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The true cause of the downfall of human race and civilization,

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First things first, let me explain the real cause of all the problems that threaten the people and rightly concern /pol/

First things first - capitalism. I will not focus on that one, but it results in corporate control of media and politics, destruction of family and identity politics, which in turn leads to replacement migration.

The second big problem is the urban life. City living is extremely unnatural. It literally causes us to go insane as individuals and as civilization this insanity is the leading cause of collapse of civilisation through history. What exactly causes it and how? Well, let's compare it with the natural way of human existence: tribal, nomadic or - close enough - village life. It has two aspects: first, everybody knows everything about everyone. Second, reputation is everything. It means that you are confident in fellow men, and don't have to second guess if he is a friend or foe, your shield or a source of danger. Likewise, there is nothing more important in your life that upholding your personal virtue and the virtue of your clan or tribe. As for the city, you cannot spot vices and prove virtue, which removes security when dealing with the people, and removes pressure to pursue virtue and avoid vice.

Now, China.
Basically, they are developing a credit-like rating system, that would keep the score of virtue and trustworthiness of every citizen.

Not only will it solve a major problem of socialism by allowing to cut NEETS and welfare queens off public funds, it solves the existential problem of urban civilization. We, once again, become the one big family, the one big tribe, truly a “harmonious socialist society”.

Just one example. No more thots and sluts.
Bless you, Norwegian archiver bot, but I don't think it's necessary here.
It's necessary.


I would institute such a scoring system worldwide, and depending on how good or bad are you, you get different rights, with the best becoming ruling class and the worst lose basically all protections of the law, it's legal to kill them without repercussions
What about we ban all sorts of welfare.
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>Letting commies in charge of deciding who's gonna be considered human and who's subhuman

I'm sure that will work just great
>this is the lefts endgame
I'd rather be doped out of my mind
>village life is natural

kill yourself retard
>orwellian socialist score system where all dissidents get a zero rating and normies wont even speak to them because then their score gets degraded too

Wow great system. Literally kill yourself you fucking bootlicking communist cuckold
No ivan, the thing destroying the west is the ideologies cooked up by the kgb in the 50s . You guys are shockingly good at blaming the jews for it. (((Soviets))) have alot to answer for
But Soviets = Jews, Anon.
Your feels don't matter. That is the glorious future that awaits us. Communist China proves again and they are capable of pulling off most ambitious and massive projects - and they do work just great.
Welfare is significantly more efficient at providing essential services. It is also necessary for a highly specialised and meritocratic society.
What bullshit. Sure, both sides interacted with all dissidents in some ways - but ID pol and sexual revolution are direct results of slashing family for profit and pitting workers against each other. Also a literal anathema to communism and marxism.
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you need a helicopter ride to nowhere
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You sure showed me with those hot and spicy may-mays. Your superior method of discussion showed me - and the whole world - the error of my ways, oh mighty viking of debating.
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There is no debating tyrants - you just need to die.
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So, you are basically saying that Ancaps - political power with literally ZERO success and non-existent influence - does not need to debate with communists - the most major political power on earth holding sway over billions of people and major influences in every corner of the earth...

Well, I expected nothing less from delusional and autistic ancap looser.
>destruction of family and identity politics
Destruction of identity politics is a good thing though.
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I'm not ancap but yes commie tyrants need to be shot, not an inch given to them
China isnt communist anymore, you fucking moron.
That's a beautiful Asian couple
> (You)

Quit larping sven.
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Authoritarian communism is no different than Liberal Dictatorship. Early liberal republics were authoritarian too: for example, only 5% of American citizens actually had the right to vote, which only changed in the 20th century.

You cannot shoot communists, you dummy. We are A) powerful, so we will probably shoot all of you before you shoot all of us B) cute, most people will protect us. After all, only the Nazis are non-humans and may and need to be bashed completely at will.
>China isnt communist anymore, you fucking moron.
What makes you believe that? Apart from reverse no true Scotsman fallacy of course?
That's what I meant: {destruction of family} and {identity politics}

There is no multi-culti or diversity quotas in a communist state.
this is literally what the left want and its terrible.
>only 5% of American citizens actually had the right to vote, which only changed in the 20th century.
thats not what authoritarian means you fucking retard
>thats not what authoritarian means you fucking retard
The overwhelming majority lack fundamental political rights of the few, are effectively subjects of their interests. However you screech over definitions, I believe I carried my point.
>this is literally what the left want and its terrible.
>and it's beautiful.

On a serious point, it would only be slightly inconvenient to borderline autists (full blown autists wouldn't notice it anyway). The rest will live happily in a society that is both global, close knit, accountable and reliable at the same time.
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There is only one true cause, the merchant.
That's not authoritarianism and frankly I don't give a shit about the right to vote for me or anyone else, it's just a means to an end and not important unto itself.

>are effectively subjects of their interests
As long as the interest is liberty for everyone then it doesn't matter at all.
>That's not authoritarianism and frankly I don't give a shit about the right to vote for me or anyone else, it's just a means to an end and not important unto itself.
>As long as the interest is liberty for everyone then it doesn't matter at all.

So, you are saying that an actual structure of society and political decision making doesn't mean shit, but the nice words in constitution do. So what the fuck is even your problem with communism then? Communist constitutions have nice words in them too, probably all the Liberal nice words and something extra.
>There is only one true cause, the merchant.
Show me your proofs.
I described how capitalism logically and naturally leads to destruction of family, depopulation and replacement migration. Conspiracy theories don't actually help to solve problems.

