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File: angry-pepe.jpg (7KB, 236x236px) Image search: [Google]
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niggers aren't staying any longer than they have to

those idiots look smug and annoying btw
Good luck with that. The Japs grant citizenship to a number that you could practically count on your hands.
Jews can't camouflage as japanese, subversion is harder
A Paki, an Indian, and a Jew walk into a maid cafe
Oven worthy degenerates, by the look of them.
Dude on the right is like the archetype of every English teacher in Japan.
Truly they are wiser than Canadians

Then again, so's a dog that stops biting its' tail when it realizes it's hurting itself
6 year expat here. Niggers are viewed with disdain by almost everyone. They stay together in groups and gather together in a few seedy areas where they work as pimps and nightclub hustlers. Any girl who gets together with one is viewed as trash by other Japanese. Also I have never seen a mixed black-Japanese child whose father was still in the picture. Every single time the mother was raising it alone.
How did you expat to nipland?
>tfw anime will no longer exist in five years
Guess it's for the best, those cartoons don't promote healthy female body images.
>lol its ok the japanese dont like them
>theres only groups of them that occupy certain parts of the cities and pump our half breed children
>lol no big deal
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I've heard of the Nigerian touts in Roppongi, trying to snag customers for seedy clubs. Pretty funny shit, actually.
>Look at me, I'm the 7/11 shopkeep now
Nowhere did I say it was ok. Occupy is a strong word; maybe you should take a look at every major city in the US. Niggers are found in the red-light districts confined to a very small area. From what I gather the Nigerian mob pays off the Yakuza for that 'privilege'. Even that small number is too many but considering Japan's stance on immigration I doubt Newsweek is putting forward an article in good faith here. It's almost like they have an agenda, maybe something about trying to make people believe that multiculti is natural all over the world. Those half breed children inevitably fail in Japanese society anyways due to inferior genetics and having no father.
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Call back the kikes from Japan and gas them. that is the best solution.
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>Losing his shit because someone else's country is getting a dose of multiculturalism
thats exactly how niggers worked their way into the UK, Western Europe, Canada, and largely America too. through the halfbreed criminals. Yakuza is scum for letting them do that.
if they can get citizenship in Japan, they deserve it

i speak japanese fairly well and i still have no shot at japanese citizenship, those tests are fucking difficult
I want to make a joke about how you should keep your fetishes out of this but honestly I'm just legitimately sorry for you guys at this point, you only shitpost because your lives are horrible.
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>ayyo hol up sempai
Do you have any plans for exterminating those 5000 niggers there in tokyo? How will you defend your society against multiculturalism? Do you plan on increasing your birth rates? If so, how will you proceed?
Soo, ah wuz like, wuuz happenin' Akiruh yo' muthafucka...an sheeyit I done gots to git me sum dat dere Yakkitory for muh chicken fix, yuh here? Piss dees heyuh gookz call booz, fuckin' sheeyit I juz wants me sum dat Kang Kobra to wash down muh chickin beeyutch!
The loyalist anglos deserve it. They fled the US because freedom scared them and they wanted to be 'british'. Well now Canada has no freedom of speech, and the land's basically all the Crown's

The French just got a raw deal. For over 200 years they just wanted to be left alone
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