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You idiots are buying deformed German shepherds. Why???

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Thread replies: 320
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>German shepherd owners have become obsessed with deformed "slope-backed" dogs.
>Breeders are selecting for these deformed dogs to satisfy demand.
>50% of German shepherds created by breeders must now be put down due to genetic problems.
>Many of these deformed German shepherds can barely walk and are in obvious pain.


You people really fucking disgust me.
You are no better than the degenerates who buy pitbulls.
Seriously, fuck all of you. I hate you.
>pol is a dog breeding forum

If it were, you think we'd fucking do this? Honor before shekels,everyone here knows that except the degenerates with a second tab open on /gif/
All your leaders are going to jail
2020 is going to be fun
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Why should I care about the pain of anything other than a human being?
Which dog breed is better: GSD, Golden Retriever or Lab?

>INB4 some retard suggests a Pit-nigger or a Rotweiller.
Why would anyone think that a crippled, deformed dog looks fashionable???
Only liberal snowflakes care about animal wel-

don't buy show from show lines, buy from reputable breeders in working lines and shutzhund competitors
Just pick up a sweet looking mutt from a pound. Many fewer health and genetic problems and much higher intelligence.
I didn't even know this was a thing, why the fuck would you want a slopped back on a dog?

Breeders in general are trash, rescues are best dogs.
they are actually amazing dogs. labs are also pretty good and are generally really friendly so good for kids. German Shepards are the better all around dogs tho
People keep saying the German shepherd is /pol/'s choice of breed.
Then I come across this horrifying article.
I don't understand any of this, must be something in the air and/or water.
I want/need a healthy, strong and happy dog, not a crippled dog who suffers
Jack Russell Terrier
swiss white shepherd
of course some Aussie faggot would like a faggot dog. absolutely the worst fucking dogs in existence. every single fucking one of them should be gassed and anyone breeding them should be shot and pissed on
Have a two year old working line GSD.

Just another part of the Jewish plot to defile all things german
Take that back or I'll sue you for 10 million dollars.
The inhuman cruelty and barbarity of women can best be seen in genetically unfit "cute" dogs
This is all (((their))) doing so we don't have any attack dogs.
it's 10.5 you fucking fool
This is what a german shepherd should look like.
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this is what a pug's skull looks like. it is honorable to care for a retarded invalid purebred such as these dogs but it is extremely inhumane to breed them and bring more of these disgusting monstrosities onto earth for a life of pain. it uis not wrong to kill and eat an animal but it is wrong to put it though unnecessary evil just so some whore can carry it in her purse and take selfies.
The same reason lot's of dogs and cats were selectively bred to be "fashionable" and now these breeds are inbred unhealthy creatures living in agony with defects because still to this day most people don't understand that these aren't healthy creatures?
I dont get how you didnt see this coming whe people are spending their money on shit like fidget spinners.

And people are adopting nigger kids to be progressive and cool.
>look at me how progressive and good of a person I am.
>I'm like 3km higher on the moral scale than rest of you peasants.
>You idiots are buying deformed German shepherds. Why???

Ive always heard /pol/ complain about deformed german shepards.
The (((Chosen Ones)))' commandment to wipe out "Amalek" extends not just to the German people themselves, but also to all who descend from us and everything that could be reasonably construed as a German influence on anything or anyone who has ever existed. The German Shepherd in its modern form was introduced to the Americas primarily through the German Army's "invention" of the seeing-eye dog after WW1 and primarily bred to this purpose as a sort of token of reconciliation. The term "Alsatian" briefly replaced the official breed name, but as of the time that they're called German Shepherds again they now have to be reduced to a mockery lest the victory of the sacred Jews be left incomplete in any detail, especially considering that the breed is so emblematic of Germany and the Germans. Look it up, you'll find lots of names such as (((Sprung))) and (((Menaker))) on the AKC's board of directors.
Black lab, male, neuter.

Your welcome for best doggo friend forever.
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Just as the kikes want to rid the world of the Aryan, they also want to kill off the Aryan's greatest friend.
Because humans are fucking retarded and 70-90% of us should be killed.
That's is why I got a Shiloh Shepherd.
I'm with him.
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Do a google image search on German shepherd.
It is pretty discouraging.
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why? People strive to ruin everything good in the world
This dog can't even stand properly.

"But I want a GSD that looks like my cousin's dog. And he said a sloped back is important. He drives a new Camero, so it's important that I impress him."

Women breeders.
Nop, 30% wolf was perfect pet.
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It is a shame what they did to the breed.
A good alternative is a shiloh shepherd.
They are a closed breed that keeps the bad genes out by strict controls. They select for strong hips and hearts.
My family had to way almost 2 years to get one and had to go through a background check.
Now we have a 90 lbs. beautiful female.
She is awsome.
Greyhound. Long doggos are best doggos.
Sometimes making shekels is honourable, Mr. Bond
And ANOTHER slide thread.

