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Newcastle Mass Paki Rape gang case

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It keeps on happening year after year, but it's gonna reach a head, mark my words. People are pissed off and fed up. This is the first big raep gang case since the victory of trum and expansaion of the alt-right.



>https://theguardian com/uk-news/2017/aug/09/newcastle-sex-grooming-network-operation-shelter
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Didn't see that pic in those articles, OP.
Goddamn it. Maybe I should emigrate to the UK and use a lot of spray tan.
Have you ever consitered that western women are absolute degenerate whores who need to be raped back into submission and you limp wristed cucks aren't man enough to do it?

remember Rotherham? Well the people did not rise up. and no one will rise up this time.

the UK is fucked man.
Why is the one not wearing shoes? Wouldn't it hurt going barefoot everywhere?
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Reminder that in Rotherham the authorities weren't scared of being called racist, they were also raping the same girls.
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When will whites say enough? It's fucking torture at this point.
Well, I guess this is why liberals wanted more Muslims in the west: it feeds their pedo rings.
Hadn't really considered that? What's your Moms address?
Introduce Sharia law for all Muslims. Stone them to death if they are married or if they used violence in the rapes. Or at least give them 100 lashes of the whip and force them to pay a huge amount of money to each of the girls.

These days rape won't give you more than a stern talking to.
what do you mean enough?
isn't that what the brits wanted?
Barefoot on asphalt is actually pretty nice. Once you get to gravel however...
Dumb whores weren't forced to drink and do drugs and be sluts
>13 year old females having agency

You won't do anything.
most were older though
aoc in the uk is 16 i think
the whores chosed this
>>136807679 You guys have to do something. You got those fuckers out on bond that stuffed that little girl in a meat processor. I mean the U.S, isn't the biggest baddest place on earth but those fucks would be in solitary confinement in jail with no bond because they would be getting sport fucked with a broom stick before we gave them Columbian neck ties.
Nice cunnies
>People are pissed off and fed up
No they aren't. Not as long as Love Island is on the TV. Most people probably haven't even heard about this.
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>the girls are more culpable than the hordes of Muslim men pushing them into this
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Is the UK the new rape capital?
(coughs) Jailbait
What book is that?
Admit it, you people like young pussy.
Calm down Machmud

There is nothing cuckier than smelly, monobrowed hairy 20-50yr old """"men"""gangraping 12year old kids

If it wasnt for our traiturous hoverments, your kind aould hang from the trees and you know it

Sandnigger death cult scum
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>three years for gang raping a child
he would get 15 minimum here, what the fuck
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Easy Meat
Not very eternal are we Anglos, you are already a minority in London, the whole of Britain is next.
mass genocide of all pakis when
No they wouldn't. They would get the most Jewish lawyer they could and the single white female Christian judge will get turned on from the testimony.
Is it true that some fathers tried to take back their daughters by force and they were stopped by British police?
I'm surprised no fathers of the girls have snapped and started killing the muslims. Defending your own flesh and blood (especially your daughter) is one of the strongest instincts in you.
No, save qt white girls they don't deserve this. the filthy pakis are exploiting chav white underclass girls
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These people need to be lined up against a wall and shot.
Britain when the fuck will you wake up?

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Some pretty disturbing things detailed in there, can't beleive so few people know about it.
this is a disgrace. There would be riots if such a thing happened here
OP really likes that pic...
Nothing will happen. British people are cowardly cucks, fearing authority, and being called racist.
that would be racist

you people are just triggered that young white women are going after superior arab men, and not dorky white losers. So you chimp out and want to murder everyone who's more successful than you. This is why white people are evil, and why all white men need to be killed, NOW
Well what you fail to realize is that we don't always count on the courts. We have our Muslim problems but it's usually a shooting where they intend to die. Which in all reality they know that if they pulled the shit here that they do there they would have to intend to die.
Are you retarded?

Bong police literally arrested fathers that were trying toevsn put themselves into proximity of the paki abusers
Why not just call it super duper gang rape? Or feminist revelation. Or just name it "racist shitskins exploiting superior white girls, because they are inferior shit races", since that's what it is.
Cops aren't around all the time.
probably because the people who own the papers are implicitly in support of this kind of thing
Yep. The father was arrested for breaching the peace while the girls screams and Pakis laughter was heard.
They also had public sex with the victims (sex in public is a crime) and cop cars witnessed it.
But the cops and psychologists were also abusing the girls.
>implying anglos aren't proud of the brown people assimilating
Well then give them brown and niglet girls so they can rape them in cellar for decade. Lets do it. I'll buy a special robot, so when i am not available to do my monkey business the robot can still rape, this way they can be occupied.
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lucky pakis
It's raining n the pic.
No, the gangs will just get better at it. They were given enough time to learn.
I'm not sure I understand what you're saying
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How has there not been any fucking hangings of these fucking subhuman pakis and traitorous cunts? For FUCKS sake.
It's not widely known but sex offenders where getting beat to death in prison so often that my state had to designate a special prison just for sex offenders.
I am saying we need to kidnap ambassadors of Africa daughters and rape them for decade in cellar. We should also collect Sheik's daughters are rape in cellars for decades. We should probably also go house to house where brown people live and simply kidnap their daughters, torch them on fire and tell them this is our culture.
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So public executions when?
I bet once that started happening for this specific crime that shit would stop pretty fast.
well yes, but if people like you and I had the political clout to pull something like that off, I think we could implement a much more reasonable solution, and skip all the kidnapping and rape.

The issue is that people in the UK are demoralized into being OK with this kind of thing. The rape gangs will continue until that changes.

Gaan drink a brandy en coke jou fokken boer
You should probably just stick with a massive influx of revenge killing and random hate crime
i hope one day they all burn fucking pedos
How else are they going to learn? They do everything reverse of law we tell them. We need to do what they do so they do what we previously done. I have an idea, why not just ring the bell where brown/black people live and throw acid in their faces? This way they can experience our tolerance for their culture.
the much simpler solution is to simply make more people aware of the problems, and acclimate them with a nationalist world-view. The internet has made all of this possible.

Most people still get their information through the establishment media. If we can convince enough people that they are being lied to by the very people they've given power, things will start to change pretty quickly.
They are missing out on genocide. White people need to start doing genocide and chains again, then they will develop some respect.
Hopefully more people will read up on it.


