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When did you grow out of Jordan B Peterson?

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When did you grow out of Jordan B Peterson?
>Growing out of Peterson
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What is your argument?
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I thought it was apparent from the pictures. But to spoon-feed it to you, he cooperates a lot with meme right wingers such as Stefan Molyneux, (((Rebel Media))), Faith Goldy, etc...

It seems to me he really jumped on the anti- alt right with the recent events, to the greater degree than i would expect from a classical liberal.
>JBP is obsessed w meaning
>all he thinks about are symbols
>that obvious star made from hands and pencils in pic related
really does you a ponder
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>When did you grow out of Jordan B Peterson?

think about how filthy OP's room is.

>i dont like those guys, but THOSE guys are the worst, sure saved my own ass here look at me denouncing those evil guys
When I realized his videos were just a ploy for a self-help scam.
I don't mean i stopped listening to him completely, he explains some things very well. It's just that his worldview and solutions to world's problems are questionable, to say the least.

Like someone could entertain Freud, and learn something from him, but ulitmately realize he is a kike obsessed with sex.
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>kike thinks white identity is the most detestable
I've not grown out of him but I have grown a little tired of him. He just repeats himself so much, you have to go through a ton of his stuff to find fresh ideas you've not heard him say before.

You think he made that picture? It links to NPR, not his site.
when I realized that he is boring af and that he never drops any proper redpills
When he hopped on the "lets talk to people who are in the news" train and then talks over them for the most time. A little to much ego.

Wise man who has come across more success than he could possibly ever have.

when I saw his bait af interview with the guy that got fired from google and his quick response to Charlottesville I realized that at least SOME of his stuff is just up there for the clicks.

one of two things re: muh wyte soupremacists:

1) he's making so much cash he doesn't want to risk being demonetized/banned

2) He hasn't actually changed, just realized that 10 million free clicks for making a 15 minute video is going to be worth it in literally every circumstance and so it doesn't matter if some autist from his cult following catches on to the inconsistency

either way, he's picking money over principle and generally not following his own advice. one can only hope he's putting it to good use, like donating the cash to his masonic lodge
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Come on, you can't give Peterson shit for starting mild in his efforts to get rid of the cancer in the West, considering especially that he is working at the very fucking core of post modernist society. There are so many retards on /pol/ that think someone with such a fragile career on the line constantly (losing research grants, receiving threatening letters from his university, risking his tenure, etc.) will suddenly become 14/88. He is "jumping on the anti-alt right" wagon clearly out of compulsion, due to him having to consistently verify his position to the media as not a far-right winger for the aforementioned reasons. I assume you've watched his recent video on an email exchange with a shitty, slanderous journalist, which is a perfect example of him having to start small. Just give him time. He is ambitious and has the goal of "reducing post modernist indoctrination in institutions around the west by 75% over the next 5 years"
> There are so many retards on /pol/ that think someone with such a fragile career on the line
He has tenure, his job is not fragile at all. You've been scammed by a self-help conman.
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Do people actually like that Faith Goldy cunt here? She seems alright but she respects muslims enough to use their Arabic pronounciations (muss-lim, Iss-laaaahm, etc) and this shit really pisses me off. Same as when Mexicunts roll their R's and speak with a perfect American accent until they say their name or something. Throw them all in the bin for perversion of the good Lord's tongue - English.
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>entertaining Freud at all
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Are you kidding? Faith is one of the very few non-alt-righters who is not denouncing the rally and is actually on the alt-right's side on this one. She even went on a Daily Stormer podcast. I'm actually shocked she is this understanding.
Why would I grow out of Peterson? I wonder what he's going to say about the Charlottesville debacle.

I haven't grown out of Jordan B Peterson. I would say that if we lived in a gentler time my political views would align nearly identically to his. He preaches moderation. He preaches open debate and intellectual rigor. The only problem is the only ones listening to him are right wing kids displaced by today's political climate. The left wing is fully extremized, holds tremendous power in government, universities and corporations. The right wing holds power in niche websites on the internet. Right now the right wing has to become radicalized to combat the radicalized left wing. There is no other option, unfortunately.
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Her lips are so obviously fake, and i thought she was over 35 (she is 28).
Does Peterson believe in a spiritual hell or is he just using hell as a metaphor?
she has a weird voice and a weird mouth but all in all id still toss a few into her.
Good for her. She just needs to start speaking English when she's talking about sub-human roach scum. Using Arabic pronunciations when describing islam is a disgusting thing to do. Saying "muss lim" and "iss lahm" is cringy and makes her look like she has too much respect for muslims.
And how does one avoid hell?
ah damb, well, still spoopy

Anyway, in response to OP topic, JBP is good for psychological and philosophical info, bad for historical and political info. He is a kike and a cuck, although I can appreciate him from a distance.
Jesus, as if she's only 3 years older than me. Scary. Yeah this is why you don't put arse fat into your lips. I'd still rinse her of course.
Peterson is a very smart man. You would do well to learn from him OP
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When I was about 18
>uhh, nearly a whole year now my dude
What next?
Sort yourself out
Sort yourself out. By literally cleaning your room, you allow your mind to move onto the next largest task that you know you should be doing, deep down. Eventually, by following this process, you will own a solid gold house
this dumbass sort yourself out bullshit always sounded like a fucking cult. just read jung yourself and avoid this brainlet.
split your life into about 6 different eras and reflect on them - what events do you still think about and regret? write down those events, analyse how they make you feel and why they make you feel that way, and what you could do differently to prevent it from happening in the future (or preventing a negative reaction)
Make your room beautiful.
ohhh, I get it. you're of sub-negro intelligence and have no idea what is going on. this thread is gay.

Always post to telll people to clean their room. Everytime I read one I clean up just a bit more.

One day, I will sort myself out. Thanks /pol/
pretty normal slav lips to me.
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