keep them going Shlomo, the last thing they need is a winning strategy. Keep flaunting those memes, kiddos! That'll get you taken seriously! Heh, heh, boy that Adolf Hitler sure was a strong fella, no? By all means, drape yourself in his finery. Yessss, yesss, everyone remembers Nazis...everyone has a reaction to Nazis...what's that, they hate you? Oh, it's simply because you're smarter than them. Here, don a few more swastikas, surely that'll keep you happy and distracted...er, I mean, surely there will be some victory in there...somewhere...

At any rate, good going Moishe, it's a real path to victory you've laying down for the white folk.
garth ennis stealing a joke from bill hicks


The DOJ is currently weighing terrorist charges - which is a federal wrap. And from the hints we've gotten form sources close to the investigation it seems Sessions wants to move forward with a sweeping investigation against the Alt-Right.

Prosecuting the alt-right is good politics.

This has only just begun.
Why are they Shoaing us
>The white nationalist movement is such a threat to the establishment that it is being infiltrated by the FBI.

>Commies are happy about this and don't see the irony.
I wouldn't be surprised if they do charge, but I don't think a Jury would convict. You're allowed to attend a political rally and then drive a car around the city.

>PSA from the Law off Anon:
ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS get a jury trial if you're being charged with a felony.
The best part are the people calling for more violence and terrorism. Because America has a long track record of surrendeing to terrorism and extremists?
If they do more of this shit iThe public backlash will destroy conservatism.
Whites are already ripping down confederate statues at will and no one cares because they hate the alt right
>Prosecuting the alt-right is good politics.

Just like a commie to support oppressing/suppressing political movements you dont agree with.

Just remember though, you fat losers will lose the coming civil war.
The KKK and militia movement has been infiltrated by the cops and FBI for just as long. Ruby Ridge was literally a federal agent who recruited and solicited the victim. Which is why all charges were thrown out when it finally went to trial; after his wife, baby and son were murdered.
>think we're not winning even harder now
commieflag bait, got me to post anyway
your end is nigh
the last ditch crackdown attempt that will be made now won't change a thing except win more to our side
commies fuckoff back to /leftypol and wait in your hole to die
Commie? This is the Trump DOJ, buddy,the guy the alt right thought was gonna pave the way for a white Reich.
Looks like you got played
This, holy shit, why the fuck did they touch our bread and circuses? All we wanted was to be left alone

The big IF right now is if the DOJ presses charges. If they do he is turbo fucked.

The DOJ would not bring charges unless they think they can nail him. The DOJ has a 93% conviction rate... They do not fuck around.

The big question was the intent of him plowing through the protest. If his intent was to 'send a message' that constitutes as terrorism and welp he's fucked.


schadenfreude is a hell of a thing Stormcuck.
Tell more more about the Nazis success.
>reminder that communism is a subversive invention
Humanity doesn't have a race problem, it has a nigger and kike problem. Now, those words are offensive to some, but it is time to redefine them. A nigger is best defined by the MLK Boondocks episode, (they're living contradictions, full of unfulfilled ambitions, watch and wane, love to complain, love to hear themselves talk, but hate to explain, love being another man's judge and jury, procrastinate until it's time to worry, love to be late,but hate to hurry). Now this can mean anybody can fall into this category, hence the term wigger was coined to describe the white version, but it can be anybody. This problem can be solved by addressing the next problem, kikes. Kikes are mystic, kabalist, hasidic, talmud practicing, pharisee and synagogue of satan worshipping jews. These are the subversive types that promote degeneracy in pop culture and rule by diving and conquering. The more we start to address and expose these types of kikes, the more likely we'll stop infighting and take back control from these subversive types. Don't fall for their tricks, a race war is part of (((their))) plan.
Thanks for the concern, troll.
Alt right doesn't exist.
the right lost the culture war a decade ago.
you just can't deal with it.
No one takes you seriously
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>yfw he does this for free
Even the most average lawyer should be able to show the broken windshield that happened before the accident.

Somebody cracks your windshield with a bat, you're going into self-preservation mode.
all this weekend did was make people choose a side.

