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How do you Europeans keep from going on a killing rampage kn

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How do you Europeans keep from going on a killing rampage knowing that these migrants are flowing into your local area? How is it that these animals are being accepted? How?
I just found out they're not only coming to but causing problems for a city near me and it makes me want to fuck shit up.
They're cucks.
They don't have any guns?
American ideals and American kike propaganda for over 60 years.
Also the numbers mr. 56%. Take Denmark for instance, we have received a lot of niggers these last couple of years but they still only make up 0.3% of the population.
The Turks and Balkanniggers make up 3% and are extremely hated and regular hate crimes are committed against them.
also saying "Europeans" is such and American thing. Its like me just referring to New worlders and then asking you why you so commie? The difference between Europeans states are vast.

t. 56% American "white"
you dont really need guns when you are living in a 99% Germanic society. Lately gun ownership have gone up because Denmark is only 90% Germanic and 3% Slavic and 2% Celtic with the Meds, sandnogs and niggers making up the last 5%.
You know what countries i'm talking about.

They have nothing to fight for. They're not allowed to feel national pride, they're not allowed to feel any sort of race pride, and their own women hate them.
How are this many Americans clueless of what happens in their own backyard?
Stay calm, don't go out on killing spree, the problem is not the individual rapefugees, it's your government, kill one refugee, 10 more come, become a politician and replace you nation's traitors, you get all of them out of your country, plus you still have powers to control your country, the killing spree route is easier and ineffective, the politician route is the hardest but most effective
you are the one to talk, with a country full of spics and niggers and soon becoming a minority
How do you Americanss keep from going on a killing rampage knowing that these you're 56% white? How is it that your interracial and marxist propaganda is being accepted? How?
stop written "they" then. I should I equally just write "Americans" when I talk about Mexicans, Chileans or Brazil niggers?
I don't care if they are 0.0001% of the population I want them out
Do you honestly think New Zealand is any better? You're a shitty meme country, being eaten alive by chinks and poos.
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So basically we need another one of him.
How about not taking everything so literally?Jesus
All these "hurr le 56%" posts, you guys do realise we're going the exact same way, right?
let's get two this time, so we have a spare.
I'm on your side. I don't want any of them here or there.
I said Europeans because I don't want to spend the time listing out all the different countries or states/provinces and it was much simpler to say it as a collective. I know you guys are different, Mr. Sensitive.

> Hiding behind meme flag.
To be pragmatic, no, yes another one of these would be good, but we don't need a miracle like him to get rid of those subhumans, just an uprising of right wing anti-immigrant politicians is enough, are you willing to become a politician and defend your country american man?
>kill like 5 sandniggers before getting killed yourself if you're lucky and your low level kill spree plan isn't totally foiled
>one less person who realizes what's going on
>kike government uses it to further their program against your native people
>niggers kill more of your native people in retaliation without government intervention
>everything gets worse
>They have nothing to fight for.
who are they nigger?
>They're not allowed to feel national pride, they're not allowed to feel any sort of race pride
again who are "they"? Pic related is the OFFICIAL NAZI party in Denmark which runs for elections and seats in parliament since 1937. Sure they are as big as our other nationalist parties but unlike you cucked fuckheads we have em here and its legal. Hell they even put up nazi posters during election year and get government funding to run campaigns.
I'm not clueless. I know it's happening but it gives a person a different feeling when it's so close.
My penis is erect.
However the question was why daily genocide is not committed and the answer was sheer numbers. They are not enough of a problem and nuisance yet that many people will do anything but vote for anti immigration parties.
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There's only one Murika mother fucker. You know which one matters.
I don't know if my past would fit with the public very much...I have the potential to be a great leader like hitler, strong determined, rage to make everything better. etc, juuuussst not sure about everything else....
How about actually answering my question, instead of being a faggot and obsessing over my flag?
nej I am so fucking tired of being lumped in with Greeks, Italians, Spaniards, Poleniggers and other subhumans under the label; Europeans. FUCK EUROPEANS

t. Dane
I wasn't planning on doing anything lone wolf but I am an impatient man when it comes to this stuff.
some idiot Tyskersvin with a fucked up genetic history. A clear specimen of the subhumans he hated himself.
>there is an actual thing such as ethnic germanians and celtics
Yeah I appreciate what you are saying but most europeans within their specific areas are just one big mix of the same stuff. Danes aren't 'danes' they're just Northern europeans, the only difference within countries is the density or distribution of specific phenotypes, like blue/green-blue eyes is more prevalent in Northern europe and slowly become less prevalent the mire south you go. The stuff you're talking about were just major cultural groups, only minute genetic differences can be seen due to very few years of segregation
I feel similar about them but not to the same degree as "refugees".
People over there don't seem to get that our flabbergast reactions to your situation is because we've been battling this for a long time and don't want to see anyone slip into it but somehow kikes programmed enough people to open the gates

Truly a sadness for us all
Same goes for American States. My state is 90% white and outside of one city it is 97% white everywhere.
>The difference between Europeans states are vast.

....but the similarities are greater still.
Americans are the last freemen to walk the earth.
Europeans are cucked, not only that but they don't even have a warrior culture anymore.
>the enemy may be pouring in and we can't do anything to stop it, but at least our elderly are still white
If you have no means to stop it, you might as well be 0% white.
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I converted to Islam and now I am on the winning side.
Hitler was once called a criminal and was jailed, Mandela was a terrorist until his day of death, a nigger ruled USA for 8 years, do you really think that the public thinks about anything, much less care about your past?
It's very difficult but going lone wolf is insane.
>inb4 that's the same as Europeans.
But again, I agree with you, I just don't like the segregation of europeans, since it tends to breed in-fighting, and most importantly it doesn't exist
How about just kill the politicians and make them fear their peoples vengeance like they should?
sounds like europe
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Every god damn time. 56%
Donald TRUMP is president and the alternative was HILLARY CLINTON for God's sakes
>Danes aren't 'danes' they're just Northern europeans
no you utter idiot. Danes are a tribe not a genetic group. I know you new worlders have a hard time dealing with the concept but not every country is based around "ideals" and "muh holy book".
You cannot become a Dane it is something you are.
Things happen , would be stupid to tell anybody.
No one will ever do anything until it is to late. We went from 90% white to 65% white in the span of a few decades, besides some race riots nothing much was done.

You have to stop it before most people start knowing minorities in real life. Their empathy for their friends and co-workers will stop them from seeing the larger societal issues.
>How do you Europeans keep from going on a killing rampage knowing that these migrants are flowing into your local area?

They've been disarmed and their demographics have been brainwashed and replaced. Even sheer numbers wouldn't be enough anymore. That's why. Europe is finished, move on. Nothing lasts forever.
Meh maybe you're right.
It wouldn't matter if we were 10% white, we still have the mind and the matter to turn things around. It wouldn't matter if every refugee in Germany disappeared tomorrow, you would still let more in, and you would still vote for the people who bring them.
>I just don't like the segregation of europeans
again I do care what some mutt thinks and I do very much like the segregation of Euroniggers.
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This, there are somany retarded white nationalists that use National socalism and National socalist Germany as an example while it was ethno nationalist. who gives a shit if its a "european" immigrating hes still fucking immigration doesn't matter if its a turk or a Nigga or a Slav the only ones pushing this agenda are Americans.
No they're not, you stupid burger-nigger. You don't know anything about Europe. The difference between your average Finn and your average Moortugese shitskin, is as vast as the difference between a Korean and a Nigerian. They have NOTHING is common, historically, culturally, genetically or linguistically. This "huwite brothers" meme is an Amerishart invention, because you're a mongrelized shithole with nothing in common with one another.
>....but the similarities are greater still.
what the hell are you on about? The similarities are greater than with what?
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I wasn't actually going to do something as stupid as that.
Le 56% posts are legitimate since the daily threads from Americans acting all tough as if they would make good use of their weekends spent LARPing in the woods with their local militia if they were in our same situation are kind of inappropriate since they come from people who were born in a much worse environment than we're living in now.