>Absurd Neo-nazi diatribe against muslims
>Vapid, entirely transparent neo-fascist propaganda which teaches hatred, intolerance and ultimately violence against whole sectors of our society. The arguments are absurd, hysterical, paranoid and completely made up by himself. Real knuckle dragging stuff. Unfortunately there seem to be quite a few out there who want to believe this kind of thing.
Lel. As if it was all fiction. That's from someone's "review" of Easy Meat on Amazon.
Think of it like the civil right's movement in the US, but backwards. They abused the liberal media to sell their points to the masses. The masses still get their news from the liberal media, so if people start committing "hate crimes" against non-whites, your average normie will be against it. If you instead focus on getting people to see reality instead of what the liberal media focuses on, you'll convince more people to your side.
Hang the pakis, then hang the cops and politicians who allowed/are allowing this. Seriously this is beyond vile and evil
Holy fuck bongs, how in hell do you live there? How do you pay taxes knowing you and your children are plaything for shitskins living off what you make?
Why does that matter? The sick bastards don't seem to care. The only thing they fear is extreme cruelty.
Mass genocide of all Brits when?
because there are other people who do care, but are misinformed. If you extend extreme cruelty to them, you'll be seen as just as bad by the uninformed majority.
Good luck kicking that off. You'll get turned in by the second person you bring it up to.

>muh peaceful muslims and refugees could never do such things, its the nazis I tell you!

These people need a bullet
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What did she mean by this?
>british """"people""""

holy hell lmao.
Not if I don't get caught. Random acts of violence are almost impossible to solve.
I like that site. Much better than Archive.is
well sure, good luck being truly random though.
especially the retards on this site. There's a bout a zero % chance they wouuldn't brag to all their racist retard friends onlien immediately after
It's always in life of humanity and always will be in life humanity, if punishment doesn't works, you have to increase the punishment. Very simple, but you have to at all times have control. Does British police have control? Does American police have control? They run from ghettos, they try to be tolerant, they look around scared, no wonder rapes happen. They should stage public executions on street where gangbangers live when they catch and convict a criminal, like in old England. When they learn the consequences, then we can reduce the punishment. Public executions of criminals should be such where their family members have to torture them, torch them on fire, it should be a lesson for them. Not comfy chair and provided lawyer, nah we are way passed that, they are immune to this, we should break their immunity.
Easy meat should be enough proof that the entire British system has to go, everyone with any kind of responsibility needs to be hanged along with the kebabs.

But even in Rotherham, the cuckolds re-elected the child-rape enablists.
It is 2017 nao. you can't make a single step without leaving the trail in dozen electronic devices. Right wing terrorists would be caught in no time. It is national security question.
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more pics? for science ofc
Already happening.
yes, they do have control. The issue is that they're all liberal progressives who fell for the multicultural meme.

If you had actual right-wing people in government, in the police, in the media, none of this would happen. All the problems with the UK stem from the massive leftwingification of all their institutions.
thats because general consensus about shit skins needs to change
and it slowly changing
also hate for the government is growing
Yea I get that. But it's the way to go if you can keep your mouth shut. You'll become the Muslim Boogieman. They'll tell each other stories of the extreme cruelty. Rap some on in a goodyear tire and blaze it up while they're alive.
We need to line every one of these people up against the wall and gun them down. No mercy.
edgy. Please don't ever leave your mother's basement
Brits are related to hobbits.
Lazy, hairy, love to get orc'd.
Multiculturalism doesn't has interracial or people of multiple races living in same city. That's integration. What left meme? It was British conservatives who opened the borders, they have no organization, they are pushing the free market nonsense. Such rapes would never happen in North Korea or Soviet Union or China, since they are in control of their races.
You don't need to kill them, just make them wish they were dead.
Gouge out their eyes, cut the tongue out and remove their hearing. Cut their fingers off so they can't communicate whatsoever. Then parade them around as an example of what will happen to others if it continues.
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U.K. =eUnuch Kunts
You dickless wonders should start executing law enforcement on an industrial scale,
OR, kill yourselves!
I did that probably while you where in preschool. There's a reason no one I know would ever dare think of victimizing one of my daughters. I'm insane.
Muslims aren't the biggest problem, the British people are so cuckolded they wouldn't even get mad about this stuff if you told them.
britcucks wont do shit. theyve all been conditioned to not fight for themselves and theyre all weak, pasty, autistic, obese morons
3 years in prison?

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Britain deserves to die
How exactly this all facilitates and why the lower class Brits allow this, is pretty baffling.

All I can really conclude is that you all deserve it. Especially when your corrupt police force allows it, and even arrests anyone trying to stop it.

Thanks for destroying Europe by the way.
It's not the job of people to worry about such things, police should just go into ghetto and dissolve the issue. They should start with whenever they see a prostitute or drug dealer, they should crack down on all involved, deport them and beat them up to pulp. If you want to go full cleansing of society police should probably also go to pubs where drunk white women are and beat them up to pulp, including the bartender, so he in wheelchair.
Why don't you give them their social justice they're so desperately asking for and have the EDL beat them to shit in the streets?
Be sure to sell the idea this way as then even the biggest labour cunt can't disapprove it because it would, in theory, be a 'leftist idea'.
Think about it, either way you win. All you have to do is go and btfo some pakis and have a decent PR about it.
Britcucks will do nothing except masturbate in their cucksheds. They havent even left the EU yet. Ayy alamaoo europe is lost
the British conservatives are all left-wing I'm saying. They all fell for the integration meme
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>British """police"""
>Doing anything

You're a funny guy, Slovenianon
>Soviet Union
USSR had unironic sexual slavery and brides abduction into 70s in Caucasus region. Ultimately it never stooped. (hmm Quran thumpers again? might be a coincidence). USSR didn't have external colonies with trash but had enough internal colonies of such.
>Defending women and their bad decisions

Wew lad
this is kinda funny when you picture it with benny hill theme
>One victim said she had attended about 60 parties
>attended 60 parties
The first thing we need to do is admitting that this is the fault of modern western culture, the parents and the girls. Blaming Paki rape gangs is pointless, we all know Paki rape gangs rape girls, it's just what they do. Allowing Paki rapists into your country en mass while simultaneously letting your 11 year old daughter roam around the city streets dressed like a prostitute high on hard drugs and liquor while being frequently 'raped' by the most wretched scum on the planet is the fault of you, the Briton. Western civilisation not only allows this to happen but actively promotes it, Miley Cyrus' career is active proof of this. Western civilisation deserves annihilation as long as it lives in the 21st century delusion bubble of nihilism and lunacy. Paki rape gangs have been sent by God to destroy everything that deserves to be destroyed.
>implying women have agency
Well the police as an institution have the same attitude as the people except they're even gooder goys. Meanwhile the police chiefs are with the politicians enjoying abducted little boys.
Rotherham blackpilled me and this has caused me to be depressed. It's over, lads.

