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Let's be fucking real, if the Jews were all suddenly dead

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Let's be fucking real, if the Jews were all suddenly dead today and the problems still persisted, you would just find another group to use as a scapegoat.
No because niggers would be in Africa
They're doing it now. White men created the modern mess, but want to only take credit for anything they consider "good" (which is often bad anyway lol) and blame everyone else for anything bad that happens. Rich white men have destroyed the West for pure profit motive, but /pol/ never grasps this. They just want to claim over and over again it's just jews, when jews aren't even the majority of the wealthy. The majority is white men. White men are literally destroying their own world and themselves and blaming everyone else while they're doing it.

See, OP? Literally the very next post. Rich white men are encouraging massive third world immigration to suppress wages, rich white men are causing massive chaos in the Middle East to make money, creating millions of refugees.

But it's all jews' fault. All of it. No white man has ever done anything wrong, unless he's left of a ShadowRun dragon.
they jews are subservient to the lizard people. they have a battle cruiser in orbit right now
Then they can eat the true red pill: Women are behind all the problems in the world.
The white men that do that are spiritual Jews. Capitalist or Jew pretty much mean the same thing.
>if the Jews were all suddenly dead today
>and the problems still persisted
>you would just find another group to use as a scapegoat.
no shit, if the jews are gone and the problems are still here, obviously it wants (just) them, and you have to look for additional causes. this is basic logic, what are you trying to imply?
Sage in all fields
Yeah well guess what? So are the white men who belong to jewish religions like jesuscuckery.
He means other than yourselves. You just proved OP right for like the third time in this short thread.
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>"Spiritual Jews"
>mfw that goalpost moving
Don't worry, nobody will take your ignorance away from you.
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were the slave owners jews?
was lincoln a jew?
was mlk junior a fucking jew

you deepshits brought this on yourselfs
and now suddenly it's the jews fault

i already heard /pol/aks say that they just blame the jews for lulz (no problem there), but it's those of you who really believe this shit that are fucking retarded

>points to all the jews in the top 1 percent
>you see jews control the world
are you fucking stupid? do you think those people really give a fuck about anything beyond expanding their own business and making more money?
if jews disappeared, the three candidates for /pol/ to hate would be:
who together with the jews control the american market.

when i first came here, i didn't know that /pol/ is just a more politically centered /b/.
so fucking basic

>kike detected
i'm not a kike, just haunted by my ip.
although israel IS kike sentric, it's not comprised of just jews, and most modern jews are atheists anyway (excluding the orthodox jews).
>difference in opinion

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It's not a difference in opinion at all. It's fucking basic math that objectively proves you to be liars. Most of the people in charge of this trainwreck are NON-JEW white men. Period. End of fucking story.

White men are shit. That's why the world is shit. You have ZERO ability to introspect and see your own star-sized character flaws.
I'm not sure but it's worth a try and even if you're proven right the Jews would be a long lost memory
>one post by this ID
>Harrison (((Ford)))
True, but the persecution would exist between the White Martians and White Earthers and we'd have solved most of humanities problems by now.
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holdap a second people, no need to crucify the whites yet.

the actual villains here are the rich people (of all colors and creeds) and an unregulated and unstable enough monetary system (be it capitalism or not).
but rember, you are the ones voting for those liars, and you are the ones refusing to study the most important subjects of our time (politics and sociology) and then blame other when the consequences of your choices come to bite you in the ass.
you either educate yourselfs and start voting
or be like me and just grab some pop, sit back, relax, and watch the world around you burn down.
not true

every race is intact in there own countries if for example you have a problem with indians you can just say no indians allowed here

with jews they have no homeland or country and are every where they have no alligence to anything so that's the problem hitler was talking about it

they are every where for example you go to war with jews in your country there are jews in another country that will fight for them

for example you are a black man you do business in your country you get fucked up by black jews who form a group and fuck you up he will also gang up with jews in another country to fuck you up even more so there is no way to excape jews

also there is no way to excape goat them it's true when the greek bail out was happening jewish owned business got favourable treatement

look at youtube pewdiepie got shit on by sjw but jewish youtubers like h3h3 don't even get mentioned in a negative way
Of course. The eternal (((Anglo))) is up next.
>the problems
what problems?
history doesn't talk about it but jew's had a big hand in slavery and the whites wanted to end slavery cos they didn't want blacks in there area

also jews push for multi culturalism but in there own country of isreal they don't have it hell they even have phone lines set up to stop interacial relationships
>were the slave owners jews?
yes. 50% of slave owners in america were jews. jews also controlled the trans atlantic slave trade.

what is your point?
only one way to test your hypothesis
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(((Rich white men)))
Lets be fucking real, if all Jews were suddenly dead, most of today's problems would be drastically reduced. Sure, there's some pozzed whites whose minds have been infected with the anti-white memes of Semitism, but let's not forget what the electoral map would've looked like if it were only whites voting. Trump landslide.