That said, many """hate crimes""" against migrants and minorities are taking place that are uncovered by the news, such as refugee centers being set on fire, death threats to the hotel owners who wish to get money by hosting migrants and molotovs against their doors, a gypsy camp was set on fire in my area recently and a somali was beaten up at the train station this saturday.
wow, americans know nothing about europe but europeans know absolutely everything about what its like being american. really makes me think.
difference is that the old world is not some degenerate melting pot like the US. You had no identity but your pathetic constitution and your western values. It was bound to happen.
You know what's sad about your posts? You can't fight back. We can. By sheer virtue of that, we're going to last a lot longer than you will in your le white fatherland countries. By the time we're 49%, you'll be 25%. You're absolutely fucked beyond hope.
lol if you were polled on 100 random Northern european faces you couldn't tell the difference between a dane and a fremchman, stop kidding yourself. Of course there's a difference between subhuman albanians and Germans but Central and Northern Europeans look the same
Remember the Italian mafia? Yeah, Italians are going to burn everything to the ground.
Sure but southern europeans are objectively different from a northern european. There are people of german ancestry walking among danes and as far as they know, they have lived there for 10 generations
And you're just kind of sitting back and taking it. Wow, show us what it's like to be tough, Luigi. Hurry, before Merkel orders 500,000 more Somalians onto your shores.
LOl okay guess I was wrong then
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>*white population drops in the background as they beat their chest and proudly boast over a non victory"
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>You can't fight back
says who? You? please nigger
>By the time we're 49%, you'll be 25%
and not a single fact to back up your claim.
>You're absolutely fucked beyond hope
We just abandoned the UN refugee system and now do not even take quota refugees from the UN. The right and left are both discussing abandoning the human rights because it interferes with how we govern. Our largest party is literally called "Danish peoples party" and are national conservatives and even though I consider them cucks they are on a level not even possible in the US of niggers, spics and what have you not.
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>lol if you were polled on 100 random Northern european faces you couldn't tell the difference between a dane and a fremchman
you almost had me if you had picked a Swede / Dane or Dane / ethic German.
but the french? hahaha you people are delusional and so used to shitskins that you can no longer differentiate between the "white" races. Stop projecting your failures onto me.

>Central and Northern Europeans look the same
you truly are a complete simpleton
God, every single one of you danes are so fucking rancid to me
People killed JFK, Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, and the niggers still got to take the white man's country, don't make the same mistake, do like Hitler:

"Instead of working to achieve power by an armed coup we shall have to hold our noses and enter the Reichstag against the Catholic and Marxist deputies. If outvoting them takes longer than outshooting them, at least the results will be guaranteed by their own Constitution! Any lawful process is slow. But sooner or later we shall have a majority – and after that Germany,"
Yet they have a thing in common they all want to IMMIGRATE into wealthier countries so fuck White Nationalism and i haven't really seen a single poster that wasnt either a Slav or American or somebody living in a shithole pushing for White Nationalism.

being just "White" didn't mean jack shit it was a combined thing of Culture,Language,Ethnicity and then being "white"
I'm surprised they haven't already.
>By the time we're 49%, you'll be 25%
Havent you already passed 49%? Bit too slow there, Joe.
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>says who? You? please nigger
Oh, I'm sure you can show us better than you can tell us, maybe use your live-in refugee Ali to assist you.
>and not a single fact to back up your claim.
Couldn't help but notice your women are being impregnated by brown foreigners at an alarming rate and your government is using your taxes to encourage it.

Not that I blame you. If I were you, I'd be a bit scared, too.
Lol okay so I suppose 90% of danes aren't danish since they have 'subhuman anglo-saxon' blood from viking thralls. Also danes were a cultural group from Sjælland, what about Jutes, Angles and Saxons? Are they just subhuman euro-niggers?
Just shit up you can walk from one end of our country to the other in a few days time do you really want me to believe there are distinct genetic differences from less thsn 5.000 years of tribal segregation?
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>Danes are mean to non-danes
and water is wet. Whats your point you cheaply dressed primate?
We're not some shitty (((melting pot))) like you, with no history, culture, or identity. If you replaced all the Danes in Denmark will Poles, it would not longer be Denmark. If you replaced all the Swiss in Switzerland with Serbs, it would no longer be Switzerland. If you replaced all the English in England with Bulgarians, it would no longer be England. "Huwiteness" isn't enough. But I wouldn't expect an Amerimongrel like you to understand that. I want ALL foreigners out of my country. Not just the shitskins.
>t. Literally who
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But you really are a fucking melting pot. Only you have no say in the matter. Your whole continent is being erased of its heritage by globalist kikes, and your response is to be more tolerant of their abuses. Starting to think you like it, senpai.
My point was "you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye". "Show us what it's like to be tough" my ass, you guys open the threads, you guys have very much shit to deal with at home, Good, put muh second amendment in use and live up to your own words instead of being faggots behind a keyboard telling others they're faggots behind a keyboard.
piratefag is right. I tire of Slavs, steppeindians and new worlder scums and their "white" unity memes.

>Couldn't help but notice your women are being impregnated by brown foreigners at an alarming rate and your government is using your taxes to encourage it.
source boy do you have it? no? and none of that shit with it happened in Sweden so it happens in every European country. Or should I claim the same with decapitations done in Mexishit and just apply that to the New World as a whole?
you mongrels are so low effort and borderline retarded.
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It's about to be a melting pot if you keep letting more of them in, they breed like rabbits you know?It doesn't matter how "superior" your culture is, they will destroy it just like they did to what little bit of culture america used to have.But alas, you arrogant fucks don't heed our warnings and yet you continue to blindly live in la la land while sniffing your own farts like the arrogant morons you are.
If the media dont report burning invader centers,
do they happen?

if you tell the internet, does the police come?
I can only speak for myself. I know that we all have problems and I never think that we don't have them.
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>How do you Europeans keep from going on a killing rampage knowing that these migrants are flowing into your local area? How is it that these animals are being accepted? How?
I could literally ask the same question. How are Americans ok with becoming a minority in your lifetime?
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If you read my previous posts germans have the same ethnicity as other Northern europeans, so if they live in denmark for several generations they are the same. The only limiting factor for integration is ethnicity, but as my previous posts argued, there is no distinct difference between northern eiropeans
But if you changed nothing but the ethnicity of danes and germans/swedes/norwegians other northern europeans etc then nobody would notice!
I know, I know. It was just "refugee" that made me ask about European countries.
So will you guys become politicians and make a difference in the world or stay on 4chan doing nothing even after you've found a realistic solution?
Stop with his divide and conquer shit. We are fucking 9% of the population, if we self-divide into a bunch of powerless groups of 1.1% and .2%, it's already over.

White cooperation isn't a matter of ideology, it's a matter of triage. It's a. after of strategy. It doesn't mean erasing indivudal ethnic and linguistic culture and history to act like one monolithi white body, it's about recognizing are similarities make us infinitely closer to one another than to any of the people who have been flooding our countries since the 1960s. It's about recogniing that our countries are all suffering from the same disease, and the same lines of attack are being used against us all.

Our enemies don't see Danes, Americans, and Germans, they see white people. The brown alien hordes will not tell your children to check their British privilege and Austrian privilege, they will tell them to check their white privilege. They will blame a Finn for British imperialism, they wil blame a Dutchman for the 3rd Reich, they will
blame Americans for the crusades- and they will mean it. They will mean it with all of their heart.
Literally no one else besides 40+ women with no children and antifa-tier leftists like refugees.
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Difference between us? When we brought over niggers, we put them to work. When niggers float over to you, you fetch them out of the water because you can't wait that long to see them fuck your women, and then you expect them not to work. Also
>start a race war with muh 2'nd Amendment
At least we have a 2'nd Amendment. Don't forget to turn in all your weapons at your local Ministry of Love.

Come now, even if I linked you a source, you:
1. Would immediately discard it based on who it came from, and
2. It wouldn't be available in your country. As though they'd let you have access to information proving they're killing you all off, kek
It's honestly pathetic, desu. Even WITH "muh guns", they went from 95% white in 1940, to less than 50% white by 2040. And these Jewish slaves have the audacity to call us cucked. Ell. Oh. Ell. So tell me, what exactly was the point of having all those guns? At least we "euro cucks" have an excuse for not "fighting back". What's their's?
Someone create a Discord to brainstorm ideas to become politicians and enter a new wave of anti-immigration western restoration policy for fuck's sake
I can't see danes, germans etc either, but apparently the hawk eyes of this thread can differentiate between people of the exact same genetic make up
My point is that you guys are unbearable, even here in /pol/, kys fgt
Hvor er du fra broder
>We are fucking 9% of the population
there is no "we" mutt
>It doesn't mean erasing indivudal ethnic and linguistic culture and history to act like one monolithi white body, it's about recognizing are similarities make us infinitely closer to one another than to any of the people who have been flooding our countries since the 1960s
do you know who pushed for that mr. burger? You did. If America niggers were wiped out in the 1920s your precious "white" race would not face these problems.

