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Prove your not a blind follower and name 1 (one) thing you dislike

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 276
Thread images: 55

I'll start
>bombing assad was a mistake
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trump is a zionist puppet shit
we wont do your work for you

fuck off will you
I want to kiss her eyes.
He wins too much
He's too handsome.
Well, I guess he hasn't done a good job cleaning up you shills.
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His penis is larger than mine.
That he sucks jewish cock in between press conferences and executive orders. Its almost like demon semen keeps him energized.
spends too much time on twitter
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Give me a break with this shit.
you waifu a shit btw
He act like a nigger, he is a zionist.
He's taking too long to build the wall.
He's not my president.
selling weapons to saudi arabia aka isis
I dislike the fact he hasn't had the Clintons executed for treason and fraud.

I wish he'd take a tougher stance and slap some senses to our president.

He's been neutral about him at best.
>cheek piercings
the only thing i can't ignore ugly as shit
He tries to please the left too much because he wants to maintain his ego as a likeable person.
Sold his family to Jews.
>blind follower
This is not r/the_donald or an alt-lite forum, retard. /pol/ has been doing nothing but bitching about Drumpf ever since the Syria strike.
Pretty much the bombing of a foreign country without congressional approval thing, yeah. But it was just an empty runway and could've been part of a larger plan, anon...
He's quite clearly not a Christian and his affinity for the Jews is rather concerning. Also his nepotism. He needs to get off Twitter too - it is so embarrassing.
He said I'd get tired of winning.
Putting neocons in his administration.
Giving weapons to the saudis was a fucking oxymoronic move. But then again, this is a /leftypol/ slide bread so I'll just sage.
No we haven't you fucking kike, stop spreading misinfo.

Go make an anti-Trump thread (not a thinly veiled one like OP) and see how we tear you apart.

If anything /pol/ has never been more pro-Trump.
I voted for him because all my liberal friends told me he was a fascist and it sounded awesome. Then what I got was a surprisingly centrist person whose only outrageous act as a politician is using Twitter a lot
He only launched 59 tomahawks. They were very beautiful tomahawks and it made the Arabs and sad-nazis here very mad, but he should have launched at least 200 more.
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He isn't in Hitler mode yet...
Trump still gives campaign speeches even though he's in the White House. He needs to focus on different ways of getting to the American heart besides calling out other countries. Trump on his own is not all that charismatic, he just knows how to take advantage of a bad situation.
I don't like the way he panders to Christians. I had hoped he wouldn't bow to the Saudi's the way every president in my lifetime has. I can think of more if you really want me to.
At this point I would happily vote for him again simply because we aren't in a hot war with Russia yet.
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Op is such a libcuck posting an emo picture and brainwashing psych 101 bullshit. Sure that shit works with liberals but I'm not your useful idiot. I'm my own useful idiot and I actually like some things about the guy. The worst thing I like about him is his hair. The guy is rocking a 1980's flock of seagulls haircut and still managed to be president. I couldn't pull that off, I don't even have the hair to pull off that haircut, lol. It's like seeing a guy still rockin a mullet 30 years late & an AC/DC shirt driving a porche convertable and a babe right beside him, it's great!
If he gets off twitter the media will only tell one side of the story as usual and he will never get his side out. His only way of bypassing the hordes of democrat left over personnel and media liars is to tweet directly to his supporters. Taking him off twitter will simply silence him and strengthen the democratic progressive insanity who will hail his silence as their victory. Which is their end game, to silence any voices that are not spouting their insane left wing philosophy.
I do not like his communication style, but I cannot argue that it is effective so won't complain about it too much. It might just be genius.
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That he lets still people suck david brocks too large for life clitoris.
And let him sell the souls of those shills to hell,
where they will be tortured forever.
And letting shit thread like this gather more information on non liberal mindset "MO of /po/"
but agreed it wasnt worth it to show off to xi jin ping without thinking that a in his own home imprisoned head of state and former eye specialist, would not gas his ppl. else he would loose his support which isnt as small as always depicted
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Back to /ptg/ with you