Yes, everyone in America who are not Nazis want Nazis killed. Surly this was a winning strategy.
Today when I got into work I get a voicemail message from a random person ranting that one of our employees was saying racist shit online. They said they emails a screenshot. I opened it and it was the employee literally not saying a damn thing racist and just saying "Trump's not a white nationalist you dumbass"

Things are getting extreme.
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>Culture war
You don't even know what the word means
>culture war

What exactly do you think war is?
>You guys were winning and you fucking BLEW IT.
I didn't do shit.

But it is a huge blow, I'll admit.
> Memes
Not my fault you worthless fucks have never won.
Make sure you don't deviate from your script soros-bot
your divide and conquer shilling won't last for ever

Judging from the reactions across the country most people choose the left side.
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No, the people who scream the loudest, the ignorant people, choose the left.
spencer and the ilk are all controlled op you fucking moron, been calling them tjat since they "appeared" pretty much out of rightwingtraining

And there was such a low chance of this conversation even needing to happen. But some kid who liked to jerk off to anime and gore got kicked off a let's play forum. So here we are.
>You guys were winning and you fucking BLEW IT.

Really? Things have never looked so good in my opinion. The True Right got hung up over Trump, now they're learning that daddy Trump and his Jewish financiers don't fucking care about them.

The Reds and Feds sleep in the same bed.

The smoke is clearing and thank fuck people are finally realizing that only true resistance will save the day. But I'm glad C-Ville happened, it was a necessary learning experience.

Communists your day is coming sooner than you'd think, thank you for speeding things along though. I tried for months along with many others to get our side to understand these concepts and they just didn't - now they do.

And thank you for you doxxing the rallygoers as well. Stripping them of their jobs and giving them no way out is the perfect recruit for a paramilitary group ;)
Sage the shill
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>molymeme and commie flag
i would tell you to kill yourself, but that's something humans do

We still are faggot

Demographics are Destiny, you will wish for the day some fat cunt died in a self defense situation.

>replace and dispossess a whole people who have all the guns

gee shlomo what could go wrong
Like people supported white nationalism after McVeigh in OKC, right? Nothing brings people in more than terrorism and threats.

If you want to know the levels of FUCKED this kid is wait for the DOJ to make an announcement. If they press charges it means they got him. He either said something in custody, or they have digital evidence of his intent to commit an act of terrorism.

No DOJ charges means the case is much more murky.
Bump sweetie

Every time.
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stormfags ruin everything
Cheked. Shill btfo
2/10? You should read a history book. This is when things start getting really fun.
>implying australians don't
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How delusional do you have to be to think this weekend was a good thing for your movement?

The spotlight was shown on you people and you've now scattered like roaches.

As far as HUR HUR PARAMILITARY GROUP HUR. That shit will be more FBI agents than Nazis.

Also know your history - If Americans in the 1920s disavowed and came to hate the KKK what do you think Americans will do now when faced with a genocidal white nationalist front?
You say that like it's a problem.
You are a terrible troll
Realize that white people were the enemy before they started standing up for their rights.
Your flaw is assuming other whites support you are a fringe minority group hated by the people you claim to represent
Even your buddy Trump has sold you out.
> Inb4 some bullshit you think sounds intimidating
No ome is scared of you. No one is going to give a fuck if you make threats and if you do try to act on them we will put you down like every other terrorist group in this nations history. You are nothing
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>Yet another Antifa shill thread
Still, the positive angle to this is to follow Trump's lead. Alt Right dumps NatSoc and White Supremacists and looks like a hero. Sane and realistic right wing American conservatism is back in business
they don't
Australians make errything funnier
"He didn't see how big the Unite the Right rally was."
Delusion? I'm basing this off of fact. I am not shocked that you lack the capacity to understand how movements work but this was exactly what we needed in order to centralize and become more cohesive. It also gave the less radical of us a hard truth and that's that Communists and Capitalists are the same hydra - they cooperate together.

Capitalism uses Communism to destroy a people and then the Capitalists destroy the Communists and take over. But I'm capitalizing the "C" in Capitalism because it should be better understood as International Finance.

