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> climate ch-change is f-fake uhhhh guys...

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> climate ch-change is f-fake

uhhhh guys...
Hillsboro, OR reporting in.
And what?
It's hot here.
Just got off of work there pdx airport reporting in
Weather is not climate retard. Isnt tha what leftist always say?
It's almost as if half of those states are deserts and it's the middle of Summer where temps are at their highest... Have climate change conspiracy theorists ever been to a 1st grade science class??
Salt Lake here

Nearly my balls sweating off today. How the fuc is this even happening?
Climate change is real.
Ride a bike
this kinda looks like the chad meme
Nah actually it gets that hot in the summer every year.
>it's hot in August

>those temperatures
Well there was also a snowstorm at the beginning of the year and they called it

The focus is on the pacific NW you fucking idiot. Which is seldom that hot.
wunderground is saying the high was 105 yesterday and 99 today.

The weather channel is fake news.
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>weather == climate
it's hot in the summertime
It's cold here in Indiana
>ignores lower than average temperature on other side of jet stream

t. weather
It is always this hot in the summer in Sacramento
>turns on air conditioning

man beats nature yet again
climate change cultists are the kind of math failures that think because one outcome has a lower likelihood that it won't happen at all
Summer is hot. Wow.
b-b-but muh warming
Actually I live in Seattle and it is generally this hot. I'm sure Canada and their stupid fucking fire blowing all the smoke down isn't helping either
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Soft cock detected, gb2 canada
seattle reporting in.
The Jewish Conspiracy is real.
our summer is cold tho
No it fucking isn't. Its been hot as hell the last week and just today cooled down to the 70s because it JUST stormed last night and the day before. L2Weather Systems you fucking retarded cornigger.
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Most of us, including myself, don't have air con.
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>it's hot in summer

Woah, get this guy a nobel prize. He's just as smart as climate scientists.
>B.C. wildfires
Wat? It's extremely rare to reach 90+ in seattle. Average 2 per year.
They only say that when it's cold, anon.
Unusually cold winter
>Climate People: "haha you cant tell the overall change of the climate by a cold wave, it has nothing to do with the climate at large!

Unusually hot summer
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Was I the only one that saw this resemblance
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Yes it is fake.

It's the middle of summer it's goong to get hot.
Weather and climate are two different things. When will Americans learn?

The trump curse strikes again!

I live in Seattle and was planning a Trip to SoCal with my gf this summer.

Turns out that Seattle's been an average of 20 degrees hotter than San Diego so far
Climate change is not fake

Man made climate change has not been proven

t. PHD Shitlord
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But it won't be fake for long

Revelation 16
8 And the fourth angel poured out his vial upon the sun; and power was given unto him to scorch men with fire.
9 And men were scorched with great heat, and blasphemed the name of God, which hath power over these plagues: and they repented not to give him glory.
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Naturally the leftists cherrypick weather events, which is what we're ridiculing.
Get a fan and get naked
They really talk out of both sides of their mouths. They say that cold temperatures aren't proof that there is not warming because what matters is a trend over time, which is decades or centuries in length. Then they point to hot temperatures as proof of warming.
>It's hot here.
OMG!!!! ITS HOT!!!!

The climate is continuously changing.

It's (((them) trying to extract shekels through fear mongering that makes me laugh
>Dry heat fags
Come to the south, I'll show you real hell.
>literal summerfag
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t's 109 degrees and I cant see the sun

also, hillsboro is so much nicer than the washington side =((( fucking batshit boomer cuckservatives keeping out the MAX >=(
I almost died yesterday in Eugene. Nobody here really has AC. 110 according to my thermometer downtown. Usually only in the 80s and low 90s in the summer here.
>I-I know it's only 98F b-b-but MUH HUMIDITY

nigger let me know when your doorknob or car seat hits 200F. Let me know when the wind makes it WORSE instead of better. Or when the temp doesn't go below 100F at any point throughout the night time.

Wait, really? This would be impossible in my climate. It's humid as fuck and the houses are no longer built to withstand the humidity. My whole house would explode into one giant mushroom if I left the AC off for a month.
kys degenerate
Georgia here, its actually been pretty okay this summer. Definitely not the hottest, youre all delusional
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I'd suggest it's less fake and more manufactured.
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Weather happens. Calling every weather event "climate change" is retarded.

