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It works so 21 million Jews were killed in 4 years
>/leftypol/ shows up on queue
Haha John were did you find this one ?
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>tfw we didn't commit to operation unthinkable
Harris should have done it again all over the commies fucking heads
It works when it wins. Germany was a risky testing ground.
Just because you stomp on a flower doesn't mean it wasn't beautiful.

Look at what happened to Chile and South Korea they went from shit poor to doing alright. It is a great tool to jump start a country.
Communism, as postulated by Marx, has never been tried.

Fascism, as postulated by Evola, has never been tried.

What now, redditor?
Who cares about fascism. Its national socialism that created Germany's economic miracle. Free from jewish influence and free from mass starvation lmao
South Korea
Sweden (folkhemmet)
All of those are social democracies

But it did work.

You seem to have made this thread in reference to the same statement made of communism, it's never been tried before.

In communist countries economies collapsed, starvation was rampant and national people suffered and died in their millions often under brutal despots, without a war.

None of those things happened in Nazi Germany, they were invaded and lost a war, to the combined power of America, England and Russia no less, the fact they lost a war doesn't mean Fascism itself wasn't working.

They'd have been raped, the Reich at its peak was 10x as menacing as the allies minus the USSR and they still got crushed by them. Russkies would have gotten to Dunkirk in half the time it took Hitler.

US doesn't fight any wars where it can actually get fucked up.
lol that would have ended horribly for the british and americans
They are now and so are stagnating or dying one way or another. Before they were great countries and economic miracles.
Objectively, fascism is only a failure if you lose the war. I guess that's what keeps happening but I'm just saying, starving citizens or whatever doesn't count.
All had a fairly successful fascist period and transitioned due to changing political climate on the world stage and proved that fascism works.
leftypol is better than this. this is work of reddit.
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checked have some red pilled anime
Soviets could not put up a fight without someone backing them. Any conflict that dragged out for long would have seen the soviets capitulating to the West.
The Allies would have nuked Moscow.
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moving away from a fascist type government proves that fascism works?
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Possibly not. If the Allies had been able to weather the worst until the Soviets ran out of spare parts for their American trucks.
But those countries aren't fascist anymore so it obviously failed...

The United States was the sole nuclear power on the planet and the Soviet Union would have had no actual way to respond without committing itself to a costly land invasion of the United States. We could have turned everything west of the Urals into a moonscape if we had really wanted too.
>German monarchists were killed because they opposed Hitler's socialist reforms and wanted to reinstall the king
One doesn't need to be a lefty to be against you crypto commies. Hitler not only betrayed the people, but also Germany's very culture and history.
Show me an example of communism working...

Oh wait.
woah. one coutnry lost a war against almost the entire world. imagine my cock
And you honestly should have.

Fuck communism.
You live in a fascist socialst country you dumbass.
No, the United Kingdom is a democratic nation you retard.

the allies were not capabable of losing the amount of men that the russians could it would have been a blood bath and the british and americans would suffer causality's they had never known before
>he believe the lend lease meme

the only materials the russians needed was food really, allied tanks and weapons could not even compare to russian tanks and weapons, and by the wars end russias industry were in full production of everything else they needed
Its managed democracy, a police state and socialist.

Fascism lives on. In you.

Land lease made it easier for them but they'd have still prevailed. Just like the 2nd front, they'd have still won without it. And by the end of the war all of their production was running full steam.

While it's 100% true that the rest of the allies would be far too chickenshit to fight the Soviets without nukes, Soviets still wouldn't give a shit about Moscow being nuked. They nuked Moscow themselves for Napoleon and wouldn't have capitulated if Hitler took it since they moved most production further East by then. They were also in the process of getting nukes themselves and would have retaliated before the allies would have had a chance to end it.

We should have, our greatest mistake was allowing the Soviet Union to solidify its power after the war.
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>Implying Nazism doesn't work
>Shows Berlin after allied bombings
Really? Btfo even historians agree that Nazi Germany had the most civilized warfare in history, they managed to conquer territories with minimal infrastructure damage.

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Nukes would have evened things out and they certainly would have cared if their cities were nuked but nukes were delivered by plane back then. The Russians conventional forces far outnumbered allied conventional forces.

Ruskies probably feared concentrating their forces for an attack and the Americans probably needed that or they couldnt attack. Result was statemate.
But it's communism that destroyed this beautiful city. Look at the tanks.

The Germans did that and more and they didn't give a shit.

Soviets would have quickly cleared mainland Europe of Brits and US forces. Even if they got nuked a dozen times it would still pale in comparison to what the Germans did, and they had their own nukes on the way.
Why do you retards think that I'm advocating Communism?

Fascism and Communism are both equally as bad.
what purpose would that of had besides wasting more lives?

it would have been hilarious to see T34s and IS2 and IS3s destroying allied tanks but thank god they didnt as my grandfather would have died for sure
Fascism works as long as you're not defeated by countries with superior military capabilities.
You only had 2 nukes in 1945. In one year you could have produced only 2 or 3 nukes
Nuking Moscow wouldn't help you at all. Stalin would have just used chemicals to kill every allied troop in euope ans the UK. Nuking Russia would have just provoked them further.

Compared to Soviet military it was nothing. There's a reason they had to sit out the western front when Hitler was even remotely a threat and needed Soviets to take care of actual Jap forces in mainland China after dicking around random islands for 4 years. There's a reason the US let allies do the fighting in all its wars.
glorious machine isnt it?
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>*Blocks your path*
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>suffer causality's they had never known before
Probably not. Given the K/D ration of Soviet units vs Germans
American units actually fared pretty well against the Germans. Americans would have kicked the soviets shit in. You are delusional if you think otherwise.

>he believe the lend lease meme
>lend lease
>a fucking meme
/leftypol/ pls this is pure delusion.
The soviets produced 7 fucking locomotive trains during the course of the entire war. The Americans sent them almost 2000. Not to mention millions of pounds of supplies that they hauled to the front line.
Commie economies are a complete fucking joke. And they always will be.

Russians had more units, but the difference wasn't "huge"
It had a lot to do with how the Red Army organized their divisions.

Someone make a fucking meme of legolas pulling the arrow out of the dead dwarf in moria and throwing it down on the ground for this exact thread topic.

Have the arrow be a shittybait.jpg
The Empire was pretty good though right?

