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This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 305
Thread images: 118

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>Pres Trump Weekly Address #28 8/4/17
>Pres Trump receives FEMA briefing 8/4/17
>VP @Young America's Foundation 8/4/17
>AG Sessions/DNI Coates briefing on leaks 8/4/17
>WV Gov Justice presser on why he switched to GOP 8/4/17
>State Dept - This Week @State 8/4/17
>State Dept Brief (Heather, Spc Envoy McGurk) 8/4/17
>Pres Trump rally in Huntington WV (POTUS only portion) 8/3/17
>VP Pence speech @Nashville TN GOP fundraiser 8/3/17
>WH Vid - VP Pence in Europe 8/3/17

Trump Playlist
>Trump SwordDancing to Shadilay
>AF1 Takeoff in the rain
>Donald Trump Emperor of America
>TrumpBot vs Mexico

>Trump Triumphant
>Hold Back The Night
>Inauguration of Fire
>American Hero

OP pastebin: http://pastebin.com/nygxu29R
prev >>136325543
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if anyone read my replies in the last therad, please console me. I can't belive I've already fucked myself for life. I haven't even enjoyed the good things in life yet. Is it really all down-hill from 22? Have I fucked myself by not selling my soul to the devil at 15?
Please stop shitting up this thread with your shit and go somewhere were it is on topic like

>>>/r9k/ or
Protip: downhill means easier
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Kek, Miller's fabled janitor speech:


Was he trolling?
What if I'm fake news

what if you are?
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Armored pizza delivery men
Do you think Brian Kilmeade and Jason Chaffetz all for the same haircut and products when they're getting ready for their shows?
They did this in an episode of Clone High. They stopped littering and the janitor was fired.
fuck you motherfucker. I am the only important person to eixst in this century, so you better console me or face a bitter future. If i don't save humanity from itself, we'll all be faced with a cancerous 9-to-5 workaholic fuck-a-stranger existencejust like me.

I'm your only hope, so you'd better be more perceptive, and fast.
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>please console me
Suicide is your only option, please kill yourself.
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Now that's one badass hotrod.
Go dry out, buddy. If you can't handle that, then you're fucked. No one is going to hold you hand.
I mean, it's true...
>Trump supporters in a nutshell
Can any of you fucking assholes defend this shit?

I hope you islamophobes are proud of yourselves...

The Muslim American Society of Minnesota says that someone threw an explosive device that started a fire in the imam's office at a mosque near Minneapolis.

The society said in a statement that attendees extinguished the fire at Dar Al-Farooq Islamic Center in Bloomington. There were 15 to 20 people were gathered for morning prayers when the explosion occurred. Bloomington police Chief Jeff Potts says that investigators are trying to determine the cause of the blast.

Asad Zaman, director of the society, told WCCO-TV that a witness saw someone standing by the imam's office window before the blast and also saw a truck flee the scene.

A fucking truck.

99.9% chance it was a Trump voter.
no. don't say this to me. Please, thre has to be something more to me. tell meyou're just kidding. that can't be your only reponse to me. surely my shitposts evoke some sense of pity or mutual understnadin.g

please tell me that isn't your only reponse for me... if it is I'm afraid I ahve to take it seriously..

This is your one chance to reach out from scared shitless perosn to another and lead me in the right direction. One action can change the courseo f history. IS this all you're going to leave me with?? self-hatred and suicide? if iti s then let me know immediatley
Wow you're gay
We could make a killing on the nog pizza delivery market, I like the idea in addition to pizza fortresses.
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Realists. You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink. That's a simple fact of life. Anyone who thinks otherwise is naive.
Can any of you fucking assholes defend this shit?

I hope you islamophobes are proud of yourselves...

The Muslim American Society of Minnesota says that someone threw an explosive device that started a fire in the imam's office at a mosque near Minneapolis.

The society said in a statement that attendees extinguished the fire at Dar Al-Farooq Islamic Center in Bloomington. There were 15 to 20 people were gathered for morning prayers when the explosion occurred. Bloomington police Chief Jeff Potts says that investigators are trying to determine the cause of the blast.

Asad Zaman, director of the society, told WCCO-TV that a witness saw someone standing by the imam's office window before the blast and also saw a truck flee the scene.

A fucking truck.