It's pretty simple to disprove actually. The demographics are the same in antisemitic or Jewless states like Iran, Korea or Japan. DPRK, on the other hand, however flawed it may be, is safe from capitalist attack on family values.
Fuck you cunt, it's necessary. The independent is a rag, and should be denied clicks. Lurkmoar, newfag.
>nice word
Lmao you cuckold bitch. Yes I don't care about the structure of the government as long as people's negative rights are always guaranteed. I'd happily live under a libertarian King, such a society would be a lot less libertarian than democratic socialism.

Of course having a republic might be more stable in the long run but that's the only thing that makes it better, voting unto itself has little value.

If those rights are not guaranteed then government will have to be changed with or without violence. And no you don't have the same thing in communism because you are collectivist on an ideological level, the individual has no value or rights, and no guns to defend himself with against a potential tyrannical government. There is no difference between a communist worker and a slave.
lot more*
A credit score for how you interact with the state? What could go wrong?
Because people obviously can't game algorithms, and there's no way anyone would lower your score out of spite...
>As for the city, you cannot spot vices and prove virtue, which removes security when dealing with the people, and removes pressure to pursue virtue and avoid vice.

And that's why we need religion.
Many on the Right want the same thing, actually.
Go look up how algorithms work in video games. They can't even figure out how to give proper scores with a few hundred thousand people. It literally makes gaming worse.
Now imagine this on the scale of megacities and nations where there are real life consequences.

How would this system work in practice? Do you give the people you meet a rating?

Why do you think that negative rights are so important?
This is dystopian and you are retarded if you believe this will fix anything. The mindless drones will get points for being obedient while the dissidents will be thrown in the bottom of the pit along with the child rapists.
If it ever reached the West (god forbid) it would be PC ranking and you will get -10000 points for not being a transgender nigger.
so it's like, a virtue meritocracy. nice

pick one
I approve
China is full of mongrels with disgusting habits. No credit score can fix that.
> believe this will fix anything

they have a different value system. it'll never fly here
They hate faggotry and lgbtism in general in China, so actually, the opposite is true.
Systems similar to this are already utilized by IT giants.
Yes. Your voting power also may vary. If you rate your neighbour badly, you are dismissed and penalized unless the majority of his other neighbours rate him the same, for example.

In essence it works as big data, first adjusted and self-adjusted via trial runs, which is already happening.
>mongrels with disgusting habits

mostly rural i think. they're being phased out. anyways, habits can be fixed. degeneracy and cultural subversion cannot
Sorry, realized u said west
Anything can be misused or simply break down. China so far has proven to be most competent and ingenious as far as megaprojects and social engineering goes.
It is, though.
I continue to claim that non-communist China meme is simply reverse no true Scotsman fallacy (Nothing good comes from communism by definition, so if it's good, than it's either a lie or not true communism)
China is communist through and through.
Actually with NGOs reporting people for being unPC and corporations like Google deciding what makes you a good citizen I'm worried we might get similiar system soon.

Yeah in China it will "just" be used to silence the opposition and institute toalitarianism.

>China so far has proven to be most competent and ingenious as far as megaprojects and social engineering goes
Yeah like with the one child policy which royally fucked their demographics
Religion may sometimes create communities that emulate Humans' natural state. But they either have to live in isolation and technological quarantine (like Amish or orthodox Jews), or are unstable and unreliable. Other than that, Religion has no tools to maintain accountability and awareness of one's life to community in a huge city.
define communist
> I'm worried we might get similiar system soon.

they're corporations though, not gov't controlled. but yeah, i can see how the effects can be the same

>Yeah like with the one child policy which royally fucked their demographics

you must be kidding.
>you must be kidding.
How is having and unbalanced ratio of males to females a good thing?

i think their confucian system is superior. it decouples morals from needing to believe in sky fairies
>define communist
All confusion exists because there are actually two meanings of this.
One: an ideal and utopic form of society envisioned by Marx that, of course, was never achieved.
Two: a Marxist political ideology, created by Vladimir Lenin, named after communism, which is also its' final goal.

Communism as a utopia has never been tried. Every Communist, however is "real" communist, as he adopts Lenin's ideas.

If you say that China isn't communist, you have to point out significant contradiction between itself and Lenin's doctrine.
>unbalanced ratio of males to females a good thing?

do you really want more chinks in the world?
No but we're talking about the perspective of their nation.
One child policy was damaging to their society therefore social engineering skills of the Chinese are shit.
>How is having and unbalanced ratio of males to females a good thing?
It's a meh thing per se (You can always wife some nork or Indochinese pussy), but a demographic state of China is great when compared to the alternative (India). They achieved desired results and, unless it has any further bad consequences, it was great success.
>You can always wife some nork or Indochinese pussy
The ones who don't get women are the poor underachievers who can't afford importing wives. One might argue that they don't deserve a woman in the first place but from the social point of view this will cause problems like increased aggression, substance abuse and so on.
Besides, shrinking population of China will cause the erosion of the influence of their country and young people will be burdened by the old who are unproportially numerous. Same thing happens in the West.
they don't support armed struggle to overthrow capitalist regimes. well, not anymore. also, not everything is state owned anymore. private enterprise is allowed to flourish and create social classes, the very thing that communism tries to eliminate, no?
>damaging to their society

i don't think so. they already have 1 billion mouths to feed. i don't think it's in their best interests to let their population get out of control
>your feels dont matter
>but the government's feels do
>increased aggression, substance abuse and so on.

>your feels dont matter
>but the government's feels do

straw man. of course people's feels matter
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> City life is extremely unnatural

> Picrelated is literally communism and/or globalism
City life is unnatural and maddening.
Urban civilisation is so powerful that tribal and nomadic retards can't even compete.
Solution? Improve urban civilisation so that it will engage natural human behaviour and provide healthy and stable life for an individual and culture.
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