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Syria General /sg/- Live From The Cockpit Edition

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 330
Thread images: 134

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Everything you need to know


>Newest Interviews with Assad

>Live MAPS

>Fan maps

>Raqqa CS Jul 26
>Arsal Jul 25
>E Sy Jul 24
>SE Syria Jul 24
>Hama/Homs Jul 14
>Palmyra Jul 8
>E Ghouta Jul 8
>DeZ Jun 10

Developments Jul 26
*Unconfirmed: Sukhnah liberated
>200 elite SAA soldiers airlifted to DeZ amid reports of future ISIS offensive
>Raqqa CS: Tiger forces 10km away from DeZ CS
>SDF capture 45% of Raqqa
>VIDEO emerges showing White helmets staging CW attack videos (to aid US strikes?) https://youtu.be/8LnVHw96jFs
>TFSA overrun Kurdish forces in N Aleppo, take Tal Jijan village (W of al-Bab)
>Hezbollah launches attack on Al-Qaeda’s last positions in Arsal aided by SyAF, Lebanese Prime Minister disapproves of Hez offensive
>Trump hails Lebanese Army ‘gains’ against IS, calls Hezbollah terrorists
>SAA comes under assault from Jihadist rebels in W Damascus
>RU Military Police deployed near Golan Heights, Israel concerned
>SDF media: No homosexual unit fighting ISIS in Raqqa
>Lebanese Army mobilizes large force to clear IS from border with Syria
>Ru aid convoy carrying food,medicine,basic supplies enter E Ghouta towards JaI-controlled Duma
>26 Afghan soldiers killed in Taliban assault
>Yemen:Houthi forces ambush Saudi soldiers in Najran

Donate/click ads: southfront.org

Prev: >>135139664
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>Assadist wouldn't shag this
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Of course I would. Good war spoils
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I want some Suhknah footage!!!
doesn't appear to be a standard uniform
They give women skinny clothes to distract the Hamas faggots
>First on CNN: US-led coalition tells local Syrian allies they must only fight ISIS & not Assad, prompting exit of allied group from At Tanf

>Tribal Arabs, family nearby, hired to fight in SE-desert. Suddenly ordered way north to fight under Kurdish command agst ISIS -> said no.
>MFW ISIS is literally Germany 1944 right now and Tovarish Assad is reaching the final victory

Victory parade in Damascus SOON
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Deiz ez-Zor when?
do israeli women do something else in the military other than being cheap whores to attract the attention of the west?
Are they used as propaganda or they actually crave for white cock?
Have you not seen War Z?
The female soldiers was BADASS!
And saved the weak goyim.
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In the israeli airforce they are known as "mattresses".
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Same with females in the German army.
armed forces*
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well i am off
enjoy /comfy/ sg
>Private Müller, wondering how many miles of cock she can take during one field excercise
Good night Sri Lankan weeb
I have the prophetic feeling that Issam will die during the operations surrounding the breaking of the siege.
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>tfw you will live to see the founding of a modern and progressive Kurdish empire
>tfw you will live to see a Middle East free from Arabic vermin, polluting and corrupting the lands with their mere existance
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Is BASED Assad the RL version of Stannis?
No Stannis didn't win
In the books he will.
Assad was muslim since the start
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>all fat neckbeard Assadists do all day is shitpost and contribute nothing to the war effort, cause they are all hypocrite Arab diaspora that don't wanna live there to begin with
>meanwhile chad Kurd supporters actually go to Rojava fighting for their just cause knowing it is for a democratic nation they would love to live in
bye fag
sinhala pamanak
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did you jsut spoil GoT for me?
Yeah he did and he did good
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Syria Shitmap: Gates of Sukhnah Edition!
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Daenerys dies as well, the cripple lad fuses with the white trees and starts working magic, Rickon returns from the savage island to rule the North.
How far has the series got to?
GoT fans:
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>reading and watching incest rape porn complete with midgets and dragons
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The show is vastly different from the books, almost entirely OC, from S4 onwards. In the books the outcome of the battle is unclear and Stannis is absolutely based with one of the best character development arcs in the story. The show's writers hated his character because they're kikes and Stannis is the archetypical lawful white heroic leader. Seriously just read the books instead of watching the feminist power fantasy shitfest that is the show.
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What else would you expect from Kikewood?
I feel you really want to share your waifu.
Tell me who is she?
If her eyes were brown, would you still love her?
She does ASMR videos, right?
How often?
>Having an avatar gets you banned dudely fyi famalamalam
>Stannis is the archetypical lawful white heroic leader
AKA based Assad. He even inherited in a similar way.
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I always liked Stannis.
Even after he "burned his daughter and shit" in the show he still was the best.
Even till death he was respectable.
I don't know how much they dulled down his character but if he was even better in the novels I wish they had implemented that evrsion.
Still not gonna read sci-fi though ebcause I am not a fucking plebian.
>not possessing enough autism to c&p various red icons onto the black
But other than that, excellent map!
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in 13 days this is the face of Syria?
Yeh i am always disappointed by how slow everything goes.
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This'd better be bait.
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get on my level
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>catalog filled with happening larping summerfags
I thought about it, but decided not to
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>tfw I only use the catalog to look for pretty grills in the OP clickbait pics
Pic related
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BREAKING: US-backed SDF attack Syrian Army in western Raqqa


