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We need to bring back the classic "Alternative" cultures

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We need to bring back the classic "Alternative" cultures in order to disenfranchise SJWs. I know that "Muh SJW" is entry level shit just like "Muh Islam" and "Muh Feminism" and the rabbit hole goes much (((deeper))) but it would please my penis if dyed hair stopped being a hambeast feminist exclusive thing. Also, trannys are killing the pure tomboys what do?
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>it would please my penis if dyed hair stopped being a hambeast feminist exclusive thing
Holy fuck this, it's painful liking dyed hair when the only people who do it anymore are disgusting faggots who don't prepare their hair properly before applying the dye or take care of their hair.
Best thing about older subcultures is that they stayed out of politics for the most part. You never heard goths or emos cry about politics beyond "bush is bad" occasionally.
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do goth chicks still exist?
where do I find them?
Take a roadtrip. Try out a new area. I assure you that some places the only alt/goth/emo/whatever chicks are juggalos or white trash. Other areas they're normal ass people who just have a certain aesthetic.
>they're normal ass people who just have a certain aesthetic.
Oh god yes. I would love for this to be a thing.
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>We need to ruin more subcultures with Kekistan memeshit

Fuck off.
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Can't bring them up if /pol/ keeps calling everything outside of a ham and cheese sandwich "degenerate".

Pic related.
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I don't get what you're pointing out, mane. Here's an example of trashy dyed hair that's poorly thought out.

point in case lmao
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Goths are actually pretty cool most of the time as far a faggy subcultures go. They resist the SJW wave pretty well.
Our big goth bar in Portland OR, The Lovecraft got called a "white supremacist hangout" in our shitty local alternative paper for being named after H.P. Lovecraft who did in fact hate niggers. I've also seen quite a few Nazi memorabilia collecting goths.
Its always been goths vs emos.
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The SJW really seem like a twisted mutation of previous subculturas
>Antifa are jew controlled skaters and punks
>Triggered Snowflakes are worse than emos
>Female feminist are like a misture of punk and scene girls but ugly, nu-male are hipsters and indies(same shit?)
>Trannys are putting an end to Tomboys
How are the metalheads?
Never said that, I want them back, not redpill them
in retrospect goths were rather chill

they were just eccentric
metal heads became alt right
Traditionalism is an alternative culture.
Metalheads mostly resist SJW politics, but so many of their ranks are filled with Reddit-tier idiots, edgelords and euphorics you probably wouldn't approve of them.
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colored hair is becoming the norm

traditionalism will be the new counter culture

imagine rows of young men in dress pants and nice shirts sporting clean tight haircuts

a force to be reckoned with
I bet it's the NEW COUNTEH CULTUR huh Paul?
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They really aren't that bad. They have some good music I could do without some of the fashion but black is a good practical style choice most of the time. Nearly all goths are white. They never seemed to be very interested in politics and have mostly stayed out of the identity wars to just be left alone. Kind of like Switzerland that smells like cloves and dances weird.
Look, I appreciate the aesthetics of certain subcultures like goths as well, but the fact of the matter is that the existence of such subcultures is predicated entirely on whites subconsciously looking for a sense of community and belonging in a world where their actual cultures are racist and evil and are being disolved.
thats true too
>Race is the most controversial aspect of Lovecraft's legacy, expressed in many disparaging remarks against the various non-Anglo-Saxon races and cultures in his work. As he grew older, his original Anglo-Saxon racial worldview softened into a classism or elitism which regarded the superior race to include all those self-ennobled through high culture. From the start, Lovecraft did not hold all white people in uniform high regard, but rather esteemed the English people and those of English descent.[a] He praised non-WASP groups such as Hispanics and Jews; however his private writings on groups such as Irish Catholics, German immigrants and African-Americans were consistently negative.[58][59] In an early doggerel poem, the 1912 On the Creation of Niggers, Lovecraft describes Africans not as human but "beasts..in semi-human figure...filled with vice...". While his racist perspective is undeniable, many critics argue this is irrelevant to the compelling mythos of his philosophical worlds.[31][57] In his early published essays, private letters and personal utterances, he argued for a strong color line to preserve race and culture.[b] He made these arguments by direct disparagement of various races in his journalism and letters,[c] and perhaps allegorically in his fiction concerning non-human races.[d] Some have interpreted his racial attitude as being more cultural than brutally biological: Lovecraft showed sympathy to those who adopted Western culture, even to the extent of marrying a Jewish woman whom he viewed as "well assimilated."[e] While Lovecraft's racial attitude has been seen as directly influenced by the society of his day, especially the New England society he grew up in,[f] his racism appeared stronger than the general popular viewpoint.[57][62] Some researchers also note that his racial views failed to change with those of American society.
he hated catholics and germans as much as niggers
Dyed hair is degenerate, just like any alternative culture. Nice (((try))), though.
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Jesus I want classic 80s and 90s and even early 2000s goths back
Germans are the niggers of Europe though
The Cyclopean Anglo, everyone
Se eles se manterem fora da federal, tudo bem

