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Success Academy Charter schools

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Success Academy Charter.jpg
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Can someone get some IQ researchers to check out these Success Academy Charter Schools? They're virtually all black kids from ghettos and they score like Asians on tests.

Something is going on here. The Black IQ average of 85 shouldn't allow this to happen, especially when the kids are going form poor families.

Why the hell hasn't someone given these kids and their families IQ tests? This could be critical for understanding race and IQ and no one to my knowledge has tested these kids.
you have to be stupid to take iq tests so seriously
Its called dumbing down the tests
But testing the Success Academy kids is the ultimate test of the "Black IQ can't change we've been trying for years to change it so it must be genes" argument.

If its shown the kids have low IQ then something fishy is going on with the test scores and someone is doing something illegal.

If it shows the kids have high IQs then a lot of the alt-right suddenly have egg on their face.
But don't they take take the same state wide exams as the other white schools in New York City? They've been outscoring even those to my knowledge.

Say the tests are dumbed down. They're still scoring competitively compared to other white students taking those dumbed down tests.
This is important, so bumb
Who would have thought actually giving a shit about the children, discipline in the school and funding it properly would have results
>If it shows the kids have high IQs then a lot of the alt-right suddenly have egg on their face.

Part of me wants this to be true because maybe there alternative education practices would become more widespread and some kids wouldn't have to suffer the way I did in Jr HS and HS.
Bringing the kids up in a good environment and making sure they're properly fed probably gives them a couple extra points.
Wow so when black kids have a supportive family unit they do well? Wooow

Almost like this tranny, gay, single woman bullshit is ruining every race

Go to a white charter school and they'll have higher test scores than black charter schools. This is all just because it's a fucking specialized charter school and probably dumb down tests.
Not really, the alt-right advocates "the bell curve".

Theres still smart black people, theyre just a lower percentage of the population.
Reasonable hypothesis, but it should be tested for verification.
Average black parent that sends their child to a serious charter school is already at the higher end of the bell curve for blacks.

>surprised when selecting the very top of a race produces high test scores

Charter schools can enforce zero-tolerance discipline policies and generally put creating an atmosphere conducive to learning higher on the priority list than other public schools where no can be kicked out and political correctness hampers the enforcement of proper discipline
This is what I want to see. I want to have this whole system tested to find out what is going on.

But they're chosen from a lottery. There's no selection going on there. I've heard that their attrition rate is slightly higher than the average, so there is a small selection effect but not to the point where it can explain these scores.

Something is going on.
Selection for talented blacks. The average IQ of American blacks is 85, but there's a lot of them, so there should be a decent number towards the higher ends of the bell curve. I actually fully support anything that gets talented blacks away from negative peer effects, it means one less nignog in prison or on welfare using tax dollars.
If you behave like a nignog you probably get expelled.
How do they select for students? How are these kids graded? How meaningful and rigorous is the material?

>They're virtually all black kids from ghettos and they score like Asians on tests.

Are they taking the same tests as Asians? This is important.
>no diversity in that pic except a mudshark bitch
So you are telling me that they have zero admissions criteria at all? They'll even accept minors with pre-existing criminal behavior?

They even accept black kids that are behind a grade due to being retarded?

I think they, and you(maybe not intentionally) are downplaying the selection effect of what they are doing.

I can all but guarantee that the "slightly higher attrition rate" is actually a dramatically increased attrition rate, where they run out the trouble makers ASAP.

It's also been said, but how high is "high", it's already been shown that blacks can on average score relatively high (but still well below whites).
>Selection for talented blacks.

I'm doubting even that. I'd imagine the material is completely dumbed down. Do they sit the kids in beanbag chairs all day and have them play with iPads for 6 hours and then send them home? Good job, little Dwayne! You showed up to school 2 out of the 5 days this week! A+ for you!
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the exams not administered internally they don't take, or fail really badly. those internally without much oversight they do very well on.


Do they cheat on tests like asians?
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Half of them will be mommas, in jail, or bullet holed by their 19th birthday.