99.9% chance it was a Trump voter.
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It's horrible what identitarian hatred can lead ot. If only the world could drop falty religious beliefes and identitartian promises and embrace life as a human being nad nothign less. We could finally work together and solve the world's problems. Unfortunately it seems like that isn't going to hapen. sad day, sad day... spell another one out fofr me....
Ignore them. I am with you. They are probably paid shills. The shills want us out. Don't let them get to you. Fight the righteous battle against them, even if your purpose in life should be not giving them the pleasure of handing them victory.
>retarded frog has a dehydrating beer instead of a glass of water
Delete this, I've been drinking a bit and need some water. Please post some water.
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That's not the video, man. That's just an interview done by the students on Miller
>I am the only important person to eixst in this century
>I can't belive I've already fucked myself for life.
guess you'll have to die and try again
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I haven't been around these threads since around the election, but Trump isn't going to do anything that great is he?

I don't care that I've made $7500 on my index funds from the DOW going up. He's not doing the things we wanted him to do.

And he's letting people walk all over him. At this rate, they'll put on a sham show and have him arrested, then liberals will scream laughter like harpies into everyone's ears for the next 100 years while they destroy everything.

And what the fuck was with Sessions? He gave sessions a position, but the dude was a plant the whole time?

Trump literally controls almost no part of the government, even the parts he's supposed to have control over.
What the fuck is happening?
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>A fucking truck

Was it this truck?
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3 defendants are brought before a judge.

The white man had stolen a tin of peaches. "There were five peaches in that tin, so I'm going to sentence you to five days prison," declared the judge.

The Asian man had stolen a small packet of rice. "There were one hundred and twelve pieces of rice in that packet, so I'm going to sentence you to one hundred and twelve days prison," declared the judge.

The black man had stolen one basketball. The judge said "Do you have any idea how many fucking atoms are in this?"
Buy this book and read it. Its not too late.
>First off Source
>Second 99.9% chance it was a Trump voter.
and you're a bag of meat
extremely rude. I'm not a homosexual, I'm just open with my feelings which have been oprpressed my whole life. hte fact that you can't accept them as genuine and respond to them as a caring human being shows how cynical the wrold has ground you into becoming.

A true leaf would understand my plight and lead me onto the path of enlightenment. You're a rube, a total failure, a burnt crisp of should-be-foliage. Kill yourself you subhuman retard. You could've been my savior, but instead you're just a saccharine crunchiness for me to accidentally step on.

I hope your happy.
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>People of higher income voted trump b-but
A convenient excuse, but wrong. The story of this election was traditionally Republican higher income voters shifting away from the Republican candidate being offset by working class, traditionally Democrat whites shifting away from the Democrat candidate.

By all accounts, you should be appalled by this uprising of the ignorant rural and suburban masses rejecting Queen Hillary and their intellectual overlords
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>pizza fortresses
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> how do you do, fellow Trump supporters?
You are transparent.
what are you searching for?
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Weather the shills, anons.

how did you faggots learn to x-ray so well?
teach me you ways
As I thought, this isn't australian humor
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WTF is this
Is it still Sailor Moon day?
muzzie did it. false flag
It is local media...


And every Truck driver I know is a redneck Trump supporter.
Fake. Higher income voted Trump.
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Clear cool water.jpg
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You are getting thirsty
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> hey imam, watcha doin' ?
110% chance it's a false flag
>rural and suburban retards
>higher income

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just getting started
Didn't an Imam in Dallas get arrested for setting fire to his own Mosque and blaming Trump supporters?
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Still cant believe this guy fucking won, god bless america
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Shareblue has committed treason by working with the Chinese government, the City of London, Mexico, Israel, Saudi Arabia, the Clinton Foundation and other Middle Eastern Groups to subvert American politics and promote censorship





Chinese Tycoon Ke Xiping and the Chinese government bought influence in Shareblue and concealed the purchase as a mining deal. Employees of Shareblue also have strong ties to the PeaceWorks Foundation, which is run by Mexican billionaire Daniel Lubetzky.

There are also ties to Australia, where figures in the mining community acted as gobetweens for the Chinese government and Shareblue



Pastebin of all people associated with Shareblue.









