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>Breitbart defends Unite the Right, slams antifa flag burning
>Moderates defending and sympathizing with Spencer
>ACLU defending Spencer
>C'ville Mayor about to have his ass chewed up and spat out in court, resulting in millions paid off to the nationalists
>None of the participating groups are backing down on their message and more rallies are planned
>Different nationalist groups and ideologies proved they could unite and function as one common front
>Driver's life was threatened with video proof and acted instinctively to escape and will get out on light charges
>China and Russia now have their eye on the Alt-Right
>Spencer proves he's no coward
>The left establishment just created a Selma for the new right counterculture and white identity, and drew attention to it on national levels

We have to be firm and steadfast now and not let the masses forget us, WE'RE HERE NOW AND WE'RE NOT GOING ANYWHERE. White nationalism is the future.

More and more, yesterday is starting to look like a great victory..
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Don't believe the shills claiming the moderate right is turning against us, they are not. Even that faggot Milo is defending white nationalist sentiment and blaming all wrongdoing on the left. And as mentioned, Assange pointed out that China and Russia are watching us. If they see us as an asset they will prop up our movement to destabilize our mutual globalist neoliberal (((enemy)). Soros shit himself in the foot yesterday and he knows it.

During the 60's the civil rights cucks were in a similar situation. But they persisted and grew until they took over all facets of a hostile society and hijacked the nations. We can wrest it all from them if we press on, if we have rallies everywhere in every state and every big city, in countrysides and small towns. We need to be like the other successful revolutions and start marshaling the rural people instead of focusing on the antifa-infested cities.

The mainstream (((media))) is absolutely terrified right now. In fact they are beside themselve. Never in a million years could they have possibly fathomed all their brainwashing and academic domination has failed and the youth are waking up. The tide of history is turning against them and they are stunned. They have no weapon against us and they are dying off. Look at the counter protesters. Old women and sterile homosexuals, fat lesbians with dyed hair and other diseases vermin. All the nationalists were young men, some just out of highschool.

Gentlemen, in short, WE ARE THE FUTURE. It's time to put away our childish memes. You came here years ago because you wanted to change the world. You wanted to save all that was great and beautiful about our people and seen it overcome the odds like it always has through strife, plague, war, and famine.

>This is our time. We are starting a physical movement now and we need to be in every street, our propaganda and information must be everywhere. We must be visible and united in our conviction. Let's do this, men of the west.
>yesterday is starting to look like a great victory
huge victory in shill salt in here is any indicator
Talk to the average person on the street and they think you're a bunch of murderous bloodthirsty psychotic skinheads equivalent to Aryan Brotherhood. You're fucking terrorists, no one but other far-right publications are sympathizing with you. It's over dude.

Ok friend thanks for your (((concern)))
bump. sieg heil! heil victory! may the beauty of white women never perish from the earth.
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Our movement is maturing, we have now entered the post Beerhall-Pustch stage and we must remain in the public when and continue to expose antifa for the bolshevik scum terrorists they are.

Just in the days of Weimer, the people will always choose the patriotic "nazis" over the flag-burning bolsheviks. The reds will never win, they are despised by all and condemned by all. They are terrorists and their days are numbered. They will eventually be outlawed. But we have to march peacefully and continue defying them.
Humanity doesn't have a race problem, it has a nigger and kike problem. Now, those words are offensive to some, but it is time to redefine them. A nigger is best defined by the MLK Boondocks episode, (they're living contradictions, full of unfulfilled ambitions, watch and wane, love to complain, love to hear themselves talk, but hate to explain, love being another man's judge and jury, procrastinate until it's time to worry, love to be late,but hate to hurry). Now this can mean anybody can fall into this category, hence the term wigger was coined to describe the white version, but it can be anybody. This problem can be solved by addressing the next problem, kikes. Kikes are mystic, kabalist, hasidic, talmud practicing, pharisee and synagogue of satan worshipping jews. These are the subversive types that promote degeneracy in pop culture and rule by diving and conquering. The more we start to address and expose these types of kikes, the more likely we'll stop infighting and take back control from these subversive types. Don't fall for their tricks, a race war is part of (((their))) plan.
>The left establishment just created a Selma for the new right counterculture and white identity, and drew attention to it on national levels

This is so tone-deaf and laughable it fucking hurts. You're comparing taking down a statue of an old slaveowner to black people who couldn't even work or live next to whites fighting for their basic rights? This is why no one will ever take you seriously, because you're a bunch of clueless privileged dorky white boys struggling with sexual repression manifesting itself into anger/hate.
>trying this hard to cover up your weakness
Get a knife, end ya life
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Nice contentless slide thread, /leftypol/.

Damn right!
Insulting someone you disagree with another sign of weakness. Christ you have no chance.
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Why don't the natsoc have flags like these .instead of using national socialist party ones. you could get ones from High castle and say its satire etc
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They have similar views about antifa and BLM though so that doesn't really matter.

