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Thread replies: 335
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What do you listen to now that Fridays no longer have the Daily Shoah now that its a paid episode?
The Daily Shoah
you a subscriber?
Some of you faggots upload this shit. I sure as hell won't risk Mama Merkel shipping me off to a reeducation camp because my credit card was used for ebil nadzi subscriptions.
I don't think anybody will
They should make it free for Germans and other countries with Hate Speech rules.
I bet us Burgers would not mind paying 10.50 to provide that.
>They should make it free for Germans and other countries with Hate Speech rules.

that's actually an interesting idea
The site looks like shit now. Before it had the TRS radio category with all different podcasts reorganized in the order they were uploaded and there was a tab for TDS and FTN.
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also 8ch
honestly, I have no problem paying but I do not want (((the norwegian bank))) noticing me sending money to a neo-nazi website
I have the same problem, kek
1) Pay cash for a prepaid credit card
2) Use bitcoin

This isn't hard, Norge.
Same, would gladly pay 10$ but it's way too dangerous here ... even with BTC you need to have a bank account tied to it.

5 Years minimum sentence btw.
I listen to fatherland, thirdrail and the history one, the rest are meh, or ridiculous shit like exodus or paranormies.
Just use bitcoin Hans.
Why would you give a jew your money on purpose??
I never listened to Glenn Beck lite anyway. Here's hoping they fade into the same whining high pitched jew harp as (((Rebel dot mediah)))
There's no such thing as prepaid credit cards in europe, you emperor of faggots
Anyone else comfy behind the hoob wall?
>even with BTC you need to have a bank account tied to it.

no you don't. you just go to a bitcoin seller, give him the address and the cash and he sends the money for you. they even give you a receipt. this is how all shady stuff gets sold in cash.
lol cucked
How the fuck is this even possible? Do you have any cash economy left?

Pussy! I already did that, nothing happened
What a shocker
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gib shekels
>people will actually pay money to listen to some retards whine about how white people are "oppressed"

someone explain this shit
I'd bet any amount of money they drop this paywall shit in about three months. There isn't enough material behind the paywall to justify the cost, and there never will be. Most hosts on TRS struggled to come up with a week's worth of material under normal circumstances, which is why they've resorted to taking a show away to incentivize subscriptions rather than pushing out extra content worth paying for. If people are still getting Svencams and little else after a few weeks, they're going to wise up. I can do without an episode of TDS, everything else I listen to is still free.

I'm also still not convinced the whole operation isn't some FBI honeypot like every other white nationalist outfit in the history of ever. Peinovich's nonstop criticism of Trump is annoyingly baseless on top of everything else. That Syria missile strike was months ago, nothing came of it, and he's still bitching about it.
Sure. The TRS main podcasts like Daily Shoah and Fash The Nation are double funny and informative as any thread on /pol/ and you don't have to go through all the shitposting, cuckposting, civic nationalist posting, LARPosting, obvious leftist false flag posting any other garbage post that is not worth anyone's time.
nice one, goy
I think my friend is gonna subscribe. I can just piggyback off of him. I'm not throwing money their way until I see that there's enough content behind the hoobwall to justify it.
>still being butthurt about Mike
its funny
how is having hordes of ugly invaders taking over your nations and stealing ur resources not being opressed
I payed the $10 high time preference fee and never got a confirmation email sent

TRS Jewed me!

fuck Mike and fuck Sven, these clowns just lost a fan
if i weren't to think rationaly, i'd jump on you for being a cuck and all that

but i really cant imagine the scrutiny going on in the western european countries
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>the cost

the cost is literally nothing. Even if they got like 500 people to sign up (extreme low ball for a podcast that 100k people listen to a week) that would put like 10,000 dollars in the bank assuming an even mix of subscription types

Also why is it a honeypot? most "white nationalist honeypots" were extremely violent revolutionary movements that sold guns and drugs.

How is the modern alt right in any way similar to any of the movements in the 90s?
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>paying with cash
>still living in stone age
it baffles me how in many places even in Amerilardia and Europa including some big cities you can't pay with a card, I only use cash a couple of times a year and abroad
it's an entertaining show
Europoors BTFO once again
let me guess. you don't have burner cell phones either?
this isn't true lol. debit cards are chargeable.
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Daily Shoah has been shit anyway

>majority of the content is self congratulatory masturbation where they talk about their ebin LARP adventures and how "le alt right" is totally going to take over the country
>then uninformed complaining about Trump while saying they don't follow politics at all so their opinions are worthless
>rest is shilling for gofundmes and other fundraising horseshit

Waste of time.
Thanks goy, you just payed my spousal maintaince.
Yeah noticed that. If you click on 'all shows' though, you get it organized by date like old times.

Good for me coz i prefer the spic show to most of the other shit on there.
Rural US still has a huge cash economy. A burner phone, a loaded pistol, and an envelope with a few grand in small bills is a must.
I bought the low time preference and it was immediately sent. Did you use yahoo? There were problems with that. Email them
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they updated their page to pic related today (I used yahoo and it said nothing about not using yahoo yesterday when i signed up)

fucking Kike Enoch did this to me
>Good for me coz i prefer the spic show to most of the other shit on there.
Whatever you say.
>Email them
I don't know their email
I clicked the support tab but it links back to the checkout page
Yeah I'm not liking the new look either desu, looks sketchy asf
try this email [email protected]
>and how "le alt right" is totally going to take over the country
Yep. If you listen to FTN especially, you'd get the idea that some White Revolution is about 2 days away hahahaha.

As much as I'd like that, it's complete delusional larp. Barring some catastrophic event/disaster, multi-cult America will just keep moving along exactly as it is today. Hopefully with a better economy.
Pay again, goy.

Don't be tight. What are you, Jewish?
You have to pay to listen to them now? What a bunch of cunts.
I hate that place, waaaay too much autism, and not the good kind
I got JIMPACTED hard
thanks, I should have remembered that
>You have to pay to listen to them now?

Just the Daily Shoah and only half the shows are paywalled, not all.
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notice how OP is explaining how to give TRS money

This is a viral marketing thread. Trying to shill TRS shit to make money off the people here
They clearly haven't gotten enough subscribers to their shit, and are trying to bump up the numbers advertising here

mods should ban these threads, viral marketing isn't allowed
>white revolution

No the alt right is not a vehicle for revolution or some day of the rope. It's a vehicle for a permenant uncrushable normalization of white identity and politics. A much more dangerous threat to the Jews than some political party or armed revolt.

A spiritual awakening. A tribal awakening
I agree with everything you just said.
No, faggot. I'm explaining discreet payments to cucked eurofags.. I don't care if people pay TRS.
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>I'm also still not convinced the whole operation isn't some FBI honeypot like every other white nationalist outfit in the history of ever.
me neither
wow. that's some cuckoldry. i can buy it with cash at a bitcoin atm in my city.
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YOU FUCKING GOONS POST TEH FILE ALREADY --- not that i want to listen anyway baka
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>What do you listen to now that Fridays no longer have the Daily Shoah now that its a paid episode?

I just listen to something free.