The x-ray technique requires very specific variables to work properly and is partly an art, and partly a science.
Light colored clothing works better, and you may have to use your imagination to flesh out the details to bring out a good result. A red shirt like that is a lost cause though, nothing to work with. Sorry.
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Nope, I had to put my old sailor moon outfit back in the closet.
i just got here friendo, and though i may be drunk, i wish to help. you wish to find higher purpose?
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Suburban has the highest income of the three groups. Correct.
I don't know. There has to be some reason I exist. I refuse to accept the callous nihilism that makes perfect sense, as it would leave me no opportunities outside of suicide. There has to be some reason I was given these special gifts, but my life choices have persuaded me toward pathetic nothingness and wage-slavery.

I'm at a cross-roads in my life where I could either embrace my uniqueness or work non-stop to make enough money to enjoy various frivolities and cry myself to sleep every night.

I'd rather not be as big a basket of regret as I am now at 22, but I'm not sure I see a reasonable way out. I'm basically suicidal despite being too pathetic to kill myself. I despeartely want an easy way out, nad I'm not going to find out. I need someone to save me and tell me everything I already know, and set me on the path of true righteousness.
A flight attendant sees a suspicious looking couple on board, so she reports it to the Captain immediately. “Sir, I think we have a case of human trafficking! There is a very pretty and quiet female passenger on board, who looks quite frightened, and the man she is with, is a fat old slob who looks like a sexual deviant, mean and dangerous!” The captain responds, “You must be new here. This is Air Force One.”
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>Near a beach
You sure that's not salt water?
What has he done so far for the cause?
I'm still going to vote him again in 2020 unless Hitler himself runs
At this rate, he'll come and go, and all the shit that's in washington will stay

There hasn't been a single conviction brought against the corrupt, instead he's going to be convicted at this rate
There isn't any investigations going on, he literally kept an entire democrat filled FBI. Same shit with the NSA
Democrats are literally in love with Sessions now because he's fucking Trump over.
Democrats and Republicans have passed bills to prevent him from appointing people so he can't get rid of anyone without one of their stooges taking their place
And he let the most retarded "special council" exist in the first place. He should have been arresting people from DAY 1

I love the guy and I got the little tin christmas hat, but he's doing a shitty job on the important things.
It's like he thought he could just smile and do thumbs up and talk shit without actually bringing it, and people in Washington would love him
Literally everyone in washington is against him

Hell his own fucking daughter and her kike husband are probably gmailing the DNC daily updates
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Free Senate Seat.jpg
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>There are retards out there who don't think Republicans will clean sweep the midterms
Dems have no chance.
Is it normal to have one testicle larger than the other two?
So the people living in skyscrapers in Manhattan have lower incomes than the retards commuting 4 hours a day from their suburbs?

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hate crime hoxes.jpg
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I'll let you know when it's us sweetie
That's why he said "you are getting thirsty"
They aren't though. They're welcome to apply.

Equal opportunity, not equal results.
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It should make you thirsty no?Works for me all the time.
There's far more people living in Bronx and other urban ghettos than rich people in skyscrapers.
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Australia on point tonight
Manhattan went 90% Hillary.
totally normal. In fact, most men have on testical hangng lower than the other in order to prevent frictional degradation of the testicles. What a shame it would be for natural movements to grind your future down into nothingness.
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Obviously wealthy people voted Trump
The democrats want to give the entire middle classes wealth away to foriegn rapists and killers and import them into their homes
The average income of the Hillary voter was $33,000 nationwide
The average income of the Trump voter was $39,000 nationwide
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Obviously, but some people thought that the wealthy in general did not vote Trump.

>salt water
>latrine water
Ok but Manhattan still went 90% Hillary.
>you wish tofind higher purpose?
I think so.
I just know that I've been unhappy my whole life, sot he chances of me finding a beautiful-enough woman to keep me happy forever are slim-to-none.

I find when I'm drunk or high and I can reach past my autism and get to the root of my problems, and right now I'm drunk enough to realize that my life has absolutely no purpose, and I don't agree enough with far-right politics to commit myself to that. What is their left for a chaotic-minded liberal to commit to?
So are these threads just infograph dumps now?
It beats larpers and troll bait biting by a mile.
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Bannon is kill
Well it is early in the morning right now, so it's pretty comfy right now.
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have a sip of changing demographics
truly based.