The fuck are they doing?
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She's ASMR Darling, an ASMR youtuber

I listen to her vids from time to time and I was kind of testing the limits of how far avatar posting will go before I get b&, but I don't think I will so I'm probably gonna stop

She uploads a couple times a week btw, and she is my perfect girl tbqh
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>using (pol/ outside of /sg/
Understandable, not everyone has powerful autism.
Probably just harrassment.
>the fan is a nice touch
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Getting banned for avatar posting
k*rd genocide soon?
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If someone has a better text I'll change accordingly I made it based on whatever cam to my mind
2 weeks
Why is Druze Beast on the EU terror list?
You should read the books, far better than the show.
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I'm fucking mad how they treated Stannis
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>tfw Viet-Gong, me, you, and Pingustan would get b& for avatarfagging

please meme the waifu
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Huri caffe when?
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>he really does read genre-fi
helping ISIS
Mate, you're a complete tasteless pleb who WATCHES Game of Thrones. You are in no position to proclaim others' taste shit.
>ISIL fights back against Syrian Army in rural Raqqa, Deir Ezzor
BEIRUT, LEBANON (8:45 P.M.) – The Islamic State (ISIL) is not quite done in the southeastern countryside of Al-Raqqa or Deir Ezzor City, as their forces launched several attacks against the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) in these areas on Thursday.

ISIL began their assault in the southeastern countryside of Al-Raqqa, when their forces attacked the Syrian Arab Army’s positions near the key town of Ma’adan.

Not long after the attack on Ma’adan, the Islamic State launched a powerful assault inside Deir Ezzor City, targeting the Syrian Army held Muwadafeen District.

The Islamic State inflicted heavy damage on a Syrian Army trench by using a BMP tank and heavy machine gun in the Muwadafeen District of Deir Ezzor City.

While no major gains were reported, the Islamic State has demonstrated that they are not willing to give up these areas without a fight, especially Deir Ezzor City, which is their de facto capital now.
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> Deir Ezzor City, which is their de facto capital now

They wish, fortunately the American plan was foiled. They wanted ISIS to withdraw from Mosul and take DeZ, but PMU cut they way and the Republican Guard didn't collapse after the air raid.
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so it begins

the end of Assad
wasting 45 min every monday is better than actually reading low tier "read for the plot" novels.
After I'm done wasting those 45 mins I got the rest of the week to read actual literature (or waste my time on /sg/ productively
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yeah about these guys, I remember reading that they were willing to help SAA in holding back the kurds, any news on that?
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>watching Hollywood kike drivel is better than activating your almonds and imagination by reading
They will not enter Syria without Baghdad's approval. The Americans wanted the Iraqi forces to leave a way of retreat open during the Mosul battle, but the Iraqi government wouldn't have it. The PMU have been following Baghdad's orders diligently so far, compared to Hezbollah for example.
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>this is what conservatives actually believe
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>ywn feel the soft touch of her skin and smell the fragrance of her scent
Why even live?
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The HOW DID I GET HERE POUT is whipping up a craze of interpretation at Coalition HQ. The entire leadership has embraced this new look of the season with gusto and aplomb. Col. Dillon, here sporting his drab office camo, the look that defined last season, is pictured here in full pout.

