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Molymeme's biggest redpill

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>checks comments

You know what to do, /pol/
> not shring the vidme link

why is he appropriating nigger culture by wearing a do rag
>by wearing a do rag
Prolly because nigger rag works better with a camera, doesn't leave a shade on half of his mug.
>its another pander to the far-right for shekles episode
This faggot is never going to drop the JQ but I'm pretty pleased he does race realism topics
It's just a prank bro
I think you may be right, jews know how to jew.
Or maybe it's one of these "YES REALLY 9/11" videos.
molymeme did good
I expect him to convert to Christianity sometime soon.
He tries to lay the foundations for a Godless system of morality, which bases itself on the precepts of Christianity -- just without Christ. You can't have the morality of Christianity without the practice of the faith.
Someone send him the fucking Ayn Rand jew shit info-graphic to redpill molymeme into submission.
Not sure which one you're talking about. I really, really dislike Ayn Rand.
The one that speaks about what anon mentioned here >>136279610
All of these "freemarket" proponents like Ayn Rand and Milton Friedman. I wish I had saved it..
Seeing him transform from a reddit atheist libertarian into what he is now has been an incredible thing to watch.
Ahhh, I see. It is too bad classical liberals like Moly can't see beyond 1776.
They cannot see that without classical liberalism, contemporary liberalism wouldn't exist.
Without Locke, Hobbes, Voltaire, & Jefferson, there would be no SJW.
That it began with theological liberalism, 500 years ago this year.
Theological liberalism (Protestantism) gave birth to philosophical liberalism (secular humanism; Renaissance) which gave birth to the actualization of the natural result of theological liberalism: classical liberalism.
America: the first secular, godless State created in recorded human history.
French Revolution: the manifestation of the original 1517 rebellion, the overthrow of altar and throne.

Yes, I do like to listen to him a lot. He just gets choked up on classical liberalism.
Motherfucker, this is some 7D shit you are digging through, but I see your point.
Isn't protestantism all about muh forgiving of the sins and carrying on "sinning" right after you've been forgiven? Pretend that there is no consequence.
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No, not in theory, but functionally--more often than not. Not all Protestants accept the "eternally secure" or "once-saved-always saved" precept.

That was the natural outcome of Calvinism; and at the end of Father Luther's life, he embraced predestination.
So, if you're "eternally saved" after a mere confession of faith, then why not sin? As your positive or negative works have no outcome on your salvation in this theology, since you're already predestined.
Now, someone who is well-versed in this debased TULIP theology, they would deny this; yet, when put in practice, this is the result.

>pic related, father of cultural Marxism
Bald white men get sunburned easily
>Isn't protestantism all about muh forgiving of the sins and carrying on "sinning" right after you've been forgiven?

No, it's about putting scripture above tradition. Not all Protestants accept the idea of 'once saved always saved'.
Interesting. Reminded me of https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5va4dq_gG3M
You must have heard of this guy and if you haven't check him out and tell me what you thought. I think he pin-pointed it pretty well with the whole Calvinism thing. The rejection of Logos.
Absolutely, Dr. E. Michael Jones is one of the greatest philosophers and historians of our time in my opinion.
He has great lectures and interviews on his books Dionysus Rising, Libido Dominandi, on ethnic cleansing by blockbusting neighborhoods, capitalism in the book/talks Barren Metal, and the Jewish Revolutionary Spirit.
You mean Jew rag.
Yeah, I think he and Peterson are the only personas I can stomach because they do feel genuine. Not your typical copy/paste meme lecturer.
I've actually never listened to Peterson. Heard an interview with him but that's about it.
I like his term in the video he came up with "Self-Fencing" cattle that basically restrains itself thus freeing up the resources and time/effort of the owner.

The best way to keep cattle (people) is to induce in them a desire to be "Self-Fencing"

It's a terrible idea and a fascinating study.
Panopticon prison idea, the same fucking thing. Everyone is self-policing where I live.
This is why faggots like
hate him
The Truth About The Awan Family Democrat IT Scandal | Debbie Wasserman Schultz Exposed
What does /pol/ think of Stefan's friend, Bill Whittle? Is he redpilled?
I think Molyneux, being a Jew himself, is going to have a problem coming to terms with the JQ.

It must be awful feeling to truly comprehend your race is composed of villains and is one of the leading factors in the destruction of not only freedom, but humanity, morality and the health of the earth itself.