What really matters is the velocity of people joining these extreme groups, and the power that they hold.
muh diversity)))))))))))))
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have a (you) crypto-leaf
>Talk to the average person on the street
None of them gives a fuck to be honest.
After multiple trucks of peace no one will care about a single person being run over anymore.
That's for Europe obviously.
>lol u get mad when i say teh dumbest possible shit??? btfo shitlib that means i win

Literally 12
>muh Charlottesville was a success
>muh Spencer
>"enough of your childish memes"
>using caps to emphasize
Fuck off, stormfag. You're only ruining any chance of white nationalism further with your LARPing
can I get sauce on all these?

I believe you, but I've been gone all night and want to catch up
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Anti-White Hatred will only create a monster that will utterly destroy you.
>Talk to the average person on the street and they think you're a bunch of murderous bloodthirsty psychotic skinheads equivalent to Aryan Brotherhood.
Only if they listen to the lying press
Reminder that trust in the media is at an all time low
>Hating nazis is hating all white people
>All white people are nazis

That's-a spicy eyeball!
>Muh Stormfags

Get over it Christcuck, more people are turning to nationalism everyday. Jewsus can go fuck himself along with your fairy tales.
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>This is why no one will ever take you seriously
>no one
You mean the legacy media. Which is constantly losing viewer and readership and has to deal with alternative outlets eating into their market share.

>my own shill channels don't sympathize with my enemy, so clearly that means my enemy is hated by everyone
You threw away influence over those people when you decided to constant vilify them and to deny them a platform. Now they'll just build up their own channels.
The US is a christian nation though, mudslime :^)))
looks cooler m8 and the Natsoc Germany is long gone. need new symbolism that doesn't give an instant auto suggested emotional response from normies. causes cognitive dissonance isn't that what Hitler did.
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/pol/ is winning
>posts civnat cuck
Anarchists literally eat shit and fuck animals, are you any better?
>muh Naziism or nuthin
Shill confirmed. Have fun with your crumbling broadbrush easily-infiltratable (((alt-right))), lad. You're not going anywhere with your demeanor.
fine specimens of the ubermensch.
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>Commies fill our streets with nonwhites for decades
>down to about 60% white
>the "average person" now disagrees with us

Wow, who could've seen that one coming?! Guess we need to get working on changing the "average person" then, because we certainly aren't going to change our minds.

>cry about it
Thats... exactly what the left has been saying for years.
Yeah you're definitely making everything better by shitposting on this Kazakhstani basket weaving site. Deus cult, amirite xdxdxd>>137401925
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no check any right wing comments section the narrative is getting BTFO
Leftists don't know what they're creating, Nationalism is the new counter culture while Communism/Anarchism are fully apart of the Establishment now. That's why they never criticize them at all but they'll call Nationalism racist.
Entirely accurate.

The city as well as the governor are going to get raked over the coals. They outright broke the law on Saturday.
This is the truth, don't get dissuaded by obvious /leftypol/ shilling
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Nope. More top comments. This was from yahoo.

Narrative got BTFO. White people do NOT give a shit about this
You might care considering you need their votes to achieve your goals. Which will never happen because fascism has no mainstream appeal.

No one hates whites, we hate oppression. You can be white, be proud to be white, fuck white girls, whatever dude. But when your white pride means infringing on other people's rights, then fuck off.
Why do you even care about your race so much is my question? Why does it matter what color your countrymen are if they are good people? Are you insecure or something? Do you think blacks have bigger dicks than you and will steal your women, or Mexicans will take your blue collar jobs and Asians will steal your white collar jobs? What about the Jews, if the whites are the master race then why did they get so easily subverted by Jews and communists?
Oppression my ass, you don't care about Muslims kidnapping Slavic women from the Balkans or White South Africans getting endlessly killed by niggers. You're the Establishment's puppet and that's what you always will be.
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>No one hates whites, we hate oppression
Is that why every gommy group under the sun makes it clear that it's against white privilege and the like?
You're calling us delusional?
>White South Africans
Also Slavic people beat refugees and migrants trying to come into their countries, they also beat African tourists.
>Past actions means they should have acts of genocide committed against them

This is why you're dying
Im just wondering what your feds are up to honestly. Reading baout the history of the CIA and FBI and their COINTELPRO operation has me pretty spooked. They have to be all over these marches by now.
Apartheid existed for a good reason. These black "people" don't belong in S.A.
i visited leftypol and it's truly a despicable place.
>no u
The post
Winter is coming.
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>The trade triangle during the colonial period
>Niggers sell other niggers to whites for shiny stuff
>We should kill all africans for selling their good monkey cousins to whites
I think i'm getting the HANG of your logic.
>black people don't belong in SA
White "people" don't belong in Europe
Do you fucking hear yourself

You seem to use that as an excuse to genocide Jews, blacks, and any other group you don't like
Yes, or else niggers will do the same and much worse to them you flag hiding faggot. We don't beat them up and they rape kids, kill people and sell drugs.
They do this everywhere on earth.
maybe in san fagcisco
Whites build S.A. and all the blacks there are immigrants from the northern countries.
The most important thing you can do for the white race is keep your own life in order. Start with yourself. You must be competent, reliable, hardworking, and, above all, happy. Do people in your life trust and respect you? What does your family think of you? Are you capable of raising children? Racial politics doesn't have to be the only factor of your life. And if you can't achieve such things for your self, then the chances are very high that you are not ready to be a political activist, either online or in real life. Because how can you make a difference for the race, for the lives of many, if you can't even make anything of your own, individual life?