Maybe this is a little too much for you to comprehend but I think you'll understand it soon enough. Regardless, I look forward to fighting you and your Federal advisers soon enough. You're paving the way brilliantly please keep up the good work.

You have no idea how many people just got radicalized watching a statue get torn down by a screaming, hysteric horde of Communists today but it's amazing.
Speaking of history how was the white supremacist paradise of Nazi Germany doing in 1945?
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We are still going to win the Culture war OP, Nationalism is only going to grow larger because of Antifa and the Establishment not defending White Americans. After the Rally and the Destruction of the Monument. I think it will bring attention to a good amount of Normies especially GenZ about how truly violent nu-bolsheviks truly are. If anything I don't see Nationalism becoming another fringe ideology again but rather as the new counter culture. It's obvious Anarchists and Communists in America are funded by the Government and Establishment and not even Trump will condemn these violent attacks on nationalists and his supporters. Along with Anti-White shit shoved down people's throats on social media. It's safe to say nationalism is only going to get bigger because of it. Leftists and Globalists don't even know what they're creating by doing this shit. Someday it will eventually outnumber them in large numbers. Whites are getting sick and tired of being called racist and Nazis multiple times, The Unite the Right rally truly benefited us if anything.

I never really liked the rightist aspect of /pol/, I liked it better back when it was Classical Liberalist, but this SJW bullshit this past weak just pushed me further to the right.
If cville mattered you wouldn't have to come here to tell us.
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Pretty damn good, actually.
/pol/ is still winning, leftypol is just making more noise and banging more pots. Unless more blood is shed, all of this will die down quickly.
They're actually declining among normies, If anything Nationalism is only going to grow more because Antifa being allowed to commit violence without getting in trouble. They're in the same bed as the feds and people are starting to realize that.
You guys are deluded if you think most people get behind nazis and white supremacy. Even people who agree with you about the madness of PC culture, BLM, etc., it doesn't mean they are on board with Nazi shit
Not large at all and you brought in people from the entire nation. Even thenthere were more whites protesting it than attending.
So you confess that you support a joint agreement between International Finance and Communism?

You must because this is what happened with the NSDAP in Germany.

You should ask the Polish how they felt about the "peace brining Allies" when they were thrown to the Communist hounds and nearly destroyed. The fact is you are simply siding with a side you perceive as stronger due to the media backing you as well as the Federal government, but the truth is things have never been this unstable in a long time and the best part is we are the most organized force left.

I would love to see Antifa try to survive in a scenario where survival becomes crucial. Considering there is nothing binding any of you together but hatred I can assume it would last maybe a week before you turned on one another.

I'm very happy with recent developments and I can't wait for the 19th when it happens all over again in Boston. My hope is that there is more violence, which there will be because the police protect Antifa when they assault nationalists, so this will provide awesome prospects for the future especially in turning moderates into radical soldiers.

Thanks Commies for being the States bitch, you do us more than we could ever dream of doing in a year with your antics.
Finish school before you post here, 4chan is 18+
They're going to get behind nationalism, it's already obvious anarchy is another puppet of the feds. The police allying with Antifa protesters was proof of it. If there's a rally next year, it will probably be bigger.
>legit specific historical reference on /pol/ mixed with furries

I...I'm so confused.
The fact is you have to look at it from a more Roman perspective. Dictatorships become necessary from time to time in order to enforce societal values.

C-Ville proved the Constitution does not apply to those that the Communists and their Federal overseers deem as "nazis", which by the way I can safely say many rallygoers were NOT Nazis. I consider myself a National Socialist first and foremost, but most of the guys who went were Conservative types who are not becoming radicalized due to the reality of the situation.

Their right to freedom of assembly was denied because they applied for a permit which they got. They held a peaceful gathering but the Antifa, who did not get a permit and came only to fight and hurt people, were protected by police while nationalists were left to fend for themselves.

Watch the videos for yourself if you don't believe me, all the evidence is there.

