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Made in America thread

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Thread replies: 173
Thread images: 62

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Made in America thread
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That is fucking brilliant
It's funny because worms can't fish.
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>not fucking awesome.
Suck a dick, you liberal faggot.

Kek. That's obviously a meme though.
That's pretty cool and obviously a lot of high quality work went into it.

I find it hilarious that city dwellers think rednecks are retarded. When was the last time they slapped together a drag bike out of tractor parts?
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aside from that stale meme, that's a pretty badass piece of machinery. Lotta effort went in to her, that's for sure.
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>Made in America thread
I build Caterpillars from raw material.
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>J CREW model

Nothing disgusts me more than when a brand whores itself out to some department store for their own "signature" model.

Fucking trash.


>Japanese pickup truck is made in America
>while CHEBBY SILVERADO is made by spics in Mexico

le mayo
Dowen is 15. It's a southern thing.
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All else is irrelative.
the redneck culture of the united states, sor some reason, appeals so much to me. driving trucks, fishing, shooting, drinking all of that shit they do looks so fun in my eyes.
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I didn't know there was this kind of beauty in the world anon....
That is good work. Kudos sir.
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It is.
A fucking leaf post of all things.

But seriously, I have no idea why you would by J. Crew Sperrys and not just the Gold Cups.

Unless you are some sort of a poor. In which case you can just get regular Sperrys.
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Why is it that so many liberals seem to be grouped in costal areas but don't tend to fish or do any kind of boating? Most of the boating guys I know rich or poor are pretty right wing
Wait, you learned about Islam from Israel false flagging them and the US carpet bombing their cities? So basically this person is a retarded slave. Doesn't make me thirst for Christianity knowing how cucked they are for the kikes over the "mean muslims"
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Hly sht thats awesome!!!
Was going to post this
whiskey beht hell adumd
Low test. Any sort of outdoor activity that involves risk scares them.

Fishing is just an excuse for one to think to oneself for a while, and as we all know, indoctrinated liberals can't really think too long without having an emotional breakdown.
>mad jelly you don't have a USS SHASTA to get drunk and fish in.
I mean fuck, you can sleep in it, shower, cook and shit. I would pay good money for that.
>refrigerator body
n-no thanks
Because boating requires forethought, some self reliance and the absence of someone else to blame.
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I raise you a dodge
Because to live in the city takes all your money towards rent. You have no assets, no land, and certainly no boat. I just paid over a million for a 3000sqft lot in a major city. I'm one of the lucky ones. The alternatives are to move out to the suburbs and establish wealth there, or scrape by on your knees for eternity.
I want one of those now and I didn't before.
>14 88
Kek, bless this man
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Of course I'll help you finance a new truck goyim.

Here's the number of my cousin benny. He does auto decals and sticks. Mention my name for an (((extra))) low price.
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Dowen is a southern term.

t. Floridian
Throw on a mini charcoal or propane grill and that seems like a fun day on the lake
Whats...whats he even trying to say?? Fishing bait advertisement?
So because kikes are gonna kike I should love Muslims? Fuck off with your sand people defense.
$3 for 15 worms
$5 for 30 worms
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>You have no assets, no land
There's alot of really fucking poor people who still have small boats and enjoy fishing in my area

