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WW3 is months away. Does the right side have any chance

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WW3 is months away. Does the right side have any chance at all? Discuss
There are no winners in WW3, you stupid Kraut.

europe overun in 1 month by russia, japan gets fucked hard by china while the US camps in Israel.
what if they agree not to use nukes?
The winners are those that don't fight back!
Thanks sweden
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soon as a country starts loosing they nuke.
why would you not use your best weapon .
dead man switch...take them with you.
war is not fair...it,s about life.

Will not happen if it goes full world war.
If it's only a few proxy wars then there won't be any newks.
Europe drafts all migrants and uses them as literal cannon fodder
>neither side
we good baby
We'll maybe NK will try to get a few away, it's their only chance to accomplish anything really.
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Europe has a lot to lose, and would be the primary victim of WW3, just like WW1 and 2. Russia would roll through straight to portugal without much resistance if they wanted to.

They have no chance of invading the USA of course, but that would never be the goal, it would be the other way around, USA and allies have to invade and retake Europe again.
China LARPs as the soviet union circa 1945 and Zerg-rushes Australia and Japan

The rest won't really matter because Syria and Iran are useless and the United States would ally with Europe to beat back Russia.
What would be the safest place in the world in case WW3 breaks out? South Africa perhaps?
Stop using ellipses like they're some all purpose punctuation mark
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Implying migrants have any loyalty at all to Europe. They'd flee as soon as comfy welfare living stopped.
>>South Africa
>>Already a warzone
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All we have to die is hit them hard and fast and they should give if not, we all fucking die.

>They have no chance of invading the USA

through Bering strait, to take back our rightful clays
Matthew 24King James Version (KJV)

24 And Jesus went out, and departed from the temple: and his disciples came to him for to shew him the buildings of the temple.

2 And Jesus said unto them, See ye not all these things? verily I say unto you, There shall not be left here one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down.

3 And as he sat upon the mount of Olives, the disciples came unto him privately, saying, Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world?

4 And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you.

5 For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many.

6 And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.

7 For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.

8 All these are the beginning of sorrows.

9 Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake.

10 And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another.

11 And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many.

12 And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.

13 But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.
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>syria is against airstrikes on itself
if i were a player in ww3 i would skip the nukes and just rush armies as close to major cities as possible

put chinese armies into tokyo and russian armies into paris, berlin, and london as fast possible before the US can move troops over, hug the cities so the US can't use nukes and then wait for a peace treaty or for massive stalingrad type battles
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That would be more retarded than Hitler invading Russia in WW2. Stick to Europe friendo.
Europe have nothing to lose. We already lost everything becose invasion of niggers and shitskins.
if you get nuked you win!
I think staying in your home country would be preferable to South Africa even if it's a radioactive wasteland.
Switzerland seems like the best bet. Entire country is a one big bunker.

Of course, fleeing instread of fighting like a man would make you a faggot either way.
>the right side

And what is the right side circlejerk ?

EU supports Islamic terrorism.
US (=Israel) will win because Trump bans trannies while all the other military on the planet invites mentally ill weaklings to join their ranks
Trump plays 88D chess

Okay, we will take California and Haiti. Alaska and New England are rightful leaf clays
Please take over us Russia were literally dying
Israel???!!!! ha-ha-ha!
Are we just playing a shit version of "risk" here?
Where would India fit in this? They hate China and are an ally of Russia.
i do not intend to fight for something that is not my problem also for someone that does not give a shit about me either way. i value my life and time more than that.
as long as those faggots dont get voting rights.

Semirechie is rightfull russian clay, well i know two kyrgyzes from my city, they trade spices and some eastern shit like khalva and rahatlukum, uma delicia
Nice company. When do we start?
More like he plays 1488D chess
Wtf spain doing something?
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You could easily do the same chart but replace "US STRIKES SYRIA" with "RUSSIA STRIKES SYRIA" switch the columns...

The US opposes strikes on moderate beheaders and ISIS (their goys) as does Isreal (started and funds those goys) and Germany and Canada (get their rapefugee cocks thanks to those goys).
And how's China going to get to Australia? On their little rusted WWI era bathtubs?
>Attacking Japan
>Who has the second most advanced navy in the world that routinely exercises with the united states
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA can't wait for rape of nanking 2.0
Semirechie is Kazakhstan you dick, they're the greatest country in the world, you cannot fight them
>Russia and China on the same side.

Perhaps, but EVERYONE knows once the two are done with Europe and Asia China will ineveitably flood eastern russia with 200 million troops.
Putin isn't stupid, I really don't believe he would WANT to ally with China in anyway.

Sure Russia was the sleeping bear, but China is the sleeping panda, just waiting for it's moment to strike
>US opposes strikes on
yeah, what?
OP is right, it really is happening soon.

The nukes will be a false flag.

