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I became so anti-communist during the past 3 years I actually

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I became so anti-communist during the past 3 years I actually would cheer if someone genocide all leftists

Is this normal or am I becoming a monster?
It's normal. Most people don't recognize that leftist ideology is still a tremendous threat.
I wish all stupid people would get killed. That includes jews, leftists, black people, arabian people and many others.
How to deal with the communist issue
Would you have genocided yourself of 3 years ago?
You cannot genocide all the communists. Genocide can only be done against other human beings.
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>leftist ideology
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ur just an idiot who needs to read a book.
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They can't be reasoned with, they are better as fertilizer.
Nice meme.
itt: cucks who don't even remotely know what communism is think they hate it
what does "leftist" even mean?
I noticed many Americans use "leftist" to describe anything that hinders MIC and megacorporations
this black and white mentality you people have is scary, given how you're on fucking /pol/
one would presume someone who came to this site would be a bit more educated
>Is this normal or am I becoming a monster?

It's just logical.

Leftists showed their hand after this election, they literally want you dead, it is only fair to return the favor.
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The truth about immigration, by the numbers:


Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide

The plan to eliminate the white race:


Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:


Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:


Why are we in Decline - Cultural Marxism:


also see

The facts about slavery in North America:



Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:


Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)


The Holocaust:



Our IQ is higher on average than probably any other group of people (I am talking about Ashkenazi Jews)
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>that finger part
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even us reasonable leftists?
>Is this normal or am I becoming a monster?

It is normal. Understanding that man can become a monster is integral to the development of men and society.

Maybe genociding them is a harsh sentence. I would prefer keeping them in a matrix within a matrix. Ie. Controlled opposition.

Keeping them small but not dangerous, rather than full wipe. If you completely wipe your enemies, it may legitimize their claims. If you let some stay alive, but under constant vigilance, you maybe able to prevent future woes.
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>the tranny problem solves itself, all the fags die of infection or the problem gets so big others will be afraid to undergo the operation
should have used your iq better than to manipulate and destroy
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this man is a hero and a fucking national legend, he has the spirit in him

I'm also designing myself a shirt around him and what he did
Leftists, alt-right, sodomite enablers, sodomites all deserve to be hanged.
>I actually would cheer if someone genocide all leftists
It would be abnormal to not want this. I mean, why wouldn't you want to wipe out a virulent plague that is destroying mankind? It's not like they're people.
It seems like it's an increasingly normal thing. I know I've enjoyed watching people like Moldy Locks getting punched in the face.
>reasonable leftists

Very normal. I'm right there with you.
normal & human.
just means you think.of ways to solve problems.
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we do exist
It is normal but the current world is not normal so the general public would hate you for that.
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Nice bait edit. I'll bite

>because some cherrypicked reactionary stances to economic reform turned out wrong invalidates any similar reactions
>especially to something utopian and absurd like abolition of commodity production
Because killing everyone who opposes you legitimizes your claims and not make them weaker since the only way you are propagating it is by killing the opposition and not converting them through open debate
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Chill comrade
The left doesn't want open debate, you absolute retard.
And historically speaking, it's the people who rallied under that shitty flag you decided to use who would exterminate their political opponents. And it's what they're trying to do now in the west, either through censorship, unjust laws or outright violence.
I enjoy this art style, where to find more/similar?
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I'd rather kill the traitors than the muslims
A true monster would realise that 80% of people are fucking sheep who are given their ideology by elite. No need for genocide, gas the left-wing brain-bugs.
And your views don't try to do that too?
There are no reasonable leftists.
There are only communists and normies who didn't read up enough on communism to know that socialist ideologies are bad.
There are no reasonable right-wingers
There are only racists who didn't read up enough on what happens near the end of a capitalist nation to know that capitalist ideologies are bad.
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I know that feel, OP.
There are no reasonable communists, only naive optimists who did not read up on what happens during a communist regime.
Are we talking an actual communist/socialist regime or the USSR?
This line of argumentation has been overdone. Let me show you a mirror:
I would argue that you can't denounce capitalism because it has never been tried yet. All forms of capitalism up to today have failed because of government intervention. Without government intervention the free market would work.

Does that sound retarded to you? That is how you sound in your defence of communism to me.
Here's your response
It's normal for not being able to defend your position with reason and with arguments.
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oh if only we read up enough
communists are feminists now. ridiculous
attempts at communism count just as much
where are you deriving your morals from

It's normal
You are becoming what is necessary.
>decries tyranny of the state
>celebrates tyranny of idealogues
Good Christian values, obviously.
Let's not get into a theological discussion here.
Its normal. I have no objections to aplying 9mm aspirine to any commie.

like you authoritarian lefties are able to defend your argument, 99% of you retards haven't even read Marx.

The left these days is all about fucking over the working class, which is the opposite of what Marx intended.
You steal agency from black people in order to "care" for them because you doubt their ability to speak for themselves, and then you promote multiculturalism which leads to racism, you want snobby little identity assholes to be able to identify as a toaster in order to feel special.
And you never protest the worst kind of oppressive crony capitalism if it is guised as "socialism" like the fucking imperialist EU.
You even advocate for the worldwide extermination of culture implicitly or knowingly.

fucking worthless.
christ is incompatible with classlessness
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Agreed, cultural Marxists shoot themselves in the foot trying to solve all the inequalities by acting like tyrants towards anyone they call privileged. Calling on the death of people for ideas is still bullshit. I'd rather march peacefully with fullblown rightest neo Nazis if they're fighting for free speech than anyone who seriously believes in that, whether we agree on politics or not. I hope that's an inclusive you, because you don't know me or what I stand for.
At the end of capitalism lies technocracy and you have to work hard and compete to have value on the market.
This being said, humanity will expirience a necessary depopulation anyway so i like the Darwinistic approach that lets our species actually survive.
Thankfully lefitsts only rarely manage to breed and as such the cuck genes you posses are going to eliminate them selves.
Okay. Pull the verses.
Your becoming a monster, we're all becoming monsters...
when did you become so all knowin, i have red marx. ancom can be used as a extermination tool for tradition but it doesnt have to be like that. i protest against state and corp. also ancom does not equal IDpol, i fucking hate IDpol.

you want the esthablishment to win? be ready for automation and UBI.
You are a monster that wants to take on a bigger and even more destructive monster.