IRA type group when?
Modern Russia has at least 1000 times more rape, drugs, poverty and AIDS. Besides why should i care if Turks abduct their Turkish women? That's their problem, their women decided to have such stupid tradition. If they abduct white women or women from other culture, then Stalin can come and send them to gulag. Let them rape in Africa if they want, but don't ever allow them to come here and never ever send them help, they should learn themselves. Britain ain't Africa or cultural town, they live in same tows white Brits build, so they have no right to their own culture. Soviet Union, China, Yugoslavia, North Korea build every stone by themselves, no foreign company, no foreign help, no other cultures helping them, they put up everything themselves.

>implying you guys wouldn't
as soon as you stop giving yourself away over the internet and do it all yourself anon

you have the power
Yes. The White man has been "I just want to make money and retire comfortably"-ied into feminine submission. We're not willing to rock the boat because that would threaten our financial stability.

Meanwhile, white women want to fuck poor black bulls with horse cocks.
>IRA type group
It's the only chance desu.
>It's over, lads.
with an attitude like that it is you faggot, holy shit are you lot so pathetic as to give up because your country is in a shit situation? the only time it actually matters for young men not to be shit cunts is when their country is fucked. your country is fucked, dont be a shit cunt.
The black pill is for physical stuff like biology or genetics, you can always change peoples minds and its not over until we're all gone.
When the western economies collapse, shitskins will be murdered in huge numbers.

i hate this new fashion of trying to look as much as a prostitute as possible
I love the when this happens or when that happens comments. We'll just keep being victims until this happens....
We're not telling you.
I cannot say for sure as I have never been there, but from what I can see online, it would seem like the British fear of being considered non-PC is starting to wear off.
thats what im saying, they dont feel they can get mad
but consensus is changing
>Modern Russia has at least 1000 times more rape, drugs, poverty and AIDS.
Reported crime. You know when Chikatilo was in the free USSR streets were perceived by parents by extremely safe. Parents kicked out kids from homes so they play on fresh air. Children flocks were roaming streets and rural lands by themselves, hell Chikatilo picked his underage victims who were traveling on commuter trains alone. Imagine hysterical reaction of parent if serial killer was revealed? But USSR left his citizens unaware.
Bullshit. http://www.npr.org/2015/03/30/395069137/open-cases-why-one-third-of-murders-in-america-go-unresolved
People fall for government shilling that you can't get away with anything. Yet in Britain you get rape gangs running loose forever. It's bullshit.
>breaking the URL so that no one I accidentally clicks the clickbait site
I unironically love you
Do you think the consensus is changing among people our age? And not just among white males?
Common murders =/= alt right racist terrorism.
These are investigate by different means and resources.
So I take it you plan on leaving a note?
>be 4chin neckbeard
>jerk off over brit slag jailb8 threads
>complaing about british children getting raped on a himalaian gardening forum

never change
im realy unsure about the younger generations
white people as a whole are getting pissed off.
70% white people brexit, trump winning etc

but young people, im always hearing contradictor studies about them lefties or righties

They are young though, i was pro immigration when i was young, maybe the young is always more leftie and they grow out of it
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>People are pissed off and fed up.

They will be silenced by the women of the elite, the narcissistic monsters without morals, just like the parents of Rotherham were silenced.
For women the ideology of self flattery and virtue signalling, multiculturalism, is more important than safety of other women's daughters.
people will stop caring
if someone called me a racist today i wouldnt even flinch, but ould have been very hurt a few years ago
>thats because general consensus about shit skins needs to change
>and it slowly changing
>also hate for the government is growing
The general consensus changes proportianally to the amount of shitskins in your country. When the general consensus is where it needs to be the shitskins will be m ajority
You have apparently found the problem. Wut do?
The youth is extremely leftist.
Don't talk to him, he is the infamous Slovenian USSR-fag, all your arguments are senceless.
Look at his flag, what did you expect?
whats the muslim situation in ireland?
you are literally a fag if you arent attracted to the girl on the left
Young white people in Europe are becoming more right wing, but here it seems like the opposite for the time being. Every person our age or younger I've talked to think Brexit was somehow greedy old racist people stealing their gibs.
Russian Empire was constant rape, literally men took women and marry them. So how do we go from that foundation? Russian Empire had a mixture of conquered people, Soviet Union had a an union, big difference. Soviet Union had ban on barbaric practices, Russian Empire even had rapists like Rasputin on top position. You want to go back to times where bestiality was legal and no woman had any rights? You want to go back to time when you didn't existed and you lived in some village where Rasputins were chiefs of sex guru medicine? That's like you asking to go back to Indian village.
This is kind of a happening. Don't stop here tho
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the absolute state of englol
you guys want to get rid of corruption and turn the tide on the invaders? Find a random shitskin kill him, cut off a finger or two. Go to a local politicians house. Kill them. Smear dead shitskins finger prints on weapon and door handle. It's crude but effective. Don't forget to bury the shitskins body deep.
ha ha ah what the fuck
go away fbi
hot girls
>Descendant of criminal

Lol yea because I'm pressing for details and not telling people how to get away with shit
I think it's time we send in the nuke
once all the girls in englel are seeded, the pakis will move onto the boys
Nice to hear that, don't blame paki, blame those whiteoid girl who dress so degenerate
I saw this on ITV last night. The reporter said they wanted to get a lid on this to PREVENT RIGHT WING RACISTS TALKING ABOUT THIS.

America can you please nuke all our cities
>So I take it you plan on leaving a note?
Do you understand that "note" is just code word for https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parallel_construction?
A) Russian Empire had very little rape compared to today. (Except among the Muslims, of course.)

B) Rasputin held no position, much less a 'top' one.

C) Bestiality is legal today, like every other sexual perversion. And yes, giving females special rights wasn't such a great idea in hindsight.
there's like 60k or so of them.
It isn't a problem yet but they're growing quicker than whites.
Bet, you can't doing that like us, because you all was cuck like other whiteoids
Also the police PAID £10,000 to a former sex pest to infiltrate the gang.