Form follows function. Find a good breeder who follows this and you'll be alright. The working lines are pretty rare now, but if you want a German Shepherd that is the only type you should get.

Maybe even get a cross, because a lot of the time they have less health problems. And Dutchies look pretty similar, although too much drive for most people. You could ask specifically for a companion animal (which most good breeders would be asking you about anyways).

If you can adopt, then adopt.
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Ummm, perfection and she hates Jews. This back ain't too sloped.9
Why would anyone buy this abomination?
I may understand pitbulls, but there's nothing aesthetically pleasing about this.
It looks like a retarded dog that has beem through an operation.
You do know that we can talk about issues that aren't important to you, right?
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Working like GSD master race
This is my main problem with the concept of eugenics. People are fucking retarded and will prioritize certain traits for aesthetic purposes when most of such mutations are malignant in nature.
>I didn't even know this was a thing, why the fuck would you want a slopped back on a dog?
>Breeders in general are trash, rescues are best dogs.

they don't breed for that slope anymore. It started in the 1960's and the genetic fluke (the slope)got worse and worse until it started causing the dogs issues circa the 1980's. Before that the slope was a slight slope.
SInce the 1990's the majority of breeders have been breeding to get rid of the slope ,but the dogs that entered the domestic puppy mills and domestic market are still being breed by civilians and big puppy mill providers and those dogs still carry the genes that spawn dogs with too much slope.
Again, it's not the breeders now and the breeders that caused didn't see the harm it would cause until several generations past.
(Kind of like letting niggers breed unchecked in Detroit and everywhere else).
It's the domestic puppy market that has these defective animals still within it that modern veterinarians are treating.
Which is why social darwinism would be a good, but brutal idea
background check? am i getting a mutt or adopting a fuckin kid

Depends. Can't go wrong with goldens so happy and loving. If I had property a gsd
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>posting in a depressing thread

It's all over, isn't it?
This. Terriers are based
Rhodesian ridge back, of course.
sounds plausible

People who want other specfic dogs with deformities or abnormalities which are deliberately hurtful or debilitating shouldn't be allowed to have an animal in the first place. You can bet your ass that people who do this are the over-obsessed dog-mom types. Breeders that facilitate genetic degeneration likes this should be fined, banned and jailed if they attempt shit like it again.
>This. Terriers are based
Terriers are the choice for fashy urbanites as they are tiny and can fit in small living spaces. They are also tough as fuck.

German shepherds are still a top notch dog breed and this slope only effects a limited amount of them within the civilian areas. Buy one from a breeder , There is a reason the military and police still use german shepherds
Take the blackpill and try and better yourself and society. If nothing matters why not try and make the best of it?
Ex roommates had labs. Dumb, hyper, but sweet. Another roommate had a golden and he was an amazing dog. Always happy and fun to be around. My mom owns two GSDs and they're the best damn dog you can have - smart, trainable to do work, protective, but still kind. Only downside is needing enough room to exercise them.
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>not just grabbing the nicest dog from the shelter
pic is my dog
Are you retarded? Health and genetic problems only come from shit breeders who have inbred dogs. Mutts have higher rates of genetic problems as they're a mix of terrible mutations and lack of traceable problems.
this, i got a nice pitty from the shelter and he is super sweet and playful and great with my kids
would get one but live in apartment atm and they shed a lot.
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>choosing the nigger of the dog world
>not getting a sweet little kitty who keeps your house free of pests and cuddles you constantly
wew lad
rude my dog is not a nigger he has blue eyes. i like cats too but there was an incident and my last one died :(

Rottweilers are high level working dogs you fucking retard, they're nothing like pittbulls
Pitbulls account for a third if not more of all dog attacks
Why is it always a common trope that when civilization become full on degenerate they always indulge in body modifications and genetic tinkering.

Its disturbing how much body mods and genetic tinkering we do with dog breeding. Making these monstrosities that can't live on their own without 24/7 human care.
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I got a smart cat. He talks and remembers things months later. Ragdolls are awesome.
Border Collie, hands down.
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Here's a better pic. (Don't mind the stupid woman with the even stupider scotty.)
I got two Shilohs. They are physical healthy but not behaving as GSD workingdogs. And the breeders/sellers are a lunatic cult.
>has never been around a well socialized/trained rottweiler

You're missing out faggot. GSD's suffer from overbreeding because they are one of the most popular dog breeds- it happens every time a breed becomes popular and irresponsible idiots breed them to meet demand. Also, take it to /an/.