Always remember: we live in first world countries and have opportunity that most people born on this planet do not. Things aren't as good for us as they were for our parents. But billions of people in the third world would still kill to have the opportunities that you do right now. So take care of yourself! Work your ass off, every day, to build a good life for you, and for your family. Spend your time wisely, and keep your real life priorities in order. Work hard, but also do fun and wholesome things with real people in real life. That's very important. Nothing on the internet should ever take away from your real life.
Russia is going to fund and support the alt right for 2 reasons. 1. is the fact that Russia supports a strong white world (although they would like to be the ones controlling it) and 2. if a civil war were to break out in the US, it would make for a perfect time for them to invade Europe and take it over, since the US will be focused on internal conflict and Europe doesn't really have an army outside of France and England's minor forces.
>tips fedora
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The reaction from the mainstream media and and establishment politicians on both sides says everything you need to know. They are scared shitless of our potential. And Trump is on our side. He did not give two shits about "denouncing" us. We have to keep going. We cannot stop. It may seem like people hate us but just like the election there are so many people not saying anything in support of us cause obviously they don't want to make their support public.
Fuck off Nazi
Trump won despite the pussy tape and not a single newspaper endorsement, complete media lockdown - you stand no chance. You're a ferret owning wes anderson movie watching cunt and you're on the way out. Your shitty raids are 100% transparent and don't make a single dent.
The left is terrified because of how close we are to winning. If we win now we win once and forever. White gentiles who are racially aware, aware of Jewish influence, who pursue their own ethnic interests. We'd so radically change the culture that within one decade the whole country would be reformed.
This would be a gleaming example of nationalist groups all over Europe to follow. Not to mention the amount of power it would wield having a pro white president making friends with other pro white political leaders. We'd be an existential threat to the international banking system. No white country would tolerate them leeching off of us.
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They're terrified. and in case you're wondering what they're terrified of

>vid related

they're terrified because this is made of purely young white men. Antifa is made up of old communists and degenerates who will not raise the next generation, these young white men creating this river of fire WILL raise the next generation.

They know their days are numbered and they are terrified.
I'd say the torch March consisted of minimum 10-40 feds and state lea.

Spencer is hugh likely cia controlled Opposition. Everything he touches goes perfectly to shit. A little too perfectly.


>unironically doing roman/nazi salutes

Epitome of fagatory.
>China and Russia now have their eye on the Alt-Right
Good luck
You're either shilling or ignorant if you think those two nation states wouldn't be interested in destabilizing the US.
Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying. And you really don't want that.
>Right-wingers have a right-wing bias.

Thanks for the news, cuck!
>is the fact that Russia supports a strong white world
stopped reading there
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We're about to LOCK HER UP.

We have won. The Jew is sowing race war.

Return honor to Hitler! Push out the brown sub-humans! Sieg Heil!

They do the same shit here. Over 50% of our nationalist party NPD are confirmed BND agents. People need to stop the whole 88 shit and stick to the 14. They're doing exactly what (((they))) want. We used to laugh about Trump being compared to Hitler and his supporters labeled as Neo-Nazis and now they're doing exactly that.
Why do you steal German symbolism?
That flag you posted, what does it represent?

This isn't some videogame where you just invent flagdesigns and go with that.
If anything, you should all be going under a confederate flag, defending the statues instead of acting like a bunch of mongs.
Show you are in the right. Keep it peaceful, don't let it marginalise and make sure you win public opinion. Then have your congress pass a law that no statues can get taken down.
THAT is how it's done.
>not wanting to dismantle the great satan that is the us
I've been keeping up with the news. I'm white pilled. I hope they get a lot of money for this. It was law enforcement that allowed it to happen. Two officers in the heli and 3 civ killed because they called a state of emergency and pushed the groups together resulting in a shitfest
>Right-wingers are keep growing in numbers
>not news
Also,your pathetic attempt of trying to fit is laughable.
If I have to pick between USA and Russia, I'll take USA any day.
WW2 is over, stop living in the past and look towards the future
omg I think i know you. you make amazing content on youtube, or you're someone who has watch who I'm referring to
>goes to shit
Did it though? He just baited a governor who is very friendly with the Clintons into contempt of court. Following unlawful orders is another fuckup on law enforcement's part.
let in about a half million Muslim refugees.
Vote to remove sovereignty from your Volk and the very idea of national dignity.
Allow your country to host the absolutely disgusting EU crime bureaucracy

> THAT is how waffles do it!
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Insulting someone you disagree with is in the Alinsky playbook.
Whites are being oppressed and subverted by media, and society as a whole. Christians beingtortured and martyred under Hillary and Obamas watch. KYS you fucking shill. Say hi to your baby raping, child eating overlords, degenerate fuck.
>>Driver's life was threatened with video proof and acted instinctively to escape and will get out on light charges
Do you really believe this??? HAHAHAHA the dude worshiped Hitler, and had no reason to drive his car in a restricted area!