Notice how it preps up his olive faux pas? It's like polka dots and pleates with a liberal dash of colour assembled with high quality fabrics.

Have you tried the HOW DID I GET HERE POUT? Try it with dress grey, suits and ties. Mix and match. Be daring, show a bit of skin. It's En Vogue this season. Strike a pose for fashion.
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wasn't isaac newton black?
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I thought it was just feminism that, but u saying it was actually a zio-ferminist narrative?

Mind blown
>Deir Ezzor City, which is their de facto capital now.

Don't hold it, but now it's their capital?

More in common with Israel than i thought....
Al Qaim should be their capital
>Pro-Syria forces reignite offensive against ISIS in eastern Hama
BEIRUT, LEBANON (9:10 P.M.) – The Syrian Arab Army (SAA), supported by the National Defence Forces (NDF) and the Russian Aerospace Forces (RuAF) have achieved a new advance against ISIS in eastern Hama’s countryside. Moreover, a large number of pro-government reinforcements have just arrived on the eastern Hama front as part of a renewed offensive to drive Islamic State militants out of the region.

Today, the SAA and its allies liberated new points and hilltops east of the government-held town of al-Sabbourah, reaching outskirts of the ISIS-held town of al-Dakilah al-Shamaliyah.

According to SAA military sources, the ISIS-controlled town is expected to be ceded by the terrorist group to the SAA soon since the pro-government forces have fire control over it.

However, today has also seen a significant number of pro-government reinforcements redeployed to eastern Hama from postings in the Damascus and Badia Al-Sham regions of Syria.

The reinforcements are part of a renewed operation against ISIS in eastern Hama. To this end, reports say that pro-government forces aim to isolate the jihadist group’s regional bastion and push its fighters to either surrender or flee east.
I thought al-Mayadeen was their capital now
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more like this
that's not nice. unless you mean like free funeral cover. then it's nice.
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Also, keked
thats the one that got me.
I..I was only joking
4th from right is best one
>thats the one that got me.
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MBS is in charge now. King Salman is on vacation in Morocco for a month.
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It's very well written tho :DDDD
I'd marry 2 to the right and have casual fuggenings with 4 right, tb.h
Anyone seen Dunkirk recently?
What exactly is wrong with that description of dysentery?
it was leggit hte muslims trying to enter Israels walls that caused the zombies to climb over the wall and destroy everything.
If you want the most (((Hollywood))) movie, that was it.
Saved. Thanks
Yes, I meant you played the context well. I was still expecting KINGZ/KANGZ.
Why is that Isis future pocet in Homs/Hama province so hard to clear?
>He sucked her nipples till she cried out half in pain and half in pleasure. Her cunt became the world.
>her cunt became the world
Quality writing lads.
so what?
no free funeral cover?
*reports to german authorities*
thought your post was a reply to something completely else
non soberposting gone wrong
I can see why this convo will never go anywhere. the wires are crossed, two different post are being confused with two other posts.

I can see why it will go wrong, I could help.

But I just want to watch...
>Details of Arsal agreement between Hezbollah, jihadist rebels
BEIRUT, LEBANON (9:00 P.M.) – Hezbollah and Hay’at Tahrir Al-Sham agreed to terms of a ceasefire in the ‘Arsal Barrens after almost a week of fighting near the Syrian border.

According to the terms released by Lebanese group’s official media wing on Thursday, Hay’at Tahrir Al-Sham will release five Hezbollah soldiers in exchange for some of their prisoners currently detained in Syrian government prisons.
In addition to the exchange of prisoners, Hay’at Tahrir Al-Sham militants and their family members, including some in refugee camps, have agreed to leave the ‘Arsal Barrens for the Idlib Governorate.
Finally, the Saraya Ahel Al-Sham fighters that are loyal to Hay’at Tahrir Al-Sham will also be evacuated from the area to the eastern Qalamoun, where they will link up with the Free Syrian Army factions near Dumayr.
>The fuck are they doing?
What did you expect? Kurds are universally hated by everyone for a reason.
Whoops didnt mean to link you. Ok free funeral cover would you accept payment in some Afghan Kush
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What the fug am I reading? Is this real?
fuck k*rds
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Yes. This is part of a book the finfuck is shilling for.
Oh, and you get to read the imaginative sex scenes written by a guy who looks like pic related
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1) The Awan Brothers(Pakistan IC) got Intel on India from the DNC(Who is working with China).