If the Jews were suddenly gone, whites would go on to fill all the empty spots in Hollywood to retake culture and reprogram society
>Rich white men
provide some names
Easy now Lovecraft
Jews are the oil reserve in the machine of degeneracy, meddling, social strife, and greed.
Drain the oil reserve, and yes the machine still will probably crank, and still work. To some puttering effect. Somebody of another people will always come along with their little oil can, to wet the gears, and spark things up for a quick run in their societies again.
But it won't work as well, and it won't go nearly as far, nearly as fast.
>history doesn't talk about it
then who does talk about it?
please give us a precise example anon
>but in there own country of isreal they don't have it
nigguh please
we were europe before europe
fugees, arabs (from all over the world), turks, russians (like me), sudanese, morocans, french, etc.
name it, we have it.

evidence please
links to legit articles would be appreciated
if it is so i would like to learn more

but if its just another bulshit story propogated by the daily stormer
then my point is that IF you'd look for someone to put the blame on for the modern dindus then it is the US founders and sustainers that bred those vermin, so it's their fault.

änalogys are not real data you fuckwit,
this is not /lit/.
yep, that's how it works. Jews are just one group of tribalistic faggots. The problems of the world would stay the same, and big issues like nuclear proliferation are never going away.
No, because the world would enter it's golden race without nigga, chinks and lizardmans.

shill or bait.
>I'M JEWISH: the post
>political discussion in the 21st century
>calling someone a nigger/kike/chink/shill
>statements with no substance

you are the reason this board is full of shit.

instead of giving people research data and reading material to make them really think it through, you just throw around some derogatory buzzwords and expect idiots like you to agree.
which makes me think that you're either baiting or just buttpained.

>I'M RETARDED: the post
once again, no substance

i get it, you're here for the memes and shit, and it's ok by me.
what i don't get is why would you waste your time replying if you only stick out as an underage retard amongst people who actually have somewhat reasonable discussions about politics?
>makes up a scenario
>pretends it is both legitimate and authentic
this is why we call you "delusionals": you objectively are. I'll throw your post onto the mountain of evidence we already have that you should not legally be allowed to vote.
>...mountain of evidence...
lingos and buzzwords is all you have.
probably a homosexual too
Every ideology needs a bogeyman to protect from the pain of realizing your own faults
>Let's be fucking real, if the Jews were all suddenly dead today and the problems still persisted, you would just find another group to use as a scapegoat.

Let's kill all Jews and check if problems still exist. If problems don't exist, it means that we were right.
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>come here
>look, i just memed on the internet
>look, look
>i really showed those jews
>i memed them hard
>now the niggers in my school won't mess with me
>or i will meme them too
>where are my tendies mom

fucking degenerate
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Pretty big reaction there, Shlomo.
Do you know that feel?
Let's try it and find out.

>if your greatest problem has disappeared, why would you look for the next greatest problem?
you seem upset
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It'd be one hell of a morale booster, i tell you h'whut
A lot of good jobs would open up, amirite?
are a you a full time meme warrior?
or is it a hobie?

>Do you know that feel?
you mean the feeling of being a closeted homosexual?
nah bro, that's all you

upset is a big word
disappointed maybe
shit, i'm all in for a good convo about politics, and if anyone here hates the kikes it's gonna be me, but for legitimate reasons (i live with them, i know what they are)
yet all i see is a bunch of self proclaimed memelords on a meme crusade against intelligence.
even /b/ is tired of that shit, imagine what that says about /pol/

>yfw your grandpa was raped in a concentration camp
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We won't find out unless we try.
wow, what an original response
you really got us jews
can you give us some more of those quirky remarks

Thanks for the journal entry, Anne Frank.
And I'm in the closet?
You seem really mad.
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>you would just find another group to use as a scapegoat.

>Implying the Jews are a "scape goat".
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>the word is hobby
>not even close, literally dumpster tier
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No. We would apologise to the Jews and then go after the real culprits to avenge our newly deceased Semitic brethren. Their sacrifice will not be forgotten.
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I could point out how affirmative action was a Jewish creation in both Canada and in the USA, how they were the driving force behind opening our borders, how the lawsuits that allowed near unrestricted abortion in our countries were both lead by kikes or hell I could lay out the thousands of hooked noses behind the drug/porn/tranny degeneracy they target our children with.. etc. etc.

this kike is right
But the jews still exist.
Question discarded.
Yes. Indoctrinated white lefties and coloreds
Then after that, who knows
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More scapegoats.
>if jews disappeared, the three candidates for /pol/ to hate would be:

You're forgetting niggers. Racist.
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No the problem are the kikes. They are responsible for virtually all of the dire issues in our nations, i'd argue all of the dire issues.
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Even more.
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We know who brings them in. Who funds the ngos. Who blasts multicult at our kids all day while telling the savages to come to Europe.
>the actual villains here are the rich people (of all colors and creeds)
The ONLY thing wrong with rich people is that I'm not one of them.
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The jews have always been the scapegoats. Who is not a better scapegoat than them, traders that likes to show of their wealth.
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It's the classic Jewish trick they tried in Germany after their revolution. Don't blame us, blame your successful tribe members. Don't worry the rats will off them for you at the first opportunity.
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Sage Noseburg.
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When looking at this and society in general we must remember they are 1-2% of the population. Only when looking at the sheer odds can we understand the level of subversion and nepotism.