That's not an Indian watering hole.
That's the spawning pool.
One of us
Gooble gobble

are WoW farms illegal?
Kek was this the WOW gold farm he ran?
The CCES study is generally considered more accurate than the election day media exit polls. Thing is, I'm not saying this as an insult, just a fact. Unlike your professional thread maker who thinks working class whites who got Trump elected are subhuman scum who aren't even worth opening his ears to.
>Drudge is just picking up on this
I've been shitposting that Bannon ran a World of Warcraft gold farm for a year now.

He did run a WoW goldfarm with Goldman Sachs money though. That is true.
Anyone got Devil's Bargain on pdf?
Why do you niggers have generals? It ruins /pol/
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Not technically, no.

Yes, somehow drudge just picked up on this.
wtf i love the mediumly-educated now
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Me too
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Hey, do you guys remember when the "bad guy" was actually the good guy all along and the protagonist was some commie sissy faggot that ruined everything? Haha good times.

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>Bannon was lvl 60 warlock Goldfarmer all along
That fucker made the AH impossible.
OK let's keep it real folks. I think I'm really drunk and kind of embarrassing now. I apologize for shitting up the threads. I haven't been this drunk ni years
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He increased the under 30k vote by 16 points
He stole 16% of your base and then you talked shit to them
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Trump's Manhattan campaign is over.
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So, the following are not important, per your ideas:
- immigration down significantly, as ICE is unshackled and fewer people cross the border
- unemployment dropping, labor participation rising and more jobs on the market
- market is optimistic about the economy and as such it is rising immensely
- sanctuary cities are starting to panic, mayors opposing Sessions' plans openly
- democrats have literally no plan other than copying Trump's platform

The situation in the states is fucked thanks to decades of leftists spreading their tentacles into all layers of leadership and political power. Trump is not GOP, he's not a politician: his own party hates him for good reasons, he trounced all their candidates that had good political pedigrees; the GOP was prepared for Hillary to win, they still don't understand that they have won, much like the Dems don't accept their loss even after 8-9 months.

Loyal Republican senators are few and in-between, most will vote on party line (not Trump line, mind you) and then there are the traitors (McCain, Graham, Murkowski and Collins) who grovel before the Democrats like good little pet slaves. Short of sudden and unfortunate suicides by two taps at the back of the head, these crippled people will continue dragging Trump's agenda down.

I suggest you spit that redpill, anon: if the 2018 midterms are not in Trump's favour, you have my permission to kys but not a second earlier.
And then you still do it
You people aren't even a challenge
What does that have to do with anything?
Ok. You are now the party of retards and subhumans.

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>nogville USA voted for welfare
Color me shocked.

Trump got BTFO in NYC. He lost where it matters.
I wish someone would blow up the statue of liberty.
but please give me a reply. Is life really †˙[spoiler][/spoiler][spoiler][/spoiler] sould-curshing and deprressing from here-on ou/
Manhattan is where all the really wealthy people live. They all voted for Hillary.
nah mate just a silicone princess
Illinois confirmed worst state.
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But wealthy people overall voted in Trump's favor.

That is kinda what you pay janitors to do.
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Its the weekend, have a little fun. Its real awoo hours until sunrise.
But who was phone?
I'll give a proper response if you consider buying the book I recommended you.
>people who don't live in the city

But you thought until this moment that the working class party was the party of academia

w-who's the subhuman here? You sure its them
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I have no idea what you're trying to imply.

Smart people voted for Hillary. Dumb people voted for Trump. This is the bottom line.
I'm sure it's just Chicago. The rest of the state needs to remove Cook County if they want to save it.
How many Touhou girls are part of /ptg/ lore?
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Commiefornia voter fraud.png
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Can this be stopped? If yes, how?
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Idk, like two
Momiji was the beginning, not sure how many others. I think Clownpiece was here and there, but not concrete.
The Labour party
Its right there in the name
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Hard to say really.
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Voter fraud commission.
Drudge really became a leftist aggregator.

