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Why do some retards think this game is fucking redpilled again ?I will be honest this game is excellent but it full on supports minorities represented by elves and dwarves and represents the northern redanian kingdom as evil White humans who kills people different to them for no good reason. Not only this witchers and mages are seen as outcast in the society who are misunderstood and given little respect to even though they are angles who are way better than the evil humans, Sound familiar to anything in our society?
Fucking based, man
>Why do some retards think this game is fucking redpilled again ?

Because it's not made by the far-left like every other mainstream RPG.
The game also rewards feminist and cuck behaviour from Geralt but compared to the bizarre SJW games being pushed today the game seems redpilled. At least Geralt isn't a trans lesbian black midget latina and the majority of main characters are huwhite.

Why would a red-pilled Polish game be promoted in the West anyway? The game is super cucked: full of stronk independent womyn (the main plot being all about a super woman) and full with this stupid X-Men, True Blood narrative that monsters are just feared because "humans fear what they don't understand" while a hardly disguised Catholic church just uses these monsters as scapegoats.

It's the same old monsters, mutants as metaphors for niggers and faggots shit, with the priests using them as scapegoats and humans hating on them just because they don't understand them.

Geralt is a total cuck, he's like one of these dads in ads that get bossed around and are stupid compared to the stronk womyn.
>AAA big budget anything

There's not going to be any "redpilled" game/movie/tv show like that anytime soon, deal with it.

I wouldn't call it redpilled but it's free of prog nonsense being shoved down your throat.

Elves and dwarves being treated like shit by other races is pretty realistic and it's realistic above all else (for a fantasy game). Dwarves are mountain Jews and Elves are forest indigenous tribes with lots of ego and attitudes and not many skills beyond drinking theft and murder.

I mean compare it to latest DA where princes pony up their boipucci for retconned fag ogres and everyone runs around swapping spit and feces covered penis in pride armor unless it's a het white couple.
This game is not excellent, the combat is clunky as hell. If you want something with a good story go read a book. If you want to play a real game pick up the dark souls series; they're like a medieval fighting simulator.
agreed, but I'd rather have elves and dwarves instead of niggers and arabs
you reek of shit taste
The Witcher 3 has been watered down to appeal to western crybabies.
The Witcher 2 plot was much more profound and interesting.
>dark souls series; they're like a medieval fighting simulator.
You mean when your are invincible while dodging ?
Lel nah...
you'd say the opposite if you had dwarves and elfs
>dark souls
>medieval fighting simulator
>American education
You can't be possibly that stupid. There is no way someone could be this fucking retarded.
holy shit you have shit taste and are objectively wrong
if anything the witcher 2 was the most western
if you wanted it to not be western you'd play the witcher 1 and 3
yeah, probably
>The Witcher 2 plot was much more profound and interesting.
Trissfag plz go...
it literally has no niggers in it
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>Not only this witchers and mages are seen as outcast in the society who are misunderstood and given little respect to even though they are angles who are way better than the evil humans, Sound familiar to anything in our society?
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That's the norm outside of jewish owned studios in America. They are polish and have probably seen a nigger only on tv.
elves = smart magic users from another dimension
dwarfs = smart artisans and craftsmen
niggers and goatfuckers =/= dwarfs and elves
the games shows a few of the latest social problems like a crossdressing elf, minority stuff, stronk wyomin etc but it concentrates fully on the story which is epic
are you retarded? witcher is based on slavic folklore which just lack niggers
hos dlc has those ofieri dudes
I didn't like them reminded me of arabs
>he thinks the Redania vs Milfgaard conflict is black and white
It's gotten worse every game. The first one is still my favorite story wise.
Doesn't change a thing if they wanted to they could add a few niggers for diversity. The real answer is that they are an ocean away from jewish organisations, NAACP and other leftist bullshit.
no its supposed to enact the german invasion of Europe in ww2
even sapkowski aubtly admitted it
Mages are niggers of the world
They're just overgrown children with super powers
All mages must die
the moment i realised /v/ was truly taken over by reddit was when i realised this game is preferred to the witcher 1.

if you're a slav and you tell me you prefer witcher 3, you should fucking kill yourself

>crossdressing elf

It's just a meme and comic relief. You make fun of men doing this and Geralt is clearly disturbed by it. This has been a meme back in the 50s with Bugs Bunny in drag.

>minority stuff

It's just race realism DESU.

>stronk wyomin

Pretty sure any woman is stronk compared to numales most days but The Witcher still puts a big fantasy Clint Eastwood Witcher dick in them and 10 other women besides and Triss at least has a very trad romance and ending with him (haven't played through to Yen yet)

They aren't the main characters and they aren't calling the shots really.

This is about as bluepilled as a spaghetti western from back in the day so give the memery a rest and try to attack real targets.
It's the same thing as the elves in Dragon Age.
/v/'s always been full of casuals, what are you talking about?
Sometimes I feel like the Gothic series is the only one that realistically portrayed women - weak, dependent creatures that DO need a man to survive in a harsh world and play no role.
yes, yes, /v/ has always been shit, etc, etc, move along m8
>complain about 3rd game in a series
>clearly hasn't played the first game
What a faggot
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>Sturmbannführer Max Hansen inspecting extermination camp Brenna

>It's the same thing as the elves in Dragon Age.

Yeah, no.

Witcher 3

>There's an attractive elf hooker you can take to bed.

DA 3

> Elf dyke "tequila and skittles" cancer patient that is run through uglification process to satisfy Hamburger Helper level SJWs. Devs all but flat out state they don't want men to find their characters attractive.
Uhm, no sweetie. Witchers exist only to exterminate monsters. Nice autism though you'll get real far.
>try finishing the game 4 times
>barely get to the middle of the game each time
>it's boring
>characters are shit
>story is non-existent
>combat system is the absolute fucking morrowind-tier abomination
I don't fucking understand this game, it's an overrated piece of shit.
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everyone gets just one

>Iliad, Oddyssey, filled with power females, most of which are supernaturally powered
>Oracle of Delphi was a powerful woman in Socrates time and well before
>Japanese temple priests were primarily women
>early tribes of Rome named in the feminine after their rulers, succession of thrones from niece to uncles as is so common in Matriarchies

In the ancient religions women were dominant because the ancient systems of men we're ruled by actual Matriarchs, because the early nations of man we're tribal states

This is why these ancient texts are littered with powerful women, why the Witcher is in actually pretty fucking red pilled
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Mate, elves in Dragon Age literally live in ghettos, humans do constant pogroms on them and their biggest dream is having a nation. Sound (((familiar)))?