>>China and Russia now have their eye on the Alt-Right
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fuck off
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The only thing that was truthful in your counterargument, which didn't even disprove my point, was that we host the EU.

>The mainstream
fucking clueless.
sure thing, goyim.
Bump against shills.
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>sure thing, goyim.

Salt prices are collapsing! Market is overflown!!!!
>china and russia have their eyes on the alt-yight
have fun being used as russian and chinese shills used to help fuck the country "nationalists"
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>Driver's life was threatened with video proof and acted instinctively to escape and will get out on light charges

Happenings and attention are always a good thing. This weekend honestly couldn't have gone better.

If our opposition was smart they would ignore us and we'd be yelling at six people in a public park with megaphones. Instead, now everyone is talking about us.
Exitbro gets it.
Kikesucker detected.
For now. But where is the trajectory heading?

great fuckin post mate. absolutely spot on in all regards. now is the time to double down on this movement and take back our country and its true values and traditions. god bless.
I guarantee they don't care. Most people don't even watch MSM anymore. Those who do aren't worth talking to in the first place.
>read the front page of peggit which is curated by Jews and bots
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Stormweenie central still down, LARPing faggot?
Im ready for another rally in all honesty, hope it's near me.
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hey, just a shout out to all the "holocaust survivors"
I'd gladly trade all the nonwhites in Europe for all the whites in SA. Deal?
Anons, reincarnation is real. And we are all wolves of the past.
I'm here to get some keks, and to kill some commies, and I'm all out of keks.
To Valhalla we ride!
lol the fact that I've seen at least 5 of these posts in the last two days trying to convince me how "everything is all right! there is no problem!" tells me everything I need to know.
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give me sauce you fucking morons
Why would you shoot yourselves in the foot when trying to prop up white nationalism in the United States by equating it with an enemy of the past ingrained in our culture as "evil" and needlessly making it more taboo.
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botted votes on video and comments
NPR are using it to shill their propaganda
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So is this then sweetie.
I'm all for the spirit of the movement and rooting out the neolib establishment cucks, but do they really need to be waving arounf Nazi banners? It seems counter productive to swaying public opinion.

> (((Breitbart))) is defending us guys!!
> Heil Israel!
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spencer has been arrested at counter demo, ITS HAPPENING
You guys are fucking delusional! You all lost and killed the fucking movement! Go to any youtube video or talk to anyone not on fucking 4chan about this and they are all against you. Someone had to bring fucking nazi flags and you idiots wonder why things never work out for the right wing. We were winning the culture war, the left were looking like bigger and bigger retards and the pendulum was swinging but now... now it is just a mess.

I've been here for years but go ahead and call me a shill if it makes your feel comfortable, because you lost.
Does this mean we have to make Spencer leader of the fourth Reich? Idk how I feel about that 2bh he says some gay shit on Twitter.
hahah this faggot had to edit out the actual top comments because it went against his narrative.
>restricted area
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> (((Richard Spencer)))
> /ourguy/
> (((Breitbart))) defends us!
> (((Milo))) is our fag!
> We're not cointelpro TRUST US
> (((National Bolsheviks))) are also /ourguys/
> White Nationalism isn't cultural marxism!

Spencer is a classic closet case
SA literally only exists because of whites
this is true.
>Russia couldnt invade Chechnia without almost colapsing economically.
>Russia will cut through Europe like a knofe through butter
The state of american education.
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I wont call you anything. But I do want you to know that this is far from over
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So here is what you believe then, that wealthy white men fund anfia to help minorities, but not as a mechanism to unite the right in opposition? You do realize you are being set up for a sacrifice right? Fuck you people really are useful idiots
It's about time, FBI. Good to know we're on the same page now.
And seeing 500 screeching 'it's all over, we were the Trump movement' like we're /R_thedonald (or however the fuck you say it I don't use reddit) tells me all that I need to know.
Hey Comrade, eat shit. That's what you'd be doing if your political ideology ever got into power in the US.
What exactly did you win? Do you feel like winners?
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>i used to support x, but then y, so now i'm z
>trust me goy, i'm an oldfag
>Driver's life was threatened with video proof and acted instinctively to escape and will get out on light charges

I'm so fucking happy to read that. Couldn't have worked out any better.
Can anyone post some pre Charlotte MSM misinformation? I've seen videos by them before anyone knew what happened saying it was 'racists' or 'white supremacists' who got ran over. The comments were filled with Leftists joking and hoping people died. Please, someone tell me you saved that shit.
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Also this
those were the top comments and now the top comments are essentially the same in a different order. how about you post a screenshot of what you think the real top comments are fucking shills
the john oliver video is higher up on trending, only the bruno mars music video is higher, and the comments are overwhelmingly pro common sense, the youtube comments don't mean shit anyway
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Holy shit, Sweden, you really rekt this faggot.
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>ACLU defending Spencer
yeah no
you faggots are done
might as well kill yourself
>And you really don't want that.