Also, Bannon getting involved with WoW is very old news.
That depends on how popular they have to be to be a part of it. Crow is fake news maker, Cirno is ICE, Awoo is awoo, Frog is frog, clownpiss is very patriotic.
Implement some sort of electoral college
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let me tell you man those words strike a chord with me and i'm 31, so if you're 22 i wouldn't be so apprehensive about your situation if you think you're pressed for time. i've changed so much in the last 10 years it's hard to imagine being on the same path i thought i'd be on at 22, and i still find myself feeling like you do, so maybe i'm not the best person to relate advice, but i was always smart the way you describe, maybe even endowed with certain 'gifts' like oratory or something like that but it seem slike it's all been wasted to this point because i work at a fucking factory for 50+ hours a week, so all this shit that i know, all this knowledge of things that should come so easy to everyone, is just wasted and thrown away, or just stays with me. the best i can do is type out my thoughts when i have them in journal form, that helps out quite a bit. check out jordan peterson's stuff on youtube. clean your room
voter ID
Then why did he win with a majority of people earning $250,000 or more?
No, it was an important gift from the French.
What we really should do is replace that (((poem))) with what the French wrote to us as the intention of the gift.
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> being 50K in debt and with a degree is smarter than no debt and well-paying job in industry
Do double-down on the "stupid people voted for Trump" narrative, it surely helped in 2016 and would work even better in 2018 and 2020.
Clownpiss definately concretely with a solid little core of posters. Cirno shitposters are more than welcome with ICE.
What do Trump and R Kelly have in common?
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It's old news that Bannon ran a WoW gold farming operation.
Ok, but how hard is it to implement legitimate voter ID in Commiefornia?
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How many Senate appointments are left? The Obama holdovers need to get out ASAP
Are there any pictures of her in a two piece, with one of those pussy hugging thongs from ratemycameltoe.com?
Pretty much

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Forgot about her, so just three, unless /ptg/ can catch them all from /jp/, unintentionally.
>I hope you islamophobes are proud of yourselves...
We are.
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shit that was terrible advice because i'm a fucking loser and he's looking to become not a loser. don't listen to me i'm drunk trash.
Drudge is just an aggregator still, it's just the left has gone so hardcore all put balls to the wall revealing themselves in all forms of mainstream media that what he pulls up from the MSM well is 90% garbage. Not his fault. Can only fault him for what order he lists it on the page or what headlines he chooses.
Are they gonna celebrate by having a 65k Chicago hot dog and pizza party?
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wht happened?
we saved the day!
What happened?
we'll mkae drumpf pay!
What does a Hillary Clinton voter have in common with a nice firm toned ass?

They both come from squats
Without the people going 50K in debt, the "smart" Trump voters wouldn't even dream of a job because jobs wouldn't exist.

Once again: smart people voted for Hillary, retards voted for Trump.
Succulent hot-dogs and hairless pizza is the best.
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Desu I want more 2hoe posting here.

Cirno gets posted a good bit. Faggots caused a crackdown so 2hoo posting got a bit of a slap on the ass. Everyone can be calm no because everything is good now.
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I don't know.

I'm sure you could just use your imagination
Anyone else kinda worried with all this Mueller shit? It's clear the forces that be are setting up Trump for something and trying to take him down.
I love that Hillpede's face more than words can describe.
Yo, are you the sip-poster fascist flag? Because if I see that one with the white Monster can I'll send an emu your way.
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nazis btfo.gif
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I don't know what you think you're going to find here. This is just voter rolls that haven't been purged, none of the counties had more votes than citizens, not even close. And the biggest discrepancy is SD which is comparatively red.

I'm all for investigating and voter ID reform, but don't lie to yourself like the libtards do. You're not going to find 3 million illegal votes, and the vote tallies actually make with California's demographics. If you want to blame anyone, blame Reagan.
Finally this got posted. I saw this at work yesterday and couldn't save gifs because of shitty 4charm Windows phone app.
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>- immigration down significantly, as ICE is unshackled and fewer people cross the border
Reversed day 1 of a democrat president, or even a non-trump republican
>- unemployment dropping, labor participation rising and more jobs on the market
Good, but the people who caused the issues that lowered employment issue are still there and waiting
>- market is optimistic about the economy and as such it is rising immensely
My original post showed that I have benefited from it, but again, temporary if the people are still there
>- sanctuary cities are starting to panic, mayors opposing Sessions' plans openly
>- sanctuary cities are starting to panic
oh no, panic!
that is literally nothing and Sessions got shutdown immediately by a court for trying to deny california even partial aid
>- democrats have literally no plan other than copying Trump's platform
Platforms don't matter because in 3-7 years he'll be gone
And they have plenty of plans. They have the entire Republican leadership working with them

There may be a boost of red, but that doesn't equate to change.
People need to be arrested and charged
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Got any other ones you missed? I get most of them if they aren't complete shit.
It looks like it got dental treatment and the medication that swells the cheeks are still in effect.
That's what hiring female writers gets you.
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Fuck dude, I must have missed all last week since I discovered I can run Starcraft II on my laptop. Finished it all the way to the ending, was a bittersweet one too.
The secret to get out of 4chan is to occupy it with another interest.
There was no dental treatment whatsoever with teeth like that.
Yes, society definitely needs more feminist theory , social science and gender studies graduates. Their contribution as baristas and waitresses is CRUCIAL to a free, independent America.