You cannot make this up now
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OR.... OR

Paki's going to make a mistake. Rape a Pole, Indian, or god forbid, a Ruski. And have the living shit beat out of him when English can't move beyond words and below
Is that so? Why don't you move to Ohio and act a fool and find out?
Brits are such a disgusting people.
Difference between modern Russia today and Russian Empire is that during Russian Empire a rich guy could take any woman, including that married to peasant(which was 90% of people), compare to modern times when rich guy can take any woman in Russia, but she has to agree, while in Russian Empire she didn't.
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H-Holy shit! Are these some of the ``victims''? What the fuck, man? FUCK Pakis. How is this fair?
Nah. Remember that 9yo girl in a wheel chair and a pack of migrants? They got off scot, cause "she was asking for it". Plus Stockholm is next tier. London is only at the level of Malmo at worst
> 10lbs
With the price of gas nowadays how is this even possible?
Ohio = No Race Riots, No ANTIFA, No BLM, No SJW epidemic. I wonder why?
Why I must move to Land who whitecuck would be extinct, hope whitecuck extinction happening soon !
No ones stopping you from drugging and abducting little girls, not even the police apparently.
This is happening all over the West. I hate our leaders and police but we aren't all neets. Some of us have mortgages, kids and famiky. We can't afford to go to fucking prison for "hate crime". Yes it's a pathetic cucked law but what can you do when the very police force themselves are against you?
>. You want to go back to times where bestiality was legal and no woman had any rights?
Women shouldn't have any rights
I watched this roll out yesterday (I watch Sky News Live on YouTube for some reason), and the media was obsessed with "OMG you paid a convicted abuser $10k to help you!".

The head cop looked at that reported and said "We didn't want to, and we hated doing it, but there is now a whole ring of abusers in jail today that wouldn't have been if we didn't."

Then he hit with the big guns:

"Go find one of the abused and ask them how much money it would be worth to be sure it didn't happen to someone else."


He was great. But then he admitted most of the people investigated "weren't white" so that hero is probably already fired.
Come on, come give this cuck a kiss.
>people still think Sweden is more cucked then the UK
>literal rape gang that go around raping thousands of girls with impunity
>implying Sweden wants to control its women
ok, /pol/, please for the love of god can we meme a military coup of the uk by its military? it pains me to see dear old dad dying of parasites like this. i know you cant force meme magic, but seriously, there must be something we can do to get the country to save itself without intervention
If nobody stands up it will get to the point where resistance is not available any longer. When the threat of prison turns to gulags or just being executed, will you fight back then? Of course you won't, you'll toe the line because you are a worthless coward
>Another Whiteoids Cucks
Maybe we can all donate one testicle. Some good American rage hormones could help I think.
>he was great
Not so great if a pedophile network could even operate in his town.
Maybe he should go find one of the abused girl and tell her it happened under his watch.
I mean, it's not a single random rape, it's a pedophile network with kids, sure it's not something that goes unnoticed.
Your government is illegitimate if it doesn't protect your people.
Looks like these girls are asking for it to be honest.
I'm a realist. I bet you've done fuck all as well
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literally pic related
Just remember when you get on Ohio soil I can basically blow your head off for looking at me funny.
A military coup for the people who literally gave the Rothschild Israel, has there not been enough blood spilled in the name of Israel?
You realize we're talking about England right?
In a society that often likes to turn a blind eye to the doings of "Asians", doing anything about it and then standing up and saying "this isn't something we allow here" is pretty heroic.
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>he is afraid of death
>Typically whitecucks
Afraid to fight outside of their home
>When will whites say enough? It's fucking torture at this point.

Western Europe is cucked.
Men are lazy and women are sluts.

All i see is evolution in its finest and the weak getting culled for not being able to survive the pest infestation.
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Of course.
Hong Kong isn't exactly home for us and we sure took that pretty easily
literally possession of this pic in UK is felony up to 10 years.
Whatever you say. There's a reason we don't have a lot of terrorism here. We had the Somali knife fuck that killed no one annnnnnnd got shot and killed. We're terrified to fight.

Jesus Christ what a disgusting country, just kill yourselves if you post with a British flag, after reading this i'm literally never discussing politics with a Brit, does it matter if we do? They just sit around while their daughters get raped, i have no respect for brits or your faggot nanny state, fuck you.
During World War 1 in 1917 when Britain was in trouble. The Rothschilds then promised the British Government that they could get the US to enter WWI (on the side of Britain) and thus ensure Britain’s victory over Germany et al. However, they wanted something in return: Palestine. Thus the Balfour Declaration was created, which is an official letter from the British Government Foreign Secretary James Balfour to Baron Rothschild. It states that: “His Majesty’s government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object. England is located in the southern part of the island of Great Britain
Easy to say that when lives of kids have been broken. What a fucking hero...

>"this isn't something we allow here"
And yet it happened. Should have stood up before. Twenty women told what happened, between 2011 and 2014. We're in 2017, why did it just stop now and not 3 years ago. Maybe they were double checking the story of 20 unrelated girls telling the same, to be sure they're not racist accusing the nice arabs.

Face it, he failed hard if it took him 6 years (from the first victim testimony in 2011) to bring down this shit. For 6 years, a pedophile network could operate with knowledge of the police. 6 fucking years.
3 years for raping a 12 yo kid??????


You guys up north are both fucked.
I'm glad i live in a country that has historically allways been at war with muslims and thus people won't ever allow this shit.
I thought Hong Kongors liked white people
I just cannot understand...1400 girls in Rotherham so that makes 1400 dads..if half have a brother, 700 brothers, if half have a living grandfather, 700, if even half have an uncle, another 700.

3500 men who have had a young female relative sexually assaulted and not even ONE of them have killed one of those sick bastards.

fem anon with Irish father, Spanish mother..I know for a fact those two would fight over who gets to kill anyone that assaulted me, and while they were arguing about it my brother would have put a bullet through their heads...

again..i just dont understand.
the ABSOLUTE STATE of this country
this sort of shit used to bother me, but now I just laugh it off
it is, after all, the future my countrymen chose, and who am I to argue with them?
lie in your bed, dog.

also, I bet you a bag of blueberries at least one of the "Asian" men in this story gets some form of compensation for being mistreated by authorities
You won't do shit sheila
>Arranged marriages were the norm in Russia before early 20th century, most of which were endogamous.[31] Child marriages were common historically, but began to be questioned in the 19th and 20th century.