The TRS have never given any credit to the ones that started the pro-white movement on /pol/, probably because it is more profitable to sell how they are the originators.
This. At first when I discovered them I was like "wow there's so much content here"... then after about a month it was pretty much the same bs. Especially Daily Shoah. Fash The Nation can be good when it's Jazz and Halber only.
someone in right wing community actually believe that Jews can be trusted
>Oy vey its this is JIDF CIA site
/pol/ has relentless bait, cuck, pro Jew and pro Arab threads
>Well that is normal
Mate, you realize that Mike Enoch was married to a jew?

Not just any jew, but a far left activist who worked as a diversity officer
What time does Fash the Nation come out today?
You don't need a bank account tied to BTC kraut bro
Shills can't ever answer these questions, they're just kikes.
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>Mate, you realize that Mike Enoch was married to a jew?

Not the same guy, but my problem is how they have allied themselves with the ones that think the correct strategy is to hide and create secret networks.
>10,000 dollars in the bank
You mean, 10,000 to pay Mike Enoch's rent in NYC

Not the same thing.

In America, you can walk into walmart and buy a $20 credit card — traceless.
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>How is the modern alt right in any way similar to any of the movements in the 90s?

They are building secret networks, and that is fuel for endless drama the subversives will thank them for.
what bothers me is all these TRS shill threads that have started popping up immediately after they started charging people to listen. Clearly trying to milk young impressionable people here for their money
How are they going to effectively proselytize when they're just preaching to the choir?
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Straight shekels homey
Use bitcoin, achmed.
Yes I am aware of that, this changes nothing though.
You know that there are people right now in this board that are legitimate communists right? Yet you still post here and continue to associate with /pol/, how come? Are you a shill?
Maybe. I'd see it as more a warning shot to all these other groups that use id politics and act as parasites within our societies. Which ultimately means, society will be rebalanced so no more bs subsidies/gibbs and whites will be able to prosper without being dragged into the shit.

The alt-right is a worthy enterprise, but an actual tribal awakening? Na m8. You can't put individualism back in the box once it's been unleashed.
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>Clearly trying to milk young impressionable people here for their money
Oy vey.. young people should be spending their money on Netflix subscriptions and buying overpriced drinks for thots in nightclubs, not trying to build a self sustaining micro-economy for white nationalist media
>It's a vehicle for a permenant uncrushable normalization of white identity and politics.

And that is accomplished by hiding how?
They aren't siphoning money off people regurgitating /pol/ content
>not trying to build a self sustaining micro-economy for white nationalist media
You think it's a coincidence that this is happening right after Mike Enoch was doxxed?

This money isn't going to "building a micro-economy", it's going to pay his $40,000 a year rent in NYC
>we aren't doing this for the shekels. do you really think there is money in white nationalist radio?
>hand rubbing intensifies
10$ a month. Even if 10% of their former listeners pay up, it's going to be a lot of money.

And if you think it's going to "the movement", well I have a bridge to sell you. Mike will keep living his affluent an drunken lifestyle, and Sven will buy more guitars. All thanks to dumb goyim
>They aren't siphoning money off people regurgitating /pol/ content
>regurgitating /pol/ content
I never heard them talking about black dicks, how based communism is and that civic nationalism is okay so you could hardly say its regurgitation /pol/ content. Honestly /pol/ content is mostly fucking garbage, I learn more from one episode of Daily Shoah than a month of going through /pol/ shitposts.
Dude lol. All the shit is fine. The alc right rises is on top of the "all shows" tab, so you know it's a good ui format.
>Oy vey.. young people should be spending their money on Netflix subscriptions and buying overpriced drinks for thots in nightclubs, not trying to build a self sustaining micro-economy for white nationalist media

Most pro-whites have pushed the pro-white agenda without getting paid.

Let's hope the majority keeps bothering to do it for free, now that the "elite" is getting shekels.
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Really like their shows, don't really give a shit about kike Enoch, he makes good arguments and I don't follow him as a leader or anything like some guys.

But the reason why I'm not signing up is they decided to cut a show rather than add more, also the sign up system seems like it's a target for hacks, which would be a great way to get doxxed.

Once they add more stuff I'll work up the agency to pay in BTC to protect my privacy. If Chris Cantwell can consistently put out more than two shows a week by himself, TRS can do it too.
>But the reason why I'm not signing up is they decided to cut a show rather than add more, also the sign up system seems like it's a target for hacks, which would be a great way to get doxxed.

You realize for most of the show's history it's been once a week, right? Two shows a weeks is relatively recent
Do you want to have a serious political movement or a hobby club? Do you think Hitler had a job on the side when he was in politics or was he funded by NSDAP supporters?

Shekels are not a reward for the content. It's a means to create more content. If TRS has income they can hire people, expand operations.
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Yes. I was listening when it was one a week. And then when they went to three hour shows.

It was natural show growth. I'll pay when there is three, two hour shows a week.

Unless you don't think cutting the Friday show was cynical?
how does that matter in regards to what the Bong said?
You're right, I think if they made the shows longer it would be worth it.
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I want TRS to succeed and I'm willing to pay. That's the bottom line.
wait you forgot that polacks hate bitcoin because it interferes with their worship of jewbucks
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>Do you think Hitler had a job on the side when he was in politics or was he funded by NSDAP supporters?

Hitler was a German government agent, something that is shown from the ridiculous 1 year luxury prison sentence for a state coup.

>Shekels are not a reward for the content. It's a means to create more content. If TRS has income they can hire people, expand operations.

Sports clubs face the same problem when they get money to pay some but not the rest, so don't pretend it is not a problem.

You can overcome a problem, but not if you take the leftist cop out, and pretend the problem isn't there.
I'll explain but first you need to tie a rope around your neck then take a long walk off a short pier
I'm going to sign up because I enjoy their shit.
I'm going to wait for some anon to reupload to youtube. I don't listen because I don't want some (((pied piper))) change agent manipulating me but if I did that's what I would do
My profession/ current state of political climate doesn't allow me to send my moeny there sadly, because i would support, if there was a way.
>Hitler was a German government agent, something that is shown from the ridiculous 1 year luxury prison sentence for a state coup.

If you think that's a coup, you are mistaken.
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>Some of you faggots upload this shit
TRSIDF detected. There was a 504um thread some anon posted about TRS trying to get /pol/ to spread pirate copies of its paywalled content. Getting sick of TRS shilling here.
>what do you listen to now
TDS. I'll give kike enoch and papa sven like 4 months of subscription and if they do good things with my shekels then I'll stay.
> from the ridiculous 1 year luxury prison sentence for a state coup.
Wrong, most goverment offical were pissed as fuck about that, it was the Bavarian legal system, which is always the right of the rest.
>If you think that's a coup, you are mistaken.

Do something similar then, and see what happens?

Hauled off for the rest of your life I reckon.
>Wrong, most goverment offical were pissed as fuck about that,

Yeah. Everybody knew he worked for them....
Were is the proof? I want to investigate it further.
this, i dont know if im risking somebody but i sure as hell dont intend to find out
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>This is a viral marketing thread. Trying to shill TRS shit to make money off the people here
>They clearly haven't gotten enough subscribers to their shit
this. TRS is going nuts shilling /pol/:

all these TRS forum members bumping this thread...

this 100% this
something *
>Were is the proof? I want to investigate it further.

