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SA civil war : you in or not ?

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If a civil war erupts in South Africa because the government seizes White people's properties on the ground that they are White, as is likely to happen in the close future, and then Whites refuse to give it up, what do ?

Would you join your White brothers and prevent them from being alienated ? To be clear, a civil war in SA means a LOT of chimps chimping out, raping, pillaging, murders, horrendous scenes like you can't imagine, etc. I've been to the Zululand and Jo-burg, and shit is FUCKED beyond imagination, and there wasn't even a war - just concentrated cultural enrichment. But the White militias down there have guns and are more organized. The question is : who would the army side with, and this isn't clear atm at least to my understanding.

Pic sorta kinda related, the type of violent behavior you can expect from a civil chimp out. It's brutal, BUT you get to shoot nogs.

I for one would definitely support them, contribute to their cause if I can, but as far as joining - in all honesty I don't know that I'm ready to go through the hell of war just to be crucified and ostracized as a fascist when I come back home, if indeed I do. On the other hand, SA militias are among the toughest guys on the planet, there's a lot to learn from them and their cause is just.

Thoughts, /pol/ ?
SA is insignificant
KSA civil war when?
>KSA civil war when?
I don't see that happening at all. The Sauds are not destabilized atm.
As a representative of the United Nations, I'd like to offer our assistance. The problem of racial tensions in South Africa can only be solved with a decade-long in-depth inquiry involving millions of dollars. Also, we'd like you to take in some of your fellow Africans Thank you.
Any infos/clips about said militias (besides the one with the plane and the sudden shooting while the camera team is present)?
Fuck that shit! If a civil war against whites broke out in SA, then every white person there would be dead within the month!

I can see it now, the UN will say the whites are trying to genocide the entire black population, then the UN will help the blacks wipe out the remaining whites in SA in the name of diversity.
>RIP conservation
>RIP game reserves

dey gun b kangs
I'll help run an underground rail road out of SA but I aint fighting niggers in africa where white people dont belong.
If you're white in South Africa you should just fucking leave. just pack up and go. Go to Montana on a tourist visa and be done with it. Let the negros starve.
>Defend whites in South Africa
Why would you be on the side of the invaders?
> "millions of dollars"
> millions
This is the point where I figured out you were trolling.
The UN will be killed then.
South Afrixa has 4.5 million whites tgats 2.25 million white males, the US military and Chinese military is 2 million personnel.

I will gladly die for my people, I was born to do so.

Whites that could leave ZA already have. The ones that couldn't stayed.
>there were no nigs in south africa
> it was colonized and built by whites
>they have infiltrated government with zionist help
Isn't that precisely the reason why we should mobilize ? Kick the fucking (((UN))) in the balls and show worldwide solidarity for our very own people ?

I don't agree that all Whites will be dead within a month if there's a chimpout. As I said, the country is full of super tough organized militias ready to defend what's theirs. The question is : will you fight alongside them or not. I would assume it depends who the SA army sides with, and that's far from clear atm.
SA is demographic disaster, you can't make whites majority there without genocide, you can't turn niggers nice by any means, you can only get out of that shithole.
I don't think that's correct. I have seen nothing about a white exode from SA.

>Inb4 MSM won't speak about it.

I know, but still there should be some reports of it on alt sites, including this one.
This. I'd join them if the war starts 3+ years from now, by then I'll be halfway through med school and will have served the army here, so I'll have military training and some medical knowledge that I hope would prove valuable.
I think US and Chinese military personnel are little better supplied and at better age/health than SA male population.
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>whites would get massac-
If a civil war erupts there, the outcome will be a return to the apartheid - which should have never ended. UN won't do shit about it, and if whites have nothing to lose in terms of trade and boycott, they will do it.
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> 4 injured
fucking kek
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>blacks would geno-
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That Id though
South african military is tiny and irrelevant white militias would be a more formidable army than an African nations army.

South Africa is nowhere close to a civil war.
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That id post more truths
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>what do ?
Nothing, the remnants of whitey gets finally genocided and the rest of the world just don't give a fuck. That's what you get for trying to live in a nigger-land without exterminating the natives first
ID: /kkk/q/9

holy shit lol

I hope you have a nigger hate folder
>Nyathi blew a whistle, which was the emergency signal for the guerrillas to muster on the parade ground;[4] the vehicles were swarmed by thousands of guerrillas before the Rhodesians opened fire at point-blank range. Carnage ensued, with hundreds being shot, or drowning in the nearby river in their attempt to escape.
>ZANLA documents captured after the raid indicated that 1028 of their number had been killed, a figure considerably higher than the 300 initially claimed by the Rhodesians.
>The bridge over the Pungwe River was a key strategic point that the assault team had to fight their way through on their return journey to Rhodesia. The bridge was successfully assaulted, and then charges laid under enemy fire to destroy it, and thereby to cover the escape.

Wew lad. It's like a Hollywood action movie but real.
>gibs property
Yeah, that worked out well for Zimbabwe. Good luck with that.
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Scenario A: Government slowly changes the law limiting property and self-defense rights, picking the resisting one by one, until the remaining give up and flee the country.

Scenario B: Changes are slower and demographics finish the job (with 7% going down to 0.5% or so). At this point scenario A is played out.

Scenario C: See Volhynia 1943, for reference - government officially denounces, while silently backing hordes who murder people in isolated locations. It may be a prelude to scenario A and already happens anyway.

Scenario D: Miracle happens and they unite, receive backing from a state entity, then start organized, violent resistance to secede part of the territory for themselves. Don't know what are geographic realities in SA, but in plains this is very hard to pull off without heavy logistic support and a modern army involved in the field. Can't think of any state which would currently support this kind of project.

Short story - at this point and in current political climate Africa looks lost to European civilization, which is bad for Africans and Europeans.
>the rest of the world just don't give a fuck
You mean (((the rest of the world))), not white people and/or common sensed folks in general and that's the catch.
How many whites would fight for their people instead of murdering them?

just got a college offer that sets me up better than the military job im also waiting for. i just hope i dont miss any wars because im in college. i can always go back into the military after college i guess. i'm not afraid of any amount of niggers, or of dying. but sitting in a classroom while SA is under siege is unbearable to me
>white people
define WHITE
have their own problem or cucked by EU
they are already pretty niggered, greeks can't even take back Cyprus
>scandinavians, germans, french, anglos
too busy sucking Tyrone's dick
really nigga? Think that Juan will save South Africa?
your only hope are hordes of muslim arabs form north africa, that's about it
how many of them are fighting age though?

still, one white man is worth a hundred nogs on the battlefield, have you seen how they fight?