[Pakistan vs India vs China] is how WW3 might happen.

Keep track of Military Movements & Border Clashes.

(KB Archives: http://archive.4plebs.org/_/search/boards/pol.x/subject/Knowledge%20Bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/%21%219O2tecpDHQ6/)

2) [A "US Spring" into Coup/Civil War is planned for the US.]

Leftist Networks(allied with Islamic Networks), Deep State/Shadow Government forces(Some of the Black Budget funds have went into an Army, designed for COG(Continuity of Government) situations) & Globalists(such as Soros) plan on doing a "Color Revolution" inside the US.

Learning/Researching how the Arab Spring & Ukraine was done is going to be quite helpful in the future.
>[Pakistan vs India vs China] is how WW3 might happen.
not going to happen but still even if it happens its China/Pakistan vs India
No matter how much does he try, he´ll never surpass the Tolkien trilogy.
Also, he looks more like a sailor than a writer
>imaginative sex scenes written by a guy who looks like pic related
Yeah, but that's kinda the point with fiction.
You don't read it for an accurate realistic description but you want a good imagination of it. Good looking people are for filming, fat fucks are for imagining things
how_did_we_get_here 2.jpg


well you did.

what happens now?
not directly realted, but Assange is shitting on C**ton hard right now on twitter
zardoz is magnificent movie
>Oh, and you get to read the imaginative sex scenes written by a guy who looks like pic related

he looks pretty perverted. i mean he doesn't get much. he just sits around masturbating. and he's been doing it for a while by the looks of things.

He might write some pretty hot scenes...
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UNironically hoping for this so you overpopulated countries nuke each others metropoli and even this world out a little more
When Bukowski descriptively writes about whores hes fucking it is tolerable because those are his novels and he is not at the same time trying to establish some magical world with majestic dragons and undead frozen zombies.
Just like >>135168652 said.
If you want to read some good sort of relatable to GoT fiction read tolkien.
/comfy/ af as well

failing me here flam.
but you live, OK?
>Breaking: Houthi forces launch missiles at Saudi King Fahd Airport
BEIRUT, LEBANON (9:45 P.M.) – Minutes ago, the Houthi forces fired a number of missiles towards the King Fahd Airport in southern Saudi Arabia, the Yemeni group’s official media announced.

According to the Houthi media wing, their units fired several Burkan-1 missiles at the King Fahd Airport, scoring direct hits on their target late at night.

The Houthi forces have launched several Burkan-1 missiles into Saudi Arabia recently, targeting oil fields and military installations around the country.

Previously, the Houthi forces fired a multitude of Burkan-1 missiles at a Saudi oil field in the western part of the country, sparking outrage from the Al-Saud regime.

The Houthi forces typically fire missiles into Saudi Arabia to hound the Al-Saud regime for their continuous bombing campaign campaign of northern Yemen.
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>almost everyone I know is telling me to watch this series
It's not only real, it's the conclusion of a 1000 page book of setup without payoff that took 6 years to write.
Shitting on Clinton is always justified and relevant, senpai
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Man, I want these guys to hurry up and capture Najran along with various air bases. Imagine the damage that this invariably cause to the KSA. It would be glorious.
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Deir ez-Zor by Autumn
Doesn't look like something you put years to write, especially from someone that writes for a living
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>tfw this was in my megumin mega folder
>tfw I think you downloaded this gif from it

Konosuba was a mistake.
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>A lewd for a lewd
Why not aim for something Closer?
but what do u do after tolkein? I read all of tolkein by the time I was 13. I reread the silmarillion and lotr by the time I was 16. In the same time I had consumed the chronicles of thomas covenant the unbeliever, hubbards space porn decaology, asimovs foundation & empire series, feists magician etc.

you may think your words are strong because your finger points to high quality. but your argument is WEAK, for it offers no hope of tomorrow.

You lack the vision to describe what comes after.

I am a wolf, I kill books everyday. When I come upon the fold, i rip and tear. It is in my nature. you would have me eating from the same carcass next week as last.