If I were an american and supporter of Trump, I would be disappointed with the health plan he didn't change, the countries he still bombing like Obama, and how easy going he still is with illegal imigrants.
He's has an ego problem
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he's not Bernie Sanders.
He hasn't gassed all libshits yet.
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Is this another one of your 'memes' or this actually a man? Because it looks very much like a girl, or in other words, not a man.
It possesses a very feminine penis, if that's any consolation.
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He's so perfect, it makes me doubt the reality itself
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>bombing assad was a mistake

That was Kushner
Mainly Assad thing. But also let himself to be surrounded by establishment shills.
But all in all he seems to be the greatest thing that could have happen to the USA right now.
Not banning Islam right away and repatriating all shitskins was a mistake.
Trump seeks to weaken NATO and is therefor a threat to the current world order and global peace

Strong leaders threatened with war but does not pursue the endeavor. Weak leaders fall back until they've no other options but war.
prove your not a libcuck?
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Them ebil Russians.
I wanna stick my dick through her earlobes desu

>Democrats hate him and are being revealed to be blathering idiots who put people like Maxine Waters up front
>Republicans revealed to be total liars and cowards
>media in hysterics that they are being called out for the first time outside of talk radio

All things being equal, the revealing of who Washington is will be his legacy.
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>Trump seeks to weaken NATO

suck my cock dude
he's not hitler
that's about all, peace out
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I don't like his love for kikes.
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I bet she fucks them herself with her jew-trunk
Did Kushner appoint himself too?
Is that the pigeon girl? what's her name?
Hitler loved Islam and had niggers fighting in the foreign legion.
He was not /ourguy/.
I dislike his haters, they're a bunch of donkeys.
only if he fires them at tel aviv
better make it 2 gorillion rockets in honor of the holohoax
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No, Soros did
he eats too much junk food.
Russia invaded Georgia 2008

Russia attacked Ukraine and occupied Crimea 2014

Russia hacked the US election 2016
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You mean the 14 gorillion?
Gotta count all those fetuses aborted by the kike... I mean Nazi doctors
(((ZATO))) is just a strong-arming heroin and human trafficking operation, it needs to be dismantled
>bombing sandniggers
>ever bad

GTFO fucking dune coon OP
Trumps cabinet is filled with the worst kind of jews. Including his son-in-law

Too polite when describing the controlled & scripted msm. Only tells half of the real story.
I hope they hack our election, too, elsewhere we are lost.
A fellow /rose/bud:D
better make it 1488 zyklonillion, just to be surr
Jared Kushner is his single biggest problem
He sucks Israels cock.
>Prove you're not a blind follower
>Do what I said to do
Fuck you faggot.
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not a boy you FUCKIN FAGS
Shill thread
Respond accordingly
He's fat just like most americans.
Is that Bulgaria in the background? Looks like a dystopia.
Should have fired everyone on the spot first day. Then bring in his own people.
Iran needs to be helped to move away from the shitty Arab religion that has enslaved the original Aryans. Trump seems determined to keep Iran as an unnecessary enemy.
Ignorning the fact Obama was at war for all 8 years of his presidency. The only pres ever to do that.
it depends on where you go desu
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All of which border directly on Russia and none of which are anywhere near the Atlantic. As for the election hacking, the jury is still out. The latest seems to indicate that the Muslim brotherhood hacked the election. Really activates the ol' avocados, eh?
I've been to 7 rallies and still only have 2 Pence signatures and 0 Trumps
dont mind me, just bumping and testing out filters.

trump is an fucking idiot... three steps lower from bush, but still i prefer him for hillarry everytime, burgwers just got stuck with douche and shitsandwich
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What he's doing with Jeff Sessions is fucking stupid. Wtf is he attacking his own cabinet members for?
you have to be 18 to post here
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>bombing assad was a mistake

I know this is a shill thread but I just gotta repost pic related.
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Dimple piercings are cute as shit. Truly a pleb if you have a disdain for this piercing. Pic unrelated
I find his decor choices not to my liking.