>The term serf, in the sense of an unfree peasant of the Russian Empire
>Just as in all aspects of a nineteenth-century Russian serf life, serfs were not free to marry whomever they desired.
>The minimum age to marry was 13 years old for women
>Landowners were interested in keeping all of their serfs and not losing workers to marriages on other estates.

>In the Russian Empire, snokhachestvo (Russian: cнoхaчecтвo, lit. 'daughter-in-law privileges') referred to sexual relations between a pater familias (bolshak) of a Russian peasant household (dvor) and his daughter-in-law (snokha) during the minority or absence of his son.

Russian Empire didn't had much rape, since every woman was loved(raped) legally by landowner and children were raped by aristocrats every day for bread and water.
The dads were literally arrested by the police for attacking the pedophiles.
no mong mong, i will not do shyte..but my family would...read for comprehension
Did they get out of Jail?
This is all very true but, this is entirely different situation. Nothing is being offered for removing kebab except the sovereignty of Britain's people.
Wait a minute, it's not even that, I think they were arrested while trying to get their daughter back. They came to get their daughter back from the pedophile ring and they called the police and the police took the dads away. Not even kidding.
well if they look like that

where do i get my british loli?
Even funnier when you remember that not long ago a white guy was given four years in prison for posting Islamophobic comments on a private facebook page.

This 1984 for real. Does your countrymen even bother to care?
you should create a corporation for the killing of those bad people

and then list it on the stock market, and release ordinary shares from the treasury into the market register for sale by ordinary retail investors

you could even create call options with an affordable strike price and then release or list and sell them too

and when people want something to happen they can excersize the option which will feed you quarterly revenue to conduct operations in said quarter against the adversary of the moment

you could move the theatre of operations every season to keep it fresh and gain momentum and create a movement
because the UK banned rope.
I'm really not big on immigration but I'd seriously support white women worth having and kids coming to the U.S. for asylum. Maybe a push for that would bust the people out of a coma. Get a couple hundred thousand women to ask for visas to come to the US due to political persecution.
If anything like that happened to my sister or other female family members I would kill every last one of them.
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>It keeps on happening year after year, but it's gonna reach a head, mark my words.
No it isn't.

A Paki family drugged, raped, and ate a British school girl, then got paid £25,000 by the government for their service. Nothing happened.

Pakis drugged, raped, and beat 1400 British school girls, and were encouraged and covered for by the government, which was led by a Jewess. A few people got jailed, but the government was merrily throwing the girls' parents in prison if they complained. Then they banned protests against it and cried 'Islamophobia'. The Jewess was fired but scammed £175,000 from the government as a retirement package, then got a job exactly like the one she just had. She was paid to ensure white children were raped by brown men. Nothing happened.

And now this rape gang. The government paid at least one of the rapists £10,000 for his services. Nothing will happen, yet again.

You're just going to get acclimated to the ongoing brutality/cultural demoralization campaign the way Americans got numb to niggers murdering white women/children. Niggers commit the overwhelming majority of interracial crime in the USA, it barely reaches the local paper. But if someone sneezes at a nog the wrong way, it's international news. This is by design. Whites now consider themselves expendable in their own lands, whereas non-whites think they're free to abuse them. Because they are. They're protected by the government.
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This thread makes me angry. If anything like this happened in my country and near my town, I would go fucking ballistic. And I think that many others would be with me
>going to an even less white country
I don't think it is a good idea.
In my opinion they sold their souls during the Napoleon wars when the bank of England had began holding control over the currency and thus civilians, and verified their damnation with the gift of Israel to the Rothschild.

What would you do in this situation then, make your own Sten and start mowing down Pakis? The average Brit is a sheep brainwashed by the media apparatus that doesn't give this case the attention it's due and the authorities will likely attempt to ban any demonstrations against the criminals just like it did in Rotherham. Only thing you can really do at this point is to make people more aware what's going on and gain as much support as you can for peaceful resolution. You start doing violent demonstrations like the Antifa or go vigilante and you'll only vilify the cause.
Its funny because non white people say stuff like that openly in public all the time and no one gives a fuck.
What do we do though? Reading stories like this reallyyy gets under my skin and I feel like I should be doing something however the police/government and protecting these people. The police are not just scared. They do not just fear being called racist. They are NOT ALLOWED to do anything that might look racist. Anti-racist measures are employed in British police forces as a matter of official course, of bureaucratic measures. Any metropolitan dispatch officer will tell you, a crime report gets fast tracked to top tier importance the moment a racial or sexual element is mentioned. Honestly. Dial 999 and you will not get a response team dispatched until you have sufficiently described an emergent crime and your location, BUT.... if you dial 999 and the first thing you say is "Nigger" ....that dispatcher is legally obligated to scramble the nearest unit in your direction. Regardless of what you say after that.

Because only some crimes are zero tolerance now. And it doesn't even depend on the crime. It depends on the victim; The potential victim; The gender and etchnicity of the potential victim. And the only people who can never make it to the top tier are caucasian men. Remember, I'm not talking KKK tin foil hattery - This is how the police are actually ordered to operate. Just because they call it multiculturism and tolerance, it does not change the cold hard fact that it is hateful and intolerant. A country can be hateful and intolerant of its own people. As long as enough of them demand it. And they do. The useful idiots outnumber the free thinkers. The lunatics have taken over the asylum.

When the police force itself (not just the entire mass media, the entire legal system, from gavel to handcuffs) is systematically deprioritizing the issues of a particular demographic ....... what do we call that demographic??
Cant believe bbc news is actually reporting on crimes of our tanned guests for once
Nice trips. You and your Rothschild's.
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But seriously wtf, bongistan?
you get incorporated, as per my brilliant suggestion in my previous post
In nature, only a strong lion can defend his offspring. If a lion is weak and a stronger lion moves into his territory, the stronger lion kills the weaker lion's offspring and drives him away.

That is what is happening to Europe now. Yes, the Muslims have an average IQ of 80-85. Yes, they are massively inbred, short and crooked. But they fight. And they win.

We need to be stronger than them. Drive them out. But not acquire their females for breeding, because their females are also of vastly inferior genetic stock.
That ass has to be shopped hnnnggg
No you wouldn't. Britain, too, is full of keyboard warriors.

Hey, know what? I bet there are a ton of shitskin rapists to be found in Helsinki. Why don't you go out there, not tomorrow but today, and tell them exactly what you think of them?

