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How will /pol/ ever recover?

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Thread replies: 311
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How will /pol/ ever recover?
What, as a study on carbon overdose?
"people" whos skin is as black as carbon are not people

scientific journals publish every bullshit today
those bootlips must feel great around your cock
Are we raided by some parasitic commies or what?
> post an exception
> act like it invalidates the rule

Nobody is saying literally ever black person is a chimpanzee or literally every refugee is a terrorist/rapist, you mouth-breather.

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>what is affirmative action?

Straya gets it. Those lips were made to slurp rod.

I've actually had the privilege of reading and reviewing the paper before publication. It's about as groundbreaking as you would expect. Here's the abstract:
'Y iz watuhmellun an strawhburryz diffren tayst but saym kullur'

- Shanyeeqwon Carbonita BSc, Davarious Genteekwent III BSc, Dr. Self-loathing White-Man PhD et al.


We wuz kings. We wun no if y wahturmellun an strawhburriz iz da saym kullur but tayst diffren. So we ayt sum and got de ansur.

Whyte man (mayd by Jakob duh baddy man) mayke dem tayst diffren to trik de black king man.
I never got that pol has a problem with black people. It's niggers they can't stand.
Keep in mind there are niggers of every race.
But why is she fat then?
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Wait a minute, that pic is in black and white. Hmmmmm wonder why (((they))) did that, I mean certainly a real throughbred Sudanese girl would be dark skinned enough to not need filtering? Really thinks me make...
There are literally scientific journals that exist as self publishers. You pay a fee and they public your article no matter how shit.
those are some nice dick sucking lips.
probably easier than she did
I didn't realize DSLs were "science".
Anyone else see the story of the guy who wrote a bunch of stuff about Star Wars and hid it in a fake scientific paper about Midochloreans which actually included the Tragedy of Darth Plageius the Wise...
,,,and got it in Scientific journals.
So, 0.00001% of African is capable of publishing anything in a scientific journal that may or may not have stringent peer review that can be relied upon?

Cool story bro.
she is cute. i bet she's nice. These smart african ones hate american blacks and want nothing to do with them. they're also christian. she'd make a fine piece of table pussy.
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Which journal? 'Cus a lot of those are complete trash and will literally publish anything for money. I mean fuck, a guy submitted a paper about midichlorians to a bunch of them and all but a small handful published it, no questions asked.
she can stay obviously, rest of her folk out
There have been several similar types of efforts to expose how unreliable the peer review process is. It's an embarassment to the scientific community how easy it is to have worthless garbage published as credible research.

But of course, all climate change research is definitely 100% accurate and settled science.
Been having laughs at this thread, though to be fair, A starving third world Spade who can write, let alone read is quite impressive. If only more niggers put in that much effort.
>wear a white shirt
Looking forward to her article on lightning magic n sheeeeiiit

Why does she go to white country for protection? Arent whites savages?
Escape negro country. And ask ehite people for protection. Wtf is happening? Looool
That's good for her, it better not be in English, since that means she wants to be western, but she clearly isn't. I don't need black doctors or black army, i need native production and organization. Stay in Africa.
>tfw even random bullshit generators publish in scientific journals

I'm published, paper on how natural changes in localized microclimates have an adverse effect on geological and archaeological studies.
Essentially : "Digging a hole gets harder in the fucking rain". 2003.

Being published doesn't mean dick-all.
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fantastic and good for her! that famine affected over 900,000 people, i wonder how many others have achieved something like this?
link to article or bullshit.
>tfw rain 24/7
enjoy your digging, faggot
Science journals literally publish things everyday.
When i was in college the final test in many classes was to investigate about anything (of course related to the classes) and i got mine published a couple of times, ain't nothing special.

Besides just because one out of a million is an outlier of the average doesn't means we should take hordes of them.
By sending her back to her country to be a doctor there.
most of the doctors in the world are white. why are niggers so impressed by one black doctor.
>dem DSLs
woodbleech hermouf
dem dick sucking lips tho
bet she gibs good blow jerbs wiv dem lips
Literally anyone can be published in a scientific journal.
What matter is *which* journal, 'cause some of them are "Daily Mail" tier.
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Welfare isn't a scientific journal.