>name 1 (one) thing you dislike about Trump

Prepare for 300 replies that criticize his support for Israel.
this is a shill d&C research thread you fucking retards. put some herbs on it if you're going to be brainlet enough to reply.
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No wetback death squads.
>however inaction would bolster the Russian puppet narrative
Yet people still accuse him of being a Russian puppet despite bombing Assad. It didn't help him at all. Drop the 6000000D chess meme you fucking autist.
Nice try shill
He's not literally Hitler.
I dislike that he will probably retire after 8 years.
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>9/11 reveal
>Area 51 reveal
What happened?
>His retarded hair (i mean really dude, you're a fucking gorillionaire, hire a stylist).
>Essentially getting nothing done.
>Big talk about draining the swamp leads nowhere
>Big talk about Hillary in jail, nothing.
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not my President
no RWDS yet
god knows we fucking need them
trying to play nice with the establishment
he hasn't banned this shill thread yet desu
he hasn't gone full Pinochet and just started murdering lefties
Bombing Assad was a mistake, also continuing to arm jihadis for 6 months. Either showed he has a limited understanding of international relations or is not the puppet master of the military; either way not good
It was a mistake
To not send 100 tomahawks on the hut where assad lives
This is a shill thread
Found the Jew
>The latest seems to indicate that the Muslim brotherhood hacked the election. Really activates the ol' avocados, eh?

yhea the drumpfkin are really desperate to find an excuse for their ol' orange cock muncher
Found the globalist
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Of course bombing Assad was a mistake. Letting the Dems strong arm Trump to be "anti Putin" was a mistake. Not pushing a free market option to Healthcare was a mistake. Not having tax reform ready when Healthcare inevitably fails was a mistake. On and on. I give Trump's presidency a 7/10.
Seriously why the fuck is Kseniaposting surging so much? Why do y'all niggers keep exposing her to normies?
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Some healthy honest reflection is necessary.
Oh yes, lets talk about why we dont like the only politician who is trying to fix anything.
>t. memeflag
I'm a leaf dude, idgaf who's president. Besides, Trump is lulzy as hell. The whole NATO thing is just globalist lapdog shit.
Constructive criticism dude.
Tweets too much

Too much energy
>The Wall is still not in construction
>Zig-zagging with Obamacare instead of simply letting it fail or replace it permanently
>Bombing Assad, despite the fact that it may be all show and no talk
>Kim-Jong Un is still alive
>Hasn't proposed a bill to make all Unis that are not part of the STEM privately funded.
He should have had 3 scoops.
He's not Hitler.
I support Trump, but I will name one thing I dislike about Trump and that are his policies
>giving ammo to your opposition

Trump is infallible
go away shariablue
1. Against assad
2. He's taking a long convoluted track to singlepayer, which he's always said he was a fan. We'll probably get an aussie style healthcare system like they said in Breitbart.
3. Hasn't pushed more for nuclear power
4. STILL no plans for a Mars mission.
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His bike is faster than mine
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Outsourcing my friend.
Not killing enough muslims in bombing assad was a mistake. Enough=all of them
Get Out was actually pro-Hotep, and anti-liberal/SJW.
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he's Alex Jones level "redpilled"
He loves his steak well done
More Hispanics being deported than arriving isn't enough we need austerity and to end birthright citizenship so white Christians white conservatives and white republicans can make up for the burden known as white liberals and outbreed filthy non white scoundrel.
His stupid tweeting and communication methods cause more problems than they solve. For instance:
>trannies in the military
Let a military man lay out all the reasons, there's no need for Trump to entangle himself with that BS.
Ik anti race mixing pro seperation but most white liberals can't understand that they still think it's SJW tier.
He hasn't called me and he said he would
his fractured focus makes him seem quite unprofessional at times.
No wall
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Him being butthurt about people saying he has tiny hands. Like who cares about donalds fucking hands

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i dont give a fuck if a nigger managed to be a servant for kikes longer than a fucknugget who is *suprise* also being a servant for kikes.

just because one of them follows jewish interests doesnt mean the other should.

but it doesnt really surprise me, United states is the capital for jewish interests and (((wall street))) is the home of all corruption and greed in this lone earth.
oh look, another "i'm a shill and i need material for criticizing trump. gib me you best stuff" thread
quit crying faggot
he likes Bibi
he's inarticulate and far too in bed with israel
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Hillary is still lose.
>Insult Trump so you can look like you're an open minded intellectual.

