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Drone Video Shows First Car Hit Crowd of Antifa

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This shows the Antifa protesters were blocking and crowded in this intersection. This maroon car went into the crowd, then a white car came up behind it. You can see the protesters quickly surrounded in. The gray Dodge Charger hit that white car.

Why are the protesters in that intersection? What were they doing to the people in the cars?
>stand on the road
>get hit by a car
They were really asking for it desu.
That's not the charger though? Did the commies get run over twice today?
You can see the crowd walking TOWARDS his car.... and THEN the car accelerates.
>This convenient drone footage shows horrifying neo Nazi massacre
Sorry man I just started reading about all this stuff. I haven't been on 4chan all day you loser.
Right, this maroon car went in, then somehow a white car got right behind it. I think the white car had the black woman driver. Then the Charger hit the white car, and that white car went into the maroon car.

Why were these people blocking an intersection in the first place? You can see blocked cars on all 3 other sides of the intersection.
OK.. WOW!!.. That was harsh
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Sorry man. Just a bit on edge lately.
Where's the charger? Looks like they opened the car door behind maroon van
smoke a j
It's cool brah.
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This is before the charger got there. This is the first car that arrived in the intersection from that angle. There's some kind of time skip in the video.

This shows the protesters were, for some reason, crowded in this intersection for quite some time. Why were they there? What was their goal?
/pol/, with all due respect, if you keep acting like white ISIS then Trump is a guaranteed 1-term president.
Isn't it funny how all the angles "miss" the most important moments. Notably the time period before the Mustang impacts the vehicle in front of it.
Their handlers instructed them to mass there. Than a few drivers freak out and boom, drumpf btfo.
In the other photos of the charger I don't see the maroon van or other car. Also who is to say the other two cars didn't cause the fatalities
Another angle
>conveniently located in such a way that the field of view hides the challenger, the black van and any "bystanders" who were observing the situation.
>Trump is a guaranteed 1-term president.

>Implying that there will be another election.

We won. This is Trump's America now. We don't need any more elections, because we will never give up power.

You're a fucking retard.
isn't it illegal to block a roadway?

what if it was an ambulance and there was an emergency

these protestors are a huge nuisance
Stop embarassing me mom!
Fuck is a drone doing there right at that exact moment?????????????????????????
Have a (You). /pol is not a central ideology.
I do not believe that someone who owns a riced out, blacked out, Dodge Challenger would intentionally drive into a bunch of cucks.

The counter protestors threw a block into the windshield then the driver freaked out
You have to file for a permit to protest on the streets, than police shut down certain areas so you can march. If your handlers assemble an illegal assembly and you block traffic consequences will never be the same.

Don't worry though, they will forget all these laws and fry these 2 drivers.
It was a Dodge Charger.
Yeah, the time before the gray Charger gets there is the time that determines if this was an intentional attack or just a panic. How he got there is what mattered.

You mean the photos where the Charger is abandoned? That came afterwards. Look here:
You can clearly see the Charger hit the white car, which barrels into the maroon car.
thousand year term
There were a few of them ran by hobbyists taking vids
>3 angles
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Wait, Did he actually divide them?
jews have it all planned, the two cars aren't in the plan
Wow you gotta be fucking shitting me. This shit reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeks of being manufactured

they seriously just show up at peoples houses and assault and harass their mom?

Nothing shady about this goyim!
uh huh
This is just excessive. Why do I need to see it from 15 different angles? It's nothing more than pornography at this point.
This desu
That impact should have set off all air bags.
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and how!
Isnt it a little odd that Faith Goldy just happened to be streaming right there? Bullshit sensors are off the charts. Whisked onto molymemes show like 10 minutes later. Such a set up.
This seems pretty convenient. There is two different angles. However they only show one angle for where the car hit. Hiding something NBC?
Fucking ebin

We are going to buy an armored truck (surplus BRDM 2 or Cadillac Gage Commando) to drive to rallies and protests in the near future.

Your idea for a slogan or name could be painted on the side. You could be riding along INSIDE!

This is going to be the year of riots. When the Charleston Charger isn't charged because he was being attacked in his car and pepper sprayed before he hit the gas gas gas to get away, the nation will erupt. It will be the Zimmerman trial + ferguson riots on steroids.

And this time we are going to be ready to properly livestream the riots.

They will span entire city areas. Cops won't be able to keep street legal vehicles (and wheeled armor is easy to be made legal) out.

And we will be there. Live streaming. Playing audio over speakers. Putting out fires with our water cannons. Getting molotoved by antifa because their wet dream is to Molotov a tank. Putting out the Molotov with the fire suppression purge system. Knocking their masks off with the water cannon, recording their faces and having them doxed within the hour by our friends at home. Seeing them all face felony attempted murder charges by the next day.

It's going to be a glorious year.

Remember RIOT TOURS.