Because dey sub human!
bet that's how she got published
She's got a western hairstyle and is not wearing some sort of waddler wahabi uniform. I'd let her suck my cum out.
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Because modern scientific journal don't publish bullshit daily.

It's great that she's actually trying to make something of her life but it's a real shame that affirmative action has completely destroyed any credibility she might have had..
Fucking Hell.
What are you trying to say?
would bleach
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das rite, whitey!
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holy shit this is pure gold
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but that means that 50% of whites are smarter than 100% of blacks hahaha
>one refugee wasn't completely worthless
wow holy shit let's bring all of Africa over to our countries, we might be able to find tens of worthy people among them!
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full pic
It's possible nigger minds literally can't hold that idea in their head. Consider that they call themselves Kings or that they think white people stole civilization from them.
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can't find nuffin about her except that it's at a Jewish hopistal
Black accomplishment:

* Assembling a computer
* Getting published in an academic journal
* Cooking a meal
* Tying their shoelaces
* Etc.

Checks out. By her existence she secures a position against a white male, which in itself is a kind of victory for the jew.
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so she's just a med student, it's fucking nothing

>wow a black girl got into med school let's give her hundreds of thousands of likes because it's so fucking exceptional
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her name is Nyadow Chol, her paper (she's the last on the list of co-writers, kek)
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Let's see the 'research'! Bullshit research gets printed everyday!
it's a fucking survey about how many patients for a treatment resorted to psychotherapy

Dis bitch lookin like a fuckin ps4 controller.
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>it's actually a psychology related research that's loosely tied to cancer
>(((Barnes-Jewish Hospital)))
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It's basically calling a list of patients and asking them if they underwent any other treatment, then running the numbers.
Literally requires no medical knowledge or special skill at all, it's basically an intern's job.

aka the height of black achievement in science.
wtf i hate racism now
she is not as niggest as it looks
my penis says fuck you don't ruin my fap
>all you need to be a scientist is a phone and list of paper
Can't even pick a solid example to push their leftist agenda. Fucking morons.
and? I have undergrads who also appear on papers because they made some contributions, even if rather minor

Actual peer reviewed journals like Nature that have been around for years are fine, its the internet ones that are pay to play. They'll publish anything as long as you pay them a fee. Christopher Monkton uses them and then walks around saying he does climate research and writes peer reviewed papers when actually he just paid an internet journal to publish his work.

There was even one guy who publsihed one that just said "Get me off your fucking mailing list" over and over.
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holy shit
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Good for her i guess

>mfw the worse the conditions for niggers, the better they get
Damn that's an ugly ape.
My sister has published several studies she has done on marine biology. She isnt special and still cant find steady work as a marine biologist. She teaches high school science.

This nigger need to go back to Sudan
This webm made me laugh

I love it
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>those DSLs

itch to bleach.
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Ask the bogdanoffs with their PhD paper
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holy fucking shit
I'm imagining those lips around my cock and my cock is SO FUCKING HARD right now FUCK
you know negresses all wear wigs, right?
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>Sudan, famine.

You're welcome.
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It's fucking nasty. Their hair grows and bacteria and even mold.
include me in the screencap senpai
dafuq is tihs
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This is fake news. It's a b.s. tweet from a b.s. account.
Wrong vid posted. I was going to post a nigress fight where they all pulled out each other's weave.
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>literally gets stomped
>goes back for more
Good for her; still not an argument for anything.
>mfw it's a genuine news article
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Here it is.
Damn nigga she dark as hell fo real nigga be all midnight like up in this shit. Nigga so dark her mamma lost her in the street in front of her house.
mainstream academia has become a LARP
Yeeeep, i'm just here for the screencap.
> as credible research

Most of the shit you read about is not a credible science. Science have several mechanisms to prevent that from happening, such as measuring the impact factor of journals etc. Serious scientist know very well which publications are legit. The problem is that the science financing nowadays is quantity orientated and a lot of shit is getting published only to meet some quotas. The shitty scientists pay shitty publishers to publish they work and then the shitty government can pay shitty scientist for his great publication success. It is all a scheme to drain money from state basically.