I mean, goths are an alternative culture based on bringing back a traditional european aesthetic
what happened to the 80s new wavers? Those people were based. my understanding is they mostly don't care for politics nowadays.
>Kind of like Switzerland that smells like cloves and dances weird.
fucking kek
I used to be a leather clad metalhead kek
Im actually slightly concerned that the radical left is shrinking in numbers at such a rate that its detrimental to the radical right. Slow white genocide is something that we cant form resistance to, its fast white genocide and overt anti-whites that we need.
>them areolas peeking
her tits must be flat as fuck boi
That girl had to have had a step father, those tits are too big for a 14 year old with normal healthy feelings towards family
That's true, but why do you think the redical left is shrinking? By my understanding it's the centrist and non political people who are shortening their numbers and taking sides, that is, more opposition to the extreme left
>tfw missed your chance to fuck a goth girl
>I miss the 90s
>I miss goth chicks
Checked. .t
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There was one in my history class in college, the very first class I took when I didn't know what I was doing. But that was like 3 years ago

she was cute as hell and sat near me in the back but then she suddenly stopped coming by like the 3rd class before I could talk to her

feels bad man, where are you goth girl?
You snooze, you lose. Should have talked to her. I met her at a coffee shop and fucked her the next week.
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Goths are actually on the rise again, with fashions like health goth as entry level into the culture its inevitable. The aesthetics and music is undergoing a cultural revival as we speak, (some what combined with a tasteful
cyberpunk as well).

Goths are actually pretty intellectually honest people (but like any group there will always be outliars). They are also freaks and amazing in bed.

t. Guy who has fucked tons of goth girls
If you guys could start a new trend how would It be? Personally, since most subcultures were born from music, I would love for a folk culture based one, I want to see the resurgence of traditional instruments in modern music like this
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>You will never see the emo/goth fad like in the 2000's again
>Instead you have the SJW special snowflake oppression olympians

I miss them /pol/
>tfw you married one
Fuck dude why did you have to give me this feel
>tfw no alternative gf
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>Live on the northern side of this swamp
>Last music festival was called "into the grave"
>gf is a witch
>As in she actually going inna Woods at night to do shady ritual shit
>Call her Nightwish atleast 5 times a day
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I will do my part to hang out with Koreans who wear phat pants, dance to hardstyle and play ddr at the local malls (I don't even think those machines exist anymore :( )
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wew lad
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Is she a Wicca?
This is the most accurate statement ever made.
Also, they live at Ihop after 2am.
post pics
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>tfw you were in school the goths only cared about getting high, playing in their band and having promiscuous sex with each other
>tfw then emos took over the goth scene and now we have people who should have been aborted giving their worthless opinion on every matter there is

Even just after 9/11 seemed so much of an easier time. Genuinely feels like I've landed from a different planet at times.
Might be similar in practise but no it's some local pagan frisian thing
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we're still here idiot
the underground is alive and kicking
/x/ is the new /pol/
this place is just another mainstream tawtter feed
He was also a kike-lover. Fuck that guy.
Truly based.
When did goth chicks start getting sleeve tats?
That's a Bernie rally
>/x/ is the new /pol/
>literally disinfo central
>only things that are allowed to be discussed are pure memery like tarot readings, palm readings, eye readings and succubi

/x/ definitely uncovered some Max Spiers type thing for that to be that much disinfo there desu senpai literally baka.
I'm talking about alternatives in general, not just you spooky people
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American antifa grew out of these guys after metalcore died. They were the same people who drove the skinheads away from concert halls in New England and the West Coast.
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Goth is my fetish
they (80s American high school alt cultures like goth, punk, whatever the word for guys who listened to Flock of Seagulls and Boy George) presuppose a vast majority white population and a de facto white dominant culture
Ikr, now the only relevant ones are wiggers. Cultural Marxism at it's best
why are the goth tumblrs the most comonly post nazi things?
>that pic
nah, being a weeabo is you fetish :^}
The music world, especially in the underground, used to be apolitical. (Excluding punk shit). Now SJWs are strangling everything including "extreme" genres like black metal. Funny how they never criticize the lyrics of rap which degrade women constantly.
We're still going strong.
nice find dude


You have a point, Anon.
I am now angry at you amerifat.