When you work for the government and do something illegal, you get a slap on the wrist, while they make up for the inconvenience as good as they can.

I'm not the only one having come to this conclusion, but I don't have any links for you.
>le trs boogeyman
I love how you guys shit on anybody that actually produces content or tries to further interests of white nationalists. I have my problems with enoch but tds is bretty good and theres a few other podcast that are great too.
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>(((the norwegian bank)))

Are you still a pupil that is scared that the teacher might get mad if you write something wrong?

If not, then why do you correct your mistakes?
>I'm not the only one having come to this conclusion, but I don't have any links for you.
I want serious academic research, not some link. I personally have spend a decent amount in archives and i haven't found anything convincing yet. I also investiated into Anthony C. Sutton. Weimar was a Chaos and many state officals were opposed, why Hitler got the sentence he got is entirly explaniable, if you consider the circumstences.
Do they have a PayPal? You could make an anon PayPal, send it some money and forward it to trs. you'd have plausible deniability if they try to trace it back to you.
Subscribe to our Daily Shoah podcast, Silly goy! We need your sheckles!
You can subscribe with bitcoin afaik but your idea is good.
>Sky suscribtion instead
>This isn't hard, Norge.

When Mike went to Norway, he hid together with the Swedes in Scandza forum like common criminals, rather than face the Norwegian press like somebody honest would.
Might want to go listen to Third Jimpact before you start giving a group of sodomite groomers any money.

Ghoul was grooming a 15 year old buy, the TRS crew knew about it and did nothing to stop it. Ghoul even stayed at this kids house while his mother was away to "baby sit" him. Then suddenly Ghoul got a GF and the boy was instantly dropped.

Don't forget TRS use people's personal information to threaten them, so good job giving them your credit card details.

Go listen to Third Jimpact. Listen to the real right wing podcasts discuss the sodomite right podcast's behind the scene activities. Many of them are ex TRS inner circle members.

Or go join the fashy faggots facebook group and share nudes with each other.
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>actually produces content
Content we disagree with: civic nationalism, race-mixing, degenerate, lying, fraudulent garbage.
>doing so much for the movement
You're just a TRS sycophant, making posts to screencap and post on the 504um to prove what a hard-working shill you are, and how you should be "extremely vetted" or get credits to access the paywall content.
> I have my problems with enoch
Probably not at all, or with Sven, or Greg Johnson, or Brandon Kissam and his Fashy Faggots standard fuckparty group, or any of the other bullshit that goes on there. You're a fucking race traitors and an apologist for degenerates -- in either case your a filthy fucking useful idiot and you deserve to be gassed.


We're fucking sick of your shit TRS, fuck off.
Hey we have a thread going at TRS, and we're talking about organizing some scholarships for you goys.
Is there a particular statute or law that you can point to that states minimum 5 years? Also does it apply to people who simply listen to "wrongthink" podcasts, or just to people making them?
Some of us want to help, but we don't want to be played for fools.
Google Third Jimpact, go to the soundcloud for it. Enjoy 2 hours of red pilling on the "alt right"'s gay mafia. Spencer, Johnson, Ghoul, Millenial Woes and all the usual sodomites getting torn to shreds. With screencaps of conversations where Sven and Mike Enoch try to silence people who discuss it.
>Do they have a PayPal? You could make an anon PayPal, send it some money and forward it to trs. you'd have plausible deniability if they try to trace it back to you.

This is foolish. Just use a service like localbitcoins.com to find a seller. They take your cash, send whatever amount to a bitcoin address, and give you a receipt. Hell, they even have machines that do this.
>Pussy! I already did that, nothing happened

So if things are so safe, then why did Mike have to hide like a criminal when he was in Norway?

I know that it is safe to send TRS money from Norway, but the TRS and their Swedish friends thought Norway so dangerous that they needed to hide, so they can't really complain if Norwegians don't dare to support them?.
How many times are we going to see this screencap. Spencer and MW are not a part of TRS. The fact you don't understand that 'pool parties' are a group of guys and gals meeting up at a local restaurant and talking for two hours makes you seem like a retard. You genuinely don't know what you're talking about. I don't post on the forum and it's open, you can literally check it for yourself. Whatever though, I must be a TRS shill because I don't throw every single WN I see in a ebin screencap under the bus.

Fuck off Schlomo.
>Don't forget TRS use people's personal information to threaten them, so good job giving them your credit card details.

I will be called a shill for this but this is just factually inaccurate. They use Stripe to process payments, so they don't see your CC#. Besides, any smart goy would use a prepaid card or unconnected bitcoin.
I don't mind subscribing by name. It's just a subscription to a podcast... So what if I enjoy listening to the Daily Shoah? If Stripe somehow lets me personal information out, I'll enjoy suing them for breech of confidentiality.
I would pay for Fash the Nation, but not for The Daily Shoah
>>Go listen to Third Jimpact. Listen to the real right wing podcasts discuss the sodomite right podcast's behind the scene activities. Many of them are ex TRS inner circle members.

I will do this just because I listen to any right wing podcast recommended on /pol/.

Only a fool would become a fanboy of any group, including TRS.
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>Third Jimpact,
Here you go, everyone needs to hear this:

>How many times are we going to see this screencap
In every fucking TRS thread
>Spencer and MW are not a part of TRS
Brandan Kissam and his Fashy Faggots definitely are, and yes, MW and Spencer are part of TRS, don't lie.

>I will be called a shill for this but this is just factually inaccurate
They collected dox on their members, and Greg Johnson threatened Kulturkampf members when the decided to leave TRS over Mikes jew wife. Listen to the 3rd Jimpact:
I believe Fash the Nation will be releasing extra content behind the paywall too. They really seem to be trying to keep a lot of content free, so they can still get the word out to new people.
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>Greg Johnson

These are not friends, and Greg Johnson is one of the guys that think everything will be won by hiding.
>Greg Johnson threatened Kulturkampf members when the decided to leave TRS over Mikes jew wife.

To be fair, does anybody take Greg Johnson seriously? The man reeks of being a Fed. Even the Daily Stormer had to refute his shitty articles.
>MW and Spencer are part of TRS, don't lie.
They literally aren't though. How are you peddling this shit?

>They collected dox on their members
No proof yet again.

Counter Currents is not TRS once again. I give up on talking with you.
Why aren't you listening to the no agenda show?
>To be fair, does anybody take Greg Johnson seriously? The man reeks of being a Fed.

Mike and MW went with Greg to Scandza forum, so some do.
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>They literally aren't though.
You don't think Spencer has money involved in TRS? You dont think they coordinate together in almost all their projects, cross-promoting, appearing on each others shows, etc, etc, etc.? When was the last time Spencer was on a TRS podcast? how many has he been on in the last year? How many Spencer-lead events has Mike appeared at in the last year?

>No proof
Are you blind, or trying to obfuscate by lying:

>does anybody take Greg Johnson seriously?
TRS and Spencer do. Mike appeared with GJ at the Northwest Imperative. They're all attached at the hip:
>Counter Currents is not TRS once again.