PS- Comparing GSD to sporting dogs like Goldens and labs shows you know fuckall about dog temperaments. If you're new to dog ownership, absolutely don't get a GSD- herding dogs are all handfulls quite frankly, but GSD's have an extra tendency towards separation anxiety, aggression, and destructiveness above that of the other herding breeds.
My word exactly. I lost a good dog to some mudshit poisoner last year and haven't had the heart to get a new one yet, but I've resolved that one day I'll be breeding them, and breeding them the way they ought to be.

But I think the guy with the "slide thread" warning a bit upthread is correct, so this is the last post in here out of me.
>German shepherd owners have become obsessed with deformed "slope-backed" dogs.

>Not buying straight back thoroughbred
Idiots. Never once owned a roachback, and they've all been the best working dogs you could imagine.
Pretty sure they bred malamute and great pyrenees into the Shilohs. not a great idea, very different temperaments from GSD. If I was going to outcross a GSD there's lots of great herding dogs to choose from...
Literally had the same thought. Its pretty fucked. Wish i could give those breeders a sloped spine.

Gone are the days of GSDs like Rin Tin Tin.
They're now called: dogs in the front, frogs in the back. Its a fucking disgrace what happened to these majestic beasts
I want to flay you then give you an awesome blood eagle
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TFW your English Mastiff German Shepherds attack phrase was "get the jew"

RIP in Peace buddy

>German shepherd owners have become obsessed with deformed "slope-backed" dogs.

Never seen or heard of them, they look like abominations.

I'm pretty sure this is a psyop.
I want an original Shepard so bad.
>Take on the pride of Germany
>Completely fuck it up

Americans are the niggers of the globe.
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English Mastiff X German Shepherd Mix*
You are almost right. One of the original breeding Shilohs had Malamute and perhaps little wolfhybrid blood. Another one was a Giant Shepherd and they had Sarplaninac blood.
Shiloh Shepherds can be both aggressive and stubborn. And the biggest problem is that you don't know what you get. But they are fine doges for the most people with previous dog experience.
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Czechoslovak wolfdog is master race breed.
I will second this. I have owned many dogs in my life and the border collie was the easiest to train. Hands down smartest dog i ever owned. He knows around 50 verbal commands and a dozen hand gestures, further is enjoys working for me. Ready to obey at a moments notice. Also fastest dog i ever owned. Freakin hussain bolt fast.
That is one handsome and regal doggo there

But you need special permits and a high fence in order get an allowence to own it.
I'm guna go ahead and say German shepherd
Typical Ozzy
What should i be careful about when looking for a golden retriever?
I wanted a husky but it would be inhuman have one in a place where temperature can reach 48°C often.
fuck you sock puppet. No. There is duty to be done. Not fuck fuck games. We can relax when the great work is done. I wish i was joking anymore.
Internet = srs bizniz
>have a vagina
>therefore completely self centered
>oh em gee! This thing is so cute!
>I can't wait to post pictures on Instagram
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>but DWS' brother is now the prosecutor in charge of the Awan "prosecution"
>who also was in charge of the Seth Rich "investigation"
Had one crossed with shepherd when I was little. She was the most loyal and protective dog, probably a little too racist considering where we grew up, but an all round great dog.
My great grandfather use to breed them as working dogs on the stations, then the depression hit and he stopped
Are Dobermans based?
Belgian Shepard. They are extreme working dogs, way more dexterity and energy than a german shepard. That dog can literally be anything. Guarding, police work, search and rescue, defending work, and also being a plain old nice family dog. Best dog imo.
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Reminds me of my doggo. My boy has no papers but I was told he's pure husky. Probably the most stubborn breed I've come across yet
Cane Corso
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Stop buying show lines because those faggots keep breeding them with that fked up hip that is more prone to hip dysplasia than the working line.

I hate the fact that they keep pushing this stupid agenda to make their hips lower.If people stop showing interest in that stupid show line they will eventually stop.
>sock puppet
That's quite a serious accusation, care to back it up?
This is why I can't get behind this paranoid line of thinking where everything is us vs. them and nothing inbetween
KEK I sent this post a friend that has one of those fucking dogs. I totally agree
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IDF uses pic related
If the German Shepard is a goy,
The Belgian Malinois is the chosen pipo
Because 98% of the world population should be wiped out
Because NS Germany had the best animal welfare policies in the world
It had stricter animal rights laws than any government in history
Shit skins wouldn't understand. Being against animal cruelty is a white attitude
>everything i dont like is slide thread
this is not your board senpai
If peopel truly cared about animals they would be fascists. Strict rules and honourable European ideals enforced by an iron fist are mandatory to protect animals and the environment
Those people are posers. Probably shop at Starcucks which destroys the rain forests
i wanta GSD, but i'm very specific about it having to be a working line-bred GSD.

