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Professor: ‘ALL white people are racist,’ ‘ALL men are sexist’

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>A Georgetown University law professor recently declared on social media that “all white people are racist” and “all men are sexist.”

>Preston Mitchum even told Campus Reform that simply being a part of "any dominant group when it comes to race, gender, sexuality, etc. contributes to the oppression of other groups."

>Mitchum, expanding on his statements to Campus Reform, reiterated that “any person [who is] a part of any dominant group when it comes to race, gender, sexuality, etc. contributes to the oppression of other groups,” and noting that “it doesn’t matter if they choose to do so consciously/subconsciously, knowingly/unknowingly, or with bad/good intentions.”

>“What makes something racist, sexist, transphobic, homophobic, etc. is when ‘power’ and the ability to effectuate said power is added,” he explained, saying “we must stop using this textbook definition of ‘racism’ because it doesn't take into account real world experiences of those who are on the receiving end of racism: people of color.”

If all white people are inherently racist, and all men are inherently sexist, and the goal is remove "racism", and "sexism" and other "isms", what is the Final Solution?
Another word they love. "Unpack"
This just shows that the Jews should not be offloading the heavy lifting to the JV.
If it's not possible to not be racist, why even try? You have to offer the possibility of redemption or else Whites won't be interested.
Well if we're all racist, I guess there's no harm in kicking it up a few notches. Don't want to make this nice lad a liar, you know?
So... all black Africans are also racist according to his logic. Long story short, every race is racist in their own countries.
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ALL liberal arts professors are retarded. ALL liberal colleges are a scam. ALL non-STEM degrees are useless. We have to unpack that! That's the work!
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Das rite kids, you're ours 5ever.
This is so fuckin true.
We need to continue to unpack the leftists agenda.
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how dare he??
ALL leftists are stupid! :^)
I can't disagree. It's time we stop playing the "I'm not racist" game as white people.

Non whites are not human. Heil Hitler.
Don't let them redefine words like racism or sexism.

They won't stop there.
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>law professor
>being that prejudiced

should be fired and disbarred
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Hypocrisy of anti-whites never end.

kek, this professor doesn't know what real racism/sexism is. Today we teach them?

>Yes, all Muslims are terrorists
>Yes, all blacks are criminals
>Yes, all illegal immigrants are illegal immigrants
If he had just said "all people are racist" he would have been correct.
Why do people care what (((((((((Professors))))))))) say about topics that can never be substantiated?
>Wow, what an edgy opinion statement!!
They still don't get it. I was none of these things until the yids and their useful idiots started pushing it.
This is exactly the kind of thing that drove me to find /pol/, along with others I know.
Has anyone bothered to prove that racism is bad?
I can't think of anything that would be more satisfying to me than forming a tranny squad who genocides every SJW on the planet.
>Giving a shit about what a literal Marxist thinks.
>Implying society can be easily identified and broken into a simple dichotomy.
Who fucking cares? Stay true to American values, vote for those who align with your values. Mind your own business and prosper.
>If all white people are inherently racist, and all men are inherently sexist, and the goal is remove "racism", and "sexism" and other "isms", what is the Final Solution?
Gassing everybody who isn't a straight white male.
Look like you're out of luck, OP
Then according to him, blacks are racist in majority black cities??
As long you know you and your ilk are next faggot sodomite.
stop trying to use the logic argument. it doesnt work.

"well according to your logic, then _________!" never works
they do not listen
use violence
I'm done with this fucking website.

You're here forever.
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No, the way they rationalize that is that "blacks don't have institutional power, and "racism" is only "power+privilege+discrimination"". But they never define "power".

Then they conveniently ignore when blacks have more power in certain cities, states, schools or institutions, or South Africa. They ignore Jewish overrepresentation and all the "institutional power" they have in the government, Hollywood, etc.

And they also ignore state-mandated affirmative action and forced wealth/welfare transfer from whites to minorities, which is literally institutional, legal discrimination.

This entire thing has such a weak foundation that I'm amazed that anyone with 90+ IQ falls for it, yet it infests academia.

>Professor calls diversity of thought ‘white supremacist bullshit’

>Feminist Professors Urge Scholars Not To Cite White Men in Research to Fight Racism

>Professor: 'white marble' in artwork contributes to white supremacy

>Professor calls whites 'inhuman assholes,' says 'let them die'


Because this is literally what they're teaching to entire generations of American and European children. Of course it matters. They're using your tax dollars in a lot of cases to teach your children to hate white people, that only whites can be "racists", to hate their own heritage, skin and history, that whites have some horrible, invisible "privilege" and "supremacy" and that everything wrong with their life is because of whites so they should embrace Marxism and anti-white policies/actions to fix it. Isn't that something lolbertarians should care about?