I like Trump a lot, but he can be insanely cringey with a lot of the stuff he tweets and says (even if they are a great value for memes)

Moreover, he's not doing as much for gun rights as I would like. If I'm perfectly honest, I want to see the Hughes Amendment repealed and newly manufactured machine guns made legal for civilian ownership. I suppose the NRA is just as much at fault for that, though. The blame for that definitely falls very little on Trump.

He's also acted and talked like a degenerate in the past. On the bright side, he does seem to be moving closer to God, which is good.
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Lack of clear political direction.

Daca, his use of twitter, he wastes too much time on the media, should ban maintain media from all press briefing.
Do not give Africa any damn money, no wonder they have 20 kids.

If Angela Merkel gets cute, put that bitch in her place. Get out of NATO and only support allies who pay their fair share. Let the EU worry about Russia fuck them.

If I was running things I would be vindictive towards the EU I don't like them so I would do everything I could do as the president of the u.s. to break it up

He's doing an average job he could do better
He's not the literal second Hitler
fuck off asshole, you spammed this shit yesterday

BTW you have to be 18 to post here, let adults talk
says whatever he can to boost ego liar

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Comfy to some.
i dislike that trump hasnt allowed us to kill all you fucking commie liberals.
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I'll be honest and admit that I'm a little disappointed with the amount of ethnic cleansing thus far. Whatever your political leanings may be, I'm willing to wager that nobody would REALLY care if all of the communistic niggers -- and their handlers/enablers -- were to simply 'disappear'.

Einsatzgruppen; if not now, when?
I didn't like the syria bombing (The Syrian Army) and he is too soft on ISIS.
yeah, but it doesn't stop (((you))) from breaking that rule
fuck off, underage kike
obama despised netanyahu. he left iraq to iran and didnt want to involve in libya operation until sarkozy literally begged him. he supported islamist rebels in syria though but pretty much dropped it after paris attack.

turmp will do whatever israel says and israel wants to destabilize region so arabs dont gang up on them. they may be right but price is more terror and refugees for west.
2 scoops for 2 terms, he's signaling honoring the constitution
which is apart of my issue, the constitution is broken, (((democracy))) is shit, and our civilization is corrupted to the core, we need unfettered autocracy or this nation will fall hard and fast
Wins too much. I'm taking the weekend off from all this winning. Need a vaca, getting exhausting.
I'll be back with a gleam in my eye ready to kick ass and take names on Monday lads, don't worry.
I know he'll keep winning all weekend and I'll jump right back on the train after it.
Firing Bannon and turning against Sessions
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he looks pretty kike to me
he looks like eric
eric is don's clone WTF
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>septum ring
Fuck off coalburner/degenerate.
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More salt from the mines!
I don't get why he doesn't go harder on his party. Though I get it, not a fan of the empty airfield strike. Priebus was a mistake. He's being hawkish with Iran and korea, But we all knew he was going to be tough
I don't like trump per say, I support him because kek wills it.
He is a fat faggot and is typical of the nation he represents.
bombing Syria.not crazy about son in law either
Needs to play offense more. Needs to reveal things to the public about (((corruption))).
His policy of wanting to control the internet bothers me
Bombing Assad pissed me off. As much as I support Trump, fuck him for that shit. There was no evidence to suggest that Assad actually carried out the gas attack. Even if he did, who gives a fuck?
I don't know about you guys but I can't stand all this winning.
North Korea IS redpilled
Is this Trumps wall?
He's absolutely horrible at taking advantage of certain things that for all intents and purposes he should be taking advantage of. He also isn't killing the Republican Party fast enough.
>Syria bombing
>Was outplayed by China in terms of NK
>Picked Rinse Penis for chief of staff

In his defense, the Syria bombing just seemed like posturing. He satisfied the war hungry libshits by responding to Assad's "use of CWs", which we all know was bullshit. He also satisfied the neo-con warhawks, the media, and was able to kill part of the Russian narrative.