And the media is siding with Antifa naturally because this is the only way in which it's going to work. They need a mob and they're getting one.
This is why I hate alt-fags more than anything

They have hurt right-wing movements more than Antifa or the left ever could
I had no idea having your women being mass raped by Russians was an indication of success. I am guessing the cities being bombed flat and suicide in a bunker was Hitler playing 4d chess, right?
Who's you? I didn't attend it. >>137528831
Accept it.
Problem with not coming to events with shields, at least, is we'd be back to a Berkley square one... maybe even worse though. Those are there to make sure you don't get hurt by those assholes with bats.
> Deflections and copy pasta
Yes, you should tell more people about yoir hate for allied soldiers WW2.
Thing is, I still support gay rights, still hate blacks, still support free speech and the second amendment, still am an atheist, still hate Islam, and I still hate trannies. At least Nazis can accept that faggots and blacks can support the /pol/ ideals. But Antifa and BLM are driving away potential allies to the far right.
The alt-right deserves it. If you had any balls you would have stopped those idiots posing as nazis and told everyone that Spencer doesn't represent you. Instead you sat behind your computer complaining and making memes. You will not achieve anything doing this and Antifa will win. I've lost all respect for the alt-righr after seeing what cowards you are.
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>he was right all along

alt-right fucking destroyed, even the cheeto-god can't defend you anymore. it's over
Maybe, but look at Russia now. I'd still rather live in Germany.
What happens if there is another violent protest/counter protest clash? Will the left be able to continually defend Antifa psychos screaming "we don't tolerate your intolerance!"?

>> I am not shocked that you lack the capacity to understand how movements work but this was exactly what we needed in order to centralize and become more cohesive.

Movements need defining moments of heroism and glory to solidify their ranks. This was like the beer hall putsch, but instead of getting fired upon the Nazis decided to kill a girl instead.

Also, who is going to lead this more centralized and cohesive white nationalist front? Name just one leader who has what it takes to actually be in charge and move this thing forward...

Also a more cohesive and centralized movement means your easily cuckable by the feds.

>>It also gave the less radical of us a hard truth and that's that Communists and Capitalists are the same hydra - they cooperate together.

Lets ignore 50 years of the cold war to make an argument that makes no sense.

>>Maybe this is a little too much for you to comprehend but I think you'll understand it soon enough. Regardless, I look forward to fighting you and your Federal advisers soon enough. You're paving the way brilliantly please keep up the good work.

You should worry more about the feds and Sessions DOJ raiding your ass more than Leftists at this point.

>> You have no idea how many people just got radicalized watching a statue get torn down by a screaming, hysteric horde of Communists today but it's amazing.

Many of the same people pissed off about the statue coming down also want you fucks to burn in hell for killing that girl. Normies can be mad at two things at once you know.
>Even Richard Spencer thinks things have changed.
who the fuck cares what that faggit thinks? he's not my boss
heheheh, that's funny, since no one is even talking about you cucks. Seriously, none of the normies even realized you were there. How many people were defending you? A handful and your mom?
By the way, say hi to your mom for me.
The alt-right is a meme created by CNN. Stop using this term as if it means something. Are they Nazis, white supremacists, or Libertarians. Make up your mind.
This conspiracy theory is getting old.
So you have to make a difference between Hollywood Neo-Nazis which is just a fashion trend for edgy kids and actual National Socialists.

>movements need defining moments of heroism
Which you are greatly providing for us.

>who is going to lead
Apparently you are unaware with the doctrines of American Futurism and Fascism. I'll give you two words: leaderless resistance.

>Lets ignore 50 years of the cold war
Yes, a COLD WAR. The NSDAP was brutally invaded and the German people were subjected to re-education under International Financial control and Communist control. Funny how they both happily occupied Germany for years after the war ended.

Funny how they did nothing while in Poland thousands died under the brutal Communist rule. And it wasn't just Poland it was many other nations as well.

>You should worry more about the feds and Sessions DOJ raiding your ass

Communists are just the useful idiots of World Finance. They are like the thuggish footsoldiers of the suit and tie wearing global elite. You can kill a hundred Communists but it's worth nothing if you don't kill at least one of these International Financiers. WW2 proved that immensely.

