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Blockchain Digital ID by 2030

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For all the cryptofags. It's pretty clear that they were just beta testing that technology on those useless coins.

Blockchain digital IDs + AI = bye bye to memes

Here's the big plan:

bump because OP is not a faggot
Here's another one that uses muh refugees as a justification.

I'll bump babe.
Fuck Archive.is !!!
Fuck Norbot !!!
>Du er Konge av landet av sorgen og riket av dod. Du elsker svart, dritt hud innvandrere.
>Rockefeller Foundation
jesus christ.
Soooo we're talking about tracking everyone everywhere all the time?
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Yep. This was reported earlier:

Prepare your anus for Big Brother aka Communism on steroids anons. Stop looking to the past anons, look into the future.
I never asked for this
How did you not know that this is happening? The fusion of capitalism and communism with total control over everything and everyone has been the dream since before WW1. Everything is irrelevant at this point, you're still fighting stupid political and ideological fights from 100 years ago, and meanwhile humanity is getting turned into literal drones.
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ancaps prove useful idiots for globalist jew conspiracy yet again...
bump for justice
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>Almost digits
Will respond anyways. This is not a left vs right issue, a Commie vs NatSocial issue, etc.., every single one of you are about to be turned into slaves. ATTN: Plebs, stop fighting each other. You're all about to be fucked in the ass because of trivial ideologies. Think forward, not backwards.
>cockchain donuts by 2036
lel. Even Microsoft fell for the shitcoin meme, too hilarious. Almost makes me want to dump their stock.
This is really depressing.
It's all so hopeless.
Glad I never had kids.
It's a slave planet, nothing more.
cheat codes enabled.
>not buying other alts
>Here's a hint: IOC
I've always wondered what bitcoins were really for
I agree, it's not a political ideology discussion. That will be erased. What I can't understand is where this is taking us. So, my question is:

Musk, Gates, Zuckerberg, Bezos...
What's their endgame?
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>What's their endgame?
Immanentizing the eschaton
More articles.
>literally everything you need to know about women and refugees

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>mfw reported a bunch of tips on bitcoin to the FBI earlier today
BTC is the only coin that matters. First mover advantage, institutional investment, and normie name recognition. Everyone will have BTC in a normal investment portfolio in a few years.
this. BTC master race

For memes, Litecoin, Chancoin and Bogcoin.

For true privacy(red pill coin) monero. Research it, beats mixers, dash, or anything else for privacy. Not rich list, no prying eyes on your wallet
its all fake becuase bitcoin is everone having a copy of something if you control the comuter you can control whats goign on on it
but their trying to take over your comptuer and get YOU to go along with it
the OS is already built in to your motherboard
and its controllable over its own built in everything its the main os in your motherboard

so now they control what bitcoin says on , your computer whre you keep the copy of the bitcoin

now they can freely change it whenever and whatever they want

did i answer any questions?
>where they gonna take us?
no. but i did everythign they could possibly do and showed you. SO ID GODAMN FUCKIGN KNOW. their idiots ask them
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>tfw we're back in the Deus Ex timeline
>whats their endgame?
idk? all the things on southpark?

why you looking for talking points
>the OS is already built in to your motherboard
>has never installed an OS or flashed a BIOS
look into burning man and how its basically a tech/defense industry testing ground for shit like this

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oh boy
please stop the binaries imso scared>>134621157
I actually don't understand how they are technically going to do this securely. Doesn't blockchain depend on you owning a private key? That's just some shit you put on a USB stick, totally transferable. ie. you pay some dude dying of aids in africa some pittance and get his ID then become a refugee in germany for free gibs and rights to rape women.

Got a link to more technical details? Or have they not worked it out yet?
kek gtfo!
There is nothing wrong with this, just like there is nothing wrong with total digital surveillance. Sorry buddy, but in the age of terrorism we cant let you play Minecraft and talk about where you buy your real life bomb materials in the Minecraft chat.
We cant allow that and you will have to live with that.
Can someone explain this for a tech illiterate.
I don't know about that. Maybe for storing value right now. But Ethereum and its smart contracts seems to be where it's at.