I don't know if the Jewish mind is capable of truly accepting that.

bill whittle is a really good political analyst.

Has a very good feel for how people react towards politicians and basically predicted trump winning in 2013
Normie-level red pilled. Ask him about the gorillions and he will lose his fucking shit.
He also seems to be putting too much trust into government, being as it may, he is proclaiming to be a small government libertarian or someshit like that.
pretty standard libertarian but you can tell he lowkey hates niggers
I doubt he'll ever touch the subject for the simple fact that he lives in Canada.
You know what happened to Ernst Zundel.
>French Revolution

So is it really true...this is the starting point of all our woes? I need to start reading up on that.

Care to say, I'm just curious before I go looking into it, how many jews were involved in the FR?
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I do think he means well most of the time, hell, if not all the time, but exactly, Ersnt fucking Zundel, man..
Molyneux said it himself in one of his videos that he's going to avoid certain topics for obvious (((reasons))) and he lives from the shit he does. Less known people disappear for much less. Pic fucking related. A. C. Sutton.
google tomato bubble, swallon the red pill, serb killer.
It was a Masonic revolution. Masonry is heavily influenced by Judaism.

But, the French Revolution was merely the actualization of earlier footwork. Classical liberalism was just one step in the liberal continuity. Its purpose was the destruction of altar and throne; aka Christendom, the Old World Order.
It ushered in the age of secular republics for Europe, and Napoleon spread it all over Europe then emancipated the Jews.
Here's a quick rundown of the liberal continuity.

>20 years of Father Luther's new doctrines gave rise to 40 new sects
>Christendom fractured into theological rivalry via theological liberalism, aka protestantism
>200 years later
>hundreds of individual Christian sects all claiming to be the true Christian sect
>protestant principle of private interpretation infects all streams of thought, seeps into philosophy
>protestants disillusioned with the sectarian and subjective nature of protestantism begin a humanist philosophical revolution
>Masonic lodge founded in London based upon the egalitarian, Judaizing principles of Anabaptists and Jacobite/Whig revolutionaries
>Masonry quickly abandon Christian religious foundations and promote secularism and overthrow of authority, namely the authority of the Catholic Church and Monarchy
>(Judaizing) Masonry uses Protestantism as a weapon against the foundational principles of Christendom: Catholicism
>Secularism rises
>Christendom further weakened; theological wedge + philosophical wedge
>America founded
>First secular, godless nation on planet earth in recorded human history
>1789, French revolution
>Protestant private interpretation altered philosophy and manifested itself in political realm in the actual overthrow of altar and throne
>Christendom shattered
>American Protestants hail the rise of the secular republics as the "best government on earth" and "protected by God"
>200 years of secularism has led to children confused as to which bathroom to use
>Classical liberalism has spread into all facets of the world stage, including the hierarchy of its natural enemy: the Catholic Church
>"Conservatives" wonder how we got here, but still say "We need to get back to the Constitution and everything will be ok"
That the red pill singularity is really just an unloading of off-brand blue pills.

Also the first babbys born on Mars will most likely be secular bogdanoff babbys
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Fuck I never connected the fuckin dots - America created - French revolution.

It's true. America is the prime cancer of this world. Dumb burger goys who enabled the jews to do what jews do, thanks to dumb circumcised burger goys willingly wagecucking like goyest of goys for make-believe money...

Fuck...thanks for the amazing rundown - saved.
Further, the French Revolution's main enemy beside the Monarchy was the Catholic Church. They murdered thousands of faithful and clergy, ransacked monasteries, convents, and churches.
The "enlightened" revolutionaries instituted a new religion to replace Catholicism. They founded the "Cult of Reason" (Culte de la Raison), found a Prostitute on the street, placed her on the altar of the Paris Cathedral, and venerated her as the 'goddess of reason.'
These were the foot soldiers of the so-called "Enlightenment."
Genocide of the Vendee was just a consequence.

They were birthing a new world order; a secular governance where morality is relative to the individual and the State is indifferent to absolute truth.

