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The march was a massive success Don't be fooled. Getting

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The march was a massive success

Don't be fooled. Getting the message out there is only a good thing.

Even if it got broken up. Doesn't matter.

We are putting ourselves in opposition to the modern world and saying no this isn't good. The younger generation will understand. This world was not made for the boomers.

Our day will come. Until then keep on keeping on. Do not get demoralized for one second
thanks for all the keks you goofy looking alt right betas
Pretty much and it's fun to see /leftypol/ getting assblasted over it.
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These goofballs will be running the US in 20 years

4chan has started a beta nazi uprising
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You sound like pretty alpha, are you a stud? Come on, show us your boipucci.
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Goofy looking alt-right? Every single person in their pictures were normal, clean-shaven adults. Please never breed.
He looks so happy though.
Hitler and his party used to tell new members "Be prepared to lose your job and for your family to cease speaking with you" Seems history repeats itself
It was a fucking failures. You all looked like cucks, while radicalizing liberals into BLM / DSA activist.

I got to thank you for this, honestly. Keep doing matches like this.
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This. More people get exposed to our message, our figures, and our travails. Plus the lawsuit for violating the Federal Court order will BTFO Charlottesville mayor.
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I remember when Hitler was defeated in Munich in 1923 and was never heard from again. Excellent point.
From what Ive seen its been an awesome march, saw a lot of commies getting their head bashed in
Well that's retarded, but you are entitled to your opinion.
>Pffff the Alt-Right are all basement dwellers

>Thousands show up

>Antifa, again, does stupid shit

Yeah goy, it was a massive success
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yeah this seems about right

we need a wealth soros to help fund people when that happens
I remember when communists tropes whipped out the nazi scum and got Hitler to the point of suicide lol.

It has been that way since then, and today was just a confirmation of it.
This post gave me a laughter erection
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Meanwhile your still sending 30 billion of your tax dollars to Israel every year

But hey great job marching around with torches goy!
>if you don't let the left tear down any monuments of yours that they want, then you're gonna lose!
Fuck off.
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I hope our lads are ok, it's easy to get a crack to the skull if you slip up in a crowd that size.
keep fighting back
the kikes are scared shitless
that is why we are being flooded with demoralize shills.
Fuck the march, I wanna see the lawsuit that comes as a result of them being kicked out
It took 16 (SIXTEEN) hours to shut it down.

Normies are HORRIFIED. Antifa is raging as always.
Seems like a win to me, especially because shills have 8 threads, by my count at least, of anti protest shilling going on rn.
Just compare those guys to your average Bernie supporter. Alt-Right men look like greek gods compared to leftists.
What was the message exactly?

What happens next?
>The march was a massive success
No it was't.

>Don't be fooled. Getting the message out there is only a good thing.
Everyone will disregard your message the second they realize you're a nazi.

>Even if it got broken up. Doesn't matter.
It got broken up because you don't have any real leaders, only followers.

>reddit spacing
Go away.
It's amazing though. They had the riot police bust it up before it officially started and THEN called in the national guard. Declared a state of emergency. There wasn't a single fucking broken window or burned down store.
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>sounds like someone likes being on the wrong side of history but okay

the shock value is awesome. eventually the shock will wear off though and it will be normalized lol
Lawsuit out the ass. Then used the money won to fund the next rally
You people need an actual capable leader. Spencer isnt it.

Analyze it through Scott Adams persuasion filter and the association to Nazis. This is going nowhere good fast.
>Whig history
>reddit spacing

Its called aesthetic spacing faggot.
learn english you dumb nigger
I hope they can get that shitbag governor too.
The left doesn't get it that if you call everyone nazis, they eventually will become what you hate most. I mean you already think they are nazis so why should they care.
You alt right betas got kicked around and had to be escorted out by police for your safety. So fucking pathetic and cowardly. You see real men standing up to you and scurry away like little pussies. Don't come out into the real world if you can't back it up.
Leftypol supported this rally tho. They have threads up with people on Twitter false flagging it because they know this shit will only make us look bad to the majority of the public.
Nathan Damigo is /ourguy/. Dude was holding the line against riot police while Spencer got manhandled like a little bitch
>association to Nazis
No Central leaning organization that caters to christian values will EVER be anything other than Nazi. They are quickly wearing that term out. People are starting to not give a fuck about "nazis". They are starting to see it being aimed at peaceful white people......
>The younger generation will understand.
They will put you in the ovens with the other extremist on the other side.
Don't worry this is only the beginning
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top kek they actually chanted "WHITE SHARIA NOW"

this is some next level larping

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Sharia law is eventually going to happen if the left has it's way. Feminists are too stupid too realize what sharia law truly means.
yeah, and your buddy Che went night night too; skinny jeans faggot
>tough talking genderqueer communist

Always a laugh
You fucking retards don't realize that this only makes right wing politics look bad and less palatable to the average voter. All we had to do to win public perception was make the left look bad, and we did this for years with success. Now we're making ourselves look bad with this Nazi LARPshit and the whole world is my laughing. Fuck you nu-/pol/ r/T_D faggots
>D-d-dont trust y-your eyes! If it looks like our little rally got BTFOd remember that y-your eyes are (((Jewish))).
Was losing part of your plan anon? Hahahaha watching you fucking kekistan edgelord teens getting BTFOd so bad after all that hype on /pol/ about how this rally will be the turning point is the most hilarious thing ever HAHAHAHAHA
Keep on living that fantasy jamal
everyone ive spoken to here (old and young) say the same thing:

>Well its about fucking time.