Remember when we used to have "heat waves" and "cold spells"? Not anymore! Now I give you the retard generation. The indoctrinated millennials. Too stupid to know when they are being used, too arrogant to think they are stupid.

You stupid faggot I used to live in Reno NV working in an iron precast yard. 110 degrees is a thing in summer and often a thing. Everyone would talk about how hot it was and bitch about how hot it was and I would always tell them to give me this over 80 degrees where I was from.

Come down here one time when it's 90 during the wet season. You will never bitch about a dry heat again.
I literally haven't seen the sun in like 5 days because our skies are full of smoke.

where's my PNW nigs at?
Supposedly it used to be even colder here a few decades ago, so people's homes were never uncomfortable. However, in the few years I've been here, every summer has meant that I open all doors and windows in the early morning to let in cold air, and keep the shades drawn throughout the entire day. But this summer is exceptionally bad.

>My whole house would explode into one giant mushroom if I left the AC off for a month.
What if you travel?
Wtf are you on. It gets that high damn near every summer.
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Bon'Quisha, if you read the rest of my posts, you'll see that I'm making fun of the climate change scam.
redmond here, I think the cascades are stopping most of the smoke from getting here. Its just been kind of hazy
It's high 60s in the bay area of CA, it even drizzled a little today. Still overcast too. There is a warm breeze for the past two days though, it was kinda like being in Hawaii during a cloudy day but with more niggas and mexicans.
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no one gives a shit about vegas summer heat until planes are unable to take off. fuck everyone
south bc here, its not that hot. it just feels shitty because there is no wind and we are being covered in smoke from the wildfires
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Here's two graphs showing different interpretations of historical data.
The Mann graph on top which is/was toted as the standard of climate research and is the base of thousands of studies and papers. In court for a slander case against a scientist (Ball) that call out his work as garbage. Mann has refused to provide the code (methodology) used to make the graph and in now in contempt of court over his refusal to provide the means that created the graph.

The golden boy of climate research that sued someone for slander has refused to show his work to a court. That should tell you something of the integrity of the global warming alarmists. Also by the by, this invalidates literally every study or paper that used his work as reference and in turn literally every paper or study that sited a one of those papers and so on down the chain.

This guts a large amount of climate research as fraudulent.
I've visited Whistler in the winter, very pretty and nice people.
Don't worry there's always the promising space program to colonise other worlds... oh wait...
Sure the heat is a little much but the air is really dirty because of all the wild fired from up north.. It's a lot worse on the east side though, its advised not to stay outdoors for too long.
Ah, I was wondering where that haze was coming from, just put two and two together. I'll just get my tendies at the drive-thru.
Phoenix reporting in
We call this kind of thing "Friday"
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And to correspond Arizona has been cooler and wetter than usual

Weather patterns =/= climate change.
Does Arizona cool off at night?

Are you ever uncomfortable walking around, or does the low humidity help enough?
Chill the fuck out, it was 76 and pleasant in southern Indiana today, usually August is 90+.
Depends on the time of year. During November-mid March, it cools down at night. Rest of the year it's easily 80-120. During the summer we get our monsoons and that's when it feels swampy
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Yes, look at that humidity, and lows

Last night it was in the 70's
this shill shit belongs in /sci
kys, faggot
climate change is fake faggot
Itll be in the 70's at night by September and it will Daytime highs of 70's by the end of October.
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Climate change is real but it's mostly to do with the natural cycle of the planet as the Sun gets closer at it orbits the earth opening the passages through the antarctic barrier. Soon we shall be re-united with our brothers and sisters on the other side.
No offense but how do you manage in that environment?
its going to be 80 F tomorrow.

fuck its too damn hot.
MAX is a horrible waste of money.
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Iowan here, it was 72 degrees today for the high temperature. Get fucked Worst Coast.
I think they want to keep out the PDX culture.
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Because with low humidity anything below like 100 isnt bad at all, especially with shade.

Everything has air conditioning and you simply dont spend a lot of time outside (unless in a pool) when it is up to 110-115.

Let me put it this way, Even when its 110, I can sit outside in the pool with a beer and enjoy myself, When it is below freezing, how long could you survive outside?

Also weather is amazing from October-April, if you are lucky, like we were this year, the weather can still be nice into May or even early June.