>Common Core creator admits he helped write Common Core to end "white privilege"
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I literally told you fuckers this was coming. White skin is proof of racism. Heterosex is proof of homophobia. Not getting run down by a truck of peace of proof of Islamaphobia.
Glad we have (((kikeservatives))) not doing anything about this. When your politicians worship Israel this is what your country looks like
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tweet him that "All black people are racist" so he can reflect on his obsession with race
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>this is considered "work" in academia
>we must stop using this textbook definition of ‘racism’
>let me redefine the meaning of racism so I can keep claiming to be oppressed and get gibs from the government
Every fucking time. When the left can't justify their position they redefine the terms so it fits their argument. Really tired of this shit.
This nigger should move to Africa if the US is too "racist" and "oppressive" for him.
They haven't even proved equality between races before our kike politicians jumped on the nationwide diversity is good propaganda
I aint unpacking shit, thats work for spics and nigs
What are those (((American values))) you speak of? I don't think Marxists should be allowed to breathe but libertarian cuckolds do
>research begins with a conclusion
Haha so this is the next mizzu. I hope Evergreen gets funds taken away
But africa is even more racist than us whiteys. and likely to brutally destroy light skinned prof for even returning there.
Because in the end it's death or gulag when these psychos manage to get real power.
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>Preston Mitchum even told Campus Reform that simply being a part of "any dominant group when it comes to race, gender, sexuality, etc. contributes to the oppression of other groups."
>Mitchum, expanding on his statements to Campus Reform, reiterated that “any person [who is] a part of any dominant group when it comes to race, gender, sexuality, etc. contributes to the oppression of other groups,”

>white people simply existing is racist

wtf maybe these crazy white nationalists have a point
They want us to be a nutrel species that has no original though or expression. Slowly taking away our humanity so we become mindless robots that they can easily control.
Well, what do you want, he is a marxist swine. Marx did the same thing - made up a conclusion and then look for clues to support that conclusion. Even the release of his books are in the same way - first the Manifesto and then Das Kapital.
Bunch of useless academia cocksuckers, one and all.
Here's a kernel of truth for everyone: progressives/anti-whites must be killed for there to be world peace.

It's the only way forward. Heil Hitler!

They never had true meanings anyway. They're Jew-conceived, nonsensical weapon-words. Just kill or otherwise push 'progressives' completely out of society forever and ban their poisonous terms. The greatest purge of degeneracy in history, with the biggest book burnings ever, is the only way to solve this enormous and rapidly expanding problem.
It's actually a good thing that those guys (especially if its a university professor) keep bashing whites.
Only strengthens out point that it's okay to discriminate against whites. This helps fuel white indentity movements. Hope they keep it up.
social "scientists" need to hang from streetlights
>wtf maybe these crazy white nationalists have a point
They're FORCING the greatest pro-white movement/pushback ever to happen. It's gonna be fun.
Why do lefties never capitalize? Do they think writing only in undercase is cool?
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All professors are pedos.
Racist white people and sexist men are problematic. We need to unpack those issues
wtf does unpack mean?
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>dominance is oppressive; if someone has more, they are taking from someone who has less
This is retarded. Being first place does not mean that you made last place a lesser person than yourself. It's basically an argument of the ultimate beta- "don't be better than me or else you're repressing me".

That doesn't sound like an argument from marginalization, rather it sounds like an argument against expressions of progress or any manifestation of strength, power, sexuality, identity in a way which triggers the eternally whiny faggot.
>nothing you do matters; you are still oppressing others if you are in a dominant group
hurr, being white is like being sinful! Nothing you do changes your wickedness!

If nothing we do changes us from being sinful, then there is absolutely zero, nada, zip, none, no reason at all to pay reparations, stop being racist, mind the marginalized, take care of those who are oppressed- I mean, if nothing we do changes these biosocial elements of inherent evil, then there is no reason to pay any social justice advocate any attention, as nothing will change and things will simply play musical chairs with the next dominant group repressing the later marginalized group which has to again initiate a sort of pseudo-revolutionary social adjustment that brings nothing new.
>stop using textbook definitions of racism
In other words, stop using the established, factual, original definition of racism and please start using our made-up, flimsy, nonsensical, paradoxical ones.
>I know they don't make sense and it requires us to use doublespeak and abuse newspeak while deriding opposition as repressive and racist but please just throw away all of the original definitions for the ones we made up! :))
It's telling that these so-called professors have to re-define everything and still don't make any sense or have any consistency with their stupid and illogical newspeak. These stupid faggots shouldn't be professors.
>already racist no matter what I do
>supposed to make me want to get on my knees and be a good goy when I'm damned by the liberals either way

For a professor this bloke is really dumb, eh? it's supposed to be a carrot AND a stick, not just two sticks.