Rich or poor everyone still launches from the same dock in my town
Penetration 2/10
Haz 1/10
Fillet radius 1/10
Hurry up and paint that shit before the engineer sees.
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Shouldn't that hurt a lot?
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immediately thought of this
Fucking this....city folk are like babbies to these people. These are the people that build things,create things out of whatever the can swap together.
ikr? Say do you rual folk of the UK hate city dwellers too?
One of my favorite videos on youtube.
My grandpa made a smoker out of a 1950's refrigerator and a grill from a beer keg.
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I wouldn't want my feet in the water so close to a propeller, but maybe I'm just a pussy.
Fuqqq I wanna see one of these do a lap time
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>The production of silk originates in China in the Neolithic (Yangshao culture, 4th millennium BCE).
>In the 20th century Japan and China regained their earlier role in silk production, and China is now once again the world’s largest producer of silk.
Why are Americans such inventive people? You went from mud huts to space in just 150 years
diversity. that's why europe is opening it's borders.
So where are your Mars colonies at Paolo?
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What's with jewish women and fridge bods?
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classic trump dick sucker response silk can be produced anywhere idiot
I think it's just capitalist values
But the US peaked in the early 70's, now it's degenerate.
yeah, the 1870s
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بلدي أمريكا الآن
Bullshit. What is the internet, Smartphones, self driving cars etc..
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Country with highest white population in the world and the majority if those whites have German roots.
I guess we inherited some of the German engineering genes.
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I have the one on top and fuck me I love it. Leverguns are so much fun
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The grave is always coming lad my man
>always cold
jesus christ that was painful to watch, fucking chinks I thought they were smarter than this
But you'll ignore the huge difference in cost because of how the regulation is written to drive production out of the country.

If you try to make things like clothes you have no choice, you financially can not produce in America because the cost is driven up so much b tax and regulation.

Is Trump supposed to just not make money?
>made in America thread
>no guns
Oh come on, revolutionizing Guns is what America has done best since the 19th century.

good lad

>implying that fishing requires your own boat
>implying that fishing requires a boat to begin with
>implying that fishing requires your own land

Bruh fishing is like a $200 investment max. If you are that piss poor at managing/investing your money you're too dumb to fish to begin with.
city dwellers have no soul
I am overcome by the sheer magnitude of awesomeness.
maybe this is the alabama speaking, but that is a cool boat.
hes just being a good businessman, you can't criticize him for both
That shit is awesome and I really want it now. I'll make the floats such that I can still take it out of the water and pull it on the road
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this is why the smarmy yurofags and shifty chinamen will never ever overcome us. it's that simple tbqhfam
make some kind of wire mesh housing for it and it would be fine

they probably didn't do that though.
> trans fat 2.5g
Reminder this will literally kill you
>implying this isn't the point
Redneck engineering is real engineering.
It's a trolling motor (seriously, that's what it's called). Your foot probably would get cut open but not cut off. The motor would stop when the propeller hit bone, maybe sooner.
That still sounds more painful than I'd prefer to risk every time I went out on the lake. I'm with that other anon; put a mesh on it.
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How about electricity and fucking lightbulbs

Every nation in the world should be sending royalties for being all of you out of the Victorian age

>hurr durr le stupid Americans

Suck a stanky somoli cock eurotrash
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How about the grill from a BBQ?
You'd be fine as long as you didn't stick your leg over there.

>not a jew

i shyggy do dygyigity my main man
the condoms in that picture look fucking huge, even for my big black dick
>not american
>what was immigration before it was (((immigration)))
Right and Franklin

Edison was as close to a jew as Rockwell
Damn the F-22 is a beautiful plane!

>American 'muscle' car
>Overweight, under powered and can't turn.
only if your shitty fag arteries aren't thick enough to handle a little extra
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>posting the edit
> about zionism

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It's pretty great.
nothing goes on for "eternity". and there's more to life than ending up as the richest man in the graveyard
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I love my state.
rural people are better
the man is my hero. any time i am ever wronged i think of him and what i should do

Killdozer did nothing wrong.
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find me one source that defines "dowen" as 15

>tfw you can't
Hahaha not 1 thing on here is cool enough for a nigger
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wew lads
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Israel attacked the USA on 9/11, The proof: https://youtu.be/kyLyGXQUIo0?t=3m23s Just google it!

Fixed it! Copy this and use as you see fit.
Not makin d11's
Must not be from alabama because ive never heard that before
So he learned that our own government uses islam to start wars?
>dumb hillbilly

Liberals like to point at these types of people and laugh but, knowing a few of these people myself, they do understand the irony.