However the great scientists are still doing great science and the credible publishers still have serious peer review process. There are some drawbacks to this process but in general it works fine.
holy shit....this is real
these fucking niggers are what diversity is all about replacing our institutions with
do u have liveleak link about the first one i wanna read about it
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The scientific journal did an in depth expose on the circumference of her fat lips.
Fuck nigguh, strawberris ain't da same coluh as no fuckin wata mellen. Wut da fuck a niggah talkin'bout meng. Mellens be like green an shit. Get the fuck outta heer wit dat science bullshit befo I knock a nigguh out.
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I wanna stick it in her mouth man...
nice ausbro
Don't have it.
Black people can be smart too if they work hard at it. They're just born at a disadvantage.
You must be new around here.
Invented peanut butter.
those lips are ridiculous
I'm published in a scientific journal.

I don't consider it that much of an achievement really. I just did the work, got the results and wrote it up.
>almost got famine
because South Sudan is run by a bunch of her incompetent relatives that have no business being in charge of a nation. one could take a single mom out of a trailer park, and pamper her through college, and American social structure, and she could right a shitty research paper too. Big deal. It's the great white infrastructure that makes things possible, not some individual that was saved by white benevolence.
I am also published, I was a psych grad student before dropping out for a job

>make stupid experiment that is so banal that nobody will question your results
>repeat experiment over and over with minor alterations to sample size, time period etc until you get a statistically significant result
>speculate wildly on how these results represent an evolved behavior
>publish paper and receive tenure

you think I sound like a crook? This is exactly how scientific papers are published. It's a business and everybody wants to be published so that they can get money
It's not hard to be published scientifically. I had to be published to pass an honors course in college, so did every other student.
That fucking place is magical at times.
>right a shitty

Niggers gonna nig. You, however, have no business looking down on anyone's academic accomplishments.
HAHA this shit cracks me up

Know why?

White man used to DOMJNATE this country, these universities, EVERYTHING

Now non Jew white males who are straight are the tiniest minority of ANY demographic at Ivy League schools


Nigga this was YOUR country and you fucking lost it without a fight

Bitch ass white boi deserved it for rolling over and giving up. U pathetic. Know wonder white women love to racemix
dis kang be right, kill yallselves
If she's so great all the more reason for her to fuck off back to her home country so she can fix it.
I party agree. Black culture generally doesn't support being a member of a Country Club, living in a nice neighborhood, and other white people stuff as much as white culture does. My theory is that one of those things is getting a good college education and that's part of the reason for the race gap in college enrollment.
Look, genetics are genetics and, unfortunately, that 15 point average IQ deficit that negros suffer with is the difference between understanding how basic science works and believing that voodoo oogahboogah black lightning magic is a thing.

Not much we can do about it. If I were white living in SA, I'd be doing everything I could to get the hell out, because chances are, you're gonna end up on the menu at some point soon.
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Goddamn, doesn't look human.
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Funny because they are people who are over 20 and still have no clue how to build a computer even with a guide, this is why consoles are so popular.
G'job ya marvelous cunt!
So she right-clicked all the red squiggly lines in Word.
screencap ok thank
>google how 2 bild compooter
>buy parts
>build computer

A literal retard could do it.
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>be talented person from a third world country
>has the capacity to help your homeland by providing needed services there
>chose higher salary over helping developping your desperate home country
What a selfish cunt

That's it!? All she did is a survey on how cancer patients respond to psychotherapy? Fucking hell.
>pushes cpu in on wrong angle
>bend pins
>spare the measly buck fifty
>measly buck fifty
>buck fifty
given that she's only a co-author in this shitty survey I doubt she did more than this. But it's a Jewish hospital, gotta be inclusive.
t. retard nigger
Yes hes being too rational and logical but a few weeks on /pol/ should change that
I've been published; not hard. Just write lots. put in lots of citations.
She is not the first humanoid monkey to be published in a scientific journal.
Whats the matter?
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>mfw had speech class and the sheboon there did a how-to speech on weaves
I don't get it.
can they ever get any more embarrassing?
Me niether.