>for killing that girl
What girl? The girl who got run over? Yet footage from the event proves that the Dodge was actually swarmed and attacked before he accelerated.
Faggot sheeple on FB are already back to posting idiodic feel good garbage that has nothing to do with the real world. They're in a stupor and might rouse long enough to vote party line and be done. These sorts will look at the economy and their pocketbooks and decide what to do. Quite frankly, I don't many people on either side are planning to change their minds anytime soon. I'm okay with that because so far republicans are doing very well.

I personally think more people will turn to nationalism after this since Antifa and the Feds are now good buddies.
What is shareblue is that like another Uber or some
well according to that i guess im one.
Alt-Right is the hero we need but don't deserve. They're the sacrificial lamb that was needed to help normalize Trump and his constituents.

What's important is that the Alt-Right doesn't disavow Trump, at least not in their hearts. Distancing themselves from him publicly would actually help him.
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>>Apparently you are unaware with the doctrines of American Futurism and Fascism. I'll give you two words: leaderless resistance.
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You're naming things that happened previously.

I hope you get killed soon.
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You shouldn't have taken your hoods off retards.

If you kill yourselves now you Larpers might salvage some dignity.
I know such a concept is beyond your level of comprehending but its been really successful so far.

Or have you already forgotten...
I am optimistic. It's outrageous the way the police let the Antifa literally stalk the alt-right in the streets. I know I went from left leaning centrist to full nationalist in the last half year.
That doesn't mean the cause is dead, if anything it's bound to grow now. I bet by next year there will be even more people if there's another rally. The establishment and Antifa can't stop us, we are truly the new counter culture. Normies are turning to nationalism by the day. We will win this and save America.
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Are you sick?
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>people cucking because literally all conservatives are racists
If anyone can snatch defeat from the jaws of victory, it's the Left. This popped up on my Facebook

"Celebration of Columbus Day"
"Virtuous Victim Narrative"
"One human family"

Apparently these are a form of covert white supremacy--Richard Spencer's ideas must be more popular than we thought!

Also, lol at "Self-appointed white ally" being on the list--who do they think is sharing this on Facebook except self-appointed white allies?

Normies don't like Nazis, but they also don't like being equated with Nazis because they celebrate Columbus Day.

As annoying as the idiocy from Charlottesville has been, it's always comforting to be reminded that the rank-and-file opposition has certain disadvantages. Such as being insane. Never change, shitlibs.
It's becoming more obvious that we are the ones who are truly against the establishment's plan to brown America and Europe. No matter how many celebrities mock us they can't stop the obvious growth of people turning to nationalism wither it's white nationalism or not.
Wow you didnt get the sentence?
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>everybody hates /pol/
>Daily Stormer down
>AltRight discord down
>Confederate statue down
>Varg is now endorsing Leftist
These are not good times for /pol/, these are dark times.
>The right was winning
>Because they had better memes
What has Trump actually accomplished? The healthcare bill was DOA, there are no signs of the wall being built, Congress passed sanctions against Russia.

Name me one instance where leaderless resistance was successful.
You could get burned by it pretty bad to the point were you d be crying dude
Censorship of a movement only makes the movement stronger, Just like how the Tsar tried to censor Bolshevik retards like you.
No half of them won't protest again for fear of their life. It's not a good thing but neither is their bullshit
Yeah it's the CIA but it's about the most obvious thing I've seen. He's the textbook definition of a plant. We KNOW the CIA/FBI infiltrated all these white supremacist movements before, no reason not to continue.
Remember Dylan Roof?

Neither do they.

Leaders emerge naturally from the masses who are going to fight you. But leaderless resistance as a concept ensures that cells can operate at max potential by protecting max anonymity.

In the information age this is important but luckily we learned from C-Ville. Assembly won't work, but bullets will.