Its on the "no comment" segment on Euronews, they usually do that when they cant figure out how to advance the narrative further after a noteworthy event.

You won the battle
Read my post again.
The biggest boon to the movement is when they had to call the army in to save face. Big mistake, this shows how uterly terrified tthey are
>What happens next?
Well, the template appears to be
1) Show up at a rally
2) Throw rocks at people
3) Wait until the cops show up/forcibly disperse the crowd

I don't think Gov. McAutist realizes the precedent he just set. He showed if you get violent and attack the opposition, their event will get shut down. So guess what's going to happen from now on?
Dont mistake me I'm not pro white supremacy meme or even white. I'm just a conservative in a liberal hell hole and think you need a makeover/rebrand.

On the other hand the current conservative brand definitely isn't what you need to wear. Maybe just going full out is what you need. Get traction or get crushed quickly.
The governor literally disobeyed a FUCKING FEDERAL JUDGE to pull this shit. Federal Judges are not known for their patience. If this one has balls, he could throw the Governor himself into prison for Contempt of Court.

Probably won't happen, but it'd be hilarious if it did.
Whats the context?
> getting btfo is a success

Baked Alaska screaming was like a faggot was an early Kwanzaa present for me personally.

What was yours?

this will just show that the establishment is anti-white and self hating (if they are white)

Anything we do publicly is only good at this point

It will establish battle lines and expose them all
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I think Terry the Fairy understands that pretty well. Crooked authorities like antifa because it allows them to outsource unconstitutional violence to unaccountable figures. If Spencer et al want the brass ring they'll sue BAMN too.
The army being illegaly called in by a raging leftist was my Christmas present
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Keep letting the communists gloat about their supposed victory (surely all cops are communists right). It will only radicalize right wingers more
It will get violent eventually. Then guess what. We win.
>get condemned on social media by just about everyone
>Literally show up with pitchforks and torches
>state intervenes
>Only people who remain on the scene are journalists, socialists, and liberals
>get called out by Trump
Real effective
So long as we get our pound of flesh.
Or they could just attack commie/anti-white events in the same manner, which they now probably will. If the laws are selectively enforced, then there is no law.
It makes me want to kill you more than ever= effective
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>>get condemned on social media by just about everyone

Oh no!
This rally put the fear of god into every minority in this US. Not only were they a bunch of white guys from the south, they brought out the torches, the nazi flags, the guns, everything. This is only the beginning, the statement was made. I'm just waiting for someone to fire the first shot. There will be a line drawn in the sand soon, you're either with us or you're against us. No fence sitting. Again these are only 19 year old college kids, wait till the angry 35+ white men that work for a living lose their shit then you will see the real violence.
>You fucking retards don't realize that this only makes right wing politics look bad and less palatable to the average voter. All we had to do to win public perception was make the left look bad, and we did this for years with success. Now we're making ourselves look bad with this Nazi LARPshit and the whole world is my laughing. Fuck you nu-/pol/ r/T_D faggots

you can't have a movement that is only anti SJW. If the alt right is to become a real movement then it needs it's own policies and ideology.
Ouch, watch that edge buddy
Yeah because they look so much worse than a bunch of diseased leftists and niggers
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Too bad the capitalists fund the fascists. Little did you know.
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Sam Francis called it anarcho-tyranny. Anarchy for the lawbreakers, tyranny for the law abiding.
The German Putsch may have also looked like a failure, but look where it eventually ended up...
Apparently you forgot the part of history where Hilter then proceeded to lose
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Where's my torch?
I'm not edgy, I'm a middle aged sociopath with not much to lose.
The most effective you fuckwwit. There is 1 thing the Media will say.
However their are two things the people of the entire world will hear.
"Yay they shut down the nazis"
"They shut down the conservatives?"

All this does.is further lull leftists into a false sence of security, while informing the righties of the overwhelming urgency.
Its a win win in my books
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Neither one of those tweets are going to age well.
You think it was a success? You think the next generation "understands"? All this has done is shown the pasty skinny-fat polo wearing virgins in broad daylight. This is the beginning of the end for the alt-right.
What's the real name of what the media is calling "emancipation park?"
Yep, that's what I was alluding to. I'm glad someone else is familiar with the term.
You wish
Yes its not over yet
Clearly you haven't seen actual white supremacists outside of the cherrypicked photos posted in here. They're not that far off from sjw landwhales mate.
Why don't you pop into that livestream thread and watch how different reality is compared to the propaganda you've been fed in here.
>"They shut down the conservatives?"
Kinda dropped the ball with all the nazi salutes. The US can handle/is sympathetic to Confederatism, but fuckin Nazis? lol
If you really think that, your head is so far up your ass that you're living in an alternate dimension.
>"It's the end of white nationalism!" says increasingly nervous Jewish man for the seventh time this year
Generation Z was on our side because SJWs made themselves look like complete fucking morons. This is even worse. What an embarrassment.
My grandma laughed when she saw the nazi salute. She fled.from the USSR.
It's not like the nigger marches in the 60's never got broke up or anything. They quit after the first one huh?
I'm going to bait the shills into a thread.