Just stop it. TRS cooperates with Greg, so they might as well stand for it.
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How dystopic.
I paid them $10, it's not like I'm a poorfag or anything.
White nationalists are usually friends with each other and have similar interests. More news at 11. Sam Hyde must be a sodomite too since he made an intro for the new paywall episode and donated to Andrew Anglin (who is also TRS because he works with enoch and appears on episodes a lot) as well. This rabbit whole goes deep my guy, thanks for opening my eyes you fucking neetsoc faggot.
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>Spencer do

No. Look at the alt-right website.
Pretty sure the Scandza forum would take anybody considering they are in Europe and not the US.

>You don't think Spencer has money involved in TRS?

I don't think so. Their cross promoting is what would happen no matter what because uniting nationalist groups is what is necessary to create a political movement.

I disagree with Spencer on some things, but I don't really worry about him because he is one guy who will be replaced by others. He might also be a fag. I try not to put too much stock into "personalities" because a true leader would arise just before we take true political power, not with today's proto-movement.
And the fallout after Greg made some outrageous claims about Freiberg caused a shitstorm at TRS.
The ties have been severed. Mike and Sven stay quiet on the issue in public, but the forum members sure don't.
Greg's not welcome there anymore.

MW is not a TRS member either. Did they have him on a podcast? Yeah. Trump did an interview with CNN - is he a member of their team now?
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TRS damage control is like talking to jews.
>White nationalists are usually friends with each other

So why do Greg Johnson lock out pro-whites from his conferences?
Because Greg is a catty attention whore. Doesn't want to share the spotlight.
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>thinks Mike is a secret jew shill
>likes the show enough to pay for it
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>MW is not a TRS member
He's had an account on the 504um for over a year. When he got doxed there were tons of digging threads to find his doxers. He was in them. His connected to all TRS FB groups, and across all social media. "Not part of TRS" is a lie, he's embedded in their community.
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Yeah basically this, I have been listening since around episode 40. I still listen because I drive a lot.

Enoch needs to take it down a notch on his ball fanning about holding court with people. They just need to go back to shitposting and not let the fame or money get to their head so easily...

The Jazzhands, Spencer, and Enoch show was fucking cringetier, had to turn it off after 30 minutes. It was like listening to school girls bitch about the other group of girls in the class, horrendous.
I'm in the same boat. Aside from the fact that the deal doesn't seem worth it so far its way too dangerous to do this here. Probably not impossible, but way too many hoops.
Sadly I doubt this stuff is gonna leak anywhere.
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>Pretty sure the Scandza forum would take anybody considering they are in Europe and not the US.


It is a secret club. They didn't even have a public face you could contact.

I have probably managed to get this point across, but I have a hard time respecting pro-whites that come to my country and have a secret hidden conference like if they were doing something illegal.
>A salt mine podcast by Mine, Ricotta and Hazard
I actually know them, funnily enough Mine himself is a faggot and yet they are talking about homosexuality, hehe epic. I actually like Ricotta and Hazard though and know them quite well, funny thing is when we found out when Enochs wife was a kike we were on the same exact page and were pissed and vocal about it in the discord. (I'm still mad and don't respect enoch for that)
Woes is a faggot though, seriously he smokes cigs and drinks diet coke all day. His mouth must be disgusting.

Also no one has 4 hours to sit and listen to his shit. He did have a good speech at NPI...and now I will look forward to you hanging around this thread to post retarded 'gotcha' caps like you did the other day.
If you make white supemacy profitable, then more people will do it, more people will invest, and more people will become WN. Also the Jews can shoah your patreon, but they can't shoah an independent revenue stream.
Spencer has been on TDS and they even made up a little jingle for him. When Millenial Woes was dozzed they raised money for him and had him on TDS for an episode.

So even if they're not strictly TRS, they are most definitely TRS approved and promoted. Or do you consider it "based alt right behaviour" to raise money for homosexuals?
You do realize you posted a pic of him disavowing a high-profile TRS member to "augment" your argument, right? You pick the wrong file there bro?
The Alt-right and White Identatarian content creators cross-pollenate on each other's shows.
Woes may have an account at TRS, but I've never seen him post anything. Having an account doesn't make you a "member" in a real sense unless you participate.
When did it come out officially woes was a faggot? genuinely interested/curious.

I think his speech at NPI was very good and
I link it to normies all the time.
It's a collection of different hard right Christian podcasters doing a 1 off episode together. They considered it too important to ignore any longer.
Must have been the idea of Mike's jewish wife for maximum sheckels.
Man homosexuality has been discussed a fucking trillion times and it always ends with that they should keep it to themselves and it should not be promoted. I myself hate the idea of having faggots in the movement and once again there is literally no proof that Spencer is a homosexual. Also yes Spencer is a friend of Enoch and Sven and they support each other. As with MW I don't think they are close.
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>A salt mine podcast
>Mine himself is a faggot and yet they are talking about homosexuality
lol Meinkraft isn't gay. You're being laughably jewish with language, twisting things in defensive ways, insulting anything you can't deny or plausibly dismiss, and insulting any source that provides testimony or evidence. 100% jewish tactics TRSIDF uses. You must think we're all really stupid, that we won't notice.
>when we found out when Enochs wife was a kike we were on the same exact page and were pissed and vocal about it in the discord
I've been curious about something for a while, so maybe you TRSodomites can answer for me. Why would any of you remain TRS after finding out Mike's wife had been B'Nai B'Rith, and still did this episode of the shoah -- that's such loud, obvious evidence that they were all cynically playing you, and playing you HARD, but you stay around to shill for them:


That's the sad thing, a lot of these guys are talented. They good speakers and entertainers. But they're fags, hypocrites, and entryists subverting our movement FOR THE HOMOSEXUALS and people that are degenerate like them. That will kill us in the end. Fags will destroy white identity movement in the end, because we lost the anti-degeneracy argument. If we lose one core argument, we lose the rest like dominoes, because they're all connected logically.
>These straght men and this homosexual man have common interests

Like fucking boys? Or are they trying to decide what brand of feminism the ethno state needs?

Shall we discuss Ghoul grooming children under the TRS banner and no one stopping him? Face it, TRS is anti-muslim not pro-white. They don't want their faggot families hung from a crane so they want to subvert the healing far right into a band aid for Islam
>Why would any of you remain TRS
We didn't there was a huge split and a lot of people left, myself included. I just listen to the podcasts now. I'll not be able to forgive Enoch but even so I can see that he's doing net-positive things for WN right now.
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>paying to listen to people regurgitate the same lame jokes and spam soundclips for hours and hours every week
>especially when it's owned by a slob with a marxist jew wife

wew lad. Take this shilling elsewhere.
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>And the fallout after Greg made some outrageous claims about Freiberg caused a shitstorm at TRS.

I don't trust anybody among the Swedes. They have the biggest alternative media per capita, but they are unable to call what is happening in Sweden for a genocide. Perhaps because somebody might laugh at them, but I don't know.

>MW is not a TRS member either.

