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There really needs to be a federal law passed that mandates the

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There really needs to be a federal law passed that mandates the placement of these within 3 feet of every red-yellow-green traffic signal so faggots get it through their head that we have just as much right to the road as you.
I'm down with that. I'm fine with bikes having the same rights on the road as a vehicle, like they ALREADY do. Why don't you fags quit riding on sidewalks, running red lights, and stop signs. You fuckers were quick to jump all over we're just like a car bandwagon, but only follow your own fucking rules when it suits you.
cyclists shouldn't be on the road at all
they're all faggots

Stop fucking passing a line of cars at a redlight after we just had to wait for the next lane to be clear to pass you, just to do it all over again. You go slower, wait at the back of the line dick.
cry harder and be jealous
>we have just as much right to the road as you
What would possibly make you believe that?

You're basically playing with a children's toy in the street.
I ride bikes too and i think you're a complete fucking faggot

Bikes should follow the same rules as pedestrians, except they can't ride on sidewalks
As in they wait for the fucking crosswalk to blink green or go or whatever before you fucking cross

The only bike riders who ever get hit are the ones who are stupid enough to feel this entitled and try to wave their big fat dick as a vehicle 1000lbs heavier than them runs their ass over
I wholeheartedly agree.

Its the law and common sense. Eat concrete.
I'll follow the rules when governments stops only accommodating bikes when it suits them

le rightwing opinion guys
>wait for the fucking crosswalk to blink green
>what is a white crosswalk symbol
lol, US proxy user detected
But who will build the bicycle Lanes??
the next cyclist I see to blow through a stop sign I'm sending to a hospital
Go on the sidewalk faggot
4000lb car vs 200lb asshole
Guess who wins every time?
>you should have to wait in traffic as long as I do when I'm in my car
Nah dude I just literally have down syndrome and forgot what the fuck they looked like
I just know it's some faggot little walking dude and an orange hand that always blinks too early bc they assume most people take a minimum of 30 seconds to cross a two lane street
Bunch of triggered fatties in this thread like always.
haha probably not

even when no cars are at the intersection? seems pointless to me
you faggots ignore traffic signs and signals and that's why you get pancaked.
came across a bunch of them in lycra a while back driving in the Barossa, all next to one another almost across the whole lane on a 100kph road
cunts have a death wish and because I'm such a nice fella i'd prefer to drive myself into a tree rather than kill some dickhead.
lucky it wasn't on a bend and I saw them from a way back.
summerfag detected

Yeah if you're a vehicle in a line you wait behind the person who stops in front of you, you don't start passing people. If there's a line of cars in a turning lane but the straight lanes are open you don't pass everyone and get to the front of the turn lane. You wait like a civilized human being.
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lol ok chief
I rode my bicycle 40 miles to work every day when I got my first job. Did it for 2 years before I could purchase a vehicle comfortably. Almost died every single time I rode my bike because people just just dont pay attention. Rain or shine, sleet or snow, I busted my ass and felt AMERICAN AS FUCK doing it.

Some folks ride their bikes because theyre not in a situation where they can drive. I was always respectful to motorists, I never cut them off or ran red lights. I avoided them at all costs, I mean, in a fight between a car and a bike I'm pretty sure the car wins. So it was in my best interests to be the defensive traveler.

Cyclists run red lights because their legs hurt bad as fuck and they're too pussy to want to have to lose their momentum. As far as I was ever concerned, it was just better training, AND ALSO THE LAW.

I do really think that biking should be a more feasible option, I live in a city where if you aren't as ballsy as me you NEED a vehicle to get a job, because there arent even bus lines. Thats a really flawed system if you want to keep people off welfare. We need bike lanes, and we need bike paths. We need a fucking lot of them. At the same time, it should be recognized that the multiple thousand pound machine takes dominance over the road.
if you're not going to obey road rules you shouldn't be on the road
>if you're not going to come to a full stop at a stop sign when there are clearly no cars around and therefore no danger, you shouldn't be on the road
When you have to start registering your toy and get a tag so I can report you for breaking traffic laws you can have as much of the road as I do. When you start paying taxes to use the road you can have as much of the road as I do. Until then, you're a faggot.
Nigger you're the one who is crying, you made this thread.