Also dont forget that antifa will be trying like mad to fundraise for their "tank" after recent events, and we CANT LET THEM HAVE THE ARMOR ADVANTAGE

Discord link on site. If you aren't comfortable with the (non)security of discord, don't use it or get better VPNs. It's just meant to be for fun and to keep in touch.
Need more on this.
A common blm and antifa tactic is to pile onto roads, that way if someone gets Tyred they can screech fascist.

They pepper sprayed the driver

>he was blind the whole time
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The guy has a mother?! What a FUCKING LOSER LMAO
filming a protest?
Where's the footage of the impact from that second angle?
>Why do you need context, this is harmful to my narratives!
>comments disabled for this video
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Yeah, they just "conveniently" happened to be there at that exact moment jsut like the press was able to "conveniently" track down the mother in Ohio and rail her with questions about how terrible her son is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VP8t_MoiDRc

And the Governor of Virginia just "conveniently" kicked out all the rally goers an hour before this happened then "conveniently" assembled a group of people to make a formal announcement only hours after this occurred. Shit fucking reeks like a burning tire factory
>GVF 1122

if that's the case the police should have put up barricades to let drivers know the street is blocked

if there was a permit, the police didn't do their job to inform the public that a protest was going on by putting up barricades to block streets off so protestors cant get harmed unless someone intentionally drove through the barricades
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And the police we're just "conveniently" not around when this happened and didn't block off the streets for these violent protesters
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Maybe it was the team of false flag crisis actors who knew this was coming down and they were ready to play their parts.
Believe whatever you want then. I guess the idea of hobbyists having cheap drones and wanting to record riots is just too insane, so it must be a jewish psyop controlled opposition reptilian operation.
what the fuck
How the fuck is this guy tied into this?

is that his dad?
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bery inderesding. Peaceful prostesters got pwned, now all 'progressive' murica hates rightwingers.
Yes. Have you seen the immediate coverage of when some black gets shot by police? They find the black's mother immediately (can't find the father, usually) and get her opinion on how her son is dead. Real good journalism, eh?
Anudda angel
I love how you correct him about calling it a mustang by calling it a charger. It's a challenger you moron
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Please the Lefties are losing, we would win another election. They think the average Norman cares about this shit. They just don't want to be bullied or forced to care which is why the Left got flushed down the toilet.
That's exactly what a leftypol cuck would say
Yep, anything to get those clicks and views.
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This story is going to get milked forever. It will be used in democratic party political ads too. Nice going stormfags.
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the soros-funded leaders of this flock of sheeple were in on the false flag. they were told to lead these people here at a certain time. they need to be arrested and interrogated.
i've been to a BLM protest before when they shut down the mall of america. there were some faggots with megaphones who were paid to be there. they would lead chants, hype people up to break rules and push through police lines, etc. they didn't actually give a fuck if they themselves got arrested, because they actually get paid a bonus for that, plus soros bails them out for free.
>wanting to record riots

>"riot" moved to another park at 12:15 and got completely shut down 10 minutes later
Tell me more, Satan. You've been dropping a lot of truth today. Who is Faith Goldy?
Don't stand on the road if you don't wanna get hit by a non muslim operated vehicle.
>Nice going stormfags

So is there any proof this kid was with anyone? Or was it jsut an accident? So many people are blaming this on the nazis but I don't see any around when this shit happened
Why didn't they just punch the nazi car
there were even elections during the civil war, dipshit
Right. Chargers actually look cool.

ISIS takes out permits to legally assemble in public parks?
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Msm starts covering protests early on before anything big happens
>car rams into vehicle and several people
>no cops present
>black tinted windows
>seemingly no hesitation
>airbags don't deploy in fairly new car moving quite quickly
>Calm expression
>high-T military-tier facial structure resembling actual owner
>reverses full speed in a straight line for 1+ blocks and disappears
>drives off to a remote location
>apprehended out of sight
>suposidly pulled over by 2 black suburbans; made everyone go inside practically pulling guns on residents
>guy looked "middle eastern/tan" not ghost white
>bundled him into a suv really fast (wore skinny jeans)
>the white guy sitting beside a challenger in handcuffs where not the guy anon saw get helped out of the car
>rainbow bottle on car originally potentially later swaped to a black simple bottle? (may just have rolled over)
>helicopter with full footage of cars path and video of the subject "crashes"
>fiery Hollywood explosion even though it fell through multiple trees
>no auto rotation even though the helicopter should have been high enough to do so
>Car registry states that the vehicle is supposed to have a sunroof
>11 hours before the identity is released

>Appears to be the perfect set-up to win sympathy for the violent left, while demonizing the right
>no 12 year old girl seen in video that msm keeps bringing up (also who brings a little girl with them to
historically violent left rallies
>/pol spamed with large amount of people trying to quickly disarm quality /pol investigations

We truly ARE onto something if we actually started researching this.
>So is there any proof this kid was with anyone?
Nope, just media shrieking and spreading the narrative it was one of the ebul knot-sees.
10 seconds:

The guy screams at the cops, like they would have been able to do anything.
fuck if ik I just found someone posting this guy and overlayed him. Probably isn't even him but they have the same fucking name. wtf
Answer this faggots.
They couldn't get close enough. They wew blown away by it's intollerance.
>car company and model used in hitting protesters blocking the street
>dodge challenger
Good idea anon but your post is autism.
So why exactly is everyone blaming it on the rally? Didn't the rally get shut down before this all happened?
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not to mention the anti protesters attacked the car and spooked the guy

could have been a psyop though

I'm enjoying the memes.

