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Does the fact that most MGTOW on YouTube have Autism tell yo

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Does the fact that most MGTOW on YouTube have Autism tell you something. Even sandman said he has Autism.

Most videos on MGTOW talk about the following-

Talk about a 50 year old report mad right after birth control was invented saying the Divorce Rate is 50%.

>Today the Divorce Rate is only 13%. In fact the U.S. divorce rate dropped for the third year in a row, reaching its lowest point in nearly 40 years.


Talk how women get 50% of what the man has.

>In reality this only happens with the rich. Premarital agreements can fix this.


Well it makes sense doesn't it?

The only guys who don't want to change the system or benefit from the system, but instead leave the system, are losers.
Let's archive that

>http://time com/4575495/divorce-rate-nearly-40-year-low
please fuck my wife
Archive this
I hate women who wear yoga pants in public.
i guarantee i am slightly touched and my friends agree but my chick says no way
but as a matter of fact i know i am somewhere on that spectrum if i would submit and let a jew tell me about my thoughts

grotesque, disproportionate tits, by the way. these kinds dont look good naked. and she's clasping her hands behind her back to throw them out further it's basically slutting. is that somewhere on the spectrum, you fucking kikes?

I hate women in general
From the article you posted.
>But researchers have found that typical marriages still have about a 50% chance of lasting. (This number has been widely debated, since first marriages are much more likely to survive than second or third.)
Bottom line, don't marry a used up roastie that's already shown herself unable to sustain a marriage.
No it isn't, you're just a fucking virgin. Most women are complete shit
I hate everyone without exception.
Yeah this. I don't hate women, just sluts who think it's okay to walk around showing their ass cracks in public.

All women are sluts by nature you simp cuck

That's right white males, don't breed.
The point of this article is to disprove that.
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>Does the fact that most MGTOW on YouTube have Autism tell you something.
Yeah. It's when you see them on video that it all starts making sense. They might be cool to hang out with and to talk shit with, etc. But damn they have an odd way of thinking about relationships. It's OK to be "alpha" and "red pilled", etc (probably necessary to some extent with most women) but you still have to treat them like a fucking human being. There has to be some love there. A lot of those MGTOW faggots don't seem very loving desu.
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May the odds be ever in your favour goys
Go live in your 2000 pound/mo 300 sq ft cuckshed in London Ahmed.
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who wants milky? :3
Who's that?
>be shaved head on side
I agree with what you are saying except prenups don't protect you for shit
That's why their content is better than the skeptics.
mgtow are like minorities, they need a safety net because they will fall through it otherwise
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>yoga pants in public
well at least she walks her doggo. it looks healthy
I want milky so bad ;_;
That dog is a killer.
laura katz curvy berlin
Name of the wide bitch? Nudes?
It's a fucking bot, brazilian cunt
Laura Katz, curvyberlin.
Pseudo mgtow here (I still get my dik wet) who would be watching those videos anyways. True mgtow comes to that conclusion organicly, those fuks are just attention whores
People also really underestimate how common alimony is as well. I'm going through a divorce now after an 18 year marriage. I earn about 60k and wife has worked uninterrupted the whole of the marriage. Based in current state law I'm supposed to pay her about $500 a month for 8 years.

Fortunately for me our daughter wants to live with me so I should be able to put child support against alimony and hopefully not have to pay anything. But also will get no child support.
They don't know how. Refrigerator mom's make autists.
please fuck my wife
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This, human beings are cancer, Women included. It's not just avoiding women, but doing my best to avoid people in general.

Turning 32, wizard, powerlifter, sports car, own place, stem degree, medfag sales, fat bank account and fun hobbies to do.