Ride your bike poorfag. Just go gentle when the inevitable happens so you don't clog up the ER.
Cars have to stop at the stop sign even if there's no opposing traffic. So do you, poorfag.

Bike lanes and things would encourage people to get off their fat arses and get more fit while also opening up traffic lanes so less traffic jams
You're just going to get hit by a semi anyways so why worry?
>Cagers actually believe a bicycle wears down a road as much as a car
Holy shit, you're as dumb as you are fat.
Hey off the road bike fag. I have no pity for bike riders who get hit while riding on the road especially when their is an empty side walk or back roads they can take.
>the wearing of the road surface is the same for a car as a bike

>i'll report you if bikes ever have to get license plates but since a cop isn't there to witness it, there is nothing they can do about it

oy vey goy, it's gonna be a bicycle shoa!
any other apples-to-oranges comparisons you wanna make while you're at it?
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I only ride a bike for fun. I stick to the curb and only move into the lane to go around parked cars. I only ride on the sidewalk (as is legal) to avoid actually busy roads.
On the low traffic roads I will turn like a car with proper hand signals when turning left. On busy roads I follow pedestrian rules.
On the more rural roads that tend to have very poor shoulders I try to ride outside of the curb lane on the shoulder when possible. Otherwise I stick as far right as possible.

I'd never ride on a highway, or road with heavy traffic.
>especially when their is an empty side walk

in a lot of cities, bikers can get a citation for riding on a sidewalk, so there's that
You bike fags sound exactly the same as feminists.

>Teehee we are the same as cars!
>But we get extra benefits cause we are cyclists
Not when some cyclists go 6 miles a fuckin hour so that I literally have to hold my foot on the brakes. Move over to the side why would a full lane be necessary
I feel sorry for the truckie
what was he supposed to do? the bikes are in the middle of the highway and the truck had to overtake them.
like you said they should be hugging the curb.
In aus it's illegal to ride on the footpaths because there were a bunch of cases where pedestrians (especially elder ones) got fucked over by bikes
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Be an adult. Bicycles are for poofs
Retweet, like just grow up and buy a car god damn

>riding under 30 on a highway

what the fuck did he expect?
only wannabe spics and wannabe niggers ride crotch rockets
Any place they accommodate cars, will accommodate a bike. As far as I know, bikes everywhere should be on the street, following all the same rules as a car.
I hope you don't go up the middle when you get to the lights.
I see that shit and I always want to open my door and fuck cunts up who do that
>In aus it's illegal to ride on the footpaths because there were a bunch of cases where pedestrians (especially elder ones) got fucked over by bikes
National law?
Y'all bike and car faggots get the fuck off my road. Should be for motor roller skaters only
>we have just as much right to the road as you.
>cry harder and be jealous

You think there might be a reason why people are hesitant to accept your assertion that you have the right to a full lane?


Nah, that's ditch weed, followed by rock cocaine, followed by Tide detergent, followed by food stamps for cash.
I fucking hate bikers on the road.
I'd be cool with bikers, if they followed the rules of the road. But they don't, they just do whatever the fuck they want with no notice, turn without signaling, cut people off, blow lights, move to the sidewalk and go around traffic.

Fuck bikers. Go back on the sidewalk and get off the road. You have not taken biking license and you have no insurance. If you crash into a car, you can't pay for the damage.
fucking this. goddamn arent you supposed to learn to not play in the road by they age of 3?
yet another obama era monument of utter stupidity
top fucking kek
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Why are all bike riders such insufferable faggots?
>National law?
in aus the law is that they are supposed to stay a certain distance from the curb (I think its a meter I cant remember) and you need to give them 3 meters when overtaking them but that means you have to go into the next lane and if theres oncoming traffic that means you have to slow down to the speed of the bike until theres a gap, which is dangerous for all the cars behind you
Sometimes I'll get the dirtiest looks riding my skateboard on the footpath and sometimes people especially older ones will simply refuse to move out of the way. I don't understand? Would they don't this to a car that didn't look like it was going to stop at a crossing? Just stop and stare at it? They are going to end up in a lot more hurt then I would if we collided.
It might shock you to learn that the majority of bicycle commuters also own cars and pay taxes, fatty fat fat fat.
nigga did you not see the off ramp? the biker could of been a car, the truck would of hit him anyway.