Costs 75% of what the "pedigree" (the malformed ones) breeds do.
Those people as in liberals claiming to care about animals
Those are the same mindless cucks that watch cruel retards like Caesar Milan and think they know jack shit about dogs (they don't) people who think TV makes them smart, retards
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If I had to guess, I'd say it started with liberals who wanted to have 'crippled' dog to look caring and to show that 'everyone deserves same possibilites' etc.

Also I think it started in Swiss because they're fucking horses and are generally degenerate (http://nypost.com/2015/11/27/people-having-sex-with-horses-is-on-the-rise-in-switzerland/)
>I'd say it started with liberals who wanted to have 'crippled' dog to look caring and to show that 'everyone deserves same possibilites' etc.

there's a meme in shepherd breeding that says a sloped back due to hind leg posture is preferred, or shows pedigree or whatever the fuck

they obviously took the trait to an extreme and are now genetically ruining german shepherds
Who gives a flying fuck. Fuck this thread you retarded faggot
This is my Shepherd/Husky mix. He is proud, strong, and loyal, as the white man should be.
Same goes for pugs, their snouts are now so short they have breathing problems that require surgery

Lab forever, you will not regret
Dogs are right wing conservative white nationalists, strong since of family values and they do their part to contribute.
Unlike (((house cats)))which are like socialists on welfare and infect people with brain parasites which make them more likely to be leftists themselves

Kidding to an extent, I like cats, but most cat peopel are faggots
>get a well balanced, functional, good looking dog.
>Now some races can't even breath correctly

breeders are insane for the shekels, because the market is hyped for this garbage. Also the veterinarians benefit from this.

People are insane.
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Australian Silky Terrier, perfect for hunting, rats, snakes and lizards
The "Silver Ghost" of Germany.
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I want a gsd but i fucking hate dog hair.
I hope people who buy these poor dogs are assaulted by a pack of niggers and the dog is unable to defend them.
Why the fuck would someone even want a dog like this? Looks fucking retarded.
Good post. I was a groomer for awhile and GSD whined in their crates all day long because of separation anxiety... one of the few breeds I always had a muzzle at the ready for, as well. Before I worked with dogs I always thought Goldens were insipid, like dumb blondes, but they quickly became my favorites with their intelligence, sense of humor, and kindness.
The only correct answer is Irish Wolfhound. I'm going to buy a pup someday and name him Rommel.
siberian huskies are the white mans' dog
What happend to the german people now happends to the german dog.
Thats just sad
I'm half German half Croat. Am I mudblood or just twice as stubborn?
>not a Chiweenie
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Mix of two parts boxer, one part labrador, one part shephert.
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Siberian Husky, Malamute or any other northern wolfdog
a cute!
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What you guys think of cockapoo's ?

My aunt has two beagle that don't listen they say its because of the breed but I call that BS i could have them trained in 4 weeks.
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Border Collie. The most intelligent dog breed.
Kek, dogs are the same species as wolfs.
That's like saying catcat.
Labs love you so much. Almost as much as food.
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Bernese Mountain Dogs are based. Strong, loyal, bred by the secret enclave of Mountain Jews for perfect function and aesthetics. You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.
That is incorrect.
>"A wolfdog (also called a wolf–dog hybrid or wolf hybrid) is a canid hybrid resulting from the hybridization of a domestic dog (Canis lupus familiaris) to one of four other Canis sub-species, the gray (Canis lupus), eastern timber (Canis lycaon), red (Canis rufus), and Ethiopian wolves (Canis simensis)."
Blame the AKC for GS deformation, after WW2 they said that lower back was a race feature and everyone followed they, now people are waking up and seeing how AKC are the cancer for doggos.
They're spastic cunts. Aggressive, stupid and loud. They are the true niggers of the dog world. I love doggos deeply and will never pass up a chance to pet good boys but I would personally exterminate all jack russels given the opportunity.
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All you niggas need to prep for the Boxer master race
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Because that is what white people do. So are you a nigger or an edgelord?
Cannis Lupus and Cannis Lupus familiaris are the same species. "Familiaris" means it has been domesticated.
Boxer is the dog version of the town downie who hugs everyone
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I had a husky x shepherd growing up she died a few years ago age 15 and I am a broken man
Dog breeds are social constructs.
Goldens are a white man's family dog. They are very social so don't get one if no one if going to be around to give it love.
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What the actual fuck? Why would anyone do this? Not only is it unpractical and unhealthy, but it doesn't even LOOK GOOD.