Chaos would hurt the status quo and help the far right immensely. Who do you think you're kidding?
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Tell me something. Why are you all shilling so hard right now? I'm a newfag and even I can see it. Are you attempting to capitalize on a perceived victory? Or are you afraid of what's to come?
I was really down and feeling quite blackpilled that afternoon.
Things are thankfully beginning to look up, if only in the slightest terms. WaPo and the NYT blamed things on Virginia and the Cville mayor. WaPo even said that the whites were coming from the position of being a minority.
If that's where normie neolibs are, I think the normie rightists are not turning on us.
You have a shitty VPN if it took you that long to switch over, swedebro.
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your faggot nazi have to travel to other places to even make your cancer look even sizeable
if i want a group of angry lefties they just come from the same area with 4 times the mass of your sad group tha needs to fly in from all over america
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cheer up, charlie. let out a hearty "shadilay" and let the worry fade away.

Perception is everything. This chaos is good. the media is freaking out over a inconsequential protest over a statue removal with less fatalities and injuries than the average BLM march. How many times have BLM blocked off a highway and had an angry soccer mom run through them?

furthermore, NAZIS PROTEST EVERY FUCKING WEEKEND ALL OVER THIS COUNTRY. THE FUCKING ACLU HAS gone to scotus multiple times for white supremacists' right to protest for chrissakes. This is a media blitz with a specific intention.

This chaos and panic means that Kek still has the upper hand. Leftist cucks and their globalist conglomerate owned media outlets are running around like headless chickens. They can't even form a coherent response to this except trying to enunciate "nazis" while frothing at the mouth and shitting themselves. All their polls and focus groups and advisors have said, "quit with the identity politcs- focus on economics". What do these dumb motherfuckers do? They are doubling down on identity politics merely because the lowest common denominator lap it up.
>this is what stormniggers and chan ugly shut ins actually believe

Jesus Christ you're in for a rude awakening
Time for civil war. Burn the coastal cities to the ground and execute leftists whenever and wherever they are found.
Guess we will have to secede
Trump just called you all racists and said you're repugnant and unAmerican. BTFO by your leader.
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>being this delusional
Trump is not our leader. We are a movement. Whites are no longer going to be abused by you cunts. Next rally it's going to be rifles instead of torches.
Giving free shit to niggers and leeches isn't a right
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>They have similar views about antifa and BLM though so that doesn't really matter.

To be honest outside of the internet barely anyone even knows what the fuck antifa is, let alone their "message". BLM is widely known but just seen as a bunch of whinging welfare spongers looking to blame other people for their shit fotune.
That rally in Charlottesville done real harm to anyone right of centre. It completely fed into the lefts narrative of grouping fucking everyone they don't like under this "alt-right" umbrella where anyone who supports Trump is a KKK confederate flag waving ultra racist.
If you are 'we' you're a target
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>because you're a bunch of clueless privileged dorky white boys struggling with sexual repression manifesting itself into anger/hate

You were sounding reasonable, and I was even in agreement with you, until you just showed your bigoted hate-filled true self with that last setnence.

You're no better than the so-called Nazis you're out against.
All day yesterday at work, no one mentioned it. Today, no one mentioned. The only related comments were two people bashing Trump when he spoke a couple minutes ago.

I'm sure your leftie friends are shutting themselves in rage, but normies don't care.
Nice writeup, I'm with you 100%. I'm making alt-right generals to redpill moderates on this board. Stop by if you're not busy here.
You don't give shit to anyone you penniless fuck! You fucking trailer trash welfare mother having piece of shit. Brush your meth covered tooth and go back to fucking your sister.
Perusing the daily jew news,as I like to see what bullshit they are spewing,I found this article.
so far,I have not seen it in any on line news from the US. I could be wrong tho.
*shitting. phone-posting sucks
Perusing the daily jew news,as I like to see what bullshit they are spewing,I found this article.
so far,I have not seen it in any on line news from the US. I could be wrong tho.
Im in San Francisco, what makes you hate me so much? You sound like a tumblrina who blames everyone else for their shitty existence.

As a san francisco liberal I believe:
-We have the right to arm ourselves against government tyranny and extremists on either side. Whether it's BLM or Nazi fags, you can both get the lead

-We have the right to choose. The government should only stop other people from encroaching on our freedoms

-The media manipulates everyone, from CNN to the Daily Stormer you dumbasses are being used as pawns to help the rich stay in power

I honestly wished you can take a mirror to yourself. You blame everyone else and sound like a sjw.