And now I am sad.


If shit here gets fucked and you survive I am coming over.
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>goth fetish
>emos killed it
>scene kids buried it
>SJWs have pissed on its grave
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since always
they're also into motorcycle tricks, clove cigarettes, and beer pong
fakes can imitate all they like, duplicate never

we are the alternative
where respect is earned and never bought
blood in blood out

them ivy league kikes can keep on shilling all they like, they remain miles behind
I don't know... his horrors of the foreigner/the unkown had quite a positive impact on his style. More so that he was writing from the subjective perspective of an anglo-saxon gentleman at the turn of the century rather than an omniescent narator. Made it more believable.
Atleast from what I read.
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This. Around 4chan at least. I'm there most nights. Most people are either redpilled, newfags, retards from other boards or faggy Wiccan hippies. That's why the board is being shitted up worse than any summerfags could do alone. Why try to shut it down on such a small slow board? Because we know.
Do strong goth girls like somewhat effeminate men?
at your local metal show/goth industrial night
>pentagram on chest

The metal heads are slowly being subverted into follow the herd sjw faggots. Atleast here in the U.S. it is. I know Europe's metal scene is starting to stay true to its think for yourself ways that make metal heads what they are
i have a goth girl fetish
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They like Chad.
Who doesn't like chad?
the virgin?
This, they invaded even metal with white guilt but the most they could muster for rap was macklemores "hay guys pls no bully the gays" which still didnt have the balls to take on the fact that its mostly black culture that perpetuates these stereotypes.

The feminists (here in america at least) will scream at an indie rock singer who gets in a fight with some whore disrupting his show but will turn a blind eye to people like the ASAP crew rapping about degrading/assaulting women and then video comes out of them doing it and they STILL don't care.

But Trump said some groupies wanted him to grab their pussies willingly and that is "LE SEXUAL ASSAULT" even though they don't give a shit about niggers doing worse because "they don know no betta" "he dindu nuffin" "das cultural ya don't get it wipipo"
Tomboys are my thing and sjws ruined them. Reeee.
Ive always had a thing for girls with a pixie cut. Or even a mohawk.
The liberal metal heads are basically gore freaks who still thinking its edgy to believe Christians should be forced to have gender reassignment surgery to understand trannies or some retarded shit

They'll probably do some video soon where somebody flays donald trump because "LE EDGY"

Meanwhile all these pussies had too much mulatto dick in their mouth during Obama to do anything "edgy" then lmao
Why don't virgins have sex with chad?
The fuck nigga
Ha ha I was in Portland on business and contemplated going in as I was starting up all night to catch a dawn flight. However, I was hungry and in business casual.
>and they STILL don't care.
oh they do care. they are just upset that they weren't the ones being degraded by that BBC
Metalhead/Goth whatever and I absolutely support this- there's nothing the least bit individualist or nonconformist about communism. All I want is a cute alt chick and not to be assumed to be a leftist; and the socialist scum fuck even that up. But that said,
is absolutely right; to the average /pol/ user, anything other than rolled oats and water for breakfast is degeneracy. I guess it's a symptom of autism.
Thats pretty much why they hate the Trump pussy tape too, billionaire is womens 3rd biggest fetish behind Werewolf and Vampire (two fictional beings mind you)

They are angry because they've never had anyone at that level grab their pussy and it drives them nuts that they cant
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>How are the metalheads?
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liberal metal heads are the worst. like those faggot trying to black list taake because hoest had a large swastika painted on his chest during some concert in germany. its fucking black metal. nazi themes, (as in the (((official))) narrative) fits like a glove. yet they are ok with themes about genociding christians? these faggots sicken me. pic related
Alternative culture isn't the right way, Traditionalism is what we should be encouraging.
Walls of crybaby tolerance is more like it kek
Tragic that. MW is good old school thrash. They had to go and ruin it with that shirt. Tragic
>wall of death
yeah, no.
Yup, Christianity is SOOOO evil to them but Islam? Well now we're just being Islamophobic lmao

God its disgusting sharing a planet and an industry with these people as a red pilled musician
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yes, shlomo
You can't expect everyone to fit into traditionalism, but its about realizing who your real allies are. You don't have to be a part of traditionalism to not hate it, to not see it as an enemy and to not wanting to destroyed or to want it preserved, even if it isnt something you live under because of the circumstances of your life
the funny thing is, that many of these idiots listening to 2nd wave black metal dont realise that it is essentially racist, being about removing cultural elements which does not belong.
This is a Bernie bitch run the photoshop moron
>morbidly-inclined qts with ivory skin and giant vampire seductress titties
>ever making a comeback outside of commodified halloween costumes for coozebag stacies and tumblr tramps

I wish, OP.