Nukes would have been the equivalent of massive city destroying air raids Germans did on Moscow and Stalingrad. Soviets would have just smiled and fought in the ruins like Russians did in Osowiec in WWI. They were used to war on a different level then the allies that sat it out.
No, they aren't you limey cunt. National Socialism is not Fascism.

Is stopping the spread of communism REALLY a waste of lives?
>American units actually fared pretty well against the Germans

I'm sure this has absolutely nothing to do to waiting to invade 2 years after the Soviets turned their tide and exterminated the best Germany had to offer.
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>what purpose would that of had besides wasting more lives?
To stop communism, the cold war and therefore all the proxy wars that followed. It created a great schism between superpowers.
I mean hell, Russia just hacked out election didn't they? They are still a threat :^)
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Fascism is a defeated ideology, not a failed one.Same for national socialism .

Communism lasted longer , in different countries and cultures and still failed.

Getting banned and tabooe'd immediately after war doesn't make it a failure.
how many nukes do you think they had? not enough to stop the russians, that is for sure.

you are comparing how the americans fared against the germans vs the soviets? all the battle hardened german units were sent east to fight the russians, it would have been a blood bath for both sides. i have never been to /leftypol/ im just stating the truth that the allies would be fighting a war with an enemy that is not on there last legs like the germans, american forces were in no way superior to the russians
You had to ship your military across an ocean and your allies were smashed. You could not have fought Russia in a conventional war in Europe due to logistics.

>USA only faces 15% of the Wehrmacht
>still lose 16 million soldiers
>the only materials the russians needed was food really
>allied tanks and weapons could not even compare to russian tanks and weapons

How are the Slavshit scrapheads going to get to the Allied troops without fuel, dipshit?
nigger in japan they waited half a centutury to even clean the place
>Dicking around on islands for 4 years

Holy fucking shit, you commies are actually this stupid.

How else do you expect American to get to Japan? Fly straight to Japan from America, drop some troops off, and job done? No. Do you have no grasp on the depth of the Pacific campaign, and the effort needed to control the waves, air, and land on the way to Japan? No, you don't.

Yeah, it made sense for the Soviets to push into China, you understand how Geography works?

>Do a quick Google search, of the amount of supplies needed by the USSR by the United States.

Ever question why you never see all the equipment sent to the Ruskies in their wartime photographs, it's because they were doctored, and removed. There's no way you can be THIS stupid.
>election hack meme

why stop communism when it stopped itself?

>what are the baku oil fields
Baku oil fields
>Who is Franco?
>Who is Salazar?
>Who is Pinochet?
>K/D ratio
On Eastern front total Axis casualties are 5,241,000 and their combat casualties are 4,482,000 and. Total Soviet military casualties
are 10,5 mln, but out of them only 7,051,000 are KIA, others died in german POW camps. Other 16 million casualties are civilians. There is no 10:1 k/d, it's not even 2:1
Russian tanks and material was superior to material shipped from USA from land lease
The US/UK had plans to rapidly retool West Germany for war. Plus the US economy was full swing into war time production. There was never a better time to do it.
Immediately after the war the Soviets gained as much strength as we had and their industry was completely rebuilt.

>forgetting about the entire Pacific campaign
Seems you have no idea why socialism "failed".
US deaths were 400k worldwide, around 2.5% of troops.
he believes all the US propaganda of MUH USA WON THE WAR
>They would have just smiled

Okay done with you now. Russians arnt Orcs.
Let put this in simple terms so your Socialist brain can comprehend my point:

*Baku Oil Fields here*
*Broken Down Trucks*
*Bombed Bridge*
*Slavshit """tanks""" that have no fuel*
*Massacred German Civilians*
*Frontline here*
>the soviets turned the ride
>the soviets exterminated the best Germany had to offer

was winter soviet in the 40s?
If I have $55, ad I need $45 to pay for something, and you give me that $45; Yeah, you technically had more money, but you still had to borrow 45% of your total cost.

Really thinks the thonker.

>how dare u underappreciate the 4 years of effort and casualties it took to get to Japan that combined compares to a 2 weeks of fighting on the Eastern front.

Burgers legitimately think dick jousting with nips compares to full on land based total war with millions of well equipped soldiers having clear attack lanes to go fucking anywhere.
Almost every nation since the bronze age lived in a system that could be considered fascist.
ussr have lost 1-1,3:1 against germans
and 1 : 1,4 against axis combined

western allies have lost 4 : 1 against germans

western soldiers had inferior equipemnt and training in comparison with ussr or germany (because both had high experience in land war). if you relly only on numbers without thinking at all lol.
It works untill monkeys much more numberous (UK, USA, USSR) unite forces and destroy this.

They were. Look up Attack of the Dead.
Give me the source for those numbers. They sound like complete bullshit.

> haha winter only affects germans not russians who are much more underequipped and bombed out
> winter went extinct after 1945, just ask al gore
>we were outnumbered rreeeeeee
weak argument
just to remind - it was Hitler who declared war on the USA, not wise versa
thanks to all the oil that the americans and british gave away to the russians along with the baku oil fields massive output of fuel the russians would have no problem reaching the front lines

>slavshit tanks

didnt the British use sherman tanks? one of the worse tanks of the war?
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Why do people assume USA won WW2?
Soviets won it

So much Hollywood brainwashing
I'm not going to sit here, and pretend with you that one is more hardcore! and tough! and the real men fight this kind of war!

I haven't said shit about any of the Soviet campaigns. I don't know why you commie idiots are so set out on trying to throw shit on American military achievements in the second world war.

"There were more people in this allotted amount of space, so this was definitely more dangerous and yeah, so shut up"
Don't talk shit about things you don't understand.
w-we helped too

They could just use whatever magic carpets they used to get to the front line in the first place since apparently all of their logistics would be gone with a snap of a finger, unlike the indestructible burger logistics that are 3000 miles of ocean
> on American military achievements in the second world war.
Because you came late to the European theater when the Soviets had already cleaned the mess

>2 fascist countries ally
>it takes the entire industrialized world (and most of the industrialized world) to defeat them

>10+ communist countries ally
>collapse from the inside

hmm wonder what the difference is?
i have no time, just open normal (non meme fag source) source about war casualties and see.

ussr have lost 8,7, axis - 12 (inclusng 7-9 germans), 90% of axis soldiers were killed by ussr.

before the end of 1944 western allies were losing 4 soldiers per 1 german, despite they fough 2nd sort inferior divisions, because all best divisions were in the east.
It's as simple as having an island conduct a test... idiots... fuckin human...
>Shlomo, we're talking of the pacific.