>mambet trying to teach me
Yeah. The problem is when the boys are shipped off to war, Muslim Chad is going to be back here fucking your woman. See, when you are off at war, she's going to be lonely, and these huge pussies are going to take advantage of never fighting for anything in their life by banging your woman. You're going to come back to your girlfriend pregnant with Muhammad jr.
You faggots said this last year, and the year before that, AND the year before that.
Kys now, why wait?
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Migrants are Sunni

False-flag a Shia attack on Sunni

Problem fixed.

You're a simple man if you're not expecting this to happen.
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>will ineveitably flood eastern russia with 200 million troops
>can`t even flood manchuria

keep trying westerner, but we are not going to listen that rubbish
Hey I don't want to fight the Russians. Let's all just kill the Chinese.
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>200 million troops.

I don't believe china has the kind of logistical support capability to supply an army outside its borders. Russia would cut them off easily. It's difficult to transport that much ammo and food.
That's only half of Kyrgyzstan. Rip me I guess
Also, haven't you heard the Kazakh anthem?
Кaзaхcтaн caмaя вeликaя cтpaнa в миpe.
Bce ocтaльныe cтpaны yпpaвляютcя мaлeнькими дeвoчкaми.
Кaзaхcтaн - нoмep oдин экcпopтep кaлия.
У дpyгих cтpaн мaлo кaлия.

Кaзaхcтaн дoм бacceйнa Tиншeин.
Eгo длинa тpидцaть мeтpoв и шиpинa шecть мeтpoв.
Cиcтeмa фильтpaции - пpocтo чyдo.
Oнa yдaляeт 80 пpoцeнтoв чeлoвeчecких твepдых oтхoдoв.

Кaзaхcтaн, Кaзaхcтaн зaмeчaтeльнoe мecтo.
Oт paвнины Tapaшeк для ceвepнoгo зaбop Eвpoгpaдa.
Кaзaхcтaн дpyг вceх, кpoмe Узбeкиcтaнa.
Oни oчeнь любoпытныe люди c кocтью в мoзгy.

Кaзaхcтaнcкaя индycтpия лyчшaя в миpe.
Mы изoбpeли тoффи и peмeнь oт бpюк.
Кaзaхcтaнcкиe пpocтитyтки caмыe чиcтыe в peгиoнe.
Зa иcключeниeм, кoнeчнo, Typкмeнии

Кaзaхcтaн, Кaзaхcтaн пpeкpacнoe мecтo.
Oт paвнины Tapaшeк для ceвepнoгo зaбopa Eвpoгpaдa.
Дaвaйтe пoддepжим мoщь пeниca нaшeгo лидepa.
Oт coeдинeния c яицaми дo кoнчикa eгo лицa
the problem is the good and bad guys are not seperated by borders, we've got a good portion of each in all countries.
The exosphere>The Moon>New Zealand>underground fallout shelter for the next 200-300 years
I don't really want to fight Russia desu. Why would I want to kill fellow white people?

1stly burgers and their Alaska and California, then China and their Manchuria and Eastern Turkestan
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Sure they do, when it involves Russians doing it.

Take the convoy incident.



The US strikes ISIS oil convoys and takes out 117 trucks after waiting for the drivers to exit.

Russians carpet bomb the entire not giving a fuck if the drivers, their 20 keeds, and 12yr old brides are in the trucks...
And who's gonna produce iphones, cheap shoes and other stuff? The US is useless.
>through Bering strait, to take back our rightful clays
krasna poem vladislav
>our rightful clay
You sold it to us, we bought it, it had oil, you got butthurt
chinas biggest trade partner is the U.S therefor it is also chinas greatest ally therefor they wouldnt join russia in a thousand years against US.

>You sold it to us

Purchase returns
What the fuck am I going to do against a nuke? Shoot it? Fuck that I'm surviving.
The way they treat dogs is casus belli imho
Americans don't want Chinese production. We would rather have those jobs here and pay more. You can talk to any American about this, it's the truth. Our country elected Trump with the hope he would change shit. And fuck the Chinese dog eaters.
Drop the nukes already. Please for the love of god drop them.
New Zealand it is. Cheers.
Tough luck faggot, not for sale
Shouldn't have sold it to us if you clearly liked it so much
How close is Putin to declaring himself Tzar of Russia?
no it isnt
NATO is full of generals who want to make peace with russia ..
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Oh really? Well, WE want chinese production. And we want it cheap. Too bad, America.
Putin is a multi culturalist multi racialist faggot. He gives not two fucks for Russian nationalism. He's a duginist Eurasianist piece of shit that lies about his own countries shit history. He openly welcomes asiatic and Muslim hordes into his own country.