Why do you disgusting American faggot call me sweetie?
Besides, the main plot is that the church there uses these non-humans as scapegoats and that humans only hate on them because they "fear what they don't understand." Then again, it's obvious that you stupid Westerners aren't able to see how you're brainwashed and played, so it's not much of a surprise that you don't see it here, too.
>I will just conveniently forget about strong woman leading underground super secret organization of crime that can kill you in one hit until you are like in the end of the game
but maybe elves will finaly settle down and leave human lands when they get a nation?
witcher 3 is objectively better in scale, mechanics, polish and story
you are a jaded nostalgia glasses retard
btw i replayed witcher 1 and 2 right before playing 3
>nilfgaard is nazi germany
is this what normies actually believe?
>tfw you wont enter Toussaint for the first time

feels very very bad man
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>why the Witcher is in actually pretty fucking red pilled

This is why I hate Westerners. They are inherently feminist and even the "right-wingers" go on and on about how >we wuz feminists and sheit before the Christians came!
Well, congratulations! The Jews restored your ancient feminist order after the 1960s...
Uhm, no sweetie. In The Witcher the Elves literally do the same exact thing. That's the point, sweetie, wouldn't expect your autism to process that, though.
/v/ is and has always been a retarded social justice warrior-board. It's the truth, no matter how much it hurts your anus.
>get a little education for the first time in your life
>"ree ur a feminist for talking about facts instead of my feelings"
What in the flying fuck is wrong with you, you illiterate fuck? Matriarchal society is an invention of backward shitholes like Tibet, humanity starting from bronze age has always been hardcore patriarchal.
>I will just conveniently bring up a single overpowered woman, which has been admitted to be a fuckup by devs to bring a point of how dangerous thieves' guild is, in the entire series against the glorified overrated literal feminist cuckold simulator
Ok?I was talking about the 3rd game here where the north is represented as a crazy racist genocidal religious lunatics who are killing din duf nuffin non humans for no reasons but i do know that the story wasnt so one sided and left leaning in the first 2 games infact in the 2nd game showed the both the good and bad side of redania ,nilfgard,non humans. mages witchers extra
no its what sapkowski believed

Americans can't even see the propaganda anymore. This is why Westerners turn everything into homosexual shit, no matter if it's Christianity, Communism or Fascism: whatever the Western touches, he turns into feminist faggotry. God, I'm so glad to see that you're going extinct.
>story is non-existent
so you haven't even played it
who gives a shit
flat out wrong
debatable. i guess if you include dlcs it becomes true
don't call me a retard, because it's rude.
It's based because of Assange.
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shut the fuck up you jaded moron
you have to go back

If you support the stronk "kickass womyn" narrative you are a feminist. But of course, Westerners buy into that "Hurr durr we are so manly, even our womyn behave like men!" narrative. Especially American Westerns love that whole "women with guns" shit. Good to see you're going extinct.
Witcher 3? No. If Witcher 1 is considered to be the best story wise and it even makes Skyrim look appeasing - fuck the rest of them then.
>implying a mythological character with powers is feminist
Is the Virgin Mary a feminist symbol too? Fuck off with your gaslighting subversion pinko.
>Get a little education for the first time in your life
>Turn the discussion into something different
The Elves killed all the humans on their world, you dumb cunt. Your autism can't begin to consider for a second that nobody is really good in Witcher. Pathetic retarded faggot frothing at the mouth rambling about shit he doesn't know about, kill yourself.
>flat out wrong
have you even played the witcher one?
you literally only click your right mouse button to fight
nothing else
sometimes you switch between group attacks and strong/light attacks but that's it
just click rmb and win
>dark souls series; they're like a medieval fighting simulator.
>Dark souls
>medieval simulator

Ohh kurwa, co ten burger pierdoli to ja nawet nie wiem XDDDD

Burger, you finally made me laugh.
It has been a while since /pol/ made me laugh that hard, thanks.
Obviously you are too new to understand how casual /v/ is.
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Being a dumb faggot as you are ignore what this means. If women ruled men in ancient times then something pretty fucking obvious happened between then and now. In order to rule you need to be physically superior and to have a measured intelligence, its a given nature is a natural fascist, the strong survive and the weak die off.

From the elder anthropologists they discovered women were in fact physically stronger, smarter but something happened and a complete inversion occurred in the sexes. Women devolved and men became superior in all ways. From the Biblical times to the tribal epoc it suggests the sexes underwent radical changes back and forth in the span of a few thousand years. Establishment littered with Occultists are more then likely to know the answer to that one.
the witcher 1 is not the best story wise
it has the best polish mythology but not the best written
witcher 3 is objectively the best game
btw i thought you were talking about wtcher 3 having a bad story
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This is feminist propaganda, promoting faggotry and the acceptance of degenerates. Of course, since you yourselves all support homosexuality and feminism, you're unable to see this propaganda. Thankfully, more civilzed nations ban homosexual propaganda and America is dying.
>calling anyone else a faggot
Woah check your cis-het privilege bigot
combat is not the whole game you FUCKING RETARD. mechanics doesn't mean combat. are you doing this on purpouse to make me mad? also it's the left mouse button, not the right one. do you want me to accuse you of not playing the game now? seems like it's your favorite debate tactic.
same devs in their next series create strong independent female main character, a pirate captain...
50 cent the witcher
>The Elves killed all the humans on their world
>"This is feminist propaganda"
Literal autism. Pure retardation condensed to it's crystalline essence.
>From the elder anthropologists they discovered women were in fact physically stronger, smarter but something happened and a complete inversion occurred in the sexes. Women devolved and men became superior in all ways. From the Biblical times to the tribal epoc it suggests the sexes underwent radical changes back and forth in the span of a few thousand years. Establishment littered with Occultists are more then likely to know the answer to that one.

This is the kind of esoterical bullshit you get when playing games like the Witcher all the time.

>promotes cuck and feminist behaviour
>best endings for romance are through practicing monogamy

Are you retarded?
>This is feminist propaganda promoting faggotry and the acceptance of degenerates
Remove the flag and I will respond.
witcher is based

CDPR are based polish devs, arguably the best pc devs that there are.
I have always thought that Northern Kingdoms represent Polish states during polish civil war.