>When was the right time to make a landing? Please elaborate.
>dont talk shit about something you dont understand

i understand perfectly well that the sherman was a death trap on treads, even their own crews said so
>>2 fascist countries ally
You forgot to mention eastern european scum + finland + numerious volunteers from the occupied territories.
What's happening here?
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You're completely full of shit. Please do not reply to one of my excellent post again.
Post source or fuck off.

wow dude I bet you've seen 'Fury' like at least six times
Honestly this.
600 gorillion Jews are unlikely to just gas themselves in such a short period.
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>didnt the British use sherman tanks? one of the worse tanks of the war?

Do you see the two drums attached either side of the engine bay? One would be filled with spare fuel and the other would be completely filled with motor oil. Because the engine of the T-34 was so poorly designed and manufactured they needed more replacement oil than fuel. Tanks would often run out of motor oil well before running out of fuel - if they didn't spontaneously break down and/or burst into flames before that.

It's not about achievements, it's that burgers literally have no fucking clue about the scale of the war elsewhere and think because they managed to cuck some nips and leftover German kids they could have faced down Soviets.

Take whatever the fuck Britain and US faced on the Eastern front, replace them with the most elite troops, multiply the numbers by 5, give them a state of the art air force the best equipment and you get the force that Soviets beat.

You beat Japan and fought well? Good. That entire was less than the battle Stalingrad. Doesn't mean it was shitty, just much smaller.
>he really unironically believes that the sherman was a good tank

i stopped watching that movie the first time after the tiger part, educate yourself on how bad that tank was before talking shit about a country that actually produced tanks that could take on the germans
-Agent orange
-Bikini island nuke test
Totally worth it, enjoy your Calpihate and Orwellian police state faggot.
Though I'd say Churchill was the second most competent leader leader from the biggest war participants, not that it really matters when the rest are an Italian clown, a bunch of hilariously incompetent Americans (who had no long-term strategy as usual) and some mentally unhinged nips.
>Be Axis
>live for less than 10 years

>be USSR
>live from 1922 to 1991

Should i say more? If Axis won WW2, then it would be a matter of time, when they would collapse like USSR did.

But the only reason Fascism disappeared was because of war and forceful government change. Life was pretty good, for its time, (and would be just as enjoyable) in Nazi Germany, Fascist Spain, Japan. Upward mobility wasn't impossible like it was in every Eastern block country.

Tldr, yes it did work

>You forgot to mention eastern european scum + finland + numerious volunteers from the occupied territories.

you forgot to mention that those countries were invaded and conquered territory. It is a completely different scenario.

Scenario 1: you invade a country, huge losses on both sides, project power into the country and then force some of the occupied people to help you. Eventually, the might of the entire world overcomes your 2 countries, + the countries you successfully conquered.

Scenario 2: several countries have civil wars that don't involve you, these countries wreck themselves, then you give them supplies, then you all crumble from the inside.
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you have buthurt because i tell truth

western soldiers and generals were inferior both to german and ussr

they were only to make big numbers and firepower - like hungarians, italians or romanians etc in axis. germans even managed to counterattack allies in 1944-1945 LOL with 2nd sort divisions LOL
those are spare tanks, unlike the sherman the t34 ran on diesel, a less flammable fuel, your point that "HURR THE T34 NEEDS FUEL AND OIL" is literally autistic

KIA ratio against all axis on east front is 1:1.3 in favor of axis

against germans alone it was worse because germans were much better than romanians, italians etc

POVs is a separate story
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Because it was a good tank.

>source: his ass
I thought I asked you to find a source or to stop replying to me?
Well, there you have it. Don't waste time coordinating and supplying the French resistance.
Don't send a generation of men to die for them.
Just turn up on the last day with some chocolate and nylons then make some movies about it afterwards.
Very true, why I voted for Trump.
You don't get nuked and smile afterwords.
Produce enough tanks to overwhelm the Germans to be correct.

The USSR was still a shithole economically and Communism did serious damage to the people who lived under it. And ironically we are still better off than the Westerners thanks to top tier Soviet subversion and Stalin purging most of the kikes before WW2.
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8 planets full of jews were destroyed by hitlers space empire, why do you insist on your gests sir, the holocaust happened and you should feel shame.
Educate yourself. Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary, Slovakia and Finland were Germany's allies. Austria and Czechia were occupied without a singe shot. Almost the same about Denmark. Sweden and Spain were neutral, but actually were leaning to the german side. The only region where the Germans faced a serious partisan resistnce (excluding USSR) was Yugoslavia and Greece.
Alone at battle of bulge, USA lost 100k men to second hand nazi divisions
Nearly 1/4 of all their WW2 casualties during one single battle.
American/British Allied technological advances along with American wartime production would win in an imminent post-ww2 conflict between the two.

Soviets weren't even in the same playing field when it came to heavy bombers at the end of WW2, when compared to B-29s, which had the ready ability to be produced in wartime amounts.

We get it, the Soviet's had a lot of people, and were able to use their utter wholesale slaughter, as a tactic to buy them time.

This wouldn't be Germany, fighting multiple different fronts. The USSR would get the Allies undivided attention, with AT LEAST 5 years to spare.
>Commie thinks that having any concern for logistics is autistic

Really made my central nervous system do a thing
Facism in a Jew free world has never been tried
Also, dont forget the Germans were severely exploited the industrial and resourse potential of the occupied countries.
yes it was a good tank, it worked very well against jap tanks. but unfortunately the germans didnt make tincans on treads like the japs did. the only place the sherman truly excelled was in the pacific against an inferior enemy

soviet tanks actually shocked and destroyed the germans tanks though, no german was afraid of a sherman when they had panthers and tigers

the soviets had logistics what are you talking about? they did not need the allies to keep supplying there troops, you are actually retarded
Germans didn't really have multiple fronts. They concentrated 85% of their troops in the East.
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There was no hack, Russian hackers think America is stupid, and even I agree.
just open russian wikipedia it has links to all declassified sources

even english wikipedia states that western allies were losing 4:1 before 1945. such loses were against 2nd sort divisions LOL

google battle of bulge for example
Silly goy, it was 600 googooplex Jews.
Main economical problem of USSR was most of its republics, except Russia, Belarus and Baltics, everyone else was dependent on those three republics. And countries of Warsaw Pact were a major drain for Soviet Union too.
>Produce enough tanks to overwhelm the Germans to be correct.
Not really. The Sherman was designed to fight Pz.IVs directly. Sherman fared very well against Pz.IVs and even the few Panthers they faced.
They only ran into Tigers 3 time during their entire time in the western theater though. The threat from Tigers was massively overstated.