>Government overlords oppress me
>Blacks rape my life
>Jews mansplaining hurt my feels

Please how are you different than that fat bitch who cries and whines about life? You're the same person and you don't even see it. Fucking sad
The main group of Blacks in SA are only native to half the country. The Khoisan are the true natives of the western half, but there's barely any of them left. The Whites have been there longer than the Bantus have.
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Why? You sound like a bitchy feminist who is mad at the world because her life sucks.

Extreme-Rightism = Third wave Feminism

You're a sorry excuse for a himan being and are the exact same type of person as the BLM protestor just with a different. Overly offended snowflake
You side with the Jews, niggers and spics in your little sanctuary cities. Siege and burn is the solution. Just confine you fuckers in your human zoo until you starve or are murdered by starving shitskins. Was in Europe during the Balkan war, saw some shit. You faggots are going to be begging Nazis for mercy and will get none. This is a war you faggot, WAR!!!
its fear. they planned this out to combat the rally. the funniest thing is antifa actually believes /pol/ is the alt-right headquarters. implying anyone here ever goes to cringey alt-right websites and aren't just trolls fed up with SJWism and kike propaganda. lmao we are the kings of trolling.
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MFW you call a selfloathing pedophile fag a moderate.
>hahahah pussy. just bend over and accept the attacks against white males. only betas fight back against their enemies.
man, being raised by a roastie single mother really does a number on these "guy's" brains.
You forgot to change your flag Schlomo
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We are not with you.
We are not Alt-Right

Antifa is the same as Alt-Right. They are both funded by the same side to create chaos, instability and a divide in order to create racial tensions and a revolution in the US.

/pol/ does not have a leader
/pol/ is not Alt-Right / Kekistani or whatever the fucking banner you want to slap on us

You are a fucking shill.
Oh your poor little mind. Do you not understand how the world works? I don't side with anyone. I believe in live and let live.
But growing up in the innercity I've been with the shit, not just seeing. I've had friends take shotguns to the back of their head or watch people get gunned down in the mall parking. Growing up we had to sit below windows to avoid stray bullets.

You don't understand the facts. Instead you think we hate you. I don't hate you, I feel sorry you blame everyone else for your shitty existence. There's a reason prison Nazis don't run shit in California, because they can't handle real war. They didn't grow up having people try to murder them and the bitch up when the moment comes. I expect the same from you.
T. 15 yr old white boi taking a break from steam
lol delusional is how the left if responding to this stupid protest. delusional is making a bigger deal of this than the orlando Pulse shooting, or the truck atacks in Paris.

Never forget. Islamic terrorists are bigger threat to this countries than nazis ever could be.
This tbqh senpai
Post a pic of yourself tough boi
There is a picture of his windshield, it was smashed on the passenger side by an antifa with a bat before he rammed the crowd. This attack on him earlier in the day caused him to panic the second the crowd closed in on his car, leading him to try and ram through.
Confirmed for underage bait. Gtfo.
They attacked nazi fag nationalists. Not true blue blooded patriot American white males. The niggers who kidnapped and beat up the innocent white male would get it from me. The spics who attacked Trump supporters will get it from me. But you nazi fags will also get it from me. I fight for freedom, sanity, and defend those who have been wronged by others.

Me supporting a nazi is the same as me supporting a feminist who punched a man then cried she got her ass whooped. Bitch you deserve it!
>because you're a bunch of clueless privileged dorky white boys struggling with sexual repression manifesting itself into anger/hate.

This is a lot of prejudice, how can someone be so bigoted in this day and age?
Anti trump guy at work didn't even mention it and he's always talking politics
I've red pilled a few on the South Africa situation and how whites generally give people civilization
I think people are a lot more open minded nowadays especially the younger crowd
You are a traitor to your nation, plain and simple. Stop licking it around the edges and admit you are a coward and a stooge.
Who's "WE"?
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The ProPublica article that the breitbart article is referencing is extremely anti-white and anti-right wing. I don't know what the hell was that BB writer talking about.

The ProPublica article is just 'OY VEY, WHITE SUPREMACISTS OY VEY'. Says nothing about antifa really.
Cool dismiss me as underage. But the truth is I am a middle age male with years of experience in a inner city warzone. Your frail ass has no idea how hard it is to fall asleep when you're worried some hater might could just blast a shot through your wall into your head. You're not built for war, its bitch boys like you who crack under pressure after being trained by the worlds greatest military.