Anyway, golden retriever master race

Keep your father out of my dog thread.
domestic dogs are a different subspecies of canis lupus. They're technically the same species in the same way that niggers and abbos are technically human.
Why should you care about the pain of human beings?
I agree, but you don't go around saying a mutt baby is a monkeyhuman hybrid.
I forgot to consider your other points. The grey wolf fucking an ethiopian one is the same, from a genetic viewpoint as your common dog doing the same. That is interspecies breeding. But then, if a grey wolf did that, would you still call it a wolfdog?
(((kennel clubs)))
FUCK these
They started the whole meme breeding trend

+ they do not have the temperament of labs. They will bite and attack people and be generally untrainable pieces of shit
I had a black purebred Pomeranian and while it's an ankle biter it's a very intelligent and clever breed. It was the family dog and they moved for Florida and ended up giving her away because the kids are all entitled faggot millennials who can't take care of anything and my mom can't do everything.

I miss you Suki you were such a great doggo
Rottweilers and Dobermans get bad reputations but the American breeds of them are generally well-behaved and safe.

Pitbulls deserve their reputation.
why is leaf angry? leaf broken?
But I have a normal German Shepard and not a deformed one.
I guess it won't fall for the peanut butter trick?
They are neurotic and annoying. Like a Jew in dog form.
Dog breeding is a form of eugenics you fucking commie. German Shepards are a superior breed and that's why the kikes are trying to pozz them up so much. They want every dog to be kosher and low test. The last time German Shepard were nationalist we had hitler
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It's almost like 19th century Germans compared to 21st century Germans. Healthy, beautiful, and capable vs. intentionally deformed, gimped, and retarded by their new masters
Found the nonwhite

Get a German Shepard / husky / actual wolf mix
Fug she's cute. Cool dog you have there anon.
It won't if the owner isn't a degenerate.
The biggest threat to dog breeds is dog breeders.
It's the glorification of dysfunctionality that we see across society, now manifest in dog breeding.

Manifestation of German/white people's guilt complex.
daily reminder that if you buy your dog from a breeder, buy it because of its particular breed or because its a purebred, you are disgusting retarded scum. Like normies perpetuate white genocide, the unintelligent perpetuate the suffering of our dearest companions
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my favourite breed desu

lol retard, rotties arent nigger dogs you uncultured goyum
i have a GS pup.
both of her parents weigh at least 100lbs and they don't have the sloped back.
my pup is 13 weeks old, in three weeks she has gone from 7 1/2lbs to 15lbs from her vet visit yesterday.
you arent kidding its all true

cogdis cat owners are like kikes releasing a non native invasive species outside to destroy native wildlife and then take no responsibility for their actions.
Most dog breeds are completely impractical, unhealthy, and ugly. My wife has a shitty Maltese that does nothing other than shit in the house and yap. It's also literally the dumbest dog I've ever seen.
It wouldn't surprise me if the kikes are the ones trying to destroy the german shepard breed. They're so fucking petty that I wouldn't put it past them to do something like that out of lingering spite.
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"Rumor", winner of 2017 Westminster show has horrible slope.
This is a nigger tier statement. The quality of a culture is measured by how they treat animals. The Middle East and China torture dogs. You must be a gook nigger or sand nigger.
Ahoj, good doggo
>cutting your best bud's balls off
That's some Caligula shit.
Dog competition culture is pozzed
i had a border collie until a few weeks back
bastard was probably one of the most active things ive ever seen, he was still running around when he was 12 years old and only stopped a month or so before his death
he never missed a trick either, always figuring out what i did to annoy him after once or twice to get what he wanted
i'll miss that dog

>50% of German shepherds created by breeders must now be put down due to genetic problems.

What a tragic waste! There's a lot of meat on the bone.

Export them to China, Korea, Vietnam, and the Philippines.

Too much deliciously!

Thank you.
Golden Retriever is a retarded overbred dog, do not buy it!
well said
my husky only made it to 9, probably because my mom felt the need to give him cheese sandwiches every day and he got a cancerous growth in his stomach
Is species mixing more degenerate than race mixing? [spoiler]I want Chad Thunderknot to give me his puppies.[/spoiler]
Goldens are retarded overbred dogs for feminin white boys who can't handle a working breed dog.
i agree it's overbred. The pup I got had a hole in its heart that the vet said would kill her in 2 years.
She lived to almost 10, and each day was a great one. A fantastic dog and a blessing to my life.
>buying any pure breed

The Chinese treat dogs better than mass breeders
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nigger spotted
It is a very calm and pretty dog, i give you that. But my Golden, after 6 years of life, was pretty much a disabled dog -- she had cancer, she had skin problems, everything you can imagine... . We were forced to kill her. I would not buy that dog again.
Just buy the English hunter golden, much less defects

>t veterinarian
Hmm, never heard of.
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My baby heeler.
Kind of loud though. Hates being alone and will bark forever if you dont let him follow you everywhere. I cant wait until he isnt a puppy.
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>not having aristocratis russian borzaya

what a pleb
Vegfag here
This angers me to no ends
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yes, the true Ăśbermensch breed
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Hip dysplasia has always been a problem with German shepherds but this is disgusting.

