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Anti Lauren Shilling

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Thread replies: 149
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just a friendly reminder that shills are trying to turn /pol/ against Lauren Southern with garbage like this, she is a virgin and non-jew. You're still either a sad beta loser or moron if you're a big fan of Lauren, but she is useful. That is the purpose of Anti Lauren shills.
>pre-emptive post to lefty shills: the post.
>she is a virgin
>and non-jew
Whoever made that pic is retarded.
Simonsen=Simonson=Son of Simon
Scandinavia was Christianized before they stopped using their parents first name as their last name.
>You're still either a sad beta loser or moron if you're a big fan of Lauren, but she is useful.
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>(((Lauren))) is useful
Like tits on a bull. As always, sage eceleb reddit tier garbage
>a virgin
Lol, don't be pathetic. She's an extremely attractive outgoing girl in her 20s.

Yes, she's Iberian and frankly that's alright.
>extremely attractive outgoing
Sometimes I forget some of you only see reality through a perpetual online filter.
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It's like if you change up Lauren's genetic makeup you make her look like anything!
She IS attractive. As for outgoing, I am guessing, because it's generally a necessary quality for a journalist.
>ultimately derives from

yes ultimately meaning the name Simon comes from Shimeon...Simon which was a common medieval european name and somewhat still is

Simonsen just being Son of Simon...typical medieval spelling

threads like this are hilarious because I guess op is trolling you to make you look stupid and you don't realize it? I dunno
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tfw pregnant Jewfu
Tactic = Counter Shill Harder

>Point out they are shills on the spot
>Attack their insecurities about never being 1/2 of the woman she is
>Then call them fat....and make sure they know literally 1/2 the woman
>Post anti-fem memes
>Post anti-DNC memes (It IS DNC Operatives trying to cause dissent)
>Post CTR, American Bridge & Shareblue memes
>Post CTR American Bridge Shareblue employees
>Post gore (They love it...it makes them have good dreams)
>Most of all keep them uncomfortable...
>Goal...make them not want to come back (Break their spirit)

This should be an anti-shilling manual. Use every aspect of 4chan to fuck with them.


Most of all...have fucking fun while doing it.
If your not laughing your ass off while doing it, your doing it wrong.
What kind of fag likes cute faced, blonde girls, with a decent pair on them? Wouldn't you rather have a waif with a cock?
typical 1 post OP
This over and over again
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This is not just leftypol. A resident neo-autist named Peter Moarberg is helping them.
Please take your time to read these. Also save & spread them wherever you see him.
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Proof 1/2
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she's self-promoted on /pol/ a few times.
My grandmother is a real Danish Jew and she (and her family) looks NOTHING like Lauren.
Simonsen is common as fuck in Scandinavia. It literally just means son of Simon
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>she is a virgin


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>Tweets about how bad the holocaust was for her family
>her name is Jewish in origin
>and doesn't name the Jew

According to your own example "Simon" is the English spelling.
Simonsen is a Danish last name, not Jewish.

We've been over this alreaedy.
>the enemy of my enemy is my enemy and always a Jew.
Kinda like how berg german/nordic rite
Oh great another fucking Lauren thread. Fuck op, e-celebs, and gay ass mods who don't do their jobs and delete these fucking threads
that's (((right))), replies Mr. Shekelsen
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Are you really attributing a common Danish name as Jewish you fucking kike? Are you really attributing a common Danish name as Jewish you fucking kike? Are you really attributing a common Danish name as Jewish you fucking kike? Are you really attributing a common Danish name as Jewish you fucking kike? Are you really attributing a common Danish name as Jewish you fucking kike? Are you really attributing a common Danish name as Jewish you fucking kike? Are you really attributing a common Danish name as Jewish you fucking kike?
You mean posted here a few times back in 2015.
That guys a fucking joke. At least he stopped using his name because he always gets so thoroughly mocked(just like rl)
Nah, he's been around the last few months, he's especially autistic even for 4chan.
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>She's an extremely attractive

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this is the pic nu-/pol/ has ingrained in its hive mind
T_D, Le Kekistani and e-celebs are nu/pol/.
Anybody got the screencap from a /leftypol/ chatroom where they admitted that calling alt-right/WN figures "e-celebs" was part of their tactic to get /pol/ not to support them?