I know. He hung out there for a while, IIRC. I don't think MW will support other pro-whites in public, because I have not seen he doing it so far, my guess out of fear of a backlash that might hurt his channel.
>We didn't there was a huge split and a lot of people left, myself included.
well... if that's true, sorry i took you for a TRS shill. A whole lot of them stayed though, and happily attack anyone who insults TRS. Its more like a cult than anything else in WN circles. Its fucking insane how dedicated to their ecelebs TRS forum members are. They know they're surrounded by frauds, but they fight for them anyway. Makes me think they must all be degenerates too, fighting for degenerate leaders.
It was pretty eye-opening.

I miss the days when merchandise to minute was being given shilled on here and people are it up during the Ferguson riots, but that was a distant 3 years ago.

I already give my shekels to Stormfront radio, Dr. David Duke, and Chris Cantwell.
Going to drop you faggots a hint.

Woes is an informant. Find the Cmdr Knightmare recordings where he openly admitted to having been having secret meetings with the police in his home. Has met them multiple times and refuses to tell any one why he's meeting them except they wanted to discuss his politics with him.

There's 3 guys in the recording, 1 is Knightmare, 2 others are regulars on Woe's hang outs. Woes knew Knightmare was talking to the authorities and refused to kick him out of the groups he runs. This can only means either Woes is an informant or maliciously naive.

Someone dig up those sound cloud recordings please. I lost them and I've been searching since.
Mike and Sven are good people. They're not perfect but I've met them IRL before and they're just regular guys who share alot of far right ideas. It's pretty absurd to think Mike's ex-wife is somehow subverting the movement with her Jewish tricks. TRS has ties with Daily Stormer and, like it or not, those are the two biggest and most viable platforms for WNs right now. They're doing great and I applaud them. And yes, they are putting all of the shekels back into the business to help it grow.
>Woes is an informant... having secret meetings with the police in his home
didnt he already claim that was over some listener who tried to commit suicide?
>Mate, you realize that Mike Enoch was married to a jew?

I used to be involved with TRS and can assure you that he has not divorced her, she knew what his show was, she was even on one of the episodes once (she read a christmas poem). Also anons on full /pol/ searched for court records on the name Peinovich regarding a divorce and there were none even though it should be public records if they existed.
Woes is emotionally stunted, he makes videos about his past all the time. He openly admits to being a bisexual and having multiple homosexual relationships at college. If he didn't have a mental break down over some chick friend zoning him then he would have sucked even more dick than he did.
>those are the two biggest and most viable platforms
Not if they're run by race-mixers and people who lie left and right to stay in business. This is the same bullshit their sycophants constantly spout:
>doing so much for the movement
>the only thing we got
>the biggest thing there is right now
>we need this, or else we have nothing
This is a form of psychological manipulation to frighten people into supporting them. Its nonsense.
>My friend claims homosexuality is linked with white identity
>I promote my friend
>I'm not promoting his political ideas on my political podcast though.

TRS promotes homosexuals in the movement, as well as race mixers and tranny fuckers. It couldn't be more Jewish if it was Enoch's wife
Hi Billy! Hope you're doing well.
You're either fat disgusting neet, or some D&C kike

Get out of your basement and get involved in real life, or get in the oven faggot
What have you done for the movement faggot?
>I don't support TRS's forum, I just support their podcasting network
>Hi billy
Is that a meme, or is this like when the Finnkike accused me of being Morpheus?

oh, someone got triggered lol
Illegal in Belgium since 7 July 2017, all SIM cards that are not identified by 7 September 2017 will be permanently deactivated and the remaining credit will be confiscated by the network operator.
>Its more like a cult than anything else in WN circles
>Its fucking insane how dedicated to their ecelebs TRS forum members are
I mean I can kind of see where you're getting from but that comes with any forum where users can have identities. I think having a forum is a mistake personally. I will still defend supporting the Shoah and the other podcasts though because like I said it's a net-positive good for WN. I haven't seen any real proof of 'grooming' or whatever, AFAIK Ghoul isn't a part of TRS at all anymore and if there's proof that everybody knew of this (if it's even true) then I'd be pretty pissed. There's been a lot of misinfo about Ghoul in the past though especially about the doxxing. I wouldn't be surprised though.

It is sad though that WN is so fucked that this is what we have.
Fash the Nation is a million times better. I don't need to sit and listen to edgy shit posting for 3 hours when I can do it myself on /pol/.
You mean the oven where you guys "ironically" share gay porn with each other and discuss your dragon dildos?
more like the daily shekel
Oh for fuck's sake. You insufferable faggots need to stop the sour grapes. You're either:
1. Neetsoc freaks who are jealous that someone is finding a way to make a living by creating content that you actually agree with, but are too low-agency to do yourselves.
2. Fucking kike shills who recognize the threat of an alternative media that can sustain itself... hand wringing as your death grip on the public narrative slips away.

None of you have an argument that counters any real content or message coming from TRS. It's all commentary on ball-fanning, inflated egos, they're friends with this faggot or that faggot... ad hominem horseshit.
Paywall does not have a lot of extra content yet. True. I look at it as a sort of GoFundMe - They need funds to grow their media organization. Tapping their individual members to kick in a small pittance like fucking white men is an excellent strategy. They won't get the exorbitant fees skimmed off by the Jews running the crowdfunding sites or have their funds withheld because they promote wrongthink.
If you don't like it, don't participate. It's that simple.
>you cant have friends with differing opinions on some things but similar opinions on one
K.k keep me posted

That's what I said.
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>asks "What have you done for the movement"
>1 post by this ID
looks like this thread got linked in the 504um LOL
I'll still listen to FTN for information. It's a shame that that faggot Jesse shat it up one week, and then the next week it was literally zero actual programming, with just Kike Enoch and Implicit Dick sucking their own dicks for 2 hours.

Made me remember why I hate all these people so much.

Woes is not homosexual.
You must be new to this WN stuff, which makes sense with your ridiculous purity spiraling.

When you turn 21 things will be much different champ.

There is hope for you yet.
So nothing then? Ok thanks for lecturing us.
Not gonna lie, Enoch needs to shut his stupid fucking mouth when he's on FTN. He literally talked over everyone and wouldn't shut up. REEEEEEEEEEE
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lol this, "get in the oven" means "insert dildo into my 'oven'"

>purity spiraling.
is the opposite of degeneracy, makes you think
Don't give Cantwell money ever.

>Meets a libertarian millionaire
>Knocks her up
>She has an abortion and goes home
>Cantwell has a break down and drinks/drugs himself up
>Meets a mixed race girl
>She moves in within a week
>Does a stream with her on it
>His fanbase revolt because he's race mixing
>He bans every single person who complains
>His oldest fans are banned and kicked out of his community

Cantwell is pure and utter cancer. He's a wreck who will use any excuse to take money from people. He's pro-race mixing as long as it's him who gets to fuck the brown chicks.

Fuck man, I know it's 4/pol/ but do your goddamn research. The irregulars are faggots but they have the full story on their channel, just seatch Cantwell's irregulars and go look for the video on it
You honestly think anyone is going to fall for this "browbeat and shame anyone who doesn't cough up 119.99 US dollars + tip for a low-quality podcast" tactic is going to work?
That's not what I'm talking about. This is an active member of Woe's inner circles saying he was talking to the Feds for at least 15 hours all told. And he couldn't tell any one what they were talking about.

