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Why is Ancap impossible?

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Am having a debate with an ancap and he cited something quite reliable really, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Icelandic_Commonwealth
Then there's this lenghty text: http://www.daviddfriedman.com/Academic/Iceland/Iceland.html
and also this one thing here: https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/petr-kropotkin-mutual-aid-a-factor-of-evolution

Are there any rebuttals to these?
>comes to /pol/ for help for his debate
looks like you lost.
How often has Iceland been invaded? It seems like a special case, to support it considering it's isolation. That's my first though. Not a rebuttal. Just something I ponder.
Wow thanks for the help
Here's (you)
Why do you need to rebutte that, retard?
It's not that AnCap doesn't work, it's that a lot of AnCaps are blue pilled on race. Instead of trying to convince AnCaps that AnCapitalism doesn't work, you should convince them that race is real and ask them who would keep Tyrone off the streets if not for a police force or a fascist government that deports these ''people''.
Also ask them how a military could work in an AnCap society, why wouldn't Mexico and Canada just invade America if it became Anarcho Capitalist? Trampling over someone's private property has far less serious consequences than invading a country.
Capitalism requires property rights. Anarchy, by definition, has no mechanism to guarantee property rights.

Anarcho-Capitalism is impossible by its very definition.
can you autistic faggots stop shooping little anime girls onto flags its gay as fuck
He doesn't believe in Nationalism, he doesn't care about race as well
It's just to get attention, not that I care.
The first link you posted literally showed why ancap doesn't work in the long-run

Fucking thanks
didn't read that part
That is the problem.
You must be a low IQ fag because you're focusing on the completely wrong things and you can't think about this stuff from different angles.
If someone said they like communism you don't start debating them over whether or not communism works, and try to rebutte some retarded article that talks about how Amish are communists.
''Debunking'' AnCapitalism wouldn't change anyone's mind on anything. Exposing people to new information makes them change their mind by themselves.
Kropotkin is shilled by /leftypol/ fucktards. I guess they have him in their sticky or something.
On a basic level, the reason an ancap society could never work is similar to why a peaceful, globalist world could never work. Somebody is going to realize that they have the capability to become dominant over everyone else and will move to claim power. And given enough time, they will succeed. It's in our nature to seek structure and order. It's how religion developed, it's how society developed.
Same can be said about holocaust. It was the holohoax that really gave me the start.
The whole "invading issue" is pretty unrealistic. There are many historical examples of self governing citystates that are pretty much the end game of AnCaps. Venice or certain cities within the HRE that had a special status for example existed for a very long time and were incredibly wealthy.
Why the fuck is there a Rothschild logo on this flag ???
Silly Kraut, AnCaps would never support the government systems of those merchant republics. The Doges of Venice were elected to rule over the people for life.
Not really Venice got btfo by Austria and the Ottomans and those mini cities existed because of the complex Geo-politcal landscape of the clusterfuck of the HRE and were heavily influenced by their more powerful allies acting as little more then buffer states in some cases. Anyway in the end a bigger state just came and ate them up when their usefulness was over

That name.... hmmm.
Merchant republics were basically self goverened and self sufficent aristocracies, with the "aristocrats" not having to be born noble but with the possibility of working yourself up, meritocratic aristocracy if you will. Those who are the best are on the top. The only idea that AnCaps heavily support is that everybody should have the possibility to found such a citystate if he has the necessary ressources.

It's a bit more complicated than them just getting BTFO. Also, despite being influenced by the HRE, freie ReichsstaƤdte had a large amount of independence within the HRE that the Empire willingly accepted.

Your second link. Author equates the law of the jungle among animals to his conception of a human anarchist state. Then goes on to imply that medieval cities were somehow equivalent to anarchist societies (no central authority).

After skimming it it makes for stupid reading, imo. Seems to jump to wild ass conclusions based on pure speculation.

Too late to read the whole thing right now, but I'll bookmark it for later.
Thanks North American bro
Oy vey what are you trying to
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