The suvivors are sociopaths like myself. Who have driven down the street and had their car filled with bullet. You threaten me with nazi aggression is a drop in the bucket when the first time I had a gun pulled on me I was 7 years old walking down the street. U couldnt handle war u keyboard warrior
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How do we apply eugenics after we won?
literally laughed out lol
Divide and conquer shill
It was a manufactured victory. They were losing so bad they had to fake a win and throw everything they have to manipulate perception, again. Hilary wasn't enough of a wake up call apparently.
These are the people on /pol/ that criticize nazis for having an ethnic mindset
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>get rejected by the Republican party
>get rejected by virtually every media outlet
>get rejected by Mike Pence
>get rejected by Jordan Memerson
>get rejected by Donald Trump
>statues are getting removed faster than ever
>end up losing jobs and getting disowned by families
>bruh, we're winning, somehow
Ahhhhhh... you making this way too much easier for us... but please, continue...
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I just have to say I'm prod of all of you. We're actually doing it, we're actually fucking doing it and it feels so good. Some of my moderate friends have been liking more of my FB posts, it seems that the normies are slowly but surely seeing the light. Just the other night I was able to redpill two chicks from my graduating class about the JQ.
Gen Z is the future, we are the beginning and the end. We are the truth now.
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Riiiighto Schlomo, but I think our Eternal Fuhrer disagrees with your post.
>liberals actually believe this
>liberals actually think their posturing for establishment billionaire capitalists is socialism
lol. Pretty much. I don't like extremists because they're incapable of critical thinking skills. But I do hold serious beliefs.

I believe we have the right to arm ourselves to protect against extremists and the government.

I believe we have the right to do what we want with our mind and bodies as long as it doesn't encroach on the freedom of others.

I believe we have the right to say anything and everything we want. So I will find myself defending nazis and blm protestors with the same breath but the moment they encroach on other peoples' freedom I will fight them until my last breath.

So you can say I support nazis in niggers if they feel the need to vocally express their opinions. But the minute they become violent I will fight the extremists with everything I have.

I don't care about the nazi rally or the antifa rally. I care about the violent nature this discussion has taken.
You must be jewish or black because your opinion differs
there's a whole website dedicated to low-T jellyfish like you
>Racism is evil. And those who cause violence in its name are criminals and thugs, including the KKK, neo-Nazis, white supremacists, and other hate groups that are repugnant to everything we hold dear as Americans
Are you seriously comparing this fucking mess to the beer hall putsch? Surely you're having a laugh?
There's a whole subreddit dedicated to fags who know better, like yourself

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>and other hate groups
lmao of course you know all about the different subs. you sure did #rekt me with your amazing knowledge of a website for low-T cuckolds and purple-haired herpes+ roasties
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Pic related.
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>we are winning

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>Not every right winger is a nazi
>literally admits all right wingers are nazis


and i actually agree with this, moderates and pretty much all conservatives have a hard on for nazi shit. the left knows its true which is why they call everyone nazis.

The funny thing about all of this is the average person is so fucking irrelevant, try following your own advice for once and use your own means to improve your life rather than fucking relaying on a shitty mass idea to help you.

Most be nice being so bored and the most you have to look forward to is working a blue collar job that you cant work anymore.
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110% this

the same people who are decrying what happened are the same people who voted for fucking bernie and hillary, they DO NOT MATTER
>Murder rate soars
Gotta love right wing logic
Someone should just shoot these fucking cucks they're nothing but a bunch of terrorists, both ANTIFA and white supremacists.
/pol/ is a satire board anon. there is no KKK here. if you lurked more you'd know that and would be able to troll in a more effective, subtle manner. its ok, we were all 16 year old faggots shitposting weak bait once upon a time.
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People on the right are going to work, taking care of their families, getting fit, and buying ammo.

Your enemy is invisible for now. Once we are set in motion you can no longer stop us.
Do you not understand that most normies find you and the nazzis to be one in the same, oh flaggot larper?
>A literal whore for jewish cock working against the interests of whites.
I didn't expect that.

>when you roleplay too much
>niggers killing each other
>its whitey's fault
gotta love those low-T cucks raised by single mothers who have no idea how to be a man and feel the need to put on a che guevara t-shirt and go protest like a hippie faggot. god just wait until the military steps in. you know, the military that is overwhelmingly right-wing? hahahahahaha
>this is what /pol/ actually believes
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a DRONE CAN STOP YOU YOU LOW CALSS UNEDUCATED HILLBILLY SCUM. You DUMB motherfucker. You stupid LONELY piece of shit who cant even get a girlfriend.

Its not comparable but to the average person it is, thats why i never understood the whole commuism thing, Giving power to the common people blah blah blah.

Well the common people are fucking idiots, the whole white pride thing is because idiots want fucking 15 dollar an hour factory jobs that only require a high school grad to get.

The common people are fucking idiots, they cling to religion they cling to identity at the same time they cling to made up morals while giving in to every single desire and then consider themselves sin free for saying sorry to god.

Face it the right is winning. let them win, i'm white, blond hair blue eyes, ill fit right in the new world and ill laugh as the less educated and whites poor whites are treated terribly.