Only family and /pol/ matters, everyone else can die.
>Does the fact that most MGTOW on YouTube have Autism tell you something
Schizoid personality disorder is more likely
>Divorce rate is dropping

Thats because nobody is getting married you retard.
In otherwords first signs of mgtow rhetoric having a positive affect on society
People are getting married a lot later in life.
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>what are artificial wombs
Most people on Youtube who take themselves seriously have Autism, whether it's MGTOW, feminism, gaming (think dsp), or what have you. It just comes with the territory of giving EVERYONE an easy way to publish themselves.
I can think of people who are exceptions though. Girl Writes What is an awfully intelligent woman. Turd Flinging Monkey strikes me as someone who's at least competent, his bitter view of women and the world due mostly to his horrible single mother. Justicar's gay, so he's technically """mgtow"""" in practice, if not in spirit.
I actually hate them less when they wear yoga pants and you get some camel action.
Like telling people if you want sex to use women helps society.
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what I find more interesting is that for a good while I've only seen threads whining about the mgtow thing and no actual mgtow threads
if it really was just losers being irrelevant then why do you care so much?
it really feels like (((someone))) up there decided that the mgtow has to be shamed and their lackeys came here every day doing this even though this meme past it's relevance a long time ago
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What if I don't have a say in the matter?
>tfw history of abuse and autism so I'll never be mentally stable enough for a gf
>what I find more interesting is that for a good while I've only seen threads whining about the mgtow thing and no actual mgtow threads
I've seem some.
Sorry - I mean seen
She isn't wearing them for your benefit perv. They are for the dog which she fucks daily.
you do know that this board has ids right?
Impressive Dick Syndrome
Use prostitutes, and it does help. Reminds women if they want to only be good for meat flaps, there is a better competitor, so they either fly right or become a prostitute. Prostitutes were the first robot waifus
I know you made the thread and I'm accusing you of being a shill so why do you think I'd give two shits about what you say
Divorces are low right now because marriage rates are also low.

Prenups can get thrown out by judges.

Are those your only arguments against MGTOW?
know how to read stats

You said, " I've only seen threads whining about the mgtow thing and no actual mgtow threads"

That is wrong.

> t. Butthurt Lonely Roastie
>both archived by the mod
guess then this thread should be reported too
That why you don't have a girl friend. Women aren't horses.
I'm debating something which is in the rules.
so were they

Here's what it is, lads -

Autists need logic and predictability to make sense of things in their world.

Women are 100% devoid of predictability, and are extremely illogical and emotion-driven.

This makes the autists think that there's no way they can get along with women, when rather, they should just be seeking similarly autistic females who have shared interests rather than giving up entirely.

Sure, 90% of females are fucking degenerate shitskin lovers who would sell their souls out just to get the perfect Kikebook selfie pic to impress their friends, but there are some gems out there, just that like anything else, you have to keep refining your search and working at it vs. just saying "ALL GURLZ SUCK IM OUTTA HERE" because you're afraid to take the time to get this shit figured out.

t. dude who was a fucking headcase in my teens for who everything worked out just fine years later after settling down with the right lass
>having autism is bad
>where do you think we are

Divorce is also down because marriage is failing. It was meant to hold a society together and we've gone past the point of it being worth it.
Women most definitely are horses. You can't tame them unless you break them first. But going through the trouble of training them isn't really worth it unless you can get em young and keep em away from bad influences which the current environment works against
If the thread was reported it wouldn't have been archived.
> Anonymous ## Mod
>This thread was moved to >>>/r9k/38986894
are you fucking retarded?
Prenups get thrown out in court all the time you retard
MGTOW is just another Jewish trick to stop white people from breeding. Never had a problem with woman. Have top women mates, have dated cool women have married an awesome woman and have two daughters. Pretending to "go your own way" because you got turned down once is pathetic. Fucking low lifes.
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>ITT people don't understand rates
>brain cancer

lung, breast, ovarian cancer
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If you want to me to "invest in soceity"--make it worth my money.

Being held hostage by an irrational woman on the threat of divorce rape is not my idea of enticing me to "man up" and "further the mayo race".
>i had a good life
>so if u didn't then kill yourself lowlife lol
>also jews
In high school women want chad.

When they get into their late 20s they want a girl whose there for them.
By then they are basically a used condom
Poor little bitch. Fucking grow up and stop failing at life. Incel loser.
So and this one wasn't
burn in hell with your whores autistic cunt
so linked the wrong one you idiot and the other one didn't even mention mgtow
stop grasping at straws shill
That dependents on the women.
>the other one didn't even mention mgtow
Had mgtow ideas in it.
and your mother had 50 niggers in her
This is utter bullshit. Yes, a lot of MGTOW's can be somewhat extreme (like they won't even bang ANY women), but honestly, they have a ton of valid points about women being spoiled bitches (particularly white women)....