Holy shit, you mean the left is going to say negative things about the right???
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Shouldnt the liberals be sticking up for us since we are oppressed minorities?
They covered for something similar not long ago
Yeah the scat-packs/hellcats look mean as hell and sound amazing. Personally I prefer challengers tho, but the one the guy drove was an old ugly V6 with that God-awful spoiler.
Let's not forget the part where the police helicopter that had been monitoring the scene suddenly spun out of control and crashed, consistent with its tail rotor being shot.
>>no auto rotation even though the helicopter should have been high enough to do so

Literally the first thing you learn when you fly helicopter. What is the current narrative on why they crashed?
Fuck, you're right. Me = BTFO
>it was a black lady
>it was a white guy but he was leftist
>it was an ordinary dude who got spooked by the protestors and ran people over
>it was a white supremacist but he didn't hurt people on purpose
>the protests were blocking the intersections so it's really the protestors' fault
>it was a deep state false flag

am I missing any steps in the deflection progression here so far?


He was with the American Vanguard
He was part of the Albright movement.
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Don't worry
we will always be friends
Same model car is registered under his name in Ohio.
I haven't seen anything about exploding helicopters outside this repost, link please?
The only question I have is how the Trump admin handles this, because the pic of the driver and the helicopter crash confirms this is a false flag. There is no ambiguity. Trump needs to blow the doors off this.
Of course they are you dolt. Don't you get that the optics of this are really fucking bad? This gives the left ammunition against us and it makes the normies sympathise with their plight. Politics is all about swaying the centrists to your side, and this sure as hell doesn't help the right.
this is fucking weird

it's fucking 2017 come on
Video doesn't show anything we haven't seen already

We need video of what happened to his car before he drove into the crowd
>It's a false flag conspiracy when I don't want to believe it's true

kek redpill indeed
>only 2 digit license plate difference
Scumbag journalists harassing his mom
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This is a question that I've been asking for a while now, and has the potential to derail this narrative more than anything else.

Unless there is undeniable smoking gun (or in this case, tires) proof that the man operating the vehicle was associated with white nationalists/ right wing protesters, where does he belong in the public narrative?

How do we know beyond and reasonable doubt that this person was officially right wing or even republican for that matter? Even if he did register as a republican, what makes his actions speak on behalf of the entire right wing protest?

How do we know that this isn't just some dickhead that decided to go apeshit after being taunted by faggots standing in his way? After all, you mess with the bull, you get the horns. He didn't exactly have to go out of his way in order to harm anyone, technically I don't think those lefties had the right to obstruct traffic in the first place.

Basically these. Somehow liberals are able to turn a blind eye to publicly proclaimed Islamic terrorists committing mass murder in the name of Allah, and insist that Islam is a religion of peace. But the moment an angry person plows through a crowd of libtards, its officially a right wing attack inspired by hate speech and Donald Trump and all political opposition must be shut down. Quite the double standard.

Also, pic related was my captcha. I keked.
Why not? It works for niggers, mexicans, indians, muslims, abos, gyppos, slavs and other violent minorities.
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>I can't prove it's false therefore I'll just act like a cuck shitposter on /pol/

typical lefty
oh wow so a drone just happened to capture it all on tape hmm wow what a coincidence.
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You'd think they could get better actors.
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how is she not flipping the fuck out?
>Video doesn't show anything we haven't seen already
Yes it does, it shows how those first two cars got there. It also shows the protest was in this area for a long time. They're blocking an intersection and a significant number are wielding baseball bats. Why? If you walk around armed in a counter-protest, you want to confront other protesters. Why would you have baseball bats if your goal was to block an intersection?
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Crossing the T, the old battle tactic!

This really looks like a manufactured event. Who was goading these these groups to meet at this intersection (tight road, no escape areas, downhill slope, shit visibility, sheep for the slaughter) - things we need to know!
Actor, perhaps.
>make up conspiracy
>it's true until you prove it's false
kek conspiracy tard logic

>GVF 1111
>GVF 1122

It's like they're not even trying anymore.
that isn't Nazi's blocking that intersection
As Americans it's our duty to know more about cars than everyone else. Especially our own brands
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Forget about white males dropping out of society. Now we have to worry about white males driving into society
Maybe you haven't seen these kind of protests before, but this is what Antifa always does
just like there miraculously happens to be 500 videos including arial of the intersection, theres 500 videos of the scapegoat at the rally and the torchlight pregame, as well as pol memes on his one month old facebook that has been deleted
What is it with all the fucking entrapmentbots here the last couple days?
If you register multiple vehicles at the same time they will give you sequential plates.