Your argument is the argument of a woman. Steeped in sentiment and longing. Ignorant of the tough descisions men must take. I scent a whiff of hope even. But not shred of action. Nothing of stamina.

Is this what /pol has come to?
>Konosuba was a mistake.
Watch it.
Its a shitty anime with 3DPD CGI.
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Megumin mouth.png
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>I think you downloaded this gif from it
I downloaded it from /tg/ m8

>Konosuba was a mistake.
not a mistake, a happy accident
Nigger what?
Sunday. Tuesday latest.
If you somehow manage to pull the fuck out at the end of season 3 instead of being sucked in it's not that bad of a series
Then by autumn Kurdistan independence referenda across the whole region :^)))))
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How long do you think it will take the SAA to liberate Deir Ez-Zor?
By Christmas, Kurdistan and Assadist tears.
>I don't mention which year. Hahaha fooled you

it will be fun watching the western press justifying that.

all the refugees in foreign countries, a quick rush of voting registration, by autumn. they gonna have their work cut out for them
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>what happens now?
Follow these steps:
1. Come to Paki land and meet this person (pic related)
2. Dont be alarmed he is only simple mail man.
3. He will meet you at airport exactly a minute after 9:10 and ask you the time.(dont answer)
4. He will understand you are the customer and will give you a packet of Afghan Kush.
5. Take packet and return to South Africa.
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dude britgirl lmao.gif
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once the weekend hits, I think I'll make some of my one-of-a-kind ms paint art again.

>tfw ms paint is dead

any suggestions?
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Steamy Suheil sex scene with 72 ISIS virgins
The end of the second Riddick movie but Assad is Riddick
>give you a packet of Afghan Kush

Ok. I'm listening.
>You keep what you bake
The world needs some more AssadxMegumin action
It's coming together perfectly
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Why not AssadxISIS?
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We already have too much
Says the guy who has enough LEL to get to bump limit on his own
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>I have been BTFO
First off.
At a certain point you should drop genre-fiction for serious literature anyway.
If you go diving in straight to philosophie or going through substantial fiction first, it doesn't matter.

I understand from, for example my parents and other older people I have met who have read most of the writers and novelists /lit/ rages about and now only spend time reading historical texts, novels or even whatever new crime story came out yesterday because they have already accomplished tackling the greatest works.

But I, and I assume most people here, are no where near as to they could read Wasteland, Hollowmen, Finnegans Wake,... to the point of fully understanding the entirety of what authors like Eliot , Joyce or Ezra Pound alluded to in their works.

>you may think your words are strong because your finger points to high quality.
You are right in saying I have no depth to what I am saying beyond 'here look at this instead'. But that doesn't mean just because I am not fully enveloped in their art, I am not allowed to point others in the direction of the fruit I have tasted

>Steeped in sentiment and longing. Ignorant of the tough descisions men must take. I scent a whiff of hope even. But not shred of action

This is banal crap that makes me feel this is copy pasta from somewhere.
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Technicolor Lebanon Warmap.png
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And now, a Shitmap to offset my post:Golden LEL Ratio!
what's happening just across the border from DeZ? ie al qaim, haditha, hit, haqlaniya?
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Depends which way they come from.

If they go down the Palmyra/DeZ highway then it will maybe take a few days.

If they go from Raqqa it will take a week at least, maybe 2 weeks at most.
Absolutely nothing
bombing their meetings...
Hope they dont finish their plans to send a somali to stab your daughter at a mall
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Suheil The Tiger al_Hassan.png
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Drawings homie.