Commies and kikes have always had a close relationship, and they use their sneaky tactics to undermine white society. They do it because they know they can't face open debate, or be honest about their ultimate endgoals.
She is still relatively attractive in this pic. But you would never know as you have never been intimate enough with a girl
to know what they look like without makeup. The public image is all you ever get see, and nothing more.
>she is a virgin

>relatively attractive
Kek, that picture really fucked with your mental image?
Lauren southern is fat.
No. But I'm sure someone will post is sooner or later. It has been floating around pretty often these days.
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>But you would never know as you have never been intimate enough with a girl to know what they look like without makeup

thank god
Ecclesiastes 11:9
Rejoice, O young man, in thy youth; and let thy heart cheer thee in the days of thy youth, and walk in the ways of thine heart, and in the sight of thine eyes: but know thou, that for all these things God will bring thee into judgment.

Revelation 14:4
These are they which were not defiled with women; for they are virgins. These are they which follow the Lamb whithersoever he goeth. These were redeemed from among men, being the firstfruits unto God and to the Lamb.
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Anybody promoting or hating on a youtuber is a shill. Fuck off and stop talking about youtubers.

Here you go (pic related)
Molymeme post HRT
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lauren southern IS stefan molyneux

new meme!
Having a Christian name = proof of jewish descent.

Did you know that jews stole names as well, there are several germanic surnames that goys have as well as jews.

The jews just changed their names to a common goy name and tried to blend in, that doesn't mean everyone with that name is jewish.
its a common norwegian name, it means the son of simon
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>hating on e-celeb
Not hating, just against promotion.
It is true tho, if you're here to promote some faggot youtuber you can fuck right off and if you're here to character assassinate you can fuck right off as well.
No one cares about that cunt but you leddit cross posters. Fuck off
derives from her ancestor simon. which had a son called simonsen. and after the naming-tradition died they just kept the name
This isn't /v/
she still looks hot
ok dude whatever you say if you like looking at men
I love canadian men

Spoiler: The war was hard for many, many non jews as well.
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Be adviced
Schills reaching this hard, must mean the girl is doing something to them
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She is redpilling more normies than we ever did
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She is still /ourgirl/
>giving a fuck about a fuckhole either way
I dont give a fuck what her politics are, if the bitch isnt tending to my 8 inch goddamn cock, then she's of no use to me.
You forgot to change your flag commie scum
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They started it around the turning of the new year. Amongst other things and different shill threads, they are attempting to alienate younger anons.

They are aware older people are more likely to view youtube e celebrities for different reasons than younger anons, who are still finding their feet in politics.

It is a divide tactic, except its almost pointless to try and divide an anonymous userbase (especially when they fail to realise we were never united in the first place, which is what made the boards interesting)

E-celeb cancer threads need to be restricted to ONE general maximum. Posting outside of it or making other threads on the topic should be a bannable offense.
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look man shes a roastie toastie who wears makeup and booty shorts

shes not salvageable

sure she has alt-light views probably a positive effect

but its not enough for me to like her
Go back to lefty-pol you fucking commie fag
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Could you make it any more obvious that you're leftypol? She's no Jew:

All of this was debunked ages ago. Meaning she's not a Jew and not a virgin, lol. Well the latter is uncertain, but she probably ain't, sadly.
commie shills, gtfo of my board! REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!
Lisa Kudrow was also attractive and outgoing, yet she lost her virginity after 30 to her husband.
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You have no power here.
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Anyone who supports Lauren Kikethern or Trump is a kekistani plebbitor
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who made you fuhrer?
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the ways of /pol/ are foreign to you.
not an army.
>Joseph Goebbels was a jew because name Joseph originated from Hebrew
>concern trolling some liberal with her non existing Jewish identity
you are not even trying
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>shills are trying to turn /pol/ against Lauren Southern
Shills are promoting Lauren on /pol/.

The finngolian shill is MIA ?
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You're not fooling anyone leftypol
It seems I was wrong
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>Listening to women

That's what got us in trouble in the first place, why fall for it again?
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She is virgin: Got Blacked
She is not a jew. Don't attended to alt-right conference because "her owners" said that she can't be seen with anti semitic people
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You went through the trouble of drawing a fake poll. You really must be a shill.
If she's for real she shouldn't be a virgin, she should already be married with three white children.
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shes waiting for thatguyT to settle down
Wrong. Nice try, leaf.

>be Canadian libertarian brunette politician of foreign jewish origin
>dyes hair blonde, makes alt-right friendly statements and gains money from youtube virgin viewers

People these days are too stupid. They cant spot frauds.
all this time and still no LS feet pics?
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Strawpolls are fake by definition.

/pol/ remembers who "owns" Lauren.
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Is shamelessly spreading lies part of Portuguese culture? She is 0% jewish.


She clearly left The Rebel because of disagreements with Ezra
So, based off that picture - is she a civic nationalist or something?
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Those tweets are old, she has clearly gotten more race-aware lately. Shills like to use old tweets to try to discredit people.
So, in your view, what do you think her beliefs now are then?
Her beliefs are the $$$. Shillboy over here >>134866728 gets probably some money for each view/donation.