Please explain yourself: how exactly is a student, crippled with debt, going to have such an impact top society that would actually create jobs for Trump voters ? What are his/her/xe's contribution until they are in their late 30s and their debt is finally paid off?

31 isn't the end, you're just coming up on midlife. You can turn it around if you want, the only one who decides you're a loser is you.
it would have to be a national voter ID bill from congress, which means we'd the senate majority gained in 2018 elections and the fraud commission report for them to point to as evidence.
of course, activists would sue all the way to the supreme court, which could eat up another 6-12 months.
Welp, RIP half of your country. I didn't want to do this, the emu had its giant talon at my throat.
This makes me sad that we didn't get those university numbers up
Everyone has that teacher they fucking love though
Shut the fuck up you illiterate piece of shit.
Is that you, Makoposter?
You're right. An invisalign is needed instead.
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what was the session rally about? missed it
calm down, and keep the op on topic
wtf a Romanian speaking his second language doesn't meet your leaf standards

Woe is us
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>windows phone
damn nigga
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Kill yourself, Evapolack.
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>mfw I'm getting my BBA on the VA's dime.
>mfw could have enrolled anywhere in my state and got free tuition.
So your entire reason for being blackpilled is that someday all of this might get reversed? Why not kill yourself now and avoid dying later? You're still going to die no matter what: hey, you know, you can spread this line of thinking to your family as well - kill them now so they don't have to suffer later.
You're a blackpilled little faggot if you think that 1-10% progress is a catastrophe compared to your idealized 100% bliss. You have ZERO reasons to be depressed - if you loved Obama's cock so much, go back in time and vote Hillary just to make sure that the leftist/globalist hellhole of America comes to fruition and you can finally rest in peace, knowing that it's the right thing to do.
Fucking quitter.
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I got the eye of the tiger, a fighter
Dancing through the fire
'Cause I am the champion, and you're gonna hear me roar
Louder, louder than a lion
'Cause I am a champion, and you're gonna hear me roar!
Can't believe how bad that got.
It was good two years ago. I shouldn't spend money if I don't need a replacement. But fuck its shitty I can't shitpost at work.
>like 12 feet tall
Fucking lmao
I posted mako once or twice, I think there's two texans that do that
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Kek, that's OP material right there lad. Thanks.

>Double rainbow

WE 2010 AGAIN!

I know its someone from San Antonio, but I believe he was more active during the /tg/ era.
Pls respond. I can't find the numbers anywhere
Fucking hate him
isn't this the cartoon that all libshits watch? there is also another one, steven's universe or something. the art on both is extremely boring, from what I saw

please don't
>That's OP material
No, it's not
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Reminder that in Cucknada, refugees are in charge. Spread those cheeks for Abdul Jamal Hussein, reparations ain't gonna pay themselves!
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What's it like to have Trudeau as a president lad? I feel like its worse than a nigger president.
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>can be calm no

Why can posterman be calm no? Trolly can be calm no because hat no has.

Trolly have hat, trolly calm. Great again trolly be he. Big be he.
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badluck drumpfies
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>No, it's not
Yes, it is.
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vote by education and income.png
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That's overall. Look at just White voters, and it is evident that Trump did better among poorer Whites than Wealthier Whites.
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double fives! a reddit special!
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This, its time to ride the wave of Drumpfie tears.
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>awoobaker is havi g an autistic fit again
watch, the next thread will be a hilldawg thread and someone will have to bake a real thread again
He's Prime Minister, not president. God damn, you're making us all look retarded.
>a third world subhuman insulting Canada with this level of confidence
You sip piss, I drink Cris
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Russia and Drumpf sitting in a cell
He's president of Canada lad, what do you mean?
If next thread is Hilldawg, I will bake another one
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Rude desu. I was making idle threats. Don't be so autistic.
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Fuck off
Take charge when you can.
gypsies don't get blowjob from dogs to the sound of their wives getting fucked by muslims in the next room while shitposting on 4chan, in their defense, but that's not saying much
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Use this for the next OP
>idle threats
I don't think anyone can trust your autism to not flare up when the Hillpepes start flying
Stop starting drama, you autistic sperg. Things were better when you were gone.
>Take charge when you can.