Exactly. You are a coward, like so many.
stop downramping this rocket you fucking shortcunt
Remember when peasants used to revolt and kill aristocrats just because their taxes were too high?

Modern Europe's bureaucratic aristocrats literally steal your children and offer them to invaders to be beaten, raped, savaged, and killed, then jail you if you try to stop it.

Why aren't they being murdered?
Failed dads are failed, they care more about alcohol.
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You need to organize. Find as many people who feel the same as you. Don't use social media to communicate. I'm not an Englishman so I cannot tell you exactly what to do. Speak in private areas with your newly found friends. Do what you can within your limits to push back.
Yea because we have similar problems here. Your whiteness doesn't seem to be helping you guys over there in Euronutered much.

Do brits do anything besides get drunk, have their daughters get raped, and then attend a footballmatch to forget about it? What a sad, pitiful existence, if people paid as much attention to what's going on in their country as they do keeping stats for players on sports teams, then i feel like there would at least be protests. Fuckin britcucks.
I am telling him to put up or shut up. I see these keyboard warriors all the time, but it's extremely fucking rare to see one actually act on it.
Who cares if children are getting raped the real crimes are going to the gym and having friends because that makes you a right ring extremist.
Most of them wouldn't have known there fathers. I think you're underestimating how fucked up the white underclass is here. They're a complete mess and don't have the ability to solve their own problems. But at the same time, all forms of authority treat them with complete contempt. Even the black ex-minister for racial equality said poor white people have it worse off than anyone else here.

This type of shit doesn't happen to people with stable families - which is why no one with the power to do anything cares.
Would gangrape the one on the left.
Yup. Where's the article about the Texas man beating his daughters rapist (to death I think). They let him go free on defense of his daughter.

This is why they want to end the second amendment. It's existence directly implies a right to self defense. If they can usurp that then we'd be no better than Britain.
>Sweden in charge of knowing all about rape
Self defense measure?
>When the police force itself (not just the entire mass media, the entire legal system, from gavel to handcuffs) is systematically deprioritizing the issues of a particular demographic ....... what do we call that demographic??

You need massive sustained unrest, Ukraine-style, with cities on fire and judges with broken knees. You can't count on the government to unfuck itself. You can't count on elections changing anything. They won't.
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The 2nd won't go. That's essentially the government saying "we're tired of living."
I'm sure it's a (((mere Cohencidence))) that every meeting place typically visited by white males is suddenly considered a hotbed of right-wing extremism, according to the (((media))).

>less testosterone
>European people are more amiable towards government due to socialist policies
>brainwashing that starts from the early years of your life

Wasn't long ago a village near me got together, drove off a band of gypsies and told them to never come back or else they'd get killed off. Now that we're becoming more and more urbanized we don't even know our neighbors anymore and thus our social circle is so much smaller.


We've had our share of rapists and murderers, haven't seen anybody go ballistic.



can we destroy pedophils

Alexander Ruediger


Julia Schramm high Political pedophil bitch

okay well let my try to innovate for a moment here then

okay guys hers the plan, you know how alex jones sells male super vilatity?

well in africa and turkey steroids are not regulated and can be bough over the counter, so they all take testosterone like its paracetemol

in our countries, only personal trainers that are also pedigree horse breeders have the steroids but those are injected and nasty and shrink your balls anyway


DHEA is able to be bought online or instore mailorder from usa, DHEA is a weak steroid that does not affect your muscles or your testicals, but it does affect your brain, and if you take enough of it it can make you moody and grumpy and a irritable and a bit "roid-rage" like.

So go buy DHEA and take 200mg daily, and after you have done this for a week then plan the next step, dont even think about the next step until then, just do it
That's a good point, I remember British guys too raging about how cucked Sweden and France were, meanwhile this is going on, on their own doorstep.
An illegal Mexican crawled into his home through a window he pried open and then started raping his daughter, so he beat him to death. It shouldn't have even gone to trial though. Of course you should be able to kill anyone who attacks your children.
thats fucked up...whats wrong with you bongos?
And they act like they would go out there and kill the rapists.

They wouldn't, and deep down they know it. They'd cuck and cuck and cuck and cuck some more.
Why is Europe so different from America in that regard? Our veins are popping out of our skulls reading some of the shit that goes on over there that we have zero control over, and we're practically spoiling for a war with the domestic Marxists and (((their handlers))) here. Is it because we're a more militarized culture, or what?
A show must happen to keep the scum at bay. Everyone knew he was walking though.

police or /leftypol/ shill

Massive unrest would work but not acting alone or in a small group. For example..
>English girl goes out for a few drinks get's drugged then wakes naked in a room
>Syrian 'refugees'
>Police do nothing
>Girls brother goes out looking for the rapists
>Girls brother get's put in prison while the rapists are still free.

its because they are liberals and they stay indoors a lot because it is cold so that makes them not sporty and outdoors lifestyle and proud but instead all indoors and shrivelled up and needing reading glasses
>Czech flag

Bongs deserve every second of it because it's their own fault. I won't be surprised if some bong quite enjoy all the rapes and bombings, after all... it a british lifestyle now.
you mean our police and government that has been satured with PC-bullshit that originated in the US? everything. if i could do anything about this individually, i would and so would nearly every average brit i know. our police need culling.
I wouldn't make it very long in Europe. I'm just not apathetic enough.
I need to atleast point out. These girls were chavettes, the spawn of Stacy and Mike who's trash-tier genes compel them to dress like they're 20 when they're 14, have babies at 16, steal from people to buy cigarretes, talk like shit, flirt with men and are basically the gutter of white English people. I wouldn't mind if they all turn into compost. Don't get me wrong, I don't want Abdul scum to be in the UK raping, but I don't care what happens to these chav slags.

This is not a case of pure English roses being defiled by muslim vermin. My guess is they hung around these people like gutter slags to get free gibs, were abusive to police, and then when they got in over their heads and realised the Abduls wanted more than to just be nice, screamed they'd been abandoned by authorities and pretended to be innocent little flowers.