Half the fun they had was figuring out how to make it. They just like building shit and coming up with something unconventional. Is it goofy? To some. But do they effectively have a fun little houseboat to fuck around with for next to no money paid, plus the experience of probably building it together? Yes and yes.
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Nice to know AmeriPoors consider $200 'expernsive.'
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For shoes it is, when a $20 pair does the same thing.

For me it's about getting ripped off and basically made a fool of. If you pay $200 for something that cost about $15 to make, you are foolish and gullible.

That said, I do own some $300 and up pairs of mountaineering boots, but when you're a day and a half in to the wilderness and working your way up a scramble or you're making plans for Ranier or some other mountain, there's a little more at stake than whether some other clothing autist recognizes your faggot shoe brand from every other faggot shoe brand out there.

I also paid a stiff price for my mountain bike, but I acknowledge and appreciate that MTB is priced to keep normies out of the hobby and off my trails. I'm effectively buying exclusivity there.
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>$20 shoes are as good as $200 shoes
Says every poorfag.
You're the same type of fag who fucks old sluts, and says "well you know, sluts are as tight as young women anyways."
There was a sign in my town that said "mower for sall"
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>MTB is priced to keep normies out of the hobby and off my trails
That is not how that works.
Best to STFU and not look even dumber than you already do.
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>riding the bicycle jew
What do you get for the extra $180? Do they last longer?

I've stretched my last pair of shoes 5 or 6 years now of constant wearing. I actually might have replaced them a few years ago but the holes in them bug the hell out of my wife so I keep wearing them as an ongoing troll campaign. It's fun.

Oh I'm sure there's some engineering in there but there can't be that many new advances to justify the cost. At any rate, intentional or not, it works. Add in a work schedule that lets me have 4 days off in the middle of the week and I have a pretty damn good sport.
>I've stretched my last pair of shoes 5 or 6 years now of constant wearing.
You sound like a lightFag and a lazyFag.
Try being a normal man (160lb) and walking more than 1km / day. Then you can talk.
They do last longer. Cheap shoes fall apart quickly.
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>company takes an economic loss by selling bikes at a high price in order to keep noobs off of bike trails
>all other companies are equally retarded
I'm 185 lb and do everything in those fuckers. They're a little shy on tread for hiking now but I still use them for chores and projects around my property, errands, my side business etc.

I already know that's false. Granted I'm not talking about the Wal Mart mark-down special here, but $200 for 'just shoes' (ie, not a work boot or something else somewhat specialized/ruggedized) is literally just falling for advertising.

I never said it wasn't profitable. But I suspect part of that profitability comes because the lack of trail crowding is appealing to the consumer. If I see more than three other cars at a trailhead I leave. I don't even like running in to friends when I'm riding and neither do they; we say hi then part ways. The day trail crowding becomes an issue is the day I stop buying MTB shit.
No $20 shoes good for longer than 100km.
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fucking what
I've gotten nicked by a trolling motor like that before; it's not really any worse than an oscillating fan. They have basically no torque and the propeller is plastic.
This one ended well compared to the guy who lost his teeth.
Weird, I had a dream last night I owned a vintage model T. Later on in my dream I found out it was a lawn mower designed to look like a model T.
Mess with the corn, you'll look like a new born.
America will be dead soon
Isn't this clearly a violation of the NAP?
extr? thicc
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Those are not made in America faggot.
Are design in America and produced by chinks
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These are.
haaaaa! cool idea.
This is a continent-specific thread.
Post something domestic you are proud of!
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Even though it's covered in goose blood?
America will always be best to me in ridiculous caricatures. From the rednecks to the NY wops with over the top accents.

I'd totally wear sunglasses and Blast Dead or Alive by Van Halen speeding in that.

girlfriend used to be shaped like this, but she got it in her head she was fat
she's starved herself down to like 115
That wheelie bar
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