Civil war? Whites are outnumbered over 10 to 1.
>define WHITE
Those people you'd be in deep trouble if they weren't here anymore.

>your only hope are hordes of muslim arabs form north africa, that's about it
Sounds too defeatist to me. Sure everyone has their problems, but it's about time we begin to think in team because THAT is actually our only chance of survival.
See >>135905251

Rhodesians represented the very finest of white people and we killed them.
I would be so down
No they probably wouldnt wanna draw attention to the fact that whites where being slaughtered en masse and look the other way knowing that blacks would eventually win just by overwhelming the whites with superior numbers
I genuine feel sorry for any whites living in that shithole, they are on their own. They are all welcome in the UK so far as I'm concerned. That goes for ny whites suffering in Rhodesia also. Way more deserving than the greedy niggers flooding Europe and getting a free rind right now.
It's a shame that country's downfall doesen't have any good documents. I know their entire existance was filled with putting down rebels, in the late years western white countries started sanctioning them and communists supported their enemies.

But what really brought them down? Was their voting system that favored rich people of any color changed into universal voting and that was the end of them and blacks took over?
If those whites are stupid enough to stay there for this long they don't deserve my support or assistance. I feel the same way about niggers everywhere.
Why should they leave the area their ancestors settled in prior to the arrival of any black civilisation?
Well, I was in the military before, it wasn't bad. I would join.
This is what I think, if it was up to me I'd instantly give all white South Africans right to live here given that they learned the language.

But it's not up to me, majority of people in here think Nelson Mandela was a peaceful freedom fighter against racism and not a guy who fought for his own selfish reasons. South African whites can expect about as much help from western countries as Rhodesia could. Best you can do there is leave the country and lose your papers and grind your fingertips so nobody can tell where you're from. Just tell your homeless from some anglo country.
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I would do it. Lived in south africa and it would be shame to let the legacy of boers die out.
Also it would prepare me for the upcoming race war in europe.
If I die I would at least martyr for the sake of a future of our children
Actually, the only "good point" if Whites begin to be genuinely persecuted over there is that they will be genuine refugees - and that'll expose some double standards, me thinks, thus shedding light on the current white genocide.

SA was great till the end of the Apartheid though. Thriving and vibrant as can be (or so I was told by a uni professor in Cape Town).
I'd be willing to house some refugees here in sunny Commifornia.
>prior to the arrival of any black civilisation?
Care to explain ? I though the bushiman or whatever their name were there since before humanity.
Heh, me too. But guess (((who))) would call you a racist for not doing the same for mudslims and niggers.
because they're our people you fucking leaf.

Or are you the type of faggot leaf that stands there while his cousin is being robbed, "because he shouldn't have been around bad people in the first place". No you help your own. Right or wrong, you deal with that later, what you don't do is sit there and watch them die because you're an apathetic faggot.Are you a nigger? No? Why are you defending them? I know this may hurt your fuckin' perception of the world here faggot, but this world is tribe vs tribe vs tribe all the way through. Either defend your tribe and come together or don't come a knockin' when you mom and sister is getting fucked in the ass by Abdul and Ahmet.
How do we initiate whitetribe.exe ?
But bantus are the invaders
There were native bushmen, but they hadn't built any major infrastructure since the dawn of time either, and they weren't black, they were of a similar complexion as the Mauris, but not quite the same.

When the actual black North African tribes moved down they were massacring them left, right and centre apparantly.
How awesome would it be if Trump opened up a refugee resettlement program where we evacuated all the Boers from South Africa and moved them into swing states to tip them red?

We honestly should use the kikes' own tactics against them. And imagine the outcry and cognitive dissonance we'd hear about it.
SA isn't even 10% white. All whites can do right now is get the fuck out of there as soon as possible.
>living anywhere in Africa
>not expecting to be killed by niggers
slot the floppies
They should come here, if thet speak afrikaans they cab already understand dutch
Bollocks. Zuma is on the way out, and Malema is larping. Nobody wants to move away from a capitalist system with property rights.
Not necessarily. The Rhodesians made up a much smaller fraction of the population, and they were still able to slaughter the niggers over and over again for a very long time. And that was even with worldwide sanctions and tons of insurgents flooding in from the bordering african nations. They were still able to hold on simply because SA was still willing to trade with them and bypass the embargo. It was only when SA finally got kiked and forced to stop supporting them that they finally fell.

The point being that even though the Rhodies eventually lost, they put up a hell of a fight with a very small population against hordes of niggers. I don't personally think the Boers will ever retake their country, but I'm just saying that it's still a possibility. A white man is worth more than a dozen niggers.
Interesting, thanks. I'm in contact with some sjws there who believe (as usual) that it's all muh white man's fault. Good way to counter the narrative.


Timeline is different though. If shit goes down in SA, it might be an archduke Ferdinand moment with a 1488 tone to it.
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dat 1500:1 K/D
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It will expose nothing.

Nobody is going to care, just like currently nobody cares of what is happening in SA, yet everybody was outraged of apartheid.

See apartheid homicide / deaths per annum and compare to what is happening there now. Nobody gives a fuck because muh dumbocracy won.
These weapons are wasted on such filth.
Yes, I'm saying they're a waste of an AK-47
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Don' take my word for God's truth. I am still learning the history of it atm. Read pic related, from a South African in a thread the other day.

I am genuinely suprised this forum isn't flooded with White South Africans.
>Nobody wants to move away from a capitalist system with property rights.
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4457280/Is-South-Africa-heading-civil-war.html never underestimate niggers.