>Eating a 400 calorie snack

Gas yourself kike
fuck your fad cultural surrogates, shlomo. We need to bring back Western Culture and the family unit. Goth is as defenseless and rootless as that sports franchise you loved that still moved away.
I will always be sad about that. Have had tomboyish goth/metal girls before. Probably too old for that shit now but I'll never forget.
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this board is getting shitted on because we get real live leaks and influence minds world wide
they want in on the action, they're trying to gain momentum
too bad for them, they are missing the point
the more heads they bring, the more momentum they gain... they greater our feast
the chans are forever underground
Fuck. I used to go see them all the time. Into the trash.
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>tfw no qt goth girl gf
The only legitimate reason to miss the 90s.
Just kill me now T-T
I don't like how you guys are only talking about goths, but bro, spooky people can have families you know, it's the homos and niggers who can't forma a funcional one. All of these subcultures are product of western society
We have razorfist as our leader
couldnt agree more
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>90s goth chicks comeback
>america was actually made great again
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I bet she comes back really sweaty too, eh?
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Kek speaks! Plus, I've always had a thing for goth chicks, my ex wife would dress like this all the time when I was home from work. Was actually a teacher and on the conservative side.
I was a goth kid. Kind of. Most ended up sucking pretty hard. Now I work in government, and have to "office goth" it.

Goth was a white subculture, and was unapologetic for it. Even proud of it truly. Punk aesthetics with a dash of victorian embellishments, with mysic focusing in on primarily on love, loneliness, and the macabre? It was individualistic, but not imposing. Unlike what we have today.

I can not forgive our society for killing our dominant cultures, but the unceremoniously quiet distruction of our subcultures has bothered me almost as much.

It's ironic. Somehow dispite our "diversity", we have less color and groups today than 20 years ago.
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which sports franchise senpai?
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Goths are peachy keen.
that first video reminded me of how fucking good WASP is. blackie lawless is leagues beyond any of the 80s hair shit he usually get lumped in with together
This. Everyone is the same khaki clad hipster fashion wearing liberal cunt with a 20$ coffee in one hand and an iphone in the other.
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>I can not forgive our society for killing our dominant cultures, but the unceremoniously quiet distruction of our subcultures has bothered me almost as much.
>It's ironic. Somehow dispite our "diversity", we have less color and groups today than 20 years ago.
Huh. Interesting. Though I wonder if global communications and the internet are mostly to blame for that. Also the rise of a generic "nerd culture" as a late capitalist ploy to infantilize the consumer as a means of non-aggressive control.
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all cool sub culture died in 2007
If you want to find put how metalheads are, just go to /mu/.
It's just like that but with a little more politics on top of the "true metal" debates.
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No. You just need to start listening to European power electronics.

we're in our 30's and wear business clothes now

I should get a pair of Demonias for nostalgia reasons
That's the icing of the cake right there. Nothing like blessing your cock before fucking a satanist as part of the conversion process. You gotta make sure that heretical pussy gets a proper Christian dicking before getting her over to the other side.
Sub cultures are for degenerates.
That's actually you and your bicep is fucking small lol. Please delete this cringe.

calling people degenerate is a subculture
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mfw I am a Christian goth
>do goth chicks still exist?

>where do I find them?
In London we have lots of pubs and nightclubs that cater to the goth crowd. I imagine it's the same in any big US city.

Goth girls tend to date goth guys though, unsurprisingly.
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>liked metal music in high school
>wore black t shirts a lot
>also had dark hair, pale skin, and bags under my eyes
>got called goth because of it
I detect a kike

I'll have to check this place out
already happening, go to a bluegrass show. great time, lot of energy, lot of women
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Goths are Weimar tier. Nothing but a bunch of drug addicted warlocks in cheap makeup
I detect some kind of nigger
Your local music festival, or public parks when the moon is full
No, they are a byproduct of Jewish meddling in our media apparati.