Hot weather is actually very easy to deal with.
Yup its summer time.
Nice, sounds like low humidity and an infrastructure built for heat makes all the difference.

In contrast, the main reason ppl here are suffering is because no air con.
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Nice try. Why would you be shilling if it was real?
>in the few years I've been here
Climate change deniers are idiots.

In the past decade Portland has gone over 105 multiple times.

Despite not reaching that for 100 years previous.

Anyone who denies climate change doesn't understand basic physics and specific heat capacity.

Though to be fair there isn't jack shit we can do to stop it. So any climate change austerity measures are useless.
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I think it's what the old folks used to call "summer". It's a weird happening. Around July, August, September.

I could be wrong though. Al Gore thinks summer is a myth and he calls it "global warming".

Yeah no shit sherlock. The northern hemisphere is usually fucked up hot during July, August and September.
here it's hot as fuck, and humid. nobody has a/c, we all use public transport, and the metro usually has no a/c. fuck. it's hell.

only good thing is to go to the lake at the weekend.
It's fucking 60 degrees in Indiana. Tell me again why I should care about the North West
that's usually my advice in most situations. Kek.
>Climate change can be stopped if you just spend lots of money
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oh yeah, without air conditioning, IDK get naked and wet and hope not to die.

Drink a lot of water. when people think desert they think sand dunes but the Sonran (where phoenix/Tucson are) is actually quite green

pic related. And for scale those catuses are 15-20 feet high. You can cut those "shrubs" so they grow like trees.
>to be fair there isn't jack shit we can do to stop it
nukes, weaponized infections we have a few options
>Oregons current geography has been roughly the same for millions of years
>20,0000 years ago it was Tundra near a giant ice cap

>Herp derp we have records back to 1920! We are clearly in a position to declare what is abnormal and not!
100% correct.

The only real solution is extreme depopulation measures, ecofascism, mass genocide. I'd start with the niggers but eradicating 95% of all the races in equal proportion would be fine too.
I live at the beach, so we have natural air conditioning. Only sucks during the day but at night temperatures drop to a comfy 65 degrees.
Bellevue here. Can't see anything over Canada burning down.
People who argue for climate change are arguing against toddlers. It's hot in the day and cold at night.
The meme we're fighting is catastrophic man-made global warming.
Go live in a 5 by 5 apartment drinking your own urine until you die. Now no one can hear your bullshit and you don't affect the environment.
Portland Oregon here it's pretty normal for summer.
SC here. We've had nights that were in the 50's this week.
The dilemma is a majority of white people wouldn't need to be touched where as 95% of non-whites wouldn't make the cut. This whole were all have our bad apples is kikery at its finest.
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110 here in Oregon near Portland and it fucking sucks. I thought about buying an air conditioner but I'm too cheap and the heatwave will end. Fryes has them on sale too!! I can't even fap with this heatwave...
wow the jetsteam dipped moron, its cold in the midwest and is going to be for a few days. lrn2notBdumb
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more like firepit and sweater weather.
Very beautiful!
care to elaborate?
tacomafag reporting in. smoke from leafistan blocked our view of mount rainier.
It's normal Oregon summer heat
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Cooler than last summer or the one before here on the East Coast though.
>more plant growth
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Ah ha eat shit burgers.
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I used to live in the valley in LA here's what you do. Get some bottles, fill them with water. Put in fridge until they are frozen solid. Then put on your wrist, neck, feet etc. Should cool you down a bit.
>Climate Change is fake
Climate Change has been a natural occurrence for over 4 billion years.
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says Australia?
It fucked up my god damn exam schedule
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We have unleashed a cycle of permafrost melt, and the release of trapped gasses underwater and in ice. Its too late to bottle the natural cycle of greenhouse gas emissions we have unlocked and we adding our own on top of it.

We have reached parity with the highest level of co2 we have record of, and we are only going up. Co2 and other "greenhouse" gasses take more energy to rise in temperature. The amount of energy needed for a substance to rise a specified amount is the specific heat. So when heated by the sun it warms slower but absorbs more energy, and cools slower. Plus it releases energy nearby other elements of lower specific heat.