>One Jew.. 1:50
>Two Jews in row.. 1:2500
>Three Jews in a row.. 1:125,000
>Four Jews in a row.. 1:6,250,000
>Five Jews in a row.. 1:312,500,000
>Six Jews in a row.. 1:15,625,000,000
>Seven Jews in a row.. 1:781,250,000,000

> if the Jews were all suddenly dead today and the problems still persisted,
but they wouldn't so your thread is stupid
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>all these faggots agreeing with OP

Holy shit I share a board with such gutless faggots?
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>muh jewish subversion
>proceeds to engage into bs statistics to sway opinion
Stomwieners never cease to amaze me.
lol, if all jews are dead, humanity wouldnt survive 3 days. you are the dumb cattle, and we are the shepherd.
If America pulled the defense aid/ funding, Israel wouldn't last 3 days before being overrun by bloodthirsty savages.
do you mean like in 1948 when we declared our independence and 5 muslim nation armies attacked us and the USA declared an embargo on Israel, and we still crushed them? relax, greatest ally.
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>If we stopped parasitizing you you would be worse off than you are now!
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No I'm not talking 1948. I'm talking NOW. When Saudis, Iran, turkey, Syria, etc. Have modern armies and technology to glass you without warning.
Also, "declared our independence" is a funny way of saying "were previously being wrecked by Germany and had to orchestrate America entering the war to save our own ratskins for muh Israel".
Yes they are a small group. How do all criminals work today, they use people and fronts to cover themselves while giving direction. Why not hire jews then, they always take the blame.
The Koch brothers, the Waltons, Bill Gates. How long do we have to be here?

Now post one with the 100x more goyim.

Isn't it amazing that /pol/ NEVER mentions the Koch brothers, even though they basically own the country?
Good, then you blood sucking fags don't need our money or weapons.

I'd love to see the jew problem FINALLY SOLVED.

Our world will not see peace until every one of you fuckers have been smoked to ash.
Well, the one taking over if not Whites
AT LEAST they are not as bad as Soros.

One jew at a time. They will all die of old age soon.
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Jews created Islam
The Jews are merely the maggots eating at the festering wound. Simply removing them does not make the festering wound any better.
This ^
But slavery started in africa, everyone else just liked the concept an did it too.
Maggots eat dead flesh thus cleaning the wound
Maggots are useful
Jews, not so much
Bad analogy.
Well when the Jews go the Muslims will become rich and after that the blacks after they're all gone we will still have problems with white, Asian, Arab and Persian liberals and feminists
Is it? Do you think the Jews had anything to do with the French Revolution, which set this whole mess up in the first place? They were a peripherally present people locked in their ghettos. They simply took advantage of Napoleon throwing open the gates and giving them "their rights."

The problems facing Western Civilization go far deeper than the Jews.
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hey greatest ally, i want you to know that you are welcome for all the priceless technology we give you, and we accept your little token of appreciation, it's the though that counts, even though it is a meaningless fraction of our budget, and we lose good deals because of our agreement. we like you, and that is way we will continue to help you to exist.
no you go beg a jew to give you a job or lend you his money. crawl like the slimy worm that you are.
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Once there is no more rotten flesh they eat the healthy flesh
Buttfuck, I was commenting about your maggots and wound comment you stupid cunt. Read the post above mine.
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You have a billion mud neighbours with trillion dollar sovereign wealth funds. Your pathetic race exists because the white man actively ensures you exist. Young whites are going to demand a return on the trillions we've wasted on you inbreds. At the very minimum.

We get worse than nothing for supporting you rats. The Iranians would not only buy our shit but they would help us destroy the remnants of Jewish influence.
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Virtually all the kikes in the USA came after the 1930's. They've cost a shitload and contributed less than nothing to our societies in aggregate.

If you won't give us a return on the trillions we've spent we'll see if the muds will pay your debts.
There would be lingering ills even after the jews are gone.
It'd take about 50 years to rid of the damage.

And theres a order
First get rid of the jews
Once rid of the jews, no one would be against getting rid of the niggers, then the muslims, then the gays.
Then either the atheists would convert or shut the fuck up.
Can we just settle for getting rid of the jews? Niggers I can deal with.
>spot a kike on the internet
>where's my book of simple buzzwords and quirky remarks
>oh, there it is
>you mad?
>greedy kike
you fight a good fight anon

>nothing to say
>let me just point out one mistake that he made
>now the white race is secure

everyone already hates the niggers, jews or not.

all religion is a fucking plague on the face of the earth.
there's no conspiracy here,
there's lots of non jewish businessmen that want to fuck you over too, not because they belong to some creed, but because they are businessman.
now ask yourself why would any successful businessman support multiculturalism if not for monetary gain.
now i'm not implying that there's no personal agenda at all, but, saying that only jews control the world is just ignoring reality.
what, you think the saudis care for the white race, or the chinks.
in the end of the day it just proves that racism is bad business that's all.

"Yes. Jacob Rader Marcus, a historian and Reform rabbi, wrote in his four-volume history of Americans Jews that over 75 percent of Jewish families in Charleston, South Carolina; Richmond, Virginia; and Savannah, Georgia, owned slaves, and nearly 40 percent of Jewish households across the country did. The Jewish population in these cities was quite small, however, so the total number of slaves they owned represented just a small fraction of the total slave population; Eli Faber, a historian at New York City’s John Jay College reported that in 1790, Charleston’s Jews owned a total of 93 slaves, and that “perhaps six Jewish families” lived in Savannah in 1771."

anything else to add?

yaknow blacks owned slaves too
any respected family had slaves
but most were white

>us jews
>Posting from Israel

Why don't you take your brethren and fuck off in your designated desert? At least our tax money that flies to your country would be justified then. Jews must choose, either live there or die elswhere.
Shit we should just make an auction with the muds and the kikes. Whoever loses gets glassed. Europeans are the only group that put artificial limits on ourselves.
>White men take credit for anything good

No we don't, we take credit for building western civilization, which we did. Western civilization is not world civilization it's OUR civilization. IF you don't think it's good then get out. Chances are you're an anchor baby here for gibs anyways.
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We dont care about the past, we care about today.