I was a navyfag and moved a couple of times with multiple vehicle to different states.
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>scroll down a bit
>"muh white helmets"

Gee it's almost like they're really set on pushing a narrative here.
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This is all so very interesting.
Consider these almonds activated.
Holy shit it was just an accident.

Sadly the stupid scared kid drove off making it a whole lot worst for him.
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>Has no argument
>Continues to sperg out and shitpost
>Basically these. Somehow liberals are able to turn a blind eye to publicly proclaimed Islamic terrorists committing mass murder in the name of Allah, and insist that Islam is a religion of peace. But the moment an angry person plows through a crowd of libtards, its officially a right wing attack inspired by hate speech and Donald Trump and all political opposition must be shut down.
Some of this is probably fair, but the fact that people on /pol/ so frequently jump to the "deep state false flag" bullshit whenever something inconvenient to their worldview happens shows they are just as deluded as the hyper-retarded tumblr types they rail against.
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why are their so many cars hitting them? really makes you think.
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So she just found out that her son ran hes car into a crowd killing one and she's reaction is this?

>Earth is flat
>prove me wrong
Why did the commie trash block an intersection?
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>BLM nigger shoots 3 cops at BLM protest because he hates whites and police, especially white police
>killing not related to BLM Movement, move along

>pro-white protest
>white kid gets harassed inside his car, panicks and runs over people who block THE FUCKING STREEEEEEET
>kill all white people

o-ok gues we were wrong.

Control of mass concentrations and meetings sounds interesting. Dividing America right now would sure be convenient for NK's nuclear ambitions...
Because in our left leaning society today, the burden of proof is on the right to show that we aren't all about gassing jews and racial supremacy. I don't care if you're a Nazi, but you have to realize that shit does not sell in the public lexicon. Nobody is going to get on board with that and this movement will remain fringe forever.
>12 year old girl
My news here even said 32 year old woman, they can't get their story straight.
>pol memes on his one month old facebook that has been deleted
What? I looked at his facebook, it had posts from 2014.
Seems way too convienent.

>Sadly the stupid scared kid drove off making it a whole lot worst for him.
No way man. If he didn't reverse, he would have been lynched in the streets. Have you seen how quickly they surrounded and attacked his vehicle? Let me get the video.

Given that they DIDN'T attack the maroon car, as we see in the drone video, it smells a bit fishy.
Well Jewish nepotism and all that
You forgot >he's jewish
Antifa always does this. Their form of "protest" is to block traffic.
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>white ISIS
So since shitskins have a brown ISIS, what ISIS do Blacks promote? Just one look at any fucking chimp out and people get shot, hurt, attacked, kidnapped, and sometimes even assassinated. Fuck off, you stupid fucking BLM-loving virtue-signaling cancer. All lives matter, not just your stupid fucking exploding shitskins and city sieging ape-like niggers.
Yeah he did the right thing by driving the fuck out of there. The question is why did he drive in, was he provoked?
my god "journalists" are such soulless vultures
she let them release this? what the fuck

none of this makes any sense at all
This reminds me of the scene toward the end of Die Hard where that sleazy jew reporter forced his way into McClane's house so he could have a scripted heartstrings interview with their kids
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This. Plate adds up to 21 for 777 hoax code. Lots more people wearing dark glasses than you would expect also. This is a sign Masons use to signal something shady is going on.
These retards were more tightly packed than the people who do the bull run in Spain
wasn't this a spencer group the night before? then this shit happens?

how is this not a massive false flag deep state kyke project


yea.. none of that happend, i must be a tin foil hat wearing fag.

i feel like this site is run by jews now..


beat his fucking head into the ground.
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Has anyone tried to get any better pictures of his face?

He's obviously going to be an internet spook, but someone with the requisite autistic skills must be capable of prying.
>the burden of proof is on the right to show that we aren't all about gassing jews and racial supremacy
Umm, no. The people who think every white person and/or Trump supporter is a literal fascist will never be convinced and may as well be ignored, and the rest are being actively repelled by their idiocy. We don't have to "prove" shit, though getting Spencer to fuck the hell off and stop constantly ruining everything wouldn't hurt either.
They also had this rally set up months in advance, so there was plenty of time to do any sort of fuckery they wanted.

I'm still highly suspicious of that helicopter magically crashing. That shit doesn't happen, and during the rare times that it does, it's a civilian aircraft that's not being properly maintained. Not a fucking national guard or police chopper
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>burden of proof is on you
no. gas yourself, shlomo
This is after he hit the people right? Lets also note that he is using his mirrors to reverse at speed. That shows some driving skills.
anyone notice the republic of spain flag?
It's so clearly not a planned attack. He uses his own pride-and-joy car, not a rental truck. There's zero followup after the initial "attack", despite the car being drive-able and it being a target-rich environment. And there there's no second stage with gun or blade common to Islamic truck-of-peace attacks.