>But they're chosen from a lottery.
You're correct about this but for a nigger parent to care enough to actually go down to the dept. of education building and enter a lottery for their kid or however it's done in this instance still puts them far ahead of the average. Most niglets grow up with a single mother who thinks teaching her kid anything is not her responsibility, it's the schools.
Niggers aren't even mentally capable of getting away with cheating

>Success Academy Charter Schools, originally Harlem Success Academy, is a charter school operator in New York City. (((Eva Moskowitz))), a former city council member for the Upper East Side, is its founder.

Hmm, I'm sure these niggers are just being turned into super geniuses in these schools
They take the black kids from the far right portion of the bell curve. Basically they collect up all of the outliers and put them in an environment where they can succeed instead of being held back by their chimp brothers.
Oh look, it's literally just another trick to get high scores on specific tests, but not actually learn anything gimmick.
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>Something is going on here
It's called cherry picking half white niggers and then lying about test results
There is some selection, anon. The kids/families select the school, which indicates that they probably already value education much more than it is valued in the average black community. You're going to have to account for that.

>I can all but guarantee that the "slightly higher attrition rate" is actually a dramatically increased attrition rate, where they run out the trouble makers ASAP.

There is a charter school in my town that uses the attrition rate to up its average test scores. The students who wash out are not replaced, then the principal goes on to tout their methods while not telling the entire story. I'm fine with "elite" schools washing kids out who can't hack it, but be honest about it for fuck's sake. Otherwise, other charter schools looking to imitate the methods with demographics that don't match up, it will be a failure.
Yep. Those who enter the lottery are already the cream of the crop. The shitty students could enter the lottery too, they're free to do so, but don't because neither they nor their parents give a shit about the kid's education.
They aren't even cherrypicking. They're just ignoring a multitude of factors. The students are just as stupid. Whoever is administrating these schools and the media are just very selective of what data they release

Oops, forgot to tag:
grade school children lol.
just wait for the drop off in a middle school to half the amount of kids, high school to half them again until by the time they graduate there will be like 3 black kids and like 60 percent Asian's and 30 percent white students. We Wuz Gifted en shit
This. It's basically like every other American high school but they're employing even more tricks to disguise the fact that they're not really teaching the students shit. It's a wonder when I would walk into my college mathematics courses and half the class can't even multiply fractions.
>How do they select for students?


>How are the kids graded? How meaningful and rigorous is the material?

They take the same statewide tests the others schools take.

This pdf even shows the results broken down by race. They score competitively with Asians and Whites.http://successacademies.org/app/uploads/2015/08/SA_StateTestResults_2015_081315.pdf

Now THIS is interesting. I take it the regents test isn't the same as the statewide tests reported in the pdf? How is it different? Is it any harder than the other tests?

That's a rather small selection effect though. Even a 75 IQ parent should be able to grasp "this school better than others. Me want enter child".
Yeah, this is illegal in the UK and schools get Special Measures when they're caught.

Only trust independent, off-site marked testing.

> teach the test

It's a problem in certain schools with standardised testing where kids are ONLY taught the information that will be on the test and they do it over and over and over until they memorise it. Then they are tested on it and get High scores.

But those kids will never be able to apply the info they have learned, because it is just info, not knowledge. They don't understand why things work or how. They don't learn critical thinking skills or foresight or problem solving to be able to apply what they learn in the real world.
So what are they doing different in these schools? I have yet to see a footage of a classroom. What mysterious new teaching methods are they using to get these kids to pass their tests?
Hell if I know Anon. I'm just as skeptical about this whole thing as anyone here. All I know is that they're supposedly big on discipline. They make the kids run laps. It's very military like.
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>grade school children lol
We already have niggers "inventing" clocks and lego-like assembled computer, next it's a Nobel achievement to tie your shoes
>score like Asians on tests.

i'm highly skeptical
It's right here:.http://successacademies.org/app/uploads/2015/08/SA_StateTestResults_2015_081315.pdf
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Sometimes they just larp as asians
Everything is corrupt, specially when there is liberals, democrats, cities, diversity, education involved.
>That's a rather small selection effect though. Even a 75 IQ parent should be able to grasp "this school better than others. Me want enter child".
It's actually a very large selection. Shanequa does not give a fuck about Laquan's education. Analysing educational data is something that I do, and demographics are the biggest driver of school performance. People say poverty is the driver, but they're just trying to show how un-racist they are. You cannot separate poverty form ethnicity when it comes to school performance, because because the reality is that they're poor for many of the same reasons that they perform like shit at school. I.e. there is a much deeper problem than "muh poor kids!" When it comes to violent crime, poverty doesn't even enter into the equation, the drivers are tied in much tighter to race ethnicity, and including poverty in the analysis adds nothing of value.