It doesn't mean that things are bound to stay like this forever. On the contrary, we're going through a major paradigm change with Trump and all.
Check em.
Also check th@ equipment
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>What are sights
>What is cover
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>tfw the Bush Wars are over

Shit was like The Man Who Would Be King iterated a hundred times throughout an entire continent for 20 years.
>I don't know that I'm ready to go through the hell of war just to be crucified and ostracized as a fascist when I come back home

I'm so ready for this desu. Evil reputation is better than being a fucking nobody. Assuming I even survive the negro hordes
There should be more threads about Rhodesia and SA in general, lots of redpill material. I'm not particularly uneducated, but I didn't know a thing about it except for this Apartheid bs they teach you in school - until just a few short month ago.
Is that how you will also feel about white americans when we become the minority?
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>tfw born too late to fight in the bush war
At least I'll get to fight in the eventual american civil race war. Hopefully I won't be too old by the time it happens.
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>weren't black,
>Evil reputation is better than being a fucking nobody
True that. In fact, all we have to do to put history on our side is to win, and we can do it as white men. We need to smart about it though.
what did I just say about Zuma? The old man is one foot away from Pollsmoor Prison
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> archduke Ferdinand moment

Just don't hold your breath waiting.

Western society have forgotten that you should be compassionate to your own people. In the long term it frequently means the other people have to bend their knees. Sometimes it means choosing between life and death of your own people versus the others. West has forgotten there situations you have to make such choices and is no longer capable of making them.

Western society was learning how to apologize so hard, they've forgotten how to fight and win.

Checked, but there won't be any race war in US. Tensions and decline of Western culture - sure, but not a war. See Brazil for reference.
>West has forgotten there situations you have to make such choices and is no longer capable of making them.
I beg to differ on this one. I think in times of need, there will be a regrouping of some white folks around ethnic lines. We're just not there yet, but patience is key. Perhaps our mission is merely to create the conditions in which this regrouping might be possible, and by this I mean forging a sane ideological background that promotes self respect - without sperging out too much and scare the normies away before the time is ripe.
There will be a race war. Brazil is our future if we don't unfuck ourselves, but that's unlikely. The system cannot sustain itself and it will lead to a collapse and race war.
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I've got a spare room in my house.
I'm down to help save a redpilled qt or two.
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When have you heard last time Western politician outraged of what is happening to European population in SA?

I'm not even asking about Trump. Just a major Western politician.

This is nothing burger topic for the West. Even if this is (another) canary in a coalmine.
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This is not even about ethnic lines. This is about preference of short term comfort over long term ambitious goals if it demands any personal sacrifice.

Western population is not capable of doing this, and for a long time already.
I would love to volunteer and shoot some niggers. When is this expected to happen?
>European population in SA?
They aren't European.
Ever tried to get a saffie capetonian to be at a certain place at a certain time? They will always fail. No European fails so hard at punctuality.
>When have you heard last time Western politician outraged of what is happening to European population in SA?

You're right, but that's because they are scared shitless about being called a racist. It's up to the population of our democracies to let our politicians know that we care about this, and you'll see an awakening. Look at your own country, isn't that the story of a people who's actually redpilling the entire planet ? So yes, there is hope. It's a matter of time before we achieve it : we're not talking about conquering Russia in the winter after all, we're talking about self-respect and basic realism regarding our very conditions of existence.

>Western population is not capable of doing this, and for a long time already.

Again, I beg to differ because even though consumerism has turned us into mindless sheep, there's a lot of redpilling going on out there. Don't you think the change initiated by Trump is significant ? I mean, two years ago practically no mainstream politician would have dared to say "American first", and yet now it's a whole different story.

I'd say give another couple of years. Just enough time to come to shape physically, acquire some combat skills and become more resolute.
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>Nordbro Tip: Archive it!
I will save this thread!
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Meme this to page one.
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Don't be a fool. Study Rhodesia and you will see why no one should go over there to fight. They will betray you and sell themselves out.
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Help me lads, I've run out of memes
Saved, thanks.
How do whites in SA feel right now ? What's the general state of mine ? Anxiety, rage, fatalism... ?
Quick rundown ? Who betrayed who ?
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Apathy for the most part. This is everyday stuff.

Brits and Swedes hurt SA and Rhodeisa. Later the Boers in SA sold out the Rhodies to save them self from sanctions but it didn`t work.
People went over there to fight for them and Ian Smith and others sold the country out. The leadership of Rhodesia sold out and the common people and foreign volunteers fought for nothing
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No, Ian was betrayed by the Brits and later the SA Boers. The volunteers fighters were very well respected.
Back in HS I would've said yes without hesitation. I wouldn't anymore, and I don't really think there's ever going to be a civil war in SA.
If we get outed, they'll lose anyway.
Remember Zimbabwe?
>I am posting 4 second clips
Let me guess. You are on a Telkom 256kbps hardcap package and that is why you are posting like it's 1995?
Are many niggers now heavily armed ? In my time in SA gun violence wasn't the problem, crime was mostly committed bare-handed or with knives.
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I hope you guys will learn from mistakes of others like Rhodesia (mild case) or Polish Volhynia (extreme case).

You are now next canary in the coalmine.

Some of us are looking to see how the situation unfolds in SA as it is good predictor of what can be expected in US, UK, France and Germany in the next 30-50 years.
Not according to JB Campbell who was over there as a volunteer. What he witnesse makes it clear.
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I fucking wish. I have too keep em' smaller than 3mb to post here, and I am shit with editing.
The afrikaners and boers have been in Africa for as much as 600 years. They have their own culture and language, and their own countries considering that SA was mostly empty of blacks when they showed up. Also Europe won't let them come in as refugees. Australia is trying. If the white race wants to fight for its survival, the boers need to survive. That's the Flashpoint.
>If the white race wants to fight for its survival, the boers need to survive
>this dumbfuck argument again
heres a fact
there were very little abos in australia before the brits came and it stayed like that until today
the same shit should happen with south africa if there were almost no blacks in SA long ago.

use your fucking brain. the land had always been full of blacks.
No. Would be a waste, sadly. But I'd welcome the Whites here
Since Trump is overhauling our immigration system, do you think we can petition to get as many White South Africans out of SA before it's too late?
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Not many, most house breaks are done by 4-7 Kaffs armed mainly with knives and other melee weapons. It hard to break into houses with AKs and long arms. That being said there are many struggle AKs about, yet I am not frightened by dumb kaffs with guns.