This is just the sort of tragedy to be expected when the police permit this lawless crap to go on, and on without a proper Public Order response.
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Shit was being thrown against his car before he drove into the crowd, so possibly, yes.
The State and Media have eyes everywhere
Drone cameras just like in sportsball
>Crossing the T, the old battle tactic!

That's a battleship tactic, ya dunce.
>this is her reaction to news of his son in a car accident killing someone

Argh! Fuck the way you've conspirified my mind. That van moves more than its own length forward. It was struck hard. But the airbags didn't deploy in the strike vehicle. That's how it works.
in other news
I would plow his mom
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Think it's this land whale
You guys need to stop with the mentally ill "analysis".
>oh no, the left is going to call the right Nazi's some more!
What the hell WHY IS THIS ALL MIGHT AND DEKU SHIT ON MY /POL/ nice to see its infecting the entire internet
What the actual fuck is going on here? It really does seem weird. No offence though but you Yanks are a bit weird as well.
Well he is probably a sociopath if he did it on purpose. No surprise if he has a fucked up family.
can we get some more info on that helicopter.. it seems like some real weird shit. LETS dig into this.. because. so you have riots, and someone pulls a stunt and crashes into shit, so you crash a helicopter to hide it in the news? or to ad to the importance of the "crashing into shit" HUGE EMPHASIS PRIOR NIGHT ON RIGHT WING SHIT, everything is peacefull... then left wing faggots PAID FOR BY SOROS COME IN.. and people die?

the driver has perfect 9 and 3 hand grip on the steering wheel.. preparing for impact. until i have this guys lifes story, and day to day shit, i'm calling this a cia fucking happening.. right wing movement with tiki torches lead to this.. yea.. and spencer is involved? ya no.
4 words
>bee colony collapse syndrome

they found all these bees dead in piles in random spots. they just went full on tard and died after grouping together no were near flowers or the hive. its more odd that ants didnt even bother with the bodies. ants are every where and didnt even drag the corpses off
This. It's the same parallel as with ALL THE OTHER SITUATIONS where cars have gotten stuck among a mob, gotten trapped by violent protestors, and needed to book it out of there for safety. The only difference here is
1) it was tangentially related to a WN rally
2) there was an even larger crowd and vehicles further in front of the guy who booked it, whereas there's typically just a small mob and then you're clear.

He literally dindu nuffin wrong. You can even see him slam the brakes and the brakelights come on when he realizes what he's about to hit
why is she sitting down?

why is the car door open?

Get it right.
The car was a decepticon.
We aren't trying to appease the people that hate whitey and want to kill us. They are a lost cause. We need the message to reach people on the fence politically, and this retarded shit with the car of peace isn't helping.

I agree with you that Spencer has got to go, he just assumes he's the leader of the alt right when it's better as a decentralized movement. Plus he's a fucking retard.
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This person got literally squeezed between two cars.

Press F to Pay Respects
Evidence? I want to habbeeb.
>my son just killed someone? I'll laugh it off
>I'm just watching his cat while he goes to a rally lol
>I heard he's part of that alt right group
The whole interview just sounds so weird. It's like she doesn't even care that he son killed her and injured people.
fucking this
why the fuck are all of these same politicians screaming against white supremacy because of one person the same ones that are screaming that black lives matter and #NotAllMuslims? hypocrites
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___________________ ¶___
| religion of peace | | “”|””\_,_
|___________________| ||__|__|__|]

The better, up close and personal video.

Listen towards about 1/3rd of the way through the video, and the cuck recording says,"He came before the march got started, for the AntiFa and Anti-RACISTS, and the RACIST decided to..."

These people are on another level of delusional, not only that, but you see how truly cowardly that they are. Whenever the Right is fed up, and done with being consistently fucked with, they start dishing it back at these pussy ass loosers 100 fold. And surprise, surprise! They can't handle it. You can hear the hyper cuck recording, saying,"OMG! Someone might be dead! Families might be hurt!".

Retards should have thought about that before they decided to LARP as Nazi scalp collectors. These limp wristed faggets don't have a chance, even in their wildest dreams, of actually defeating the Right whenever it comes to blows.
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This is just me, but i think this bloke might be a red herring.

Whoever the real driver was, i don't think it would make a lot of sense to use someone with such a well documented face.

HOWEVER, if the goal is to distract from finding the real driver, then this man would be a perfect solution. His near identical name along with owning an identical vehicle, and having close enough of an appearance to the man driving, as well as a slight resemblance to the man being framed, would make him very tempting to any investigative team as a primary target.
It was being an aggressive communist cunt though. S
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Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
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The second angle seems way better.
Wonder why they didn't release the wreck portion from the second drone?
>or maybe they have and I haven't seen it
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What a rotten way to die.
Right? they only have a few minutes of battery life and this is perfect filming.

I hate liberals so much, but I don't enjoy violence that results in serious injury, a little brawl here and there is ok, but death is not.