Stop talking out of your ass. Read my post and get learned on shit faglord.

Yes. And they are included in the figure I posted >>136443795
Do you have a point?
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It works when the fucking Zionists don't play puppet master.
Lend-Lease, the first major US charity for foreign niggers.

Soviets would have starved/freezed to death by the millions without American supplies. Also, your meme rockets were driven-around on the backs of Dodge and Studebaker trucks.
You always forget nukes
Italians had horrible officers and logistics, but weren't that bad soldiers. The German leadership didn't have a high opinion on Romanians, but their equipment was quite shit. We joined the war very reluctantly and mostly because we had no better alternative. And our troops sent to the Eastern front were horribly equipped, imagine biker corps wading through the mud in the Russian autumn and most of our soldiers freezing to death. Not that the Germans did two fucks about it. And the alternative was ending up as the Czechs and the Yugos, which seemed worse at that time. Guess it didn't seem that bad in retrospect when Hitler declared our capital to be held until the last man and the Soviets shelled everything what the Germans didn't blow up or the US didn't bomb to rubble.
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I hate commies but I will admit it is amazing that they didn't take the world with them as the USSR fell away into obscurity. Congratulate to that you heathens. Hail emperor, Hail Caesar, Hail Jesus
They had more than one front. Period.

Nice pulling the %85 out of your ass too. So, that was %85 across Army, Air Force, and even the Navy? Why would Germany post %85 of their Air Force on the Eastern Front, when they needed protection from CONSTANT allied bombings?

Nice try.
i read your post and pic and, it doesnt show any reason or proof that the sherman is better because anybody with less then half a brain knows that

nukes were not in large supply at that time
How many nukes did you have in 1945?

2 or 3?
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Here have some cure for your stupid in video format
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>no german was afraid of a sherman when they had panthers and tigers


>Except that is not true. There are in fact studies of tank vs tank combat based on repeated observations of numerous engagements. These are in fact scientific in nature and are much more valuable than singular eye witness accounts of dubious accuracy. The foremost of these is perhaps the US Army's Ballistic Research Lab (BRL) study in 1946, which covered every tank vs tank engagement fought by US 3rd and 4th Armored Divisions in 1944.

>And the results are really illuminating. Contrary to the vast majority of Internet literature, the report shows that the M4 Sherman, when fighting Panthers, notched a 3.6-1 kill rate in its favor. US Tank destroyers had a kill rate exceeding 10 to 1.
lend lease combined with pre war american aid to build factories in the USSR helped their motorization efforts so much
Main economical problem of the USSR was planned economics where everyone faked the numbers to match quotas. I don't know how much a drain were the Warsaw pact countries, we have financed our comfier version of Communism from Western loans, so instead of bread lines we got fuckhuge debts.
>foreign invasion
>somehow internal government type is to blame
oy vey
Germans didn't give a shit about allies invasion from the west. In the beginning of Barbarossa they were more concerned about the Balkan campaign than allied bombing in the west.

heres some proof that american crews even knew that the tank was bad

>USA lost 100k men to second hand nazi divisions

That's alright, the Nazis lost their entire country to second hand Anglo mutts and Slav drunks. :^)

Some "master race" they turned out to be.
General MacArthur and General Patton were redpilled, though.

Patton soon became fond of the Germans, and said "we attacked the wrong country". He wanted to invade the Soviets immediately after, but he died in a jeep crash.

MacArthur led the US forces later in the Korean War, and wanted to nuke China, but Truman wouldn't let him.

Soviets had a much greater discrepancy in air force against the Germans at the beginning of the war. They faced a discrepancy in tanks as well until the T-34 was introduced. If you think fucking B-29 would have made the difference when the Soviets built an air force superior to the Luftwaffe from zero in a couple years you're completely out to lunch. They already had plane production set up, they could contest the skies with interceptors for the month or two that it would take them to match the B-29 if they decided that was what was needed. Outrageous? Well that's how fast they reacted to cutting German innovations to survive.

Again, you just don't have a concept of what the Eastern front was like. Allies' presence in Europe was nowhere near as powerful as that of peak Germany, and the Soviets in 1945 were much more powerful than the USSR that broke Germany in '42/'43.

The left told me White Male Civilization is inherently fascist and that worked out breddy gud.
I'm done replying to your idiocy. Why did I expect anything different. Germany KNEW for a FACT that an invasion was coming. WHY would they NOT care?
they provided numbers to sit in trenches and shoot with artillery

it was essential to hold front while good divisions were concentrated on breakthrough

hitler and nazism (as an ideology and economy) are shit btw, but their land armies were much stronger than western allies. it is true.
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>Fascism doesn't work
sure thing
Replacing your car doesn't always mean that your previous one failed and if you've managed to get decades of good performance then it certainly is a proof of success.
only redpilled one was macarthur

>Educate yourself.

how about you do the same my jewish friend.

USSR at the time of Barbarossa included eastern europe - so saying excluding the ussr is excluding the entire eastern front. Secondly, Finland fought the Soviets - they didn't give a useful amount of aid to Germany except to stop the Soviet advance into their own country, which was of course out of their won motivations. Spain didn't do shit, Germany was sending supplies to help Franco during the civil war and Spain was far to weak and fucked up to do much in WW2. Sweden allowed German army to move about in its territory, that's it. Bulgaria, Hungary and Solvakia were dual invaded w/ Germany USSR at the beginning of the war how can you not know this?

And this

>The only region where the Germans faced a serious partisan resistance

you realize that they faced the soviet army in the east right? They faced partisan resistance as the soviet army retreated following a string of military defeats. What do you think happened during WW2?
Because Barbarossa was far more important?