> Would immediately discard it based on who it came from
you have no idea what I would do or not mutt. Try at least or just shut the fuck up.
>It wouldn't be available in your country
??? come again?
>As though they'd let you have access to information proving they're killing you all off, kek
you are aware that Nazism is legal in Denmark right? Hell we barely try to censor chill pornography. So rest assure that any pathetic article you can come up with Ive will be able to access it. Also that is rich coming from the literal kike nation of the world.
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Well said my brother.
Most of this thread is either kike shills or (sadly!) people who have fallen for kike shill tactics.
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>When we brought over niggers, we put them to work

What in 1965?

>At least we have a 2'nd Amendment

You don't understand. If two people wanted to shoot you, which would you arm? The one not afraid to pull the trigger or the cuck? Arming which one makes it more likely for you to get shot? Use your brain you fucking oaf.
>Our enemies don't see Danes, Americans, and Germans, they see white people.
why the fuck should I care for what shitskins see or think? They think dirt is food and streets are toilets. Nothing they think on the subject matters

>The internet doesn't make a difference in the world

You can't possibly be stupid enough to believe this. /pol/ has done more to shift the overton window in a few short years than any other website in history. The leader of the most powerful country on earth is a man who said Merkel is destroying Europe, a man who said "Paris is no longer Paris", who proposed banning 100% of muslims from entering the US, and whom wants to build a 2,000 mile-long wall to separate us from brown people. Trump would not be president without the online right-wing, and I mean that literally. We meme him as the God Emperor and turned his opponents into mockeries at a time where he was barely polling at 6%. We rigged every single post-debate poll to make him the overwhelming winner, making it impossible for the media the paint a narrative where the public wasn't receptive to his ideas. We caused Hillary Clinton to publicly and formally make a declaration of war against a green frog.

This is the information age, and memes are information warfare. To say internet venues have no real effect on politics and culture would be like saying newspapers had no effect on the French Revolution.
Grasping at straws with the inevitable reference to cuckholding, Never seen a more american post.
Don't act like niggers are still picking cotton and getting lynched when they dare to touch a white woman, actually what's happening is the exact opposite and i don't need to start uploading stats you surely have already, and i don't need to post american mainstream media to point out the cause of your obsession with miscegenation. You have the second amendment, you have the guns, you're behind a keyboard doing shit. End of the story, nobody sees you as the tough free conservative cowboy you wish to be here.
ikke fra havnen.

>My point is that you guys are unbearable, even here in /pol/, kys fgt
why should we be any different on /pol/? Seriously you jungle poofs are far out.
The entire secret agenda is about the Pension Crisis. The low birthrates in Europe have made politicians assume that the refugees can be put to work to pay taxes to bailout the pensions. Yet in the process, they are indeed changing the culture of Europe.

og vis fanen. Dannebrog fortjener ikke at blive gemt bag det latterlige ikon.
So your just here to piss people off?

Btw, almost no jungles here Kek
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We are both cucked, but we have it a little better so why not make the good times last a little longer?We are all jewish slaves in the end and things are going to get dark if we both don't do something about it.Most of us are trying to warn you and telling you to fight with everything you have in you to not become us, so I would keep that in mind.Yes we have some very patriotic americans on here who love to boast about america, but most of us are just trying to tell you to get your shit together before it's to late.
Don't know why people are getting angry at this, he's right.
russian payoffs to politicians and russians pushing this agenda through media. the #1 way spies get into countries is using journalist as a job

after russia got busted pushing this anti-trump agenda/collusion with russia by using corrupt democrats, you can see the russian hand in all of this bullshit. i think the immigrant happening is putin's hand to show assad that his muslimshit will eventually win europe in generations
You are aware of the fact that you are almost guaranteed to have another heritage than 'danish' right? Thralls from other northern european countries were introduced to Denmark by viking raiders. Like I said before, so I suppose 90% of danes aren't danish then since they have 'subhuman anglo-saxon' blood from viking thralls. Also danes were a cultural group from Sjælland, what about Jutes, Angles and Saxons? Are they just subhuman euro-niggers?
Just shit up you can walk from one end of our country to the other in a few days time do you really want me to believe there are distinct genetic differences from less than 5.000 years of tribal segregation?
Get a grip, you and the ethnic people surrounding you and a several hundred mile radius have essentially the same genetic distribution, the differences are minute and primarily cultural, which of course matter. Southern europeans are not white though, not in the same way at least
>almost no jungles here Kek
what do I know?
>So your just here to piss people off?
not really. Its more me getting pissed off by all the mongrels from the cesspit that is the US of A and their ridicules claims. I truly do not care for Argentina just like I am positive you do not care one bit for Danes or Denmark.
Jeg er ikke i DK atm makker så vil ikke repræsenterer noget jeg ikke tilhorer
Hvor er du fra, 2765 reporting in

I am 100% northern european. Northern Europe used to be too. Maybe the population of Denmark, which is about 1/7th the size of Tokyo, will make that happen again all by themselves. Probably not.

The US is the most degeneate nation to ever exist, the most powerful weapon the left has wielded in all of human histoy. The world that American hegemony is a nightmare of multicultural egalitarianism. Unless someone has a time machine, we're going to have to work together to fix that. If you refuse to, let's hope that your country still produces men with enough balls to take your place.

This isn't about what is ideal, you cowardly defeatist autist. None of this is ideal. London having a Pakistani mayor is not ideal. France becoming Islamized and Africanized is not ideal. Germans being imprisoned for protesting their replacement is not ideal. This is about looking at where we are with a cold and emotionless gaze, and doing what we can to minimize the damage. To do that, we need to reach as many white males as possible, wherever they are. London is 6 hours from New York. The world is tiny, and pretty soon the white population will be too.
>he's right
about what?

>you are almost guaranteed to have another heritage than 'danish' right?
yes and read what I wrote. I clearly stated that being danish was a tribal thing a NOT genetic.
>so I suppose 90% of danes aren't danish then since they have 'subhuman anglo-saxon' blood
I never claimed that and you know it.
>Get a grip, you and the ethnic people surrounding you and a several hundred mile radius have essentially the same genetic distribution
indeed. What is your point with this? That does not make them Danes...
>Southern europeans are not white though
who cares about stupid American labels such as "white"?

ah forståeligt
That's good to hear.
This is a pretty accurate representation of the current state of the UK.
Sorry må have misforstået dig for en anden anon, så længe vi er på samme bolgelængde ift nordeuropa
Actually i do care, or at least i did until i discovered danish polfags.. I care for europe in all itself.. Because they are pinnacle of civilazation and science and for most of what humanity has acheived, i may have just cucked my own country and area for saying but well.. im all for the truth
not the guy ur replying to but i do care for European countries not going to shit
I visited Denmark and dont want seeing it destroyed and Danes were very kind to me too
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Yes goyim, stay calm. Feel hopeless.
Yea pretty much this...
The politicians who make laws think their opinions matter.
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Yes goyim, just get some politicians that are anti immigration. That is much better and faster than just dealing with it yourself. Stay calm goyim. You can trust me
>I just found out they're not only coming to but causing problems for a city near me and it makes me want to fuck shit up.

We took in refugees and sent them to a town way down the bottom of the country.

The town now has no housing and kiwis are living on the streets and every single "refugee" has a damn house.

Even whites here are sick of refugees. They cost a fortune and politicians fuss over them more then homeless people dying in the streets.