TLDR Take a basic chemistry or physics class.
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>Ignoring humidity
it is summer, wait a couple months
the chad heatwave
Get used to it faggot, your body already will without you knowing it. There are people who live in worse conditions. Adapt.
Have you been to the Pacific NW you retard?
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not>>136200605, but geography isnt determined by how much snow there is on the ground =^)

I'm gonna trick you into sleeping with me.
t.passing post-op transsexual

that's exactly why. but keeping out the max is also why pdx is a traffic nightmare

Cool...what can we possibly do about it other than deal with what happens?
That wasnt my point,

My point it we only have reliable data for like a century, we dont have enough to make reasonable judgments about how hot or cold a place should or can get.
same humidity here but it is 84 degrees instead it sucks going outside you start to sweat almost immediately
The chad magma shart
August 1917: "Fuck it's hot"
>doesn't understand
oh I understand it faggot. I'm just not going to PAY for you idiots who think you can fix it.
you are arrogant and beyond stupid in that regard.
There is NOTHING that your pitiful understanding of physics can stop so fuck off and let me keep my fucking money you kike.
It is called Summer
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It is. Just over a long term or frequent period.
>rain one day
>climate change?
>rain every three days where there never rained, for a year?
>climate change?
Maybe, need historical, geological data and long term weather monitoring systems. Knowledge of surrounding areas, position and behavior of the jet streams.
>if all those and more match, you can call it climate change.
NE Texas here, mildest summer I can recall in a long time.

Eat shit climate cultists
There is really nothing we can do.

I mean there is technically, but its not feasible.
The only way to reverse the process is to suck up greenhouse gasses at a rate surpassing the natural emissions we caused.

This after cutting our own emissions to zero.

Plus we have crippled natures ability to reprocess co2 into oxygen by fucking our oceans and through massive deforestation.

Actually much of the reason climate change is happening so quickly is because we fucked our oxygen producers.
Uhm, yeah. As a matter of fact I will be in Oregon in 2 weeks for the solar eclipse. Been to Seattle and Vancouver Canada as well.
But the shift in weather patterns is a sign of climate change, but climate change deniers ignore this, so they should also be ridiculed.
Name one summer that hasn't been hot as balls.
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ITT weathergirls shill to get grant money to support theories they will never be able to prove in their lifetimes.
hey it's summertime, so it's hot, now fuckoff with your arrogant bullshit or go sell it to the chinese and poos for your gay ass 'study' muh professor needs muh shekels for.

ps I hope Cali burns you faggots and mexicunts alive cuz you'll never get 1 dime from me nigger.
but we have more forest than 200 years ago anon.
Wow, didn't know my city Medford got that hot.
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You shouldn't be surprised by that. Satellite sets require continued and comparatively severe adjustment. Its by far the most error prone method of temperature measurement. Your basically indirectly measuring surface temperatures via proxy radiation at a height thats constantly dropping (orbital decay). Sources of stray radiation and the orbital decay must be controlled for both of which can be difficult to quantify.

Mann was wrong. There have been plenty since him though that have come to very similar results for different reasons though. Pic related show all the most notable proxy records of the past few thousand years.
Oregon here... Winters are like Antarctica and Summers are like the Middle East. Fucking nuke this entire shithole state.
Still don't buy muh (((Climate Change))) though
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>He's a taxlet


Carbon taxes bring in fuck all revenue compared to raising income or corporate taxes. If someone simply wanted more money for the government to spend there are plenty of other taxes they could raise that are far more politically feasible.
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>reliable data
so core samples aren't reliable? they tell us what the climate was like back then. the remains of the flora and fauna, trapped gasses. geology helps too. no glaciers, no columbia river gorge
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Chuck Shumer and the Dems trying to steal Trump's platform.

They've copied his platform verbatim in an attempt to dupe people who voted for him in to voting for Democrats instead. It's shameless plagiarism and the fact that they are doing it instead of just wholesale pushing Russia shows how terrified the Democrats are. They have no message, no ideas of their own. Labeling their opponents as bigoted racists or the new label of Russian colluder is not working. They need an actual plan for America now, but they do not have one.

This needs to be pointed out to normies and likely Trump voters even that the Democrats are trying to pull a fast one on them. If they didn't believe in these positions before Trump, they certainly don't believe in them after. They're attempting a bait and switch.
>antarctic core samples can be used for local weather anomalies in Oregon

Fuck off if you dont understand what climate change means please.
We do in northeast America but not in Asia Africa India or south America.

Also the trees are usually logged in cycles preventing old growth.