any way to archive that? i don't really trust external links very much.
Nice source, oh wait. It's a link to this academy that you seem very interested in trying to convince us all is doing anything but lying about how educated their students actually are.
I'm open to there being something underhanded going on behind the scenes. But this test data is correct as far as I know.
please post an archive link
While the attrition rate is likely a factor, I actually suspect a lot of the success charter schools are seeing is due to the teaching methods. In these schools they have more black and more male teachers. They make these kids do physical tasks to wear them out and they're disciplined if they step out of line. Niggers are literally made to be worn out, no wonder they get a fucking attitude when they're made to sit there all day with no possibility of real consequences for misbehavior from Ms. Whitelady.

Anyway, as they say, "An overactive mind is a symptom of an unchallenged body." Nigs that are caned and made to run laps probably have much better work ethic and discipline than their public school counterparts. And I do believe a well-disciplined nog could potentially score the same or better as individuals of other races who don't study or prepare as well for the same tests.
you cant really raise your IQ much.
you can fuck it up when the person is young by lack of nutrition and interaction and all that
but you cant really raise it much, they are still 80 IQ niggers... just high functioning 80 IQ like some Autistic people.
The kids are in uniforms.

All schools should have dress codes.

Compared to all schools where the kids are in uniforms how do they rate?

no citations. also they could just be flat-out lying.
Public school teachers are retarded.
These charter school teachers are outgoing and motivated individuals that don't shit up the classroom with their bullshit.

I literally had a 5th grade teacher that said during a history lecture "in history, women create, while men destroy." This was in the fucking 90s as well. Who knows how kiked this shit has gotten today.
You're confusing liquid IQ with testing. For example, being good at Brainage games does not mean you're smart but just that you practiced those specific games for a long time. High school education is not that hard, especially since these charter schools develop the discipline for the kids at a young age. It's whether these kids will end up being the next Tesla or not.

I like charter schools btw.
>If it shows the kids have high IQs then a lot of the alt-right suddenly have egg on their face.

if someone does this study and shows their average iq to be over 100 i will drink one raw egg through my nose for every additional iq point.
It's possible. But would they really be able to keep false stats on their official website, especially with the unions looking for any opportunity in New York to kill charters?

Untrue. I've taken three tests throughout my life and scored 134, 130, and 117.
>That decline

I had 130 when I was 12. I'd hate to see what it is now.
where is the data cuck?

nobody's going to call them out, because it's a school of minorities.
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>where is the data cuck?
Obama gave it to Trudeau

Yeah I scored a 134 to qualify for the gifted program back in fifth grade I believe. Recently I took one and got the 117. Sucks that I became significantly dumber. I blame the alcohol.
i would actually be happy to see blacks become as smart as whites on average
get rid of the niggerism in them
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>130 when I was 12. I'd hate to see what it is now
Did you turn nigger?
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maybe it's a top secret genetic modification program and these "randomly selected" africans are the first wave of GMO humans.
>Sounds like loser

You cant make this shit up.
We have charter schools here and they are the only thing that works for Maori and Pacific Island kids.

The left LOATHES charter schools and tries to have them shut down. They know the kids who leave those places have common sense and don't have a victim mentality.
Anon who went to a charter school here, discipline is very harsh. The nigs where I went would get 30-45 days for fighting and any swearing would result in suspension immediately.
>They know the kids who leave those places have common sense and don't have a victim mentality
So white guys then, I when to a private school, about 80% asian though
>He doesn't realize that the iq gap can be attributed to a poor diet and exposure to toxics such as lead
you have to be stupid period
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>the iq gap can be attributed to a poor diet and exposure to toxics such as lead
Yeah, also idiot nogs don't know enough to keep their nigglets from eating lead paint, or feed them right to begin with, so we have a chicken and egg problem here
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