There will be no peace on earth until all Jews are gone. You start all the wars, you feed the financial corruption, you exploit people, and you think non Jews are here to serve you.

You are a scourge on every society.
Nope. White complacency and inaction is the main issue. Before classical liberalism took over life was shit, bit kikes got regular beatings and pogroms.
We often use Jew as a shorthand for leftists and cultural marxists. There are many right-wing orthodox Jews who don't celebrate degeneracy or want Third World immigration. The left would still exist without Jews, but it would be set back without them.
but why?
a jew never attacked you
a jew never personally stole from you
i bet you've met jews you didn't even think were jewish
all your hate is coming from a little sect of retards that has only memes and conspiracies to back them up, you're like tom delonge of the internet.
now replace the word jews with businessman and there's your problem
you think what, if i live in israel that means i swim in gold?
no my friendo, just like in any other country we have corrupt politicians, corrupt businessman, etc.
also, its well established by now that israel is just americas proxy state in the middle east, so the taxes you pay, don't really go to waste (although i think they are).
if you don't like it, start voting and stop bitching online.
Assuming the kikes died tomorrow and there was no counter-regulatory force in place to prevent the transmutation of Jewish Interests, or the seizing of the Jewish Machine by Non-Jewish fools who wanted to etch out power with the ZOG weapon...
You're right. I would shift the blame onto the group that took over as the Neo-Kikes.

If there were a body, force or movement in line to prevent that seizure of Jewish power and therefore stunt or decapitate any potential Proto-kike upstarts
Then no. Because there would be no problems.
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excellent graph
I especially like how we're supposed to figure out what it represents on our own.
Top notch.
To put that into good goy / shabbos terms
If there was a group of people who could replace the post modernist kikery with traditionalism as soon as the kikes perished, there'd be no problems. Kikes rely on the degeneration of social morays and conventional morality.
It's all economics.

If blue suits are fashionable, then everyone is going to buy a blue suit. Once everyone has a blue suit, product sales drop.
So, naturally, over the course of many many decades, the kikes have manifested thongs for 6-13 year old girls because it's the last thing no one's bought yet.

Undo the consumerist mentality and restore traditional values and the power of the kike goes away.
also, There will be no peace on earth period.

if nothing else left, no jews, niggers, arabs, leafs... pure whites would start fighting over the shape of their nipples.

i think a good analogy for singling out jew as the villains is when feminists accused men of the wage gap
if you look into the details it won't be black and white like you want it to be.
>i want you to know that you are welcome for all the priceless technology we give you
Your hubris never ceases to amaze me. The mere fact that you think that you "create" anything is your one true very short-sighted downfall. How do you people not see that you aren't builders or creators. Yes, you are quite literally the best at taking what others have accomplished and turning those things into cash-cows and wealth producing bonanzas. But your ability to work from the ground up has been erased from your genetic history since your Roman ousting from your homeland.

>With every other people in the history of the world, LAND - actual territory - has been the fundamental on which the people's existence has depended. You cannot imagine a France, an England, an Egypt, a United States, a China, a Japan, an Italy, a Sweden or any other nation without land from which the nation earns its living and which, in a spiritual sense IS the nation. Yet there is one nation, which has lived for almost two thousand years WITHOUT a foot of soil on which to earn a living - the Jewish nation. How low did they do it? The answer is that the Jews have always used other PEOPLE as other people used LAND.
George Lincoln Rockwell
>Undo the consumerist mentality and restore traditional values and the power of the kike goes away

not just the kikes
You are working overtime today, Rabbi!
Have a shekel on the sabbath!
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Oy Vey!
Jews are but simple merchants!
Don't even know what the federal reserve is you brain dead tumblrina?
oh, ok guys i get it now.
you use the term jew/kike as a substitute for businessman.
in that case i hate the "kikes", libtards and dindus too
just skop dismissing what i write based on the ip i'm plagued with, I'M NOT A FUCKING JEW!
you fucking IP supremacists
>pic related
>We dont care about the past, we care about today.

People like you are the reason why humanity is suffering today. Many problems could be avoided if more people knew the history.
Think about it. It explains Western Replacement and all the Leftie social movements to the hilt.
Slut Shaming, race mixing, homosexuality, trans-sexuality, the central banks, fashion, music, movies, television, special interests... etc.

White Privilege is just the icing on the top of the cake that simultaneously legitimizes the genocide of our people AND has an entire grouping of the population willfully and GLEEFULLY walking to the chopping block (White Traitors)

It's all to replace us with people who are OFFENDED by Western culture so the chain can be reforged from the first link.