Once the shooting starts for awhile then we go back to the protest route after tiring people out with bloodshed. This happened before, but you seem to have forgotten
Fascist parties were banned for decades and nobody gives a shit. You need a closer examination about why a suppressed movement may grow stronger.
Gas the kikes. Extract zion out of govts. with melon baller throw em at a wall.
>198 replies
fucking hell you dopes ignore the shills

we still are you fucking moron
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The last generation was too burnt out on LSD and other drugs to do anything but self-implode. This generation is different. I'm glad things are escalating, I'm hoping the violence continues. On the 19th I hope Antifa shows up and tries to start a fight.This is important for continued growth and success.
>Posting this jewish christcuck.
>le natsees are just as bad as anteefuh
im a little bothered about the fact that this meme ended up being right
>everybody hates /pol/
Good, /pol/ was better when they were seen as fringe lunatics rather than reddit but right wing.

>Daily Stormer down
Eh, personally don't think enough and think businesses should be allowed to refuse service to people based on beliefs (or religion, or race, or sex). Still the refugees pouring in should be shot.
>AltRight discord down
Never heard of it.
>Confederate statue down
Taking pride in a war you lost is stupid. If you have such a big deal get a gun and start guarding monuments you pussy, 99% of these monuments are in southern states with lax gun laws.
>Varg is now endorsing Leftist
Varg is the epitome of white trash, he believes that all great civilizations were nordic and lives on welfare with a ton of kids. He is just a white version of a wewuzzing street nigger.
>You guys were winning and you fucking BLEW IT.

That seems to be a recurring trend with Nazis.
>this generation
Do you mean millenials, half of whom despise capitalism, or Gen Z that hasn't even grown up enough to hold firm opinions?
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All according to plan, really.

Alt-right > nationalist > white nationalist > white supremacist > nazi > neo nazi
All in the span of one day, repeat it over and over again

You have to understand that Liberals are ECSTATIC over this girl's murder, they absolutely LOVE the attention and opportunity to leech off it.

You remember how every other day some poor kid would get killed by a refugee, or some girl would get raped, or some bomb would go off and these people would immediately turn the other check and trip all over themselves making excuses? How many thousands of victims have been created because of them?

Then, one weekend after years of this abuse some dumbass plows his car into a crowd of violent, angry 5th columnists and suddenly they're the moral and righteous paragons against the evil underbelly of America? I don't buy it.

Notice how they're going after everyone and everything even remotely connected to some form of conservative or nationalist ideal, this is not in any way a normal reaction to this event given how callous and cruel they've been to their countrymen's suffering for years. These people are your enemy.
this didnt make anyone change their mind. the ppl who chimped out over it would chimp out over anything. all it did was remind us how weak gop leadership is
You realize that National Socialism is anti-Capitalism right? Sounds like sombody may want to actually research in what they think they are fighting before making empty headed claims.

Are all Communists this ignorant? I suppose years of living on a escalator in life will do that to your brain.

Éamon de Valera
Arthur Griffith
Michael Collins

The Irish had political and military leaders.

Also you argue that this is good for the alt-right as it will centralize everything, and now you say it will be good for the alt-right because it will decentralize everything.

My god you guys are confused.
Its not a race war. Its white neo marxists against white nationalists. The nonwhites get all their power from neo marxist self hating whites. They are the obstacle to be removed, to save the world
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>You realize that National Socialism is anti-Capitalism right?
I know that it CLAIMS to be anti-capitalist. It also claims to be socialist. And both terms have special snowflake definitions, not based in reality. So both claims are false, and National Socialist opposition to capitalism is lip service at best.
I love how you admit we were winning. Glad to know you wouldn't admit it.
repeat a punch? he didnt get punched, he got arm whacked with a concealed wrench, which didnt even knock him over
>political and military leaders
That emerged when? During times of action. This is natural, leadership and hierarchy is natural.

Leaderless resistance has more to do with operational level activities as opposed to cohesive ones. We aren't stupid. If we setup an HQ it would probably get drone striked.
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>Instead I am doing this for fun, and the hope that I can pull some of you out of your retarded autistic daze.

Whatever you say, champ
I am happy that you are finally understanding National Socialism is a third position ideology.

>lip service at best
Coming from the ideology that only existed due to Capitalism. You do realize that the Soviet Union took billions from foreign aid from CApitalist nations while the NSDAP did not?

That is undeniable fact. Also, Communists and Feds cooperate with one another which really doesn't put you on any ground.