So sick of American white nationalists glorifying him. He's s piece of shit. He doesn't care about white people. Fuck Putin.
>The US is useless
This coming from Russia is hilarious.
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WW3 June 2017 lineup update

>Satanic Alliance
ISIS, Al-Qaeda
Saudi Arabia
UAE, Bahrain, Kuwait, Jordan
Anglosphere, most of Yurop, including the (((Baltic))) states and (((Ukraine)))
Sunni Muslim fifth columns in the West

Iran, Syria, Hezbollah, Palestinians
North Korea

>Will play both sides regardless of which side they're on on paper

>Countries the US will also end up bombing for not wanting to join in (they have too much to lose and want to protect their cities from total annihilation by China and NK)
South Korea

Drumpfshits WILL defend this.
Boy U.S has some shitty allies

>European's who can't even keep peace in their own country
>Turkey and Saudi's who are the most cut throat people in the world, will turn at a dime
>Fucking Canada a literal non-country

The only people who will stand together is Japan but even then I think some Anti-Gaijin shit will start and samurai blood will start to get triggered
Because Russians like Putin don't give a fuck about white peoples. Duginists like Putin only care about ruling over whites and making sure they don't group together and take over. Putin is not a Russian nationalist. He's a eurasian supremacist follower of Alexander dugin that wants to turn Europe into a bunch of vassal states to the Soviet Union.

You really wanna talk about being ruled by your inferiors. Fuck this gay earth.
So cold war 2?
Would you be more happy if someone like Germany told you this?
Yea thats not happening
The Trudeau doctrine, interesting.
like clockwork

No, elite put native europeans to fight and die, and then when native european men are dead, immigrant men from middle-east and africa take their place, and this is how elite destroy native european men, and european nations, and culture.

there will be winners

not many of them tho
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>he thinks russia and china will fight together
lol everyone laugh at this pleb, he can't even begin to score up geopolitics beyond a shallow face value quick glance tier understanding
>turks playing both sides perpetually forever
this is accurate
Flag checks out

winners are elite if they manage get WW3 started

west vs. east is theatre, all elite west and east are same side, in WW3 elite are safe with their underground cityes

WW3 is all about depopulation, elite want reduce world populaton about 500 million, now it is over 7000 million people
So why don't they just nuke all the niggers in Africa?
well, on team Nato we have 3 WW winners (US, UK and subsidiary and France)+ Japan 1-1, Tukey 0-1, Canada 2-0 and finally all time loser Germany 0-2

Against Russia 1-1 and China 1-0

If germany don't bring everyone down, Nato side will win.

But you can tell the real winner when we join one side, the other side will win and we will switch at the last moment
thats who they want to leave alive. the easiest ones to control and enslave
3rd imperialist war WHEN
From nuclear ashes of old world we'll build new society.
>All european countries have large numbers of Turks
>Turks are fiercly loyal to Turkey
>Turkey is run by a dictator who wants to revive the Ottoman empire

The second anything starts Turkey will have its loyal subjects start civil wars. They will unite the muslim populations and attempt to conquer Europe.
Leviticus 26

Punishment for Disobedience

‘If you remain hostile toward me and refuse to listen to me, I will multiply your afflictions seven times over, as your sins deserve. I will send wild animals against you, and they will rob you of your children, destroy your cattle and make you so few in number that your roads will be deserted.

As for those of you who are left, I will make their hearts so fearful in the lands of their enemies that the sound of a windblown leaf will put them to flight. They will run as though fleeing from the sword, and they will fall, even though no one is pursuing them. They will stumble over one another as though fleeing from the sword, even though no one is pursuing them. So you will not be able to stand before your enemies. You will perish among the nations; the land of your enemies will devour you.
South America.
WW never get here
robos gunna do it now we don't need the ant people any more
They will not follow an infidel.
South america

Peru dont give a shit about this fkcng wars

>3rd imperialist war WHEN

you're the imperialists EU lover.
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where is italy?
depending on which side italy is i bet on the other one.
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first of all you dont know what are you talking about
alaska is heavily fortified for this exact reason, and there are many military baseses there.
the terrain is preatty fucking bad for armor to advance so it would be a very slow push
by the time you have advanced 50 kilometeres in to alaska usa would already be getting reinforces from main land.
not to talk that canada would support the US and help them acive air superiority etc because they would feel threaten by russia pushing so close to their borders.
just bribe a russian commander and they nuke themselves, srsly how fucking dumb are the cia niggers
>china floods eastern russia with 200 million troops
>russia blows up all the railroad lines and highways
>chinks cant supply thier troops because trucks will get stuck in the mudlands of siberia
>200 milions chinks starve to death
seems a good plan to me
Pretty sure that was the plan in both ww1 and ww2...

>WW3 weeks/months away

Been saying this shit for years now. Fuck off.
gun dealers.
>sell a gun
>get robbed
>you win
thats not how it works estonia.
>following rules made by (((them)))

not intentional tho

>west vs. east is theatre

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