On the plus side, this is good news in a way, since that means that the White Race can't die out completely but only be returned to barbarity similar to the Middle East today so that when the Arabs need to be genocided, we'll be there to do it.
woah, don't stir the pot so ferociously my friend, there are young 12 year olds in here that don't like to be reminded that their own government fucks them over
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heres the pic
This must have been what Herr Hitler saw in Berlin. It wouldn't surprise me that he drew the same conclusions.
The White Race and all our culture needs to be destroyed to make room.
It's no secret that Berlin was basically as bad or worse than what we see today. Homosexuality, orgies, drug use, 20,000 suicides a year, bestiality, depravity, alcoholism, birth rates stalled and plummeted.
The Jews couldn't sell them anything more so they incited England against them.
just noticed that you can change flags now
problem solved
Jews aren't white.
WW1 was about the creation of Israel. The Greater Israel Project is the Jewish Bastion.
There's a reason the kikes wanted the UN in Israel.

WW2 was about cementing the Jewish claim on the land in Palestine to erect their Golden City which would be untouched by the world filth they create just outside their walls.

Everything after WW2 has been leading up to WW3 and an exercise in socio-economic geopolitics.

Herr Hitler must have seen this happening and tried to destroy the chain. He almost succeeded.

Now it falls on us to carry on his work.
tell me, but be real for a moment, do you know the roman empire fell?
or any big empire for that matter
was it the jews
it's always the same pattern:
loss of values
centralization of public utilities
increase in production of art and fashion
but now suddenly out of nowhere: THE JEWS ARE TO BLAME!
am i right or am i wrong?
please tell me
do you know how the roman empire fell?
jew aren't anything
anyone who proclaims he's a jew becomes one
many are white tho

don't make me kek
do you really believe this?
if so, please give some sources to read into

and for the love of kek, can someone please define a jew besides one's claim he is one
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But the problems wouldn't persist
based on what?
I agree with you, anon. My quick rundown is this: shit would be/is/will be just as fucked up without Jews, but there wouldn't be anyone fanning and directing the flames. If a nation falls to it's own degeneracy, so be it. But Jewish self involvement and influence in such things in nations other than Israel is poison in a wound that must be drawn out.
there will always be someone to profit off of your degeneracy
jewish or not
good business is good for business
possible. But Jews got the market cornered there- Siphoning off the blood and oxygen of others, corrupting minds, deceiving.
are you new? I guess so. The fact that all international banks are run by jews. The EU would be gone, so would the UN, and IMO, and World Bank.
Countries would run themselves again
not to mention the health of our societies would be greatly increased, and people would notice it was because of the jews, then we would have real change.
They're infinitely worse, you retarded shit. You white niggers just don't care because they're at the head of pushing voodoo economics bullshit.
>are you new?
are you new to real life?

>Countries would run themselves again
into the fucking ground mabe

without jews (which you imply, exclusively run all aforementioned utilities), there will be others that will replace them.

good scenario: absolutely nothing changes, and you'll have no one to blame

bad scenario: the world plunges into chaos, and you'll miss the good old days when "jews" "controlled" the world

choose one anon

central banks:


although UN is fucking stupid it is still not a black and white manner

dont just listen to cnn or fox news, do the reading yourself and then formulate a proper response.

more buzzwords and lingos, no substance at all.
Because we'd have to clean up after them

FPBP. Also there would be 0 Muslims in Sweden once the media complex goes away and all the white traitors are hung
why do you care about sweden so much?
it all looks so cool and easy on the paper, to just kick out all the fugees and say fuck'em.
and i wouldn't be surprised that a dull witted american with no prior experience in politics would think so, basing their knowledge on pepe memes and racial slurs they found on 4chan.
BUT, reality is, much more complex and there are a lot of bureaucracy and boring politics involved.
but don't you worry your puny little mind with that, just call me a nigger lover or a kike and TADA, the white race is saved
From my understanding it had a lot to do with stretching the empire too far with too little Roman influence. They kept expanding and expanding and expanding the empire but couldn't hold on to any of it which is why a bunch of Germanic tree niggers like the Visigoths and Vandals managed to sack Rome.

Doesn't help that Rome wouldn't let any of it's military into the actual City.
This was meant for >>134699413







More or less these books. This is my own theory and I don't have any sources to cite beyond the books I built this theory off of.
One of the things that bothered me the most about the Jewish Question was the motive. No one seems to want to explain it.

William Pierce talked about the end result. The cultural influence which is bad enough, that's what we're fighting, but without understanding the mechanics behind it it's very hard to come up with a plan of action.


These two books too.
well my point was that every big empire goes through the same stages before it collapses,
the same stages that the modern US goes through
today, degeneracy being one of the common symptoms.
and just like it wasn't the jews who were responsible for it before, it isn't the juice responsibility today.
the modern liberalism and degeneracy are just a symptom of rapid development and growth, and not the scheme of some evil kikes.