Hitler wasn't in control of the United States. Germany is a bad position in Europe to defend because you effectively have 2 fronts to worry about.

Also, you forgot the part of history where he gained control of the government.

Make no mistake: if America becomes explicitly white nationalist all the Anglo countries will follow suit.
They can bust up our rallys but they can't suppress the anger.
Yes actually, because you aren't going to convince Americans to deport or genocide any minorities, so changing minds would be more effective, Civic Nationalism is literally the only way we won't become a Marxist shithole.
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>beginning of the end
Oy vey where have I heard that one before
Don't forget all the pathetic idiots who were larping as soldiers for a day, like the Red Elephants. I don't care where you stand, it's hard to take people seriously when they go out and buy $200-$300 kevlar helmets to complete their American soldier cosplay.
guys I'm no expert, but how's this as a plan?
Just hold another rally
Let's just hold rallies every couple weeks all over the country
Surely they won't call in the National Guard every single time right?
And if they do then people will realize how biased the MSM and the government is against this and empathize with it
If we keep holding peaceful rallies that get shut down then we can call them out on actual, tangible, verifiable bullshit
or am I an idiot?


literally you.

Hang yourself
You're very correct my friend
This. Let me cry wolf, it'll start working as well as racist does now, which isn't much.
I agree that civic nationalism has to be the start, but i think we're past that point of reconciliation with the "other side". A long bloody war after which both sides are sick and tired of the fighting is when things will settle down

lol they looked like the guys that browse those PUA forums but are too cucked to ever talk to a woman
No probably not charolettesville is the most liberal area in Virginia. And more antifas were smashed than /ourguy/s. This won't be a big thing cause most people aren't interested and won't hurt Trump. I mean I just wanted to hear Cantwell speak.
white nationalism today tomorrow and for the rest of humanity deus vult my brothers 1311 will always be remembered im calling for the next Reich
Protecting your self because you know there will be backlash and violence against you isn't LARPing you faggot.
Know how I know you're a shill, OP?

"Our day will come" is a Sinn Féin/IRA slogan. They have to keep telling themselves that because they keep being BTFO by Ulstermen no matter how many guns the globalists give them.

To real patriots---not globalist-funded terrorists---only total victory or death in battle is acceptable.
anyone has a good rec of the event?
It never really kicked off. Got busted up before it started really.
ty I honestly think this can be a dece idea if we can pull it off right
doesn't have to be in Charlottesville again
can be anywhere, anywhere we can get enough people to stand around with signs
I don't see why not. What the shills don't seem to understand is that Charlottesville was intentionally chosen because of the libtard content in the nearby areas. A statist libshit response and lefties attacking them is exactly what Spencer and the others actually wanted. Now it's all over national TV with wheezy Semites yelling "Nazi" every five seconds.

Do you know what this is going to conjure up? Memories of these same Semites and Antifa yelling "Nazis" during Trump rallies and attacking children/whites.
That guy looks like a badass though.
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>doesn't understand the power of symbols and memes
Even if it is goofy, it will have an immensely powerful impact on the psyche of everybody who sees this. The left want to take the fun out of everything and this just proves that to the younger generations. So they're larping, one day they might be not be
lets start planning the next one then jesus
unlike christmas rallies don't just have to happen every 365 days
Cheer up bro. Your life sucks, but not due to them.
>The march was a massive success

Holy fucking delusion

You fucking idiots made it clear that you're just as bad as Antifa, violent losers who want to kill people just based on their associations
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Never gonna work

Spencer is a fucking idiot and so are his followers, he's the white Yvette Felarca
>wearing only a helmet and a polo shirt

Wow, some protection that is.

If by 'immensely powerful impact' you mean making everyone either laugh at or pity them, or just look at them with loathing, then sure. Seriously, if you really think that people other than /pol/tards are impressed by stuff like that, you're living in a fantasy world.
Oldfags - those of us who haven't yet abandoned the intellectually bereft shit-show /pol/ has become - have been telling you nupol Kekistani frog-God faggots for too long...
>the whole thing is a psy-op, staged on both sides
>you aren't fighting 'the man'
>you're fighting *for* the man

Both you and the antifaggots are the same thing. Useful idiots. Gullible. Brainwashed. They entrap you both using the same fucking techniques - techniques that have been in the public domain for a long time now, because your country has been employing them against 3rd world shit-holes for decades. Have any of you actually studied this shit?

Trump is Caesar. The left have been conditioned to hate Caesar. They want him out. They'll get their wish.
>you're saying the commies will win???
No, you fucktards. What came after Caesar? I'll ask again: WHAT CAME AFTER CAESAR?!

Read the fucking classics! AUGUSTUS. THE EMPIRE. That empire was very fucking far from communist. It was also very fucking far from libertarian.

You ignorant dipshits see half the picture. You're sick of foreign entanglements. You're sick of globalization. You've won a few victories and you think everything is going your way.
Dudes like Paul Craig Roberts and Pat Buchanan say that the empire is crumbling. The New World Order is on the rocks.

You're right. They're right. No arguments. But do you think the people who benefit from it would just shrug their shoulders and cash out? Are you that fucking retarded? How do you think these people earned their $? Considering most of the elite families have held that status since feudalism? You think they have red-lines? Have you read a fucking history book?