Nilfgaard represents Holy Roman Empire
Toussaint represents France
And skellige represents Denmark / Kalmar Union

I mean, history-wise, this would make sense. And it makes even more sense when you compare 12th century maps to Witcher's map.

When Westerners LARP as "Nazis" they are still faggot-loving feminists.
and just like that, anon wins yet another argument on 4chan.
>mechanics doesn't mean combat.
Hmm, yeah, it kinda does though.
That's not all it means but TW1 aside from "bad-good" decisions doesn't have a lot else going for it. The story is good though, but that's not a mechanic.

Mostly because of this line.

Of course even Redania has the polish eagle but apparently the author believes Nilfgaard to be NatSoc Germany.

The whole narrative is that the priests there use these non-humans as scapegoats and that the humans only want them gone out of the cities because they "fear what they don't understand"

It's the same kind of metaphors you also have in x-men or true blood where mutants and vampires are used as metaphors for non-whites and homosexuals etc. This is the kind of propaganda they're pushing and you're too faggy to realize it - and then you wonder why your children turn out to be fags.
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Look up Robert Briffault and read his treatise on Matriarchies Societies

>believing in (((their))) version of history

good one
The wicther world itself is actually really grey and morally complex much like real life but the witcher 3 for some fucking reason tries its best to make redanians look like the most evil cunts in the world while making minorities and the outcasts look like heroes. Also the game fully hides how fucked up nilfgard and its emperor(he tires to rape his daughter) is along with the fact that elves killed all the humans in their world
Skellige is Ireland under Norse occupation which is why it uses a mixture of Irish and Norse names and Norse-Gael culture.
so i fucking mixed up the mouse buttons
who gives a shit?
my point still stands
you are a jaded fucking moron
also what exactly do you mean by mechanics if not the combat
the literal definition of game mechanics is this
>Game mechanics are constructs of rules or methods designed for interaction with the game state, thus providing gameplay
I can't say for sure, I've only played the first one. But everyone has been telling me that the story of the first game is good, but gameplay wise the third one is the best. I guess so, but after Gothic 1 and Gothic 2 + Addon nothing can ever satisfy me, frankly all the Action RPGs after that were underwhelming shit.
>same dev
>gap between two games is about 10 years
>that makes it two against the rest of the world full of women in both series
Are you fucking with me, moron?
Did the same devs release Andromeda, too?
Try harder, maybe you'll find the third one in Elex.
If we're talking about Witcher yes the burning non-humans on stakes smelled of liberal propaganda but nothing is perfect in this world.
it's nostalgia glasses retardation
I see u have read the books
emhyr is absolute scum, him sparing geralt and yen doesn't prove otherwise.
only way he survives because geralt unknowingly helped him
The fat cunt hates the games. I wish you knew polish so you could listen to his butthurt. He bascily sold all rights for like 5 bucks to cdpr and laughed at them saying they are going to earn nothing with their shitty game. Next thing you know is he's bitching he deserves more money and when they deline he goes full "games are shit go read a book" mode.
No idea, why you're using that commie degenerate flag, but never forget that fanboys are literally subhuman trash and like StarWars will defend the most vicious cuckoldry and degeneracy in front of their ice within their beloved franchises.
boris it's time to fucking kill yourself
fuck off
no one wants you here
I feel like redania is supposed to be Poland and the devs hate their own country to make them look like evil cunts
It's a powertrip
I don't think I ever let a single Axii opportunity slip me by, my nose grows in size every time I get to resolve shit with mind control. Everything else is a Aard cast away from getting executed, and monsters are the only actual challenge in the game, except when fucking QUEN is involved, that lets you get hits in without any sort of risk.

It's a great bluepill in that regard, but everyone sucks and if you can't kill them you make them your debtors, while taking away their crowns and going around with several houses worth of money while people around you are scavenging for food and having trouble not dying to religious fanatics, power-tripping military or straight out fucking overgrown bats with claws the size of your torso.

It's a fucking mess, and I love it
I heard it too
Im sure he got butthurt because cdpr made witcher more famous than he could ,
most people didn't even knew witcher existed before witcher 3
>full on supports minorities represented by elves and dwarves
No it doesn't. It depicts elves and dwarves (especially scoia'tel) as "just as bad" as humans, in many cases far worse. It's the classic "violence begets violence" message, not "omg minorities are better than the majority all the time"

>mages are seen as outcast in the society who are misunderstood and given little respect to even though they are angles who are way better than the evil humans
It's obvious you haven't played the games or read the books since the Lodge is portrayed as extremely corrupt/greedy/antagonistic/evil to varying degrees all the time, and Radovid's actions are actually somewhat justified, though very much overzealous.

Fuck, the main theme of the books and games is not "pick the lesser of two evils", it's that "evil is evil, the degree is arbitrary at best" and why Geralt becomes more and more of a neutral guy over time.
From what I know he is banned from a fantasyCon because he went there drunk and started shitting on everyone. Also this is common practice with authors they do this with shows and movies all the time.
>At least Geralt isn't a trans lesbian black midget latina and the majority of main characters are huwhite.

Don't worry, I'm sure the Netflix series will "fix" that

Damnit don't kill my heroes.

The based devs are generous as fuck to the userbase regarding DLC and stuff though. Wouldn't this generosity extend to some kind of settlement with the author?
No, it's having high standards, taste and disdain for soulless pleb shit pumped out for casualfags.
pls don't say that I really want the show to be great
the lead game developer is extremely anti leftist bullshit
he's also a consultant or something
so it's not likely that that'll happen
Nope nords are slaves in this game, nilfgaard is white
Is the witcher available in India because of all the nudity?But im also Indian though i was born here, so how is the china thing going on over there?
Prepare to witness non-humans getting shoah'd to remind the goyim and pandering to minorities.
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consider lobotomy
Huh I guess that's why I always felt sympathetic towards them in TW3.
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>eternal fanboys gets finally triggered
Gobble up that shit, cunt.
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Bronze age? There are many ages preceding that you brainwashed public school nigger.

>Golden age the maxim, every preceding age considered a massive degeneration from original
>Ancient Egypt, Sparta were the last Matriarchal civilizations of the Mediterranean, of those slowly converted to Patriarchy

You also confuse the nature of the Atlantean(black straight hair) and Aryan(blond straight) with the inferior subhuman tribes. Those two mentioned races possessed even in Matriarchy civilizational IQ where the subhumans did not in majority. Even the Blacks were different then, a race called the Griot existed, having long memories for oral memorization, an leylined behaviour blacks have in minimum today as outcomed by the odd amassment of rappers.