Again, burgers have no clue of what the Eastern front was like. Germans basically nuked every large Soviet city they could. You could have dropped 5 years worth of nukes and the Soviets might have thought they were going through deja vu
They were, but they didn't accomplish shit when their country had democratically elected cucks as presidents. I hate Communism with a passion, but I have to give a lot of credit to Stalin, after the initial difficulities he turned the tide of the war and basically added Eastern Europe to his Empire and you just let him do that.
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>that video
>hurr durr so scared of Panthers and Tigers
Again. Sherman had a positive k/d against the Panther. Literally 30 seconds in the video I linked you.
And they only ran into 3 tigers during the course of the entire war. One of those 3 was two tigers being loaded onto rail cars, and the Shermans won the other two engagements.
Watch the link I sent you, it disproves everything you have claimed you stupid dumb commie fuck.

They dropped the ball horribly, could have ransomed every country they let go of for billions of dollars. It was the largest conventional withdrawal in the history of the world in return for NOTHING.
wow you sure showed me how superior the sherman is to russian tanks, its not like the russians had to face the bulk of german heavy tanks or anything like that, but hey the shermans faced 3 tigers in the whole war soviets btfo
>Bulgaria, Hungary and Solvakia were dual invaded w/ Germany USSR
Czechoslovakia was invaded, Czechs became a protectorate, Slovakia became a puppet state. Hungary was a very reluctant ally of Germany, we've only joined the war in 1941 due to German pressure and no other options and our PM commited suicide after we attacked Yugoslavia because he knew we will lose. And Germany had to send occupyig troops in the spring of 1944 because we still wanted to quite the war/switch sides, but obviously on the condition that we get liberated by the Western Allies.
>when the Soviets built an air force superior to the Luftwaffe from zero in a couple years

Please see my post back here (which you probably didn't read before because you're LARPing the effects of malnutrition)

>Plus rubber for their tires, all their aluminum
>Aerocobras, P40s, C-47 and A-20's (18000+)
>Well over half the luftwaffe was engaged in the west from 1942-45, and 75% of German aircraft casualties were against the Western Allies
Well, you could say that facism failed due to external forces rather than internal ones... THough I think that argument is flawed
That's the argument commies use for the USSR failing.
West Europe wasn't tank country. Germany was right to not deploy their Tigers there.
American tankers still faced a lot of AT guns. Lost of 75mm ones and even stationary 88mm.
Just needs a stronger military and a more defensible homeland.
it shows how concerned the germans were with such a superior tank
>win the war thanks to anglo lend-lease and hurdling millions of impoverished mongoloid conscripts into the meat grinder

dude communism STRONK lmao
What is it with you and common sense?
If something is important to me, does that mean nothing else can be important to me as well?

Just on the bomber part, B-29s were pressurised. Soviets had 0 operational or mass production ready pressurised interceptors. What i'm talking about is what the US ACTUALLY had READY, not what could have been done, or anything else.

We could argue all day about what each side could have made, could have done, should have done, but all I can go off of is what America had at the very END of ww2.
>canada even talking in this thread

go be useless somewhere else

Yes, because the Soviets would have been unable to reprioritize and produce in the tire and jet fuel sectors they offloaded to the allies in exchange for solely occupying Hitler for 3 years.

Again, since you're clearly larping the effects of paki cock, they started the war with the Germans having nearly total air superiority and being able to bomb anything they wanted at will.
Canada is a marxist state, so stop talking Pierre
>my jewish friend.

>everyone who disagrees with me is a jew
cringe t b h

>Finland fought the Soviets - they didn't give a useful amount of aid to Germany except to stop the Soviet advance into their own country, which was of course out of their won motivations

Anway, they distracted a number of soviet divisions from the main frontline.

>Spain didn't do shit,
Blue division + trade. Yes, not much, but still it's more than nothing.

> Sweden
Sweden supplied the germans with metals which was important for the german economy.

>Bulgaria, Hungary and Solvakia were dual invaded
Stories from a parallel world?

>you realize that they faced the soviet army in the east right? They faced partisan resistance as the soviet army retreated following a string of military defeats. What do you think happened during WW2?

Our original disscusion was about "it was Germany +Italy vs the whole world". But in fact, almost the whole continental Europe either worked for the germans (being occupied, yes) or was neutral but inderectly supporing them.
Imagine willingly giving up your Empire because of Churchill's bloodthirst? Imagine having done so and now realizing that if you knew now what you should have then you would have never taken arms against the only people trying to free you from your chains?

Only to be replaced decades later.
Patton hated kikes too. He said the Jews were lower than animals. It's all im the patton papers.

Would be no surprise if the high command staged the "accident" that crippled and eventually killed him.
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Yes. It means it worked so well, that the problem was solved, only for the plebs to fuck it up again.

t. Chile
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Actually, the USSR started Operation Barbarossa with slightly more than 3 times as many military aircraft than the Axis. The Germans won air superiority because Soviet doctrine and planning were utter shit.
in the east war was on the land.

artillery makes 25x more damage than all bombers combined.
No empire lasts forever.

Our colonies are some of the best countries in the world.

So you think the US/Brits just carpet bomb the Soviets into submission? Soviets can't shoot the bombers down at all even with their anti air defense or zerg rush the airfields with 10,000 heavy tanks so those bombers have nowhere to land?

It's a miracle the Viet Cong was able to shoot down so many untouchable American planes.

And if you go off of what Germany had at the start of Barbarossa the Germans win the war in 3 months. Soviets didn't have T-34 then.

Those planes were destroyed in the opening hours of the war. They had to rebuild everything from scratch including their doctrine.
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It's intellectually dishonest to label something that was forcibly crushed a "failed system", implying that a nation bombed into collapse during war is comparable to a system imploding politically during peace-time. The Soviet system failed, as did the Roman Empire, and every Chinese or Ottoman dynasty. Some of these examples of government lasted thousands of years, while some didn't last more than a generation. All forms of government inevitably fail. This has been true since ancient times. Polybius famously articulated this process of Anacyclosis: social organization paradigms rise, fail, and give way to further systems. This is the cycle of history.

Fascism is not a failed system, it was a defeated system: A.) it was not an economic system, but a social one; B.) the so-called "failed system" had a control group: the US. Germany, Italy, and the US were operating under Keynesean policies; only one of them won the war, and experienced a massive period of growth once their industrial rivals were destroyed. So no, it wasn't a failed system, because both sides were using it, including the side that won.