India has undertaken a massive reforestation project though.
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oy vey goyim! Time to start that HVAC and HVAC accessories business.
There are still tree rings and fossils.

I don't see why you need Oregon temperatures in specific though, on its own it tells you very little about the earths global temperature history
now I know what Napoleon Dynamite is up to.
cause thats what we were talking about.
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I literally said we can do nothing to stop climate change and austerity measures do nothing.

Fuck new taxes

The government employs lazy useless employees and spends over 40K on "art" shit like pic related.

The only way to cut emissions is new technologies. The future lies in bio-fuels. The idea is that you use cycle the carbon in the air instead of burning carbon formerly stored underground. Maybe we will develop batteries to make electric transportation more feasible, but until they develop fusion we don't have the energy for it on a mass scale.

Cutting emissions does nothing to stop climate change. Its like pissing on a bonfire while everyone is adding fuel.
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they do core samples everywhere, not just in the arctic/ anarctic
>uhhhh guys...
Quit being 2 dimensional.

>Climate change "predicted" since early 1900s
>Ice age ending preached in school.
>Ice ages and following warm spells happen in past, predicted for future
>Suddenly it is 100% our fault, and is preventable.

The interpretation of "Climate change" is fucked up. Just saying it causes people to instantly correlate humans destroying the environment...Climate change was inevitable. It has happened before, and will happen again.

Ask these retards why there are "Great Lakes" on the US/Canada border. The answer pretty much BTFO any discussion on climate change. It was happening before we got here.

As for hot weather for a few weeks...This is normal. It is called weather. It is not predictable.
seems like a problem faggots who lack forward thinking would encounter. are pacific northwesterners really this retarded?
Fair enough but you're still wrong. All this data is searchable, heres the tree ring data for Oregon that goes back way further than 100 years


>Cutting emissions does nothing to stop climate change. Its like pissing on a bonfire while everyone is adding fuel.
But your proposal is to cut net emissions?

Cutting emissions is absolutely the only way to stop climate change (outside yet to be discovered geo-engineering) and a carbon tax is a good market based solution to that. If you make polluters pay the full cost of their product (labour, materials AND environmental cost) then the firms employing tech that reduces emissions can finally be rewarded to its fullest.
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fuck you cunt its freezing fucking cold.
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Fucking hemispheres. kek.
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>Ice ages and following warm spells happen in past, predicted for future
So misleading. These cycles take place over hundreds of thousands of years not a few hundred, currently we lie in the obliquity cycle which (under typical conditions) would normally mean slowly decreasing temperatures.

We know this because these cycles are related to the orbit of the earth around the sun.
Sun just set in SoCal. It's nice and comfy at the beach :) Got a nice ocean breeze going on and drinking whiskey :)
Climate change is the average temperature over YEARS.

>hurr durr it's cold tolday SO MUCH FOR CLIMATE CHANGE
>hurr durr it's hot today I GUESS CLIMATE CHANGE IS REAL

You're all so fucking stupid. This thread should have gotten 0 replies.
See my post here: >>136197101

Most of the buildings in my area were built in the early 90s btw.
same here in SoCal beach towns. Two weeks ago it rained like a motherfucker for like 10 minutes out of nowhere.
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>The future lies in bio-fuels. The idea is that you use cycle the carbon in the air instead of burning carbon formerly stored underground.
My hope would be that it's something like renewable-to-hydrocarbon, where excess wind/solar is used to generate mass amounts of methane or gasoline from CO2. Of course we are so incredibly far from that level of infrastructure, but all the technology we would need is here and quickly improving.
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hot in august! no fucking way! we are all doooomed! and yes (((climate change))) is fake.




Yeah the temperature should be the same every day! all the time!
climate change is real and if you think otherwise you're fucking retarded
>Cutting emissions is absolutely the only way to stop climate change
The point I have been making is that we have jump-started the natural release of carbon. Even if we stop all our emissions, levels will continue to rise. Cutting emissions will not stop climate change. Removing 1% a year while still producing a shit-ton of carbon is practically meaningless.

A carbon tax would just take money out of your pocket, while achieving nothing.

To stop climate change there has to be a net reduction in gasses. In the short term this is impossible. Basically our entire way of life is completely dependent on fossil fuels. From the nitrates that grow our food, to the transportation system that brings us plastic, everything is emitting carbon.