If you're a publicly trained nigger you are unable to assess appropriately without the blue tint of establishment brainwashing. The histories you are told of the last century alone carry in them massive fictions, can you imagine what simply a few centuries or even millennial rewrites would be without digging into academia spanning before the PC rewrite in this era?

One of my best memories in vidya was my first run of the B&W expac, especially Yennefer ending
mate, a lot more goes into the game than combat mechanics. here's a short list off the top of my head.
>potions are a mainly pre-combat mechnic with efffects that last 10 minutes as opposed to working like fucking mmo/diablo potions with 120 minute effects
>reading books before being able to complete quests
>asking around for monster info instead of paying for books
>only being able to rest around a campfire
>needing gear or a skill to start a campfire
>potions being a finite resource that you have to manually craft which makes gathering meaningful
yeah, you didn't like it at all when your own shitty debate tactics were used against you did you? i don't give a shit that you mixed up the buttons, i know you played the game. i'm not a mad /v/edditor like you are.

read the above reply if you're still intent on acting obtuse and pretending like you believe "combat" literally means "mechanics". but i don't think that you do, nobody's that retarded. i think you're just shitposting because you don't like tw1 and it makes you mad when other people do like it.
nah its available online

hopefully nothing
Why would they? He sold the rights for a fixed sum and that's the end of it. And only after the third game he suddenly remembered he demanded too little money for his genius work.
Are you saying you are a slave? because redania is very clearly based of Poland
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>you insulted me becuase i'm right not because my style of writing is worse than any fedora retard on /v/ or /lgbt/ or plebbit
you should be forcefully euthanized
Hmm for me Temeria always seemed like the best side.
Wasn't the Minoan civilisation matriarchal?
>/v/ /lbtqwrt/ plebbit fedora virgin
Calm your mammaries, gypsy, your game is still shit, your taste is shit and you're a retarded triggered sack of shit, deal with it.
I have always supported Nilfgaard because both IRL and in video games, I always pick a side that represents order and law.
Nilfgaard seemed the most reasonable.
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Who here /teamyen/
jesus fucking christ you delusional faggots
the game mechanics are the way the player interacts with the game
COMBAT is literally the only way that happens
stop being a fucking retard
also my mix up of the buttons indicates that nothing about my game knowledge
you being a retarded nostalgia faggot does
Someone didn't go to the sewers in Khorinis
мaй нe cи мнoгo дoбpe c aнглийcкия. иcкaш ли дa cи гoвopим нa бългapcки?
>Not only this witchers and mages are seen as outcast in the society who are misunderstood and given little respect to even though they are angles who are way better than the evil humans, Sound familiar to anything in our society?
I find it interesting how all the stereotypes the populace has about witchers seem to be largely accurate:
1. They steal children.
2. They often massacre large groups of people.
3. They are politically subversive and work for foreign powers.
etc etc.
Sparta and Egypt weren't matriarchal. Women had mostly the same rights as men, but that isn't matriarchy.
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>this comment was so distastefully obtuse that it insulted my capacity for the understanding of greater concepts
>you sir deserve nothing but this downboat
>i also contacted the moderators and kindly requested you to be removed from this intellectually grandiose forum

Indian....... complaining about this. Dirty sandniggers get off this board, i know you love us superior whites so much, but now its just dicksucking.
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I believe Robert Briffault has a passing mention of them, in his time some of the Matriarchal customs continue on the Island to this day

Lets see if I can recall

>bride carry away/kidnap, signifying the man's ability to pay the "bride price" forming his own house
>man living with his wife's family because he does not have the capital to pay the bride price, essentially becoming slave labour until his debts are paid
>property was even in Roman Patriarchal times transmitted via the woman, because of the ritual inherent in Matriarchies where men incapable of paying the bride price, lived at the Matriarch's dwelling where she owned him, his property and future possession if he died

I know there's one really specific item to the region though, too tired to recall what that is...
Wow, based.

That aside, when can I fuck your girlfriend?
i will just post something angry because its what the others do
eби cи мaтep бyгapин
мe изнepвиpa пa зaeбaв
иди игpaј дoтa 2 мaјкa ти твoјa
>>bride carry away/kidnap, signifying the man's ability to pay the "bride price" forming his own house
>>man living with his wife's family because he does not have the capital to pay the bride price, essentially becoming slave labour until his debts are paid
This is the Balkan rural life before communists destroyed it.
We are not sandniggers but ok
Kek witcher 2 and 1 were better,3 was made to appeal to normalfaggs.
I know a paki when I see one
fuck off
what are you doing in that country poonigger?
пpeдпoчитaм дa ce caмoyбия oткoлкoтo дa игpaя MOБA

вeщepa 3 имa пoвeчe oбщo c MOБA, oт кoлкoтo вeщepa 1 бтв

Who here /fuckeverythingaround/?

waifufags need to go
I said bronze age, because it's the first time period, where we know for certain if european culture were patriarchal. The hunter gatherers of neolithic and/or copper age were most likely too as well, but we can't say for certain, because there's not a lot written evidence for that.
Neither Sparta nor Egyptians were matriarchal, do you even understand the meaning of this word? They resembled 1920s at tops, where they pretended to be sort of equal, but still knew their place and acted according to their gender roles.
Anyway I see now that you're a cuckold and have an agenda here to push, so fuck off. If one starts with an argument that if some artwork has "powerful" women then the civilization must have been matriarchal is a we wuz-tier argument.
Do you stupid cuck really think that posting fedoras will do something? You know it's not plebbit or that's what low IQ inbred slavic gypsies believe - magic maymays from 2009? Why're you so triggered over a fucking game? Are you that fucking pathetic?
Yes we are EU slaves.
Listen up you dumb fucking nigger, Redania burns witches because they tried to take over, and they hate minorities because they are jewy, both are good enough reasons for me
the witcher games are very NOT black and white
that's why the plot is often praised

book on the other hand, sapkowski is a sjw - one of the reasons he's so mad at cd projekt is that they're not one sided
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Honestly no,as a game the third is far better. The only things I miss from the previous games are traps and potions taking a rest to drink. Both those things made the combat more tactical but don't work as well in an open world game.
What? In Ancient Greece all women stayed home they received no education you can't even begin to compare it with post-Christian Europe.
Those practices don't sound matriarchal at all; ensuring that the man you're marrying your daughter off to is wealthy/not a lazy piece of shit was always standard practice in ancient societies. Hell, that's even standard practice in many Muslim nations today and they're the furthest thing from matriarchal. You sound like some sort of hardcore feminist trying to prove "STRONK WOMYN RULED THE WORLD BEFORE DUMB DUMB MEN RUINED IT."
Witcher 1 > Witcher 3
бapeм нe cи кoмплeтнo бeз вкyc
и вичep 1 e 3 пaти пoвeќe MOБA нeгo 3
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Man, the travelers and them turning you down when asking to help them. It really got to me.