Dog who suffer with it do suffer greatly.

Why would you want this deformation in a dog just for aesthetic reasons, It looks fucking retarded.

I am sure working dogs are screened for this condition.

I'm sorry to hear that.

Losing a dog was one of the most painful events of my life. Her demise was very rapid. She was always an active dog that loved people, go to the field, etc, but she was always adamant about keeping me in eyesight - I would often hide to panic her. Then one day she stopped following. She was just frozen and unmoving as I called her, which had never happened before. Then she rebounded. Over three days her condition was up and down and she died when we took her to the vet - had to carry her because she just stopped walking at all. Heart failure. It was expected because of the PDA, but still very tragic.

Now have a border collie pup that's something else. I knew they are smart, but add cleverly devious and fast and he's good fun.
That's why you buy a dutch shepherd, faggot.
The only Shepherd that anyone should own is a DDR. I had one. He was almost wolf. He past away a couple years ago and miss him dearly. I wiah I had time to raise another
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I love them so much.

Truly a great breed. Supremely loyal and they go for the neck.
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>tfw I own a perfectly healthy german shephard
Cats are the jews of house pets.
Based white mans dog.

Can't wait to get 2 of these when I have a larger property.

All your country is nothing but german puppy
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>tfw my German Shepherd is super healthy and only ever barks at black people.
Dutch shepherd best doggo
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this was a standard german back in the day. breed was invented by Nietzsche.
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Hollandse smoushond is also good as it's named after a racial slur for a Jew (smous).
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Did it taste good atleast?
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Another Jewish trick

They know that dogs are the White Man's loyal animal. But if you make a weak dog popular and manage to make a buck while, then you while deprive your enemy of a powerful companion while making those shekels.

Also Germans are dumb motherfuckers.
I hate niggers who think animals are equal to us, but making them suffering for your own amusement is really fucked up
I got mauled by one of these cunts when I was 6 years old. They should all be vaporized.
Used to have a Border Collie crossed with a Blue Heeler when I was a kid. She was an interesting dog to say the least. Ended up giving her away hen she was 7 because we couldn't exercise her enough.
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This is my Border Collie pup.

Say something nice to him, /pol/!
Good boy
Now that's a proper jew killin' dog.
Where's the ball?
Good doggy!

Same shit happened to the Labrador. People wanted labs with a certain head shape. This head shape makes them dumb as fuck. The breed becomes dumb as fuck.
Only pure Aryan seed will inseminate my fertile womb
Aussies eternally cucked >>135276479

Uma delicia
>people are intentionally investing in genetically inferior breed
That's a new
Big ol' knots
I've had pug/jack russell crosses (jug), rotties and mastiffs and I gotta say they are all awesome dogs in their own way. Jugs look a bit dopey but they are one of the most docile breeds I've ever seen, the cross also removes a lot of the negatives from both breeds and are quite healthy (ours lived to 16). Overall great as a kid's first dog for their size and playfulness.

The bigger boys are both a blast. Mastiffs are pretty dumb but very strong and protective in nature. Rottweilers have the strength of a mastiff but also a bit more agility and can be trained easier. My current dog is a Rottweiler and he's great, Kato was a super cute pup and is a very disciplined adult.
Badgers beware desu
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slide thread
>Muh every thread I dont like is a slide thread.
Get off newfag.
St. Bernards >>>> Bernese

Bernese are inbred as fuck and typically raised by the amish.

St. Bernards are still healthly bred and are far more diligent and loving then a Bernese
Best doggo brings whiskey in a baby cask.
Two thumbs up.
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enjoy your brainworms
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Have Georgians gone too far?
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No, sometimes you just need to hunt bears with dogs.
Lab or australian sheperd
My dog is mixed breed(very many breeds, his parents were already mixed and we got him for free from a family) and is 14 years old and in good health(except that his hearing has gotten worse and a weaker bladder). He is still fit and we go for runs or longer walks regularly.

I doubt that there are many pure breed dogs that are this healthy.
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>That facial expression

Yup, looks like you have a Siberian. I can attest to the stubbornness, mine snarls playfully attacks me when I try to move him when he's on the bed or the couch, and God help you if he's interested in what you're eating, as he'll talk your ear off for half an hour without getting tired.

It's honestly like living with a 60lb cat.
good post op. it is a real thing. it's fucking weird seeing people walk these germans with their asses a foot lower than their front end. looks painful, and inhuman. whoever forced this breeding technique on germans should be shot. i heard it was just for dog shows. fucking krauts.
just look at the description

most dog breeds nowadays are breed for shows, aka the looks.

The original German Sheppard was was a work dog.
miniature golden shepherd is top tier dog
That is one cute doggo.
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I really want a doggo.