Yeah, they have been grinding us down slowly. I highly doubt armed conflict would go the way of the blacks, we are too good at fighting wars. But what is happening now is worse.

My pops was in the army, and all his brothers too. My uncle was in the Selous Scouts. I have far more confidence in what they say about the foreigner soldiers than whatever your source does.

Without even watching that. I can tell you this Ian Smith stayed after Bobo came to power, he tried to get a new party going until he was pushed out. He stayed in Rhodesia until his health failed and he went to Cape Town and died there. My pops even meet and shook his hand in Rhodesia once.
Fuck yeah we oughta. I'm thinking of posting this type of intel on T_D, because like it or not that page gets a lot of attention from a lot of interesting people. And they have an ear for just causes, unlike the fucking rest of le plebbit.
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Nothing is going to get better unless the mindset is changed.

Western civilization has already lost Africa, yet is sending piles of money and help there. This is more then crime - it is a mistake.

Europe is going to be next. Germany works hard (along UK and France) to make it happen.
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Give me food, shelter, and formidable arms and I'd join in a heartbeat. So would my brother, if I persuaded him enough.
I'm not gonna sit and let the fires of Zion engulf my people. If I die, I die. At least I would've done the right thing by my people.
This is sadly true. Either to Oz or here on a grandparent passport.
I like them here but it's so fucking sad to watch nogs ruin everything back there.
That's the spirit.
I'd relish the opportunity to some game hunting in full auto.
>600 years

Saw this a while ago, not all too for it but it's what you're looking for I guess.

>my relatives fought so everything I have been told must be true

You are like Americans who cannot see that we fucked up by siding with the Soviets because their grandpa fought evil Nazis and he wouldn't have fought to see his nation and the west destroyed.
Your average Venezuelan is far smarter than a Bantu and look what happened there
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You know very well it is not going to happen.
Boers are hotheaded, Rhodies are Anglo. Hence more cunning. Lucky SA still has Anglo whites too (judging from those I know only)
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> But what is happening now is worse.

White people still own property in Venezuela as well.
>Rhodesia advertised in Soldier of Fortune
>Hundreds of Mercenaries stayed in Rhodesia after they fought for it
>I must take the word of one who was not pleased
Yeah, right buddy. Also, nobody sided with the commies. Remember the cold war? Japan was built up just because Red China existed.
>I am not frightened by dumb kaffs with guns.
Nor should you be. Dude, what I get from this thread is that you guys should be more proactive on the internet. Get a couple of friends and redpill the web erry day with what's going on down there. It's true that SA is a microcosm of what's going to happen in Europe and ultimately America.

I'm sure ya'll already do this and even more, so well, keep up the good work. I'll try and do my part too with your archived links, because I honestly think that the battle for SA is crucial at this point.

Geez, I never even knew about this. Ffs.
Civic nationalism is on the up. It's worth exploring
>you guys should be more proactive on the internet.
Tough. Saffies are about 20 years behind the rest of the world in web skills.
That's what bros are for, isn't it.
It's BRAH, not bro
With that statement, you're not trustworthy.

The san are closer to what we would define as aboriginal, its the Bantu that are talked about here
Sure. It's a good start.
And they are all black.
Brown is black. The "cape coloured" designation has nothing to do with science.
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Civic nationalism is only acceptable if it based on proper, strong and fiercely enforced values. West fails here miserably, which is truly sad.

Nitzsche and Dostoyevsky predicted it 100 years ago, nobody cared and I don't think enough people will.
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Oh please, a month? Will never happen.
I agree with you though, the UN and western media will brand whites as terrorists breaking the law even if the law they would be disobeying is legalized theft.
Those with any links have left. I know the area, it's totally fucked and will be a lighter skinned Zim soon
It's easier to fiercely enforce if you let people join. Civic covers all those who fail the /pol/ "am I white enough" test.
No, 33 mil+ blacks in SA in the end the whites will get overrun
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>Start killing niggers
>implying EFF is going to do anything
At most they'll just slaughter other blacks just like in the 80s. The only whites that get murdered today are rural farmers, often poorer elderly people who can't afford private protection. Also, the SADF is a complete joke. It's tiny and its equipment is barely operable.

What they really need is an autonomist/independence movement that doesn't suck ass though. DA is ultracucked and stuck in appeasement-mode, VF+ is too radical, and all the splinters are irrelevant. The current ANC weakness could be exploited but there is no one to do it. AfriForum would be the best candidate to launch such an initiative but they are beating around the bush sort of suggesting federalism and have been forever. Because whites - especially young ones - continue to leave which continues to weaken the community.
I'd help if I could. Like if it kicked off over there and there was a group here that could assemble and go to SA together. I'd definitely join that. Sucks that I'm currently no guns right now though so I'd need a weapon and ammo.
I think the reason American /pol/acks still believe in it is because it worked pretty well for us before 1965, the biggest problem with civnat is that if you don't safeguard relentlessly, it will get subverted by kikes and you'll end up with what we have today.

Most Americans just want the Good Ol' Days to come back, sort of like other /pol/acks want the Good Ol' Days to come back if you're catching what I'm saying
Which area? Sea Point or Venezuela? Sea Point is hunky dory. Just came back from there.
>you in?
Fuck no,I'll stay comfy here waiting for the new oc from sa in the soon to come rekt threads
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i remember you
>yfw trump drones communist niggers to everyones surprise
You don't really know SA history, do you? Bantus came to the region after the whites
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First you need to clearly state what values are. Then let them prove they live up to those values and are willing to pay price of blood to defend it.

This is what 1st Polish Republic did in XV-XVII centuries. Worked well for us for a long time.
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What a nig that drives on the wrong side of the road...
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There's no way back other than through blood, tears and sacrifice.

We know it well, Poland has paid dearly for the mistakes we've made and our degeneracy in XVIII century. We've lost land and entire generations of our elites. Will take us decades to recover.
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This is why only South Africans can way in on these threads instead you fucks that fucked us over during apartheid by supporting the kaffers.