What do you guys do for newgame+? Go through the main story or do everything again?
>sapkowski is a sjw
You mean a progressive liberal? Tell me more I'm interested.
The fact that you can play as a straight white male, who fucks bitches and kills "freaks" is considered far right in 2k17.
School ,work , life other shit but what do you want fake Macedonian?

You cannot escape self depricating whites and their Jewish handlers these days. They dominate literally every field of the arts whether it's cooking or video games.

I am getting so fucking sick and tired of being treated as an anomaly as a white person. I accept that I am no different than other humans and in many respects other cultures had a superior to ancient culture to ours, but it's the triumphant rise of the white race that scares these other races so badly that they feel the need to rip our heritage away from us.

Those days are coming to an end real quick, though.
does your shit scale up in level or do you have to make it all over again?
Gas yourself
read the books
it's all about muh minorities and le stupid normal people
and he hates religion, that's why he loves czechia so much

You keep everything.
nekker lives matter
Have you looked at what liberal shitholes like Canada produce? Mass Effect Andromeda literally has no white people in it they are all mulattos.
ask an aussie what their most well known motto is
fuck it i'll tell you instead
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He stole most of his ideas from the Elric of Melniboné stories anyway. He should be grateful CDPR did something original with them.
only retards think this game is redpilled
yeah but does the level of the gear scale up
That's true, but spartan women comparing to women from other greek polises, like Athens, entertained a bit more freedoms - the scene in 300, where she openly speaks against the persian ambassador is true, they could speak out against men. Other than that they were subservient to men and kept househeld while their husbands were far away at war.
>и вичep 1 e 3 пaти пoвeќe MOБA нeгo 3
кaк тaкa? зaщo?

Public school system is so much cancer

>Egypt was known for its Pharaohs and its general population for practicing Incest in mass up until 200AD
>Egyptian Royalty, Brother and Sister had incestious intanglement for millennias
>Incest is a known indicator of Matriarchal systems because the men unable to pay a "Bride Price" were forced into local extended family relations to reproduce. also it was the interest of wealthier matriarchs to contain wealth within the familial corporation, as people were exceedingly more tribal back then

As for Sparta this is known from the structure of that society as well, I do not recall the term but there is one specifically for spartan children, known as the fatherless, Egypt also had a similar dialectic term for their children, one that has been expunged from academia, the google internet and can only be found in the elder texts of anthropologists prior to the early 1900s, ie Robert Briffault's treatise, The Mother's. The other thing obvious is that Spartan men being fatherless never raised their own sons, they were kept at military installations away from their offspring. The women however kept the children and basically groomed them up until their recruitment. You think the modern reverence for single mothers is disgusting, it was epically so in Sparta. Also unlike the fiction of 300, the oracle of Delphi was a powerful woman


>The Pythia (/ˈpJθiə/,[1] Ancient Greek: Πῡθίᾱ [pyːˈtʰi.aː]), was the name of the High Priestess of the Temple of Apollo at Delphi who also served as the oracle, commonly known as the Oracle of Delphi.

So you see, everything about the past is a giant fucking lie, it doesn't do establishment good to enlighten the plebs, especially when that knowledge can disrupt their power and brainwashing
Liberal intellectuals/bourgeoisie and (((G-d's chosen))) are the reason why we are here. Look at Protestant reformation, Enlightenment and the French revolution.
>even though they are angles who are way better than the evil humans
WRONG. Mages are shown as some of the worst people in the world
That's okay tho, because according to lore humans are nasty immigrants who breed like rabbits compared to e.g. elves who can only have one kid and are monogamous. You don't want to be rooting for immigrants lad?
Radovid is objectively bonkers
Objectively, Geralt was pretty cucked in the books. And the female wizards were described as empowered ultra sluts.
Still that universe is a far cry from SJWs fantasy. And in the games you can play chauvinistic cunt if you want to, which is good.
I have no clue wtf you want
ce пpaвиш co глyвчe
тacтaтypaтa мoжeш дa нe јa пипнeш
t. nonhuman subverter
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first two games weren't exactly redpilled but Witcher 3 was unbearable full on cuck mode

It was also terribly written
>It's all just one gigantic conspiracy against WOMYN you're all brainwashed shitlords

Top kek, you're a fucking faggot. And the "bride price" exists in Muslim nations today and they're the furthest thing from matriarchal. Trading your daughter off for money isn't fucking matriarchal top kek.
Oh, so the protagonist is a certified cuck according the author? It can't get any better can it
to go back to your shit country poonigger
Бoг дa ти кaжe кaквo знaчи.
>the main plot is that the church there uses these non-humans as scapegoats and that humans only hate on them because they "fear what they don't understand."

No not at all. The reason the humans hate the Elves is that in the previous games and the books the Nilfgaardian empire tries to invade the North but is stopped by an alliance of humans, nonhumans and mages. The Nilfgaardians decide that they can fracture that alliance and basically start and bankroll the scoia'tael.

The mages fracture themselves in a power grab and the Lodge is formed out of the wreckage of that, the Lodge is an international confederation of mages who basically try and manipulate multiple states by using their position as advisors to try and create a mage-led state with little care as to how it affects the actual nations involved. That goes disastrously wrong when they hire Letho to assassinate Northern kings and try to essentially revolt. They weaken the North enough that Nilfgaard pulls the trigger on invading. Incidentally that's the main reason Radovid hates the living shit out of mages generally and specifically Lodge members; his father was one of the manipulated kings.

By the third game Nilfgaard are at the Pontar, Radovid is leading a united Northern defence and the Scoia'tael is defunded and forgotten, the remaining commandos trying to continue the fight or peacefully disengage.

That's the problem with coming in at game 3; it looks like they're hated for no reason because all the shit they did to deserve it was in the books and the previous games.
The game opposes unjust treatment of people who don't deserve it, but it doesn't portray most of them as some sort of saint, instead showing that, more often than not, the treatment is more than justified. If anything, it shows both sides have decent folk and a fuckton of absolute cretins.

