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The Chosen One

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Hello fellow 400 pound hackers,

Who do you think stands the best chance to become the next Hitler?

Who are the rising stars in the world right now that could claim this title in the upcoming years?

Who do you think could be the next Hitler and why Pol?

Disclaimer: This contest is international and is not racially or politically biased / motivated.

It could be a Liberal Hitler, a Negro Hitler, a Kike Hitler or also a Fucking White Male Hitler (we've been there already but I am not closing the door) or any combination of the aforementioned categories that you can think of.

The choice is in your hands Pol! Make your voice count! Don't miss this opportunity.

No one is excluded from this contest. I just want to make that VERY clear because it matters to me.
Op is a faggot.
Sargon of Akkad

Kanye West
Trump is literally Hitler
degenerates dont get hitler. they get trudeaus and merkels.
you can thank the millions of christian prayers for at least having a trump in america

Geert Wilders is a good candidate imo.

Marine shat the bed, so fuck her. Anyone else?

Yeah, but Trump won't be in office forever.

What's scares me is what comes after. We need a new Hitler to make sure that after Trump Liberals will never be in power ever again.

Hitler disproves your negative behavior, you Kike.
Laugh all you want but this is a very important question.

If we don't get a new Hitler, the Western world is doomed.

Trump is too subdued. We need a strong man. And Trump is not that man he's only a stepping stone to what's coming next. If you can't understand that then you are a fucking retard.
And you don't really understand what is at stake.

Your answer is fucking retarded.
The times have changed. Leaders are a thing of the past. The world now can be run from the shadows more effectively than ever.
Never will someone be as respected by their people as Hitler

You are very naive. We need leaders now more than ever.

The world is controlled by pajama boys. Someone will need to rise above all this bullshit one day. You hide behind your keyboard while you are in fact monitored 24/24.

You think that you are anonymous, but you aren't.

If you post here on this board, you aren't part of the real solution.
the bogdanoffs

Someone, one day, will rise.
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Hitler was in jail for a stupidly short time for a huge crime. Breivik is in jail for a stupidly short time for a huge crime.


>implying the world needs an edgy stormnigger "solution"

the world is just fine, retard. Stop projecting your own failures onto society at large. We'll do just fine without you or your identity complex.

You really think that the world is just fine right now?

If so, then I pity you, you fucking low information retard.
i think matt damon wants it but hes just a joke.

and the rock wants to go forward with his peoples plan but who cares what some black mexican thinks besides the japs knew all along and purged a good portion of the philipines last year when the terminator thought he was killing drug addicts so they have no chance

most likely might just be emma watson. yea jimmy falon would think thats the greatest thing in the world and he has friends. a sign of a weak person but they tend to group together. must be why liberals like faggots
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he is too hard on the eyes

nobody. there will never be a man greater than him

Apologies, wrong reply 134523431.
What, too white to look at?
Eric "Democrats Aren't People" Trump is the next American Fuhrer.

I think he's very handsome. He projects power. Stronk man in my book. Someone to look up to.
yes, I think it's fine, because it is. The world is going just great, and it will continue to go just great.

People like you (literal nazis) make up an impossibly small minority. When you think the world is a nightmare, normal people are living a dream. When you'd be satisfied with the state of things, normal people would be living in a dystopia.

You're not only low information, but low intelligence. You have no empathy or social awareness whatsoever. Please go read a book or something.

The white backlash is building up right now. And when it happens, they will think that Hitler was an angel. We are taking names right now.
A true Hitler type of leader can only rise in the Fatherland.
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Wilders is jewish COPPO
Hitler's occult science division isolated Napoleon's free spirit, Hitler tranferred his conciousness into the future using Napoleon as an anchor to remain on this plane. When Macaroni won, the spirit of Napoleon grafted onto Macron along with Hitler having found the correct energy patterns.

The reality is that most people are Nazi. This is the uncomfortable truth that no one is speaking about. Whatever your race oir background is. This is human nature. It's not about skin color. It's human nature.