I will consider that.
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In Krakow, the police detained a Russian who, drunk, destroyed 37 cars. The incident occurred at 5.00 on Wednesday, July 26, radio informs RMF FM .
In Thailand, detained two naked Russians on the beach - media
In Thailand, detained two naked Russians on the beach - media
July 24, 2017, 04:58
On the surveillance cameras, you can see how a person walks down the street and hits cars parked along the sidewalk. Thus, the man injured 37 cars - someone broke off the mirror, others left dents on the bodywork or broke the windows.
Already on Thursday at 11.00 the man himself came to the police station and pleaded guilty to the destruction of cars. As it turned out, his colleagues identified him from work and advised him to confess to the crime. The man told the police that he did not remember how the cars were being thrashed, because he was drunk.
The hooligan was 38-year-old Vladimir V., who is a citizen of the Russian Federation.
Policemen told that the man works in one of the Cracow IT companies, has all the necessary documents for a legal stay in the country.
What I want to know is why Southern Lebanon isn't entirely shrouded in blue. The Southern Countryside is almost entirely controlled by Hezbollah. The Lebanese army has little to no presence in the south.
>Drawings homie.
draw it nigger
explain fagit
Consult the key
>a Russian who, drunk, destroyed 37 cars.
Well done!
post yemen shitmap please
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Striking at airports hits commerce and aviation. Also, according to wikipedia, it is used for storage of military planes.
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>I will consider that.
You're a good man.
you haven't done an Assad yet.
US, Russia, SyAF do bombing raids or helicopter kidnapping missions because that is where their "new HQ" is.

So everyone is targeting them but they are too far to really threaten their existence
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6. On returning to South Africa you will meet a
black person
7. Dont be alarmed he is only Nigerian Prince
8. Present him with the Afghan Kush.
9. He will then say " I need money"
10. Ask him how much
11. He will say "About Three fiddy"
12. When he says that you will notice the Nigerian Prince is no human at all but a eight-story crustacean from the Paleozoic era.
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No. I had not been told to make one whenever I asked on here.
>turns out nearly half the atoms in our body blew in on the solar wind from beyond the Milky Way.

we were all baked in distant stars and bourne, adrift, upon winds of light...
>The piss and blood stains on the flag and the armpit sweat stains are nice touches
I want the houthis to capture Najran!
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You got a ukraine map?
proofs? thats a lot of bullshit you just typed
>This is banal crap that makes me feel this is copy pasta from somewhere.

Freshly baked. However that doesn't mean it won't become copypasta in the future.
>Steeped in sentiment and longing. Ignorant of the tough descisions men must take. I scent a whiff of hope even. But not shred of action
it need a little fix.
>Steeped in sentiment and longing. Ignorant of the tough descisions men must take. I scent a whiff of hope even, and it disgusts me. But not shred of action
made me chuckle.
I want a mattress tbqh
what is a "ukraine"

is this some sort of new meme or something
this shit is sonichu tier

plz keep doing it.
sukhna when
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What's that
I will tell you only if you tell me which Swede you are.
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countryside general.png
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I'm not who you're probably hoping I am
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really m8.jpg
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A U-what?
Got one of Onur?
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not snus-general?
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This is me critiquing my own art, I should have stained his mouth.
nope, just some dilettante shitter who should lurk more
engage me!
Dont jsut pull yourself off oer your fresh pasta.

Also don't compare it to women. That is easy. Make the comparison of a selfdriven man vs some weak link instead.
>and it disgusts me
are you kidding?
They bomb buildings around there all the time and raids are not at all uncommon in the entire Deir Ez Zor region
are you smoking the hindu cush?
I thought you were gonna give it to me.

also a procedural point

i am assuming that between number 6 and 12, I have had some of the half packet of kush. I am unsure whether I should work that in between 6 and 7, whether I should already have consumed some before number 5.
If it's not 6 & 7, then it can only be 7 & 8, cause after 8, i am no longer in control of the half packet.
Number 9 I can handle, i do it every day, do 10-12 actually happen? Or is that the result of consumption between 6&7 or 7&8.

Please revert with clarification.
Then do it.
>Le non-country meme xdd
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>who should lurk more
You are ok sven, here have some sexy ISIS grill
haditha? wtf are you talking about?
do an alternate timeline assad where is is just a happy and sucessful eye doctor who still listens to phill collins and whitney houston
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Hadithat is held by Iraqis????
But All I have said is aplicable to Al Qaim.
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I made this OC mate using your Suhiel and Druze pictures. I need portraits for Kurds and ISIS hunters to complete map. So can you help with that?
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the tiger and his men.jpg
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What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little kaffir? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Tiger Forces, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on ISIS, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in dessert warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire Syrian Arab armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, Zionist. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the Syrian nation and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, Infidel. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the Syrian Republican Guard corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shirk. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, Murtad.
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That's a good one.

>those portraits of each drawing
Why does this make me laugh?