Lies. His name is almost the same name as the guy on the news. He literally has a different name afaik
>Trump is not a sup...
>hard cut
>He has a black friend

fuck the media

They forgot to edit out the antifa guy throwing stuff at his car before he hit anyone.. At 1:57
Fucking fake and gay.
Do you think injuries caused by the first car were counted among the 19 injuries supposedly caused by the Challenger?
journalists are scum
If you watch the video, a few people pick it/her up and awkwardly carry her to the side walk. probably not a great idea with multiple fractured/broken bones.
i'm done. good night ((soros))
Gotta admit though, it would've been better for the memes if it were a Charger. Think of all the General Lee memes
>tfw this just turns out to be an automobile accident because antifa retards were blocking an intersection

>Committing terrorist attack with an automobile
>Hitting the brakes instead of the accelerator
Sounds about right
who cares
Haha oh shit.
>somebody might be dead folks!

wtf lol
It wasn't a car of peace, it was a dude getting mobbed and panicking. CNN et. al. are the ones instantly trying to turn it into something more. If they didn't have this, they'd have just found something else to shit on Trump about today, so it doesn't even really matter.

All this "Trump supporters are all literal nazis" bullshit has been going on for over 2 years now, and anyone who was ever going to be persuaded by it already has been.
And yet they're still alive.
Are you referring to 1:57, the end of the video?
Who the fuck is this canadajin bullshit.
It's as if the patsy had a sticker on them that said "patsy" desu. Don't let psychometrics tell you that you're mentally ill! If you did that then they'd probably start gassing old people and veterans who are a ptsd risk from a financial perspective....Ooops!

Reminder state of emergency before the events! Reminder shills we're prepped for this last night!
If those two cars weren't stopped there because of antifa blocking the intersection there probably would have been less injuries and no death

no, (((they))) conveniently have not released it because it would have shown the vehicle from further up the hill and what provoked the driver to floor it.
>it was a dude getting mobbed and panicking
[citation needed]
Good. The kikes around him are getting annoying.
cheekbone too strong
Of course. Collateral damage.
They are gonna charge him with as much as possible, to make an example.
no fuck you ill look for and find those tasty seductive cakes until I die.
>Samantha Blum
Really now come on
>there probably would have been less injuries and no death
>there probably would have been less injuries and no death if the speeding car had gone directly into the crowd instead of into two cars

No wonder a helicopter crashed if drones were flying around.
Better yet, don't block a fucking intersection, and don't throw objects at people's cars.
Who remembers the Rodney King riots and those niggers with a brick?
The crowd could have dispersed and not been sandwiched between multiple cars

Or they could have not started hitting/throwing things at his car giving him the right to self defense
exactly what I was thinking about today, reginald denny
They probably shouldn't have been illegally blocking the intersection

They keep doing this, and never get arrested for it.
Cops cracked down hard on the protesters, but let ANTIFA waltz around committing illegal thuggery
Jesus, it's the Battle of Kursk all over again. Hard to blitzkrieg through a orgy of commies with only 3 motorized infantry brigades.
death seems a harsh punishment for blocking the intersection

it seems like maybe the driver was in the wrong, to accidentally kill that person
they obviously flew the drone to the second angle after the charger drove off, there's a fucking fire truck in the second angle that isn't there in the first one
goddamn learn to be more observant you tard
Will never forget it
A Sacrifice for Kek
Why did everyone else think that standing in a street in front of a moving car was a good idea?
What would have happened if the car went through that mob? Probably would have broken out all his windows, pepper sprayed him, possibly pulled him from the car

This is what ANTIFA has a history of doing, especially against white males
illegal unlawful assembly in the middle of traffic....getting butthurt when killed or maimed when White Supremacist rally long gone already...fucking hell...wtf
>[citation needed]
Literally every video of the incident.
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Nah, the purge hasn't even started yet. FEMA camps are mostly in the SW and states overwhelmed with illegal migrants for a reason. Buckle up, they will write about this for a 1000 years...Hail the Trumpenreich!
oh well if his windows were going to get broken, that's definitely reason to accidentally kill someone

mea culpa
Watch the videos. It's not difficult to see.
>death seems a harsh punishment for blocking the intersection
It's not. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Even children know not to stand in the street.
Fuck those faggots blocking the road, they deserved to get hit

Commie scum get killed, hold a party
Jesus it's a CHALLENGER
Some people though running up behind it after the crash and hitting it with bats was a good idea.
>someone runs his car into people
>literally killed someone
>''hurr durr those RACIST dicks!''
Jesus Christ these soybabies are fucked in the head. You can literally kill people and all they think about is ''muh racism''.
OMFG commies died?

WTF! I love commies now
This video shows how quickly they swarmed his car and attacked it.

>death seems a harsh punishment for blocking the intersection
You stand in the middle of a road where cars are to be expected to be driving 35 mph, maybe 45 mph. The fear of death is exactly why you DON'T stand in the middle of a road!
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>Samantha Blum
>Even children know not to stand in the street.
obviously not all of them.
No need to be an asshole, and I thought the same thing right after I posted it.
Would still like to see the un-edited version though.
They charged him with second degree murder, which means somewhere between 'intentional but not premeditated' and 'unintentional but reckless'.