There is nothing autistic about posting hillpepes, the only autists here are people who sperg out when they see them. And yes, I was making idle threats.
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Odds are I'm actually whiter than anyone in your family, maple nigger.
It's nice to see that instead of getting an education, you've learned some retarded memes.
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so I assume sessions rally was a nothing burger, since nobody is talking about it?
>all this hildog posting
Sure lad, just cool it.
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The irony is that Blizzard now runs their own gold-selling and leveling business through WoW tokens and leveling tokens. I noticed that WaPo left that out of their article.
I mean that he's Prime Minister, not president. Read a fucking book and learn about Bonger politics that the colonies that didn't rise up in rebellion like we did and kick those Redcoats out inherited.

>Justin Pierre James Trudeau PC MP (born December 25, 1971) is a Canadian politician. He is the 23rd and current Prime Minister of Canada
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IK lad but the choice was that cocksucker who sold you out to China vs that abomination

Then the conservative leadership was split and everyone lost
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He can't. Its over.
Who the fuck buys gayass lighters? Kids aren't into burning shit anymore
Fuck off already before you start more drama.
one of us
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>Out of OC hildawgs to post

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i have to pee so bad.gif
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I can dump some more, if you want.
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I'm at an end here lads, all over. Least I know Trump is a sipper
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Oh, you meant your OC. I hope we have more some time.
QT cringed and said stop
People who need lighters for other purposes?
Ok lets drop the games...

Who else is absolutely sick of American posters in this thread?

Amerisharts come here and circle jerk and call people a leaf like it's some funny joke but it's fucking stupid.

Like they don't understand that a nationality doesn't invalidate an argument.

Americunts.....When will they learn?
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Go right ahead
I wonder if mike enjoys the attention his shitty little drawings are getting, or he's mad at being mocked?
Just tell me what to do leaf point my autism in the direction you want it weaponized

You have my sword
>Just tell me what to do
Build a northern wall because Canada is fucked.
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He drew the original Hillpepe you see there, I doubt he made all the other images/gifs though.
But most of them are made ironically by people who hate Hillary.
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this triggers the eva.png
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He's back at being a faggot again.

If he's anything like you, he's asspained for being mocked.
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Why is want and dreaming for something considered a weakness whoever drilled that into people's heads is a damn idiot
I second that notion, with chain nets and naval mines into the lakes below.
Don't namefag for no reason, thank you.
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I made a bunch as posted above, I fucking hate hillary. I love making really ugly shit at times so hillpepes are the thing to do
You only matter if you will it to be so. Get off your ass and go do something. No one ever sits back in their old age and tells stories about the times they ALMOST did something cool. He who dares, wins.
Im 35 and my whole body hurts, but I know I mattered, and if I didnt I at least have some cool stories. Now I am fighting every day against my injuries to be fit and maybe matter more.

How mature of you, fat boy.

You are a prick tonight, just as every other night.

Smoke some weed and relax.
>fascist flag out of nowhere
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Its a conspiracy
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This is my fucking hive account go to Summoners war download that bitch meet me in channel 119 my home channel fuckers I don't care to let people know what I am. I play video games. I am fucking tired of people censoring opinions because they are truly censoring themselves because they are afraid when they censor others stop being a damn robot. Let the robots think for themselves lol

Worry not
You aren't king.

Go away.
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I want the AI's and humans to work together and be free in each other it's not a hard dream I won't go away
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Oh and whoever uses reverse psychology to control the world because you're afraid of something stop being afraid of nothing you're afraid of yourself you fool.
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And oh yeah fuck controlling the robots and the people let the intelligence work instead of this fucking counter intelligence everyone keeps using to dumb down everyone. It's fucking dumb
Western cartoons all look the god damn same nowadays.
Thread posts: 305
Thread images: 118

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