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Ambedkar vs Gandhi - Was Gandhi a blackmailer?

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>i saw an article about 3 street shitters getting kicked out of university because they belong to the untouchables caste.
>did some research about castes
>found out about one event between Ambedkar (politican representative of the untouchables- untouchable himself) and Gandhi (I dislike him for some reason)
>They had a political argument (about voting for untouchables) and Gandi started a fasting to blackmail him
>he succeded

Any street shitter out there who wants to enlighten me about how good/bad Gandhi/Ambedkar was? And who was right in that debate?


I will give you an intense redpill

The British did not grant independence to India, they had to leave because they got fucked so bad by Hitler at home (day/night bomber raids thanks to Goering)

During the war, Hitler and Tojo (Japanese command) made the first Independent state of India with a provincial government in Singapore, with its own currency and army called the Indian National Army, jointly trained by Italians and Germans (under Rommel's desert troops)

They were actually quite popular at the time, and they nearly invaded Calcutta by aiding the Japanese.

So after the war and the Axis surrender and all the D-Day stuff Britain had to leave, so they basically installed a moderate regime, to create the impression of "granting independence", which would not happen if the radicals (Subhash Chandra Bose was a fascist) came into power. There was also the issues of nazi revival, considering India was a large country with a massive population and a Nazi friendly regime coming into power.

So they made Gandhi the face of "democracy". The fact is Gandhi is more popular outside India than here. People know this, but they don't talk about it, but we've seen the pics of him in England dancing with the royals (actually happened)

And of course, after the war, SC Bose conveniently died in a plane crash over Nepal....

Did I mention Gandhi used to sleep with his niece and other women of his entourage to "test" his celibacy?
Not even joking a little bit. I care more about my child then your kid. If your kid dies that is not my problem is the slightest bit. I raise my daughters to care for themselves more than others. I do not believe in welfare or other such social programs and I raise my kids to believe the same. They are raised to believe that they are first in my life and they should be first in there own lives. They are also taught that the needs of others take back seat to their own needs. They have learned that others should treated fairly as long as their needs are put on the back burner. So, is my kid more important than your kid? Yes, to me anyways. Do I care if your kid is at risk of death because of a peanut? Not really. Home school your kid and leave the normal kids alone. If you fear for your kid that much you should keep them in your basement for the remainder of there lives. God, I hate helicopter parents.
Ambedkar is the guy who credited with writing the Indian constitution, he was allegedly the illegitimate son of a king as the king funded his studies and sent him to England, as the Dalits have almost zero achievement as a community they so they harp on to ambedkar, but before everyone starts Quoting dnc I'll say Dalit have the same blood as us they were tribe that lost it was never supposed to represent anything apart from their social status so I think if we are in a (((democracy))) they should be allowed to vote, I would appreciate if you post that student incident
Gandhi also received milk enemas.
Kek that's quite believable

First of all, thank you for your answers.

It seems that 5 students were expelled due to activist actions


One of them though,Rohith Vemula, commited suicide


These happened in 2015, but it seems that suicide is a thing between Dalit students, this article is from 2011

Anon they are unironic commie who cry muh caste whenever they are caught participating in anti establishment activities, vemula Isn't even a Dalit caste when it was inquired the last article represents our higher education in a nut shell, as the Dalits have reservation in prestigious institutes they somehow get in but unfortunately quite a few of them cannot survive in the competition it has nothing to do with caste, the more you read Into Indian politics you will realize we have the same problem as the west just under different name, it just that majority of our population is woke to the threat
Ambedkar was pretty Redpilled about muslim but that fucker was low IQ street shitter.

I bet you they don't have stats for streetshitting or else the upper caste would score way too less.

Look at US indians and the Mumbai street shitting favelas,you just can't be having Kangz IQ and be given the job of a shudra at the same time,that scumbedkar literally started the journey of political correctness so much so that we have reservations literally everywhere.

This reminds me of the muslim minority in Greece. There are final exams to enter each university, marked from 0 to 20.000. Muslims for example enter the medical school if they score 6.000-7.000 while others should score 19.000 and above.

and never finish it
Dalits would need to score 3 or 4 in that test
Isn't Gandhi venerated in India?
Pictures? Films etc?

And what to of Jinnah and the British egging him on via Iqbal when all he wanted was those 2 extra Parliamentary seats and sowing the enmity with Nehru?

Afterall, after the blunder of partition, bothe nehru and Jinnah quietly conceded they'd been played.
>tfw you ignore BASED Kerala literacy rate
Gandhi was a cuck.
He was too naive to think that giving away a large chunk of India to mudslimes with shut them up.
Not really most people are woke to the truth and the only mistake during partition was that we didn't force all the mudslimes to go to Pakistan
How does that relate they have almost the same percentage of dalits as most states too
highly interesting thread

In india, people don't intermarrybetween castes. There were, until very recently, specificroles for each castes. An actual study of IQ and stuff would be too politically incorrect so nobody did it but in most exams, the results for them are different due to affirmative ation and they get admission for literally 0 marks when 120 is for the "general" people.

That having said, Gandhi was a mudslime pacifier and Ambedkar was the right end of the IQ curve, really smart. Smartest shudra ever.

That's all i know, sorry. I don't know of the actual debate.
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