Sieg heil! Lynch the niggers, gas the kikes, race war now. Non-whites are subhuman.

Liberals do more to help our cause than we do.
It's impossible for whites/men to ever be good enough for them because cultural Marxism, like regular Marxism, has no defined end goals. They say they want equality and harmony without ever defining what it means. A field is over 50% white or male? Racist. A field is perfectly equally between genders or races? Whites and men are still the "old boys" keeping other downs. A field is over 50% non-white or female? This is truth of their superiority and that it needs to increase more.

They have no end game, inevitably their policies lead to genocide, because they will never be satisfied.
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>Dr Nigger
This will never end until either Whites all die off or we retake our lands and remove these people. They will never be happy otherwise.
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This radical anti white type of thinking can only end in one way. Tens of thousands of young white men, forming tribal gangs and engaging in a national race war to free the people of America from the cuffs of the current system of things.

Imagine it now, massive amounts of young white men bearing skull masks, driven by they're maniacal enemies, the spawns of marxism. They March for freedom. They March for truth. This is the only righteous path. The liberation of the white race. Divided by the zog we are weak. Together we are strong.

Capitalization, grammar, and cursive writing are all tools of the white supremacist power structure intended to keep blacks down.
Are you sure this happened recently?
I could have sworn this image has been making the rounds for years and that seems like quite a bit of artifacting for a 1 day old image.
We did. We created civilisation for you. And you fucked it up, again and again
its true and we should own it instead of fucking apologizing for it all the time
Ok then, so now I guess if I'm a racist and sexist I should just call black people niggers and women bitches right? I mean, if I'm going to be labeled I might as well live it? If that is th e expected behavior I wouldn't want to disappoint...
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>“we must stop using this textbook definition of ‘racism’ because it doesn't take into account real world experiences of those who are on the receiving end of racism: people of color.”

This guy is a fucking idiot. He contradicts himself even in this simple paragraph. He's arguing that colored people don't have a say in what is and isn't textbook "racism" while arguing that their opinion is the ONLY one that matters on the subject. He's arguing for inclusion and in the very next sentence arguing for not including the opinions of 40% of the entire US population (white people). How do people keep swallowing such horse shit? And the brainwashed kids wonder why people think liberals are hypocritical assholes. This is it, right here.
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"unpack" in this instance is a call for indoctrination. If you repeat his opinion enough and try to silence any opposing viewpoints (which is the exact opposite of what a college is supposed to do) then it becomes somehow "true" in the sense that enough kids have grown up brainwashed to think like him. In this instance, "unpack" basically means infect the general public around you with this cancerous ideology just like most any other sjw train of thought.

College, in any country, has traditionally been a place where children/young people are exposed to differing opinions, learn what logical debate is, and drill down to actual facts. Campuses have just been subverted by zealous marxists and it's past time to take out the trash. The blowback from the public will reach a tipping point and we have a perfect example of what happens if you follow this moron's path. You get the current-day EU. This won't happen in the US. Period.
Yes, ALL fucking nigger should fucking hang. Yes, ALL trannies are mentally ill. Yes, ALL women should have no rights.
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>its true

It's not. A lot of whites have been brainwashed to hate themselves, to worship "minorities" and their cultures while hating their own heritage or claiming it doesn't exist, to think dying out as a race is fine because "we're all the same and we were oppressors anyway", that criticizing and shitting on whites is fine because it's "punching up", but to never say anything about blacks and Jews or anything they do, that there no major differences between the sexes and the races...

(((They)))'ve been dismantling white identity and culture for decades and indoctrinating whjtes to do it themselves,

Even a lot of men have been brainwashed to think traditional gender roles, "masculinity" (toxic), male authority, "patriarchy" and such are bad.

Can you imagine if a tweet like that was made about Jews or black people by a professor? The guy would've been fired in a matter of days. That's because white people have been indoctrinated to see anti-white sentiment and messages, even in white countries, as normal and acceptable. Before the 60s, this shit wouldn't fly.
But then you'd accuse us of thinking we are you're benevolent saviors.
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Yeah, if no matter what you do you're racist then why care? Nothing is going to change it apparently. If that's the case then why should we give a fuck if you think we're racist? It only has lower because people give a fuck about being considered it

If no matter what you do you're racist just for existing then feeling guilty for being racist is the same as feeling guilty for having green eyes because someone told you green eyed people are mean. Can't control it, can't change it, didn't choose it. Why should we care?
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ok, so waht?