When we speak of a New World Order, this presupposes an Old. This Old World Order was nothing other than Christendom, the birthplace of Western civilization where Church and State were in harmony.
>>200 years of secularism has led to children confused as to which bathroom to use
Mate, you are a fucking legend for saying this, this struck deeply within me.
So it is true then, people were ripped away from the Logos by the freemasons/jews by the "liberal" ideas of "freedom and secularism". My biggest red-pill journey has started through Gnostic stuff desu, now I see why.
So basically, Varg is a fucking moron?! Hah...
You're just jealous cause our dicks are prettier
>found a Prostitute on the street, placed her on the altar of the Paris Cathedral, and venerated her as the 'goddess of reason

What?? Never heard of this...is this some allegorical myth...??
Besides E Michael Jones, what else do you read, man? This shit gets me rocking hard.
Pls respond.
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>Protestantism is theological liberalism
You stupid nigger. Catholicism is liberalism.
The idea of the all encompassing physical, hierarchical """church""" is nowhere to be seen in the Bible.
You guys are liberals because of all the libertys you take with the Bible in order to fit your satanic traditions
Look at Festival of Reason section. This is a minimal explanation but yes, it literally happened. They also made a devotion to the heart of one of their fallen revolutionaries, his name escapes me now. But it was to ape the devotion Catholics have to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. This revolutionary's heart was paraded around like a relic would be.

People resonate with the 'liberty' movement because it has a bit of truth in it. And basically, people want to be able to do whatever they want to do without being bothered.
The problem is their definition of liberty. Liberty isn't the freedom to do what you want to do. Liberty is the freedom to do what is right.
And we can only know what is right when our conscience is formed properly by a higher authority. For two thousand years, this authority has been the Church.
I'm an ex-Libertarian, a Ron Paul campaign organizer. This was a hard pill for me to swallow...but reading the history of the continuity of liberalism made things more clear.
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Pic related is a great book--a tome, really. There are lectures online on the subject.
Father Fahey's Social Kingship of Christ is a great place to start, as well. He has done a lot of work on the JQ.
Also, the 1890 edition of Civilta Cattolica on the Jewish Question.
Faggot cuck nigger
>And we can only know what is right when our conscience is formed properly by a higher authority.
I get what you mean here - it is exactly what Peterson is talking about in his lectures, but
>For two thousand years, this authority has been the Church.
Organized religion.. It's a hard, big veiny fucking pill to swallow, especially these days.
Although Solzhenitsyn haven't had a problem with that.
Buddy, if the propositions of Protestantism are correct, then Christ was a liar and then cannot be God.
The proposition is that the Church was wrong for 1,500 years before Father Luther came along and invented a new religion based on subjective, private interpretation of the Sacred Scriptures which belong formerly to the Church.
Scripture itself says that the Church is the pillar and foundation of truth (1 Tim 3:15).
hey everyone shoenice again
Saved. Top lad, anon, top lad.
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Certainly. Liberalism has permeated all institutions, even its original enemy: the Church. One look at Francis is enough to make any sane person run the other way. Hell, the actions of every pope since John XXIII are enough.
I was raised Protestant, the son of a pastor. I didn't convert until I read the writings of the Apostolic Fathers (those men who actually knew the Apostles and sat at their feet).

Anyway, the Church itself is going through a cleansing period. Much like during the Arian heresy of the fourth century, almost every member of the hierarchy had apostatized and accepted the doctrine of the Arians.
When did he get cancer?
There you go lying again, Satan.
You're telling me the only christians around before Luther were Catholics? What about before the Catholic Church was founded in Rome?
What about the waldenses and Albigenses?
The Catholic Church has been the key progenitor of everything wrong with Christendom since it's foundation.
You might be interested in the Masonic document that the pope (I forget which, I think Leo XIII) ordered to be printed which outlined the plan to destroy the Church and every Christian ideal.
They said, since the Church cannot be destroyed, what we must do is incite vice among its members so that there will be no more Catholics. That once their ideals permeate society, a pope will be elected who will be inculcated with their ideals without him even being a Mason. They have been playing the long game.
The document is called the Alta Vendita.
Very interesting, will check it.
What do you know about the Gnostics and why they were the most severely persecuted Christian sect, by Christians themselves?
The Cathars or the Albigensians were Gnostics. I think you ought to read a bit of history before you go throwing around terms.
Before Peter and Paul came to Rome, there were dioceses in Jerusalem, Antioch, and other Syriac locales.
Did you even read the article I linked
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>The document is called the Alta Vendita.

