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"Italy clashes with Libya, NGOs over what to do with migrants

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File: NYT - NGO pick-ups.jpg (134KB, 960x960px) Image search: [Google]
NYT - NGO pick-ups.jpg
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These (((NGOs))) - what are the names of these organizations and who funds them??

it looks like a joke they purposley wont go near ((libyan waters))
but when the italians send in the army they go apeshit its not like foreign militarys arent there already like our navy which is a globalist pawn
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Clearly the answer is to send our prettiest eceleb to yell into a megaphone.

Repost: why did the picture change? Spanish actress didn't get into a dinghy and yell at economic migrants.
They go ape shit cause it means they will not be able to continue their smuggle activities with the italians going around and making the boats go back to the shores while they are still in lybian waters, so this litterally means they do not get their bribes from human traffickers, and from this it mostly benefits HAFTAR not sarraj which is the onyl guu recognized by the international community while the other guy is just a guy with a bunch of military forces that takes bribes from everywhere trying to compete with sarraj whos bribes come directly from the EU so its not like he has any chance.

Anyone would go apeshit if you touch their allawances am i right?
Archivel link (wayback machine):
That is simple. Close the border. Expelled all NGOs until migrant crisis stops

This is the simple and effective solution that does not spread chaos, pain and suffering all over Europe.

But the fucking EU don't do that because they want to erase borders, nationalities and ethnicities of Europe by forcing them into blender until everyone is the fucking same.

Block that shit hard people. Tell everyone to block it and do your best to tell them why you think or feel that way.

Terrorism was not a normal occurrence in European urban centers before 2000. To the is no need to import problems just for the sake of feels and then cry to lying murderous momy Merkel and lying murderous dady Macron to put more chains and curfews and rules on you !
>To the is no need to import problems just for the sake of feels and then cry to lying murderous momy Merkel and lying murderous dady Macron to put more chains and curfews and rules on you !

So there is no need...

Fucking autocorrect
You do realize that after the migrants your people and all the people from the eastern europe shitholes will be the next to be BTFO from that country?

Don't you forget that you were the original nigger invasors decades before this shit, and in the end it's always Germany's fault...they should've not destroyed the Berlin wall.
most of terrorist here in EU is 2nd and 3rd gen non-EU Muslim scum that brought here: by work contracts or refugees (plus 1st gen). Add Muslim Syrians ad Afghan refugees and niggers including those in Horn of Africa and allahu ackbars attacks every week in 20 years. Molenbeek just had an happening today with 3rd gen muslim scum.
Altough theres now the thing that migrants in lybia are considered endangered since it has not a stable government thar can grants human rights (i know i know like you have those in nord africa, but the international treaty of ginevra said that you cant sens back people to a place where they get fucked) and they stay in those camps and are being treated like the niggerz they are from other niggers, and have even payed to have this privilege, so i bet they will continue to break our balls even of we manage to control lybian shores and make the boats go back everytime.
They will surely be a cuck uproar from ngo and eu sparking international lawsuits and shiet.

Romanians and their fucking gypsy communities are almost worse than albanians.
It's Germany fault for 100 years, you motherfucking nazi larper. We are now vassals to the americans, european imperialism destroyed bc they wanted more metropolitan clay and colonial clay in wwi. There would be any gommunism and decolonization if they didn't chimp out in ww1 and ww2. Now you have lobotomised Stasi rulers like Merkel running show. Even Trump and Turnbull thought it was fucked up her move to invite 2 gorillion of 3rd world scum. How do the fuck admire the nation that doomed us all
>all this sperging

I'm with you anon, nevermind the flag, as I said it's germany fault again even for that issue and also for not having been able to properly gas all the gipsies.
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Sorry for chimping out at you anon. I just don't want my country or Europe to enter into a point of no return.
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