>Good people
>Extorts while nationalists to pay for his Jewish wife's pro degeneracy life style
>Good people = gay pride, tranny pride, Jewish pride
Dude he's obviously a leftypol shitposter. I've seen him post so many times, always the same images, someones REALLY REALLY dedicated to smear these people. Its too fucking obvious.
Just look at the Spencer threads and tell me those aren't false-flagging shitposters.
>or get in the oven faggot
You mean the board on your forum where Bill and all the other cringy ovenmen and dingoes "ironically" post gay porn and pictures of asian girls.
[inserts photo of some faggot that no one knows]

Okay senpai. Seriously, how old are you? Are you actually involved in meatspace or are you a neetsoc?
Not that it would've mattered if he DID shut his piehole. It's not like anyone else on that episode was going to talk about news either. It was just a complete waste all-around.

I wish I had known not to waste my time listening to it. I kept thinking it was just going to be an extended intro before they got into the meat and potatoes, but it just kept going on and on, and the real show never came. Sad!
Was Jesse that nazi stoner who just kept saying "Like fuck it man" as if he was making some coherent point?

I listened to the the spencer/enoch episode for like 10 mins and then shut it off. I don't give a fuck about your personal lives or what you ate for breakfast, I want to know what's going on in politics.

Jazzhands is awesome and Fash the Nation is great when they just do their usual show.
Ah, okay.

I'm not on /pol/ much anymore. When you start getting involved IRL you pretty much evolve past this with everything there is to do.
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How about the other faggots that ARE known, like Grindr Greg Johnson?
Forum critters gonna forum critter.
He's the guy that was on with Halberstram not last week, but the week before that.
Woes has multiple videos up where he talks about his homosexual relationships in college. He is bisexual and doesn't even try to hide it.
>purity spiraling
Oy vey
Jesse and Jazzhands recorded a little podcast because of that and went over the notes he had for the episode where Enoch wouldn't shut the fuck up. It's behind the paywall though x^Ddd
I think I'm thinking of someone who was on TDS, not FTN
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>Woes is an informant.

Our governments know who we are and listen to our communications, so why would they need informers?

Provocateurs, sure, but Woes don't come off as that?
Have you tried not corruption spiraling?

It's a big tent guys! Where do the trannies go!?
Greg has basically been jettisoned after the Scandza forum shit.

He even said on his latest podcast that "the Alt-Right is dead." All because he's a sour grapes faggot. It's too bad, he has created some really good content but faggots cannot into "drama free" environments.
Yea I got an episode of TDS mixed up. There was some cringey stoner on there who made the episode 100X worse. Can't remember Jesse atm
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come on senpai, it's not hard
Yes, and? That changes absolutely nothing. They associated with this pedophilic piece of shit for years and only dropped him when it was politically expedient due to that whole Frieberg vs Johnson debacle.

You're not even keeping your arguments solid. You're jumping from excuse to excuse. Oh, I don't know this guy. Oh, that one doesn't count. Oh, this guy was distanced a month ago so it's no longer valid.
You're thinking of that autistic Canadian Juggalo rapper that they had on I think. Jesse is Sven my guy.
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>He openly admits to being a bisexual and having multiple homosexual relationships at college.

He has said he tried it.

You do come off as emotionally stunted, btw.
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Yeah, that's totally equivalent to hiding your marxist b'nai b'rith wife in the Anne Frank attic all this time.
>Guy makes a 1 hour recording about how he's talking to the feds
>Woes is told about this
>Woes continues to let this guy (who is known to have a loose tongue) be part of his inner circle and have control of his communities.

Woes is either incredibly stupid or he's an informant. I never said he was either but that's the only 2 logical answers left.

>Jewish wife
>Active homosexuals grooming children

I don't care if you fucked a nigger last week. I care when you lie about fucking niggers and try to co opt the movement.

But thanks for sperging out when someone calls you on corruption spiraling. Nice to know you do approve of the slippery slope of degeneracy.
I'm emotionally stunted for pointing out a bisexual man who openly says he's bisexual is bisexual.

Well okay Frog poster. You sure got me.
Do you even ride the tiger bro?

Seriously dude. Get out of the basement, and get involved IRL. Well, you might not even pass basic vetting at this point because you seem a bit unhinged, likely fat and pimply faced.

Get in the gym, improve yourself. Get outside. Shit posting on the internet only goes so far.
Oh I'm retarded. I was thinking his name was Tyler for some reason. I didn't mind that episode, it was sure as hell better than Kike and Dick the next week.
>But thanks for sperging out when someone calls you on corruption spiraling. Nice to know you do approve of the slippery slope of degeneracy.
There's no point in talking to these sycophants, they live vicariously through Mike and Sven's le funny podcast and thus have a huge emotional investment in them.
This argument is long tired and dead.

Ride the tiger. Get out of the basement.
>What do you listen to now

fuck these faggots and literal Jews
they're the ones that keep spamming this board with Laura Southern and Rage threads
they're petty and jealous and want all the alt right shekels to go to them
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>None of you have an argument that counters any real content or message coming from TRS.

I have had one, but I don't get an answer.

Why hide like a criminal together with a bunch of Swedes, rather than meet the press and Norwegian public as man proud of his opinions?
honestly i dont even blame fahgots for being gay anymore
there is literal estrogen in the fetal environment because of plastics

sperm counts have HALVED in 30 years and serum test has also halved

our genome is fucked up. not sayibg fags shoukd be trusted witg martial power but who cares. we have bigger fiah to fry

thia ahit about kike enochs wife is bothersone though. i think in gonna stop listening in light of it
I'm not talking to them, I'm using them like a puppet. The more they defend TRS's behaviour the clearer it is that TRS is fucked up and full of low quality people. I don't come to 4/pol/ to argue with sodomites, I come here to help other people avoid places like TRS
Yes, we're all sycophants living vicariously through Mike and Sven. lol

Do you really think that's all this is? Internet shitposting only goes so far, get outside senpai. There are groups in Spain, get involved.
I mean, you could either make an actual coherent argument, or continue to accuse everyone of being basement dwellers. Your choice, friend.
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>Woes has multiple videos up where he talks about his homosexual relationships in college.

Multiple you say?

Why lie?
>third jimpact
Myne is a actual faggot
and hazzard is an actual furry
only guns will solve this. dont kid yourself

the familiea of liberal judges and legal professionals need to die so that we can legally kill thr niggers

commubity organizing can only happen with overt sponsorship. even antifa gets paid just to show up and theyre on the more powerful side
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>anyone who doesn't pay $119.99 +tip to Kike Enoch is a fat basement dwelling NEET!!!!

Look how fucking pathetic you are. Go back through this thread and read your posts. Look at the butthurt that exudes from them.
How much are you TRS Expeditionary Forces getting paid to shill? What cut of the d'nations? This is beyond pathetic.

This is also why nobody likes you faggots. Because you refuse to just be a voice out there. No, you need to be THE voice. Anyone who doesn't suck TRS's dick must be brow-beaten until they do. It's no different than how homosexuals act, in that tolerance is never enough, and that they need you to be out in the streets cheering them on at their gay pride parades.