What now?

They think this gives them power over us?
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The only way to fix racism is to remove all white people from positions of power, then from the entire country.

When nonwhites and Muslims take over, there won't be any racism or discrimination anymore, I promise.
There is only one case. The letter case.
I can think of another, erm, solution
We did it /pol/! Mission accomplished!
Well it's like they are asking us to take control here
You know what this sounds like ? A child asking their parents for help. And that's basically what they are t b h, they have been brainwashed by their white sjw teachers into believing everything they believe, pretty much paternalism, and as a result now they have an unstable vision of the world that is causing them issues.

They want white people to make them feel secure again because they are very uncomfortable about not being slaves anymore. And mean this literally, they have it ingrained into their head that they are former slaves, even though they were born in american capitalism, they are still slaves inside, now they have all been released at once and they are lost.

If you kidnap somebody and chain him up eventually he won't know wtf to do and miss the chains

I'm sorry guys but i like it. If it were up to me i'd also put giant "white people. do something." signs actually, those are very good as to awakening racial consciousness
>there wont be any racism left

There also won't be a country left. Looking at you, Palestine.
>We're always the victim we just haven't decided what flavor of victim we are to you yet.
So, this guy is sexist, right?
sad. fucking sad.

atleast the nignogs are automatically dumber than the rest of the world. Atleast they run faster.
Let the university fire him. We also can agree on using an anti-hate speech law against him.

Delusionals be like:
>"all whites are racist"
>"all men are sexist"
>"all cis people are transphobic"

Like WTF dude, we shouldn't accept this. This is also inequality and unfair. Literally, political correctness has fucked us up.
So lets implement moral correctness.
He's basically saying that racism, sexism, and others will never end.

So what's the point of combating it,
This, he isn't even wrong, i totally agree with him actually. However i conclude from it that it's normal and it's natural that things are this way.
That's the logic of an schizophrenic SJW
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no because she thinks racism = prejudice + power and niggers dont have power so they cant be racist, even when they've tied up your wife and rape the shit out of her and say shes an ugly white bitch who's paying repirations, because shes a white person so shes still the one in a position of power

>this is what niggers and cucks actually believe
>look it up
>its the same
>its all locked

wikipedia is ran by such fucking cuck retards, they have an entire page up about how "sexist" their own fucking site is, just because its mostly only men who are autistic enough to do something like be a wikipedia editor, and these autistic faggots are all self hating microdicked leftists


Kind of funny how there's 2 flavors of Kool Aid on the internet and the professors seem to like drinking a particular flavor.
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/pol/ is a superscience brain trust if that's "work".
>hates whites
>lives in white majority country>>134927560
all living creatures are racist and sexist.
The optics of unpacking: A book about Liberal Doublespeak
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If I am ALREADY racist, then I may as well treat non-whites as inferior.
If I am ALREADY sexist, I may as well treat women like trash.
Thus changing my actions does not change the label applied to me, yet his prophecy is self-fulfilling.
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>Preston Mitchum even told Campus Reform that simply being a part of "any dominant group when it comes to race, gender, sexuality, etc. contributes to the oppression of other groups."
So if I'm the one white household in a neighborhood of blacks, the blacks are contributing to my oppression, and are racist. This shit is so fucking retarded, so obviously incorrect, untrue, false, wrong. Do they not even think for five seconds about it?
>“all white people are racist”
Lets show him how much!!
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Damned if I do. Damned if I don't.

So I might as well
I recognize that bulge!

This. I'm perfectly happy being racist, sexist, and transphobic (if the trannies are ugly, qt traps are okay though).
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>40% of the entire US population (white people).
Nigger what? It's something like 63%-73% depending on if you count mestizos
He's not wrong

all of those things are natural and people innately fear differences or unnatural things

All niggers are racist
All women well women just want to be fucked
All cis people want to expand the trade federation
This is just the culmination of western victimhood culture. It is a contradictory inverted hierarchy where the people who get the most privileges are those who are considered the most oppressed.
So has this professor been dismissed yet? If those are his words they are clearly grounds for dismissal. I've heard of people saying less and ending up getting shit canned.
I can't wait for the inevitable slaughter.
Final solution is the death of America which is primary reason for degeneracy. First, it was women, then it was jews, niggers, gays, trans, 48 another genders.
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Kek all black people are niggers
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Black pipol be training in dem forests and sheeeit
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