before i start reading into it, can you answer but one question?
does your theory permit for one to declare that he's a jew and thus be a jew, or is it strictly a matter of what blood type you got?
>boring politics
Bullshit and fuck you.
We don't need paperwork or government to pack shitskins back on a fucking raft and push them back towards Africa.
I don't think it matters much to be honest. If someone declares himself a Jew it's most likely because he's marrying into a Jewish family.
To my knowledge the Movers and Shakers behind the Ethno-migration movement are ethnic Jews. The loudest voices, like Barbara Spectre and Lawrence Grossberg and Cynthia Levine-Rasky to name but a few.
Hey anon, you ever heard the phrase "Jews are out front leading the fight bravely" in regards to anything but Israel?
Me neither.
You better start doing your words in America.
It's coming. Be patient.
> What is the Frankfurt School
> Karl Marx was Jewish
> Communism is literally a Jewish ideology
Yes I do as they had the most to gain from it happening
Rothchilds were already obscenely wealthy by then
it is the one thing thing that you absolutely require dumbass
reality is not your playground to do what you please.
you want them out? start voting and filing papers
otherwise, your kids will get raped and you will bear the responsibility.

it's hard for me to imagine them waking up in the morning with the sole intention of "destroying the west and europe" because of something that happened almost a decade ago,
my first guess would be business and racking up support for monetary reasons.
i may or may not be wrong, but i'll check into it later.
thanks for bringing that to my attention

>countries care ,first and foremost, for their own interest
believe me anon, you wouldn't want it any other way.

yet the people that implemented them weren't, so what is you point?
generally speaking everyone in history falls in one of three following groups:
sand dindus
you can easily cherry pick all you want.

btw, if communism is a jewish ideology,
and jew control the world,
why are you not living in soviet america?
we wont know until we try. i say lets genocide each and everyone in the name of science
No, it isn't. That's what the Jews do. Push the line forward with compartmentalized deception, always from the shadows, never proudly out in the open. Look at white/western history. It's all fun and games til the white folk organize. Then, years after the hammer falls, it fell so hard that whole nations of cunts like yourself cant quit crying over it.
>muh native Americans
>muh slavery
>muh holocaust
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There can be only one, desu.
I've been personally Jewed by kikes a couple times, so, I guess I just blew your whole theory about memes and conspiracies out of the water. You people are a fucking cancer
Just by going through the Amerigoy school system, we've all been jewed personally for over a decade.
Except it is that black and white. You can look into basically any major event that involved hardship and if you look deep enough, Jewish fingers manipulate everything behind the scenes. I agree with you that singling out Jews from the businessmen is an error of scope, but to imply that Jews dindunuffin is beyond laughable.

Don't you think it's odd that every kind-hearted society that took in Jews eventually became anti-semitic? Do you think it's strange that the Jews were ousted from every single society they've ever been a part of? It's almost as if they have a habit of doing things that society as a whole doesn't approve of and eventually it catches up with them.

Also, I don't think most of /pol/ judges all Jews negatively. I offer everyone I meet common courtesy regardless of their creed or color, but some stereotypes keep proving themselves right no matter how many times you look.
bitch please
america is full of corruption and devices not only other countries but its own citizens too.
shit, it deceives its countryman most of the time.
do you really need example for that one?

care to devise a story?
otherwise your whole reply is kind of weightless, no?

how so?

> You can look into basically any major event that involved hardship and if you look deep enough, Jewish fingers manipulate everything behind the scenes.
yet you don't need to look that deep at all to see how christianity and islam were involved in the same events, even to this day.
point is, every big event has lots of people involved,
and where there's lots of people, you bound to eventually stumble across some kikes.
but let's refrain from cherry picking.

and i never said they dindunuffin,
but when the do somethings it's not because they are jews, but because their your everyday greedy businessman whose first priority is personal monetary gain.

mix common racism of said countries and the tightly knit and nomadic yet progressive lifestyle of the jewish communities and you get the rise of antisemitism.
these communities through they are letting harmless simple minded gypsies in, to keep them as pets or lower class citizens,
but instead got well educated hard working people. that intimidated the lazy locals,
thus the hate.
guess nothing really changed.
but can you really blame them for winning the money game through communal support of peers.
maybe instead of hating them, you need to strive to be like them.
or at least learn a thing or two.
>maybe instead of hating them, you need to strive to be like them.

>Revelation 2:9

Go for it friendo
>but when the do somethings it's not because they are jews, but because their your everyday greedy businessman whose first priority is personal monetary gain.
The problem is that Judaism brings out that "Greedy businessman." The religion encourages it. It's part of the scripture.

No matter how much you dance around it, people don't like other people joining their group who don't share the same in-group preferences. If Jews could have assimilated into the population, nobody would notice or care. That's not the case though, is it? Jews have to have their own in-group preferences, even within a larger society that they take part in. This is the problem. Everyone else is willing to make their in-group (be it Christianity, atheism, etc) come second to their country and their nationality. Not so with Jews.
>but can you really blame them for winning the money game through communal support of peers.
Yes. Yes we can hate them. Why? Because we include them in our society and our civilization, yet they don't include us in the same way. Jewish in-group hiring is a real thing, not a meme. Why do you think so many major companies end up all Jewish at the top? Non-jews don't care who they hire, so long as the person is qualified; but the favor is not returned.
>if the Jews were all suddenly dead today and the problems still persisted, you would just find another group to use as a scapegoat.
Stormcucks would still find a way to blame da jooooooooos
Correct. We have enough issues without needing to add kikery and usury. So bottom feeders like you have to go first. Your greed is the wellspring of all corruption and deception.
(((sociology))) gtfo kike
You are such an obvious Jude.