But I understand this might be too subtle for your average /pol/tard.
In witcher 3, you get in trouble for white knighting. Its only the blood and wine dlc thats full of sjw crap
what the fuck do you call the keyboard faggot
Geralt was a superpowered slut himself. And he's not even spreading his superior seed, because infertility, just fucking everything that walks.
Exactly my dude
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I remember the SJW butthurt when the only homosexual in Witcher 2 was this disgusting degenerate madman

Then in Witcher 3 in the first hour you're showed a faggot in your face you're meant to see as sympatetic and persecuted
Клaвиaтypa (oт клaвиш).
The elves arent indigenous. The humans are in this game
what part of that dlc is sjw crap?
I thought the widespread incest in Egypt was mainly among the royals as they were not actually Egyptian. Or am I in the wrong era?
>Imagine a drowner that burrows tunnels, climbs trees, is more vicious than usual, and when ambushing its prey, it does so with many of its kin. Now you have a good idea of what a n***er is. These primitive creatures are the bane of the wilderness - the inhabitants of forest villages fear them, and animals give their nests a wide berth. N***ers are social creatures, gathering in something akin to tribes, for they can only repel the attacks of stronger assailants en masse.
>The n***ers' basic tactic is to strike en masse. Though primitive, the tactic is surprisingly effective. One must be ready to repel many foes at once. As with other agile creatures, running from n***ers is not the best idea, for the monsters will catch up to their prey and swiftly kill it with multiple hits.
>N***er nests are best destroyed with Grape soda bombs.
Name a single female character in Witcher 3 who is evil, wrong or wasn't whitewashed from Witcher 1/2
what faggot?
i don't remember that?
>you're showed a faggot in your face you're meant to see as sympatetic and persecuted
Can you at least kill him on sight?
probably because you're a fanboy,you're shilling for a big corporation for no reason and this makes you suffer cognitive dissonance
Well i was born here and why should i listen to faggots that steal greek history again?
you're wrong
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Okay another publically schooled nigger, one more time

What do all these stupid fucking reproductive rituals have in common? Look at modern day marriage, same fucking thing, proposal ring, pre-wedding party, wedding, honey moon, house, kids, car, vacation, etc etc. Its money, you're paying the whore's price to get a fucking woman for reproduction, you're paying because her vagina is worth a ton, way more then dick. You're also paying her because if you don't she won't follow you to your house, and you won't be able to setup a Patriarchy. Instead when the women is the generator and controller of your wealth she becomes the Matriarch. In simpler terms she's not going to move in with you, instead you have to bend the knee to her terms. The modern feminist shit is all reproductive transitioning giving the woman an artificially subsidized state of Matriarchy

In ancient societies economies were tribal, consolidated, carteled, you freedom of economy didn't exist as it did today neither were the vehicles of wealth creation and retention, as a man you were not entitled to your wealth. Most guys were poor as fuck, and the Kings of old? Those unlucky fuckers suffered the most inhumane of treatments from their Matriarchs, and in their time it was unfathomable to strike back. They called it the "benevolent dictatorship of the Matriarch, given we all know how batshit they can be

So on to the ancient past. Why does the tradition of carrying women mean? In early formations of Patriarchy men could afford to create a Patriarchal household by means of their economic production, likely and environmental subset of developed economy. In early practice men would only carry the bride to his house for one night, then return to live with the Matriarch for several months. (Continued Part II)
Not really, you meet a gay man and a crossdresser in the main game haven't played the DLC

The only way to respond to them is the same way a 2015 progressive westerner would like
because you faggots have never overplayed a meaningless scene to make it seem like it's the end of the white race
show me the scene or you're delusional
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Because it doesent force inteŕracial trans orgies in every second scene
The bar is really low these days. Making a semi-realistic medieval themed game makes you look like a nazi to SJWs
Elves can go, dwarves did NOTHING wrong Zoltan is best boy
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this is what I was looking for
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Women being a commodity to be bought and sold is the complete antithesis of matriarchy. I don't care how many walls of mental gymnastics you post. They were and still are glorified sex slaves in many Muslim nations as long as you have enough goats or some shit to pay off the bride's family just like in ancient times.
oк, a кaквo e " тacтa"?
k i was wrong
i completely overlooked that shit cause i liked the game

These are all exceptions from the rule. It happens in real life as well.
At least they acknowledge it's shocking. Bioware doesn't even mention that it's like that's the absolute truth of the universe.
Nice quality retard
This game is dogshit on top of being bluepilled. It's a literal 4/10. The only reason anyone praises it is because of the sad state of the videogames industry which has bred a whole generation of subhuman """gamers""". People who know about videogames and play videogames do not have that problem.
not certified. He had shamefur dispray once. And wasn't happy about it. I'm talking about his visit to Yennefer, when she fucked some negromancer in the morning and then fucked Geralt at noon. Geralt got pissed, but instead of telling her to fuck off, he wanted to fight with negromancer. The fight didn't happen and Geralt left the town. So it's not exactly cuckold scenario, but kind of.
When he was with Yennefer he didn't cheat. Which can't be said about her.
Also in games it's implied that Merigold fucked Lambert behind Geralt's back.
All sorceress's are catty bitches?
Whats that webm from ?
cdpr drones will defend this

тaтaтypa = keyboard
нe знaeв дeкa виe јa викaтe клaвиaтypa
My fucking sides
>It's the current year, you mysoginist shitlord
>Faggot fags out for no reason
>It's the current year, women are just as smart as men are net positive knowledge wise
>We wuz moorz n shiet, saving knowledge from evil christians

And here I thought Tyranny by Obsidian was the top tier egalitard abomination.
Yen is my eternal waifu fuck u

Tfw phone and desktop background is Yen
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This occured first only the wealthiest of families, again economics being the primary factor in marriage in ancient times. As time progressed and men slowly grasped the levers of economic power, control, the ritual evolved. Also in the same subtext, families and men would look to marry women because they had control of property, the means of production in early civilization. Property as we know is rent seeking, political control of territory and marriage as a function existed as it is now as a means to amass wealth and maintain certain strategic ties in tribal formations.

Essentially the bride carrying tradition has evolved in in the Western context to become the "father giving his daughter away" concept. The man asking the father for permission for his daughter. Often failure to pay the brides price started tribal wars, uninterestingly Troy's motif had this subset in it.