Perhaps you should do some reading into National Socialist thought. The Calvin Research Institute has a great selection of articles to read from printed by National Socialists, not Hollywood Neo-Nazis.

Interestingly enough, many Communists wound up joining the NSDAP after they realized the lies that built Communism up. The reality is, Communism is and always will be the bitch to World Finance.
That's what I was getting at. Many of them likely won't protest again. Add this to all the doxxing. Both sides will get scared into submission, and this will be one big nothing after Trump solves serious, long-avoided geopolitical messes, like the Norks.

AR before Charlottesville: Loathsome Nazi LARPers hated by all, derided as shills on pol,
AR after: Same
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>spewing so much bullshit
All of this happened because some cunts think that messing with our games is a good idea
>quotes a fucking wordpress instead of reading NSDAP documents

I can see there isn't going to be much getting through to someone who is so engulfed in their own ego and falsehoods. Anyways, Calvin Research Institute is the place for the sources. WARNING: They are extensive so take some time to read. Goebbels has some fantastic ones particularly regarding National Socialism conceptually.
We're not the alt-right, moron.
In the end, he was wrong
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Privatization comes from the word "reprivatization" which was a term made up by The Economist to describe German Reich's economic policy.

Gamer Gate was your assassination of Arch Duke Ferdinand?
and this is now their Somme
This is called a mixed market economy and it was successful. Industry was allowed to be private so long as it benefited the people, this is perfect. It is basically taking the tribe concept to a large stage which is the only way to have stability in society.

The World Internationalists are unable to destroy this economy due to it being protectionist while also being open to trade within reason. Internationalists also are unable to saturate the economy because it is a NATIONAL economy rather than an international one.

The Communists on the otherhand were taking massive amounts of Capitalist aid and telling all the slave peons that were dying in hordes they were doing it for their own good. LOL
>just regulate the industry
>promise no corruption
Almost every single economy in the world right now is mixed market. So what's the issue?
The U.S. is internationalist which is why it requires, what? A massive world military industrial complex. The U.S. actually owns a majority of the planet. Remember: if a foreign nation has a military base in your country THEY OWN YOU.

Economies nowadays especially in the West are globalized. They are overrun by large central mega corporations that are international in their make up and do nothing for anybody but line their own pockets.

National Socialism is the only cure for this. Communism is internationalist and so creates the same dilemma except they need Capitalist aid to survive as proven by history.
Well, you alt-right assholes showed your true colors. Your neo-nazi, white supremacist, racist, backwards colors. You make anyone who opposes you look like a fucking superhero.
Think of it this way hombre, National Socialists will be more than happy to grant you national sovereignty.
>a word was derived by removing a prefix
That's not how language works.
Woooooaaah Richard Spencer holy shit!
Shut the fuck up you spic.
When did he become anything more than some faggot who said some stuff that was liked here? These leftist useful idiots have become so unhinged.
Muslims could start raping little white girls in the streets while praying to Allah and they'll still be everyone's darlings. Alt-right never stood a chance, commies won.
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Reminder we still are.
Not real quote
Quiet you mexicarribean
Commies always lose in the end
This is what happens when you kill a white woman you stupid fucks. Notice how nobody gives a shit that they nearly beat some dindunuffin to death?

These stupid fuckers killed a white woman and united millions against the far right.

Antifaggots are laughing now.

Trump is fucked. Bannon is fucked.

Everything gone because some autist decides to be ISIS.
>all these 1 post concern trolls
Rly makes u think
You don't think faggot.

Yeah, and Nazis have a great track record.
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>burger meme
>Even the controlled opposition guy thinks things have changed.
Naaaah, ya think Comrade Cumguzzler?
No. They were being set up. Antifa and the other far left groups were setting this up from the moment they started yelling "Nazi" at Centrists in public. Creating a Boogeyman and waiting for literally anything they could get to give them the excuse to start destroying those that disagree, American values and monuments. You act as if this one event wouldn't have happened it would all be okay. Regardless if this was a crazed anon or a false flag with lizardmen actors... this was going to happen eventually. Even if they had to do it themselves and blame it on the right.
>no arguments
what incredible intellect
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