So in any case not "white supremacist terrorism".
Seems that it wasn't a good idea.
terrible acting, where do they find these clowns?

Only 771 rt, nbc socmed needs our help
You can disavow Sam Hyde if you like, but you can't stop him.
There are states where """accidentally""" mowing down protesters blocking the road is explicitly not a crime.

Too bad this isn't one of them.
Plus the charge is an overshot to bully him into accepting a plea bargain for manslaughter. If it even sticks at all
>assisting public safety resources
What does THAT mean?
>the absolute state of Charlottesville
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>You stand in the middle of a road where cars are to be expected to be driving 35 mph, maybe 45 mph.
i'm not sure if you realize this but cars legally need to yield to pedestrians and crowds of people

so cars can be expected to stop for you, as every other driver managed to figure out

coincidentally, that's why the driver was arrested and charged with second-degree murder
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the circus?
Very curious coincidence.
Not to mention this numale Marxist cuck spends every minute of every day calling for all cops to be killed.
Yeah but he'll probably get off, given the footage.
Police's statement seemed to indicate that as well

>with all due respect

I keked.
You fucking idiots need to go to /o/. Do you dumbasses really not know the difference between a Charger and a Challenger? You don't know the difference between the 4-door car that's commonly a police cruiser and the 2-door muscle car owned by people with good credit scores?


I Can't stop laughing TOP FUCKING KEK
wtf fakest shit ive ever seen. she didnt even ask any more questions after they told her he killed someone

also (((bloom)))
>i'm not sure if you realize this but cars legally need to yield to pedestrians and crowds of people
Not to groups of protesters standing in the middle of an intersection.

>so cars can be expected to stop for you, as every other driver managed to figure out
You mean none of the other drivers wanted to hit them. They didn't stop because they wanted to. They stopped because, if they don't, they run people over. Most drivers are good people and don't want to run people over. The law isn't on their minds.

Watch the video. The instant people are actually run over by a car, they swarm the car with baseball bats and attack it. The only reason people are run over by the car is because they're standing in the middle of the fucking road. Pedestrians do not have the right to stand in the middle of the road; they certainly did not have the right to assemble in the middle of that road without a permit either.
Fucking thank you
That crashed heli? Totally normal, they fall out of the sky all the time.
silly, laws are only for right wingers
OMG it's horrible,if true it is clear she knows jack shit and they are feeding her info so she just says yes,your son was involved in a white supremacist ultra conservative thing you knew nothing about "but I just thought he likes trump"thus forcing the view trump supportes are that...for fucks sake
Kikes are probably jacking off their cut dicks
If the driver didn't reverse and get the fuck out of there, they would have pulled him from the car and lynched him in the street.
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FFFFUUCCCK ANON YOU MADE MY DAY THANKS!! After all the shitposting, shilling, and derailing this one takes the cake for me :D
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>The Antica was blocking the roads and highways
>the antifa was terrorizing people in their cars and beating them by baseball bats and pipes
Watch this video:
Because an incident like this was the point of their operation.

They probably didn't expect anyone to actually die, but they did everything they could to get video of one of the protesters either pulling a gun or driving through their crowd of road-blockers.

It was an organized antifa team. People had different jobs, all of which was supposed to look like a disorganized protest. Some block the road, some look at and in the cars to identify protesters, some attack when a good target is recognized, some are cameramen, some are medics, etc.

The more footage you look at, the clearer it is that they surrounded and attacked him, and he was just trying to get away. When he panicked and tried to flee, they started filming, carefully avoiding filming the initial attack which made him fear for his life. When he was stopped by the collision, they immediately surrounded his car and started attacking him again, once again giving him no option but to flee through them.

He didn't steer into the people trying to get out of his way. He braked when he saw a collision was about to happen. He wasn't trying to hit anyone.
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This is not fucking real, no goddamn way.

>"Ma'am, your son just plowed into a group a of protesters with his dodge charger and has killed a person"
>"oh ok"

her reaction is more akin to that of realizing there was another terrorist attack in Nigeria or some shit, and not to realizing that HER FUCKING SON KILLED SOMEBODY.