Eh, Patton was your typical aggressive American drill sergeant type hailed as a red pilled demigod but who in reality would have lasted all of 2 weeks on the Eastern front. Rokossovsky took shits more formidable than Patton.
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How was this not posted?
Then, not now.
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It's actually amazing how good the German Military was
Rush what airfields? Why would B-29s be stationed at airfields within distance of Russian tanks? You know these are.... long distances bombers..... right? I'm not talking about invencible bombers. Just giving an example of why the USSR would loose in that situation.

It's kind of a microcosm of why they would win. Technology, and manufacturing capabilities of those technologies.


Really, how old are you kid?
the germans were advanced compared to the russians and look what happened to them
longer distance = less bombs & need to pass 4-5 air defence regions

they will drop 0 bombs on target
Took 10 days to make one nuke. We could have also utilized China to launch an attack on the eastern part of Russia. You commies are delusional.
if the germans could launch a half asses offensive at the end of the war on their last legs the russians would have no problem doing 10x the damage that the germans did
Taking out the French army (which was bigger than Germany's) combined with the British expeditionary force in a few weeks is honestly a military miracle.
Sorry for the multiple different replies, but the response of, "10,000 HEAVY TANKS RUSHING AN AIRFIELD!" when you realise you don't have any pressurised interceptors, is similar to children whenever they're playing with each other and one does a fighting move against the other, and then the other child says, "Oh yeah! Well what if I did this!", and continues to do some ridiculous nonsensical move to counter it with.

Just thought i'd throw that in.
you seem to be quite delusional as well. thinking the americans would have anywhere near the success they had against the germans and italins against the russians, we will never know now but the odds are against the americans, anybody can brag about beating an enemy that was already half dead

>crippled german kids throw back le best american and british units at battle of the bulge
>soviets can't do anything with 20x the attacking power

Let me guess if things get too heated Superman flies in and saves the day right?
it isnt much of a miracle really when both countries were incompetent, it is the british and frenchs fault that the war started all together
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Right, so they didn't *start* the war like that. Things happened like that because of Soviet stupidity. And then the Allies rebuilt their airforce or provided the raw materials/machine tools/parts.

0 pressurised USSR interceptors = no air defense until you get to bombing level over your target.

Why do the bombers either have to be taking off from bases 2 miles from the USSR front line, or 5,000 miles away? Wouldn't it make sense for them to take off somewhere sensible?

No, of course not.
Then you would be wrong.
>western soldiers had inferior equipment compared to USSR
This is embarrassing

> Ignore history of war on the eastern front and hard counters repeatedly developed by each side every month
> Ignore overwhelming soviet land forces
> Ignore existing soviet airforce
> Ignore soviet AA capabilities

Those German kids must have been able to hold out for a year after D-Day because the pressurized bombers kept crashing into each other
how is the germans destroying the soviet aircraft while they were still on the ground in a surprise attack soviet stupidity?

i know right, the americans could have done better if they tried hard enough maybe not so the british and french
>you must be 18 to post here

What's your problem, do you have an inferiority complex?

When did I ever say that the Soviet ground forces were shit? Or miniscule? I didn't.

I'm just giving you the outcome, with everything that you're saying taken into account. Holy shit, man.

It wouldn't be a fucking cake walk. It would be hard fought, they're both good fighters.

Good God, give it a fucking break.

> Those Soviets should have been smart like the French and all the other smart nations that had success fighting a land war against the Germans.

Soviets had their share of insane stupidity at the beginning of the war but at least unlike the Brits and frogs they tried strategies other than crying and running away.
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>what purpose would that of had
>that of had
your land forces were inferior
you would lose all land battles with catastrophic casualties like 5 :1 or even more including captives

and your armies were not numerous.

anglos were lose against continental powers and they always come in the end, google napoleon, ww1 or ww2.

they had both
they had high attitude long distance bombers in 1936. They even used one to fly over nazis to London for megotiations. lol

long distance bombers had ZERO sence in the eastern front.

their air defence was superior and consisted of both interceptors and different cannons.

you simply will not be able to pass it from long distance, all bombers in east were located close to front to drop as much as posible in short time during the battle.

long distance bomber will be easy useless target.
here let me dumb that down for you, what purpose would a war with the soviets have had

B-29s were almost never used in Europe. There were no need.You don't need high altitude bombers when you have total air superiority. I'm not saying their a super weapon, i'm just giving a fucking a small example.

AA can't hit High Altitude Bombers as well.
Existing Soviet Air Force has no high altitude pressurised interceptors.

Admit is, the American Air Force has the USSR bested.

You're not taking a single thing into account except taking whatever miniscule advantage the allies had in a particular area due to fighting a different type of war and pretending it's the deciding factor.

Germans had the equivalent of le pressurized bombers for over a year when the Soviets had no airforce that could shoot them down and they bombed every city they wanted to every day.
It seems that for the first year of the war all the Red Army did was cry and run away. Well they tried to run away as best as they could but the lack of fuel due to poor logistics made that difficult.
You do realise we are talking about a Post ww2 fight between the USSR and Allies correct?

What the fuck are you talking about the usefulness of high-altitude pressurised bombers on the western front against Germany in ww2 for? They were useless in that situation, because the allies had total air superiority.

You're shit is so retarded, i'm actually done replying to you.
Okay, man. You win.

Happy now?
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False equivalency. Fascism and national socialism were destroyed because their respective host countries lost the war. A nation's fate in war does not validate or invalidate ideologies nor policies, otherwise we'd have to say democracy doesn't work because a democratic country like France was defeated in war as well. The thing with communism is that its economic model proved unsustainable in every single major country where it was tried (e.g. Soviet Union collapsing, China evolving to de-facto state capitalism), with millions upon millions of people starving throughout the communist experiment.
There are no Fascist countries left. They have all either been destroyed, or have become democracies.