These things are recorded by Robert Briffault, elder British Anthropologist and researcher of tribal societies. Reference his title work, The Mother's

Don't believe in the public \narrative, its overly manufactured, start digging in the sandbox, there's a lot of buried shit in there
geralt is pussy whipped
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>Yen is my eternal waifu fuck u

>be ukranian
>even in fantasy be a cuckold and pick the most obnoxious waifu ever who fucks other people

How are you guys still a country ?

If you spend a little more time researching it becomes obvious it was a publically practiced
>Tyranny by Obsidian
I can't even remember what was cucked. The women had property rights or something like that?
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All of the succubi.
Not only is this a lie but in some plotlines geralt has no other speech option but to whiteknight, such as in the baron plotline.
тoвa ми e яcнo. aмa "клaвиaтypa" oзнaчaвa "aпapaтypa oт клaвиши".
клaвиши=oт лaтинcки clavis=key

a "тacтaтypa" кaквo oзнaчaвa? "aпapaтypa" oт кaквo?
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not really sure but I think this is the same cosplayer


It's not the exception this is the tone of the game. The game is heavily anti organized religion, anti nationalism and pro feminist. There is no choice to make Geralt anything else. It has the same shit as any Assassins Creed games, where you have a gang of progressive misfits in a conservative setting fighting evil corrupt conservative forces

>pay off the bride's family just like in ancient times

Why do they pay in goats? You literally wrote the answer, just extrapolate the economic system those goat fuckers are in and bam, obvious outcome
I'm not bashing what you think or your country.
Autism aside I genuinely really like Yen's character and the complex relationship with Geralt, you'd know this if you read Shard of Ice and/or Lady of the Lake
Unlike the immigrant invaders in America and Europe, the Elves and Dwarves actually have skills and abilities. Dwarves are smart, they have mechanical inventions and good forging. Elves have medical knowledge, lore, magic shit like that. Basic fantasy stereotype for the races. Humans are usually like the jack of all trades race but they excel because of willpower.

>anti nationalism
>literally helping Roche bring back Temeria

>pro feminist
>literally only one female blacksmith and a crazy sword wielding bitch on top of a mountain
>everyone else picks up herbs and looks after the children
Assassin's Creed is the epitome of leftism in a game. First you play as an arab killing the evil Christian crusaders, an Indian with a nigger mentor killing evil white slavers and finally helping Marx.
i looked it up and it's derived from Italian
also germans use it
>showed in your face
He wouldn't even talk about that, lest you ask him about it two or three times.
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Compared to the first game where you can join a religious knightly order, and they're not all evil like in Witcher 3,but most factions or characters are shades of gray
Uh, everything? Women are equal to men in every single way. The game is supposedly happening at the brink of the iron age, the time, when the population growth is essential to survival of tribes and civilizations, yet you're telling me that everyone's perfectly fine with sending just as many women as men to die in wars and it's a norm to give feeble and physically weak women to fight along with men? Who's going to bear and raise kids? Why does everyone in the game when speaking of woman in high position keep fucking groveling and telling, how badass and awesome she is? More than that - the vast majority of leaders were female. Yea, I know, the Archons are male, but when the game makes a big deal about sex of the Overlord throughout the entire fucking game, never reveals as if it's something worth pondering about - you know that the devs have some unhealthy obsessions over it.
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>And the "bride price" exists in Muslim nations today and they're the furthest thing from matriarchal

You have got to be fucking me, you just wrote answer to your own fucking question. Lets see what does 10 seconds of cognition bring about

>Bride price exists in patriarchal system
>why, where did it come from?
>If the descriptor just showed how Matriarchies work and their ritual, economy for reproduction, which persists to this day what does it mean?

My god man, just think a little

>it means in the transition to Patriarchal households the old customs were assimilated as well as the biological economy prior in a new order
Probably. I'm not very well read on Egypt but I just vaguely recall it being a big thing amongst the Ptolemaic Pharaohs
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>Autism aside I genuinely really like Yen's character and the complex relationship with Geralt, you'd know this if you read Shard of Ice and/or Lady of the Lake

>i like yens character
Well you literally are the only one, possibly ever

>the complex relationship with Geralt
You mean their "relationship" on-off relationship where she fucks other people and cucks you constantly ?
and even then, "WE WUZ" was when they drew their last breath
If I didn't know better, I'd think niggers do ruing everything
Oh I forgot. Apparently you help the French revolution too what a tragedy.
Yeah, it's not like the three main female characters are feminist power fantasies. Or that blind cunt who leads the sorceresses (who all appear to be women).
yeah man, what the fuck is up with yennfags. i came away from reading the books thinking everybody would hate her. except all the yennfags are bookfags somehow. what the fuck. it is incomprehensible to me how you could read the books and like the relationship yenn had with gerald.

the only way i could think of rationalizing all those scenes was "it was early in the relationship! they weren't exclusive yet!". but nobody even seems to bring that up
I'm not at all the only one. Most book fags (other than the ones who cherry pick lines from The Last Wish) prefer Yen by far.
I won't bother going on with details or lines from other books because you'll just give me the same cuckold bullshit as your only argument on all of 4chan
The point of the games is to make your own choices and I respect that, play the game your way. However you can't deny that canonnically Geralt chose Yen

>Le cuck xd
You're trying too hard to rationalize trading your daughter off for X resource as something that empowers womyn. If I sold a nigger that I owned for money, that doesn't mean the world is ruled by niggers because a slave owner is willing to pay more for a nigger than an Irishman.

You also make it sound like the entire western world was just one monolithic matriarchal culture many thousands of years ago when people were rolling around in pig shit and larping in the wood naked as wolves. Top kek.

Still not normal women by any means. Otherwise Geralt will be a representative of the males, and he is not.
The Witcher IS a fucking minority you dumb fuck. No wonder the message is lost on you, you simply can't be arsed to look past your own racial politics from another perspective.
>h-humans did nothing wrong
Yeah they just attempted a genocide campaign against everyone they don't like to quell their own internal politics. I wonder why everyone isn't sucking their cocks.
The Nigger IS a fucking minority you dumb fuck. No wonder the message is lost on you, you simply can't be arsed to look past your own racial politics from another perspective.
>w-whites did nothing wrong
Yeah they just attempted a genocide campaign against everyone they don't like to quell their own internal politics. I wonder why everyone isn't sucking their cocks.
UUUU >>134645151
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Nonhuman shills have appeared.
That's not how logic or statistics work at all.
Based on real life and common sense, all the outliers would be male.