Also our suicide rate is at record highs and here we are bringing in more war torn, mentally unstable people.
>I am 100% northern european
>sees flag
sure burger....
>This isn't about what is ideal, you cowardly defeatist autist.
defeatist? What, for not bending over to your kike ways and your obscene "white" identity label?
>London having a Pakistani mayor is not ideal.
and I care about who is London's mayor because?
>France becoming Islamized and Africanized is not ideal
not particularly fond of France of the French so pulling at my heartstrings really does you no good.
>Germans being imprisoned for protesting their replacement is not ideal.
muh poor Germans and their autist ways. They have always been so burger stop glorifying them
>doing what we can to minimize the damage
you could stop force feeding the world your shit. That would be a great start.
So you are telling me that you shit the bed and because of that I now have to throw away everything that makes me who I am so we together can fix the shit you made? Pardon me for being reluctant and not overly trusting.

ser ikke ud til at vi er uenige.
Holy shit look at cali, Lmao
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Yes goyim, its no big deal. Lose hope, don't think for yourself. Just elect more politicians. It will all be alright that way.
Hahah lil ireland
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Yes goyim, politiicans are the answer. The only way to change things is to elect more politicians goyim. Forget about taking your country back. Just become politicians. And also go to sleep. Aren't you tired?
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yes more politicians, more politicians, more politicians. Its the only way.

They think that Europe is theirs, and with the way things are currently going, they're going to be correct. Over one billion Muslims view themselves as Muslims. A unified, large group will always defeat fractured and disparate individual groups. Imagine if at Vienna in 1683, the Poles had said "Who cares about Austria? It's not Poland". There would have been Islamic dominion from Indonesia to the Rhine.

But you've already made it clear that you're going to sit this fight out. When the Muslims are raping your sister, make sure to tell them how you never cooperated with any filthy Canadians. Maybe you'll get a high-five out of it.
oh Danes are perfect at keeping a facade and we love trading with foreigners. Almost kike tier in that regard.

>the evul Dane made me sad
you almost sound like a damn Eskimo. Get a grip.
>Because they are pinnacle of civilazation and science and for most of what humanity has acheived
how about making the new world that eh? How about making Argentina the new UK or whatever is your ideal.

>The politicians who make laws think their opinions matter.
no the politicians only cares for what makes them get reelected. In Denmark that means being anti immigration right now and tough on Asylum seekers among other things.
Old news. Texas has a Muslim population made up mostly of gooks and negroes at about 1.8%. In West Virginia there is 20 Muslims.
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>the politicians only cares for what makes them get reelected
Actually they don't...it's a big club that works together and could care less about losing, they always win even when they lose.
I'm not saying that it doesn't, I'm telling you to use it, because many here know the truth and don't use it to do anything, just keep browsing the board instead of taking any action, use 4chan to make the difference
>There would have been Islamic dominion from Indonesia to the Rhine
so? Again you think that I care deeply for these people but I dont. Just like my ancestors nobody gives a shit about muh unity in Europe. The Poles came to their allies rescue but Europe as whole did not give a rats ass about Vienna. Unity have been tried through religion (the pope and christshit), war and conquest. It never amounted to anything and it never will.
if you truly want a united Europe you need to erase and destroy all countries but one. Good luck

>But you've already made it clear that you're going to sit this fight out
hah you think calling me a coward like some old woman from the 1700s is going to move anything? Desperate.
>When the Muslims are raping your sister, make sure to tell them how you never cooperated with any filthy Canadians
implying Danes would not be removing those sandapes long before that.

you got a source on that friend? no? Or is it just your infinite wisdom that lead you to that conclusion?

I'm not asking you to do anything. I've read your posts, you would be a dangerous liability to any movement or struggle of you were a member of it. I would never trust you with my back turned for a single moment. But for Danes who aren't autistic, they don't need to give up their individual character and history to realize that they are part of a larger related body all being targeted by the same threats for the same reason, and that their only
realistic hope to fight those threats are to pool their energy, resources, and labors together to fight. If Muslims own Sweden and Germany (not to
mention France with its nuclear weapons) there is a 0.00% chance of Danes being able to stop them from owning Denmark. I've spoken with many Danes on here who don't share your pathological need to be destroyed and dominated who understand this.
This isn't completely accurate this is 2015. 2016 shows a slightly different picture.
Hahah, kekd at the eskimo thing, now, why dont we make Argentina the perfect new world? Simply becus niggers, we have too much of them, not actual african niggers but mixed mestizos and natives, not everyone knows this, but back in the 1900's argentina was the 7th most powerfull nation on earth, and at that time the vast majority of the country was white, fast forward 50 years and the neighboring niggers start to flood in from places like bolivia, paraguay, chile and that is what my country is today, from top 10 to regular latin american shithole, and im no pure white myself, 50% spanish 50% italian with a doubt of native blood maybe.. but at least i know i dont think like the stereotypical spic nigger..

I don't want Europe to be unified as one body, I want Europe to not be a double-digit IQ brown Islamized wasteland.

Your country surrendered in a matter of hours and days the last time it was invaded, LARPing that a few million danes could hold out against a billion-strong Jihadist movement is delusion bordering on mental illness.
What's funny is America is changing at a rate of .2% a year. The white population increases by 300,000 - 400,000 every year almost enitrely from internal growth. Have birth rates above replacement in over 35 states, suffer from high death rates in 5, and the rest are liberal states were whites voted for Hillary over Trump. And white conservatives/Christians are increasing as a % of the nation's population but the white demographic is more conservative than ever before and white conservatives/christians are above replacement rate.
And we are more cycled when Europe's white population declines by 1,000,000 a year.
you dont get it do you? Danes who are sympathetic enough to even hear you out are all mostly like me. Danish nationalists do not like Europeans or Americans meddling in our affairs.

>I would never trust you with my back turned for a single moment
and you should not. I owe you nothing and you matter not to me.

>they don't need to give up their individual character and history
except that is exactly what you demand. Siding with Euronigges is undanish.

>If Muslims own Sweden and Germany
implying they dont already.

>there is a 0.00% chance of Danes being able to stop them from owning Denmark
or maybe we will go full North Korea and just get a shit ton of nukes ourselves

>I've spoken with many Danes on here who don't share your pathological need to be destroyed and dominated who understand this
although I cant deny you claim ill point out that I have no need to be destroyed or dominated. That is actually why I despise you kikes so much.
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I'm guessing trump wasn't the last back stab you needed to see the truth?I'm not a leftist trying to convert anyone to (((communism))) either.You shouldn't need a source anyways, it's common sense, not even trying to be a know it all either, just take a look at the world around you man, the game is rigged.
If thats true, its very good news for you guys, godspeed ameribros

We are 56% white. Things are far, far worse here than in any European country.
I agree with everything you said, except that I don't really believe that women have nationality besides that of their husband (as long as they are within a similar racial group).
>"hurr durr why don't europeans do sometyn about refugges!!!!!!!!!!!
>next thing he does is stating that there are refugges in his country and he isn't doing something

Thank god americans are going to be a minority in their country soon.
Hispanics were increasing 1,000,000 a year Asians by 500,000 until fiscal 2017. Mostly due to immigrants. Negroes increase by 100,000 a year.

Remember that the American government definition of "white" includes arabs, persians, north
africans, turks, and many, many hispanics.
so what? Just give up? Surely you can find a way to fix yourselves?

>I'm guessing trump wasn't the last back stab
no Trump did what I expected him to do. Suck Israel's dick and be a fucking orange idiot.
61% and yes as a % much worse but considering Europeans having a birth rate of 1.4 and opening not closing there borders it's only a matter of time.
yes but those numbers mostly only increase from immigration. internal white birth rate is real whites
You self report dumbass the government doesn't classify you. Most Arabs/Muslims are Asian or black. Hispanics are also separated do you not look for yourself?

>or maybe we will go full North Korea and just get a shit ton of nukes ourselves

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So we see eye to eye then no?
>I don't want Europe to be unified as one body
but you want us to pool our resources and such right? Merge to fight our common enemy?
and how will you do that while still keeping every country completely separate and sovereign?
its as ridicules a plan as yours.
>"hey stop being Danes so you can continue being Danes!"

broadly. Politics are different depending on what part of the world you are in.

You're proving my point, tens of millions of non-whites self report as white, and it's the "white hispanics" and other 3rd worlders who breed like rats who are likely responsible for most of those increased birth rates m. And while people do self-report, the guidelines on things like census forms/standardized tests formally list North African, Arab, etc as white/caucasian.
He is a teenager burger. Because he doesn't have any culture he has to steal other people culture, that is to say, he has to steal "white" culture.

Because everyone is a cultureless mutt in his country, he thinks everyone around the world is like him. He doesn't know what nationalism is.