This is a fucking dream, I swear.
>Not to groups of protesters standing in the middle of an intersection.
is this a joke
Good thing mossad trained him well
o mah gad
not even the same car or incident
>GVF 1122
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>Conducting the interview in front of a car
They are the white ISIS. Same extreme right ideology and supremacist violence masked in a victimism rethoric, different region/religion.
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It looks weird and staged.
Because it is.
Follows the exact civil unrest color rev play book that's been used I in 30+ countries.
Color rev early stages 101. Now in cities across USA.
Look at the plates. It's a signature.
They're throwing shit at his car and hitting it further up the road before the big crowd he ran into too
also same first and last name, military and intel experience, long line of military family and adopted father. seems like a relaxed guy in his bio vid, but you never know.
This is the dumbest argument.
>Protest permits weren't given!
>Police didn't shut down the march areas!
>This means you can murder people by driving your car into them.
No kidding. I've never seen such delusion.
wait until they find out Hillary is actually president
>be antifa communists
>block intersection
>start attacking cars
>get run over
>/pol/ thinks if there is a pedestrian blocking the road you can just plow through them and be legally in the right
Holy shit what a bunch of children.
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I've just woken up, can someone give me a quick rundown on what's been happening? Did one of /ourguys/ Jihad Antifa?
if they're attacking you, then yes you do have the right.
his mouth is semi-open in the pic i used, which stretches your cheeks and makes the cheek bone more noticable
You can if they start attacking your car sweetie
>not to mention the anti protesters attacked the car and spooked the guy
Considering he'd just rammed his car into the protesters after gunning it from 100 yards away, being "spooked" about his car attacked is a consequence of his actions.
did you watch the videos?
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There's a Soros script that been used in 30+ countries.
Americans can't recognise the pattern because they've been inoculated from events in other countries by their controlled media.
Color revolution in play in good ole USA.
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It's war. Casualties is to be expected
I'm wondering if the death even was from the impact or something else if the obese women getting cpr was the death.
It sounds strange because he calls them "protesters", which sounds like people peacefully exercising their free speech rights, who might perhaps have wandered into the street due to disorganization.

What he actually means is "violent organized criminals".

That whole mob was an antifa team. The unarmed members are just for appearances. The point of this formation was to use the armed thugs to force a car driven by a political target to drive through their unarmed accomplices.

They just got more serious injuries than they bargained for.

Not a one of them was an innocent victim. Every member of that crowd you see in the intersection deserves a multi-year prison sentence.
A car full of gang bangers was trapped on a bridge in Portland during the anti-Trump riots after the election. Two niggers got out of the car and shot some of the rioters. The media initially tried to spin up a violent-Trump-voter narrative, but had to memory hole the event when it turned out the shooters were dindus.
Actually, in the United States of Freedom, you can absolutely do so when they're attacking you.

Don't want to get run over? Don't attack people's cars.

Say it with me now, "play stupid games, win stupid prizes".
There's been threads covering this for hours now.. But they get 404d and memory holed pretty fast.
/pol/ needs some real autistic autists to collate all the stuff that's already been shared over the past 10-12 hours.
No, some military fag with the same type of car as seen did a false flag by mowing down a few antifa to demonize alt right. Then he drove away and police 'caught' him out of sight. Oh, and a helicopter with the footage to show what really happened magically fell out of the sky and exploded Hollywood style.
He was immediately arrested, having failed to escape the vehicle he just used. He was part of the protests and part of a specific organised nazi group, with multiple photographs. His facebook shows his involvement with nazis & the alt-right.
He belongs just where he is right now. In jail, being accused of terrorism.

>He didn't exactly have to go out of his way in order to harm anyone, technically I don't think those lefties had the right to obstruct traffic in the first place.
From 100+ yards away he gunned his vehicle and rammed into the crowd. An intersection being blocked doesn't give you the right to decide to ram into the protest group either.
It's a drone, you fuckwit, it moved.
peaceful rock throwing protesters
How many died? The car killed one lady right? But I hear a communist killed someone too.

Any news on who the guy is?
>Drivers who hit a protester who’s blocking the road couldn’t be sued for injuries if they “exercise due care,” under a bill that passed the N.C. House on Thursday.
>House Bill 330, approved in a 67-48 vote, comes in response to protests last fall in Charlotte. Protesters upset about the police shooting of Keith Lamont Scott blocked interstate highways and other roads in the city.
>The bill’s sponsor, Republican Rep. Justin Burr of Albemarle, said drivers wouldn’t be allowed to deliberately run over protesters.
>“This bill does not allow for the driver of a vehicle to target protesters intentionally,” he said. “It does protect individuals who are rightfully trying to drive down the road.”
>Democrats said the bill raises constitutional concerns because it applies only to situations in which the person hit “is participating in a protest or demonstration and is blocking traffic.”
>the already discredited "he was being attacked" deflection.

The protest was far down the road from where he started his attack.

Try again nazi.
Just look at this thread for info.
No. There's threads showing the vehicle in a suburban street and them swapping drivers.
> He was part of the protests and part of a specific organised nazi group
[citation needed]

>multiple photographs

>His facebook shows his involvement with nazis & the alt-right
You mean the same one that was recently wiped from existence?

>An intersection being blocked doesn't give you the right to decide to ram into the protest group either
Just because you're blocking an intersection doesn't give you the right to attack the vehicles within it.
You edited the cheekbone. That much is obvious.

But why?
Reginald Denny made it clear that stopping for protesters isn't a very good idea.
Don't know if this vid has been posted yet. facebook com/HRGrassrootsCoalition/videos/267260040444119/
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