You mistake goth for culture. When I was young, so was goth. Back then its adherents were called Mersh, Dance Punks, Dance Rockers, Death Rockers and finally Goths. Fast forward to the late 90s and goth was that and 5 different, totally unrelated things. Down there in the weeds, that seemed totally innocuous and organic to you. It wasn't. You're being controlled and subverted by buying into a "culture" that you think you can influence. It doesn't respect your sense of ownership. It respects the dollar and fad philosophy.

Because I think this concept is alien to you, let me use an analogy. It might help in understanding:

Wonder Woman. She has been around for about 75 years and in that time she has been everything from a vapid boytoy to single woman trying to make it on her own to a strong woman who don't need no man back to a vapid boytoy. She has been whatever the market has demanded.

Now take the Roman god Apollo. Been around 4000 years and he has always been Apollo.

The latter is an unwavering archetypal aspect of Western culture. The former is a vessel for delivering propaganda and generating shekels.

See where I'm going here?

It might feel real, and familiar to you to be a goth, but it's not your/a culture. Culture is language, people, familiarity. It is rigid and easily described. Your goth is an amalgamation of a bunch of shit it didn't even have anythign to do with 30 years ago and it keeps augmenting and erasing the borders around it, making it distinct. Culture isn't kooky clothes and dances and foods. It is a survival strategy forged over thousands of years to keep you safe from bullshit like Goth and Wonder Woman and Sports jingoism.

Goth is a healthy indulgence and a wondeful distraction so long as you recognize it as just that. As a culture? Good fucking luck. You'd better be really waelthy and isolated from the perils of reality if you expect to sustain that.
Miss me yet?
no. But rap is more degenerate than goth culture. Happy?
I remember when Twilight came out and all the girls started dressing like that
I can't jerk to this chick anymore, she reminds me too much of my ex.
Damn, it''s amazing how much stuff we don't notice just gets lost to the unstoppable march of time. Seeing this photo reignited neural pathways I would have otherwise completely forgot even existed.
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I never understood why boys got all obsessed with manly chicks for? Maybe I'm getting old or never had my parent do everything for me or something, but I just hate seeing a cloned sleeved out arm out a car window and like everyone else, not being able to tell if it's some lispy, skinny boy, or some beefy chick. Tatted up chicks are for closet fags. There really can be no other reason.

Sorry, I'm sleepy now
now that you mention it I've been seeing a lot of wonder woman t shirts and stickers all summer. It's just a fad. No one will give a shit next year
Goth girls are the best.

Also I agree with OP

I could be considered a metalhead that mellowed somwhat due to carreer choices.
I go to festivals multiple times a year with camping and everything. Metalheads are rather progressive in general, sadly.
Despite that, I still see t-shirts with SS skulls, MAGA caps and all that good stuff come by every once in a while, so hope's not lost I guess.
Metalheads make the best drinking comrades also.
I'm pretty sure that signs of hipsterism point to being a faggot just about anywhere in the world

Think about it like this: would your ancestors like to see you dressed like a meth addict/cheap hooker/flaming liberal? Always look your best conventionally, look smart and not like a walking advertisement of your person.

t. ex-goth meme, hate the subculture now. Full of druggies and satanists (with a few exceptions, but their music sucks)
Who is this baldie?
don't stick your dick in crazy

culture protects you from being mislead, it doesn't mislead you. You're being misled because you can't be bothered to learn the difference between culture and fads.
Manly? No, I like sporty girls or chicks with interest on bikes(for some reason, they tend to be mechanics in fiction) with short hair wearing some "masculine" attire like baseball caps. A little bit of muscle isn't bad tho
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>How are the metalheads?
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really gets the noggin joggin
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>t-shirts with SS skulls
u mean Totenkopf
its called deaths head
pic related
I will never get to fuck a 16 year old scene girl again.

I'm 24 now. Its all downhill from here
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Raven is a goth, that's good enough for me.

>It was individualistic, but not imposing

Hardly ever. It's about as elitist at the metal scene.

>I can not forgive our society for killing our dominant cultures, but the unceremoniously quiet distruction of our subcultures has bothered me almost as much.