My dream was that China, USA and India destroyed themselves in a nuclear war.
Geez, you're a massive cunt. I'm glad there aren't many people, if any at all, that put their lives in your care.
And this matters why?
Whites could have a birth rate of 17, as long as nogs have a higher one you're eventually fucked
nah, hispanics are all counted separately m8 that's what the "hispanic" option is for. they let them say white but don't count in white stats
No they don't. I just told you most Muslims/Arabs are black or Asian. Literally Israelis,Persian Jews,and Turks are usually Asian.
Underrated post
It's not nogs.
>in his country
lets call it for what it is; colony.
>He is a teenager burger.
I gathered as much
>He doesn't know what nationalism is
they burgers really piss me off lately.
>My dream was that China, USA and India destroyed themselves in a nuclear war
Portugal bringing the truth.
Eventually fucked when white liberals/American Jews are dying off and being replaced by either white conservatives having kids or non whites. And I'm supposed to be upset about the loss of white liberals and like we can actually do something about.
>Its like me just referring to New worlders

no faggot it's like talking about the United States instead of talking about Virginia or Minnesota. Fucking smug European twats couldn't point to Ohio on a map but act like everyone should give a massive shit about the difference between Sweden and Norway
I dont know man.. i truly hope we can, but thinking as the realistic person i am i beleive not, The past governments have all fucked the country to point of almost becoming venezuela, specially the last, Education is a joke, Most teens and young adults my age dont know a shit about history, science or crap, and theres still people who support the corrupt to the roots government because their mindset is Greed > Nation, The only way this is fixable is by a new Nationalist Military Coup d'etat like in the 70's, which is vastly unlikely to happen..
Sorry.. spics then.. point is you are being outbred but of course now that it's mestizos outbreeding you everything changes!

nogs, spics, gooks, all the same bro, they're outbreeding whites that's the point
If you had read my other posts you would know that I am on your side and that I know we also have problems. I only addressed my question to European countries because of the word "refugee".
But are white liberals/American Jews really white or worth saving? Look at what happens to the kids of these white liberals/Jews especially the sons.

Right, just like how Poland annexed Austria after Vienna and Bulgaria annexed Greece after the Turks were pushed out, and every nation to have ever allied with other nations in a struggle all unified into one sovereign
body and impregnated each other when the fighting was done.

You know that if Germany, France, the U.K. and Sweden become
non-white, the fate of Denmark is already sealed. If your weak, small, and harmless enough to them, maybe they'll save you for last. Opposition from Denmark will be as relevant to the new Europeans as opposition from San Marino or the Isle of Man. If you genuinely don't recognize that, you have the reasoning capabilities of a toddler. If you couldn't beat the National Socialists when the entire world opposed them, you won't beat Islamic, Africanized europe when it is supported and funded by a global jihad movement.
That's who's being breed out. It's whites in Travis county not in Hardin county being breed out.
>they burgers really piss me off lately.
Every meme about them is true.

I use to like America before coming to /pol/, that is to say, i use to like america before interacting with americans.

America is the biggest cancer in this world. They have opposed every traditionalist/nationalist regime in this world, except (ironically) Israel.

The unfortunate truth is that it's impossible to have a rebirth of nationalism without destroying america first

>Most teens and young adults my age dont know a shit about history, science or crap
Can you be any more of a teenager?

>Hurr Durr my generation is dumb becasue they don't know history that i learned from EU4 events

>. Fucking smug European twats couldn't point to Ohio on a map
I can, but what is the point? It's all the same shit. A nation of mongrels. Of really fat mongrels, niggers and mestiços
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And I wish you good dreams as the nuclear armed country a few hour to the north of you becomes majority muslim.

I wonder which is more likely to occur in the next 50 years- China, the US, and India all simulatenously destroying themselves in nuclear war, or the Islamic population of France reaching a voting plurality that gives them effective control of the French parliament allowing them to open the doors for further islamic inmigration into the Schengen zone.
>I'm glad there aren't many people, if any at all, that put their lives in your care.
sorry to disappoint you but people but their lives in my care all the time. I am considered extremely trustworthy and kind.
Do you know why? It is because I care for them as they matter to me. Unlike some random burger mutt from across the ocean.

>no faggot it's like talking about the United States instead of talking about Virginia or Minnesota.
not its not. You all speak the same language. Have the same Constitution. Same president. And so on.

>Fucking smug European twats couldn't point to Ohio on a map
who the fuck gives a shit about Ohio?

>I dont know man..
chin up
>The past governments have all fucked the country to point of almost becoming venezuela, specially the last
and Denmark was once a arid wasteland and considered one of the poorest countries in Europe less than 200 years ago.
>Most teens and young adults my age dont know a shit about history, science
that can be rectified.
>The only way this is fixable is by a new Nationalist Military Coup d'etat like in the 70's, which is vastly unlikely to happen..
well Rome was not build in a day.

Argentina has the potential Denmark never had. A beautiful resource rich land and the entire western civilization as a stepping stone. You will succeed if you work on it. It might not happen soon but it is not impossible in the least.

So Denmark is the alt-right version of Canada then, anything you do doesn't matter one way or the other.
You're conjecturing, and you have kind of a defeatist attitude like Vikernes has 'its all going to work itself out'. But what if it doesn't? And if it will, then when? In 100 years when things finally hit critical mass? Race war? What if whites don't win?
>t. Kike
portugal? such a quiet little country.
Nice strawman. He never said they were dumb. He just said they didn't know about those topics.
Don't worry, sooner or later they'll either purge the vermin by force or become another sand people village. And we know how to deal with sand people young Padawan
Bait is bad, but for the greater good I will say that "no history, culture, or identity" is a blatant lie and wishful thinking.

That smug bullshit will get you killed over here.
I don't know what? But I know the segment of the white population has been in decline since 1970 and you can't stop it now. Whites in 11 states which are all blue states were whites even voted for hillary are dying off and aging. And yes American Jews are also dying more than being born in the US.
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Tl,dr, here's the condensed version:
Stay mad, Angelo
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You are incorrect. The middle east and north africa are considered white.
oh now you are talking military alliances. We already have them in place so I presume you talked about different forms of cooperation?

What do you want "Europeans" to do exactly?
Eu4? Lol what is that? Europa universalis? Actually no.. Aoe2 actually.. but mostly from reading on the net, whats the point anyways? It doesnt matter how or from where i learn stuff, it matters that i know it and im interested in it
The biggest issue in the european islamic community is people leaving their faith. There will be no "islamic takeover" the same way there wasn't a german or irish takeover in mongrelimerica. What will happen is that our culture will be replaced by a new mongrelised culture.

>I wonder which is more likely to occur in the next 50 years- China, the US, and India all simulatenously destroying themselves in nuclear war, or the Islamic population of France reaching a voting plurality that gives them effective control of the French parliament allowing them to open the doors for further islamic inmigration into the Schengen zone.
hopefully it's the first. And hopefully every last american dies.

I don't mind if a couple millions Indians and chinks survive, but i sure would mind if americans survived
I'm looking at Beverly Hills on statisticalatlas.com and I'm seeing Persian Jews and Israelis being counted as Asian. Oh and I'm looking at pew research and finding out most Muslims/Arabs either are black or Asian.
Canada and Denmark have so very little in common.
>anything you do doesn't matter one way or the other.
on the global stage? Politically? no.
Bitter yet based you are my danish friend..
You go right ahead and make the first move, Spannynigger. We're all waiting.

It sounds like there is conflicting information, so I'll personally go with the United States federal government's formal and official census classification rather than what a website says about Beverly Hills.
I know brother, I know there is nothing you can do, any kind of social movement would be shot down, so I get it. All you can do is hope that things sort themselves out
Nope Jews are white. But the North African thing is meme tier bullshit and any one talking about classification is kidding themselves.
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>why dont yuropoors just murder people r u cucks??
Because Europeans are civilized you retard. For fucking thousands of years we have been trying to civilize ourselves and make life better. We have reached a great point in time and we have also been blessed with a great peace in Europe although its because of mutually assured destruction but still, peace. The Eastern Europeans remember what it was like not being civilized and living under communism so they don't want uncivilized people coming to their countries. Other European countries believe their institutions are the reason that they're civilized and not thousands of years of their ancestors trying to create a better world. Thats why. They forgot. We all forgot. We all forgot that the barbarians have always been at our gates and this time instead of them trying to siege Europe they just let them in.
>trigger warning for /pol/
The Syrian refugees made sense. Syria was in a civil war and Germany had an economic base that was able to support themselves and Greece. Also Syria is a pretty significant place in the world. The old Roman province name probably tricked them into thinking they weren't just rampaging Turks. So they let in some Syrian faggots which desu makes sense but the numbers just kept going higher and then all these somali yemen and other countrymen just start using the open gate as an invitation to colonize Europe as literally the entire world has been trying to do but Europeans were tough but like I said before, they forgot. Now
>pic related
is normal ideology in western Europe and America.
Yeah, like I said, not many people. And those in my personal life think the same of me. The difference between us two is that, unlike you, I don't go out of my way to put down other people of different nationalities.
Danes are bitter in general. Foreigners mistake that for hostilities sometimes.
Non not that you can't stop a decline of people in the first place and you can't do it to white liberals who are about 30% of whites.
Way too long, didn't read.
>All you can do is hope that things sort themselves out
>"everything will come together if we just wait passively"
>"I don't have to change, the shitlords are the ones that have to change!!!!!!!"