The only thing that Fascism has contributed to is the deaths of millions of whites.
Stalin supposedly expected Hitler to uphold their pact. After the German attack he withdrew to his dacha and was drinking for a week or so. He also purged the Soviet military leadership before the war broke out, and its consequences were quite severe during the Winter War. But he got his shit together, appointed competent generals (some who were brougt back from the gulags), appealed to the Russian people's patriotism in the propaganda and even ordered Orthodox icons to be carried around in processions in Moscow and Leningrad during the German siege. Oh and he actually listened to his advisors and generals and didn't consider himself a military genious like Hitler did. You should stop viewing Russians as just a bunch of stupid subhumans with only numbers on their side, they usually had quantity and a qualified (if ruthless) leadership during their history.

Of course it did. American carrier force had Soviet navy bested as well. Germans at the beginning of Barbarossa had Soviets bested in everything after smashing half their army to pieces.

Do you have any idea how superior German air force was to the Soviet air force for most of the war? Rudel knocked out 519 tanks, that's one German bomber who destroyed more Soviet tanks than allies probably destroyed German tanks over the entire course of the war. You had Hartmann shoot down over 300 Soviet planes. They were far from the only ones. Yet Soviets still won.

Even if B-29s are completely untouchable and Soviets decide they don't want to advance their AA/air force (something they did after the war, but for whatever reason they decide against it here), they still shrug off the several thousand vehicles destroyed and take continental Europe.
the british know a lot about running away as well, is the only reason you can state as to why the red army is inferior is logistics?
and even then you are still wrong

wrong person i think man
allies had total air superiority near the end of war because nazis were fucked in 1943-44 in the land. they were more concerned about tanks, infantry weapon, guns, frontline bombers etc. whole europe manufactured this shit for them.

the reason why nazis lose was on the land only. they could use 20 mln industrial workers under their control and >100 millions of european slaves and farmers and shit to manufacture planes.

ussr always had stronger land army then western allies. before and after the war.
Hello fellow sentient being.
How do you cope with this board?
I use alcohol.

USSR beat Germany, Germany better than America/Allies, so USSR win.

Is that your formula?
when germany itself was superior to all the other countries and the USSR still won, it is easy to come to the conclusion that america who was not as good as germany in terms of military power would lose
lol even more

20 mln were only in germany and austria, add here other axis countries
K, just making sure.

Actually they fought despite Germany having even greater superiority. The defenders of Brest fortress alone held out longer and did more damage than all of Britain in the opening of the war. That's 50 slavs with rifles. The war started off with Germany having more of an advantage than Hitler could have dreamed of and they still couldn't take Moscow because the Soviets were fighting to the last man even when their superior officer had no fucking clue. That type of patriotism and heroism is an utterly foreign concept to you paki rapebait. I mean, you literally made a movie that glorifies Brits crying for mummy to sail across the English channel and take them away from scawy wawwr.
i admire your patriotism though, but your knowledge of the war needs work
Right, wanted to quote the Anglo.

Considering you interpret Fascism as a broad term, why don't you talk about Spain, Portugal or South-America?

> America waited for Stalin to break Hitler, jumped in 3 years after it would have made a difference, struggled mightily against the shittiest Germany had to offer, but clearly fare well against a force 5-10x that because le meme bomber.

Is that yours?
>Spain, Portugal or South-America

Those are democracies now.
Are you role playing rn, or is this serious?
his info is not wrong
>patriotism and heroism
remind me what the penalty was for refusing to serve in the red army
Not an ideological or political argument. Citing a purely historical fact and blaming it solely on one specific ideology doesn't work at all in this case.
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If you're an ism that has actually worked ever please step foward. Ah ah ah, not so fast *insert ism that isn't capitalism*

> that platoon fighting to the death after being totally cut off for 3 months must be really scared of being court martialed.

t. americuck
are you saying if your country was invaded you wouldnt take up arms against the invader?
Difference is that one collapsed due to external pressure, while communism keeps collapsing due to internal problems.

>literally can't repeal Obamacare because most of the country is scared shitless with replacing that bit of socialism with capitalism.
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Well done, that's 9 dead Reds for every dead and wounded German

> Do u even Tactical Nuke the violators of the NAP on your private property bro
That fortress was completely surrounded for months. It's honestly amazing how long the Reds held out. Some true heroism right there.
>hurr what is the Roman Empire
>hurr what is the Kingdom of Prussia
>hurr what is the German Empire

the only reason Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy didn't last was because the entire fucking world declared war on them, it had nothing to do with the mechanics of their politics
My last reply.

You keep making the comparison against Germany's peak against the allies. That is incorrect, since in your formula, the USSR is better than Germany, that why they won. So I just compared a microcosm of USSR vs USA/Allies, but you keep trying to go back to "BUT GERMANY". Why is a German comparison needed if the USSR was all around better? Why can't we just compare US/Allies to the USSR?

Really joggs the nog.

Stupid reds, they should've asked for their moms to ferry them across the river away from the scary German artillery and made a tearjerking movie about it.
>"stop being fascist or we'll fucking nuke you like we did with japan"
>"jesus alright"
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>Yanks can't into logistics
Go back to bed seamus.
I agree. Churchill, FDR, and Truman were retarded.
fascism is not synonymous with authoritarianism
>17 thousand germans vs 9 thousand russians
>takes the germans a week to achieve total victory
Og works quite well until you have all three superpowers against you.
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Reposting because of the massive newfag immigration.
It's intellectually dishonest to label something that was forcibly crushed a "failed system", implying that a nation bombed into collapse during war is comparable to a system imploding politically during peace-time. The Soviet system failed, as did the Roman Empire, and every Chinese or Ottoman dynasty. Some of these examples of government lasted thousands of years, while some didn't last more than a generation. All forms of government inevitably fail. This has been true since ancient times. Polybius famously articulated this process of Anacyclosis: social organization paradigms rise, fail, and give way to further systems. This is the cycle of history.

Fascism is not a failed system, it was a defeated system: A.) it was not an economic system, but a social one; B.) the so-called "failed system" had a control group: the US. Germany, Italy, and the US were operating under Keynesean policies; only one of them won the war, and experienced a massive period of growth once their industrial rivals were destroyed. So no, it wasn't a failed system, because both sides were using it, including the side that won.
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>22 June - 29 June
>Dying pointlessly because a political officer will shoot you if you don't is *true* heroism

It's a shame the Red Army couldn't procure boats or trucks unless they were given them by the Allies or they stole them from Europeans
Italy was Fascist, not Germany and was far from it

Germany actually fought both sides, so it makes sense to see use them since you have a rough comparison for how each side fared instead of your "LE EPIC BATTLE SIMULATOR 1 B-29 VS 100 IS-2s". I'm sure Patton and the rest would have very much gone all "BUT GERMANY" if trying to gauge how to fight the Soviets.

