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>The face rural retards make when they come out to the city

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>The face rural retards make when they come out to the city
Cities are fucking shit though.
Rural retard spotted
Cities are full of SJWs and none whites. Rural areas are where the actual native culture is.
Plus cities are overcrowded and overpriced.
Where does your food come from, cities? I don't think so. Get gased you city degenerate.
Thats not "cities", just your Jewish City(of london)-run multi-islamic shithole.
Victorian Cities are something i'd DEFEND, despite the proto-SJW Charles Dickens and his justification of excecrable crime trough overty(oliver twist), and his villification of innocent tax-paying bankers(Scrooge)
Cities could surely make sinthetic protein and nutrients in the form of pills.
its just that MUH TASTE prevents humanity from giving up natural food.
Not really true since I have only been to London once and live about 4 hours from it. Birmingham I live closer to and that is awful, Wolverhampton is awful as well. The Cities up North are the only good ones really, places like York.
Right now you are a subject of a Cabal of modernist swine and knaves.
had you live under the graceful Queen Victoria, you would of adored cities.
t. history fag
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I mean thats probably true. I wish I had lived under an actual Monarchy that has full power.
>is an urbanite
Reminder than until 1940 Argentina was considered by its own rulers as part of the British Empire.

thatcher did nothing wrong/death to paddies/
He's making that face because he's trying not to puke after using public transit.
Nah, cities are useful containment zones for otherwise useless eaters. If we didn't force them into a way of life that demands continuous consumption, we'd never profit from them at all.
I also have a fondness for Victorian London, but I realize that when you get past the romantic aspects of it, it was probably a pretty shit place to live in everyday. Walking through Victorian London at sunset would be unbelievable to me, but busting my ass in a factory all day then coming home to a shitty hovel in a neighborhood full of drunks is not all that fun. Looking into Jack the Ripper stories and seeing pictures and descriptions of how people lived is pretty sad.
>Reminder than until 1940 Argentina was considered by its own rulers as part of the British Empire.
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Sounds pretty sweet dude.

>noise everywhere
>terrible smells
>ugly people everywhere/foreigners everywhere
>ugly buildings and roads

And that's good ones that don't have rubbish and homeless everywhere.

If you like such, you're actually retarded.
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Victorian London was an abject shithole. It was literally pretty much on a par with modern India. They even had to suspend parliament on at least one occasion because the smell of shit from the Thames was so overwhelming.
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Do you know that global warming is made by the cities?

All the lefties that cry about it are the ones making it.
No, rural and suburban retards with their tractors and cows are the ones doing global warming. We recycle in the city
>Rural areas are where the actual native culture is.
I forgot which paintings were painted in rural areas, music composed, sculptures built and theatre performed

>that image

Nice bait, though.

Cities are just where the globalist shit plays out. You can go to any big ones and they're exactly the same except for language spoken for most of the people.

Made from what materials?

Unless you're using human Shit you need your molecular building blocks to come from somewhere. Plants and animals aka farms/rural areas reign supreme still fuckface
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1. 9GAG
2. >Loving the EU
The amount of niggers really is astonishing. Also the stench. Fuck, hot garbage and, human waste. Fucking gross. The rural areas only smell when the farmers are spreading fertilizer. It goes away after the first rain but, the city always stinks.
Nah, theyre just shit. All theyre doing is insurarung food riots in the countryside the first day the food mechants dont show up with fresh goods in the city.
>based saxons
you probably grew up in a fucking council house you crooked tooth nigger.
there's not a single nigger or mudslime in my village
The only thing cities are good for is urban warfare. If shit ever hit the fan a lot of people who understand guerilla tactics would likely flock to the cities, which would result in a lot of urban retards getting fucked up, aka collateral damage.
Cities are garbage tier. Enjoy you sad life. Try not to get PH'ed
No the house I grew up in was very nice, the one I live in now my parents full own and have payed off their mortgage, This town has about 98% whites so its pretty good. Also teeth wise I have pretty good teeth apart from a filling in the back ones, pretty straight.
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>The face rural retards make when they come out to the sanctuary city
How could I put this right...
In country side, you will smell shit.
In the city, you will step on it.
But he was a world traveling musician you idiot.
Why would any self respecting person chose to live in a city.

Sounds pretty shitty to me
Not much incest happening these days mate.
>Religion = bad
Nice edge dude.
Also no idea why you think theres Fascism in the rural areas?
Niggers would think that yeah.
>implying cities aren't full of kikes and Muslims
>hi r*ddit
Religion is bad. It blocks progress and distorts the way of living
Hes just sad since he found a bum sleeping unde4 his porch again. Now the front door smells like shit.
>used to live nearly innawoods
>Due to work forced to live in the center of a big city

I just want to return, rural areas are really great
That's why we have to cut off the credit system and access to gasoline first.

Patience, young grasshopper. It will happen.
Is this a leftypol shill? Love the elitist bourgeois leftypol types when they mock the proletariat who they always desire to be connected with. Fucking idiots.
>don't talk to me or my wife's son ever again
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>the face autists make when they go ancap
>hurr durr get your shit together and GET A JOB
>waste your cars mileage driving to work through fucking TRAFFIC every day to barely make ends meet
>spend all your money going out on weekends because it's the only way to get laid
>have no money because got laid. Repeat cycle
>fuck this I'm becoming an alcoholic NEET
If you can move to the country do it. Unless you like being around people 24/7
Why should I do that? cities are dirty, overcrowded and have bad air pollution.
rural people from villages are retarded sister-fucking illiterates, if your cities are full of niggers then it might be the country's problem.
>spend all your money going out on weekends because it's the only way to get laid

Have you tried not being a shameless degenerate?
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