Subcultures are for faggots. Real men celebrate real culture instead of 3 chord caveman music and tacky fashion. Just go listen to Saint-Saens or Shostakovich instead, thank me later.
Right, thanks. I was too quick with my wording
Liz Vicious
I called It a subculture, that is culture inside a culture, but I'm not here to discuss semantics

Jews ruined the goth/alternative/scene/emo subcultures by promoting hedonistic filthy dumb rap/hiphop. At least there are still goths on /x/

Never really lied emos, but I liked goths.
This makes me sad.
And you are completely 100% correct.
ex goth, still and idealogical faggot. Really made me think
I like that our current subcultures worship large international media and technology conglomerates. It makes me giggle.
Is there anything jews have not destroyed?
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it's a Japanese magic circle
if they were just in it for the fad they were worth your attention anyway, also your not in high school anymore so I don't see why it matters, get your gf to dress like a goth If you miss it so much.
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I was never part of a subcultures, but I listened to alternative. I hated how humans formed subcultures, everything about humans disgusted me, I thought any extraterrestrial races would be disgusted with us, I wanted to be their race, I wanted to be reptilian. Then I found the tares, and sympathized with humanity and no longer wanted to be reptilian because I learned they were evil. I now see humanity(Whites) as children who don't know better, rather than inherently degenerate and evil. There is no excuse for angels though, they know better.

Any* subcultures
>Excluding punk shit
punk invented being apolitical retard, it was a reaction to the 70s and the molotov-activism rock that didn't lead anywhere
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Alt-right is the most enlightened alternative subculture, although it's the natural evolution of a different subculture - alt-right pseudos are the newest iteration of bronies. You guys ever wonder where the bronies all went, and who the trumpanzees were before coming out? I know multiple people from highschool who underwent this transition in the last 5 years after graduating. Makes perfect sense when you think about it:

Their fandom is unshakable, and ultimately serves as a communal attestation to their superior taste and sensibilities. It's less about the content or substance, and more about how identifying with - and feeling they belong to - an enlightened few makes them feel.

This accounts for why they're completely immune to reason, and perform staggering mental gymnastics to explain any factual incongruity with their orthodoxy. But ultimately, it's a superiority compex wrapped around an inferiority complex. I wonder what form this hilarious phenomenon will take next?
Oh shit a health goth drop!
Get out of here christfag.
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Kim Kelly.jpg
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This is the cancer eating away at Metal
>twitter @GrimKim

Wiccans tend to be "progressive". Trad witches and I.E. based pagans can go either way.
>tfw no scene gf
Can't really say, as I'm only 21, but things are really boring and depressing now. Everyone is a normalfag who minds his own bussiness, a NEET, or sjw cancer. I can see how it changed around 2007, when social media became widespread, so kids dropped their subcultures in favor of popularity.

Around that time, electronic music became mainstream and the rave culture died. Rap music started to rely on auto-tune so it all merged into this simplified niggerfied electro-pop intended for a wider audience.

Feels like people are tired of this but can't say what's wrong so they try to forget it and move on.

I'm glad shes appear to be doing fine.
Wanted to add that 10 years ago, as a kid, I could hear a lot of stories about skinheads and hooligans just wreaking havoc everywhere they go. Pretty degenerate but it had its spirit.
This nigga knows the truth. Goth chicks are crazy as fuck. Usually good sex but not worth it.

Most goth chicks are (or were) mentally unstable hambeasts. Seeing shit like >>136719182 is gorgeous but too rare to make a goth comeback be worth our time.
That's sad, i loved that band, never though they were such fags
implying that matters faggot grow a dick
>No tattoos.
>Pale skin.
wtf i love goths now

Shame they went extinct, it branched off into hipsters and then identity politics SJWs over time.
I don't think I've ever seen a Goth person here but then again, I don't think they would last long here in Texas. It's too damn hot.
Her vids are still online.
>purple hair

All sorts of dirty cosplay she should be doing right now.
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The truth about immigration, by the numbers:

Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide

The plan to eliminate the white race:

Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:

Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:

Why are we in Decline - Cultural Marxism:

also see

The facts about slavery in North America:

Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:

Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)

The Holocaust:
Now we just have everyone trying to fit into youth culture no matter what their age.
>Metal is infested with Edgelord 4000+
>trademark owned by Schlomo Schekelstein-Goldberg
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I know about the jews and their master plan anon
Cringe, go look up a real life goth chick faggot.
I had to move away from my local goth bar for work reasons and have yet to find a new place.
>calls other weeb
>posts canonically Brazilian idol
I'm on to you.
Fuck thats beautiful
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Starfire is a Nazi, that's good enough for me.
those bazoongas

Edgelords who havent figured out their "edge" has a pile of feminist jews who hate them behind it clapping all the while
somebody redpill me on how to get a scene gf
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