Also, tomorrow for sure, I'll think of something. Probably give the Kurd a unibrow. Not sure with ISIS hunters but I'll think of something.
>and it disgusts me

'To live in hope is dancing to a terrible tune.'

>First off.
>At a certain point you should drop genre-fiction for serious literature anyway.
Implying what exactly? This is just perjorative misdirection. I read widely, across a swathe of the spectrum of the written word, from academic papers to product ingredient labels, via philosophy, history, archeology, software documentation and /sg.

>now only spend time reading historical texts
well theres that either or stuff again. the false alternatives, drop this, only that....i read some historical texts where they capture me. Those that do not interest me, i will not read.

>what authors like Eliot , Joyce or Ezra Pound alluded to in their works.
sure, but there is a limit to what one human can read, there at least a thousand others you could add to your list. and I have read some of them.

>You are right in saying I have no depth
I get your point

And i dealt with the copy pasta already, and in my first point here again.

as for the woman bit. I'll have to think about it. Memetically speaking, women are very powerful symbols to throw around while banting. Indispensible actually.

Women truely come alive in the memetic world. It is a world in which they become more than just a pair of tits and a cute arse.
ROTFL South Front begging for donations just as new sanctions are hitting Russia. I guess they're cutting loose some propaganda outlets to save rubles...

too funny brah
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It is, but girls usually tight it to make it appear more skinny (it's purposely made to look like sack). Of course they're not allowed to do it, but it's not getting enforced outside of boot camp.

> do israeli women do something else in the military other than being cheap whores to attract the attention
Yea, they work mostly in office jobs (logistics management, intell analysis, etc.). They only take as many selfies as any other 18yo girl.
> Are they used as propaganda
Very mildly. It's less that the IDF spokesman sits in office and thinks "hum, I need to make people like Israel, so we'll publish hot girls in uniforms in random forums on the internet as propaganda for horny teenagers", and more that he sits and thinks "there's this boring statement I need to give to yet another article about mundane army stuff, might as well make it more interesting by framing a girl into a photo I have to make".
Girls such as >>135157090 are just the very common attention whores/normie girls you see everywhere, but they get special attention because of the uniform.
Pic related is a general-use IDF Spokesman photo- intentionally non-sexualized and constructive.
> crave for white cock
The color doesn't matter as long as it's circumcised.

Wait, so now we're against walls and the notion that people claiming over them leads to destruction?
that needs deployment against some real headchoppers on plebzits
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nice picture you got there
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Putin: New US sanctions are cynical, destroy international law

Sanctions are going to do jackshit since the EU is pissed at the US trying to cut them out of cheap Russian fuel over expensive American crap
>are you smoking the hindu cush?
>I thought you were gonna give it to me.
I dont smoke kush mate. As for the rest well try using this technique.
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>tfw hype
>so now we're against walls

You can find 'the wall people' in the catalog, thats right, back down the hall, room 404. thanks for visiting, but I think you're in the wrong place.
>Wait, so now we're against walls and the notion that people claiming over them leads to destruction?
no I am saying that they were doing the opposite.
Bring in a couple mudshits and theyll enable the destructive horde.
Also Isarel only country to live because it was only country with serious walls. It was advocating for walls
Yeah, big German buisnesses are against it ofc, what a fucking surprise.

>I read widely, across a swathe of the spectrum of the written word, from academic papers to product ingredient labels, via philosophy, history, archeology, software documentation and /sg.

Not really what I was saying.
bah, and the EU will also do jackshit against US
Sorry, I said two hours and it was half a day, didn't expect such a trip.
To answer the question: I haven't done any research yet, but I think "radical moderates", that is Faylaq ar-Rahman & Nusra is ~13.000 and the other groups are no more than ~6000.
I will try to look for sources, as soon as I catch some rest.
>using this technique.
Looks extremely ineffective since i got proper roling leaves but i should try it once
They're not gonna do shitty counter-sanctions, they're just gonna tell US to suck a dick and keep using cheap Russian petrol, the fuck is the US gonna do? Make mean tweets at them and call them cucks? Merkel and the EUcrats are already dead set on doing it
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Election meddling: US sanctions 13 Venezuela officials, warns against electing Constituent Assembly