They know it's crumbling. They know the curtain is falling. They know the 'democracy' scam has run out of juice. So martial law it is, and this is how it's done. And you'll fucking cheer when it happens, dickheads...
HAve you looked in the mirror? NORMAL whites look like that you fucking idiot that is just how people look. You go look in the mirror and get back to me.
My life sucks because of a divorce. I don't blame niggers, spicks or Jews. I just hate them faggot.
he looks nice and clean thou
>People are starting to not give a fuck about "nazis".

So fucking wrong. You morons try to rewrite history like the Nazis aren't losers. No matter whether you agree with their morals or not, they will forever be known as the losers who got BTFO by the whole world. This is who your leader is, this is who you're associating with, losers who the the world hates. I don't care what you believe in, if you want to actually win, do not associate yourself with the word Nazi whatsoever.

>he thinks it's only 30 billion

Trillions are missing from the Pentagon budget annually

No you fucking idiot. Conservatives are defined by what they are against. True Conservatives are entirely against the idea of ideology.
Uhhhh most of the injuries today where from people getting hit in the head with rocks. Let's see. What protects your head from rocks? Besides there where a few but many more had full protection. Try to see things for what they are and not just video clips in your mind.
You have to get that anger from somewhere. Where you direct it doesn't matter. You're just taking the anger from one place onto another. If you weren't angry over your life I doubt you would get so heated up over something so pointless.
all white males who want to secure the west for their children are nazis according to the media and the people that want to overrun it with niggers and mongrels
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Yes, I agree, this time, let's all carry burning lower case t's - sending the message that it's "Time to leave!"
Nah I've always hated them.
Doesn't work, multicultralism lowers social trust too much to be effective. At best it's a bandaid to continue the gentle bleedout of the west.
>need a $200-$300 helmet to protect from rocks
>calling driving around in random vehicles being part of a 'convoy'
you're an idiot.

the economy is great today is you have a decent job and your quality of life is the highest it's ever been in the history of humanity. Nothing is crumbling.

Also elite families have held onto wealth because they have good genetics and they raise their kids right so they get into the global economy rather than run around shouting "they will not replace us" are white rallies.
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Fucking this, but no one will understand this until its too late.
A good new helmet costs closer to $600. Do some research before you start running your cocksucker.

Seems to be a SJW stream about a car crashing into a crowd. Does anyone have confirmation?

I'm so fucking proud of you burgers. Thanks for all the effort.

Tide is turning.
By all means, keep wasting your money and thinking you look cool. That helps everyone who isn't an idiot nazi white nationalist
Rally was massive failure. Showed what a disgrace neo nazis are.
This comment again?
Change your flag, shill.
But Ahmed, Conservatism is an ideology.
You can blame the Jews for no fault divorce and feminism. It's okay.
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Well fuck. We don't know who did it yet, but it's too soon for Coulter's Law.
>Declared unlawful by the mayor
>Despite a federal court (about 3 steps above his city courts) stating it is perfectly lawful and granting the permits
There are going to be hundreds of millions for the taking for the first lawyer to betray his fellow chosen and sue this city.

We've lit the fire and you know it.
We'llbe wearing armband in public soon.

You'll know where we run,youcan go back to the ghetto with the used up suburban girls, consider them a parting gift.
>leftists think they can stomp on people with no backlash
I think when people see white nationalists holding up Nazi flags and wearing KKK hoods, it only draws people away. It makes people think that the media could have been right when they called trump supporters nazis and deplorable. This march was a bad idea, it never should've happened. The alt-light is the only hope to redpill generation Z. Once in the alt light they may cross over to Alt right, but you can't expect normies to go straight from left to center then to full on fascist. Think about it guys.
I don't protest or rally. I'm saving my energy for other things.
Confused the shit out of me thought this was a counter argument. Thanks for sauce, I'll save this one.
Well we don't know who did it yet.
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> people talking about autistic people
> No pics

Wtf is the point of these threads if neither side is posting goofy looking people?
>alphas are left-wingers
thats funny numale
The guys there looks like a mix between a bunch of virgins from incel, airsofters, wehraboos, armed forces rejects, zombie apocalypse preppers and red pillers all rolled into one hideously embarrassing, cringeworthy mess. When you start dressing up as a wannabe german army/milita prepper hybrid and literally start chanting memes from 4chan and reddit, it's time to take a real hard look at what you're doing and where you are gonna end up in 5 years time. Shit like this doesn't go away any more, you get IDed as being one of these LARPing faggots and that's you a laughing stock for life. Same with those antifa retards. These people really must not have much going on in their lives.

On the other hand its fucking hilarious to watch
>Other things

You on season 2 of LOGH yet?
This, self fulfilling prophecy.
>Neither one of those tweets are going to age well.
who cares that tranny will off itself soon enough anyways im sure
Don't do it again goys!
Jesus fucking Christ that's hilariously embarrassing. A fucking kekistani flag patch. This cunt shitposts on /k/ I know it
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>A number of community organizations are arranging events as counter programming to the rally. Please consider attending those events.
>worried about knives
>use armor specifically not made for that type of attack
>kekistani flag patch
I hate reddit so much
Keep laughing. I'm cool with it. American night of the long knives is approaching. You would not say such a thing in person.
Ive been off /pol/ for a few days. What's happening?
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Come. Home Adam. South side ARA is waiting
this is an example of a subtle lefty shill post. the point is to "sow uncertainty" amongst "us". wow its like antifa just finished baby's first psyops book and hasn't even read the Art of War yet. you soyboys don't have enough testosterone to use tactical warfare and you are only going to get yourselves hurt. just go back to your craft beer and opiates losers.

