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She kind of has a point... #Resist

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She kind of has a point... #Resist
She legitimately does have a point, but Americans are bloodthirsty morons so they dont care about innocent people dying
Well, and the people Jong-Un is threatening to nuke are innocent too.
r-strategists always defend the out-group.
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we should be killing republicans instead #resist

no one is innocent.
North Korean Army = civilians and dindu nuffins

reminder that everything the MSM says about north korea is a lie.

quit eating globalist agenda for breakfast.
what am I reading
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/tg/ here. Fuck this traitor.
>innocent people
I couldn't care less about such riffraff
stay butthurt libs

I enjoy every minute of it
Of course lefty scum cheer for the zipperhead that starves his own people.
You fucking scum are going down in flames. Sage
Its your peoples fault that Kim is upset kike
We care about innocents dying as long as they're white
Kill yourself kike
War is hell.
Wonder what Charles Walz is up to these days?
everyones gotta die someday
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You're absolutely right, we should kill all of the traitorous left-wing sub-humans in our nations instead. Kill traitors before enemies.
To be fair the people are, not the government, but the people are just oppressed
Well shit, I guess we better just pack it up and allow Kimmy boy to level Seoul, throw missiles at Japan, and nuke Guam all because you don't like who's currently in power because the MSM told you he's bad.
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>Leftists care more about all of them starving slowly under a dictator then giving them a chance at democracy.

Gee, and they still can't figure out why they lost the election.
>Trump is only starting this brief spat only because he knows his opponents will be forced to defend North Korea, which most Americans would rather want nuked off the face of the Earth

Even the most anti-war Americans hate NK
Just like Iraq and Afghanistan had WMDs, right? Stop believing retarded MSM bullshit
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a traitor in the same vein as magnus, no?
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Democrats truly define doublethink, they are incapable of holding consistent viewpoints.
>North Korea
I'm really hoping one of Kim's shitty coal powered nukes goes off course and into China. It would be best that we not involve ourselves in any wars until the US is great again.
At this point I'm only upset when certain whites die. I don't give a single fuck if white libshit commies die.
Let them solve it, America is not the World Police. This is all about establishing a Rothschild Central Bank anyways
i will never fight for this country.
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>ey look i'm going to pretend i'm a libtard and act like a maniac so people think they're are bloodthirsty maniacs
We are literally Japan's world police.
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>Implying commies are people
She doesn't know that the nork government is committing the largest hostage crisis in the history of the world- half Stockholm Syndrome suffering victims of a necrocracy, half threatened by mortars. The Japanese and other islands in the Pacific do not need to be added to the mess.
Trannies aren't allowed in the army, don't worry
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kim jong un can still be a hero
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Thanks for the shitpost, here's your complimentary redpill
yes they are.
We aren't world policing shit. They have directly threatened the Untied States of America with nuclear war as well. They've been threatening us for a long time now too. It's time to put baby in the corener and if baby acts up in the corner it's time to shove the world's greatest military up babies ass.

Hopefully, he's dead.
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First the Democrats started funding, promoting, and defending domestic terrorists trying to burn American cities down.

Now they are trying to defend a man who murdered his family members with fucking artillery, sleeps on a "human bed" of sex slaves, and has been threatening to nuke our country and our allies since he inherited absolute control of an enslaved nation.

And they say they are the moral ones.

Fucking saged.
Although, 15000 suicidal trannies vs 2 million suicidal norks, should be interesting. It's a win win situation no matter how you look at it
You're an idiot if you think nuking a country isn't significant loss of human life. That is no where near the point. #shutupalready
Builds nukes in tiny shit country while population starves to death. Has 20 years to change course or negotiate......lets million die for muh nukes
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just bring it on already lefty cucks, your constant inconsistent attempts at moral superiority and impotent threats are pathetic
>is a liberal
>thinks North Koreans are more valuable
>types resist like a faggot
OP I'm but the cancer has spread to your ovaries, we're going to have to put you down.
anti trump mission
#MoralShield. if you believe in resist be on the AUG 21. flight to pyongyang to #resit. if trump wants to attack NK hell have to kill us first!
> No mention of the posters Gender.
> 'She'
Stop promoting your own autistic twitter you land whale.
Oh well spotted, OP btfo
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>first they came for the democrats
>then they came for gays
>then they came for the poc's
Then they'll come for you.
>dindu nuffin
i'd rather no norks get nuked. i hope san fran or LA gets wiped off the map however. or germany. basically i hope any western european country or huge metro city in america except dallas gets nuked
>lefties literally shill for North Fucking Korea now

I can not believe this timeline. I simply can not
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that posted could be indefinently jailed for that post in a blacksight.
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>not being able to even
Weren't these fucking traitors fucking BEGGING for war against Russia not 3 months a ago?
How would anons feel if Trump lets commiefornia or other leftist state get nuked/bomb?
>not being able to even

Pretty good. Provided Hollywood is the primary.
This is what I call a red-blooded American.

i live 15 minutes away from this autistic commie, pretty sure i've seen him irl
I'm all for open debate from every point of view but the endless barrage of bots and shills is not open debate its like email spam and telemarketer calls. Tell your owners it makes everyone hate you more every time you post. If you are trying to solidify opposition to the Marxist left then you are winning.

in all fields
Tell him that Juche is a korean supremacist ideology and North Korea is closer to Imperial Japan than Soviet Union. :^)
<iframe width="640" height="360" src="https://www.liveleak.com/ll_embed?f=0eceff21959a" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
She cares about those in NK concentration camps?
let me try it this way

I'm more concerned about the warmongering kikes and their nukes.

>they won't let kikes run their banks
>they won't recognize the apartheid welfare shithole Jizrael
What if they were russian?
She literally had no point. The American people elected him to lead the country, therefore his life is 300 million + times more valuable than theirs.

Technically speaking, the quote is still correct; Magnus was in violation of the Council of Nikea, and did break the Webway Project.

Of course, the fact that Horus altered the message kind of renders the whole point moot.
wonderful government

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>he unironically believes the mediajew
Imagine how retarded you have to be to think this post is in any way relevant to the ones quoted
wasnt this posted on Nov 10th lol
Those "oppressed" people will murder you and laugh about it. Unlike you pussy faggots they all join the military and will die fir their "Supreme Leader". Have you seen the way they weep when he walks by?! They are brainwashed full of hate for ALL Americans, not just the ones on the right. They don't give a shit about you or your progressive ideas you shit fucking retard. Grow the fuck up.

Highly ironic considering (you)r flag.
Remember 5 minutes ago when these people were trying to start a fight with Russia?
Only if you're ignorant of history. Hollywood hasn't been communist in decades.

Many know of the speech delivered by Charlie Chaplin in The Great Dictator. How many know that it got him exiled from USA?

According to the Hitler economy, the value of a North Korean's life is 3.16 nanohitlers, in comparison, Donald Trump is worth 8.52 millihitlers.
Therefore, Donald Trump would need to kill 2,692,306 North Koreans to exceed his worth.
Communists aren't people.
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#Resist is part of a bilderberg plot to undermine the president
Really....Every life you SJW's ruin by lying about rape is a Human life worth more than yours. they're innocent, you aren't

liberals are truly insane

Bernie was right.....We need more mental health care in the U.S.
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Acceptable losses :DDD
Puppies and kitties are innocent, but sometimes they have to be put down. I don't expect faggots to understand that.
You're contributing to the discussion
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The kikes have murdered, tortured, and raped tens of millions and are actively destroying the West. But you should worry about NK goys!
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