A little perspective, please.
Don't blame us for your problems. Jews are everywhere.
grooming isn't the same as raping

also grooming isn't illegal

my country gave up a long time ago. I'm looking to move to Australia anyway fuck the UK, it will be under sharia in the next 20 years.
It is funny out of all those arrested the only ethnically English person is a female, and therefore a complete outlier on two fronts
that is an excellent example

you should invest further in that avenue
Já jsem FBI! Tě dostanu tědka
i'm not, i was more making the point that the UK in general seems to follow American cultural trends.
Hilary's whole campaign slogan was: "anyone who doesnt vote for me is deplorable"
Hello, Ahmed.

yeee cus girls totally don't black out drink themselves and fuck around, amirite

she definitely was drugged by syrian rapefugees , who are known to drug their victims and not just take them while they are awake
And cases like that are precisely why violence needs to be meted out. Governments exist to service the people. Your government is tyrannical, anyone can see that. Invaders rape and kill British children, and then the government pays them for it and protects them from any backlash. That's a government which needs to be destroyed, and its adherents overthrown and punished severely.

Just one week of sustained white British unrest shutting down a whole major city would bring your country's enemies to their knees, because it would spark the rest of the powderkeg that has been desperate for a light.
shut up cuck, that is not the attitude to take. stop downramping you little bastard

it isn't about the women, it is about the other guys, people need to focus on the fundamentals here and not be distracted by irrelevant shit
I could rape the shit out of them. But I can resist that temptation. That's the difference between me and weak men who need women covered up because they can't control their willies.

We're not, really. Your government has been proven to be constantly infringing your rights (a grounds for a civil war), but people didn't care about it that much when the news about NSA and other shit came out. Some of your people are more woke than Europeans but that's about it.

Never give up your guns, even if they become illegal. You'll just take the same route the Europeans have.
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Sure you would.

they don't rape them, they groom them

aka : girl from a shitty white trash family wants a boyfriend, pedo paki finds her , sweettalks to her, they become a couple etc.

they aren't even kidnapping girls or anything, that's why it's so dififcult to do anything

it's not illegal to date somebody and to lie to them
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>Police said that using the information would infringe the girl's and the men's human rights.
Human rights were a mistake
You know what would make you look even more superiorer than those weaklings? If you attacked them and beat them up! Then it would be a proven fact, instead of merely a hypothetical
You've been brainwashed by the class system to take out your xenophobia on other British people.
They're kids, wtf.

Thats australia you tard.
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I bet you totally would... if only it was happening there.
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So where are the burning Mosques?
if a shitskin is talking to a white or if a big guy is talking to a little girl, that is an alert
Ummmm no. No where in our culture would this ever fly. Maybe massive cross friendly fire injuries and death but no. You guys did this to yourselves when you gave up your guns. I know I know Muh guns. But your government takes a total crap on you because you can't ever be more than an inconvenience. Our government pulls it's shit but it's always in the back of their minds that at anytime we can pull their plug.
This looks very illegal to own
Make people aware they invited rapists in their country and make them admit they were wrong and start slaughtering niggers?
Highly unlikely.

kys scum whitee people dindu nuffin the paki menace holdin us donw
Dude there is eyewitnesses that saw the girl trying to run out of the house pretty much naked and the immigrants pulled her back in by her hair and smashed her head in against a wall. This is definitely rape and not the girl whoring around
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if only if only
you would totes do something finbro

Your country is literally an EU caliphate vassal state.


I specifically pointed out that my point in no way downgraded my hatred for the other guys.

But people are acting like their own are hurt. Would you care if some of your "Australian" chinks got raped by muslims? I'm guessing not. I hate these chavs just as much because they're destroying white people from the inside.

My anger at this case exists solely that muslims immigrnats have been allowed to get away with raping, not that a bunch of chavs got raped.
are you retarded? white women are raped every day by non-whites, and nobody ever cries about it.
you're ready
you're waiting
when it happens you'll be up in arms and ready to slay

You're wrong, its the chavs and other low-tier people that are destroying white Britain from the inside. That doesn't mean niggers and immigrants aren't destroying us from the outside.

>gain as much support for a peaceful resolution

You don't really have to kill people to achieve a resolution.

>deport recent migrants from Africa, ME & other shitholes
>sterilize people who are a shade too brown or black
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If something happened near my town, them we would act. I don't even consider helsinki as a part of Finland. It's just a shithole of niggers and whores. Nobody likes niggers or sandniggers in here.

Those are just stupid whores. It's good they mark theirselves.

these girls want to be women, so they do this fucking retarded stuff and go out and act like sluts
and end up in situations like these
if these girls' parents would control them with an iron fist they wouldn't be able to go so far, but then the police would knock on the parents' door and take them in for child abuse


it's still not illegal, you guys are so cucked in your heads that you don't understand that the fault is 100% the girls

they aren't being "kidnpaped" or anything, they are simply being played by these shitskins


so then go and file a law suit ? police act very quickly if there is anything reasonable, however most of the stuff i've seen so far is "i'm not happy my girl is doing this, and she's being reached around like a beer"

it's the girls' choice , that's the issue here
1400 white kids raped and out on bond? No we can't go and kill everyone accused of rape but this wouldn't fly here and you damn well know it. A little girl turned into Kabobs and fed to her parents and out on bond? Yea not happening EVER!!!! Well unless you live in California. Seems like anything goes there.
>it's still not illegal
Are you retarded? Grooming underage girls IS illegal in every single civilized country.
>If something happened near my town, them we would act.
Heard that one a hundred times before. Coward.
Watch the video i mentioned and read my previous post about police (not just the entire mass media, the entire legal system, from gavel to handcuffs) is systematically deprioritizing the issues of white people.

There's forensic evidence and eyewitnesses yet the police do nothing. Heres a top lawyer saying he can't believe nothings been done.

>Would you care if some of your "Australian" chinks got raped by muslims? I'm guessing not.

Why would you guess that? You are wrong and your (meagre) influence is undone.