I'm with you , friend. I was responding to our anarchist friend who said he had "better things to do".

I'm damn proud of you burgers today.
Why are you here? You have your own problems.
this fag is a shill, but I do think we should focus more on the confederacy than nazi imagery. Confederacy is more homegrown, so people sympathize more

Ok sorry. Mistook your post.
I hope the Natl. Guard starts opening up on you fucks Kent State-style
Domestic terrorists deserve no quarter

It's fucking happening, lads.
>The guys there looks like a mix between a bunch of virgins from incel, airsofters, wehraboos, armed forces rejects, zombie apocalypse preppers and red pillers all rolled into one hideously embarrassing, cringeworthy mess. When you start dressing up as a wannabe german army/milita prepper hybrid and literally start chanting memes from 4chan and reddit, it's time to take a real hard look at what you're doing and where you are gonna end up in 5 years time. Shit like this doesn't go away any more, you get IDed as being one of these LARPing faggots and that's you a laughing stock for life. Same with those antifa retards. These people really must not have much going on in their lives.

Quoted for fucking truth!!!!
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Rumors say a sheboon was driving. Claimed it was an accident after the crash.


Thank god
>admits to being a redditor
and kys on the way out
They aren't going to shoot antifa unfortunately.
The US also gave Israel nukes too, illegally, but they bitch and moan about Iran?
so much for the tolerant right, deliberately driving through a peaceful protest.

you're no better than the islamic terrorist.
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National/Regional flags could have a common symbol overlayed to show unity, Like a Phoenix Icon etc

pic related
literally nothing would be better for nationalists. Do you know why people remember Kent State? Because it turned everyone against the fukcing pigs
kill yourself frank you stupid schizo faggot. i am going to shit up your faggy htg and knowledge bomb threads so fucking hard. god i hate you.
Youre assuming we wont gain power
who was car?

>Nothing going on in their lives

Who has anything truly going on in their lives anymore? This is the world we live in. Those who scream the loudest get what they want.

For decades, we've been good little boys. Gone to Uni, Got a job, had families, whilst the left just got more gibs, by screaming and crying all the way.

Now they've put us in a corner, and we're giving as good as we've got.

Choke on your black pill capitulation. The tide is turning.
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Sure, there is NO way that in the USA this couldn't just be a road rage fag, right?

Because that sort of shit, NEVER happens in the US?
Question to the American anons here: German (((press))) writes about that rally being led by the KKK while the alt right merely joined in. Sounds like a load of shit. Can anyone confirm or deny?
You forgot, get run over by a black female driver
>Who has anything truly going on in their lives anymore?

I have an interview with an investment banking firm.
>literal nigs in tribal gear
>scrawny twinks with gay pride flags
>fat white old fucks yelling "stop racism!"
>obese whales and roasties burning the coal "in solidarity" with the nigs
>yelling sheboons and wiggers having shitfits on the gravel
Yet they'll post pictures of normal looking white people holding torches and call them "disgusting basement dwellers"
Explain this meme

Will to power is my right as divine consciousness.
Only our slave society has been trained to acclaim it an illness.
Theres No bad publicity
Being Feared is as good as being Loved
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You guys and the french gave us nukes because we fought the egyptians for you,you lil dumb ass nigga.

I'm a Neurologist(Granted..a Spanish one).

>Something in your life

Do something worthwhile with your life bottom feeder. It's not the 90s anymore.
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Yes, this was great! Totally not set up to discredit anyone on the right and supporting trump as "literally nazis!"

The most fucking obvious false flag
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I agree it's a massive success for the nation to know the new rights message and numbers but it's also a calling card to recruit even more leftist faggots into the fray.

The lowest part is not only the media but the fact that Richard Spence is either an attention whore loser or controlled opposition.
Why are the Kekistani flags always the saddest fucking cucks? is that you Sweden?
Good job burgers.
100% true

I think you genuinely have to be autistic to not realize that anything associated with Nazis is pure social poison
Wow they find the identified people without masks on, real anonomoouse