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my grandmother used to tell me that the BDM (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/League_of_German_Girls) was called "Bund Deutscher Matratzen" (League of German Mattresses).
lel, give snus a break he acknowledged that he was wrong about the time frame
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I need to get back to making OC.
Bund Deutscher Milchbauern is es heut
oh thank god.
More cowsized titties on 5'3 girls
What does /sg/ think about this?
Alright, as I catch up, I'll brief you as well.. So:

After a vague tweet:
Confirmed : SAA is 2km away from Sukhnah town
It was already known from other sources (Damas_now & NDF official facefuck) that the clashes are taking place and engineers are clearing IEDs in the first neighborhoods.
It seems Hezbollah is there, altough they only said that SAA is leading the assault and fight is taking place in the city, at 18:00, Syrian time:

That's for Suknah.

In a separate development, IS launched a counter-attack at Hmuaymah:
Status unknown.
>tfw my sister couldnt stop talking about this SF guy who would only talk to her of the pogs
Fuck guys I hope he didnt shag her. I mean he is a national hero and all but cmon
I'll give him a break in 2 weeks
As for the Tigers, and this is a really breaking development, they've reached the outskirts of Ma'adan (unknown if Tribals or Tigers)
>In a separate development, IS launched a counter-attack at Hmuaymah:
I miss the fighting against Nusra/AQ/"FSA". If the SAA would fight against them, we'd get a constant stream of rebel bullshit.
What's Röpke up to these days?
When looking for new developments of Ain Terma, I found only this old footage, but I don't think we've seen it earlier:

Nothing else happened after 11:00 Syrian time.
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>What's Röpke up to these days?
Getting his shit fucked up pham
I'm gonna go ahead and watch what lister and (((others))) think about Trump's ct six months into the presidency.
Don't worry, I have vodka with me.
complaining about Russian humanitarian aid
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Why are the Houthis so based?

>pic related: Downed Reaper drone

US forces at Al-Tanf may be leaving or may have left.
check those skillz.
And there also was 4 killed SAA soldiers allegedly (most likely 124th SRG) after a shelling of SDF. I would treat it as unconfirmed, since Almasdar article is the only source I see, other than circlejerking, underage YPG fanboys.
If it's true tho, I'd expect that the part of SDF shelling the positions west of Rasafah were some ex-FSA, riddled within the SDF.
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Doesn't Hezbollah still control Israel border territory in South Lebanon?
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Wrong. I'm a Slav.

Im disgusted Lister and McGurk are sitting at the same table
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>outskirts of Ma'adan
last "big" obstacle before DeZ already
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damn, i always thought you are a south US guy because of flag
also post hezb cow
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are you always on mobile?
redpill me on mcgurk. he said SDF is 25,000 sunni and 25,000 kurdish. he also says raqqa is gonna take a long time.
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>democratic nation
Equally true.
Is this because they got out maneuvered by the SAA?
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Sometimes. I'm probably going to be using it more because I like making these very strategic battle plans. Also my computer is shit and I need a new one
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>whole thing was pointless from the start
>Iran knows this
>tries to take Al Tanf
>Burgers bomb them anyway just to prove they can't be pushed around
>people literally got killed just to give Iran the finger

It's tragic but also hilarious and I approve.
>I like making these very strategic battle plans
you should add fake elevation indication lines.
The Donetsk and Lugansk map is too stagnant so we use the Wikipedia map.
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Whatever could you mean Krautnon, it's right in the name. Don't you trust us?
Im just disgusted a person like McGurk who is a high level spokesman is sitting next to fucking Charles Lister rat who parrots some thinktank salafist apologism faggotry
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Dude do you know how many revisions I've issued for my Hebzogrills?
I think that's too advanced for the app I'm using. Keep in mind I'm using my fingers not a mouse
So he's like a PR fireman?
wrong thread Frank
>if you get cucked by the enemy you win

Classic logic from Charlie India Afuckingleaf
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ha, I nearly never revise my shitposting
>low quality is a feature not a bug

Are people STILL flying the SU-25 or is my planefu garbage?
She is cool and thicc and will never be garbage anon.
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>tfw you will never see Najran in houthi hands nor a desert blitzkrieg towards Mecca
Never going to happen sadly, if it was it would have happened already.
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