Fuuuuuuuuuck never heard about that. Well DAMN. I guess it's true, the law of numbers, after I scrolled thru million threads and wasted billion hours on this cesspool, I finally found an actual riveting thread.

God damn. Thanks you two!

Bout to read up and get ultra depressed, gotta do it.
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We have a lot of insight into the Gnostics from the writings of some of the early Fathers of the Church like Ignatius of Antioch.
This was a man who was a personal friend of St. John and was ordained a Bishop by St. Peter. He was the Bishop of Smyrna. The Romans captured him and brought him to Rome for martyrdom.
He wrote his flock back in Smryna (a letter we still have) warning the faithful to stay away from the heretics (Gnostics) because they rejected Holy Communion and did not believe it was the actual Body and Blood of Christ. He goes on to say, "wheresoever the Bishop is, let the people be, even as Jesus Christ is, there is the Catholic Church."
This was in 110AD, two hundred and seventy years before the Church established the canon of Scriptures in 73 books at the Council of Rome (382AD), reaffirmed again at the Synod of Hippo (393), and again at the Council of Carthage (419).

Gnosticism is a huge subject to go into because there were so many different sects.
But, I have to get my five kiddos ready to go out to eat.
I'd be more than happy to talk later. You can reach me at pic related
Hah this fucking cesspool is better than a goldmine sometimes, man I swear I found the best stuff lurking for thousands of hours..
Yeah man, fucking cool, I'll drop you an email because I'm interested in this topic. I've heard before that gnostics=/=gnostics and some were out-right borderline maniacs libertines, rejecting everything that was worldly.
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Take these quotes and apply it to Francis.
>That which we ought to demand, that which we should seek and expect, as the Jews expected the Messiah, is a Pope according to our wants.
>With that we should march more surely to the attack upon the Church than with the pamphlets of our brethren in France, or even with the gold of England. Do you wish to know the reason? It is because by that we should have no more need of the vinegar of Hannibal, no more need the powder of cannon, no more need even of our arms. We have the little finger of the successor of St. Peter engaged in the plot, and that little finger is of more value for our crusade than all the Innocents, the Urbans, and the St. Bernards of Christianity.

Text may be broken, but you get the point. Francis is their man.



Gotta go. Benedicta Deus et Dominus vobiscum.
Contact me if you wish.
So life is unfair - whew take a pill
But isn't Gramsci right here? (I know, I know, agreeing with a communist on any point is heresy) There is nothing really wrong with the idea of praxis, all it means is that one's ideals should actually be put into practise. And this is the correct view because without it your ideals are meaningless.

The problem is how they used this idea of praxis, and what ideals they wanted to implement. They were not really for anything, only against liberalism (or capitalism) so that they could claim those power structures for themselves.

Or perhaps this is overstating things. Marx really was for equality, but what he saw was that the Revolution went unfinished. Here, we might be able to see the difference of idealism in our times: instead of searching out the political, theological, and philosophical reasons for failure he looked at the economic class of those who came to power. And there he concluded that the entire problem of failed revolutions was due to the lower classes not making eternal enemies of the upper classes, and thus leaving revolutions unfinished. Thus, economics must become the primary motive for revolution (which is ironically a very liberal/capitalist perspective).

Backwards logic, obviously. The problem here isn't what the Right often says it is, Hegelian dialectics. Instead it is hegelian dialectics in reverse: solution, reaction, problem. Revolutions had traditionally been about failed states, leaders who betrayed their people, fate, and a government who had disavowed the gods. But instead of working within this framework Marx tried to determine fate itself. He certainly wasn't wrong that capitalism is a disaster, but he was wrong that the solutions to a satanic religion of economic determinism was another form of economic determinism.

In other words, it is the same old problem of the revolution being a war of succession rather than a divine rebellion of return. A perceived injustice can quickly devolve into total war.

The gods tried to warn us of this, but man turned parables into lessons and lessons into laws.

In some way, I think, Christianity was turning the defeat of the gods into law so that the war would go no further. But this created a vast distance between man and God. Similarly, I think that liberalism was a reaction to the defeat of Christianity, it failed to maintain a monotheistic law which maintained the exile of more dangerous gods.