Fact of the matter is, the Boer is clever and resourceful. They are resilient and they are stubborn. They are of this land. They will fight until the very last bullet is shot. The other whites will seek asylum in Europe or Australia. However the Boer will probably take down half the kaffers in the country before they get wiped out.
They've planned for this for a very long time, they have everything in place for when it does happen.
Fact. They will not go out without a fight.
Really need to brush up on my underwater knife fighting techniques
This is one of the few things that would actually work well there if done correctly
It would force them to discuss race realism in a way they try to blissfully ignore
A good angle would be apartheid and post apartheid and how the genocide thats happening is being done openly and purely because of race.
Use the already well established WALL memes and compare the targeted violence and media silence etc
Should catch on and if not then shame them for being hypocrites or some shit
T_D can be a useful weapon if you work it right
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>have you seen how they fight?
Is that from Chicago?
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We start by not arguing over who the fuck is actually white.

If you want to defend the white race, congratulations, you're fucking white now.

this shit is a psyop. if white guys fall for if they deserve to die in the mouse trap.
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>>living anywhere in Western Europe
>>not expecting to be killed by niggers
Its a good thing to focus attention to though especially with the focus on trumps new immigration act being the current focal point
Download those vids and upload them somewhere else. YT will be cleansed soon.
>the Boer is clever and resourceful.
Or you could say that they are the most kak white tribe on the planet. They've lost everything. Even had to run from the English .Now you even encounter some of them that can't speak a word of English. Good luck leaving the country without that.

Reminder. Afrikaans is the bastard language that the black servants made up by listening to the dutch.Then the whiteys got their language from their black servants. That's some highbrow shit right there.
But the Khoi-San were there all along.
it isn't just whites there is resentment towards - see the recent comments by the EFF leader towards Indians:

"Here in Durban, here in KZN, everything strategic is given to Indians ... every big tender ... they are the ones who own everything. We are saying share with our people. We also want to say, here in KZN stop ill-treating our people. They are ill-treating our people worse than the Boer Afrikaners treated our people. This is not anti-Indian, it’s the truth, they must treat our people properly."

The Indians to the EFF are like Jews to the Nazis.

There is also resentment towards Nigerians, Somalians and Zimbabweans... irony of course is that the latter are closely related to Black South Africans and in fact the Black South Africans today are basically the decedents of invaders/occupiers themselves - it was just sparsely populated by Bushmen before colonisation took place.

I don't think a civil war is feasible though - unless it were something like the Cape Coloureds going for independence.
India vs paki vs china conflict is going to bring SA into play
What do you about the White libtards? How many of them are Boers?
Fucking this
I knew a couple of guys who came to israel from SA just to serve in the idf and went back. My brigade had a few SA guys, really good people. If shit really goes bad down there, I will join them.
not really because Australia is an Island

on the other hand south africa is attached to a large continent where a bunch of zulus could migrate/invade
How do you get military experience if you live in a meme country that doesn't recruit anybody?

My country's yearly recruitment is like 100 people.
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If there is one nation where whites would fight for their own people, it would be the White South-Africans. What are you guys waiting for? What can we do to help?
Private military training in Poland, Ukraine or Eastern European right-wing groups
Shine the spotlight on whats happening there.
Get people talking about it, make memes, redpills, all that.
'black' has nothing to do with science either
So something like the militias in the US. Figured it'd be something like that.
Don't worry. US bombings would change the balance.
and they dont exist anymore. race mixed out of existence.
How many whiteys live in SA?
SA whites are heavily outnumbered of course, but you have to remember niggers are very bad at conventional (and guerrilla) warfare. Not only would organized Boer/mercenary militias be able to repel large swathes of Africans, but tactical superiority would almost ensure that large pockets of Africans could be rounded up into cities, sieged, and ultimately subject to the will of the Boers.

Ideally, the whites would poison the water supply to villages and cities with niggers in them with dead carcasses, fecal matter, antifreeze, and chemicals to cleanse the cities. The niggers would likely be unable to solve the problem and they'd all die off. Of course, this would draw the ire of the international community, namely the West. However, if the militias could somehow get ties with Russia, then the UN would likely lay off.

>under water knife fighting techniques...

that is like a meme in the British Army, I always assumed it was just something someone once made up as a complete piss take... but seemingly someone actually took that sort of thing seriously in the 70s???
>2014 Estimate: 4,554,800 (8.4% of South Africa's population)
You lazy fuck.
>don't exist
Just because you say it, it does not make it so
Beside the point anyway. The nutty boer did not enter an empty land and if you claim they did, you are wrong. The Zulu were newcomers though. Moving south about the same time that the boer moved in.
Well there are more legal/official options if you're already fit.

French of Spanish foreign legions.
Join Azov brigade or similar in Ukraine.
If you are French, Dutch, Polish, Swedish you can join the reservists branch of the armies.

But a private military training is often more affective and won't cost you more than €1.000/$1200 for a month long training. modules is also possible ranging from €200 (weapons introduction) up to what ever you want.
The Boers are smart, and very tough.
History says so.
If it meant that whites would retake SA, and that anyone who helped them would get citizenship and not be returned to their own country and face charges for any sort of crime, then I'm with you.
We have to remember that Rhodesia imported a lot of mercenaries, and therefore had an extremely skilled fighting force. Let's take a long at the hardware the South African Army currently possesses:

52000 troops in total (40000 active, 12000 reserve)
Primary battle rifle: Vektor R4 (looks like a rip off of the Galil), as well as the good old FAL.

In relation to African Armies, the South African Army is one of, if not the best well-equipped. They actually have indigenously produced weaponry, as well as a solid amount of modern tanks, IFVs, and mobile artillery. In order for a complete overthrow of the South African nation without the army turning on the government, we'll need lots of firepower.

Enter Russia. If the Boers simply agreed to trade rare earth elements with the Russians, they'd almost certainly get Russian equipment, advisers, and potentially manpower.
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Lel, if the whiteys failed when they were actually in power, imagine what a terrible failure they would have now when they do not have the power, funds or allies anymore. Besides, race war in SA would mean that 50% of the whiteys would turn on the other whiteys. The "English" are not big fans of the Boer. Neither are the local jews.
Pic related. White nationalists would all be Stompiefied.
you try to drag a sentry to his death off a pier without making a sound. it's harder than it sounds.
The Boers can (and have) fight one hell of a guerrilla war. They'd give the SA army fits.