The picture you posted omits an important detail.
Once again I feel shame to call myself a puerto rican coffee nigger. Heil Hitler or gtfo you cuck!
>I'm a Neurologist(Granted..a Spanish one).
so why r u unhappy?
I was planning to be a neurologist, dropped out of undergrad, I don't want to be a good doctor for hostile, degenerate society. Uprooting the corruption is more important.
No, it wasn't. It made people think you're all fucking losers. I understand not giving a shit if they think you're racists, but when people think you're a loser, they don't want to join your cause. So unless you start looking more professional, get a good party and a good goal going, you're gonna have a hard time succeeding.
You'll be ok puertobro. Dumbshits abound everywhere. Especially now it is a shill's paradise.
anything on the right that isn't cuckservative is now associated with nazis. what's the point in bending over backwards in an attempt to please the very people who oppose you? i say fuck them and wear the nazi label with pride.
>Make no mistake: if America becomes explicitly white nationalist all the Anglo countries will follow suit.
true but that simply wont happen. It would make more sense for the elite in charge to declare martial law or fight a civil war than cut off their plans for globalization
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Yes goyim, fully amalgamate so that we can use the media to paint you exactly the color we want. Whatever you do, don't continue to be dynamic!
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>you will live to see nazism become a mainstream trend popular among the youth
feels good man
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I just said that everyone at this rally looked and acted like a bunch of fags, nothing else. I have no idea what the fuck a black pill is and I don't get bent out of shape because by a bunch of whiny faggots crying, be they left or right. MY standard of living is high, my life is good and all of that is because of the time I live in. Wake up and realise how easy you've got everything compared to even 50 years ago. Take a look around at everything we have in our world today, the sum of all of humanities efforts, the technological marvels, of what we can do when we put our minds to it. When I stop and think about all the work that has gone into something like the internet or a computer it amazes me how far we've come in 5000 odd years of recorded history. The world isnt gonna fucking end because Trump is in power, just the same as it won't end when Obama was in power or anything else. The thing that consistently fucks shit up for everyone is people who subscribe to one view and can't adapt or accept change. Fucking relax, don't be so close minded, learn to adapt and if you can't adapt, then at least accept that others can and do. You don't have to like everything about the world, but you also can't have everything your own way and faggots who want that are what fuck shit up
>true but that simply wont happen. It would make more sense for the elite in charge to declare martial law or fight a civil war than cut off their plans for globalization

Have you been to America? If kicked out all the non whites it would destroy our economy. CEOs such as Nadella. Cities that rely on tourism like Las Vegas would die. I hope the elites would intervene to stop the nazi plebs from destroying our economy.
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Only Whites and Asians are net taxpayers.
they look like they were bred in underground CIA facilities.
is this the nigger bashing that I heard about earlier? any more?
>I just said that everyone at this rally looked and acted like a bunch of fags, nothing else. I have no idea what the fuck a black pill is and I don't get bent out of shape because by a bunch of whiny faggots crying, be they left or right. MY standard of living is high, my life is good and all of that is because of the time I live in. Wake up and realise how easy you've got everything compared to even 50 years ago. Take a look around at everything we have in our world today, the sum of all of humanities efforts, the technological marvels, of what we can do when we put our minds to it. When I stop and think about all the work that has gone into something like the internet or a computer it amazes me how far we've come in 5000 odd years of recorded history. The world isnt gonna fucking end because Trump is in power, just the same as it won't end when Obama was in power or anything else. The thing that consistently fucks shit up for everyone is people who subscribe to one view and can't adapt or accept change. Fucking relax, don't be so close minded, learn to adapt and if you can't adapt, then at least accept that others can and do. You don't have to like everything about the world, but you also can't have everything your own way and faggots who want that are what fuck shit up

can tell. you've moved out of parents basement and learned to integrate into society. These nazi larpers are still acting like god damn teenagers with angst.
>healthy young man
Oh boy you sure showed us.

Ya but my uber driver was a cuban immigrant that was making a larger portion of his money from tips and that was untaxed.
whats the most important thing you would sacrifice to keep the economy running the way it is now?
Neurotic and Neurologist aren't the same thing. Besides that, why would you deride yourself for being Spanish? Is that somehow lower than a European or American neurologist? Why all the self loathing? Why are you trying so hard to prove yourself to an anon image board half full of neckbeards?
Statistically irrelevant.
No, you see, they weren't all handsome and jacked guys who look like movie stars. Therefore: they are losers
>whats the most important thing you would sacrifice to keep the economy running the way it is now?

Culture, white majority population. I'd rather live in a high functioning society with a high standard of living than turn America into the White Africa.

I've also come to terms immigrating to America meaning that I left my "homeland" and I accept the high probability of marrying outside my race.
>being a sodomite
Hell is for ever!
>can tell. you've moved out of parents basement and learned to integrate into society. These nazi larpers are still acting like god damn teenagers with angst.
wtf i love the left-wing now
>le candid photo with a stupid look on your face meme
i think most people would be willing to sacrifice someone elses culture though, i said "important" thing
Slinging cheap insults like that only make you look as bad. Going by the look of the photos most of them are 18-30 y/o. I was an angsty know it all cunt in my late teens early 20's too. Not at the level they are, but still, a flippant pampered wee shit who thought less educated people or immigrants were below me, just didn't try hard enough or were just born cunts. Some are for sure, but not all. I wait until people open their mouths or do something now before forming an opinion of them, if I don't like them, fuck them, but I don't get all self righteous and go on a crusade against them anymore. That shit didn't change anything and didn't make me or anyone else happier or better people. If all this energy people use at hating and copndeming others were put into self improvement this shit wouldn't happen. There'd be less welfare leeches, far left commiefags, far night neo nazis, fat cunts, corrupt cunts. It's a pity desu
It's beautiful

BLM tactics turned right back on them. They are losing. I can't even imagine how demoralizing it is for the left to see this happening.
Absolutely pathetic
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>worried about knives
>has armor with a shitton of spaces for a blade to slide into, and an exposed neck



We are drawing working class voters to our side.
We are projecting our power and putting you on notice.