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You may not like it, but this is what peak aesthetics looks like.
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My Shep (ears are scarred because she was attacked by a dog twice her size). Best dogs ever (and she is European bloodline, not slanted back American bloodline).
Explain to me what the fuck is wrong with a Rottweiler you mongoloid.
>koirien alfa

Finns breeding korean dogs, not a surprise.
>golden retrievers are giant retards
Dog sitter here, can confirm .

Goldens are fucking stupid and always have a stupid look on their face and they run around like little ADHD kids
thats why id only get a belgian malinois. theyre the ultimate white mans dog, and genetically and physically superior in every way
Nothing hes just a dumbass
German shepherd are fucking shit.
I work in a vet clinic and I hate those fuckers. Shift dogs that turn with no warning and attack. All German shepherd owners are blind to this and all have the best dog in the world that would never hurt a fly. Fuck German shepherds and their owners.
Arab pit and bull

Fite me and muh doggo

I feel so bad for pugs. They can't even fucking breathe properly. They have an existence of pure misery.
"Koira" means dog, burger-sama. Koirien is the plural possessive form of the word.
Mine were pretty happy and healthy, they were jack russell crosses though. The girl was a cross 3/4 pug and got to age 14 while the boy was 1/2 and made it to 16. Miss em every day.
>germans turning german shepherds into doglets
serves them humanlets right
>Single thread on /pol/ has more on-topic activity than the entirety of /an/
>only 16 mentions of wolf in a dog thread spanning almost 300 replies
>no pallets/crates
Fucking Amazing
Blue Heelers all the way… way fucking smart, loyal and protective.
Can confirm. Used to work in a quarantine facility that housed dogs that attacked people and were waiting to get euthanised. Had to wait for the owners to lose their court case to keep the dog alive. 85% of dogs their were pittbulls/ Staffies.
No one wants to admit it.
It's not really the dogs fault, stupid bogans get them because they think they're manly and don't train them and then they attack.
All the owners of the quarantine dogs were stupid feral bogans.
I've had 2 Goldens in my life, and they were both incredible dogs. Very smart, very loyal. My last one would literally do exactly what I would tell her to do.
>go to the bathroom.
Walks outside and does her business.
>go in the house
Goes in the house
>go eat some food
Goes and eats.

I would give her the remains of my T-bone steaks, but I didn't want her to eat the entire bone. When I felt she had enough, I would ask her to bring me the bone, and she would. She used to play with my younger sister, on the play equipment we had in the backyard. She would climb the ladder, and go down the slide.

She was a good dog, it was a very sad day when I had to put her down. She made it to 16 but lost her marbles. She would just walk in circles in my house until she would get stuck in a corner or behind the couch. She always just went out to do her business in the front yard, and always came back, but she started getting lost out there for hours on end. She would come home exhausted.
You really think anyone here is advocating dysgenics?
Spooky skeledoge
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>had a german shepherd as a kid
>gave him away because I couldn't afford to take care of him
>died with his new family and never got to see him again
>always dreamed of having another one when I got older
>now if I get one it will be a genetically deformed mutt

why is life so unfair
>>only 16 mentions of wolf in a dog thread spanning almost 300 replies
My last 2 dogs were wolf cross, amazing and smart animals.. but the urge to wander is too great… in a urban or suburban area, forget it, theyl attack something someone and they howl constantly… even in the bush where I live you constantly have to worry they'll kill ALL your neighbours livestock, get shot, etc ..
having a 95% timber wolf basically amounts to animal cruelty because they have to spend their entire life in a dog run.
I react the same way when I see a nice car dumped on it's ass on meme lowering springs for hellafrush or retards docking dogs tails and ears for muh tufff doge fite club look fucked.
>not getting german working breed shepherds
its the american breed thats shit

Came to say just this. Fucking monsters.

Most vets view pugs as abominations and hate that they exist.
They also hate doing surgery on them because they are high risk of death during surgery.
best dog i ever had was a pit-bull X stumpy-tail cattle-dog, killed countless red bellies and browns, scared the shit out of any visitors but was an absolute puppy in disguise, would jump into my arms and was perfectly fine to have around my two young sons, died of old age at 14.
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lmao my German Shepard has obsessively protected me throughout my whole childhood.
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Mfw my English staff cross massridge is 10 this Xmas

He's starting to slow down gonna get a pound doggo for sure hopefully just as thicco
Working as a vet technician has made me hate these dogs. They are neurotic and untrustworthy. 90% of the time we had to muzzle them because they randomly try to attack.
its because this place is too stupid to know the difference between american "german" shepherds and actual german shepherds
You are correct sir.
Sorry for your loss anon.
It's always hard losing a pet.
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>when the dogs start jumping to catch the grass
but having weird hindlegs isn't even a good look.
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Dobermann, best dogs ever, and no they are not aggressive like they seem in hollywood movies.
They really are very good guard dogs once they love you
>at beach
>with pair of german shepard dogs with family
>young kid
>start walking into the water to play
>keep going
>female german shepard comes and grabs me by the leg and starts dragging me back
>cry thinking the dog is biting me because it won't let me keep going
>male dog runs up wondering what the fuck is happening
>female dog drags me to the sand then lets me go and sits next to me

