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Is it degenerate to fuck your own nieces?

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Is it degenerate to fuck your own nieces?
>these are 10/10s in deutschland
really makes you think
>10/10 would lebensraum
not if they kill themselves afterwards
According to who? So called (((History))) books?
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SS women Aufseherinnen.jpg
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>German women

I just had dinner
is is degenerate to fuck those "women"
old shit is old

all our grandmothers got raped by slavs during/after the war, so we have a pretty great looking gene pool now
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Shut up with your jewish propaganda
Hitler was a pure virgin saving himself for marriage
> only what I want to be real is real

rake yourself my man
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Hitler degenerate.jpg
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Is it degenerate to do this?
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Is it degenerate to fuck your own species?
Go eat a dick fag. I hear you guys voting for more faggotry
>Is it degenerate to fuck your own nieces?

>inplying he fucked his nieces.
hitler was a turboneet.
the only attractive aryan women are the americanized ones
not an argument, faggot.
reminder to filter all leafs.
smile says he was using those pigtails as handle bars
Yes, stay away from our women, they are all ugly af no exceptions, probably slav rapebabies too stay away from them theyre all naturally FUGLY.

Then >>136815755 is not an argument. How do we know about Hitler wanting to fuck his nieces? Same way they are saying he only had one nut, years later?
You're so pathetic having the Nazi flag, Hitler was a Rothschild and was part of their plan in order to establish the NWO
Nice fake picture retard
>Hitler was a Rothschild. DO you have any proof of that?
Where can I /r/ a doujin of this?
Stormfags close their ears to facts even more than libtards. Pretty hilarious honestly. Try reading Antony Sutton guys
Rule 34 of this please so fucking hot desu
>Hitler was a Rothschi-

Alright, let's list them down!

>Hitler survived and fled to Madagascar
>Hitler killed the Jews because he couldn't get accepted into arts school
>Hitler built UFOs
>Hitler tried to create the ultimate Bio Organic Weapon
>Hitler was a Muslim
>Hitler was a Jew

The women of a nation are only the nation's business, I don't want anyone to come here and take them away.
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I don't know I had a leaf back to try and find ww2 girls pics and they all seemed on average to be the same

Maybe we could survive back then just because we were willing to plough 6/10s
fled to Argentina*

Oh we need proof now on /pol/? I thought it was just yelling things and base your judgement on the number of people yelling.
you forgot the secret nazi antartic base that was nuked by the british but they didnt know that the base had a tunnel that lead towards the hallow earth where 10 million germans were evacuated in 1944 and now they are waiting the perfect moment to declare war on germany and resurrect the third reich.
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Jew slide thread
Toothpaste is right!
>look at this meme picture that proves me right .
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Is the backside of your leg like biceps on your arm?
i wouldn't quite say that he was a rothschild, but he collaborated with them and was even financed by them throughout his reign. even david irving touched on this subject (lightly). very odd.

>Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler

Hitler was just playing 1488D chess on the Jews.
>Different last name
>Doesn't post proof of Lionel Nathan Rothschild being Alois' father

it's fucking nothing
Well you should read through this and come back later.

yeah that is how the Rothschild always play. favor every single side.
he was also known as adolf rothschild you know?
It was more a trend of the times though, if you investigate the era you'll fine this was happening with all "extreme" political movements, bankers were funding every side inc communists massively.

>even david irving touched on this subject (lightly).
Wasn't that lightly, he spoke in fair detail about the phonecalls and letter chruchill had destroyed disclosing such info for fear of embarrassment as it disproved the propaganda.
>by David Icke
>from DavidIcke Website
what did you mean by this.
i don't know about that, but he definitely wasn't a jewish agent doing this for the establishment of israel as some like to say. that's about too tinfoil-tier for me. i find that people are often too extreme on this topic, it's too black and white by them.

>The Central Jewish Association of Germany, denied that the Nazi government was deliberately provoking anti-Jewish pogroms. It issued a statement of support for the regime and held that "the responsible government authorities [i.e. the Hitler regime] are unaware of the threatening situation," saying, "we do not believe our German fellow citizens will let themselves be carried away into committing excesses against the Jews. "Nevertheless, even though vandalism of Jewish businesses and property across Germany occurred, prominent Jewish business leaders wrote letters in support of the Nazi regime calling on officials in the Jewish community in Palestine, as well as Jewish organizations abroad, to drop their efforts in organizing an economic boycott.
>all of the idiots that believe the Rotschild are jews that comply to other jews.
let me give you a hint. they believe that they are above the other jews.
Exactly, everyone knows Hitler fucked his nieces under the soft light of his jew skin lampshades
These people are unaware that Hitler raided the Rothschild's properties and tried to execute them but they got away. Stop being retards
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>these are considered master race women
>pic related was considered subhuman

Nazis truly have shit taste in everything besides fashion.
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>Is it degenerate to do this?
Not at all
Why the hell was a Rothschild working as a clerk for Austrian border guard
the one on the right would get it
>war hero
>political activist
>ran a country for 12 years
Anon, I-
he is talking about his early life lad.
Which part of his early life though? I'm pretty sure he worked at a factory (if I recall correctly from Mein Kampf) when he was homeless in Vienna, and he was in his teens then. After that he joined the army.
Only if you have them whacked afterwards
im talking about his fucked up really early life. you know while the majority of his sibling were dying and stuff.
When he was a child? He wasn't a NEET, he was in school. What the fuck are you trying to prove? Hitler was never a NEET.
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thule nazi girl1.jpg
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>these are 10/10s in deutschland
>really makes you think
Makes me think about how ugly kikes are
Its degenerate if you don't

Alex Jones -- day of the fucking ROPE!!
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>tfw no ghetto waifu.png
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>Makes me think about how ugly kikes are

Yeah, uhhh about that...
nope, it is rather traditional in fact.
A girl belongs to her father, he is the only who can fuck her. Anyone else doing it is rape. But if a man dies it is his brother's responsibility to marry the widow so she will be looked after(unless of course she has a son old enough to keep her) so he would also acquire any of his unmarried daughters and then he could fuck them.
no dude, when all of his family started to die and where he cursed his life. like around 12-16
Remember: hitler was a jew and he had one ball and he was gay and he was really gay and personally burned gays and jews to death and he also wore jew leather clothes and ate jew babies for breakfast
Yes, but he didn't.
>Hurr durr he was protective of her, that must mean he wanted to fuck her and can't be just an uncle trying to prevent his niece from getting pumped and dumped by some soldier..
One of many bastard offspring. ISTR apparently he did get a hush hush lifetime stipend.
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