>2% of population
>absurd amount of wealth
>50%of billionaires and 1%
>own major banks like ((Goldman Sachs)) or ((Blackrock))
>own all major Media Cooperations
>use media and art to transform society
>push degeneracy and ((freedom and tolerance))
>known to be communist
>old religious scripts literraly nazi germany tier racist
Oy vey goyim you filthy racist ! We earned that by hard work and not nepotism and usery! We also totally don't want to change your values and ethnic heritage,throug ((immigration)) and the ((Media)).

100% based and right.
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no we would just get rid of the problems the jews created
the browns
btw, i side with /po/ on most issues
the reason i raped this thread was because it was hard to show support when every time i comment or try to have a decent convo, someone just dismissed me as a kike propagating multiculturalism even tho i myself really hate niggers and fugees.
but now that i found out you can change flags, i will proceed to no give a fuck about 12yo faggots.

yeah, no.
bible is a joke, and i'm not having this conversation now

>Judaism brings out that "Greedy businessman." The religion encourages it. It's part of the scripture.

in modern day the only thing that encourages jew is capitalism, you won't find bibi or any other prolific jewish businessman in a synagogue nor will you catch them doing Mitzvah, basically they are jews only by name.

>If Jews could have assimilated into the population, nobody would notice or care

aside from orthodox communities most jews are assimilated and not only do they help the local communities, the propel growth in business and they produce well educated citizens, which reduces crime.

>major companies end up all Jewish at the top? Non-jews don't care who they hire, so long as the person is qualified; but the favor is not returned.

a good businessman won't lose money on a bad worker just because he's the same ethnicity as him, but it just so happens that most jews have good education and high working standards.
everyone who's not at the top is a bottom feeder.
being that most of rich white men are jews, that makes you, the real bottom feeder.

>(((education))) gtfo kike
>(((voting))) gtfo kike
>(((better life))) gtfo kike
stay ignorant in your shithole and never change for all i care.

stop piggybacking off of other people's opinions and formulate your own

also, instead of just calling me a judge,
read my replies and spare yourself some time.
btw how's your dad doing after he was butraped by fugees.

wow the originality just pours from every orifice in your body, eh?
if you got cancer
and then some day you just wake up with it cured it will not change all the problems it gave your body
>White men created the modern world and everything on it
fixed it for you
>aside from orthodox communities most jews are assimilated
So we agree orthodox Jews need to go then? If you can't/don't want to assimilate, leave. If you don't leave, you're a problem.
Really? Lets look at that math. 46% of the top 1% is Jewish, while Jews make up only 2% of the population. Divide the rest of the 1% among whites, latinos, asians, etc, and and Jews make up a majority of people you say are "responsible." Care to retort, kike?
Of course. Because it's not just Jews....
However, it's popular to mindlessly blame these days.
Let's find out if exterminating the jews fixes all our problems first, and worry about the rest later.
> if the Jews were all suddenly dead today and the problems still persisted
>If the problems were all suddenly gone and the problems still persisted
How does this work?
i despise those cunts and they ruin their own country

>Jews make up only 2% of the population
well the rest of the population is comprised of niggers, spics, gooks, sand dindus and cunts like you, so there's not much to choose from.

you're like the tenth person to say almost exactly the same shit

talking about hivemind

woah, you just saved the white race with that on point remark.
good job anon *clap*, *clap*, *clap*

truth, fuck off stormtards
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Now you're just running out of steam. Jews arent white. Whites are creators, builders, innovators. Jews are destroyers and consumers...No stamina. No strength. No conviction. Just a lust for shekels...

> the problems still persisted
You mean just general problems or the ones Jew's make? Because if you're talking about the ones Jew's make it's illogical to assume the problems would still persist without Jewish influence in media, government, porn, and banking.
Yes in this imaginary world you've created where Jews were removed and there was still " problems " I suppose we'd move in process of elimination to the group or people responsible for the " problems ".
Right now it's Jews. Thanks.

I didn't call you a judge I called you a Jude.

It literally is like Goebbels said,the moment somebody calls you out you are full of resentment.

>btw how's your dad doing after he was butraped by fugees.
weak,very low energy reply!

>stop piggybacking off of other people's opinions and formulate your own
I am not doing it,the thing is you faggot can't come back with a decent reply to the obvious facts.Instead you just shit talk other posters.

Jews obvious overrepresentation in international Finance,the Media and left wing politics+degeneracy is just ((pure coincidence)).
The problems wouldn't persist, sans the cultural damage dealt by the Frankfurt School through the University of Colombia and its push into all authoritative positions in academia.
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The meme (((jews))), isn't equivalent to Jews irl. /pol/ has fallen for ((((their))) slight of hand. Simple minded fools.
Yeah, all the pets they left behind.
even here in israel they refuse to integrate and live in closed communities, silently judging us, attacking us, and live off our taxes.

read >>134699887

one grammar mistake is not worth pointing out but i guess you need some kind of argument, no?

>weak,very low energy reply!
to a very low energy regurgitation

if you need a reply, go over what i wrote in this thread.

not a coincidence, but a consequence of good education and hard work with the support of community.

good or bad, the jews are there for a reason.
and if you going to hate on rich people, why not all of them, eh?

100% based and right.
and also you're a nigger
Problem here is that Christianity is just a sect of Judaism. If we killed the jews, there would still be more than billion left.