If the fuckboys come into our territory and do things then they are shit and shall not get away with that. Your misdirection and blame the victim is irrelevant. If I have a beef with the chinks as a separate issue then that and this and two different matters. The logic is that if a muslimicunt dares to attack one of my chinks then I will take great offence and shout "oi! no one fucks with my chinks! I'm the one who does that around here!" and then the mulsim must be attacked.
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aw, shucks... maybe next time it'll be closer to your "battlestation" and you can vocalize a deep sigh of concern to anyone that happens by

next time will be the time

Nobody ever took out Jammu or any of those numerous foreigner rapists/murderers.
These are the rapists. Note the "female" , if you could call such a foul creature female.
Oh yeah because 14 year old girls WANT to go and get fucked by 3 abduls

Their identity was stripped away by white middle class liberals because it was racist. They were forced to share their neighbourhoods by white liberals for the sake of diversity. When their kids get abducted by rape gangs, the police refuse to intervene. When they try to vote for far right parties their vote is cancelled out by white liberals and immigrants. Brtis are such good goys they genuinely have more hatred for people on a different level of the class system than inbred invaders from a totally different culture who want to destroy them. Most people in this country think the same way as you, and its why we have no national identity and will always fight among ourselves until we're an ethnic minority.
>it's still not illegal,
What the fuck "its not illegal" bithc I AM THE LAW

I determine that it IS illegal by decree, I also motion that you are the first to walk the plank
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The bbc are dogshit these days.
all of them look fucking inbred
This will never happen peacefully . Im most ashamed so many europeans are feminized and toughless.
Nothing can be achieved by peace at this point we're being outright murdered and replaced and we're paying for it.
This kikish treachery must be repaid.
To say muslims make up around 7% of Britains total population they must make up around 95% of rapes
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>manipulating and grooming underage schoolgirls and plying them with drugs and alcohol so they can be passed around and gang-raped to then be threatened with worse than death and the same for their family if they don't obey or if tell anyone isn't illegal, cucks!

That's some real Swiss cheese logic you got there, cucko. Have you actually read the reports of what happened? Are medkits usually this retarded?
yup that is the problem. Basicly EU guys arent pedos (mostly) we like our meat fresh but legal. Rapefuggies dont give a shit. So when normal 30 yo chad talks up juicy 19 - 22 girl its ok but rapefuggie cuck attacks them when they are most vanurable - 12 - 14 - they want attention nice things and see a lot of sex on the internet and are easy picking.

The one solution would be chemical castration for rapefuggies or just going Rudolp Hess on them altogether
The United States as whole gets grossly misrepresented by Nigger/Brown on White crime. The Whites that do get caught up are usually because they're fucking retards that want to kick it with the scum. They're not leaving their neighborhoods to go out into white America and picking victims. That is basically unheard of.
What a beautiful future for Britain and Europe. Such attractive and intelligent people.
We need to DOX all these motherfuckers. If shit hits the fan I'll take the Eurostar and kill every last one of these dirty goat fuckers.


>Their identity was stripped away by white middle class liberals because it was racist. They were forced to share their neighbourhoods by white liberals for the sake of diversity

That's exactly the kind of beta attitude that is the reason you people are sharing your neighbourhoods with immigrants. You guys act like victims, no matter what the circumstances, and don't sort yourselves out. You stay poor, stay shit, then get angry that you're sharing the drain with other scum. You let your kids behave like slags, abuse police day in day out, then get mad when they're not helping in the critical moments. Almost all working class and chavs on the bottom have exactly your attitude of blaming everyone else, and you've destroyed our culture and ethic which is exactly what allowed politcians to open the door to immigrants in the irst place.
Well they had it coming.
I don't see nothing wrong with whats going on there.
Atleast I would try to do something. Those are things that can't go unpunished
It's really weird if you though about that. Maybe nobody who had the balls saw him anywhere.
Most people who think they are "British" voted Churchill as the greatest Brit ever. Here is a speech that Churchill presented shortly after the war. It helps if you know about the population replacement plan of Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan.
>Hating a race of pedophiles means you're a pedophile

Maybe we're all pedophiles, rapists and murderers.
Wtf is wrong with you, besides being a subhuman?

no it's not, shitskin just has to say he asked her her age and she lied

and most likely they even do that

girls are retarded, i know about 10 that used to have "older boyfriends" like it was a good thing

stop whiteknighting them , it's their own choice to go out and get picked up


there is no need for any reporting, if something is clearly against the law , police will do something

problem here is that the girls aren't going to the police, it's the fucking parents, and they do it after the gir lhas been fucked by 12002130 of mudslimes

if it takes you 2 years to realize your girl is being reached around , then it's probably not a fucking "kidnapping", chances are she's just a slut


no, the only solution is to reverse all emancipation of women , these girls don't belong on the streets, they aren't supposed to have boyfriends (let alone ones that are 10 years older)

but if the parent does something like that, they will get the cops called on them, and the law will break apart the whole family over it
Am i the only one who imagined them looking more like this instead of these inbreds.
I mean honestly if you want to know the difference between the United States and Europe look at the Bundy Stand off. A couple hundred white people get together with muh guns and make the Feds flee their own compound OVER COWS!!! America is far from cucked.
Life in the UK is incredibly miserable at this present time, politically, economically and socially.

This current Conservative government is well and truly fucking it's native people over, culturally and financially. If Labour were to take power, things would not be any better, most of their policies are damaging too. The difference between the Right and Left political parties in the UK are: The right (Conservatives) want to sell your rights to their corporate friends. The Left (Labour) want to give your rights to Jonny Foreigner. Neither care about you.

It's easy to call us Cucks fags and weak, but this is what happens when your governments constantly chips away your rights, piece by piece until you are unable to defend yourself in any capacity whatsoever. Years upon years of over regulation, multiculturalism, political correctness and constant fear media mongering has left people powerless and feeling isolated. This was their plan all along so a handful of people can control a population of 65 million through fear and illusion of control.

What us Brits need is a totally new form of Public Government, transparent, fair and separate from corporate interest and influence. Where ordinary people can suggest their own laws in a public forum and the nation vote on them making the people the politicians and the politicians public servants, as they should be, after all these parasites are in our employ. We need rid of the Political elite class, the Parliamentary system and rid of the parasitic Monarchy. We also need accountability rules for the media, if they print something which isn't 100% true then they face massive fines.

The first step should be total public protest, everyone takes to the streets of London, Men, Women, Children. We march to Downing street and the main offices of the Government departments and we physically remove the government. Minimum 10 million people on the street.
No violence, no destruction, no damage. We liase with the Police, we tell them the status quo is coming to an end and that they are people too and need to coporate with us as we don't want violence, they must stand down, refuse thier orders from the old Government and go join thier families whilst the take over happens. There are only 120,000 police officers in the entirety of the UK, from a population of 65 million, we will out number them. They will not even attampt to resist.

Unless the people stand up togesther and make change as a collective people then the UK is truley doomed. I predict the UK as maybe 5-10 years left before it becomes a lost cause.

- In regards to this latest gang rape case, we must remember these girls might not be making the best choices for themselves and in many ways putting themselves in harms way. We are all products of society. They are poor, uneducated human beings, if our society is creating people like this, then we have severe problems in society. If the end product is bad then we must look at what is going wrong during the production process.
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