If you want a direct comparison, you have the USSR facing a much weaker land force, with all their logistics coming from across the sea.
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>mfw an irishmen is smarter then a brit

do you think that logistics is easy when you are fighting a war across the ocean on another continent?
to be fair, if the anglos hadnt interfered on the west, the USSR could've been defeated
>Harris should have done it again all over the commies fucking heads

In addition to krauts whining about rapings, there would be anglos and american babboons doing the same.

Shame though, that soviets were humanistic cucks.
USSR was liberated by the time anglos interfered and the interfered so that the USSR didn't end up taking all of Europe
thats not even a 100% guarantee

do you have any proof of any of your claims that the russians couldnt produce shit without allied help? do you think the russians werent preparing for the eventuality that aid would stop?
The Third Reich didn't invade the USSR at its peak, you mongoloid. It was fighting a two-front war.
The predecessor, Prussia, was even more impressive
>operation Barbarossa 22 June 1941
>D DAY 6 June 1944

the germans were at their peak when they invaded the soviet union you retarded leaf. where is this second front??? do you mean africa?

>light dick jousting in africa constitutes a whole fucking front

This is why you anglos would have been wiped out leaf.
>thats not even a 100% guarantee

no shit, all of alternate history is not a 100% guarantee because we can never know what would've happened
Africa,Norway and the garrison forces on the Balkans and France.
not even close to a second front, all these places had no where near as many german troops commited to fighting as in russia a second front has actual large scale fighting not small skirmishes
But it did work, germany was in the gutter and so was italy before facism and they ended up as massive industrial and research powers, getting bombed to shit by the eternal anglo and overrun by hordes doesnt mean your ideology is shit it means the world is shit.
Norway alone had around 300 000 garrison forces for the rest of the war which could have made a significant change.
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>germany was in the gutter

That's because the first world war had just ended you retard.
Is that a typhoon by any chance?
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>Little pecker sherman cannons against big dick IS tanks
jej I'm not even sure if American and British tanks could even penetrate them, it would had taken a miracle in close air support to win that battle
norway was already won by the time the germans invaded the soviet union, it was an occupation force which only faced small scale resistance. the same as in france, germany invaded the soviet union with over 3 million soldiers and would call for more if needed which they did
We are talking about late 20's. Also that is no excuse who imposed the Versailles treaty?
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Nobody's made that argument. Fascism worked fine and it got destroyed for successfully evading the jew and its puppeteer grip.
lol, shermans would just scratch the paint
Facism can get your country out of a state of complete disrepair after a world war
Communism can bankrupt the country with the biggest oil reserves in the world.
Yeah man
Why did you abandon your entire R&D in aviation. Did a liberal goverment fuck with military budget?
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how cute
The point is that many divisions were tied up on occupation duty in the rest of Europe. Many German historians contest that if say, that one Panzer Division in France had been sent to the front in Stalingrad then things would have turned out very differently or had the Luftwaffe not had to defend the Reich and bomb Britain then German operations in the east might have been more successful. The German occupation of an entire continent actually made it harder for the men on the Eastern front. All those resources and men tied down for an eventual invasion of Western Europe that the Germans don't know for sure is even coming. Had Germany gotten any one of the peace deals she offered in 1940 to Britain and garrisoning Western Europe no longer was a problem then the Eastern front could have possible been over in the actual time Hitler allotted for it in Operation Barbarossa.
Actually fascism as an economy was pretty good, the problem is that Mussolini was a glory hound.
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You retard.
That tank was a gasoline eating failure, even worse than the Tommy cookers.
The only good tank the Americans managed to create was the M26 Pershing, but it was really, really late.
dont bother, he thinks that the sherman was a good tank as well
Fascism always failed due to external reasons (e.g. Berlin being overrun with Russians). Communism fails on its own.
Isnt the pershing a glass cannon?
Well it was good against shitty German tanks with no slopes and mediocre armor

Slave labour in an economy is always good from an absolute standpoint.
i doubt that the 300.000 would had that much of a difference
and those were mostly germen light tanks while the sherman was a medium tank, he was trying to argue that the sherman would be able to fare against T34s and IS2 and 3s
>falls on its own after 50 year trade deprevation, military stalemate and constant proxy wars. not really communisms fault that it causes capitalists to grow "principles"
Read a book soft lad.
Oh no trade depravation! its not like the soviet union had the majority of earth's resources or anything.
i have read many about the war
The USSR didn't need to engage in proxy wars. It itself was supporting revolutions in foreign countries, which bred these proxy wars.
>trade deprivation
More like idiotic leaders who enjoy implementing policies that starve millions of people.
It was an improvement, compared to the Sherman tuna cans
>shitty German tanks with no slopes and mediocre armor
So Pz III only?
>a nation that innovated technology and changed the world by sending it into the future is a failure because we sacrificed 60 million Europeans to stop them from existing
I hate Brit's so fucking much
And IV
AKA the vast majority of German tanks.
The panther came too late, they should had used that slope for the pzIII and IV but I guess Hitler didnt bother spying the inferior designs of subhuman slavs right?
Pz IV vs Sherman was a completely fair fight,
>Hitler didnt bother spying the inferior designs of subhuman slavs right
Redesigning a tank is not a simple task, you need new machines in the factory first, you know? Lots of Hummels, Stgs and even the King Tiger used sloped armor.
how do you think american tanks would have fared if they decided to turn and fight the soviets after the germans were defeated?
Horribly. Pershing was good, but it wasn't mass produced, and compared to Russian tanks it was a glass cannon.
T-34s would've eaten the Shermans alive.
Also, by 1945, Russian tankers actually had some experience against heavy tanks.
wasnt the pershing the only american heavy tank as well?
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bender bends a child.jpg
21KB, 500x375px

OP that's like saying my sandwich didn't taste good because somebody grabbed it and tore it to pieces before I could even take a bite.

Communists already ate their sandwiches, all of them sucked and were thrown up, North Korea is still slowly gnawing on his as he tried not to gag, and they keep saying "w-well maybe the next sandwich will actually have non rotten condiments this time!"
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