There are people who do not like TRS.
There are people who will not give money to TRS
Fucking deal with it. If you fags would actually accept this, you might start fostering more good-will and stop turning away additional people.
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>purity spialer
lol pick one, retards

>When you start getting involved IRL in the movement
we aren't part of the same "movement" you fucking SODOMITE
He's not lying to you senpai
He has been open about it - he gets irritated when you call him a fag though.
you were removed from the movement hazzard because you have borderline personality disorder and think you are the next hitler
Let me translate this post for those who don't go to TRS "pool parties"

>We're running out of men to fuck, please come to one of our parties. We'll get thrown out of a bar for calling people niggers and then go have sex with a 15 year old boy at Ghoul's house.

>Implying there is anything wrong with wearing a fursuit as you impregnate your wife.

Everyone has fetishes dude. As long as it's kept private no one gives a fuck. But the sodomites aren't private
>ow much are you TRS Expeditionary Forces getting paid to shill? What cut of the d'nations? This is beyond pathetic.
>This is also why nobody likes you faggots. Because you refuse to just be a voice out there. No, you need to be THE voice. Anyone who doesn't suck TRS's dick must be brow-beaten until they do.
This is also what started the doxings by 8/pol/, these faggots can't help but shilling their shitty content everywhere.
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>They associated with this pedophilic piece of shit for years and only dropped him when it was politically expedient due to that whole Frieberg vs Johnson debacle.

All homosexuals are pedophiles, because the Marxists are correct when they say sexuality is a choice, and not something you are born with?

The dinosaurs died in the flood 6000 years ago as well, I reckon?
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>you were removed from the movement hazzard
I've never heard of a group called "hazzard", or a guy called "billy", and I'm not "morpheus", or leftypol, or renegade, or Meinkraft, or any of the imaginary enemies your schizo SODOMITE brain cooks up to explain why people IRL don't like you and your faggotry.

Everyone should listen to 3rd Jimpact:
the daily $hoah
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>defending furries

oh wow
>I've never heard of hazzard
>Links hazzards podcast
He said the /brand/ of the 'alt-right' is dead. God you're like a Jew, using defeated arguments the very day after they were defeated.
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>I'm emotionally stunted for pointing out a bisexual man who openly says he's bisexual is bisexual.

No. It's the hate that is not normal if it is real, and not a result of being a paid poster.
We have to take into consideration that there is a Operation ongoing, which has it as it's goal to chause infighting. Many post here are suspicious to say the least. We have to think like our enemy and of course their aim would be to involve us in endless infighting.
8/pol/ started doxing them when they started shit talking 8/pol/ post being told not to advertise their shit there. Ghoul's dox was anti-fa but 8/pol/ then doxed the rest of them to make them STFU. This is why TRS's sodomite squad called 8/pol anti-fachan.

>Defending poop dick but is upset by men wearing dog suits
It's fun to bait you plebs
thought the name of the account was "renkar". I'm not part of TRS, so i don't know your list of anti-sodomite enemies. Get a life beyond your forum, NEETsoc.
> everything there is to do.
Like what, shitpost in a discord instead?
the third jimpact sucked hazzard. You got some of the worst people imaginable to do a podcast months after it would have been relevant.

But the best part about the podcast is it came out a day after greg was tossed from the movement.
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Fuck off you stupid faggot
>Being opposed to bisexuals trying to co opt your movement is hatred
>Not wanting to die to Muslim rape squads makes me hateful
>Not wanting to live on nigger street because "we stopped Islam so we can be degenerates still!" makes me hateful

Go back to TRS. They'll plug you so full of cocks it will push all the E celeb worshiping shit you're talking out of you
pretty funny.

the other tell is him highlighting "SODOMITE" he actually does this with his voice. Its an obvious tell
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>everyone I hate is on that podcast
Probably because they're telling the world about you sodomites.
8ch is the wild west of the chans, they have the extremes of both political spectrums on there, also a lot of cp
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>still defending furries

Oh wow.
>civic nationalists

Top kek fuck off infinitechan
>I don't know what I'm talking about
Man the alt right really sucks. They all have these horrible skeletons in their closet. I'm like 10% Jewish but am more disciplined, an infantry veteran, well read, and red pill people on the Iqbal of the time .

Why are all famous e celeb white nationalists all homos, fat, liars, race mixers?
Yeah, you didn't do wrong to stop short, they never did get to politics except for the Europa Report. Jazz was too impressed by having those guests to properly take charge.

Come on Jazz - more people listen to you than them, you're allowed to be the alpha on your own show.
*jq all of the time
I actually really like the guy who does bongo bongo. Its a shame he fell into such a fucking worthless crowd. This is one of the bad things about dramafags. They bring good people with them
because they are plants
daily reminder mike enoch is an insincere jew


I know your secrets faggot. There were literal "based" niggers and trannies on the trs (((facebook))) group.
>then doxed the rest of them to make them STFU. This is why TRS's sodomite squad called 8/pol anti-fachan.
>dox somebody to make him to quiet
Very clever
>sperm counts have HALVED in 30 years and serum test has also halved

They are not telling you the complete truth.

Men that have gotten enough exercise have normal sperm counts.

It's hubris out of this world to think that you could lock men to chairs from they are 5 years old, and not have them suffer from unintended consequences.

Best not to think about this, but hurry up to blame "chemicals" in the food or water.
I heard bottles open and glasses partly voiced into. I'm pretty sure he was lubricated. He dissed Spencer twice, as well.
IIRC, the only one that 8ch (it wasn't /pol/, it was /baph/) doxed was Bulbasaur, because he literally went to /baph/ and dared them to do it. The others were all unknown/antifa/etc.

They immediately blamed 8/pol/ because 8/pol/ anons were the ones who looked through the dox and found out about the jew wife and everything.
To use an anology, it's like when the Ashley Madison logs leaked, and you check to see if your husband is using the site, and when you find out he was, he gets mad at you for looking at the info.
basically, old 4chan
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I really wouldn't be surprised. Literally every single one of them seem to have a skeleton in their closet
Fucks Thai lady boys
Jew wife
Obviously a sodomite
Ex convict
Fat and organization filled with degenerates
Fucking kek, Europe on suicide watch
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>He's not lying to you senpai

It's two.

One where he tells about it, and one where he is irritated because you guys twist everything.
one person is white, can you find him?
[email protected]
Is the spic show any good? I only listen to the war room and paranormies. TDS became black pill Central after April
I at least respect Heimbach. He seems like a really forthcoming and honest guy. Really positive message, calls things like he sees them, puts WN before stupid alt-right circlejerking shit, etc.
And the doxxing forced TRS to get their shit together and build a financially self-sustaining organization.
And it's working. Well.
And you guys are butthurt about it.
Jazz is a far better radio guy than either of them, it's not even close. And not just based on viewer numbers.
Because (((somebody))) wants everybody to think there is only controlled opposition. I personally think there were people in TRS, who got into ist soley to dox them, same likley goes for chripple chan in noticed to change there, when it was at some point basically the leftist took control, they possed as nationalists and made some autistis work for their agenda.
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>schizo tells us about how he knows who everyone is on anonymous mongolian wedding cake forums
This is after you were sure I was "Billy". Call Finnkike so we can watch the two of you debate whether I'm "Mopheus".