>Just imagining that bottom lip brushing against my sack as she sucks me dry.

I'm already a half-breed so nothing is lost.
he said it "functioned well" instead of "it work good"

he is a nigger genius after all

>Google "Carbon Overdose"
>"Including results for Charcoal Overdose"
>Charcoal Overdose
>OP's Pic
We have so much to learn from them
damn those face cushions could take a cock slapping
Why do people always get into a hubbub if one random nigger (ESPECIALLY if it's a female nigger) does anything even remotely special? I don't get it.
Find that article that claims a startling amount of peer reviewed scientific journals are absolutely false
They have to make niggers look good somehow, and people eat it up since it's on the news. I'd say it's kind of like the whole "Look at these cute cats being like they always are, but it's super cute this time" but for niggers with progressive audiences.
Is she was so smart why was she starving?
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anyone else here published?

I have one or two in the american journal of botany just from undergraduate research work.
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I think my seed would make for a lovely contrast on her face
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>this arouses the /pol/ack
Any indications that this article isn't bullshit apart from the fact you wanted to agree with it before you read it?
>Sudanese intellectual
How could u guys.
You would know if it was either one or two you fucking liar.
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She's an undergraduate. Says she'll get into med school next year.

They'll probably throw her name in the acknowledgments of the paper for having taken care of the cell lines, which is even easier to do than picking cotton.

Of course she'll steal the merits of the hard thinking of the postgraduate jews who did all the real work. She already posted that for compliment fishing and every nigger on twitter is saying WE WUZ CIENTIST

Here's her twitter btw. https://twitter.com/AF_ROdisiac/status/870712838771195905
Why is Sudan still shit hole? With talent like this woman Sudan should first world paradise. Really make me think!
I genuinely would like to know why the first post is always the best post
>she'll steal the merits of the hard thinking of the postgraduate jews
They are both minorities seeking to overthrow the white majority. Group interests.
This... is why niggers live in huts and will never advance. To them, no money should be spent on education, research, development , furthering humanity or learning about our past... it should just be handed out so that it may be squandered today and gone tomorrow.

And you know this was a nigger, because only a nigger thinks this way.
I published thrice in the 3 years of my PhD. Of course I designed the experiments, I performed them, analysed the results, made the figures, wrote the papers. All impact factor >5 which is not bad in my field.

I also didn't post a fucking selfie with duckfaces saying I'm a queen or something while stealing the work of the project leader like that fucking nigress.
All power to her
Hope she gets redpilled on multikulti while she's still young enough and help her own countrymen make their country less shit
That's the only post you read in a thread.
Currently have my name in 3 first author of 1. Still undergrad though. First author is in nature and science so I am proud of it
Is she the missing link between humans and apes?
why was there famine in southern sudan?
You faggots complain about blacks being stupid and lazy and then when one does something good you complain about that too
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Not going to defend the paper since I haven't read it, but traditionally the first and last authors on a paper are the most important ones. The rest are assigned in whatever order the author who compiled the paper feels like.

The first author is typically the one who wrote most of the thing and usually did most of the work. The last author is usually someone who had specific oversight or supervision over the project.

t. published scientist (actual scientist with chemistry and shit)
Good to know thanks. But given that she's a fucking nothing, I doubt she had a very meaningful role either way.
Blacks with Ph D's remind me of Pastor Manning's talk on niggerism. Niggers can't build a culture where anything on this level is possible.
Are this the same scientific journalists that potholer 54 mentions where anyone can post their shit regardless if its correct. Video explains it better:

Look at all that melanin. She must be a fucking genius!
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In my experience the only people who wear white coats in the lab are community college interns. They think those coats are magic scientist suits or something.
No lots of places make you wear white coats. Depends on what you are working on
I almost didn't see her face with lips that huge.
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it's one with my name first and one with my name 4th just because I took some microscope photos
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>she's the last on the list of co-writers
she's the intern who handed out the surveys
>this refugee girl is about to piggyback as an author in a scientific journal after she did nothing but change the media for months
Civil war. Been a decade or so now since happening. Probably has something to do with the Rwanda genocides as well.
we have to wear tthem in the bsc because skin sheds contaminants
>Worked in BLSIII facility
lab coats aren't worn at your desk unless you like spreading the shit your hiding yourself from all over your workspace. Seriously, i bet she eats lunch in that coat.
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>>le only white people can be meeany heads
>unless you like spreading the shit your hiding yourself from all over your workspace
more often it is so you're not spreading yourself and all that you're carrying all over dishes of cells with no immune system
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you fucking cunt
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cell culture should be closed front gown and working in a hood.
>look up the kinetics of engraftment of human enriched HPSC in ablated NOD-SCID if you want to have a guess at my name anon
this tbqh
and this

only brainlets that dont know better (aka niggers) will think this means anything. i guarantee its gonna be some meaningless bullshit that the dindu didnt even write
Who said she was at her desk?
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>her entire identity is about being black
>is affirmative actioned through life
Literally nobody said that, are you okay anon
>(((social science)))
wait, you guys thought she was a medical doctor?
Why can't they save rothbardian, austrian economist sudanese? do they just let them die?
>wigs all over the ground
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Look at the photo nigger
>pic related is a genetic truth
I like it when they fight with their titties out. How is it we aren't allowed to own these proto-humans?
Goddamn, you people complain about niggers all day and when one does something good you pick apart every little thing
Is that image in black and white or?
It's because their 'achievements' are what any self-respecting white person does on the daily. cf: graduate high school, get married and establish stable household, take care of kids, have a job, etc.
>black and white
don't you mean melaninated and neandertal?
Well okay, so a black person does something constructive. Let it be but calling them a stupid nigger etc. isn't helping anything
It is
>a black person does something constructive
gonna need a citation for that
Is it a reputable journal? Literally every Masters student I know is published. Doesn't mean its in a journal that has any standards for submissions.
Yep, guess you better fuck off eh?

We're totally unreachable.
>does something good
yeah that's the whole point, it's fucking nothing

It comforts us in our worldview to reveal that any of that "look, some nigger did something valuable" is actually bullshit and not so valuable. We like to uncover the truth so we can laugh at it.
nice one i like it
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>merging feminist poscolonial science studies and feminist political ecology, the feminist glaciology framework generates robust analysis of gender, power, and epistemologies in dynamic social-ecological systems, thereby leading to more just and equitable science and human-ice interactions
But its a girl being published in a journal, I'm sure plenty of white people would be proud of themselves too.

>"look, some nigger did something valuable"
Here on /pol/ is the only place I have seen this, she has like 3000 friends on twitter, hardly a big deal
>>136717937 politically incorrect is literally in the name of this message board. what do you expect
She has some good fucking dick sucking lips, goddamn
>politically incorrect is literally in the name of this message board.
Do you take everything super literal? Do you have autism?
>calling them a stupid nigger etc. isn't helping anything
nigger, this is /pol/, not T_D, not your civic nationalist hugbox, gtfo, hating niggers is our way of life.
/pol/ clicks refresh and recovers just fine.
> not your civic nationalist hugbox, gtfo,
No :^)
also I'm a socialist, what you gonna do
you fucking animal rapist
look at this dumb nigger struggling to understand us. Her "contribution" is laughable, it's some unpaid intern-tier shit. Holding it up as an achievement worthy of 36K likes on Twitter is eminently laughable. If this is the height of what a nigger can achieve then let me laugh even harder.

Now kindly fuck off and lurk moar, you're clearly too new to post.
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Call you an idiot. Black people dont contribute enough to be a part of a socialist country. They are all about the gibs
"do you have autism?"
so about how old are you
guess the famine did not reach those lips......just more "WUZZIN" from desperate fuckers
laugh at you for being such a dumb reddit nigger? How much of your money did you donate to Bernie you dumb ass nigger?
This hie is hella fuckable
I'm not using it as a joke, I am being serious
Not American either. Thanks for all the (you)s guys. Pretty easy to derail you morons
Did she get a full spread in national geographic?
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edgy bro
>this X did Y and it's beautiful

Really stretches the ol labia
What is edgy about that post you stupid idiot
Underrated post
>t. published scientist (actual scientist with chemistry and shit)
Are STEM guys more likely to be NatSoc? Can we expect of a new generation of Mengele-types?
Imagine if she mixed
No lmao
Leftists will NOT look into what she did. Leftists will NOT care if it was intern-tier work. Leftists only remember "refugee = scientist". They will carry on defending rapefugees whilst having incomplete information.