The Boers would almost certainly look for military help like the Rhodesians did. If you are serious, then you should go fight - hard to do much in Sweden, and what's better than helping establish a white homeland on nigger territory? It's a win-win!

If you're in America, it's pretty easy to receive training. Hell you can practice yourself at your local range. They even have them here in California - one guy brought his Barrett .50 to shoot one day! Not only can you learn by experience, but you can always ask fellow firearm fanatics, who are always down to tell stories and share information.
Mr Slot-machine, you're retarded.

There are way more Whites that were forced out of the military into security and PMC work than actual SA military. Of which 50% is white and would join the others.

The Bantu (Including Zulu) invaded only a few hundred years before the whites and they killed off most of the bushmen
Yeah, because the English would surely let the black government take their land lol. If anything, there would be two distinct militias, one Boer and the other English.

>that flag
>15 posts by this ID
>White nationalists would all be Stompiefied.
Go home Merkel

Not the same as sub Saharan black if there were more San and Koshan left they would be classed as the 4th race
>that flag
>that delusion
american education detected

There will be no land seizures and there will be no civil war. And if there would be, whitey would crumble within a week. You would have failed in 1990, and you'd fail pathetically in 2018. Whitey would be holed up in their houses. Hearing the alarms go off in vain while their neighbours get raped and necklaced in their front yards.
Not relevant
Danke. So there are about same population as in finland . They will be fine if the army is in hands of whites, or even have army of any
Back in 1990 and before, the niggers would have had the Soviet Union to give them arms. Today, Russia would be arming us.

Just wait till we turn things over in Germany!
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>. They will be fine if the army is in hands of whites
It isn't
Honestly, that would be a cause worth fighting and dying for.
I'm worried about the possibility of Rhodesia 2.0 though.
It's important to keep pace and follow the political climate of the situation down there.

Will the Western World stand up for the whites? If so, then pick up a gun and start shooting?

Will they supply the blacks with weapons? Then you can still help by pulling people out. Do for the whites in SA what the faggot liberals are doing for the Africans in the Mediterranean.

That's basically what it comes down to, whether SA is a lost cause or not once shit pops off. We would know fairly quickly.
The army in SA is now a welfare program.
>Just wait till we turn things over in Germany!
Ah. The number one argument of every deluded weirdo online
>History will prove me right
The only thing you will ever turn over is your foreskin.
Well...fuck. Maybe its better for them to move back to europe. SA is gone. I must say all this SA thing is quite fresh news for me.
Jij bent mijn favoriete poster. Zonder twijfels. Die webms zijn goud waard.
SA is fkn great. Just go there. About €550 from any country in Europe to Cape Town with KLM. Don't believe the hype from nevertravelled polfags.
What a fucking loss it would be, The average White South African is a feral demi-nigger at this point
I'm pretty sure the South African military is shit, anyway. If the whites can rally they have a chance, but I'm being optimistic.
They are not grinding down anything, if their plan is to have some sort of low level genocide its not working, even if they kill 30K of us a year it does not put a dent in our population.

The real dent comes from people fucking off to Europe.
>Ctrl+F Suidlanders
>0 results

Covering for OP's incompetence here




>Lel, if the whiteys failed when they were actually in power

Indeed. Our weakness is that we thought that we are equal and therefore showed sympathy.

You beast's are our cancer!

Can't get the exact sources for you right now, but basically the international community, USA included had complete contempt for the Rhodesian government, and forced them into a terrible outcome where they lost their independence and eventually everything. They hoped a more moderate black leader might win the election, but Mugabe rigged it.

There's a book that was written at the time about the Lancaster House conference (?) where this was all negotiated. The language they use make it really clear that nobody was going to accept the long term existence of the white Rhodesian government. You could try finding Ian Smith's biography the great betrayal of you want, but fair warning it's a long and political.

Man you almost make me want to come die in africa.

How would you even get into civil war SA and find a militia to join lol
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Meeh. You built this massive house of cards of bureaucracy and bantustans and special beaches for blankes, vs coloureds of different kinds and kaffirs, got some low yield nukes for domestic use, add some vlakplaas acid baths. Hooking up with losers like the impoverished Portuguese, then fighting Cubans next door.
>Let's try minority rule they said
>it will be fine, they said
And you forgot to be one white tribe while attempting all this. Boer and "English" aren't buddies. I've heard that the "English" did not even have to do the army. Is that right?
Pic related
I couldn't give a fuck about south africa, whites don't belong in africa, period.
I am in complete support of my people rightfully seizing what is their from the white horde.
low effort bait, nigga.

Whites were in South Africa first, you ugly nigger. Hopefully a civil war does happen. Maybe the boers won't be so nice this time and blast all of you monkeys this time.
>Whites were in South Africa first,
>I subscribe to alternate history 101
Also, you just answered obvious bait
>Whites were in South Africa first
Where did you get your history from, whiteboi?
If civil war was to break out, it would do more harm to leftists than anyone else. Hundreds of videos of white family's being butchered by blacks flooding the internet.

All a civil war would do, is create martyrs.
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Shut your face you leaf cunt this is about defending white people.
A new white invention called a book.
The bible?
Africans existed in South African long before whites.
>We wuz Africans
Pathetic, I'm sick and tired of seeing White INVADERS, not settlers, INVADERS being revered as heroes when in fact they are a detriment to Africa.

Africa for AFRICANS, fuck Whitey.
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>Africa for Africans
But Europe for everyone right?
If you can find me a single piece of infrastructure that predates white civilization in South Africa i'll agree with you. Ill wait.
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Like I said, they're stubborn. And they didn't run from the English, they actually damn near raped them. Read a book blood traitor. And the word you're looking for is "kriel" language.

The libtards won't fight. My money is on them being eradicated first. And rightfully so. As for the boer? Maybe 0.5% of them are kaffer lovers. Also probably one of the first to go. So either way, its a win.