Spoken like a true cuck

Read this
They are fucking pathetic, unbearable little shits, having to suck english cock for more than 1000 years just to not be devoured by spain, Viva españa
Who want to die.
get off summerfag
The enmity between Argies and Anglos never ceases to bring a smile to my face. Checked.
This article was pure projection. And why do you hate weimerica so much?
>Because Europeans are civilized you retard.
>civilized people aren't violent

Spoken like a true cuck.

>mad colonial
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>reeee, you didn't read my War and Peace autist post, you must be on summer vacation

Eh, more like I've got better shit to do with my time. If brevity is the soul of wit, consider yourself retarded.
>random acts of violence and killing your own citizens is civilized
Well I know why Portugal's Empire didn't last. You Iberians sure love to kill eachother.
Violence needs to be justified to be civilized you are seriously a barbarian and I would say a perfect example of a moortugal. Too much moorish blood
>I don't go out of my way to put down other people of different nationalities.
me neither mutt. However unlike you I like to remain honest and give people the facts. Do not expect random strangers to help you or care about your personal plights. Only a child can afford to be that naive.
Every nationalist should oppose the american influence.

Nationalism is incompatible with the american way of life.

Americans oppose nationalism wherever they see it (except israel, lol)
Confirmed underage.
>ive got better shit to do
like post with good grammar on 4chan at late night on a sunday? lol you literally dont have anything better to do stop lying
bystander effect
Yea i know, kinda like japs and chinese, you guys and the germans are very closed to foreign people, not trusting them, yet love and defend your culture/nation and i can completely understand that, very respectable
I oppose the influence but I think you are going too far.
>grammar means length of a post
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Jew. There is no "white" race. There's danes, germans, swedes, poles, italians, greeks, spaniards, norwegians. One can easily differ poles from czechs, germans from netherlanders, spaniards from italians within a sec.

Quit applying your degenerate murican logic to europe. It doesn*t work. It just doesn*t.
>nationalist moortugal wants to kill his own people
>america is the problem
current state of nationalism in europe
>Violence needs to be justified to be civilized

Spoken like a true cuck. I'm sure that if you scream this loud enough at niggers they will stop beating your ass.

>"I-I-i'm too good for violence!"

Coward talk
If those 3 go to nuclear war everyone's dead. Be it immediate nuclear fire or the following nuclear winter. Keep your fantasies out of here.
What a whiney faggot. I guess this goes to show why they lay down and let dirtniggers come into their nations unopposed, they're just crybaby faggots without weapons or backbones.
Yeah you literally have nothing better to do faggot
False link. And mr birth rate of 1.2 I would not count on being white for very long.
>someone attacking you
>not justified
its almost like you want people to think portugal is full of moors.
Yes, i wouldn't mind to kill some Portuguese leftists. The fucking traitors.
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Holy shit, you're fucking furious.
>like post with good grammar on 4chan at late night on a sunday?
Glad you noticed my grammar is good, because yours sure as shit isn't.

It won't be a cultural takeover. It will be a generic takeover. Europeans will become a brown, mongrelized race with IQs too low to create or maintain anything like what was once the richest and most successful culture to every exist in the totality of civilization. And people like you will cheer as it happens, because you failed alone rather than living together.


>America is the biggest cancer in this world. They have opposed every traditionalist/nationalist regime
in the world

Correct, and it's far, far worse than you can even imagine. So long as the state religion of the US is multicultural egalitarianism, there is no hope for a reaction of any white country anywhere; it would simply be met with a brown American mystery meat army sent to "keep the peace". This is the domino that must fall first; if the US swings right, all of the western word will follow (crammed between us and Russia they won't have much of a choice). Denmark cannot do it alone, the US cannot do it alone. When we barely make up 9% of the world's population, we need the strength, intelligence, and resources of every traditionalist/nationalist white male on the planet if we're not going to vanish into the history books for an eternity of blame and hate, and damn if there aren't precious few of us.

*genetic takeover
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> a somali was beaten up at the train station this saturday
Considering they already are moor mongrels i dont think there will be much of a difference..
Multiculturalism is not the motto of America.
>because you failed alone rather than living together.
here you go again with that unity shit. So first you claim that nah we do not have to sacrifice anything because its just like a military alliance. Then you go on about us needing to "live together".
What is it?
weak af if you could actually justify a war maybe you could turn those leftists into nationalists who support a justified war to defend your country?? Do you ever wonder why America was so white and proud in 1950? We just won a war. u dont even understand ur own political ideology. Look at 2001 america everyone was like attack them bomb them fucking destroy them. You probably didn't live through it but theres a reason Bush won again in 2004. We were at WAR FOR A GOOD REASON(not really but that came later)
PSSShh not so loud you'll be crushing their dreams of ever getting into European countries when they are Nationalistic they want to have a Merkel state for Europeans called "white nationalism" and they want the right to immigrate to Germany when they're 1/15th German and mostly Slavic while their ancestors literally destroyed our Nationalistic Reich and used propaganda and pressured our politicians to take shitskins in the 60's don't believe me ? look up gastarbeiter on wikipedia and despite not knowing the language or culture and doesn't realize he will always be a foreigner when people will hear where he is from

It's quite funny when there are people talking about Nationalism and you have people Immigrating all over the place

Race is not ethnicity, and recognizing that Germans have more in common with Swedes than they do with the Syrians and Turks flooding your countries doesn't mean you want Germany to be filled with Swedes. Race is simply a broad, unscientific umbrella term for clusters of similar epopulations ethnicities. You can tell the difference between Chinese, Koreans, and Japanese, but it doesn't mean Asian people don't exist.
You can't really spot the difference between northern europeans, no, and if you can you are lying because DNA can't. All the heritage sites list europe into the major areas, northern, western etc.
We have cultural differences based on recent tribal segregation but we Northern europeans are all made of the same stuff, brother
>Europeans will become a brown, mongrelized race with IQs too low to create or maintain anything like what was once the richest and most successful culture to every exist in the totality of civilization. And people like you will cheer as it happens, because you failed alone rather than living together.
I've stated in this thread that i am a Portuguese nationalist

>nd damn if there aren't precious few of us.
lol no. I wish all americans died. I do not desire the alliance of americans right-wingers. I see american right-wingers, with their corporate cock-sucking as enemies also.


oh boy am i laffin
>umad the post
wow im so upset that autist #420 has better grammer than me
In germany, the birthrates of academic females are higher than the last 40 years. And for sure those females are neither black, nor muzzie. A glorious white future awaits Europa.

Europe is the home of the Whites. The reconquista will purge the savages
So 1.2 to 1.4. Stop it the white population declines in Europe by 1,000,000 a year.
You just did so ITT and I would like to point out that you still call me a mutt, even though name calling doesn't personally hurt my feelings, just like the other burgers. You might, honestly, be autistic.
This link is fake.
But you are correct.

>Turn leftists into nationalists
Top Kek
>We were at war for a GOOD REASON
Pic related
So try not to cry in 40 posts about it, then?
-0.1 bait. You're boring me now.

"Live" as in survive, exist- not move into the same apartment block.

Let me give you an example- the American-founded site Wesearcher recently raised around $150,000 for the European identiarian group Defend Europa to crew and launch their ship into the Mediterranean to attempt to strip migrant boats. Will it work? Probably not, but at least they're trying, and atbthe very least of they get arrested they can at least garner attention in the media about the ridiculous and criminal migrant routes where NGOs act as illegal taxi services picking up islamic invaders practically from the coast of Libya.