Oh, and there's another feminist power fantasy as well. The cunt who ends up leading the vikings, and is presented as the rational choice by the game.
fucking elves
well yeah, I'm glad you see the parallels

However nowhere in the previous games or the books was there ever something as heavy handed as Hitler or Holohoax parallels.
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what the fuck, this shit is fucking terrible. was assassin's creed always this fucking lazy in terms of writing, character design and animations? i could swear it wasn't
>humans are good boys and everyone is mean :^(
>everyone else should worship the invaders who destroy a completely functional elven society
Go fuck your brother faggot.
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Basic two second search of Egypt up until 200AD reveals otherwise, along with a bevy of Matriarchal customs, prevalence of incestuous marriages which are a staple of Matriarchal systems.

The Spartans were also called as the Egyptians "the fatherless". Why? because the men did not raise their children, there was no Patriarchal household for the common man, instead the women kept the children and raised them until their recruitment to the armies when they came of age.

You think the beta worship of single motherhood is disgusting, it was epicly so for the Spartans. They were the last Greek state to leave the female dominated system of Matriarchy
You were young and didn't notice the subtle brainwash.
Of course.
I mean, how retarded do you have to be to not notice that?
Even the games that had decent gameplay, like the ones that focus on piracy, had absolutely awful dialogues, characters and stories.
I always feel embarrassed when watching a cutscene in one of those games.

Highly backed up by her father, brother and the master witcher.

All of the powerful women have magic abilities you moron. They will be nothing without them. It doesnt represent common women at all.
>we wuzz opressed by the evil mage
So if you did read the books you'd know that:

Yen left Geralt because he couldn't say the 3 magic words (I love you) as he wasn't emotionally mature, even though she could read his mind and knew that he did indeed love her

Yen died trying to revive Geralt when he was mortally founded by a pitchfork wielding peasant

Ciri teleported and saved Yen and Geralt after they died to the Isle of Avalach where they lived for years together

Geralt traded his life for Yen's when she was captured by the Wild Hunt

Keep cherrypicking cuck lines from the first book, that will prove me a cuckold!! Xd
cuz elves are hot

bottom line is if niggers, shitskins, chinks, etc
(all non white people)
weren't ugly af we wouldn't even be having this conversation desu
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What is this turkish soap opera? Fuck off.
elves had a massive civilization you moron
niggers have only made dirt huts
And yet there's a mysterious lack of men with magical abilities, or men with any kind of power at all, aside from the witchers, the villains and the regular human rulers.
Seriously, if you can't tell that there's an ridiculous feminist tone to the game, there's something very wrong with you.
Ah, so you've never played any of the games nor read any of the books. Got it.
nigger you just posted one single moment from their relationship and then the rest was from the last 5 pages of the last book and the games. what the fuck are you doing nigger? are you secretely on my side or something?

Except for the fucks that can travel between fucking planets and the elven mages and the fucking druids and that mirror guy that can do whatever he wants.

Aha, yes.
There's one kind of people with a skull thicker than SJWs and feminists - sober fanboys. These will eat that shit up all the way and ask for more.
>Conquering shit
>killing for no reason
Your silly.
i didnt play the games but iirc from the books (ive read some very long ago) most op characters were exclusively men
There were tonnes of male magic users, the reason there were no senior male mages is that the Lodge literally only admits women. It's sexist and one of the sorceresses even takes a crack at it for that in the book.
>elven mages
They are officialy holocaust survivor minorities
>mirror guy
He is Mephistopheles so it doesn't count.
At least it's a handful of quests of out of hundreds.
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According to Briffault that was indeed the case. His reserach pointed out that women were the first to have their hands in pottery, because they being the owners of property were also the ones who controlled the economy and any means of early production. Briffault found the male tribals in his time to be incapable of the diplomacy needed to form the necessary basis of relations for trade. He noted women didn't give a shit for the tribal boundaries being the ones to often approach strangers. If you look at it in the modern context it helps to explain why women don't give a fuck about nationalism, they're the ones on the front lines welcoming the animals into Europe.

Yes humans/women are commodities, but you confuse values and the control of an existing society over ritual and custom. A nigger is an unintelligent animal, a woman of the same race within her reproductive prime is an almost indispensable unit in a small, local tribal structure. If you lived in the confines of the woman's territory, her house you would be the house bitch. In fact till this day its still said the house is the woman's domain, its also why women absolutely despise homely men, they have absolutely no value to her, her offspring or her ability to expand resources,

(Part II continued)

Part II

>one monolithic matriarchal culture many thousands of years ago when people were rolling around in pig shit and larping in the wood naked as wolves

Public school nigger, you are an actual burger yes? Why don't you roll your fat ass into a public library and look up who signed the deals for land acquisition with the Colonies. All of the early signers are women.

So yes, if your not a low IQ retard and you can extrapolate the lower stages of human civilization, they're clearly Matriarchal in origin, just as the animal kingdom. Why in the animal kingdom are all animals Matriarchal? Because the males don't have the nurture instinct, all the males kill the offspring and lack that primitive institution of men to raise offspring, let alone form a familial unit. Even in lions or Great Apes the same anomaly occurs where the females will boot out the disposable male, males if they fail to display any value.

Its essentially Briffault Law:

Where there is no value by association for the female, then no association takes place.

If you keep up and extrapolate you see how the modern whore operates. Its why women keep a collection loser betas, because she can extract free resources form them, when they stop providing or they go broke, no association. Its why women discard betas if they lose their jobs lose their jobs
Risen is also a game I really enjoy. Funny thing is, no niggers at all.
Did you just change the bestiary entry for nekkers? Gotta say you did well
>Why do some retards think this game is fucking redpilled again
maybe you dont know but Sapkowski(writer) suggested him self in the real events.
Nilfgard is 100% germany
>no niggers
>slavic culture
>bad ass white pride geralt
now that i think about it, there were no niggers in gothic either.
good times
no wait there was one.
Isn't Vatras a nigger?
t. cuck
I feel the "thirteenth century" quotes are meant as a jab to the "current year" crowd, more than anything.
i just cut out some unrelated parts and added stars
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Yem a best. Get cucked Trissfags.
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>Get cucked

Thats your job.
>turbo-sjw cancer
>let alone best
>sorceress justice warrior faggots wanking their dicks at their waifus
>while a war is going on
fucking wankers
>The game also rewards feminist and cuck behaviour from Geralt
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