The result is, of course, a catastrophic distance between religious law and its people; people who had been reduced to little more than economic and legal concerns. Marxism, to me, is an attempt to reinstate a monotheistic order with all that is left: economic production and bureaucratic law.
Good insights.
One good man once said to me it doesn't matter what economic system you have in place, it's going to remain shit as long as people from within remain shit.
That's what the true Christ teachings were about - follow the damn light, fight the demons, sort yourself (like your truly great countryman likes to say).
People rejected Logos - chaos ensued.
Stop shilling this bald headed retard here.
So if Catholicism is fucked, which I already knew, where are we left to go? I'm not probably ever going to swallow the divinity pill, I just don't think its true, but I do believe proper Catholic teaching to be something like an ancient wisdom, a collective consciousness so powerful it transcends humanity altogether. I was baptized Roman Catholic and became more or less atheist(though never fedora tier "religion is a plague") but now that I am trying to reclaim alot of lost heritage, I just cannot see the Roman Catholic church as the true path. It hadn't gotten to me just how bad or how long this had been going on until I watched some old episode of Firing Line and found myself shaking my head as a man who recently converted to Catholicism was very convincing in making points about how what the Church was doing in regards to the excommunication of some Cardinal for a stance on something was absolutely backwards and against very long held church teaching(the Cardinal was really in the right, but didn't toe the line).

My mother was actually born Orthodox, and only converted in her teens. My father's family has never been tied to any denomination, but he became Catholic to marry my mother. I've been kicking around the idea of possibly getting involved in a local church in some capacity, but I feel like I have gone beyond the point where I would benefit from adherence to church dogma. I mean once its been compromised like that, I can't just walk around believing in the church hierarchy.
If it helps you at all, check Gnostics, hence why I was rattling this >>136288746 anon.

They reject the Catholic god altogether and embrace the true divinity so to speak, the one that transcends humanity as you said yourself. It strikes accords in my soul, at least.
I'm like yourself, I don't think I would ever accept the divinity in a way which it is currently presented by the Roman Catholics, but hell, I can see why that is the case. Just read this: http://files.meetup.com/574112/Permanent_Instruction_of_the_Alta_Vendita.pdf
He's bald and prone to cancer. He wants to protect his head from the sun. He was likely running
t. Bald fag who always wears a hat
hahah we listing the JQ as the biggest red pill in the comments?
>check Gnostics

Gnostics were kikes
middle aged man comin straight from tha underground
not a single argument to be found
wher u liv?
Isn't the Filoque already a blasphemy and essentially a law against the trinity? If the Church is the foundation of God's law then why do you need the trinity, or even God? It's aready a step into atheism.
He barely gets talked about here because /pol/ is full of bitchniggas that don't read books
not only is god the truth, the Truth is God.
The biggest Molymeme redpill is that he's a cult leader encouraging people to leave their families (including his wife who he brainwashed).
Then, after seperating you from your family and friends and leaving you with only Molymeme he begs for all your money just like any other cult leader.
Also, he's a Jew, go figure.
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>reads whole thread , some v/good stuff
>amazes at al the disenchanted catholcucks


Do you comment this every molymeme thread?
I swear ive read this 10 times by now.
Every time I see his lying nigger face I get mad.
Yes, the gods do not have law as we know it. They have logos, pathos, and ethos, and much of natural law relies upon fate and how kairos can turn fate - either for you or against you. Such law becomes ineffectual if the universe loses is fundamental balance.

This is perhaps why human justice feels so arbitrary, the return of all law to the Laws of the universe allows for contradiction, the intervention of fate, and rebirth of great men. Humans have cut out the universe, and even the world, from law. So there is only man alone with the court. The circumstances and character of a man are cast out as inconsequential; to pardon is a form of heresy which threatens law itself. Triumph over chaos is the only justice considered by the courts, so there is a progression towards absolute law and the punishment of all to prevent even the most minor outbreak of chaos.

Ordered chaos is the natural law of such a system, and the complete opposite of virtuous fate. The ancients knew that true virtue risked the final law of the gods, chaos. Deep wisdom often allies itself with primordial chaos and the loss of everything we have built.

Perhaps revolutions fail not because of our enemies' strengths but our combined weaknesses which drive us further apart. I am not a Christian but this is perhaps its greatest virtue, it is not afraid of weakness. It confronts weakness and attempts to create laws against the sins which arise from it. But the focus on negative laws promote stagnancy and prevent resolution.

I suppose people are caught in the same trap today, they seek the prevention of negative consequences rather than risking the unknown of creating a positive.
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