It's already being used for things like land tracking.

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This shit isn't funny. Some of us have six figures worth of bags in our possession, a lot of which on exchanges .
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Checked, Ancap anon.

>Where are they taking us
The people/Companies you mentioned have had multi million dollar contracts with the gubbmint since the early 2000s. It's being massively overlooked. They're also the people/companies responsible for consistent data mining.
You can still get around this by using codewords, especially if the sentences carry double meanings that require context (e.g. like in-jokes). AI can't spot that shit
OP is an idiot screaming the sky is falling
Search: cryptocurrency, blockchain, ethereum smart contracts.
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> checksum of your dna sequence stored on the blockchain
> source: my anal cavity
More like prepare your right hand or forehead for the mark of the beast. I'm sure he'll take your anus after.
Yep. Thread is created by a faggot who doesn't understand crypto and "Blockchain" tech. The blockchain is just a way to sync information globally (concensus). They could do the same thing with a private DB.
Assuming OP isn't just a retard, this is probably another attempted slander on Bitcoin because, if the fork is successful on August 1st and development is shifted away from the (((Core))) team, Federal Reserve and the International Banker Jew is looking to get BTFO.
If the new team behind Bitcoin are willing to up the blocksize when necessary, shit could become retail-mainstream.
... particularly if Lightning Network is actually feasible.
I'm not an AnCap, but gotcha

I'm not screaming shit. Just speculating what this might mean. Musk is screaming the sky is falling though.

Let's archive it https://archive.is/kXNxb
What a shame. Important things should be archived regardless of whether or not you want to stick it to msm.
And the West can't understand why China is building its own Internet.
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TRUNEWS has been covering this subject for a while now

ETH is a meme. Premined like a bitch too. BTC is master race, 21 million no deflation.

The Flipening meme is backward, smart people will dump eth to btc in the years to come.
How was I slandering BTC?
ETH might be a meme as a coin. But that's it.
You can always print more paper money.
You can always code more block chains
You can always make more crypto-currencies
You can't print more gold.

Machin Alive
Basically the old method of tracking you via an email wasn't working, so they're going to give everyone around the globe some sort of digital ID without asking their permission, as a 'free' service.

Sort of like how you probably have an account on Facebook you didn't know you made.
>"Having a digital identity is a basic human right."

Oh fucking hell
I deleted my facebook about 2 months ago.

I know I'm still fucked up to that point
>were just beta testing that technology on those useless coins
Sorry, maybe I misinterpreted this as a dig on cryptocurrency generally.
>You can't print more gold.
Can't send it down a wire either.
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Hey faggots. /Biz/ here. Enjoy being poor forever while Galia and I are cruising in our Lamborghini down the streets in Tel-Aviv.

A shame your anti semitism is stopping you from helping the kikes take over crypto and getting you rich along the way. But maybe some of you will read this post and listen.

Bancor is literally unstoppable.
What's the point if we're just going to be overrun by shitskins anyway? It's all one and the same beast.
You're a fucking idiot and you should feel like a fucking idiot.
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True, but you can send a bill of sale, deposit, or transferal down a wire, and collect on the other end. Now THAT would be a pretty cool crypt-currency--a block chain that requires a physical sum to accompany the creation of any digital unit. Then, all transfers have a physical commodity component. It would basically be a digital means of transferring precious metals, or other rare commodities.
Screenshotted, I'll remind you who the fucking idiot is 6 months from now faggot. God this board really is full of fucking pathetic losers still, so glad I evolved to /biz/ instead of posting amongst sad phaggots such as yourself.
You know what sucks about this crap?
Its impossible to do business with an exchange. They generally don't accept checks, CCs, money orders, or even plain cash. So, how does someone "buy in" to the BTC market? It seems like its nearly impossible: Just keep getting scammed until you have a sufficiently large fraction of BTC to do some trading, then get scammed more.