Rich or not, women will take ANYTHING of worth to you in a divorce. Your car, your house, even your fucking kids. It's just reality. Rich dudes have it easy, because they can just pay the bitch off and get her to leave her alone.

My parents got divorced two years ago. Even though I live with my mom, I can assure you that if my dad wasn't middle class, and had tons of money, my mom would've milked him dry for every dime.

Men get treated like shit by white women, because white women overwhelmingly have the divorce and family courts on their side, giving them shit tons of leverage.

Also, since the divorce, my dad is the happiest he's ever been. Literally a ton of women from the previous generations (this generation is much more redpilled and sensible) were utter bitches to be married to.

Yes, MGTOW's can be quirky sometimes. But honestly, on a ton of shit, they are spot on.
>and your mother had 50 niggers in her
And that's what happens when you challenge belief system. People attack you personally.
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you brought up some autistic thought police strawman shit
fuck you
kill yourself
Its "all" women. When you present yourself as a potential provider, they present you with the "innocent" facade, that facade is why you think "not all women". When you make it clear you're not a provider and are just passing through, you get the real her, and when you remove the shame wall they all admit to having trains ran on em raw n shit by dirty ass nigs.
How am I thought policing?
go back to soc degenerate old man
k i l l y o u r s e l f
k i l l y o u r s e l f b i t c h
j u s t f u c k i n g d i e
More women save them selves than man.
I'm not saying you can't talk about MGTOW.
I just simply hate retarded cunts, and you're a retarded cunt so you don't deserve the oxygen that you breathe
I have met only 1 of those and she was literally retarded and prob the only reason and even she just wanted to bone down but couldn't because her parents kept her under lock n key literally
Why don't you just start a pro MGTOW thread.
What he says about the white race is more or less true and I don't understand how it's relevant to him being a fat neckbeard.
Try going to churches.
why don't you just kill yourself? you'd do a favor to everyone
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that's rich, coming from basement jaded 14yo.

Pro tip- most men are complete shit too.
And honestly if it wasn't for the parents i woulda snatched up and kept that literally retarded chick cause its still better than all the other walking used condoms out there

>using 2 different definitions of divorce rate
Divorce rate is at an all time low because marriage is at an all time low. The probability to divorce is sitting around where it's been for a long time, 50%

gotta sage this shit. PS I'm not a MGTOW they're faggots but less of a faggot than you
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I'm not memeing, you are actually to stupid to live on this planet
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I don't want to live on a plant with losers.
They're all so chunky
Literal retard OP
>But researchers have found that typical marriages still have about a 50% chance of lasting.
one more reason to kill yourself
(This number has been widely debated, since first marriages are much more likely to survive than second or third.)
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Another DAILY reminder that there is no reason to be angry at MGTOW
Nothing they do hurts you in any way
Nothing they do interferes in your personal decisions and way of life
You are the one going out of the way to be angry at them. Why?
Let's say they are just a bunch of virgin losers. Ok great, they suck and they still don't harm you.
Let's say they are wrong and marriage is a good decision.
Then There is no reason to attack them, their decision is their own punishment

I don't know how many times I'm gonna have to say this to be honest. Some people make different decisions.
>Women aren't horses.
I beg to differ. Skynyrd has something to say on this matter:

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I agree, some people just get too lost in counter-cultures.
women need to be genocided
Look at the fucking tits on that bitch man, damn.
They also quote a divorce rate study done in california, with only 2500 participants.
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Something for the MGTOW folks to consider as well -


What do you think the next generation will feel if they know that you sold their future out by deciding to plat vidya games and stay up until dawn because, hey, chicks are too tough to figure out, man.

You'll be part of the problem going forward if you quit for self-serving reasons, so be ready to be seen in 20-35 years as the "new Boomers" who fucked future whites up by failing to procreate and change the world for the better because you just didn't want to put in the effort. You'll be deserving of the blame, too, so better be set to accept it when the time comes to guess who played into the white extinction game fully cognizant of your actions.

Sure, women are fucked up, but letting the kikes win is not worth it in the end.
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