There has to be advancement in technology for any hope of reversing climate change.

I say reversing because by the time it comes along we will be balls deep

The people that own the oil, don't want to transition to alternative, net-0, fuel sources, until it becomes un-cost-effective to use oil as the main fuel source. They will lose out on revenue from a major asset.

Also fuels won't be replaced by electricity for a long long time. A burnable fuel can hold a lot of energy and is easily transported. When transporting electricity you lose a massive amount of energy, and batteries are extremely expensive to produce and have a short shelf life compared to a combustion engine. Also we lack the electricity to feed our transportation network with non coal based sources. If we replaced all our electricity production with uranium fission we only have enough for about 40 years. Until we develop something like fusion (which uses isotopes of hydrogen we can produce) we are stuck with coal.
The only way in the short term to really dent carbon emission from cars is to change the fuels. Fuels we produce from plants or captured carbon have a net-0 carbon eission. However under most proposed carbon taxes they are still subject to taxes
I live in SE Washington and its this hot every year you fucking retard. Maybe it's weird for you Seattle cucks with your no AC inside your buildings, but we're used to it on the right side of the cascades.
Still objectively fake.
That's because you live in the high desert...
No its not. Though most people have a poor understanding of it.
>Removing 1% a year while still producing a shit-ton of carbon is practically meaningless
What makes you think the figure would be so low?


>There has to be advancement in technology for any hope of reversing climate change.
And a great way to do that is a carbon tax. If polluting sources become more expensive it provides incentive to develop technologies which minimise or eliminate emissions.

>until it becomes un-cost-effective to use oil as the main fuel source
It already is its just that people 100 years down the line are paying the cost for the damages due to CO2 emissions rather than the polluters themselves.

Imagine two pants factories, factory A produces a harmful by-product but has lower labour+materials costs and factory B has another process which is more expensive in terms of labour+materials costs but does not produce the harmful by-product. In any typical market the two firms would be far more competitive since whilst factory A pays less for labour+materials it has to pay for its waste disposal whilst factory B has more expensive labour+materials costs but pays for nothing in waste disposal. In the energy market however the we are all paying for the cost of factory A's waste disposal effectively providing a subsidy and thus incentive for the business model of factory A.
>Dominican Republic

Enjoy refugees and Iranian missiles flying over your head. Don't let it hit your barrio.
t-this is normal! climate change is a liberal mass hoax! i know because a kooky scientist funded by exxon told me so!

i trust corporations to look out for my best interests! they'd never lie or sow discord for financial interest!

*lights marlboro cigarette*

ahh.. that sweet cherokee flavor!

meanwhile, in the Great Lakes region, I'm literally shivering.
jesus christ get back to the_cuckold
Regular shit summer. Sac reporting in.

pick one, you fags all are easy as shit to spot. you can't fool biology
but government funded scientists and al gore's third beach house maid told me it was a real, wat do?
Good thing everything's on fire, can't even see the sun anymore, shit's nice.
solar simulator
Also 95 ain't shit, it's usually 110 this late in summer.
>heat waves are a new thing
Holy fuck lemme get my checkbook
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Season change ......nest will be Fall and cooler
>it's hot in the desert
Nice b8 anon, saged
Its normally over 100 for a full 8 weeks in Texas and it was over 100 this year for a week and a half and will not be over 100 for the rest of the year

Let's carbon tax the ancient romans and greeks!

>Roman Warn Period: a period of unusually warm weather in Europe and the North Atlantic that ran from approximately 250 BC to AD 400

>Aegean mean summer temperatures in the fourth and fifth centuries BC were within a degree of modern temperatures.
>> tfw inflation nets you 14 cents in ancient Roman coin
>kys faggot

Still not as hot as the summer of 2013-2015.

2016 was a 10/10 in terms of the few really hot days.

2017 is proving to be a little intense in August but still not as bad as those fucking cunt years.