Propaganda at its finest.
Intelligent and educated people are more likely to be left wing in fact. Knowledge is the enemy of NatSoc, hence the book burnings etc.
LoL I get published every 3 months and I'm from POLAND - ffs POLAND and we are vivating that some black girl got into SOME journal ? There are some bright and talented blacks - even in refugge population. Im all for selecting and giving them new home. POLAND will accept ALL refugees that publish papers from philly list ! :D
her face reminds me of an xbox controller
I don't recall ever asking a subhuman what it "thinks".
Not my thoughts, its factual
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>(((scientific journal)))
>using PGA chip
>13 stories that will make you go, "aww damn, fuck borders and shiet."
>Be Southern Sudan
>Split from North because you have oil shekels
>Niggers still starving
there are*
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I built computers when I was 12, but my uncle was a programmer and he taught me how. It's not terribly difficult and that was in 1992.
Author of "if you dont want to get hacked, dont use the useless internet facing boondoggle you fucking idiots" as well as "Jesus Christ 802.11 has no security I can replay attack this shit what is this the fucking 80s get it off my HVAC system" reporting in
What's the name of the scientific journal?
Women's studies quarterly?
It's a colored photo, she's so black her body absorbs all the natural light of her surroundings.
Dude, science is all racist and shit. We got to decolonize Africa shieeeeeeet.
Top right literally says SAGE
Slide thread faggots
not even remotely. the vast majority of scientists are politically neutral or conservative.

>t. polymer chemist
those lips are amazing
I want to race mix in her mouth
>publish paper and receive tenure
maybe for fake sciences like psychology. fuck off with your broad statements about general scientific publishing you pathetic pseudo science hack
Man, I'll just turn off the lights and let those vacuums suck me dry. It'll be like having sex with a spirit since she's completely invisible in the dark.
Those lips were made for sucking dick
Chemistry fags don't count

>economically/societally valuable science doesn't count
good reply nigger
Chemistry people are a bunch of super autists
>about to be published in a scientific journal

Her and 100,000,000 other undergrads who cleaned the glassware. The only difference is that the white ones at least worked and paid to be there, she was given an opportunity that she was unqualified for, at the expense of a more qualified white man's opportunity, and had it all paid for by the government.
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holy shit
my sides
They should worry more about finding some compound that cures autism
>cure superiority
typical nigger thinking. drag everyone down to your level
I'm fucking crying, good show.
>superior autism race
>will never reproduce

>artificial wombs won't be a thing in the next 20-30 years
prepare to bend the knee to your immortal overlords
Here should be the headline

"Nigger Should have just stay home and die"
>last of the coauthors on a simple data collection study
Must be a sale on monkey munchies.
Good god I wanna fuck those cute lips so bad
>fat nigger lips
your country is a failure and you're to blame
hes probably a beaner. they have very low standards, you should see some of the hambeast bowling ball spic whores these dudes date here in California
Nope, retard. Not a beaner, I just like to pound black girls with good dick suckin' lips. They're easier than the trashiest white girl you could find, and they know how to gargle cock like you wouldnt believe.
ue a beaner fagt ashut the fuck u pa nd kys you stupid homoseuckal kike nigger
this ape is wearing black lipstick because she looks like a monkey with human lipstick colors
anyone can get published in these fake nigger journals
they publish autogenerated shit
it's all a fucking fraud
stop the nigger levels of stupidity
>be nigress
>almost die
>make science
>can't save home country from famine or death

what a majestic people.
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We should never turn away a refugee because one might turn out to be successful.
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engineer here. yes.

you can see the trends forming since college, leftists are being cucks, niggers and trannies from there already. STEM are more realist and not Cultural marxists.
Reddit is full of fags
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