So, they want a currency that allows them to do business without being tracked, and then immediately turn around and do the obvious: Be complete scam artists because nothing can be done about it. Just a gigantic mountain of useless, unhelpful bullshit.
Look at the supporting orgs
here's one of them
This shit is the mark of the beast. All these goddamned tech companies that don't make money are in on this. I suspect all those VC dollars were to fund the beast system in plain sight.
what r u gonna do with all the extra money? buy a house in Palos Verdes and hang yourself? its better to fight for western civilisation than profit off the destruction of it.
It actually exists. There's a company that does it (name escapes me).
Again though, with gold: if you don't hold it, you don't own it. There's no way you're going to be able to cash in your crypt-gold redemption token in SHTF.
At the moment, crypto is the best thing we've got to replace the Fed. Provided people don't fall into the trap of giving alt-shitcoins value, Bitcoin and the other present major ones are fine.
At the very least, it still makes it far more difficult for (((them))) to print coin at will.
I don't even care if you think it's the "mark of the beast," if you're a Stormfag, an anon, a Marxist, an alt-right, etc.. None of this matters when you look forwards. The "police state" or the "white race" arguments are all irrelevant compared to what we're facing now. Welcome to the new Center. No matter what history you've researched to get to this point should not matter. What matters is our common ideology. Things like true free speach and freedom of religions. We can go back to hating each other later, but for now, turn this shit around. Do something for yourself instead of for the very few who stand to gain from a civil war. Learn respect. We have common ground, i
You can buy BTC on an exchange or directly to some fag who's selling it. It's not complicated.

Cashing out is a different deal.
It's easy, I will donate some of my wealth to funding far right groups and white identity movements. It's time to take action and make a real difference.
I think there's a future in bonded composite bills that have that proper gold composition. This would allow people to hold usable quantities of gold--kind of like a gold-based version of gold-pressed latinum in Star Trek.

They could be made a think as paper money. The problem with gold is that carrying it in usable amount means having tiny, easy to lose fragments, and large enough fragments are worth waaay to much to walk around in public with.
Once the AI is out, that's it. It's not like Terminator fighting some robots. We will be fucked.

From specific genetic targeting viruses, to nano robots, if you can think about it, it will happen.
Quick rundown for someone who doesn't care to click the links?
>digital identity is a basic human right
This sounds like something out of sam hyde's tefd talk
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Checked. Because this is a big world anon. Biodiversity is beneficial to animals but not to humans? Despite what fear-mongering identity politics has taught you, there is a place and homeland for everyone.
No unified agreement.

Musk and Gates and others are trying to solve human limitations with technology and ultimately transcend them. Eventually leading to gene editing and biological immortality, upon which all current ideologies will be meaningless and obsolete. But since you're a /pol/ poster like me, the possibility of you getting access to the end fruits of this labor are remote. More likely you'll be replaced with some vat-grown placid 60 IQ servitor.

Bezos and Zuck and other singularians believe that information is the only meaningful commodity in this universe. Humans are just a form of information processing unit that serves to facilitate the generating and collection of data. The benefits of constant access to data of all kinds is what insinuates them into present society (health trackers, data trackers, market data, etc) but the logical end goal is to replace humans with better and more efficient data processors.

This falls under the latter.
I think fondly back to my days on AboveTopSecret in 2004, getting redpilled on this shit.

To think all my friends thought I was crazy when I tried to tell them....haha.
But they understand that AI can't be limited. Once it's out, it will evolve way faster than us, and they will have zero authority over it. They'll be replaced themselves.
For your viewing pleasure anons. Night night

>You can't print more gold.
Transmutation is real, it's just being kept secret so you think your dumb rocks have any value.
They know that. Singulatarianism is a very blackpilled ideology at its core.
It just so happens that my homeland is having 200,000 shitskins brought in every year. I'd rather be a slave in a white nation than a free man in Somalia
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>/pol/sters want mandatory voter id to vote.
>/pol/sters get mad when one is being made that can fill the job for almost next to no cost
Nice analogy, retard
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