In a nutshell

We are colonial brothers my friend. That patriotic fire burns within you too.
Sure, I don't care if your identity is erased as long mine can survive, I'm pretty sure you'd do the same to blacks.
>shifting the goalposts
The Khoisan (khoikhoi) had no use for highways, nor airports or harbors. Jan van Riebeck (the first Dutch settler in 1671) bought some land from them. So they were obviously there first.
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Before we came along your people lived in mud huts and drink ox piss to cure erectile dysfunction. We leave and and your country becomes a new Zimbabwe.
>, they actually damn near raped them.
Ahhahaha. So what was the Battle of Muizenberg about? Losing a fisticuff fight with British sailors and going not on one, but SEVERAL great treks trying to run from the British.
You fuckers might have turned into great snipers during the boer war. But all you can do these days is get fat from Boerevors while waiting for the next rugby match on cable and wearing the ugliest shirts known to man.

You had your chance. You will never get it back. 200 years from now, nobody will remember you. You will go the way of the Hittites and the Vandals.
>I don't know what I'm talking about
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>Was their voting system that favored rich people of any color changed into universal voting and that was the end of them and blacks took over?
Partly. Under pressure from the eternal anglo, the commies and the USA, they did have universal elections. The result was the populace electing a mixed-race parliament under the black african bishop Murozewa who was going to work with Ian Smith to maintain the previously existing policies, pretty much. The eternal anglo was unhappy that the commies Mugabe and Nkomo couldn't participate in the elections, so they demanded the new government was dissolved and re-elections were held. Mugabe used that to intimidate voters and mass voter fraud was reported, but the UK did nothing and unsurprisingly Mugabe "won", genociding a large part of Nkomo's tribe just a few weeks later.
Yes, identity.

I hope those white families are butchered slowly for their action against the native inhabitants over the years, you cannot claim innocence when your society only exists through the slavery of others.
>'m pretty sure you'd do the same to blacks.
What white people do to blacks these days: civil rights, affirmative action, white libtards on cnn/nyt suck up to blacks.
Blacks would not do the same to use if the demogratphics were opposite. see south africa.
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All of your facts are based upon past happenings. You fail to realize that in the now, the Boer is pissed and is preparing.

So say what you want, after all you can only ever feel bravest when you're anonymous behind a PC screen.

But rest assured kaffer-fucker, the Boer have the means to take this country back when the time comes.
Prove me wrong.

Protip: you can't.
not slavery of others. Something different. Containment of dangerous animals, that was apartheid.
>You cannot claim innocence when your society only exists through the slavery of others.
Except Africans sold slaves to the Europeans. In fact, slavery still exists in Africa today.
South Africa is simply uncucking itself, they're having their own DotR and I have no problem supporting them fully.
>Prove me wrong.
Can't prove a negative. Prove that you can wear body armour with that giant boer pot belly. Protip: you can't.
Face it. Even your boer "leaders" that were so brash 20 years ago (like in Louis Theroux documentaries) now spend their time on Facebook griping about drought and chemtrails.

You all should really just go blackface and get over with it. You are not a nation, and in 200 years you will not exist as a people.
Blacks didn't have to live around the wealth created by whites. The tribes in SA were nomadic when the Dutch settled there. Your slavery claims are bullshit, employment was voluntary but shitty behaviour from blacks was not.
Okay snowmagnon man.
>The tribes in SA were nomadic when the Dutch settled there.
Semi-nomadic. The San and the Khoikhoi Still kept in the same general area, and kept coming back to the same grazing/hunting lands.Yours is a moot point.
>TFW you are the keyboard warrior talking trash to someone thats about to engage in a civil war.

Wow man you so cool anon
so edgy, so edgy
Nobody is about to engage in civil war. It is all LARPing from a bunch of hasbeens and losers. And you do not have a passport, so you should not opine.
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all I saw was "I'm a 300 pound faggot that talks trash online and watches my wife get rail roaded by sand niggers twice a week."
Is that a weird feeling at first, seeing your wife having sex with other men like that? Have you gotten over it by now? I understand that it stirs strong emotions. Don't you feel like you might jeopardize your marriage?

1/10 retort btw.
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>implying your retort was any better
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>but but but what about you
k anon
So do you have a passport? Ever been to SA?
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What kind of white would want to move to SA? Not any white person I'd care for
Well, it sure beats Norway in:
food quality
It's actually a pretty outstanding country. Insanely troubled, yes, but still awesome.
Brazil is so depressing.
Watching videos where they steal from each other and kill each other.
It makes me want to get a gun and go full Judge Dredd for the sake of safety.
I don't want America to devolve into that kind of liberal shit hole.
>It makes me want to get a gun and go full Judge Dredd for the sake of safety.
What's stopping you? Real life?

Ugh they don't even have matching camo
>Why would you be on the side of the invaders?
Are you trying to imply you would defend why people if they were invaded?
What can we do in EU and US to support you? Not all of us (in fact most) will come to SA to fight with you.
I could think of open political actions to promote your case, covert actions against those that try oppose your case, perhaps supply and operate logistics (travel in/out of SA, supplies of all kind).
i'm out. fuck niggers and any white people that think they can help. I hope your death is painful. fucking traitors.
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I don't need passports when I have statistics
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How much butthurt are you feeling right now? Knowing 98% of this board is for the boer, while you and Ubuntu over there keep mashing away at your keyboards trying to fend off the inevitable?
Mandela's dream of a peaceful South Africa went down the shitter because of the greedy kaffers that can't tell the difference between liquorice and their own fingers.
I'm done with you.
t. nigger
>I'm done with you.
I doubt it. You'll be back
So does your body armour fit over your belly? I am genuinely curious.
If you would go fight for them and kill a bunch of nignogs, I don't see why they wouldn't let you settle there.
>I have no passport
Gotcha. LARPer. Never been anywhere. Go get one then. Then a one way ticket. Let's see if the cause wants your useless self.
This guy gets it.
Political support for the cause and shutting up the libtards will do just fine friend.
>Not all of us (in fact most) will come to SA to fight with you.
Remember what happened the last time when a bunch of /unfit /polfags had a cunning plan. Looks like we are about to have a Bophutatswana rerun. 777 FTW!
No, what wealth did the blacks create? They'd still be shitting out of trees if not for whitey.
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Yeah, that didn't went well and accomplished exactly the opposite of what was intended. Very unwise action indeed, but it delivered fascinating footage.
Don't forget the progress in agriculture. Zimbabwean are currently on a diet of mice and roots because they can't use 2 brain cells to till the land and plant crops
Your identity is inferior and needs to be erased. It's not like you're ancestors regarded it highly enough to write it down anyway. Oh wait, they just didn't know how to do that.
>inb4 we were kangs
no, you weren't