So it was a strategic and good move, but I still didn't like it.
should be
in the jail

Bill Clinton
Trump is
the best

And the DNC
is shilling
hard to
propaganda and
opposite world
in hope for
shill for next
shit from
Using all
fake news
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He lets stupid little shit get under his skin. This causes him to get played by Democrats. The Democrats and Media are getting played by false info from Russia. Russia winning and breaking up the European alliance, Germany needs fuel and heating gas.
not bomming noorth korea
Soon brother, soon.
The only legitimate and substantiated criticism of his administration so far that i can think of is his military interventionism in the middle east
but he's a republican, that's a given for them even if he is a bit of an outsider.
Also this
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>bombing assad was a mistake
true, does he even heard of the "Assad must go" curse?
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i'll kill you personally
>Bringing back Obama era police seizure of cash and property.
>Bombing Assad.
>Allowing his daughter to marry that corrupt Jew.
>not repealing the Patriot Act
>going full retard alt-right giving fuel to the insane left by barring trannies from serving when they could just as easily put the crazies in their own unit away from everyone else
>war on marijuana
>doing nothing about Hillary Clinton
>posting that stupid video of him beating up CNN
>in fact his twitter entirely

Prove you're not a shill by posting something that isn't a shareblue formula for a slide thread.
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By far this. I was with him all the way until this. I can't even look at him or think about people who still support him without feeling physically ill. You fucking traitorous scum.
>He's working for (((them))) while looks appealing to the nationalists
He needs to shut the fuck up about Sessions.

Sessions is great he's cracking down on illegal immigration and sanctuary cities. Trump needs him
He is too handsome
Hasn't gone full 1488 yet
will you tranny and cross-dressing loving fags stop injecting your fetish into every fucking thread? you are a faggot. you are a cancer to this earth. you will die from AIDS. fucking queers
Terrible communicator, ineffective, too much of a flip-flopper
Needs to deport more and faster

Ivanka and kushner also have to go
Fuck of shill.
He unquestioningly supports Israel.
It's a massive flaw, frankly. It's probably the root of all his other problems, too—"I'm a nationalist and a globalist," etc.
Why did she pierce her cheeks and her nose? She's an adorable white girl, so why did she feel the need to mar her body?
It's really sad. Now she's permanently scarred.

he's easy to tick off, too easy to provoke, which can be used and has been used against him.

Trump needs to l2chill and think before he tweets (although during the campaign it worked for him)

>everyone has to hate trump because my president turned out to be a hack.

Drop dead, Obama.
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I kinda wish he knew how to unite the Republicans now. He's message was that Dems were in the way but last night proved that the Rs are fractured like the Dems are.
>bombing assad was a mistake
No nuking ISIS
He doesn't know when to shut up. He also doesn't know he's the dumbest person in the room.
his cuban policy
i want some cuban cigars dammit
Trump is a giant kike shill. The fact that you all support him is very worrying. Sure, support him over Hillary, but the election is finished, and you're still sucking his todger.
What gives?
I kind of agree with you, but considering the constant hate and fake news daily, I'd say he keeps his cool now often than not
He wants payed maternal leave. .
This all seems like a game. Trump making half the country lose their god damned minds, as they autistically screech about drumpf. The other half begins to get into civic nationalism.

Interesting that those in charge would want the leftists to rage so hard. Also, leftist bullshit is being pushed like there is no tomorrow. Most of the republicans showing their true colors as fucking puppets. The DNC acting like literal retards. While a 70 year old man tweets from the white house in the early hours.