Boomers? Ahahahahahahahah----ahhhhhhhhhhhhh
Yeah it was boomers supporting Bernie Sanders, and voting for Hillary.
No gen X'ers voted for Obama. Everything is the fault of others.
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>virgins from incel, airsofters, wehraboos, armed forces rejects, zombie apocalypse preppers and red pillers

LOL, I support the "white identity" shit but this is hilariously accurate
The KKK doesn't even exist anymore. There's 1000 small chapters with no relation to each other with 3 members each.
Can't fight, but run everything? Make up your fucking minds Commies.
>Slinging cheap insults like that only make you look as bad.

If you met me in real life then you wouldn't say that because I do act very professional in person. In addition that remark is largely true and I don't believe in sugar coating everything. These people are "adults" so I would hope they can accept some tough love.

>If all this energy people use at hating and copndeming others were put into self improvement this shit wouldn't happen.

That's the entire problem. These people have failed to achieve real happiness in life because of their own inactions. Instead of taking responsibility and bettering themselves, they blame immigrants and SJW. Which isn't to say these aren't issues but they are being blown way out of proportion by the alt-right, just like SJW blew lift wing issues out of proportion.
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I thought the Jews ran everything.
>Does not exist, except....
Is this the same fucking Austrian collectivist from before? Or are all Austrians fucking retarded liars?
Me too.
even this cherry picked pic where he is shouting doesn't make him look bad
symetrical face, groomed hair healthy skin

so, clearly not a lefty
The old KKK is dead, and the new one wouldn't have the organization to organize a knitting circle. It's an irrelevant honeypot.

These Alt Right protestors must be retarded. Do they think they are helping white people? Because this just hurts white people. It just encourages the hate every white person rhetoric because now any white person could be a racist piece of shit. Thank a lot guys did a lot of good.
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>It just encourages the hate every white person rhetoric
But that is helping white people by driving them into the race war so we can finally have our peace afterwards.
if you honestly acted like that back when you were 20 it would explain why you are still a huge dumb cunt today
Depends on the agenda being pushed, and who is pushing it really. The main thing to remember, is that according to EVERYONE, nothing is THEIR fault.
>Old KKK is dead
No, they are still the same Democrats they always were (Joke...kind of)
I wold not disagree with that, but that is not wtf you said.
Self-contradictory statements give me headaches, like all bs. I am allergic to bs.
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The amount of shills after the Charlottesville event is unprecedented wtf is happening /pol/?
you are a nigger
>association to Nazis.

You realize the generation below you thinks Nazis are cool, don't you?
>if you honestly acted like that back when you were 20 it would explain why you are still a huge dumb cunt today
Absolutely correct. Only thing disappointing is the lack of coverage about countersemitism. More normies need to start noticing coincidences.
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yea because spencer advocated for violence by any means necessary on live tv, meanwhile in reality he is saying white people have the right to exist
Am I autistic because I have actual factual arguments, and not retarded meme buzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzwords?
true though, he doesnt seem to have learned much
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>Justifying chimping out

We wuz peaceful an shiet.
>wait till the angry 35+ white men that work for a living lose their shit then you will see the real violence.

White leader, standing by...
>true though, he doesnt seem to have learned much

He seems mature to me. You on the other-hand, what have you learned?
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Could be asperger's; I'm not really a specialist.
>Do you know why people remember Kent State? Because it turned everyone against the fukcing pigs

Exactly. 1960s protestors were far more loaded with literal Commies burning American flags and other embarrassing things, compared to the Nazi element at this right-wing rallies. And yes, average Americans were turned off by that and looked away. That didn't stop the leftists from continuing to fight and eventually win, and now the history books consider them heroes.
lol. At least your non-arguments are fresh and funny.
You may pass.
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First report. Seems plausible.
all hes done in this thread is assume people are below him because of his admitted privileged upbringing, the same thing hes projecting onto others. I think im mature enough, you probably just dont like me because my viewpoints are a threat to your future wealth
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These Kikes know how to pull-off an extraordinary Psy-Op...


Kike is where KKK comes from...

Jews that could not, or refused to sign their name on documents, signed with a Kykle, Kirkyl, or Kirkyl...

The word means Circle...in Yiddish...

They refused to sign with a Cross, because it represented Jesus & the Cross.

They signed with a Circle, so folks took to calling them Kikes (Circle).

Ku Kux Klan means Tribe of the Circle...

or Kike...

Notice how these Kikes - Burn the Cross?

According to their TALMUD Jesus is in Hell burning in excrement.

That's the story...
Holy crap. I will have to look into this, but I totally fucking believe you already. It is not often I learn something new that is actually important. Thank you.

This post is very semitic
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Fake news, the KKK kept America for a long time from browning and when they lost relevance, the rest was history
Cлaвa Poccии! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YeMGte2rR_Q
>all hes done in this thread is assume people are below him because of his admitted privileged upbringing, the same thing hes projecting onto others. I think im mature enough, you probably just dont like me because my viewpoints are a threat to your future wealth

I asked you what you have learned. You strawmaned. What have you learned?

His analysis of this rally is very accurate. I saw the something at politicon. These people are acting chaotic, unorganized and disrespectful. It's a bunch of grown adults throwing a temper tantrum. Where are the policy proposals? Where are the candidates running for office? Where are the civilized conversations and real debates? They are acting like the right-wing SJW/BLM.

Lastly, I working very hard to secure future wealth. Much harder than these protesters. I can tell 100% that they could not fit into Fortune 500, corporate culture; not because of their pro white views but because of their unprofessionalism.
A lot of people at the rally said they were there to "take their country back". But from whom do they want to take it back from? What do they mean by that?