If you would oppose this just because it is people from different countries cooperating, you're effectively an assent of the pro-migrant movement.
but you are a mutt
>You might, honestly, be autistic
ill take your word for it doctor.
glad we agree on something at least.
Ok faggot heres another example, America again. This time replace the Jew with the Jap. Pearl Harbor, Japs sneak attack us. Anyone who didnt want to get involved in the war was instantly wrong. Justified war, increased nationalism, created a greater country. Integrated Alaska and Hawaii.
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It's funny how the 56% muricans try to talk shit about european countries. Most eurostates do not have more than 3% negro/muzzies.

When it is said, that 40% of germany*s children are migrants, it does not mean that 40% of those are niggers/muzzies. Most of the migrants in germany are of polish or italian descend. Syrians are returning to Syria, Turks are getting btfo'd since Erdogan's coup and dindus get deported nowadays

The Murimutt is a fucking jew and he does not even realize it.
>1 post by this ID
Its ok youre literally worthless
building on that, it took 20 years for that sense of nationalism to die in the 60s. Guess what caused it to die? A fucking unjustified war.
The idea that tiny tribes of people have lived segregated and unmolested genetically for so many thousands of years in lands you can cross in a few days, through wars and the modern era until today, where these tribes by some miracle has maintained their purity but only now is under threat is crazy. This is despite the fact that genetics and modern science used in studying heritage cannot distinguish between germans and swedes etc.. But apparently germanon can, lol.
No Hispanics including illegals and Puerto Rico are accounted for and as of 2016 make up 17.8% of the population.
it isn't finished, things will change one of two ways.
>Europe stands up and defends itself and we take it as the signal to do the same
>Or the US stands up and europe follows

Right, but until you gain magical powers, your wishes are irrelevant. Portugal alone cannot prevent the reformation of Al Andalus when it is supported by an increasingly Islamic Europe, a wealthy global jidahist movement, and 4 billion sub-saharan africans who will do anything to come to Europe. Traditionalism and nationalism don't succeed or fail based on the ideology and desires of one guy in portugal on a computer, they succeed or fail based on the actions and strategies of its adherents on a global battlefield of information, propaganda, and demographics.
Are you replying to the wrong person? I think theres a misunderstanding here..
>If you would oppose this just because it is people from different countries cooperating, you're effectively an assent of the pro-migrant movement.
why would I oppose some burgers doing me a favour?
just like I do not oppose paying big pappy roach in Turkstan bloodmoney to keep the primates there. Until a better solution is possible.

my objection is with the whole American "white" identity crap. Our goals might align but that does not mean I somehow most share my identity with you or allow you access.
If the Poles were fighting the Mudslimes I would aid them not because I care one bit about Poles but because I could use them as a bufferzone and keep the shitstains out of Denmark.
Tone it down a little, would you? Beggars can't be choosers, the situation is absolutely terrible right now.
What the actual fuck are you even talking about you literal idiot??, Hawaii was annexed in the 1800 and alaska bought from the russians in that same century, dont you even know your own history? Btw Us govt also knew Tora Tora, AKA Pearl harbor attack was gonna happen
Basically you are wrong
Look, the only interaction we've had or, hopefully, ever will have is in this thread. That's all I have to go by. It's not always what you say but how you say it. You attract more flies with honey rather than vinegar and all that.
B-but Denmark... :(

Can someone translate what this amerimutt is saying into English, Thank you.
Give him a break, you're hurting his 1/25190 polish heritage side
I wasn't talking badly about European countries.
I said integrated retard Alaska and Hawaii were territories during WW2. We made them states and an actual part of the Union.
>conspiracy theories
look maybe we knew maybe we didn't what happened next is what matters and are you saying increasing nationalism in the US was a bad thing?
more like Albanians and rats from Kosovo.
>pakis rape 1400 white girls over 10 year period
>huge scandal and the public are pissed off
>niggers rape 20k white women every year in usa

You yankee faggots are in much worse shape

That's all we need. To help each other because we understand that if we don't, we'll be next. So I hope that when you say "fuck Germany fuck France, let them all be conquered" you're just LARPing, and if not, I hope that most people don't feel like you or we may as well already be gone.

Danish is one of the ethnic groups that commonly falls under the broad umbrella term of "white", just as how Congolese fall under the term "black". It's not a call to let Norwegians fill your country, it's just a generalized way to refer to different clusters of related population groups. Sorry if this enrages you, but I honestly don't think it's something to spend too much time hung up on.
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I was pretty clear.
your country isnt even going to be 56% in 100 years with your birth rates
No, im saying Pearl Harbor and 9/11 were all let happen thanks to the kikes just to go to war, the German inteligence agency even warned you idiots about 9/11 and you didnt give a shit
Did I ever imply we didn't have a problem?

In the same year.
By the Supreme Commander of our Military during WW2.
Justified wars, when you win, create a better Nation.
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Why do you think we keep telling you not to be like us for fucks sake?Plus, I barely make fun of australia, you guys are in the clear besides the whole chinese thing.
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eh atleast they have identity with their individual countries. Being a mutt white sometimes hits the feels. Its like africans vs american blacks. Africans have their unique countries, american blacks have slave backgrounds and are probably mixed with whites somewhere. We're just a country of lab rats that are told we have freedom.
Dude i don't think nobody is arguing against that
the thing is on /POL/ there is a huge group that wants "white" nationalism and it alot of people in that specific group actually wants Immigration for Europeans for European Countries why fuck would a nationalist want foreigners in their fucking Country?
its your son
ok sweetie
>fuck Germany fuck France, let them all be conquered
I am simply testing the waters and to see what you Americans really base your arguments on rather than "muh feels".
> It's not a call to let Norwegians fill your country
eh? Why would this be a bad thing.

so what you are really saying is that countries and people who share the same goals should cooperate. So does that include helping India with their muslim problem to the north? Or does it magically only include "white" nations?
Does the end not justify the means? The end being a ethnically European Europe.
Either way the reality is 9/11 happened. it doesn't matter who did it really at this point. also the bigger scandal is the WMDs that didn't exist. Thats the real thing that destroyed the justification not that israel is trying to destabilize the middle east so they can gain land.
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I thought the British were intelligent?It was pretty clear as to what he said.Are you a pakimutt or something?
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>americuck diplomats constantly telling us to take "refugees"
>hurrhurr why are europeans such cucks
america was a mistake
dont you have the US of A? Or is all that "the red, white and blue" just for show?
No America is the greatest thing to ever happen to the world. We have some problems but this place is great
This, I live in Australia, and there's nothing decent Australian men can do to defend this country, the only people with guns are degenerate drug dealing bikie gangs.
>literally the source of every cultural marxist propaganda trash
nah it deserves to be nuked
its late on a Sunday hes probably depressed and needs some sleep

A couple people are certainly arguing against it, and I've done my best to articulate my thoughts on the strategies with the greatest likelyhood of success in my posts as best I can.

"White nationalism" as I understand the term doesn't mean a single white nation, but rather, nationalism for all the white peoples of the world. I don't find the term to be that bad, since the ones who oppose our nationalism and traditionalism view is simply as white and target is because they view us as white, but typically I use the term ethno-nationalism. I would be fine with any german-celtic immigration into the New
World, certainly I wouldn't want the vanishing of individual cultures and histories in Europe.
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Fuck, some of you make it hard to care. Either you're being genuine or you're shills to D&C.
Texan here. These Sharia bullshit is going to get stomped quick in Amarillo. The big cities in Texas are leftist cancer, but rural Texas won't allow this shit to continue, no way.

faggoty sissy dane with the sick euro disses back at it again

This leaves France, England, and Germany off the hook, especially France. But the US certainly spread it further and harder than any of them. Both the American and French revolutions were huge mistakes.
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>degenerate drug dealing bikie gangs
Is it already mad max time over there?
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I wonder where they get those from....
This is the only thing that would actually make a difference at this point.
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As an irish Sicilian mutt with the Sicilian showing through I can absolutely agree with this. Whilst having similar facial structure to my irish Papa the Sicilian that is my father's blood shows in my olive skin and roman nose. Thepoint I'm making is more often than not people can see me and know I'm Italian, unless it's the winter. Pic kinda related
>destroys communist empire
>reunites germany
>kills muslims every day
ok look the media and film studios and colleges are run by leftists its a problem but the good America has already done proves its worthy of its spot in the world.