You directed me to reference your own post? How daft. Jews aren't white. No matter how many times you post it.
care to elaborate?
do you even know how to categorize them?
basically my point is, do you even know what a jew is?

>some quirky pointless remark/overused meme
you're not here to impress anyone, so why not give a honest response?
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pic related
Its the SE english. They are not human.
Well it's a good thing the problems will stop when the Jews are eradicated, huh?

No because there would still be Muslims.

Once you've been on this planet for long enough you know that removing one problem only reveals another.
also, i redirected you to a conversation i had with the other anon, not just my post.

>my two cents
another hero of the white race

neither are leprecoon like you

unoriginal reply, huh?

because people in general are full of shit, and there is no cure for that.
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Jews have been expelled from nations and kingdoms of the western world 109 times now, down thru the centuries. Always for the same reasons: their evil deeds of usury, slavery, kidnapping & ritual murders of christian & gentile children, stirring up wars, starting revolutions, bankrupting economies, controlling, creating and promoting prostitution, homosexuality, pedofhilia & pornography... Business monopolies and crooked business practices... Hostile takeovers of businesses & mistreatment and exploitation of employees... Anti-Christian activities against the Churches and the Judaization of them. And dozens of other very good reasons for running them off. THEY ARE NEVER INNOCENT VICTIMS OF UNJUSTIFIED BIGOTRY! They are the world's most self-centered and evil people. parasites, scamsters, warmongers, pedofhiles, and Satanists. The Jews are termites who eat the national fabric. 'Neoliberal', 'Neoconservatives', NeoMarxists, 'international bankers', 'fiat currency', 'Federal Reserve', 'multiculturalism', 'diversity', etc.. termites. The so called Jews are the most vile evil creatures to have ever walked upon the face of the earth. Where there's smoke, there's fire. Where there are Jews, there's chaos, war, robbery and strife. The Jews are MASTER liars and consummate deceivers and have always been since ‘day one’. !!! Jews do not have a sense of morality, as theirs is but one of "moral particularism," one set of rules for them, and one for us goyim. Welcoming the Jews with open arms is the biggest and well documented mistake a nation can make, essentially the same thing as opening your arms before a firing squad.
Your are a such a faggot,you start with personal insults and then come around ther corner with grammar mistakes as my argument,when you can't anwser and just referr to your "posts".

I mean you are just a phony Jude that is all I am gonna say.

>not a coincidence, but a consequence of good education and hard work with the support of community.
>and if you going to hate on rich people, why not all of them, eh?

Because most other rich people are not from a certain tribe,that targets my race/culture and pushes degeneracy.

A tribe that uses extreme nepotism and group thinking,to groom power,while with that gained power making sure that other ethnic and religious group don't develop that group thinking.

They even do this shit today.The speaker of central council of jews in germany stated "We need to live together with the muslim goys.My SHOA goys,muslims are the new jews! If the Afd would be the leading party,I would advice all jews to leave Germany ! Just contuine voting CDU and SPD Goyim,just take more Rapefugees and destroy your culture. "

The one thing that red pilled me the most,was the history of my own country.I was an A+ history student and ofc we had to go through Weimar Republic+WW2 and National Sociaslism.

In all those classes the material was from the highest minestry of education.

Not once did they explain the Jews role in Communism,Art and Film and Financing in the Weimarer Repuplic.

It was like 60Million People became Antisemetic over night,that is how they teached us in school.

Of course there weren't people like the ((Warburg Banking Family)),one of the 2 most prominent brother was also a founder of the FED.

The Spartacus Aufstand and the commies running wild was also played down,ofc nobody mentioned ((Rosa Luxembourg)) as a polish jew.Just a normal german woman fighting for communism goy.
just substitute jew with businessman/christian/muslim/you anon and you get the same reasonable argument

besides that, the only thing i see is more baseless regurgitations any dumbass can copy-paste

>that is all I am gonna say.
>proceeds to shitpost ferociously

>Because most other rich people are not from a certain tribe,that targets my race/culture and pushes degeneracy.

your race is pushing degeneracy no less than said jews.
also, all people are from certain tribe
notice how you said "my race/culture".

>A tribe that uses extreme...
its called free market, jews didn't invent it
the just know how to play as a team, on the other hand, your politicians are sociopaths that will sell their own mum, and, have completely neglected your people.

>They even do this shit today...
stop judging thing at face value and think to yourself: "what could they possibly gain from what they say"
spoiler alert! money.
and they will use the shoah card all they can (good for business), if you could you would too otherwise you're not a good businessman

>The one thing that red pilled me the most...
politicians and businessbeings will use every little bit of power they can muster to make more shekels, that's the way capitalism work, in that sense , being a jew is like a good business move.

why people hated the jews?
deeply seeded hatred and fear of success of others, oh, and propaganda, lots of propaganda.
>look at the jew's big nose
what the fuck does that had to do with anything besides just hatemongering?

in the end of the day, i really can't argue or agree with any one side
i just acknowledge that ALL people are fucked up, and there's nothing i can do or say to change that.

that being said, i do have a problem with retards like you who just chant mindless rhetoric like "gas the kikes" by which the imply that somehow i personally offended them with my jewness (even tho i'm not even a jew, and don't enjoy the benefits of technically being one).
and you're a faggot too
prolly not
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