Liberals I would imagine.
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These are NOT White-Supremacists!

These are Bull-Queers, Mongrel-Theists & Jews...

Heavy on the Jew...

And utilizes Stooges, Goons, & Dupes whenever they can.

Don't Fall-For-It...!
No one, it's an slogan deviced to promote anti inmigration laws in order to get Trump elected.

Now that trump got elected they wish you bastards will just shut up.
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what's with the tiki torches? it makes them look like a joke and weak.

all this jewish oppression has made whites forget how to make lynch mobs.

it's embarrassing. all they had to do was replace the torches.
Massive /leftypol/ raid. Let them tire themselves out. We'll be back at it tomorrow lads.
Inb4 3000 words long article about how the "Tiki torches show why we need a diverse America, raycists btfo"
Niggers and Communists. All must be exterminated if the West is to continue to function
KKK uniforms make people look like idiot weaklings. Which you are.
america without white people/culture would be more or less africa tho

it would turn into zimbabwe
Tribalism is a trait inherent to every human, the school social structure is totally dominated by it, so it's hard not to just adopt the views of your peers. Since I was a middle class kid going to a top academic grammar school, yeah I formed the opinion that kids going to a high school were stupid, that people who live on a council estate were trashy idiots and it was their fault if they couldn't pay bills or educate their kids correctly, that the drug addict or drunk on the street chooses to be there.

When you get out of that insular environment, meet and speak to others and experience situations you've never been in before you gain a better appriciation for the shit others go through and how it then shapes their views, attitudes, lives etc. Whilst I can still be judgemental or get angry when I see a single mother with 4 kids drinking 3 bottles of wine a night, I can understand it more. So I'm not sure why you felt the need to make a cheap throwaway comment without further explaining why you think that, except that you did it to get a rise. Fine, whatever, if it makes you feel better to do that be my guest.

I didn't say they were below me at all, just that I don't think much of the way they are acting. There's a difference between hating the idea and hating the person
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The KKK defeated reconstruction, pushed the 1924 immigration act, and performed police work when the state was unable to do so.
Combat vet and ex con. Hes a manlet but tough as fuck I bet
what have i learned since when? i made the statement in relation to his post about how he acted when he was 20, you are asking what i learned since i was 20?

>Where are the policy proposals? Where are the candidates running for office? Where are the civilized conversations and real debates?
shouted down slandered and drowned out for being racist. in my opinion it literally will not happen before a civil war (a civil war the elite will win) because the people in charge have far too much banking on their borderless world scheme
>america without white people/culture would be more or less africa tho


Asians are more than capable of having high prosperity societies. Middle Eastern without (sharia) Islam are just as intelligent as Europeans. High white content Hispanics are smart. Of course we have the (((JEWS))).

>it would turn into zimbabwe

The real problem for our society would be if America become majority African.
>Running the US in 20 years
>millenial voter leanings compounded with racial birth rates
Ehh, probably not.
only jews burn crosses and hide their faces while larping as southerners

just like this whole soros funded unite the right rally

gtfo jew shills
>It just encourages the hate every white person rhetoric because now any white person could be a racist piece of shit.

Nonwhites never liked whites. They just played along when whites were not nice and a large majority.

Once whites become a minority they will be hated even more than now.
combat vet? lol fuck no

rich boy that got fast tracked for a zionist .gov shill job for his parents? yes

t. ex mil
he fucking staged himself punching a girl who wanted to be an actress

you are fucking stupid
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Not Quite...

What they did was establish THEIR agenda, the KIKE agenda into all aspects of Government...

For the most-part, to the exclusion of Christians...

They will CLAIM to be Christians, but they are Ravening-Wolves in Sheep's Clothing...

Crypto-Jews, or Crypto-Kikes...

They NEVER lost relevance, they became "Invisible" the Invisible Empire.

These Kikes know how to pull-off an extraordinary Psy-Op...

>shouted down slandered and drowned out for being racist. in my opinion it literally will not happen before a civil war (a civil war the elite will win) because the people in charge have far too much banking on their borderless world scheme

Do you understand the words coming out of your mouth? Do you really think quality of life right now is so poor in America or Europe that we need a fucking civil war? ARE YOU WILLING TO DIE FOR A SOCIETY OF CLOSED BORDERS? Do you even understand what that would entail. Right now corporations like MS or Apple or Goldman Sachs require top talent and there isn't enough in the west by itself. Likewise manual labor requires people that are willing to work for very little.

A civil war to get an isolated white nation with Africa tier economy, it's insane. I think you've been radicalized with too much nonsense on /pol/ and have lost touch with reality.
Nope. It's dogmatic if anything. Not ideological. OK, admittedly I should have used small "c" conservative in my last post, but you get the point. Small "c" conservatives can do nothing but shake their heads at this nonsense
you misunderstand, im not saying i support that idea, just that it would happen before the far right ever gets anywhere near power. war would be the worst thing because the right would lose, and the internationalists would have every justification to wipe out any threat they feel like whereas if there isnt a war they might have to let some people live.
blacks are currently 13% of the population
take away the ~%65 white and you're left with a population thats 1/3 black
That's past the critical nig-threshold, the ammount of chimping and noggery that'll happen without whitey keepen dem down will lead to conflict
No, but I'm sure as hell willing to kill for one
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