>I was only pretending to be retarded

I certainly hope so

I'd certainly support any action that benefits white peoples, including helping India, or letting them all nuke each other.
Go to bed.
>Either you're being genuine
Not had much contact with the "white" world have you? Seen it with many burger mutts. They somehow think that the "whites" are unity or some garbage like that. Completely ignoring said "whites" history of constant struggle and strife with themselves.
>faggoty sissy dane
whats wrong with a few insults here and there? You dont want this to end up as a hugbox do you?
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Let's hope. I'm not holding out hope for the dark blue counties.

>Why would this be a bad thing.

Norwegians are not Danish, does your affinity for people now extend beyond just the borders of Denmark?
no one cares what the fucking french say, germans are autists, their propaganda is only effective when they have 50000000 tanks to back it up, otherwise every european nation responds to germans with "fuck off autist" and the button eyed island monkeys just follow the amerilards
more like
>supports the soviets until they collapse and do some pretend fighting in jungles no one cares about
>cuts germany in half
>imports muslims into europe every day (those ngos aren't funded by europeans mind you)
hasn't done shit, if you're american you should kill yourself and the world will be a better place
So where are you from then?
>I am considered extremely trustworthy and kind
I don't believe that, there's nothing to prove it, and every word out of your jaded fucking mouth thus far has done absolutely nothing to give me an impression of "kind and compassionate"
>cut germany in half
ok so the USSR should've owned the entire thing?
>imports muslims into europe
thats germany and sweden if you really think US is the reason the refugees are going into europe thats some good propaganda.
>supports the soviets until they collapse
yeah, attacking Cuba and almost starting a nuclear war was super supportive.
>american created 4chan
thats more than enough
oh but good job destabilising the middle east, that really helped us out with the migrant crisis, that it created
oh I meant it 100% when it came to my feelings towards other Euroniggers. However for the sake of argument and making you state your real argument I ignored the fact that I am well aware of the eco system Denmark is part of.
I dont have to like Poles to see the benefit in keeping them as they are and not letting Islam get a foothold there.
Yes i don't have any problems with that. we can fight battles together but borders should remain closed in favor for each Country and yes I know about ethnic nationalism there are alot of people on /POL/ who blur this line and i as one guy said white nationalism wants nationalism in all countries BUT they want immigration also aslong they are "white" while ethnic nationalist doesn't allow immigration for example hitlers reich wouldn't have allowed any immigration at all it was supposed to be only Germans and now we arrive to the day where there are "white nationalist" using third reich imagery and actually portray it as "white" nationalistic while it was ethno nationalistic there was no Immigration and they use this shady tactic to lure in people

I don't mind a nationalist Europe i welcome it what i don't welcome is people who portray themself as nationalist and demand Immigration to your country just on the sole reason they are "white" if i want my country to consist of my countrymen why would i want foreigners to immigrate?

But saying that i don't think we have any problems man have a great day / night and good luck/fortune in your life
Oh, I know. I am just hopeful that the threat that is faced right now is bigger than our minor differences.
Then Trump came.

You still don't get it, do you. It's not about whites being one unified body, it's about strategy. The leftists and multiculturalists who target all of our countries don't do it because we're rich, or because we're first world, or because we had colonies- Japan has all of that. They do it because they see us as white, and we are unified as their target. No one is going to support and fight for peoples of European descent other than peoples of European descent. If it's not okay for one white country to be nationalist, it's not okay for any white country to be nationalist. Once we can shift the overton window to the point where it's acceptable for any white country to be nationalist, it will be acceptable for all white countries to be nationalist.

If you genuinely don't feel a single thing when you read about the fate of Rhodesia, if you can't picture yourself
in their place, I guess we're just different.
The crisis was created when EU went total acceptance. You cannot blame that on us. We fucking ruined some places but we didn't make them leave and we didn't force you to accept them.
Dont blame America for all the problems in the world.
Danes and Norwegians share a special connection you are clearly not aware of.

>I don't believe that
then dont.

I wouldnt bet on it. But then again its not like there is another alternative just waiting to present itself.
oh great americans then where were you in '56? oh right, you told us to fuck off, that's that about the great saviors from communism
what happens in germany is fairly irrelevant to me, it seems more important that we had to put up with soviets because of you americunts

don't pretend it's not the united states that forces germany and sweden to act like that, especially not when americans LITERALLY put pressure on them and on us to accept refugees constantly

more like giving them tanks and guns through the whole war is supportive
>muh cuba
literally who the fuck cares about cuba you autist
>a teen weeb created a site based on japanese sites to talk about anime
and now you'll tell me that hurhur anime is degenerate I bet
my ass, he fucking told us to leave soros alone in our campaign
>muh trump
same marxist asshole different face
>being this delusional
you americucks really are fucking cancer, if you just didn't interfere with other countries then 99% of the world's problems wouldn't exist
Bs, the world truly would be better off without all your Political agenda
They're also moving onto Japan now.

My nation was the only one who really gave a shit about them, my kin bled for them. The end of European Africa makes my blood boil.
You deserve that pink ID.
>we didn't want to start a nuclear war in the 50s
>who cares about cuba
Us and Russia aka the important countries
>a teen weeb created a site based on japanese sites to talk about anime
look what its become.
If we didn't interfere Russia would've that was the entire basis of the Cold War. Are you a fucking communist?
nah it would be better if you died, with your country, for the white race and for mankind

>They're also moving onto Japan now.

True. But the whole pathology of multicultural egalitarianism being the only moral and righteous way for any society to exist stems from the belief that "white supremacy" which peculiarly ran the world was evil and wrong.

>The end of European Africa makes my blood boil.

Me too.
go and tell your family the iraq war was bad because the jews wanted to get land and destroy the middle east or tell them it was bad because our intelligence agencies mislead the public and brought us into a war we shouldn't of been in because Saddam had no connection with Osama bin Laden who did 9/11. You might be underage and not remember what happened during the early 2000s.
Conspiracy theories don't convince people and people are easily able to cast away ALL of your opinions because of it.
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Asshurt Hungarian coming through, beep-beeeeeep.
Captcha related, crybabies get the ride first.
your country is marxist trash, you should just accept it
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Way too long, didn't read 2.0
>or because we had colonies
have. Some of us still have.
>No one is going to support and fight for peoples of European descent other than peoples of European descent.
So the Danish Peoples Party who are called racist nationalist everyday somehow does not fight for people of European descent (in this case Danes)? and they are the largest party in Denmark right now.
you might need an "white" identitarian movement in US but that does not mean we have to jump in on it as well.
>If it's not okay for one white country to be nationalist
but we are nationalist in the progressives across the worlds eyes. Its not an insult here. Calling yourself a national-conservative is a respectable position here.
>If you genuinely don't feel a single thing when you read about the fate of Rhodesia, if you can't picture yourself
in their place, I guess we're just different.
indeed we are mutt.
but its not that I cant picture myself in their shoes. I can picture myself in the same shoes and position as a kike during WW2 as well. I do not lack empathy. I just chose to suppress it when it comes to issues of importance as muh fee fees are not a better argument than muh dick.
You just wish you were an Empire again.
Your empire also killed millions of whites so sit down faggot
>said the commie fodder
As a dane I care about norway because I consider us the same peoples just in different countries, I think the same with most Northern Europe.
/pol/ theories don't work outside of /pol/
americans killed more whites than us and we killed more muslims than the americans so sit down nigger
>said the nigger-latino marxist defender mutt
Dont forget about the south desu..
dont ever tell that to the Swedes
Not all /pol/ theories work. Period. Or can I interest you in a flat Earth?
I want my Croquembouche! Get it now, stupid goy burger.
>literally divide and conquer whites
You also forget the part where you got conquered by Muslims(and sided with them lol). Apparently you're getting conquered by them again, and its our fault.
Lmao, enjoy your radish stew, or whatever the fuck it is you garbage hohol mongrels sustain yourselves on.
flat earth was a joke its not even a theory it was a fucking meme that got taken too far
also i forgot to say, sit down faggot
Also, fuck you,
Is ny best friend now.
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>got backstabbed by autistic europeans then get backstabbed by them now
nothing new, except now there's americucks joining them
>literally divide and conquer whites
you mean like when americans killed the national socialists?
fuck off, your country would never ever fight for whites, you'd rather first fight for gypsies and jews
>amerisharts trying to banter about cuisine
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