>Jazzhands is an ancap

>Spencer puts Jews on the steering comittee, TRS partners with NPI and these "non-white allies"

>Amren and NPI are full of kikes who work with Spencer

>Half of TRS are actual faggots

>Mike himself said "if we're going to let a jew in, he should really earn it" - the definition of civic nationalism - while shitting on Natsoc

lol i dont particularly care what the name on the account is, just the testimony on the podcast

>This is one of the bad things about dramafags.
So, all of TRS?
I don't listen to many of his, but I've heard him reference it twice, myself. Once, he said he knew a street because it's where the gay scene was when he was in it, and another, him being irritated at being asked. Given that I've listened to so few, I'm sure there have to be more.

I don't care, we need all the people we can get and he's a good thinker and nice guy, but, I'd bet he's talked about it more than twice.
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>the doxxing made us more successful than ever
>it didn't expose all the degeneracy and lies sustaining the cancer called TRS
cool story, sodomite. You all repeat the same talking points like a cult chanting "om nom shiba, om nom shiba!"
PayPal can shoah your money

I hope they're ITT, kek
I really feel the money has gone to their heads a bit. Right after the thousands they raised for Enoch's Dox and Based stick man they have been becoming more distant from the people. They have become entities unto themselves. E celebs. You can tell the difference between the paranormies or the war room and TDS, the honesty and humble behavior is gone. Also the bitching and black pilling gets boring and borderline annoying.
the testimony is from homos and furries.

do you get your news from the jew york times?
>Still thinking subscribers are paying to have exclusive access to very little content.
>Still mad that some flawed but generally solid guys have built a media organization through consistent and excellent work, and people are willing to financially support them.

I know slinging insults is our way around here, but you guys, in all honesty, need to get a hold of yourselves. Do some reflection. Shit, do Peterson's self-authoring thing. Do something. You're a mess.
>Defending furries

Alright, I'm out of here boys.

Remember to the ride the tiger and get fit.
I talked to mike about the piracy and he literally doesnt care and says its free advertising.
I don't disagree but jesus christ this e-celeb buzzword needs to die already.
>old 4chan
>thinking the internet is serious business
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>the testimony is from homos and furries
The entire podcast is about "how we cannot tolerate homos and survive as a movement", so yeah, you call them homos -- that's a good kike tactic, perfect for TRSodomites: "accuse your victim of what you're about to do to them".

>TRSodomite noises
Is your orifice that loose?

Bye Sodomite, see you in an hour in the next TRS shill thread.

Homosexuality is nature, not nurture based, so a homosexual experience will not turn a hetero man homo. He will most likely feel some kind of revulsion at what he did, because most men don't need to try out homosex to find it revolting.
Prepaid credit cards are Haram huh?
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>the entire podcast is homos whining about homos

Myne is a actual homosexual. if you paid attention to doxxgate he was the "intern" who was outed as a fag.

Hazzard is a literal furry who was removed from the movement for posting gay as fuck shit all the time in the forum , like dudes with cum on their face , and causing extremely bad drama.

You are getting your info from degenerates.
Same here, it´s really too bad that they do not accept this payment through paypal, would probably have been a more discreet solution.

>They should make it free for Germans and other countries with Hate Speech rules.
Anyone with a twatter account please forward this suggestion to Mike and/or Sven.
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>Myne is a actual homosexual
lol, I know that's not true, but, even if i didn't know, he must really be insane sitting on a podcast with 4 other anti-homos, to do an anti-homo podcast against TRS, who would predictable engage TRSIDF in jihad against him for insulting TRS. It all makes perfect sense.

Everyone should listen and judge for themselves:
Yeah, she divorced him after he got doxxed. That means he's been 1488posting for 2 years. Bitching about kikes for two years while being married to a totally pozzed jew. I like(ed) Enoch, he's a cool guy, but it would be a lie to say that this event didn't tarnish his reputation. Honesty and integrity are core values of the right wing..

>Plz gib monie
>a micro economy
Pick one.
I bet the random 20 dollar bill I found while doing laundry today is a micro economy too. Kek. I get it, it's good to create a community, but they are all too paranoid to host the 504forum, let alone the pool parties. I liked the forum when they made them free to enter. Hardly any shills, great times, but then they got "overwhelmed" with extreme vetting and shut it down. Fucking idiots. They could have run a multiple choice test with memes only the redpilled would know. You fail you get IP permaban.

What do they need that much money for? Is this their day job now? Hardly a valid excuse.
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Kek, I use it because others do and you know what it means.

Remember when we used to think the word meme was cringey?
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>she divorced him after he got doxxed
Where's the divorce filing, they're public record unless the court seals them. Also, how did she do this podcast?

>she divorced him after he got doxxed

that's a lie
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>Yeah, she divorced him after he got doxxed. That means he's been 1488posting for 2 years.
And she was doing the marxist b'nai b'rith degenerate sodomy stuff all throughout this time, right up to the doxing.

Adding to this, there's still no proof that he actually got a divorce. Apparently Enoch is in the same NYC apartment he's always been in, according to people who still listen. And apparently he was with a woman who covered her face when he showed up at HWNDU that is speculated to be his wife.

Marriages and divorces are a matter of public record. There is no record of a Michael Peinovich divorcing Friedman. It's all a farce.
>faggots are insane

listen to mynes voice he is a poof. A dead givaway
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>they must be insane
You're just a 1/10 shill

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>Marriages and divorces are a matter of public record. There is no record of a Michael Peinovich divorcing Friedman. It's all a farce.
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>You fail you get IP permaban
its easy to spot the retard: its the one that thinks "ip permabans" exist
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trs btfo lol
This. He was with her at HWNDU and they looked to be perfectly happy still.
No CP any more, that was someone attempting to get the chan shut down during gamergate.

10% is too much for the white ethno state. Sorry lad.
I didn't even mention an ethnostate. Realistically if someone like Richard Spencer was fuhrer I wouldn't want to be part of it.
Have fun with your overweight fellow chan members though
>he was with her at HWNDU

the girl he was with had dark black/brown hair

his wife has blonde hair.
>Is the spic show any good?
yeah, mostly. Some audio quality issues when the venezuelan nigger talks on the show tho.
Monstergirls aren't furry
And TRS listeners still don't think Mike is a jew.
>10% is too much for the white ethno state. Sorry lad.

Not necessarily. It's all a question of how the society/government/etc are set. If we're talking about this modern universal liberal democracy? Then yeah, even 10% is too much.

But look at places like the America South. Many of these states have ~30-40% nigger population, and the fraction of the population that was niggers was actually HIGHER back in the days of the old south. Yet, it was still "white nationalist" because the society wasn't set up for niggers. And even after the civil war and the slaves were freed, it was still effectively white nationalist anyway. We had segregation, voter suppression, and all the things that are necessary when you have a huge number of niggers living near you. And for a time, it worked. Until the kikes and ignorant liberal northerner whites heard about this and put an end to it. Another more extreme example of what I'm talking about is apartheid south africa.

tldr: we can have minorities, so long as they are second class citizens and aren't given the same status/rights/privileges as whites.
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kinda hard to call him a jew when he isnt
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