100 degrees in the summer

>oh god the endtimes are near

fuck off imbecile
The pacific northwest is not a desert
40 degree low temp in northern Nebraska this morning. hmm don't thinks so. atmosphere is fluid. like ocean. 40 year event cycle. check 74"
It has been a rather cool summer until the past week
Its always 105 where I live get used to it you fucking pussy faggot OP or go back to antartica where you belong snow nigger
>Picture related for OP
It's all the fires, you fucking retard.
Turns out when there's a metric fuckton of acreage burning, it sort of acts like a heat-source.
are there flying insects in the northwest? im in midwest and want to take a fucking flamethrower to the air im sick of all these goddamn beetles and moths and sweat bees and little flying shits and wasps and my god all these little pissant mosquitos

where can i go that there's none of these pricks attacking me
No it's not, the atmosphere is gas you dumb fuck
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According to Al Gore, we should have been living in Kevin Costner's Waterworld by now.
gas is fluid
ever heard of fluid dynamics? Meteorology 101. atmos is h2o just like ocean. coming from a military veteran who specialized in non al gore subject matter.
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Wow, it gets hot in the desert. Who would've guessed?
These temps are normal for these places in summers.
we've been in this shit agreement for a long ass time. Have cut emissions by our planned amount till like 2030 or 2040 and shit is still burning up. What does that say about liberal disconnect?

They are not. 90+ is not a common thing for Seattle due to the fact its on the coast and has sea air coming in. The Seattle area has been hitting record highs every single year for the past several years.

You can argue with bullshit all you want, but reality doesn't change just because it doesn't fit your view point.
Western New York reporting in, high of 67 tomorrow, currently 62 degrees, in the beginning of August. Also, what happened to "that's not climate, it's weather", You Al Gore dickriders say this everytime there's a blizzard or cold weather event, however you shout "muh climate change" everytime there is a heatwave. kys
>What does that say about liberal disconnect?

They are far from disconnected. More like devious. This tax is just to keep funding their liberal agenda.
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Who /ac everywhere here?

The AC at my work and house is set to 10 C. The only time I get fucked by the whore sun is the couple minutes walking to my car and waiting for the AC to start working.
>"that's not climate, it's weather"

They love to play around with words. Like when Loretta Lynch told Comey to call it a matter and not a criminal investigation of Hillary.
>86.4F dewpoint
Christ that's awful. Only had the displeasure of experiencing that level of humidity a few times. Average July/August dewpoints where I'm at usually hover in the 70-75F range, and that's horrible enough for me. White people aren't meant for this kind of weather
By the way, the Southwestern US does deal with humidity around this time of the year due to the North American Monsoon. Link related.

weather is not climate
speak american please
Those graphs are 17 years out of date, for one .
and two, just because some cuck fucked himself by being a wanker with the numbers, doesn't mean climate change is not real.
I live about 30 miles north from Seattle. Yesterday was the hottest day this summer at 93 degrees where I live.

For reference, the hottest day last year was 91 degrees and I remember 2 or more summers in the past where it was 95 or more.

Nothing out of the ordinary and with our low humidity, it's not uncomfortable at all.
it's fucking 45˚ (113) here
You're pulling shit out your ass. There have been 3 days in Seattle history above 100 - once in 2009, 1994, and 1941
Thursday was a rough day for the working stiff in Portland, can't imagine how bad it was on the tarmac.
GW is not a scam, but the solution is ... regional geoengineering. California should spray stuff into the air to block the sun and make the area cooler.
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If you are actually 'red pilled' you realise that climate change has basically fucked us already

The Arctic is DOOMED. If we lose the Arctic sea ice in summer (a strong possibility in the next 20 years - maybe sooner) then this will decrease albedo, increase permafrost melt, lead to warming northerly latitudes that causes even faster melting in Greenland etc. We need to spray the stratosphere with aerosols to block out sunlight on purpose to prevent his happening.

The Arctic is the canary in the coal mine so I am not shocked that deniers in these threads ignore it and pretend it isn't vanishing before our eyes. We have excellent data of all kinds for the arctic. Luckily for us the Antarctic hasn't started the death spiral yet.
I'm thinking about not blocking the whole stratosphere, but something like spraying salt water at ca. 1km heights, stuff that fill fall back to earth. The goal is to reduce REGIONAL temperature in overheated zones.
Airplane contrails are already doing something similar, it's proven.
Why stuff that falls back to earth? It has to be regulated, we can't overshoot.
Holy shit, we gotta impeach Drumpf. That will stop the global warming!
jesus christ
>summer on the American west is hot
>tfw live in KY
>entire summer has been between 90-100F
>with upwards of 50-60% humidity
>pacific northwest complaining about a week of barely 100F temperatures
Crymore fucking, you weak ass faggots.
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