I think she's suffering from cognitive dissonance. She's aware that race matters on some level and has no problem working with white nationalists yet she is scared of the "white nationalist" and "racist" labels.
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That's because she's associated with the Conservative party in Canada.


Who cares? She was a libertarian politician. Alt-right my ass! She does what she does for money and thats it.
I highly doubt she has interest in a long political career. She's already talking about dropping this stuff when she starts a family.
checked and approved by kek.
Great. She will then have a man to provide.
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I didn't claim she was alt-right or will be any time soon. But she certainly has been moving in that direction in 2017.
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>has danish heritage corroborated by relatives in denmark and dna profile
>has common danish name
>moarpheus (peter) comes along and devotes his life to insisting she's a jew because of her name

Ofc. How else do you fish likes on youtube?

She is >>134861382 but with a business oriented plan.
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you're missing the bigger picture. raising awareness of the outrageous situation in europe at the moment helps us, it doesn't matter whether southern makes youtube/patreon money out of it.

and look at that shit: 3 days ago, 195,347 views. she certainly has an audience, and because she's not issuing a full blown genocidal manifesto to the camera, her videos can be shared with friends and family on faceberg etc.
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You are the reason women put on pounds of makeup just to look okay.

She looks great in this pic, she just looks tired.
Plus putting makeup on your face damages it.

So please do me a favor and kill yourself?
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>she is a virgin and non-jew
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Moarpheus and Spencer are CIA LARPers

pic related is Moarpheus. he will try to make our culture look as cancerous as possible to the media
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this needs more visibiity
together with the one where her grandparent jewish fucks fleed the nazis

i bet (((he))) grabbed (((her))) by the pussy.
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she's going to have a family
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>person does something in the real world that benefits our movement
>e-celeb mentions it

Stop supporting Southern and other e-celebs and support the actual activists themselves like G.I. ,
And so fucking what you snivveling beta shit, do you think there's ANY time for not being "racist"? If you're not in there to change the establishment you are there for the shekels.
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ITT: hired online marketers for Lauren and her friends doing battle to defend their well-crafted shilling space with beta orbiters, fanbois, and thirsty virgins and the few free thinkers that remain:
>anyone who speaks ill of Lauren is shariablue/leftypol
Nupol is a fucking consumer cult.
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Lauren's Fingolian White Knight, in every thread, all hours of the day.

It could be a coincidence, but look how similar they are
She looks better with dark hair aslo ->>>134874572 muh dick

That's fine, i donated $250 dollars to her yesterday, she doesn't deserve all the hate she's getting.

/r9k/ needs to stay to its containment board, and she's done a lot more for our cause than the losers on /pol/
damn, she looks way worse with brown hair.
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Make Laura Queen of /pol/.

if you really believe we are trying to character assassinate her. (Which wouldn't surprise me any) Make her the Queen of /pol/.

That way you know anyone who disagrees isn't for the alt-right, or worse, is someone from my camp trying to get you guys to in-fight.

I respect my political opponents, and encourage you guys to not eat each other up like what's happening to us. (The left)

Why would any nationalist disagree with Laura? she has stated many times openly about the white genocide, and is actually making alt-right a main stream movement capable of competing against us.

We've grown way too big and have way too many useful idiots who just want to riot in the streets instead of actually having an intelegent conversation about communism, or how to avoid many of it's down sides.

You guys are the opposition we need. Don't collapse because of a bunch of shills are saying

"E-celebs are cancer" They are not. This is Politics, you are no longer a secret club. get over it.

>She is a virgin
Don't stop believing anon

>She is a Jew
Don't care
>derives from the Hebrew personal name Shimeon

Or, you know, maybe it's just Danish for "Son of Simon".
>she looks way worse with brown hair
Totally disagree with you actually
I'd fuck her.

People pay good money to fuck much worse than this.
at the end of the day, anyone pushing stuff that's close to our agenda, is helping our cause

Unity or Death
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doesnt matter of she herself isnt jewish, she still defends jews and israel and won't bring up the JQ.
why does she dye her hair? she looks better with dark hair.
There are significant more people that have Simonsen as a surname in Denmark, than there is jews in Denmark.

Every name that have this bibel name followed by -sen or -son, is a standard surname in Scandinavia.
Litterally the majority of the people in Denmark have a -sen last name.

Most people from northern Europe have a name derived from an ancient biblical name, with a hebrew origin.
This "identify the jew through origin of the name" is nonsense.
I have also noticed how every name that ends in -berg, is also assumed to be jewish. This is not the case either, its a common last name in Denmark as well.
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want gims
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Thread posts: 149
Thread images: 59

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