Just try your best to mimic white culture, you know it's the right thing to do.
>moving the goalposts again
k. The issue is not the wealth generated. How much poorer are the boer today? A lot! So that means that they are wrong as per your example.
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What are you trying to argue? That I don't know the South African situation if I've never been there? There are statistics upon statistics telling me what it is like. I don't need to set a single foot in the country to understand it. Hell, even South Africans are posting in the thread.
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The Boer needs to rise up and take back SA, or be destroyed. It is not a question of waiting out the storm, a war needs to happen RIGHT NOW

>350 white farmers are killed out of 100,000 every year
>5-7 a week
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thoughts on Orania and their attempt to make an e-currency?
>That I don't know the South African situation if I've never been there?
Basically that you are a typical product of americaneducation.jpg and your words have no value/relevance.
>Mandela's dream of a peaceful South Africa went down the shitter because of the greedy kaffers that can't tell the difference between liquorice and their own fingers.

Top kek
This has interested me for a while. Are they just disorganized with wrong incentives and commie bureaucracy or really stupid in the biological sense?
So say a war breaks out and you guys are against a wall, all countries condemn you defending yourselves. How would a military age male get to SA and possibly join said Boers?
Not an argument, friendo
Also, have you been there?

If not, then go eat some shit, then tell us how that tastes, because that is basically what it's like to be a white in SA right now.
Speaking of achieving the exact opposite through one's panic actions, this case serves as one of my best reminders not to do unwise shit with the intention to force a result with my back against the wall--it will very likely not accomplish what I want and only make the situation worse.
>Also, have you been there?
What do you think!
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>stupid in a biological sense
pic related (first thing on jewgle search for "IQ map of the world")
I don't live in Brazil you fucking reta-
Oh yeah - forgot the EU flag.
I didn't mean to make fun of someone with mental disabilities.
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>What do you think!
I think you're avoiding an answer so you can pretend like you know what you're talking about.
God, I hope a Muslim slits your throat some day.
I agree, but if the boer strike first, the kaffers become martyrs and call for more globally. The world needs to truly see that the black man is racist, a discriminate swine that must be held accountable for his actions.
I'm for bringing back the death penalty. Watch those statistics if it becomes a thing again
Orania: very small and fragile, surrounded by not exactly friends.
Making an e-currency: if it helps bringing external funds in and perhaps establish foreign trade with supporters, I'm for it.
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No one's words have any value to you because you are too dull to understand them. Even the South African anons you have responded to have tried to explain, yet you continue to say that they are wrong. You definitely are a joke when you say things along the lines of this >>135949057. See pic related for why.

Also, show your flag.
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that fact you can say that proves we would not because we could if we so wished.
True. Typical example of a bunch of people raging hard, and ignoring the fact that their current approach is a total anachronism. Also wearing ugly shirts, kak shorts and LGBTQ beards while kakking up in world media.
>I don't live in Brazil y
Dig where you stand, you fucking LARPer
K, simpleton. I will speak clearly for you. Yes, I spend about 50% of my time in SA. I commute all over the world but SA is a place I always come back to. That is why I know what the fuck I am talking about, and you do not.
as far as i can tell SA whites can only rise up once the rest of european countries uncuck themselves. at this point if they were to act, even though they would be completely in the right, the fucking traitorous euro cucks would act against them.
Even if you spend 50% of your time in SA you and I will never know as much as the people who live there like the South African anons in this thread.
This is my flag.
How long did it take you to find that image?
Go get a passport fatty. Your talents are wasted here.
I guess so, but I'm willing to see other factors as well. Those low IQ values are not directly measured but guessed and extrapolated from other values. And it's not necessarily biology, some say that childhood malnutrition and environmental toxins play a role as well in their underdeveloped intelligence. Anyway, they're stupid regardless of the cause.

I bet you're a Saffer who makes fun of keyboard warriors. And you've probably discovered the bait value of the EU flag.
>European Union
What are you hiding under there?
South Africa should become pol's homeland. Team up to take it back by force.
>Your identity is inferior and needs to be erased
I'm enjoying the large swathes of non-whites replacing cumskins in various countries, enjoy being a minority in your nations.
50% IS living there.
I don't think you know much about anything. Thank fuck for Google and a gullible mind, 'ey.
If it's as inevitable as it sounds, /pol/ can prep ahead of time and create militias if we've got actual people willing to fight for the white race in SA. Even the blacks are admitting they ruined SA.
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How long until a legitimate race war actually breaks out in SA? I wanna see how things turn out & how media reacts, since Europe is going towards the same thing in an absolute worst case scenario.
No, 50% is not 100%. Stop trying to say otherwise. The South African anons in the thread will always have more credibility than you. You haven't even showed your fucking flag.
Shut it Cohen.
Refer to >>135951210
Our minister of education thinks too much studying will cause a brain tumour because of an article she read on the internet. Now imagine this but worse in zim.

Just find some Boers, say you're american and you want to help fight and you're golden. They're not too keen on Brits though. On account of the Anglo-boer war and all. Bastards hold grudges like an angry castrated bull.
You have no say in the matter, Mr never been abroad. You gotta go now.
South African anons pls help
C-can I come kill niggers with you?
>South African anons pls help
That is the most pathetic thing I have ever read on 4chan. You have to be 18 to post here.
Don't get too hyped, if you want to help in SA you need to be a great commander, tactician, and strategist, and not a self-proclaimed on, someone who actually served in the military
If shit does go down in SA, I'd heavily consider going there to help the Boers out.

Would probably pussy the fuck out if I didn't have someone else from /pol/ going down there with me. Entering the country alone and attempting to track down Boers would end badly.
Well, that's wrong. Often the people who live the entire time in one place with their daily routine and same social circles know less than people coming from outside and need to understand the place and do their research.

Indeed not good. I've seen so much nonsense coming from black SA that it's sometimes bordering on satire.

>South African anons pls help
Ha! Delicious.
It's pathetic that you think that you have more credibility than they do. You haven't even posted proof.
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