also that biker is a retard for not looking where the fuck here turning and also for being on the goddamn highway
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>we have just as much right to the road as you.
You don't though, road systems were not built for fucking bicycles faggot. Move to San Fran you gonad gargling queer
>Ex motorcycle courier
Anon, I've done just about everything one can do to trigger motorists. Interestingly it's the cyclists who get the most arse blasted. I did a wheelie down the bicycle lane in the city once, those spandex faggots are probably still crying to their wives bfs.

>Implying anyone except the chosen few can even touch an R7
that's because once upon a time people had scruples and gave a fuck about the elderly and if they could tell that it was pissing them off they wouldn't do it.
stop riding your skateboard when you get near elderly people.

I carry a whip antenna in the backseat of my beemer just to thwack twats like you taking up a lane with your faggottry. get a damn car or ride on the sidewalk.
if the biker was in a car he wouldn't be going that slow and would be going the same speed as the rig

He's going half the speed of the traffic, that's his real problem.
Or they can take 2 steps to the left and stop being so fucking miserable all the time. If they hate life so much they can just die already.
fuck you, they're old. give them respect you little faggot and stop scaring the old timers with your fucking toy. get your licence if you want a mode of transport.
>Implying I don't have a licence.

What do you think I am? Some kind of bike fag? Real man skate.
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>be driving on side street with 4-way stops every two blocks
>pass cyclist riding in bicycle lane
>stop at 4-way stop with right signal on
>waiting on cyclist to ignore stop sign and my turn signal and fly past me on the right
>car pulls up to stop sign to my right
>looks at my turn signal
>proceeds to go straight ahead
>cyclist flies past me on right side
>ignoring the stop sign
>ignoring my right turn signal
>slams into other car’s fender
>tumbles across hood
>bicycle smashed to shit
>woman in car looks shocked
>laugh so hard i blow coffee through my nose onto dash
>finish laughing and turn right
>female cyclist on fucking sidewalk ignores stop sign
>smashes into passenger door of my truck
>Just as much right to the road as you
How do you figure? Because some pandering cunt of a politician put bike lanes everywhere? If bicyclists start overpaying for registering your vehicle, like automobile owners do, maybe. You are not paying enough for the road you're using. You're not contributing anything financially. No overpriced registration, no gas taxes, no overpriced vehicle inspection or smog report, no asinine excise tax on your vehicle. Open your wallet or shut your mouth, fucking freeloader
how's the insurance work with that? do you need to take a pic of the cyclist or what? what if he wants to do a runner?
Better solution: Ban women drivers. I swear to God, every time I'm almost run over its by a fucking fat black woman or a hijabi driving an SUV or a minivan.

3 meters sounds impractical unless your roads are overly generous.

I had to look this up recently for my state after my dad heckled me for not following the "minimum", all despite me slowing down, finding a window to pass, and doing so cautiously and slowly on a narrow road with double lines and reasonable clearance for the bicyclist given both our speeds. If there isn't language in there that allows for review in cases where it is physically impossible or completely impractical to follow the law to the letter, then it's garbage in my book.
Fuck yourself. You fuckers need to obey the same traffic rules the rest of us do, and most of you don't. You need to get run over is what needs to happen. Darwinism will take care of the rest of your friends too.
and then you woke up
its a good factor to use as extermination selection, bikes get the gas
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I would be fine with more bike lanes and bike paths if they made it legal to run down idiots who use the fucking road when there is a bike path on either side of the road.
do you pay for the road taxes? no, then go fuck yourself.

majority of road damage is done by 1. weather and 2. commercial trucks
stop riding slowly like a tool just because you want to waste my time or i will continue to zip around you, faggot

if your bike has only one gear save it for the track or the stunt bumps
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