Parents told me the dog wasn't letting me get too far so I don't drown. How the dog knew that is beyond me I want to get a king sheppard but living in Tx I think it'll be too hot for it.
>want a dog only because you want a certain "kind" of dog
>don't care about the love of the dog or your love for it
>just want a certain something that looks a certain way

you're the exact reason that this happened.
They're sweet though.
The retardedness is endearing.
Unless you're using it for hunting, I wouldn't recommend it. These dogs are hyper as fuck.
Far from the only breed dog breeders have destroyed, although a good example of making a dog useless.
Border collie owner here... no other dog can match them in my view.

Jack Russells come in 2nd for me; as they say Big dog in small body. . . these little fuckers are the bravest dogs i've seen; they will take on anything. :D
Yeah here in aus they always circle around the back of me or my doge on the beach and troll us.

Absolutely can't trust them and my old mum hates em.

Poor fuckers didn't used to be as bad a decade or so ago when I was younger the shitty American style breeding became popular here too.

Most people here have ankle biters and pitty mixes even tho we banned American pits there are alot around with fudged paperwork
That's amazing, they're great dogs. I used to eat from mine's bowl, and he didn't let my parents bother me while I was eating so I consumed a bunch of dog food as a baby. It's like having a big bro basically. And idk I've had a german shepard in Israel and he seemed to be doing fine, I don't think that Texas is much hotter.

i always despised lil doggos and thought of them as weak and pathetic, if it can't survive in the wild on it's own why should i have it?

it probably didn't help that i was bitten on the face by a jack russel when i was a baby, never feared dogs though just hated the lil snappy ones. grew up with working dogs/guard dogs and had a great love and respect for dogs that had a purpose, kelpies rounding up the steaks, pitties guarding my family and home.

this all changed several weeks ago when a turn of events led to me ending up with a pug as my sole dog. instantly i was disgusted and mostly afraid, the medical stuff, his apparent worthlessness. in the end this lil fella helped me get over my hatred for small dogs, he proved himself to be a constant shadow, barking viciously at everything he thought was a threat, when i took him out on the property he would forage for grubs, he could snort and dig for tucker like a pig for christ's sake, as far as i was concerned he could survive if he had to.

i soon taught him to fear wedgies, anytime a shadow would pass over he learnt to take cover. this lil fucker talks to me more than any dog ever did, so far i've identified 26 different "grumbles" that he uses to tell me stuff, i taught him to talk, he sounds like a demon sometimes but it's just his funny pug voice, seriously pugs are extremely underrated.
Canine eugenics, a hobby for rich dumbfucks.
Eugenics means selectively breeding a better breed, what you're talking about is dysgenics.
Puggos are based.

Basically butterface midgets with 10/10 personalities.

I love Shar pei crosses but never got one.

Had rotties before my mixstaff and they where great Doge's but a little on the lazy side especially between 6-10 whereas my old doggo still plays like a pup and run very past high sped
Puke that poor dog why breed slope and hip displaysia
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Same kinds of desert hellholes with excessive heat. I live pretty high up north and I think even this place is too hot.
>i always despised lil doggos and thought of them as weak and pathetic, if it can't survive in the wild on it's own why should i have it?
Some can, I used to live on the Rez in Canada with my friend growing up… and they had packs of wild dogs, many were small dogs, although whether they could live on their own was questionable.. Wolves live in packs for the most part,,, the only wild wolves that live solo in Canada are the occasional Timber wolf.
Fuck off. My last one lived to 14 and could devour your weakling ass. I've had 4 of them since I was just a young lad, my whole life. Looking for a GSD pup right now.
Sorry for your loss pal; they are so smart and so on the ball and have so much personality; the loss seems so fucking bad with them; but they give you so many good memories that as much as it hurts to think of them, you always end up with a smile. .

My Collie just had a bit of steak off me.... I asked him to count to five first; only taught him to count less than a week ago.
Yup. I miss Russia so fucking badly, hope I'll go there next winter.
Straya here try our 1-25 degree Winters and 40-55 degrees summers
This looks exactly like my dads German Shepard that he bought from the Amish. She's smart as fuck and I taught her to bark on command when I give the Roman Salute. She also HATES blacks.
Were they slope-backed though? German Shepherds are based as fuck dogs, so you shouldn't specifically pick a malformed one. That's just degenerate, dysgenic and despicable. Dog breeds should be made better, not worse, through selective breeding.
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