We. Are. All. Nazi.

Reality will hit you hard once the shit hit the fan. 5-10 years max before it happens.

We ate the majority, and this is why the holocaust happened.

Minorities forget their place in our societies. They live in predominantly white societies.

They chimp out, while forgetting where they are and who surround them.

You don't want a white backlash trust me. It won't end well for you.
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Winston Peters for the Hitler of New Zealand
>pic related

Or me in 20 years after I start The Aotearoa Nationalist Party and rise to power in New Zealand.
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this guy pic related can be next fuhrer

pro tip, prove me wrong because you cant
White people don't fucking exist anymore retard. Your so called "white majority" is full of old people and obese retards.

All young whites are either liberal, or incredibly weak virgin retards playing video games and jerking off to BLACKED porn. There will never be a white backlash because white people are all liberal cuckboys. They will gladly commit collective suicide in order to atone for their white privilege. And you nazi fucks will be screaming all the way down, to no avail.

See you then, toots.

I'm not a low intelligence person. And this is the very reason why I am concerned. Because once people like me are paying attention to these issues, it's getting scary. I'm REALLY concerned now.

The current trend in the media against white people caught my attention.

I'm all in now. I didn't care before. I'm all in to do major damage to anyone that's promoting that kind of bullshit nonsense.

You now have my full attention and you might regret it.
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This is your new supreme leader
OP you're a massive faggot also
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This guy

America will have a new hitler in 2035

spoiler alert, its one of us
I'll do it OP. Not because I want to but because no one else will. Time to start practicing speeches in front of mirrors. You'll be hearing from me in the coming years.

This is what lead us to WWII.

You really don't want us White people to chimp out. You will regret it. You better keep your mouth shut.

The next time we chimp out, we won't take any prisoners. History has taught us well.

It's coming soon. Just watch and see how brutal the white man can be, when he is unchained.
But white people are not only in US. Here in Eastern Europe for example, I dont see that much liberals.
nice try nog loving piece of scum kike. vidyas are made by poos now and poos are shit at programming, soon the whole industry will collapse and whites will return to their traditional values. meanwhile you subhumans will be plying your nigball and abandon your families for crack \. kys african mong desu
when I say white people, I meant Northwestern Europe. Obviously, Eastern Europeans don't count.
this is what happens when your entire understanding of reality is formed by /pol/ memes.
with that formatting I doubt he's from around here
It started with memes but has become truth. Are you an idiot? We came here to troll but started to read into the material we were joking about. This is what /pol/ is about.
It will be a mongrel.

half white, half asian.

or something similar.

enough to block the race card and save western civilization.
The hivemind known as /pol/
Anon where you a gamer before this?

The next Hitler is your worse nightmare.

Because it won't be a person that you can attack and destroy.

It is an ideology that binds us all together.

Many countries will fight against globalism. Some will fail like Sweden and France.

The U.S will never surrender.

Fuck you all globalist scums. We will never surrender to the false song of globalism.

Fuck your communist utopia.
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I want to be the next Hitler.
My resume.
I have good people skills and have good initiative.
I like ponies and long walks on the beach.
My hobbies are video games and disagreeing with people because fuck people and their vapid conversations.

My ideal dateeich will have candy and all roms will be legal also whores will be sayoned to death.so they don't spread the whore.

In summation the 3 people I would gas is of course the kikes, niggers, and people who watch game of thrones.

Fuck you I am Hitler god bless me and fuck the kikes. Niggers.
>I like ponies

Fire up the gas chamber. And good luck with the ponies.

This is why the God Emperor gave a speech in Poland. Can you read between the lines ffs?

Reality disagrees with you:

Thanks stormtrooper. New hip Hitler thanks you. Get jiggy with it sheeeeeeeit. West side.

>The times have changed. Leaders are a thing of the past.

You are so gravely mistaken you have no idea don't you?

Just chiming in to tell you your wordily reply is retarded, I did not even read it.
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