Even if Trump is Israel-first, hey at least the show is entertaining right? Although the fact that we can never have a leader who isn't Israel-first is rather soul crushing.
he exists
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The truth about immigration, by the numbers:

Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide

The plan to eliminate the white race:

Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:

Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:

Why are we in Decline - Cultural Marxism:

also see

The facts about slavery in North America:

Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:

Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)

The Holocaust:
Has been divorced and remarried 3 times.
I'd post a Scott Steiner image with this but I'm on mobile
He hasn't sent the niggers back yet.
how stupid can you be
marx theories are openly the fundamentals of the frankfurt school and critical theory and i dont see any of that in your freak diagram
North Vietnamese Communist brainwashing tactic, used in Vietnam on POW's
DO NOT answer.

>write an essay on something you don't like about USA
>good here's a piece of fruit

This is repeated spam.
also theres not such thing as a marxist revolution baboso
critical theory attacks all aspects of burgeoise society > yes thats its purpose
i dont get why you get all stupid on the jews. if many of them are part of the ruling class in western society communism is against them.
and its not because they are jews its because some of them own banks and shit
He's not literally Hitler
don't forget giving iran nukes
Jews invented communism also.
They always control both sides of the conflict. Even religious conflicts. (yes, they control christians and muslims)
jajaja you must be kidding. you worship jews so much you give them too much credit
Marx was a kike. Ignacio de Loyola was a kike. Adam Weishaupt was a kike.Even Jesus was a Nazarean Kike.
It's always fucking kikes.
too soft on the jews
He's full of shit.
He backed down on nearly every single campaign promise and turned into orange ted cruz.
Where are the fucking camps
To be honest, lmao, all I'll say is the room always looks really warm like the Nevada desert, and there's no air conditioning alright?
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He obeys his Jew overlords.
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He's making all the people I followed before him look pathetic
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You absolute fucking retard, noone fucking cares Obama, he is not the fucking Presidente, anymore.
When we say that Trump is a fucking zionist puppet, noone is defending any other candidate of the recent election or previous president.
We just want people to be aware that the GOP is as much controlled by the Jewish state of America, as the Democrats.
well-done steaks with ketchup cannot be defended
He's not going to actually round up and gas minorities and degenerate scum.
He hasn't built the wall yet. Then again it would probably lead the a thousand repeals and commieforna seceding but that can only be a good thing. It will happen in due time
This is a datamining thread. Expect to see the things posted here in future propaganda/shilling attempts.
how can you be su-

oh, sorry anon
He's really not a people person. Every time he speaks he sounds like a complete idiot.
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he needs to gas more kikes
Trump didn't do one thing he said he would do in his campaign.
degenerate detected
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>name 1 (one) thing you dislike about Dumbf

That's tough, without exceeding the character limit... but this is a pretty succinct précis --
from new york
he's a yankee

All the kikes his family married.
He's failing at every level. Even with three branches of government he can't pass a single healthcare bill. He can't even repeal the most unpopular healthcare bill in history. I think he's pretty much done as a leader at this point. He clearly has no power.
>he hasn't gassed the jews, spics and niggers
pretty good so far except for the obvious.
He doesn't ban Antifa.
He hasn't put hillary in prison, yet.

>bombing assad was a mistake
You being born was a mistake

I don't like how Trump uses Twitter to announce policy changes
>200 replies later
/pol/ is dead
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>Trump didn't do one thing he said he would do in his campaign.
Trump simply didn't do anything.
He always was a meme president who is not fit to be a president, that's what made him such a good meme. Also electing him was a huge victory over the regressives.
He liked Michael Jackson
He may be winning a little too much.
>no wall
>didn't gas the beaners and niggers
>didn't deport all illegals
>allowed his daughter to marry a kike
>allowed his grandsons to be raised as kikes
>didn't shut down (((Hollywood))) and (((wall street)))
>didn't become the next Hitler
Jewish puppet/10
This is honestly literally the patrician way to eat steak, do it this way and it's perfect, it's the only way I'll eat steak.
Pretty much. The only other good thing that came from the meme presidency was that we got some noice footage of degenerates and traitors losing their minds.

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