Even natsoc isnt about helping whites, it'll still have the same status quo hate for the poor.
So fuck it, let them.
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yawn. wow all of the sudden a wave of blissful, calm serenity came over me and I am feeling tired. anyone else?
who are you referring to?
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Yes, believe you are winning, don't bother to prepare to have your asses handed to you, pussies.
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Wow, I guess it's a good thing we're not literal members of a German workers' party from 80 years ago. :^)
Ivanka looks like someone brought a demonic doll to life.
Do you understand what 'neo' means? Probably not you fucking idiot
>fail at raising your son properly
>disown him because you are a failure
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Really makes you think, it's almost like they're fucking shills operating on a script
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>I claim people think X
>therefore X is true

Meanwhile, in the real world - where Antifa are actually classified as terrorists and whites will never stop believing they have a right to survive, and use force in defense of their survival.
Drones tend to crash when the signals are jammed bucko.

t. sigint
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Smells like winning to me. Look how hysterical they are. Driving yet more people to our side.
I have been looking for real people who actually feel like you claim. I have only found people who say she shouldnt have been protesting.
>No one hates whites, we hate oppression. You can be white, be proud to be white, fuck white girls, whatever dude. But when your white pride means infringing on other people's rights, then fuck off.

Pretty much this jesus christ.

>Oppression my ass, you don't care about Muslims kidnapping Slavic women from the Balkans or White South Africans getting endlessly killed by niggers. You're the Establishment's puppet and that's what you always will be.


holy shit, those dislikes. Where did it all go so wrong?

fuck youtube
Its all the plastic surgery.
>fail at looking cool to your wife's son properly
>disown him to virtue signal on twitter
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>name my band
Where? People are overwhelmingly sympathetic, except here. Although even /pol/ is kinda leaning towards sympathetic now
the ability to choose flags was a mistake

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Devonshire Fascist?
Coffee row faggot
>But when your white pride means infringing on other people's rights, then fuck off.
whites infringing = not paying gibsmedats and supporting affirmative actions to lower the goalpost. what does it feel like to be literally subhuman and have to rely on authoritarian government force to be "equal"?
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Can confirm my salt portfolio is completely worthless due to overwhelming shill production.
lol only the shills are sympathetic.
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Everything's a fucking psyop and I can't wait for that old jew to start rotting in hell.
>everyone I dislike is a shill
>same commie flag heavily posting in every thread on /pol/
>not a shill
wew lad nice zinger
>people think we are rude :'(

We don't win this fight for the right wing by good publicity, approval ratings or even getting right-wingers into power, we win it by being masters of our own mind and spirit. As long as you and I are fighting, we are winning. As long as you and I see through the bullshit, so does the right.

The irony just writes itself. I honestly think you have to be from leddit troll because holy fuck did you just dig yourself into a hole.
Dirac Angestun Gesept!
>same commie flag heavily posting in every thread on /pol/
I don't fucking think so
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Drones can't hold checkpoints. Tanks can't search your house. Jets can't enforce non-assembly edicts.
The state needs boots on the ground to operate.
>low class uneducated
>grouping fucking everyone they don't like under this "alt-right" umbrella
"Unite the Right"
You're delusional as all hell if you think your little nazi movement is doing good. It's getting stomped in the places that actually matter.
But go ahead and keep thinking you're winning. You'll just fall even harder!
If whites don't belong in Europe, then where DO we belong, faggot?
>you have to be from leddit troll
why do lefties always run out of creative insults and start recycling ones already used against them? i thought you guys hated appropriation? group-think isn't good for your imagination i guess.
>checks flag
>talk to the average person

Heh, trannys dont count.
>comparing this to the Munich Putsch

Come on now.
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>there's lot of commies goys, you better be scared!
im shaking in my boots.
What moderate is defending Spencer?
>e reds will never win, they are despised by all and condemned by all. They are terrorists and their days are numbered. They will eventually be outlawed

Guess who just became a terrorist group in Illinois? Hint: it's not antifa.

You people are hilarious in your delusions.
No, that's a strawman built by the right
Why dont you just go ahead and read what you wrote back to yourself a few times and then tell me if your brain processed it and you want to try again.
The faster white people are collectively defined as terrorists by anti-whites the quicker we can get this dog and pony show on the road. Then the gloves are off.
No it isn't you retarded leftypol faggot.


Fuck every filthy commie rat. A shame more weren't killed at the rally.
It's Illinois. Anything that doesn't suck Liberal, Jewish, or Nigger cock is a terrorist organization.
Even so, they can't even keep niggers from slaughtering each other at rates higher than the Battle of Fallujah.
all of this awful shitposting must be making you sleepy. why don't you take a powernap and come back nice and refreshed? i know being sleepy is no fun, i'd recommend slipping into your luxurious cotton sheets, with fresh linen scent and just relaxing away all your problems into an ocean of calm bliss.
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(((Who))) could possibly have organized such a thing?
>The faster white people are collectively defined as terrorists by anti-whites the quicker we can get this dog and pony show on the road.

Not normal whites, just supremacists, aka angry virgins like you.

You're on the wrong side of history. :-)
>liberals actually believe the 2010's are the same as the 1960's and they will triumph
wew lad. its going to be a bloodbath.
You have virtually no support
i love how antifa campaigns on "fuck the police, fuck the military" and thinks they will be kept safe by the same forces. one wrong move and its Kent State 2: Electric Boogaloo
Anybody white and normal is a Nazi according to you thugs.
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