In short you are the lesser evil

Are you taking helicopter piloting lessons? Because if not, you are not serious about your own convictions, OP.
it's normal and healthy.

I'm leftish and I fucking hate the left, especially the Fabians, and would help fascists kill commies. The Fabians are the truly dangerous ones, the revolutionaries are just a joke.
is that a dude?
I find myself in a similar predicament...
That's an easy problem for you to solve if the other side refuses to give you quarter. Just stop being a leftist.
>I hope that's an inclusive you, because you don't know me or what I stand for.

I only know what the working class fight for, and I know that global continuous migration is big business and alleviates political responsibility for local job.
Asshole politicians use this notion of an "open world" to crush the working class everywhere, and it tears down culture, the result is always tension between cultures
>ancom can be used as a extermination tool for tradition but it doesnt have to be like that

you have no ability to change that, step outside the caricature boundaries of the pseudomarxist dogma of cultural marxism and all of a sudden you're a "nazi".
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One of the main reasons I'm an anarchist is because I believe it was a mistake to move away from small communities in the first place. That's what's fueling all the tension: we're not built for giant nations or the whole world screaming ideas at us without a chance to speak face-to-face democratically and associate with who we want to associate. The only thing I want as a "leftist" is the abolishment of one or two influential people claiming to own the land and its resources exclusively instead of only taking from it what they need and for small communities deciding how they want to do business, not having it decided for them by bigger governments or economies.
>I don't understand human nature.
I love how anarchists don't realize that they'd be used as currency in an actual anarchist society.
Yes. You can't genocide an idea, only expose it for what it is.
That actually makes me wonder. Is Russia such a shithole because the communists exterminated the middle class, the wealthy, the right-wing and all the intellectuals?
I mean, IQ is almost entirely hereditary, while political affiliation is closely linked to hereditary personality traits.
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just another stupid redneck. do the world a favor and stop breeding
You can talk to the Ancaps about that. They're the ones pulling for a return to feudalism. I'm just calling for going back to small tribes. It's how we're built to be, and true democracy and freedom can't exist without it.
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It's not an uncommon line of thought. You're a monster but you're not much different from anybody else. At least you are honest.

Just look at what they say about us.

I stopped ascribing to left and right a long time ago. I came from a very marxist point of view, but began to recognize the divide between the theoretical and the actual situation. I started to put myself in every situation i could, found out just how oppressive the government in the world is against the working class, and this was especially the case for those who claimed to have the working classes best interests at hand.
In other words, i expected no less from the right, but they weren't as bad, and that was a real kick in the face for me.

I never advocated for immigration, I grew up in a working class neighbourhood, witnessed firsthand all the violence and problems immigration caused.

I studied culture after a few degrees in other fields, and was surprized that academia had become a vessel for globalization rather than cultural preservation, which is desperately needed if we want ingenious cultures to survive in the future.

Democratically we can't do much, election of Trump was needed because he opposed the establishment, but I doubt any of the candidates had the best interest of the working class at heart, most of them have ties to European politicians who sold the same snake oil, only to promote globalization anyway.
Literally threw up
I don't mind the right. I sometimes have more in.common in them than the militant IDpols running around kicking over trashcans. It just bothers me when they think the solution to tyranny is acting like tyrants.

I don't know where the world is headed, but it's hard to undo globalization once that genie is let out of the bottle. I'm just waiting for corporations to emanicipate themselves from countries entirely and start really fucking up shit.
it's natural to hate communists
but there is a group that controls them you should be more concerned about
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It's a normal phase that everyone of us has to pass boy

We can do anything, but the best way to tackle globalization (which happens to be the cause of most of the worlds oceanic pollution), would be by means of protectionism.

We need industries to survive, there is no incentives other than humanitarian ones (starting to erode because of migration) that holds the social systems of the world together. We no longer have any leverage as a force of labor, we're not really needed anymore because of slavery in the third world. It's a really scary concept.
>I'd be happy if somebody killed all people who push degeneracy, destabilise our countries, enforce globalist agenda and destroys the family
Idk man
that picture of mossolini makes me happy
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You're not alone bro.

I too wish all commies would perish.
youre just in an edgy phase,
it will stop when you realize that leftists are simply dumbasses and killing them makes as much sense as killing all retarded people
our iq is higher, says (((us))).

yea ok kike

So that means it should be okay?
Perfectly normal.
You write like a 15 year old so my guess is it's just a phase.
Welcome, you can't go back

>I actually would cheer if someone genocide all leftists
>not throwing them out of the helicopter yourself
Does anyone still want to be a gynecologist these days?
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even doge disapprove
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>have to shove a dildo in their "vagina" for 4 hours every day for the rest of their lives to prevent the hole from closing

... this can't be fucking true
This. Sounds good to me senpai
Holy fuck
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